Antiques Roadshow Oh My Gosh!

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meantime we've many more stories waiting to be told in the grand setting of Lincoln Cathedral well I have to admit that being in this wonderful Cathedral today is something of a distraction because the glass in those windows is just sort of jewel-like and I'm finding it really difficult content rates and you're making it even more difficult for me because you've brought in a in a jewel in this glass bar so the first question I want to ask you is does it stand alone or does it have a partner take as a partner and where do you have it at home on my window and you'll win well that's a good place yes it's a good place for this type of glass to be there yeah he's it a family thing old it's been in my family a lot of years it came from a great talent my mom had it or it was away in a spare bedroom and it lived at the side of a chest of drawers for years what both did and I said I liked them and the went with my color scheme but years before that mom was going to actually probably have them drilled and made into table lunch she was going to have them drilled and made yes bring your mother to me no I'm not anymore oh gosh I'd have given a detention if she was still with us cuz there are no prizes for saying where it came from because it's all there laverre France a France and to be specific we're talking about the non SI region of France and not itself was a great sort of center of Art Nouveau design in France and the actual decoration is quite typical over the period that would be about probably around about anyway between sort of nineteen nineteen hundred and nineteen twenty certainly by 1920 they become more geometric as you move into the Art Deco years but let's let's show it in all its glory I mean it's in competition with some fabulous he made evil stained glass but if we didn't get it up to that light even then it's you need actually a light inside so you could if you wished you could if you wish have a fitting that simply sits on the top with a light going down and the light above it so if you wanted to do that right but the thing is you're gonna pair you yes hmm I think there might be expensive lamp bases if you were to do that I suppose when it comes to value it's never coming generation no no no no it's a last-minute thing I brought it today yeah and it's a it's obviously an aesthetic thing as well isn't it because it was the colors yes it is yeah colors and I can identify with that so if I wanted to you know to try and buy another pair of these to a gallery and I would not get any change out of 2,000 pounds repair right so you know it just goes to show that at some stage in your life color appreciation has proved dividends because I've got to say that you've turned up today perfectly coordinated with your VARs I know
Channel: Daniel Hale
Views: 486,237
Rating: 4.5698113 out of 5
Keywords: puffy, vest, french, normandy, bubble, down, quilted, sleeveless, green, brown, colour, coordinated, co-ordinated, bodywarmer
Id: -K25Mh4zA14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2009
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