Pastry Cream Recipe Demonstration -

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[Music] hi I'm Stephanie jorski of today we're going to make pastry cream which is really a thick Rich custard the first thing we need to do is to take 1 and 1/4 cups that's about 300 mlit of milk you can use either whole or I'm using 2% and just put that in a saucepan and then what we're going to do is take a vanilla bean uh just a half now if you don't have a vanilla bean cuz they are quite expensive you can just use um instead one teaspoon of pure vanilla extract or better yet a teaspoon of vanilla bean paste which is like a thick vanilla uh extract but it has the beans so you get the look of uh using the a vanilla beam but it's a lot easier and cheaper to use but if you're using a vanilla bean what you need to do is take a sharp knife and just cut halfway cut the bean in half but still keep it intact like so so that way as um the milk heats up the beans the little tiny seeds will be released into the milk so put that together and just we're going to heat this just until boiling still until just starts to foam up so put a medium medium high heat so as that heats up in a separate Bowl I'm going to place three large egg yolks that brought to room temperature and I'm going to add to that a/4 cup which is 50 g of granulated white sugar and just stir that together to make a paste and then to that I'm just going to add like a pinch of salt about an e/ of a teaspoon I like to use a kosher salt and then I'm going to just sift over the top 2 tablespoons that's 20 G of just regular uh white allpurpose flour and 2 tablespoons that's about 20 G of corn starch or maybe you know that is corn flour so I'm just going to sift that over top and and stir this in now you want to do this step while you're heating your milk because you don't want it to sit too long with the eggs there cuz it uh get lumpy so just do this as the milk's heating so this becomes a really nice thick paste okay so that's ready now once the uh milk heats up we're going to whisk it in gradually into that uh egg mixture so our milk is just starting to boil foam up so I'm just going to remove from the Heat and what you want to do is gradually whisk in slowly the milk into the uh egg mixture so I'm just going to add a little you don't want to add it all at once or the uh eggs will curdle so I'm just going to add a little to loosen it up as you can see and then I'm just going to add it with the keep whisking in a steady stream this way won't curdle and you get a nice smooth mixture if you did find you had a little curdling then just strain your uh your mixture once you finished to get rid of any lumps that may have formed I don't whisk in the as you can see I got the vanilla bean still in the pot so just whisk it this is called you add it a little at the beginning which is tempering and then so there now what I want to do we're going to heat that but first i'm going to remove that vanilla bean and then um with the sharp knife just going to split that open where I had cut it and I'm just going to remove just you don't want to take just remove all the seeds that'll give us that uh really nice those little Flex in the uh finish cream so I'm just going to add that now don't throw this uh vanilla pot out just wash it off dry it and then put it in your uh Sugar Bowl and then that will you leave it there for about a week and it will sent all of your sugar really nice vanilla flavor which you can then use in your baking as you would at ordinary uh sugar so what I'm now going to do is pour it back in the pot and then we're going to put this back on the stove just over medium heat cuz what we want to do now is thicken this the flour and the corn starch will thicken the cream so I'm just going to have it on medium heat now what you want to do is whisk constantly because we don't want the eggs to curdle and we're going to bring it just to a boil and then we're just going to um keep stirring for about 30 to 60 seconds just until it starts to thicken again if you do find you have some lumps just strain it after we're finished and then that'll get rid of any of those okay so as you can see it's nice and thick it's about what you're looking for kind like mayonnaise I guess you could say see that's what you're looking for and then just remove it from the Heat and then pour it into a clean Bowl now if you didn't use a vanilla bean if you um are going to add the um vanilla extract now is when you would Stir It In and if you like you can also add which I'm going to add uh half a tablespoon to 3/4 of a tablespoon of lure you can use Grand Marnier is very nice uh a Brandy I'm going to use a cognac here just adds a nice flavor and just stir it in okay and that's it now pastry cream is a really nice filling for the fruit tart the Boston cream pie it's used for cla's napoleons all all sorts of things so now immediately after you make this take a uh piece of uh plastic wrap and just press it on right onto the surface of the cream and that will pre prevent a skin from forming on the top of the cream so just let it cool like that to room temperature and then you can use it for say to fill your fruit tart or you could just then put it in the refrigerator for 2 to three days and then if you're going to refrigerate this take a a whisk and then whisk it before using CU to get rid of any lumps so until next time I'm Stephanie jorski of joy [Music] oh
Channel: Joy of Baking
Views: 1,460,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pastry cream, tart, tarts, cakes, pastry, baking, cooking, recipe, joyofbaking, Joy of Baking, Stephanie Jaworski, Rick Jaworski, Food, Milk, Demo, Home Made, Dessert (Type Of Dish), Custard (Dish), filling, how to make pastry cream, pastry cream recipe, how to make pastry filling, pastry filling, pastry filling recipe, cream, custard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2011
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