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howdy my name is nonat and welcome to the second installment of advanced archetypes [Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen last time we covered the first six archetypes in the pathfinder second edition advanced players guide and in today's episode we're gonna be covering the next six and this one's gonna be really long there's a lot to cover with these archetypes because honestly they're all really complicated and we have two in this video that are multiple pages long so i say we just jump right into it also this video is a test and i'd love to hear from you guys down in the comments i found my old blue yeti microphone versus my microphone that i've been using the one i've been using is a dynamic microphone which tends to have a little bit of a hiss and a little bit less depth to the quality let me know if you like this better or worse in the comments and it'll help me decide what i want to do going further but without further ado we're gonna be jumping right into the first archetype of the day the blessed one now the blessed one is an archetype that upon first reading it when i first got my apg and skimming through it i was really bored with it i didn't think it was amazing and that had that much potential but the more i've read about it and how some certain functions work the more i realize it's actually insane let's start by looking at the blessed one dedication the dedication is plain and simple you gain the lay on hands devotion spell and a focus point that's it that's all you get but if you're unaware like i was focus points in pathfinder second edition are a little interesting if you gain focus points from different sources they still count towards the same focus pool and so let's say you are a wizard with one focus point at level one to cast your school spell well when you level up to level two if you happen to take this dedication and gain lay on hands and a focus pool that increases your focus point to two and unlike spell slots which are only used to cast certain spells focus points can be used on whatever you want so i'll talk about this more in my final thoughts but this just the dedication granting you a focus point is absolutely incredible and also you know lay on hands isn't bad to have you know being able to heal six hit points per two levels not terrible and right away at level four we can already look at blessed sacrifice which is basically the same as the dedication it gives you another focus point as well as the protector's sacrifice focus spell this is a great focus spell if you're looking to play a sort of tanky support not so much healing but taking other people's damage whenever you cast this focus spell you basically attach yourself to a party member and whenever they take damage you reduce it by a certain amount and take it instead this is really good uh as even at level four when you first get this you'll be reducing the damage they take by i believe six per hit and you will take that six now there are some interesting parts of this in that uh your personal resistances weaknesses immunities do not apply if your friend takes 10 fire damage while you have them uh protected then they'll only take four fire damage and you will just take six damage it doesn't matter if you're immune to fire resistant to fire it also doesn't matter if you're weak to fire you just lose six hit points to prevent them from losing six hit points this also means things like diseases and poisons cannot be afflicted to you from taking the damage if your ally gets attacked by a diseased wolf they still have to make a fortitude save but you when you take the damage for them that disease does not also afflict you you don't have to make any saves now the level 8 feature blessed spell is kind of hilarious but i'll get to that at its core it's fine you spend an action to effectively upgrade your next spell on an ally so if you're gonna cast heal on an ally you can activate blessed spell first and then when you cast that heal you can also remove a harmful condition from your ally but only a condition that could be removed by the mercy feet which is a prerequisite for blessed spell and this is where i lose a little bit of interest in the blessed one i'll get more into it again in my final thoughts but a lot of its features work off of the mercy feats which i believe are available to champions or clerics i don't remember which but there are a lot of different feats which augment mercy and blessed spell is only as good as the number of mercy feats you have so if you're going full-on support yeah upgrading your mercy is really really good but you have to sacrifice a lot of class feats to get that kind of support but at its core mercy and by extension blessed spell can remove any paralysis effect or fear effect now my favorite part of this little feature is the exact wording of its effect if your next action is to cast a spell from a spell slot and that spell targets only a single ally you can also attempt to remove a harmful condition from that ally so yeah you know you would activate this and then like two action heals someone fantastic but it doesn't say the spell has to be helpful and this means that that wizard with the blessed one dedication can walk up to you activate blessed spell and slap you on the back with with shocking grasp to remove a harmful condition from you as well as deal 2d 12 points of damage shock therapy and the final level 12 feet blessed denial is actually insane as a reaction if an ally within 30 feet would become frightened drained enfeebled stupefied or best of all sickened as a reaction you can reduce the value they would be afflicted with by one so if they were going to achieve any of those conditions at stage one you just prevent it from happening especially on sickened that is insane i don't know why they drew the line at clumsy it works on enfeeble and stupefied i don't know why they wouldn't let it reduce clumsy either but this is nuts you don't need any of the other feats from this from this archetype so if you just want to take the dedication and then grab this at level 12 that is just a fantastic thing to have in your back pocket doesn't matter what class you are primarily there are no other prerequisites for this level 12 feet especially if you're in a class that doesn't have a lot of reactions like a wizard then this is an amazing reaction to have in your back pocket the blessed one also gets a boatload of additional feats but like i said they're pretty much all the feats that augment and improve the mercy feature the additional feats are accelerating touch mercy invigorating mercy greater mercy elucidating murchy resilient merchy elucidating mercy resilient touch affliction mercy amplifying touch and rejuvenating touch so these all you know buff mercy at they basically add more conditions that mercy can remove as well as upgrade lay on hands which is part of what mercy mercy also affects your lay on hands so overall this archetype is an absolute powerhouse it grants healing condition control condition prevention and in my opinion the best part additional focus points that can be spent on your primary classes focus spells even if you don't plan to use protector sacrifice or lay on hands now with this archetype any caster can now have any focus point class even a monk can now have three focus points by level four especially for something like a universalist wizard where in their core class they get a max of two focus points as a universalist at level eight they can now have three at level four this is absolutely insane just recently in a one shot i played a universalist wizard at level four uh i didn't take blessed sacrifice at level four i took the spell weapon but even at level four being able to use hand of the apprentice the focus spell twice in a round in a round honestly if you really want to it's only one action basically per encounter is really freaking powerful like it's an early game power spike that obviously later in the game won't matter as much but it's so worth it if you especially if you don't plan to take any other archetypes just dipping into this at level two to get a focus point early on is totally worth it and even just beyond that being able to have healing being able to have you know condition prevention and control it's all just an amazing package plus now you can put lay on hands on your divine sorcerer and get even more healing because let's face it angelic halo as a focus spell a little bit weaker than lay on hands next up is the bounty hunter i have some thoughts on this one but let's go through it first starting off with the dedication in order to take this dedication you do need to be at least trained in survival and it grants the hunt prey action similar to the ranger although it actually is a little bit more powerful than the rangers hunt prey in addition to the normal benefits of hunt prey you know plus two to seek it plus two to track it you also get plus two to gather information about your prey on top of this you don't need to be able to see or hear it to hunt it but you do have to have heard about it from some kind of bounty board or a quest so if the barkeep says there's a hobgoblin living outside town that's been attacking and ransacking my alcohol shed i need you to take care of it you're the bounty hunter can say i got this and already have it hunted so this is nice because once you get into combat with your prey it's already hunted you don't need to spend another action and it remains hunted until it's either killed or you switch to a different prey it doesn't wear off also if you take this dedication as a ranger and you already had hunt prey from your class feature you actually get a bump to your survival making you an expert at level two and your hunt prey is upgraded so that you get the plus two to gather information about your target and start hunting it right when you see it on a bounty board tools of the trade is super simple and really flavorful which i like you become trained in the sap the bola and the whip and in addition you don't take a penalty to dealing non-lethal damage with any weapon and in my opinion that's the main reason to take this you know the sap whip and bola those are cool and the ball is brand new so i actually need to look into what that does i'm guessing it immobilizes or something or slows maybe uh but yeah dealing taking no penalty when dealing non-lethal damage even if weapons don't have the non-lethal trait is huge and it's again very flavorful because the bounty hunter is all about taking people alive and turning them in for reward it's a really really cool concept that i think plays out very well with this feat posse is okay it's level four feet as well and you can instruct up to five creatures to help you track your prey and it's sort of a buff for your party they all get plus one to the things you get for hunt prey so while you get plus two to seek track and gather information everyone you instruct gets a plus one to seek track and gather information it's a good backup if you don't trust your own roles as well as get your party involved on hunting your target it's just a little bit weak but it's not terrible and the buff does last as long as they're with you uh unless they walk away from you for more than an hour or so so it's good it's great if you plan to split up for an hour and everyone goes search their own way i mean a plus one to anything is never bad i just don't know if it's worth a class feet keep pace is your classic martial sticky reaction if you're within melee range of your target and they take a stride action you can use your reaction to move along with them up to your speed super simple super sticky super useful and finally the eighth level feat opportunistic grapple is actually really cool if your prey is in melee range and they critically fail their attack on you you can make an athletics check to grapple them just as a reaction and that's amazing not just grabbing but grappling having the opportunity if you could succeed to fully restrain your target as a reaction is really really good and the bounty hunter only gets one additional feat at 14th level they get the rangers double prey which just means you can hunt two prey at once so my final thoughts are that it's a very flavorful archetype it's not super powerful but it can fit into the right campaign especially for quests that want their target taken alive the bounty hunter is excellent at that with the tools of the trade fee you'll you could use a 1d12 great axe as non-lethal damage at no penalty it's really really good an opportunistic grapple is fantastic obviously the best class this is for would be the ranger as a ranger who can hunt their prey days ahead of time is very powerful any range that can hunt their prey before combat begins is instantly a large buff because usually a ranger will have to spend their first action hunting prey so you know just taking the bounty hunter dedication almost gets you a free action in combat so long as you're fighting something that you're tracking so it's really not bad like i said it's not as powerful as something like the blessed one but it still has its own merits and it's not a bad choice for anyone next up is the cavalier and the cavalier is interesting i suppose let's start with the dedication you have to be trained in either nature or society either or and you gain an animal companion it's basically the same as the beast master from the last video you gain an animal companion but the companion has to have the mount ability they also have to be at least one size larger than you so typically you're gonna have to take like a horse or a riding drake if your character is small you can take a companion that starts small and make them medium but again they have to have the mount trait now before we go any further i have to explain the cavalier pledge which is really kind of confusing and very up for interpretation when you pick the cavalier dedication you also pledge to something whether it be a deity or a kingdom or a druid order or just an ideal like i said it's very loosey-goosey whatever you pledge to is what you are a cavalier for you could just be a cavalier of freedom and just pledge yourself to freedom and the pursuit of freedom for all and that would work and then you have to work with your gm because similar to like a cleric or a champion your pledge comes with edicts and anathema edicts you must live by and anathema you cannot commit so if you pledge to something obscure like freedom it might be okay you always have to work to free those enslaved and you can never abuse or trap someone who doesn't want to be with you and similar to those for some reason even though the cavalier at its core is not a magical class if you break your anathema you lose all of the benefits you gain from the cavalier archetype howdy y'all future known out here and i'm here to correct a mistake i make before i have to fix it in the comments for once i'm getting better uh i was stupid here i was wrong i didn't fully understand the pledge system when i first read it uh pledging is optional it is not something that all cavaliers have to take all the pledge does is gives you access to the banner which is an uncommon feat and the only way to take it is to have the pledge and if you break the anathema of your pledge like i talked about earlier you only lose the banner ability and you can only get that back if you perform the atonement ritual so as of right now the only feat related to pledges is the cavaliers banner and is the only thing you lose should you break your pledge's anathema cool cool back to me being an idiot moving on to the level 4 cavaliers banner and as long as you have it on you yourself and all allies within 30 feet gain a plus one bonus to will saves and dc's against fear effects it's really good because it's a passive effect but it does come with a negative which i don't know why these negatives need to exist i feel like a passive plus one against fear effects isn't so powerful that it needs a negative but if your banner is ever dropped destroyed lost etc all of your allies become frightened one so if you ever lose that banner your entire team takes a minus one to everything for one round that is such a heavy negative i know the odds of you losing your banner aren't huge but why why the front i understand it's to represent lowered morale but i feel like the bonus only against fear effects is not enough to warrant that huge negative the second level four feat is cavaliers charge which is your standard move twice attack once except you can only do this while on your cavalier mount uh and you have your mount move twice and you can strike anywhere along that movement but you do get a plus one to hit which doesn't usually come with these so that's pretty good so for two actions you get to move twice and attack it plus one pretty solid stuff impressive mount is your classic your animal companion matures and you can also even if you don't spend an action to command your mount that turn your mount can still take a stride or strike action for free the fourth level four feat the cavalier gets a lot of level four feats for some reason uh is quick mount for one action you are able to mount your animal companion as well as order it now it's not quite apparent reading through here so let me know in the comments if you can confirm this but it says in one action you mount the creature and command an animal to issue it an order of your choice now usually when you command an animal it does get two actions so i don't know if it still gets both of us both of its actions or if issue it in order of your choice means one action i'm assuming it's two because it doesn't say i feel like if it was one action it would say your animal companion can then take one action or something like that just the way it's worded sounds like an order a single order but i don't think that's how it works i think it still gets both actions which for one action to mount and command an animal fantastic action economy at level six the cavalier gets two options and they're both pretty similar the first one is a reaction called defend mount and effectively if an attacker is attacking your mount you can use your reaction to take the attack instead that means you switch it to attack your armor class and if it still hits you take the damage and your mount takes nothing really solid stuff if you are healthy and your mount is getting beaten up so it's sort of a good way to really almost expand your hit point pool if enemies are attacking your mount instead of yourself let your mount lose some health and then start taking the hits for your mount mounted shield at level 6 is similar but sort of in a different light now when you raise a shield that plus 2 armor class also applies to your mount in addition to this you can also shield block for your mount so if your mount gets attacked while you have a shield raised you can still shield block to reduce the damage your mount takes it still follows the same shield block rules the shield still takes damage and everything effectively you can shield block for your animal companions so long as you're mounted level 8's incredible mount we've seen this all before it becomes nimble or savage trampling charge in my opinion is sort of the best ability that the cavalier gets oh that's up for debate it's a level 10 feat for three actions your mount gets to make two stride actions so it moves up to double its movement speed and then it can also move through the squares of any creature smaller than itself at the end of the movement every single creature that your mount moved through takes damage equal to your mount's leg strike which i believe every mount companion does have a legs attack so it deals that much damage to all of them and they all make a basic reflex save it's not an attack roll which means they can take double damage if they crit fail their basic reflex save as well as the double damage on a critical failure they also become flat-footed until the end of your next turn so this is a very solid maneuver i do believe the difficult terrain of moving through creatures does still apply to this though so keep that in mind that even if the creature is one size smaller than your mount the square they are on still counts as difficult terrain so it will be ten feet instead of five to move through a creature unseat is personally not something i think needed to be a feat as as a game master this is something i would allow anybody to do with a jousting weapon on a mount unseat for one action you make a strike against a different mounted opponent and make an athletics check against their fortitude dc if they fail they're knocked off their mount and if they crit fail they land prone personally i don't like that this is a feat i would have liked this to just be an aspect of jousting weapons and honestly as a gm i would let my player do this even if they didn't have the unseat feet like i would let them do this at second level so long as they had a jousting weapon you know if they have a long sword no it's not gonna work but if you have you know a lance on your horse i think i would let the player joust it's not such an overpowered feature i don't know personally i don't like that this is a feat i wish this was just a standard action specialized mound we know what this means by now you become specialized you take a specialized aspect you can pick it up to three times moving on finally legendary rider at level 20 is actually kind of insane it's similar to the level 20 fighter feet which is uh they're always quickened but the fighter can only stride or strike with the extra action the legendary rider while mounted is permanently quickened but they can only use this action to command an animal so effectively they now get five actions per turn two for their amount and three for themselves this is really really strong granted level 20 you know there's stronger stuff at level 20 and if it came out like level 18 i think it could actually be cooler but still getting the extra actions from the free command and animal is really solid my final thoughts on the cavalier is that it definitely has a ton of different feats and luckily most of them don't have prerequisites other than the dedication so you can pick and choose what you want from this dedication i don't think anyone would take every feat from the cavalier uh i think it sort of helps you design a mounted combat style if you want to be defensive you can take you know mounted shield and um defend amounts i think anyone would take quick mount to get up on faster and so it's got some good options and i like that there's now the opportunity to effectively play a mounted fighter i just think some of these things are a bit too situational especially things like upseed i don't know it's it's not my favorite archetype it's definitely for a specific type of person and i'm sure there are people out there who are ecstatic to have this archetype and if that's what you want go for it more power to you i think part of me also is just not the biggest fan of mounted combat also any archetype that gives an animal companion is still really good the celebrity moving up next starting with the dedication it grants you a plus one bonus to earn income if the difficulty level of the earned income check is a higher level than you weird but kind of cool so if basically you can attempt things that are one level higher than you effectively without taking a penalty i suppose if it's one level higher the dc will be about one higher and you get the plus one so it just makes you a little bit better at earning income you also receive the upstage reaction which is weird if a foe attempts a skill check and doesn't get a critical success you can attempt to check using the same skill and effectively if you do better than them you get a plus one bonus to attack roles perception checks saving throws and skill checks until the end of your next turn which isn't bad i'm just trying to think if you can always do this can you do this in combat if someone attempts to intimidate your party can you make the intimidation check as a reaction as well i suppose so like verbatim from the rules that is how it would work and then if you intimidate better than you get the bonus i don't know it's a weird reaction and i feel like it would be tough to make it work in context i know what they're going for i absolutely understand what they're going for as long as you do better than your opponent you get a plus one bonus to pretty much everything on your next turn and that's the long and short of it i'm going to move on just because this one's weird and i could talk about it for a long time never tire is a reaction and in order to even use this reaction you need to be observed by at least three non-hostile entities characters basically if at any time you're being watched by three or more non-hostile characters and you would become fatigued you can delay the effects of fatigue for one minute you know the show must go on you keep performing even though you're exhausted but you shrug off the exhaustion for one minute and then either at the end of that minute or the second you're no longer being watched you become fatigued that's basically all it does uh the fatigued effect let's say it lasts five minutes so you delay it for one minute then the five minute duration begins i suppose your allies if they can see you would work for this so if you're in a party of four and your three allies can see you which observed just means you're not hidden you're not concealed you're just there then they know you're there i suppose you can use this so if something inflicts fatigued via a magical effect you can delay it for one minute which is good i just know the fatigued condition is a little bit rare and the most common way you'll get it is through traveling and lack of sleep in which case delaying it for one minute isn't so big a deal mesmerizing gaze at level six is two actions and effectively you pick a target that can see you and you make eye contact and that target makes a will save if they fail they become fascinated with you until the end of your next turn and really that's it uh what's worth noting about this is you can still do it again on the next turn if they fail their will save you can use this again to keep them fascinated with you but if they ever succeed their check or something takes a hostile action against them they become immune to your gaze for one day so effectively this means you can yeah keep doing it over and over and over again every turn until they succeed once command attention is one action at level 10 and basically every creature in a 30-foot range looks at you and then every creature looking at you automatically bumps their roles against visual will saving throws up one stage so if people fail a will saving throw against a visual effect but you used this on your turn they actually succeed or if they succeed they critically succeed against these effects and additionally if a creature is trying to if you've used this and they've been affected by it and they something like a medusa tries to use a visual effect on a different party member they have to make another will save otherwise they use it on you so it's great to command attention this could be fun on like a tanky character like a champion but overall kind of an awkward ability i also forgot to mention that the attention is strong enough that while the enemies and other creatures are looking at you it's enough of a distraction that your allies can hide even if they don't have cover so my final thoughts on the celebrity is that i wish it was a skill archetype everything here definitely is decent but not amazing similar to what i said about the fatigued condition visual effects are not overly common they're definitely more common than the fatigue effect the condition but visual effects are still very very niche and especially at lower levels i will say at higher levels they are definitely more common but a lot of low level effects are not usually visual the best part of this whole archetype is absolutely mesmerizing gaze but it's mostly useful outside of combat in combat the fascinating condition is incredibly weak it's one of the weakest conditions is that it only penalizes perception checks and skill checks by -2 while fascinated and they can't concentrate this would be really useful against a spellcaster who needs to sustain a spell so if you can mesmerize and gaze a spellcaster they can no longer concentrate and thus they will lose the spell they're sustaining so that can be a very good use of it and outside of combat mesmerizing gays is fantastic if you need to sneak past a guard and the celebrity walks up next to them and just mesmerizing gazes the guard you know can't look away as long as he keeps failing his will save and your party can just sneak on past but again that's why i sort of wish this was a skill archetype or at least some of these would be skill feats because sacrificing class feats for some of these abilities are just not worth it to sacrifice a class feat for the ability to stave off the fatigue condition for one minute just not great in my opinion now the dandy i'm a big fan of the dedication does require trained in diplomacy which is really easy to get and it grants you a unique downtime activity which we haven't seen yet in an archetype influence rumor which means you can spend one day of downtime to use diplomacy and manipulate an existing rumor however you want now the larger the community the higher the dc to succeed whether it be a town or a city or a kingdom but as long as you succeed the dc you you sway the rumor and manipulate it however you like and that starts to sweep through the city so this could be fantastic for manipulating a town from the inside and i love it it also grants you trained in deception and society and if you were already trained in either of those you become an expert instead so at level two if you're already trained in diplomacy deception in society you get the downtime activity as well as two free skill increases to your deception and society up to expert i will mention that most of these except for one are skill feats so you will get these at odd levels even though they do have even level requirements at level four you get distracting flattery as a reaction if your ally does anything which reduces the attitude of another character you can make a deception check to cover for them and prevent this attitude loss so if your ally says something or botches a check and the at the uh target is going to go from neutral to unhelpful then you can use this reaction to roll a deception check against their will dc and if you succeed they stay at neutral now if you fail it does go down as normal and worse if you critically fail it goes down even more so it's very possible to make someone hostile this way or ruin a contact if this goes horribly wrong but it's just a cool reaction to be able to cover up for your allies fa uh failure or just low charisma score is a really cool feature also available at level four is gossip lore now this is not a skill feat so this has to you have to use a class feed to take this one but it's basically the same as bardic lore you become trained in gossip lore which can be used to recall knowledge on anything which is absolutely phenomenal so arcana occultism religion nature anything like that you can recall knowledge using gossip lore now the only downside is that this cannot be increased like any other skill it will stay at trained until you become legendary in society at which point gossip lore will go up to expert but it cannot be increased beyond expert now a downside to this is that if you ever fail your recall knowledge check you activate the skill feat dubious knowledge which means you will get two pieces of information one of which is true one of which is false and you will not be informed which one so that can be very risky and somewhat detrimental to the party depending on how it goes at level 7 the dandy can take fabricated connections which is pretty useful effectively when you earn income make an impression request or subsist you can roll deception instead of any other required skill now these are limited you can only use deception to make an impression or make a request once per day and you can only use it to earn income or subsist once per week so this is limited but especially if your deception is already mastered at level 7 being able to use that for different skill checks is just incredibly powerful and it's a skill feat you don't have to sacrifice a class feet to do this fantastic stuff the final dandy feat also available at level 7 is party crasher if you're a master in society you can get into any public formal event it doesn't matter if you have no invitation it doesn't matter if you're not supposed to be there you just do it as long as you have 1d4 hours before the event begins you get inside you either find a job in the kitchen or as a bartender or find a date or find an invitation in the trash and you find a way in now this does have limits it can't be used to get into secret gatherings non-public gatherings uh just family only stuff like that if it's not open to the public you cannot get in so my final thoughts here on the dandy is that this is what i wish the celebrity was i kind of wish they were a combination if they were one in the same and it had sort of skill feats like the celebrity i mean skill feeds like the dandy and class feeds like the celebrity as all part of the same archetype i think that would have been cooler just make it two pages and be able to pick and choose how you want or even take both as you level up i think that would have been cool but on its own the dandy is super useful it has a cool balance of diplomacy deception and society and honestly you can frame your entire character around the dandy archetype and i love it and the best part is that they're all skill feats except for gossip lore and the dedication you don't need to sacrifice any class feats for this i probably find will find myself using this a lot in long fork and can't in long form campaigns if i ever get to play and not gm i'm just kidding i love gme and the final archetype for the day and simultaneously one of the most complicated and simple is the dragon disciple now the dedication is weird as it has something i haven't seen on anything else it's not a prerequisite it's access which i actually had to check out the glossary for this but access is basically the same thing as a prerequisite it's only on uncommon things and can only be taken if you are what has access so for the dragon disciple dedication the only characters who can take this dedication are dragon scale or spell scale kobolds dragon instinct barbarians and draconic bloodline sorcerers nobody else can take this there's no loopholes unless your gm lets you which i think could still be kind of cool but going forward uh when you select this dedication you pick a color of dragon and you receive half of your level in damage resistance against the element damage type associated with your dragon so if you pick green dragon you gain half your level in resistance against poison damage you also gain a plus one circumstance bonus to saving throws against sleep effects and paralysis effects which is a really solid bonus now a downside is if you are a draconic sorcerer you already picked your color of dragon at character creation and thus your dragon disciple dedication must be to that same type of dragon level 4 claws of the dragon just gives you dragon claws your unarmed strikes become 1d6 slashing finesse weapons and agile simple as that you just get that on arm strike and if you're a draconic sorcerer when you cast dragon claws uh instead of the 1d4 slashing you normally do you do the 1d6 from your real claws and your resistance goes up uh at each spell level when it would normally go up level 4 draconic scent you get a 30 foot range imprecise sense of smell solid dragon arcana is pretty much only useful for kobold spell casters it cannot be taken by barbarians and draconic sorcerers it would have no effect on if you take this feat you add the draconic bloodline spells to your spell list and so yeah the whole list is on the screen right over there but these are the spells that draconic bloodline sorcerers get automatically why this is only useful for kobolds is because barbarians don't have spell slots so they can't even take this feat but if you were something like a kobold druid or a kobold cleric you could get these spells automatically some of which would not be available in your spell list so that's pretty cool but otherwise not usable like it again sorcerers gain nothing from this barbarians can't use it so this feat is strictly for kobolds the other level four feat is scales of the dragon which is pretty decent protection while unarmored you gain a flat plus 2 to armor class with a plus 2 dexterity limit so not super useful compared to normal armor but if you're something like a sorcerer or something that can't wear armor with a low dexterity score it's a pretty solid way of protecting yourself at level 4 if you're trained and unarmored you'll still have an armor class of 20 which isn't bad also your resistance from the dedication instead of just half your level increases to three plus half your level so a little more damage resistance pretty good defensive option breath of the dragon you get dragon breath and a focus point same as a sorcerer wings of the dragon you get dragon wings in a focus point same as a sorcerer shape of the dragon you get okay i'm done this is actually not a focus spell you get a once per day ability to cast the seventh level spell dragon form this does not use a focus point this does not use a spell slot you can just shapeshift into a dragon once per day and at 16th and 18th level it gets automatically heightened to the 8th and 9th level version of the transformation this is a really good feature and probably what most people take the dedication for but also while in dragon form if you ever land a critical hit your dragon breath weapon automatically recharges really good disciples breath can be taken by sorcerers without the breath of the dragon feet from earlier but if you're not a sorcerer you do need to take that feat as a prerequisite and you can instead of spending a focus point on dragon breath just use dragon breath it will always deal 9 d6 damage instead of whatever it would be heightened to at your current level and like i said it doesn't cost a focus point but you can't use disciples breath again for 1d4 rounds this is a really good feat because even if you have no focus point potentially every two rounds or as slow as every five rounds which is a long time uh you get a free dragon breath for two actions for nine d6 it's level 16 so it's not incredible but that's still stronger than a fireball in a cone in front of you never going to be a bad thing and the final dragon disciple feat at level 18 is mighty dragon shape it's super simple instead of transforming into a dragon once per day you can now do it once per hour so basically at this point every combat you're going full dragon mode there's really nothing else you would choose to do it's absolutely amazing honestly my final thoughts are that you get exactly what you think you would from the dragon disciple you slowly grow more and more like a dragon until you can turn into a dragon i think it's definitely most beneficial for kobolds and there's not a whole lot here for barbarians though i think you can still rage and get your instinct bonuses while in form of the dragon shape of the dragon whatever it's called so if that's the case and you can rage while in dragon form that is super powerful and you could probably play a very effective melee dragon which could be fun but like i said a lot of this great for kobolds draconic sorcerers kind of lose a lot of the features from this but again you don't have to take all of them some of the feats available here are just stuff the sorcerers get automatically so you can sort of just skip those and take other feats or maybe other dedications if you want but that is all i have time for here today that is the next six archetypes let me know what you guys thought in the description yes please let me know in the description let me know in the comments what you think of these archetypes which ones you like which ones you didn't do you plan to play any of these if you do tell me all about your character and how you're going to play them i'm really excited i want to hear about your goblin dragon barbarian dragon disciple i could actually be kind of fun but please let me know what you're playing in the comments if you're interested there are links in the description to my discord my twitter and my patreon which you can pledge to to get some unique bonuses including shout outs which is why i'm going to be shouting out quid thulu paul rand troy hughes and the rest of my fantastic patrons i appreciate you guys so much i hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day until next time no nat ones
Channel: Nonat1s (On Hiatus)
Views: 34,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder, Pathfinder 2e, Pathfinder Second Edition, Advanced Player's Guide, Pathfinder 2e Advanced Player's Guide, Pathfinder 2e APG, Archetypes, New Archetypes, 2e Archetypes, Pathfinder 2e Archetypes, Pathfinder 2e New Archetypes, 42 New Archetypes, Nonat1s, Pathfinder 2e Nonat1s, Pathfinder 2e Level 1, Pathfinder 2e new features, Pathfinder 2e APG features, Advanced Archetypes, 2e Blessed One, 2e Bounty Hunter, 2e Cavalier, 2e Celebrity, 2e Dandy, 2e Dragon Disciple
Id: YzJTTyxrqYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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