Path of Pain but with 50 unkillable Primal Aspids chasing behind
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Channel: fireb0rn
Views: 1,609,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollowknight, hollow knight, hk, team cherry, tc, indie, independent, indie game, independent game, metroidvania, metroid vania, metroid, castlevania, exploration, hard, hardcore, difficult, challenging, expert, video game, game, games, pc, computer, steam, gog, speedrunner, god gamer, walkthrough, guide, walk through, faq, help, mod, modded, path of pain, custom, PoP, pain, saws, sawblades, white palace, wp, palace, aspids, primal aspids, primal, aspid, primal aspid, challenge, challenge run, platforming, platformer
Id: l5FnvrEwUlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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