Pathfinder 2e Character Sheet in 7 Minutes or Less

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somebody once told me that all roads lead to Rome on your character sheet all roads lead to your ability scores or your proficiency let's go through the different things that might be on your character sheet what do you do if you struck you roll a D20 and you add your attack modifier if you hit you know you'll roll damage dice plus a damage modifier if you get a critical hit then you'll want to write down what damage dice you roll for a critical hit and your critical damage modifier if you're striking it means you're probably in combat which means you'll want to know your AC your current HP your max HP and whether you're dying or wounded you might also want to stride in which case you'll need to know your move speed often initiative is rolled with a D20 plus your perception modifier you might want to use some of your skills if you want to jump or Aid an ally we can just write down a few examples and if you're a spellcaster you'll need your spell attack modifier and your spell DC what if somebody wants to cast a spell on you you'll have to roll a D20 and add your saving throw modifiers there are also cases where you might need each of these numbers in a DC form so we'll write that down as well seems like a lot of stuff already but I'd like to point something out everything that requires you to roll the D20 has a modifier and these modifiers take the same form likewise everything on your character sheet that is a DC is calculated in the same way you just have to add 10 to make it a DC you're dying in wounded values we'll ignore them for now then you'll need to know your damage Dice and damage modifiers for your attacks these are dependent on the weapon finally you have your HP and move speed we'll get to that later for now let's talk about these D20 rules plus a modifier all of these take the same form a D20 roll plus a relevant ability modifier plus your Proficiency in that task if you want to turn it into a DC you simply add 10 and you have the same number as a DC what are ability scores well you have six strength dexterity Constitution intelligence wisdom and Charisma your character will have a score associated with each of these abilities these scores are then used to calculate your ability modifiers once you calculate your modifiers you pretty much never need to know your ability scores again let's say you wanted to do a performance and then you wanted to lie about it well both of these tasks require a D20 role plus the relevant ability modifier in this case is charisma but that might seem strange if your character is a very proficient trumpet player that doesn't necessarily mean they're also good at lying as part of your character they'll have a list of things they're proficient in this proficiency can have five levels untrained trained expert master and legendary anything higher than untrained you'll add your level that means every time you level up you become more proficient at things you're trained in you can also see that each proficiency level has an increasing fixed bonus as well to someone who's an expert trumpet player will do better at someone who's a trained trumpet player even if they're the same level let's say you want to do a backflip you have to make a relevant skill level in this case probably acrobatics we now know that your modifiers are made up of your ability scores plus your proficiency what's the relevant ability score for acrobatics dexterity and what is your Proficiency in acrobatics you're trained in acrobatics but this will depend on your character therefore we can replace your modifiers with your dexterity modifier plus your trained proficiency modifier you might want to ask how you know what is the relevant ability score modifier for a given task it's actually written on your character sheet when you tell your GM you want to do a backflip he'll tell you to make an acrobatics rule you can then see all the components that make up your acrobatics modifier here's your ability score modifier it even says Decks at the top here you have a space where you can fill out a little box t for trained e for expert M for master and L for legendary if you look to the left of that box then there's another place where you can write the actual number for your proficiency modifier then finally you can add it all up and put the final number here all D20 rules on your character sheet will have these boxes for you to fill out now let's look at a strike specifically melee strikes like all T20 rolls we use the same formula D20 plus the ability modifier plus Proficiency in this video we'll mostly talk about melee weapons that means the ability ability modifier will be strength of course remember the multiple attack penalty for your second attack but you'll have to subtract five for your third attack you'll have to subtract 10. if you hit with an attack you'll need to know your damage which will equal the weapon damage plus strength if you get a critical hit in most cases multiply it by two this only applies to melee weapons ranged weapons do not add strength or dexterity to your weapon damage let's say you're trying to decide between a Rapier and a dagger the Rapier has a damage die of 1d6 it's in the sword group and it has the following traits deadly d8 disarm and finesse the dagger has a damage die of 1d4 it's in the knife group and it has the following traits agile finesse thrown 10 feet versatile s where we can easily calculate how much damage you do on a hit with these damage die but what do these traits mean there are a lot of weapon traits but in this video we'll talk about deadly d8 finesse and agile what's deadly d8 it means you add this amount of damage on a critical hit after you double the damage you could also have something else like deadly d10 in which case you would add a d10 finesse a finesse weapon means you can use your dexterity instead of strength for an attack rule not the damage rule just the attack rule an agile weapon this means your multiple attack penalty is -4 and minus eight instead of minus five and minus 10. let's see what things would look like if we use a Rapier we know that a Rapier does 1d6 so damage will be 1d6 plus strength and damage on critical will be times two but remember the Rapier has the deadly d8 trait which means on a critical you'll add an extra d8 a Rapier is also a finesse weapon that means we can use dexterity for our attack modifier let's look at the other weapon the dagger first we'll replace the weapon damage with the damage die from the dagger now let's check out the traits dagger is also a finesse weapon so we can use dexterity instead of strength a dagger also has the agile property that means instead of a minus five and a minus 10 penalty for multiple attacks it's only a minus four and a minus eight the other thing that's very important to look at is the weapon group for example all knives add one D6 persistent bleed damage on an attack let's look at the remaining things on our tiny character sheet you might have heard people talk about your ABCs your ancestor your background and your class well let's make some connections between these two things ability scores come from your ancestry they also come from your background your class will give you a bunch of proficiencies your class will also give you a key ability score which will then give you a bonus to your ability scores you also have a move speed and a maximum hit points your ancestry contributes to both it will give you your move speed and your max hit points your class will also give you more max hit points your key ability score is just the most important ability score for your class this could give you something called the class DC again the same formula as we've seen a thousand times how do we calculate our spell attack modifier and spell EC the answer is here spellcaster's ability score now we've covered everything on our tiny character sheet
Channel: KingOogaTonTon
Views: 17,423
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Id: k6b4Cc4Rwc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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