Breaking Down Every New and Updated Race In One D&D!

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the future of d d has been announced it's called one d and d and the first look we've got of the new and improved rules all relates to character creation the new player's handbook gives us nine new slash updated races to play with and some new mechanics important change races no longer give you your ability score increases those come from your background now but this video is about the races who's been buffed who's been nerfed and who are the newest race in the game humans are just humans humanoid medium or small size 30 foot walking speed 80 year lifespan i'll be saying that a lot this video their new ability is resourceful giving you inspiration every time you finish a long rest basically you can re-roll any d20 test that's the sexy new term for an ability check attack roll or saving throw once it used to be that dms gave out inspiration at their discretion but the new rules seem to be pushing it a lot harder then humans get skillful proficiency in one skill of your choice and versatile giving them the skilled feat or any other first level feat of your choice we'll break down all these leveled feats in a later video but basically just like variant humans do now you get a bonus feat at level one i gotta say though i like that they gave a recommendation here they could just say humans get any first level feats but instead they recommend skilled which gives us that little bit of lore and flavor for us to choose to ignore if we want all in humans are very good advantage on any role they like once per day and a free feat definitely going to be one of the strongest races in the game as indeed variant humans are now so you can combine races in d humans made d and we made it so we could breed with any race we damn well please when you make a character with parents of two different races you choose one of those races to determine your size walking speed and all your special traits so mechanically there is no benefit to being a half human half elf except your life span is calculated as the average between your two parent races but flavor-wise you can take any traits from either race and mesh them together like pointy ears or a different color of skin or whatever you like letting players pick and choose racial features from both races would be completely overpowered so this is probably the best we're gonna get it also means there is no special half elf race anymore you can be half anything but it won't change your in-game statistics the new dnd race is here they are celestial in origin and they are humanoids with animal heads bojack horseman basically humanoid medium or small 34 walking speed 200 year lifespan then you get angelic flight the optimistically termed ability that lets you fly up to your movement speed for one turn it costs a bonus action and if you're still in the air at the end of the turn you fall so you bonus actions sprout magical wings and jump 30 feet it's okay and you can do it a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus then we get three celestial legacies each of which determines the spells you can cast and sort of ties in with the animal you based yourself on exalted gives you the tharmaturgy cantrip then divine favourite level 3 and lesser restoration at level 5. heavenly gives you the light can trip then cure wounds at third level and zone of truth at fifth finally idyllic gives you the guidance can trip and then healing word at third level animal messenger at fifth idyllic is probably the best of the three in my opinion but free spells are free spells for all the races who get spells you can cast them once per long rest for free or with any spell slots you may have of the right level you can also cast them with wisdom intelligence or charisma which you decide when you choose that race and finally ardling have resistance to radiant damage because you know celestial these idlings seem pretty good a little healing magic for races that don't normally heal and a funky bonus action flying jump thing you've heard of minnie mouse damn she's so hot you've heard of minnie me damn he's so hot now get ready for minnie oh my god they're so hot dragon trappers lodge are creating the ultimate miniatures to use in d characters monsters terrain and so much more beautifully detailed and shipped right to your door or you can 3d print them at home yourself remember minis make the man or woman or goblin or halfling or troll or orc or dragon models are made to fit standard d sizes and dragon trappers specialize in creatures you won't find in the monster manual so you can truly throw something epic at your players they will never see coming snail house follow the link below to buy physical minis and subscribe for monthly printable files for the best minis on the material plane it's dragon trapper's lodge link in description humanoid medium 30 feet 80 years and draconic ancestry dragonborn haven't changed all that much you pick a draconic ancestry and you get a breath weapon attack associated with that damage type and also resist that damage type however now all breath weapon attacks have the same spread and save a 15 foot cone requiring a dexterity save and dealing 1d10 plus your character level on a failed save or half as much on a success it used to be that some breath weapons went in a 30 foot line and required con saves instead of deck saves but this keeps things much simpler and keeps all the breath weapons balanced also the way it scales with your level is pretty nice 1d10 plus 10 at level 10 to multiple enemies is solid downside though they've brought the breath weapon attack to being an action they updated dragon's breath in fizzbands so it only cost one attack not your whole action which was way better but now it seems like they're going back on that decision which is kind of a shame finally you can speak read and write draconic all in dragonborn are stronger than their old player's handbook versions but weaker than the versions we got in fizzbands humanoid medium 30 feet 350 years dark vision they also keep their poison damage resistance and advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the poison condition and a couple of tools proficiencies then they get dwarven toughness your hit point maximum increases by one every time you level up this used to be a hilldwarf thing now it's just all dwarves and it's a very good ability but the big new thing is stone cunning bonus action 60 feet of tremor sense for the next 10 minutes but you must be on a stone surface trauma sense basically says if you're standing on the ground and another creature is standing on the ground you can see them even in total darkness by sensing their vibrations purple worms and other tunneling monsters have this ability so dwarves probably got the biggest nerf in this book no more mountain dwarf no more armor proficiency no more weapons proficiencies mountain dwarf are arguably the best race in the game right now so this is a big fall for them still tremor sense is pretty cool and mountain dwarves were op so although i'm not crazy about this nerf it does kind of make sense and dwarves are still totally fine as a race just no longer the best in the game humanoid medium 30 feet 750 years dark vision just like the elves we know you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and proficiency in perception the best skill in the game then you get the old trance ability where magic can't put you to sleep and you don't need to sleep again they just updated trance to make it more interesting and flavorful but now they're walking that back for the new system why i don't know maybe they don't want to put it in this book to encourage people to buy monsters of the multiverse but still that's a bit cheap then there are three lineages again giving you spells and a little bonus drow 120 foot dark vision and you get dancing lights ferry fire and darkness wood elf 35 foot walking speed druid craft long strider and pass without a trace high elf press the digitization or any other cantrip from the arcane spell list misty step and detect magic okay so what's the arcane spell list so there's now three different categories for spells in the game arcane your basic textbook stuff that come from the general magic of the universe it's used by wizards warlocks sorcerers bards and artifacers then there's divine magic that draws on the powers of the outer planes it's used by clerics and paladins finally there's primal the stuff used by rangers and druids that draws upon nature and the inner planes maybe we'll see some races and feats in the future that give you options to grab spells from these different spell lists elves are very close to their current players handbook counterparts only they all get some spells now we also got the same three variations in the og players handbook so no points for originality here but they're totally fine humanoid small 30 feet 425 years dark vision everyone gets dark vision also gnomish cunning is back giving you advantage on wisdom intelligence and charisma saves just as powerful as ever then you get your two nomic lineages forest gnome and rock gnome forest gnomes get the minor illusion cantrip amazing cantrip and they can also cast speak with animals a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus per long rest or with any spell slots they have rock gnomes get mending and press the digitation two very good can trips and they can spend 10 minutes while casting press the digitation to make a tiny object as well this also costs 10 gold pieces to do then you have a little device like a toy that can replicate one effect of press deterioration whenever you use a bonus action to activate it so you could set this up to ignite a flame or play six seconds of we are number one whenever any creature uses a bonus action to do so the flavor is so juicy and also there's no limit on uses of this item you can keep using it over and over again it's basically the illuminator from harry potter if you so wish you can have up to three of these bad boys at a time and they dismantle themselves after eight hours at which point you get back the 10 gold you used to create them gnomes are still as always awesome advantage on big saves and extra spells and this new prestatition trick is just a more streamlined and sensible and powerful version of the old tinker trait plus like the rest of the small races they now have a 30 foot movement speed like everyone else just a few quality of life upgrades for the gnome humanoid small 30 feet 150 years halflings are still brave like they used to be advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the frightened condition then you can also move through the space of any creature that is one size or more larger than you but you can't stop there this could be a restriction at some tables as i know many dms used to let halflings stop in the spaces of medium creatures with the old nimbleness ability which was a bit more ambiguous another loss here is no more halfling sub-races we used to get lightfoot and stouts but now the base halfling is basically the lightfoot with proficiency in stealth finally halflings have their traditional lock traits any time you roll a nap one on a d20 test remember that means an attack roll or saving throw or ability check you can re-roll but you must use that new roll all in halflings get a slight nerf under these new rules no stout halfling option and a slightly more restrictive halfling nimbleness humanoid medium 30 feet 80 years dark vision adrenaline rush you can take the dash action as a bonus action and you gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus when you do so you can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest this is a slightly improved version of their old aggressive trait then there's powerful build letting you push drag and lift heavier things and relentless endurance this is an old half-hawk thing where if you're reduced to zero hit points but aren't killed outright you fall to one hit point instead but you can only do it once per long rest it's a powerful ability an orcs are basically the old orc and the old half orc crushed into one race it's a slight upgrade to both in my opinion although i really like the old half hawks brutal critical the new aux adrenaline rush is strictly the better ability humanoid medium small 30 feet 100 years dark vision and that's the last time we have to say that t-fling has got a tasty buff here with three lineages instead of the og player's handbook giving them just one you now have abyssal cathonic and inferno all tieflings get thaumaturgy and then your legacy gets you a bonus damage resistance and some spells as always the leveled spells come in at levels three and five and you can cast them once per day or with spell slots abyssal gets you poison resistance the poison spray can trip ray of sickness and hold person whole person is a hell of a spell to get for free catholic gets you necrotic resistance chill touch false life and ray of enfeeblement finally infernal gets you fire resistance one of the best resistances firebolt one of the best can trips hellish rebuke and darkness so the infernal tiefling is probably the best here but i'm a demon fan so i'll go with whole person all day t flings get a lot of abilities based on their lineage so that will be a big decision when it comes to character creation but all in they are a strict upgrade on their original because they are exactly the same except they get new spell options and a bonus cantrip firebolt all things considered these nine races are pretty good some streamlining like with the rock gnome and the new human are good changes and the ardlings seem very fun as for downsides i'd like the halflings to get their stout trait back giving them a poison resistance and for dwarves to maybe get a weapon proficiency again at the moment it feels like these two races kind of lost something as a result of this change more importantly though i'd like the racial enhancements they added in other books to be implemented here it's weird that the dragonborn breath weapon attack is back to costing a full action instead of just an attack and that the elf's trance is back to the old one rather than the new and improved one these changes feel like a move backwards why change and improve them throughout 5e only to walk them back for 1 d d but if you want new races subclasses spells feats and rules right now you can check out the dm secret weapon on patreon this month's issue includes rules on multi-subclassing letting you multi-class into two different types of wizard for example you can check that out by following the link up here or down there also remember to like and subscribe check out other videos on the channel and i'll see you next time
Channel: DnD Shorts
Views: 258,773
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Id: _rUbdCbQfUk
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Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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