Pastor Walter L. Pearson Jr.~We Have An Anchor

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grateful for our president and he is my president amen Allegheny East is my home so you you know you you may be able to fool around with some other folk but this is home I don't have to act like I'm at home man at old I just ask hell to cheat him to try and recall with me when we first met the fact is that he was a young man promoting growth at pine forge Academy and came to me and said I hear you can draw well I used to be able to draw God repossessed it cuz I didn't use it and I have that anymore but I drew a picture of a dormitory and he took it somewhere and tried to use it to promote Christian education so I know that however that happened he's been working for the Lord for a long time and I have to never knew that we would meet like this but look at what happened let me pause to say that my first connection with this campus is pine forge Academy and I want to say to you folk that in my life it is one of the most important factors to make good occur in my experience pine forge Academy there were professors and instructors then who loved us like their own and I am grateful for pine forge Academy now I I did not come here today to relive history I'm grateful to look into the faces of some people whom I know on these front rows my campus mom from pine woods but from North Philadelphia from the Washington area where you folk have taken me in like like the child who came home I feel alright today but God has put on my heart something that we need to hear I don't believe in preaching that frightens fear is not a good motivator I believe in hope today I will by God's grace bring to you something that gives us reason to fear but more reason to hope in fact I'm going to read again our text but read it from a parallel called the clear word here is what the Bible says in the clear word parallel since God wanted to show his intention to keep his promise in a way that we could understand he confirmed his promise to Abraham by an oath so God's promised rests on two unchangeable facts which make his word totally reliable one fact is that God never lies and the other is that he confirmed what he said by an oath so having fled to him for refuge we can lay hold of the hope before us with absolute assurance this is what gives us courage to carry on this hope is a sure and steady anchor for our souls our hope is not in ourselves it is in Christ this is the hope that allows us into the sanctuary behind the curtain where Christ now serves as our high priest after the eternal order of milk Melchizedek not after the transitory priestly order of earing I've entitled our study for today we have an anchor we have an anchor would you pray with me father we meet again at this strange place a place where having done all that I can I am still not able to do what you've asked me to do without the Holy Spirit I'll be lost without your power this we'll all fall flat but this is camp-meeting father this is the holy Sabbath a day given as a sign between us and so I trust you today to do what I cannot do and so today Lord I'm willing to be like a fish if you let a coin be found somewhere in my mouth I'm willing to be like a donkey if you put the words of righteousness inside me I'm willing to be like a little boy's lunch if you break me and multiply me until everybody gets what you want them to have but most of all father hide me behind the cross don't let one soul leave here saying what Walter Pearson did let him leave declaring what God did and if that be so we shall be blessed indeed well this is our prayer in the name of Jesus let everyone say Amen I was listening to the radio the other day and heard a song that was ethnically authentic but at the same time amazingly it expressed the doctrinal posture of the seventh-day Adventist Church towards eschatology now having spit out all of those ten-dollar words let's make it play the song says there's a storm out over the youth and it's moving this away if your souls not anchored in Jesus you will surely drift away I declare to you today that we are in a strange period of time and allow me if you will to talk a little home talk for a minute I preached in many places that are ethnically diverse and sometimes I can't talk like this but there ought to be a time when we can talk I believe that God intended for to be in the remnant Church God knew that as the end of the 2300 day period began to come to to fruition as as he knew that there would be a time of millerite preaching of Advent awareness and then the formation of the Adventist Church God arranged that you and I would be there God apparently went down with his holy angels and pointed slaves to the drinking gourd the Northstar that hung in the sky in fact NASA no less has now begun to say that the slaves must have been more intelligent than we thought for NASA finally tracks the North Star with precision and understands that without all of those machines and without all of that equipment and technology God planted in the minds of slaves to know that if you follow the North Star you'll get out of here by the time Miller Wright preaching began God had planted black people people from the continent of Africa those who had been brought to this land against their will had put them in freedom taught them how to read given them the Bible had them searched the word so that among the millerite preachers they were black bridges let me say that we have not come through the side door in to the ad minister we all might as well get used to each other we didn't have all the colors here then we had a little bit of brown and a little red little yellow but you know it was basically black and white back in there and there are some who love being so unique that they would close everybody else out but God did not intend for this to be a monolith God intended that everybody be in this movement can somebody say man helter Cheatham you are a wise man to bring in this emphasis from the hispanic community because these folks are getting ready to show us up if we don't move [Applause] forgive me I'm home some of us think that we are have a corner on evangelism just because we are who we are you better get up you better move after a while you gonna have to speak Spanish are you listening to me the time has come to move and I suggest to you I was up late one night looking at a replay of the hip-hop summit don't get nervous it a good angle hurt I listen to some very incisive thoughts here is the fact most of our culture is now being influenced by rap music I know you're trying to be quiet now look down act like you don't know what I'm talking about young people are not the only ones listening young people are not the only ones looking at B et my brother some of you folks whose ears are too slow to catch every word we'll look at the video I'm gonna leave you alone I don't want to hurt you early but we are come to a time now when the dialogue between peoples who are alike is controlled not by us but by the moguls who have the money to choose what we see and what we hear everybody's angry now because a handful of black young people are getting rich and so we blame all violence on them what about Schwarzenegger and what about Stallone what about motion pictures that have gratuitous sex and violence everywhere why all of a sudden are people upset blaming it on them but the fact is that when you search and sift you come to a realization that there are young people who are actually writing better music than we hear but people who are greedy choose the worst put it on the air put it on the radio put it on the television so that young people from agriculture are drinking from a polluted stream let me tell you something there's some good music out there in that China the fact is that people who want to make money and make a lot of money and make it fast are choosing the worst of it and they tell these young people give me the worst that you've got they didn't get upset as long as it was on Martin Luther King Boulevard but now it's down at the Galleria Mall nerd somebody and tell them what I'm trying to say so now all the kids wear the pants Lo and baguette saw an old man the other day [Applause] pitiful pitiful but this culture has become so invasive and pervasive that nobody listens to preachers nobody listens to politicians in fact you ought to say something encouraging to every young person who is that camp-meeting because by and large young people are not listening to anything religious to anything uplifting they have been sold dis Korean music by those who do not care about anything but the bottom line and we are now come to a time where our job is almost impossible if it were not for the fact that I believe in the Holy Ghost I quit my job reason why I don't quit is because I see God making roads where he can't go every day we just left Memphis Tennessee you know that a certain denomination owns Memphis and before we got there they got on the television and on the radio and began to talk the Sabbath down they talked it down so powerfully that they were supposed to frighten everybody away from the meeting that we have I want to tell you that my god lives even in this hip-hop culture God has arranged that people listen to the Word of God over a hundred people came out for three weeks and not every night for three weeks and were baptized because of the power of God however you and I should know that we are in danger of becoming irrelevant when the young people look for help they don't come to the church because we've gotten to the place now where we got all the blessing we need oh now let's at least start at a ground level of truth we had better wake up and know that somebody has got to reach out to help young people and let me say this to you my wife and I are technically out of the parenting business you understand if you are a parent if you've got your children on your need today and you got a bunch of paraphernalia around you don't complain it gets harder my wife and I have the place now where we can't tell the young people what to do anymore we just make suggestions I was riding with my son the other day in his car and he inherited a proclivity for speed from somebody I couldn't tell him how to drive in his car so I just sat over there push my right foot almost through the floorboard grab that handle up then eventually I just closed my eyes and said Jesus you said that it was wrong you praying I said yes I am [Applause] can't tell you what to do but I'm sure talk to Jesus but if you are like us and you are out of the parenting business find another child later another time because we listen parents you and I spent so much time and energy giving our children what we didn't have that we forgot to give him what we had [Applause] in my house we didn't have mutts but we had Jesus we ate beans and rice with regularity I stand here as proof that it won't kill you but we were rich because we had the Word of God our heroes were never on a football field our heroes were never playing baseball our heroes were in the Word of God you ought to find another child if you have already read your children trying another child and tell them about Jesus I suggest to you that churches ought to start adopting just one family at a time with all them cans and stuff I don't want to talk about you but used clothes are not making an impact on this society a judge in Atlanta Georgia while I was pastoring there said quit giving away little doodads popping a can in somebody's hand and walking away get a family adopt them just one church and one family give them everything they need especially Jesus and when they get on their feet adopt another and will finally let the world understand the church's care about somebody right now when your children need protection they don't call the church they call the local gang and you say it's a terrible thing but these young people getting in gangs well they got to walk down the street and you shoe aren't there you're inside cooling have them looked at yup well is early I don't want to hurt you and we would be okay going in that direction exact there's a storm out over the ocean and it's moving this way the fact is that you and I have been talking about it for all these years and we have not made an impact but here comes one creature singing one song and they get requests all the time play that song pull them out over the earth I say that man singing Adventist theology singing it better than we breach it we had better wake up before somebody steals our job we know that there's a storm a-coming in fact you and I know what the storm is the Bible says in Daniel the last chapter that in a few minutes Michael will stand up Jesus is tired of all this foolishness going on down here he tries to wait until we get in here and do the job that has been left to us but we have been putting it aside and passing it on to others so Michael will stand up there'll be a time of trouble such as there's never been since there was a nation but I'm not afraid of that time of trouble as long as Michael is standing up I'm okay he stands up on behalf of his children he stands up in order to give us back what he promised Abraham Isaac and Jacob a storm is about to come if you believe it can I hear you say Amen some of us act like it's gonna be this way forever we have calmed ourselves down and ensconced ourselves in luxury God did not give you what you have to sit down and be calm you don't have your job on the 15th floor so you can act like you are the king of the world God put you there to talk about his power not put you there to tell who he is God has placed you in a strategic position so that you can be a witness for him but you just let us keep all there's a storm about to come if you believe it can I hear you say me the facts listen this is from if you and Herald July 24 1888 the facts concerning the real condition of the professed people of God speak more loudly than their profession and make it evident that some power has cut the cable that anchored them to the eternal rock and that they are drifting away to sea without chart or compass so there are some of us who dropped by camp-meeting I ain't trying to hurt you I'm just trying to speak the truth we've forgotten the rhythm of our liturgy got to kind of listen to forgot how they talk you picked up happy Sabbath out there in the parking lot kind of forgot we said that didn't you happy Sabbath hey there's enough but you don't know what to do you don't know when to say man anymore you've lost the rhythm you you're so caught up in another rhythm that you don't know this one anymore in fact you've been trying to sneak and look at your watch so you could tell when you need to get up but this is another rhythm it can't leave sit down on your own house and watch a movie for three hours and don't get up you show or ought to be able to worship the Lord for a little life and trying to hold you but it is a day that's dedicated to the Lord can I get somebody say man so so the insulting here is what you must know there is a storm that's coming and that storm requires that you be anchored to the rock we know the raucous fact let me let me look this up and make sure I got it I picked this up out of the out of the clear word to let you know there are many scholars who have been tricked into believing that Peter is the rock upon which the church is built Matthew 16 and verse 18 but even Peter was not confused about that but when he preached his sermon in Acts chapter 4 in verse 12 he said there's no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved Pina a slice from a rock a chip from a rock Jesus is the foundation stone 1st Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 4 the rock that followed Israel was Christ so today the Lord says to you there's a storm coming there's a storm coming if things stay quiet you may be okay but the storm is coming and when that storm comes you had better be anchored to the rock and here is the anchor let me be clear faith in the atonement is your Hank I know I was at the widest state long enough to know that there's some of us who have gotten old and we won't preach the straight testimony later on Imelda beat them up you better watch out some of that stuff will hit you I have people tell me when I finish a sermon pastor you all over my toes today I said yeah but before I got it to you it preached to me it stepped everywhere I had a place to step before I brought it to you and if it doesn't step on my toes I won't bring it to you you've got to understand that this is the straight testimony this is lift him up page 331 we have this hope as an anchor for the Soul firm and secure it enters into the inner sanctuary behind the curtain the practice that what anchors of us to Jesus is the fact that Jesus died to give us salvation let me talk about it for a minute I'm gonna try to stay calm to when Jesus went to the cross when Jesus was nailed to that cross there was pain and agony that was bled that was shame but when Jesus hung there and declared it is finished in heaven those words were translated it is accomplished is accomplished over at the temple the priest was doing business as usual picked up his knife to cut the throat of another lamb without blemish but tight had met entertained the metaphor had lost its meaning so the priest heard a strange sound behind his back it was the veil that separated the holy from the most holy place it tore from the top down to the bottom so show that no man had done it and when the priest looked around and for the first time into the holy most holy place shot he was but he didn't stop picked his knife up again and was about to take the life of another little lamb when his hand began to tremble and the knife dropped from his hand and the lamb scampered away for Jesus the perfect Lamb of God had gone to the cross and no longer did you need a priest to get you to the mercy seat no longer did you need a priest to get you to the Shekinah glory which represents the presence of God the Holy of Holies was opened up to you down at the bank they may not know who you are but Jesus opened up the most holy place to you not the ones with a theological education not the ones with an office in the church not the ones necessarily who are recognized by the whole organization the smallest most insignificant sight can get to the Holy of Holies by the gift of Jesus Ellen White says that when Jesus went to the cross he planted the cross halfway between Earth and heaven and when he did he made it so attractive that mercy got up and started moving across the Gulf Justice with armies began to move towards the cross when mercy reached their mercy knelt death justice was a little slower coming with armies finally justice looking at the sacrifice of one equal to God bow down and said it is enough and mercy and justice embraced each other and kissed the hope that you have today is that Jesus has paid the price for your salvation I know some Adventists think that you are not making a noise in church but if you come to that realization and don't at least move in your chair you must be dead I'm telling you today that I can go to heaven you don't know my history but Jesus death you don't know my faults but Jesus death you don't know the things I wrestle with but Jesus death and he said won't set my sacrifice has made a way for you to get to the holy of holies my sacrifice will get you to the mercy see my sacrifice will take you to the room where the ten commandments are held my sacrifice my dad will say are you listening to me so today let me make it clear for all Adventists who are confused it is the gift of Jesus are you listening to me that is the anchor of every soul so if you lost somewhere in doctrine land [Applause] let me read you something don't shock you vol 7 of the Bible Commentary page 458 hanging upon the cross Jesus was the gospel this is our message our argument our doctrine our warning to the impenitent our encouragement for the sorrowing the hope for every believer so when you start talking about the strength testimony the straight testimony is that Jesus died for your sins that's our gospel that's our doctrine that's the straight decimal now I know how you get mixed up because Ellen White wrote so much I'm getting ready to take you down the path we're gonna do it fast but we got to go come on now somebody got one book one red book one bookmark one page and you've been beating everybody up with that one paragraph for all your life well let me broaden your horizon there are some things that Ellen White refers to as our answer but every one of them is tangential to the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary she says loyalty to God and faith in the unseen is an anchor she says that Joseph was held by this anchor Daniel she mentions in the same paragraph so loyalty and faith anchors she says the only safety now is to search for the truth of the word of God in the old and new Testament in fact I hate to say it like this because the Bible says in fact the spirit of prophecy says it is written ought to be our anchor you know why I hate the confusion not enough you've forgiven too it is written and won't give anything the breath of life now but that's what's fair the problem is that the Bible is our anchor if you believe it can I hear you say man so so study the word don't speed read the world spend all day looking at HBO and rented movies by the way they got a transcript down there where you read them I'm sorry I didn't mean to mess up your Sabbath they got a computer printout down there you ought to go down and look at it for somebody else there I'm gonna movies you don't want the Saints to know you saw Oh y'all mighty quiet I'm gettin nervous but the Bible is an anchor can I hear you say Amen the Sabbath listen the Sabbath name not immortal and the testimony of Jesus these anchors however I get a little nervous when I come to your church and you get up and say that the affirmation of our faith is the fourth commandment I believe in Sabbath I believe I probably kept Sabbath longer than most folks under this canopy my dad was a meticulous Sabbath keeper in fact at one time I used to live in a house with my grandparents my grandfather kept Sunday as meticulously as we kept sap so my brother and I used to keep two days a week we knew one was wrong but we had to keep we try to bargain with granddaddy was a granddaddy this ain't the right 70 years in this house we kept Sava yesterday you wrong Randy my little brother would tell my granddaddy Jesus gonna burn you up sound like some of you Advent is around here granddaddy say yeah he gonna burn me keeping Sunday and so we keep Sabbath on Saturday then we keep Sunday I believe in the Sabbath but don't mislead people to think that the reason why I'm a Christian is only because of the shop I keep the Sabbath because Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath I keep the Sabbath because the Sabbath is a sign between me and the Creator I keep the Sabbath because it is a Cathedral in time the dad cut out to bring his people together the Sabbath is not like any other day but it's not the reason why I'm a Christian my anchor is jeiza amazingly these three things Sabbath the dead are not immortal and the testimony of Jesus happened to me the three things that most television channels will not allow you to breathe let you appreciate anything else but you put some Sabbath on it gotta go fact now what they do they look at every program we send them and cut out some and the ones they cut out have to do with the Sabbath the state of the Dead and the spirit of prophecy they let them have in fact you know that everybody joined us on time a few miles back y'all ought to say man they said y'all were crazy for a long time but one of the Brethren started that tithing and said my my my my [Applause] everybody returning time someone returning better than you are but I'm not gonna hurt you early so so these are anchors but but listen Revelation 14 is anchor the messages of the three angels anchors the doctrines plainly understood are you listening to in fact we've come to a time now when Adventists don't know why we are advocate that somebody asked me and I'm not talking about somebody off street somebody with a terminal degree asked me no no no I don't know what's the difference in us and everybody else almost choked on my broccoli everybody else doing this about everything we doing except Sabbath I said man do you know that at a very very very strange and awesome time in the history of religious development that came a moment when a church was expected to be the difference in this society of ours do you know that that until then it was not appropriate for the remnant to appear but then in Revelation the remnant church is called upon and if you look at that time period and see who came a warning at that time you will discover that many others came in the Advent movement but those went away and disappeared and as you look at those who held on we are prominent among them the remnant people not just so cool to things like everybody else you are different from everybody else call for a time named in Revelation as the remnant people who follow him wherever he goes according to the writings of the hundred and forty-four thousand so you can't be like everybody else and you ought to know you're different I remember the time when if an Adventist left they could leave but they could never go anywhere else don't play with me my gun is loaded today now we just drift away and go somebody else gonna meet them say where you now when I moved on down the street and you you can't move down the street from this when I was over in Africa during the time that a certain leader had stolen the money the paper that makes money and then they went to one of these super copiers digital copies and discovered that if you got the right paper and the right copier you make money I don't think about it that big face money is a little different we'll be visiting you on prison ministry debut try to adapt but but the the digital copier was so good that they could take that money to the US Mint and ask them to determine which was real and which was fake and the content and for a while it got hard to use hundred dollar bills outside of the United States and some people made the error of studying counterfeits to find counterfeits you cannot find counterfeits by studying counterfeits you can visit every Church in your town you still won't know anymore about counterfeit the only way to know what a counterfeit looks like is to look at the real thing and this is the real thing not because of our name not because of our faithfulness not because we are more every day not because we're better than anybody else simply because we believe in thus check the law and I wish we would stop confusing people by telling them strange things I am a seventh-day Adventist because jesus paid the price for me on Calvary and I do only what Jesus says to do let me tell you because we have an anchor let me do this fast because we have an anchor it shows us some things now this you won't believe is in the spirit of prophecy so let me give you my quote you know the biggest book in the whole church is Ellen White says so I've tried not to quote from that book is a very large volume this is from councils on health 631 and 632 the messenger to the remnant church says that we have in the church now two extremes we got some folk who are so austere that when young people talk about recreation their faces go into a frown when we hear little children's laughter stop them stop them now nobody else said this but I call them sad Venice you know who you are I don't care what happens today you're not gonna break a smile somebody get up and sing you can't do nothing sad man look at all the children running around where when you were a kid you were doing more than running around there so on one side of the slippery slope the sad Venice on the other side says the Prophet there are some folk who cannot exist without entertainment what's happening tonight and they can't make it without it so you got on this side of the slope the sad Venice and on the other side of slow people who can't exist without entertainment I call them the mad dentists the messenger says that neither one of these has an anchor if you got an anchor the anchor levels you out and gives you a sublime balance and we need more can I hear you say Matt if Jesus is in your heart you ought to smile sometimes without straining a muscle but you ought not be given completely over to entertainment if you have the anchor listen there are people who have the anchor who never have the opportunity to get an education and I want to pause to say that I do not believe that there is a natural tension between the Holy Spirit and education there are too many preachers who get up and preach make you think that you ought to stay as ignorant as possible so you can go to heaven let's clear that up I believe Jesus can give you all the education you need but it'd be good if you bring some when you arrived but if you never have the opportunity to get a formal education if you just keep your anchor in the rock Christ Jesus our messenger says that God will enable you to stand up and hold on because of the rock and your anchor then because you have this anchor you should not go from a state of ecstasy to the valley of despondency when trials and temptations come in fact you ought to find yourself anchored in the rock it'll keep you from being up and down and you've got friends like that come home from camp mean [Applause] what's wrong with you that's before they open those bills are collected while they were go and you call them my bad to our Lord won't be my bills folks if you anchored in the rock you'll be up at Camp me up after camp me up when you got the money up when you run out of the money if you return to God a faithful tithe and give him an offering he'll open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing and you all have a room to receive it sometimes he'll pay your bills without money but you got to be ain't CAD Interop then let me say to you because you have such a firm foundation in the rock and because you know your anchor is secure you ought to reach out to get others I am disturbed that we have lost our Siva what good is salt if it has no safe what good is a light if you hide it under a basket there are some of us who are covert Adventists we've been in the community for thirty years and nobody knows that we go to church I am mad at you I'm just trying to tell the truth amen when do y'all go to church well we have friends who go to a church on Saturday and sometimes we join them you mean you go to church all set well see what I'm saying is they they do that and sometimes in order to blend in and to keep the peace we will go with them not every week because actually we're just like you see if you if you're anchored to the rock you don't mind being different can I hear somebody say well I got the storm identified I've got to rock identify and the rock is Jesus let me tell you what I did to make this thing real some of you know how I like to preach I wanted to get it real I wanted to jump off the beach and come up in the house so after I had identified the storm that's coming and the rock that's done and then the Bible says you got an anchor that's your hope the hope in Jesus sacrifice where you said I began to wonder why is it then that so many of us are drifting oh no oh no well they're do you know I'm trying to hold on hypercapnia Mingo I don't know I'm just up here well hop things back at home don't be careful who you ask that that's the folks I'll mess up your Christian experience on that question well my cousin you know he's sick he been sick for four years and my kids in jail all them my house burnt down last year and I've been sick but the doctor don't know what it is I don't have no money in fact I was gonna call you this week to see if I can make a loan something wrong with that testimony everybody got trials but you ought to have a little blessing in there somewhere amen get something to hold on so I began to wonder how is it I come among the saints of God trying to find some unity because there is a sound that unity makes let me tell you something I've been to other cultures where they say well we don't make noise hey go to a soccer game all the people rooting for this team together together because when you are on the same side unity makes a noise unity has a feel unity moves some hot top unity grabs you I used to feel it but now sometimes I can't hardly feel it anymore got too many surface experiences too many microwave Cristian there's a difference between a meal cooked in a microwave I'll say it again even though it gets me in trouble when I travel around I get to some houses while here two sounds sound of an electric can open the sound of a microwave I know them that there is danger ahead if I get hungry now if I'll eat some of that but that ain't what I'm looking for what I want is what got cooked Tuesday refrigerated Tuesday night warmed up Thursday for you to take a little taste of it and so when I walk in your living room it's all in the drapes and the couch and you know what I'm talking about that's slow cooked experience unity the thing we ought to have and here's what I discovered I said let me find out what these anchors supposed to do I went down to a a yacht store you ought to start at the top I dressed up best I could went in and told him the truth I said I'm not here to buy you out they were pretty now but I remember who paid me then maybe not this week I said is there anybody here who knows how to sail is there a sailor here is there a captain here is there somebody who's not just the salesman but somebody who understands how to govern a craft on water is there anybody who's been through it they say who are you I said I'm a preacher I thought they were gonna throw me out guess what they were Christians they say you know that ain't a bad idea let me call you somebody they called an old fella who looked like the sea [Applause] other how you know sir I can help ya [Applause] in fact among the three or four professionals that I talked to they got so excited that one of them said if you gonna preach this sermon can I go I told him where I was going he said well I can't get there but why don't you do this when you go take this with you is there fishermen in the house do you know what this is he said take it because until they see it it will make an indelible impression on their hearts in fact he made me give him my text he said where the text we lift it up in his Bible he said yeah that's gonna be a good sermon I said will you pray with me he said I'm gonna be praying in fact bring me a tape I want to see how it worked but here's what he told me stick with me for number one most people think that the only thing that an anchor does is keep you in one place and that's important you see on the water there is never a time when you can control movement the waves move beyond your control the wind blows beyond your control and the current underneath the waves moves beyond your control there is never a time when the wind is dead still there is never a time when the waves are flopped and the current has stopped there's always movement that's why even when it looks calm you need [Applause] the reason why this church is in so much trouble today is because it looks calm and there's some folks who sit down you know hanka calm and a win wave me to me thing I don't see Kurt so we just let the boat stay right here and why are you talking the boat is moving the Bible says that there are people particularly at the time of the end who will be blown by every wind of doctrine some of you look at strange television programs I'm not talking about it is written and Laveau's there speranza and voice of prophecy in breath of life I'm talking about you know in fact one man is telling on y'all he telling oh he said I thank God for the 70 of us you say I get a lot of money from 7 to Evan well he you know I'm gonna know if he got our little bitty he shows how hunger when the doc I'm not telling you everybody out there preaching who is not an Adventist it's not a Christian I'm just telling you better be careful where you drink don't be blown by everything got some 7-day evidence now we need prayer in school well I don't know about you but before I went to school we had prayer and all day long at school even out of Christmas school I would pray buddy got to stop and tell me when to pray if you train your children well somebody got to have a period for them to pray we need prayers food you train your children there will be prayer in school you let the right bullies show up they'll be prayer in school you let them give a test that you're not prepared for they'll be praying school are you listening to me but we caught up in and very soon we go find ourselves smack dab in the middle of the religious right apostate Protestantism and we're gonna be riding right along with them because we did not have an anchor an anchor holds you because you can't control movement something is always moving even when it doesn't look like it's moving your family is moving your church is shifting on your job they're moving you don't know they're moving if you move in with them there's an anchor that they call the deep sea anchor the deep sea anchor does not hold you in one place it's like a parachute made out of canvas and you put it under the water and what happens is that that anchor holds you in a certain direction but it drifts with the water some of us have a little some kind of anchor but it's not the right one and it's not anchored to the rock because when everything else moving [Applause] all of a sudden somebody said hey you move it norm I'm right where I was so so number one the Sailor tells me it keeps you in the right place number two and this shocked me I admit to you that it would have embarrassed you because I shouted on the floor of the yacht's door the man said let me tell you something the most important thing that an anchor does is it keeps you in the right direction wait a minute wait ho oh wow wow you said look here when the wind starts to blow if you have a heavy chain I don't have time to preach all this you have preached this to yourself drag that anchor along the bottom they touch this rock he said then the wind keeps blowing and it blows your craft back and stops but since it is hooked to the bow of the craft your craft comes around in the right direction so now when the wind blows it blows in your face you blow behind me you may mess me up but as long as I keep the wind to my face I see what's coming as a storm out over the ocean and it's moving this way but my soul is hacking in Jesus so I'm facing the storm when the waves get too high sometimes a wave gets so high that they overcome the ship and for a few minutes you can't see where you are but if I've got an anchor I don't have to worry about what direction I'm facing because the anchor holds me even when I can't see are you listening to when the current pushes invisibly the anchor holds me in the right direction another problem with our church today is that while we are all in one place we in all kinds of different direction [Applause] so come on y'all let's all get together oh no what you talkin about I'm headed in the direction I'm goin in y'all just go where you won't go I'm already going where I'm going now stick with me folk you may make it when it's calm and you're not in the right direction but when the wind gets high and when the waves sting and when they toss you up in the air and let you slide down then if that kind of power hits you from the side it will tip your craft over you'll take water and go down are you listening to the ship was not made to take the wind the waves of the current from the side it takes it from the bow from the front so you put your anchor in the front of your life and let Jesus hold you by the way and they may come harmony they full run and hit you this way you go are you listening to me so the anchor holds you in the right direction or in the right attitude oh I think I'm preaching now we have become a collection of angry people mad about little stuff on like these Sabbath school quarters how you know you haven't studied for 10 years I don't like the color the pews and the way it relates to the color of the wall and you better be glad they let you in the church forget about the colors if Jesus came in and wrote your sins on the carpet [Applause] but we are you know upset oh no I couldn't park where I'm on the park and then people telling me where I got a hug and I got a walk-off gross thank God you walk you couldn't walk you got one of them little things I wish I could ride in don't be mad just push a little button and roll on up here let's stop being an angry church we ought to spend this energy telling people about Jesus so so the anchor holds you in the right direction where let me get through this if you don't have an anchor if you don't capsize in the wind or the waves or the current then as soon as you don't have any direction you began to bump into stuff well here come the storm oh I'd say thank you Jesus for this illustration here come the Saints inside the health I love my job thank you Jesus [Applause] somebody slide over and let them in tis the old ship of Zion it rules a mini-mall come on in the right direction now aren't you if if you don't capsize stick with me you'll bump into something there's so much trouble in our churches now because of people bumping into each other the Dorcas is angry with the Pathfinders and the Pathfinders hate the elders and the elders are disturbed with the Deaconess ISM and the people are mad at the pastor and all these people are supposed to be working with Jesus because you don't have an anchor you driftin hit stuff run aground and hit rock run on to the onto the dock and tear down some building that's there or you run into something else seagoing vessels can I turn quickly and if you don't have an ankle you'll drift in the way of one of them and they'll knock you out cut you in half and you'll go down and the only way to stay clear of everybody else and every other structure is to have an anchor you've got to have an anchor well let me get the last one coz the storm is coming listen to this because I know I'm down your street now one of the sailors with whom I talk I was getting ready to go out in the door he said preacher come here he said I got something I didn't tell you he said if you don't have an anchor you can never rest I said wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute he said I can explain it to you he said one day I got into a craft a little bit bigger than a rowboat he said it was such a beautiful day so calm that I got in a rowboat forgot to take an anchor and rolled out he said man it was so wonderful when was that my back and I'm distraught he said before I knew it I gotten way out I said hey I better look back turn around and look back and he was far from the shore he said oh okay no problem I'll take a little rest and while he was taking that rest he noticed that the wind started blowing him away from the shore he said well okay no problem and he rode and beat the wind in fact he started closing in on the shore but his arms began to burn his muscles got so tired that he could no longer move them he said I tell you what I'll do I'll just rest a minute put his oars down and sat there and the wind blew him back past where he had started it's no problem no problem what I'll do is I'll just I'll row again tada I got it and it gets up almost there and it's armed strolls couldn't move them any more so he put his oars down just for a minute more and the wind pushed him back farther than when he started he said pastor the only way I got back to shore was to go in the direction of the wind had to go around the long way and come up on a shore that was miles away from my home and I learned that without an anchor you cannot rest even a motorboat once it is gotten out into the water can't turn off the motor if you don't have an anchor you've got to always be as soon as you stop the engine then you gotta turn it back on turn it off then one time you try to crank up the engine and all of a sudden you learn that even with a full tank of fuel you gotta have an anchor what were the five foolish virgins guilty of they had a full tank of fuel but evidently no anchor are you listening to me so here's what he says in order for you to take a break you gotta have an anchor you take a little piece of the trip you're rowing drop your anchor and when you drop your anchor the rest the Bible says be still and know that I am God listen to me there's somebody under the sound of my voice today you've been practicing Christianity for most of your life but today you are burnt out and tired you are so on the edge that you can't even relate to your brothers and sisters because you haven't been able to rest they that wait on the Lord shall mount up with wings as Eagles it should run and not be weary they shall walk not faint but you're burnt out because you don't have an anchor I got one more illustration and then I've got an appeal you can't put your anchor just any way but the oldest of the seamen said to me he said master when you drop your anchor your kid drop it straight down he said you've got to determine before you go out the depths of the water in which you'll be sailing and get an anchor connected to enough line to be five to seven times the are you listening to me five to seven times the depth of board so you let the anchor drop let it catch and then he's back he's back so that the anchor is always in front of you never below you let me tell you what happened so a man went out to do some deep-sea diving they dropped their anchor straight down they didn't have enough connector not enough cable they jumped in the water and went to enjoy being underneath while they were gone a storm because the anchor was straight down with no give in the cable the water began to pull the boat up but it couldn't I pull the bow so the back of the boat it pulls so violently that the connector slid around from the bow to the side of the vessel and then when the wave came and pulled the boat up it did this took all water broke and went down when those four people finally got back up they found nothing two of them were strong enough to make it two of them died we have an anchor but you can't put Jesus just anywhere in your life [Music] and if you put Jesus just anywhere you can't be so cavalier that your jump off the boat and go down I hear people all the time saying I believe we got enough time so I could go out enjoy a few things and make it back in I wonder what would make you want to leave Jesus for I haven't done enough things to be an authority but I've talked to folk who've done just about everything and people who had enough money to really sin I'm done with some serious sin you know what they tell me I wish I had stayed with Jesus Solomon had enough money to try nothing you can do outside of Jesus that really brings you joy so if you ever jumped off the ship to go down and have some fun don't do it now and if you've got an anchor don't put it in the wrong place they need you I got one paragraph I need to read because there's something I've got to ask you today listen to this if you refuse to come to God and confess your backslidings that he may heal you there is nothing to be hoped for for you or your poor family in the future misery will follow up on the steps of sin God's hand will be against you and he will leave you to be controlled by Satan to be led captive by him at his will you will not know to what lengths you may go you will be like a man at sea without an anchor the truth of God is an anchor you are breaking away from that anchor your eternal interests are being sacrificed to the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life you are on the point of breaking the bounds which would save you from utter destruction and seeking to save your life by concealing your wrongs you are losing it if you now humble yourself before God confess your wrongs and return to him with purpose of heart yours can yet be a happy family if you will not do this but choose your own way your happiness is at an end volume to testimonies 303 you have an anchor you have a rock [Music] what is before us some people sitting around trying to worry about the time of trouble tracing where are you sweetheart you need to listen to the words of this song comes after this song I'm gonna make an appeal at camp meeting and it may surprise you [Music] there is a name [Music] I'm named so one I [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's hard [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] this name speaks p unto I will it's [Music] amen Thank You Stacey [Applause] as a storm out over the ocean and it's moving this way if your souls not anchored in Jesus you'll surely drift away I'm gonna do something today that might seem strange but I'm learning now that Jesus specializes in strange things there is somebody at camp meeting today who has never been baptized today you need an anchor you need a rock and you have them both if you'll simply give your life to Jesus I'm gonna call you my brother I'm gonna call you my sister to get up at camp-meeting and come and stand beside me and say I want to be baptized is there anybody like that today if you're standing on the edge if you're sitting in the middle no matter what your situation made me I called you in the name of Jesus to be baptized would you come now would you get up from your seat would you move from your place you need to be baptized this storm is coming whether you like it or not and you need to be ready I call you in Jesus name would you move right now would you move right now you need to be baptized you need to be baptized I call you in Jesus where are you stand up and let the Holy Spirit move you come to Jesus you need to be baptized there's a storm that's coming and it's moving fast now and if your soul is not anchored in the rock Christ Jesus you're gonna be swept away but today Jesus offers you himself as a rock and the anchor which is the hope in his salvation I called you now would you get up out of your chair would you come out of your place walk towards me but come to Jesus come to Jesus where are you Lord told me you were here you don't have to respond but you know you're here stand up where you are move from where you are come to Jesus right [Music] in the name of Jesus I call you Father in heaven I can't say the right thing but you can fill this place up with holy angels let hanjo stand beside that very one who needs to move and let them assure that person down here let them bring the one who needs to come but bring that person before it's eternally too late because there's a storm coming Lord and you told me to say what I said today and having said it I must call now Lord you make it happen in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus amen where are you where are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody else somebody else somebody else been hanging around the church but you've never been baptized didn't do it you got to have an anchor my brother you gotta have a rock my sister I called you in Jesus name I called you in Jesus name come to him today get your anchor sure and stedfast I call you in Jesus name where are you this is not about numbers it's about who Jesus calls and there's somebody who Jesus calls I called you in the name of Jesus now let me add to that and you gotta listen carefully now cuz I'm not trying to get everybody can't meeting up on their feet there's somebody who has drifted away but you're here today and before you leave today you want to get your anchor into the rock this may be a hard call in the first one I made but there's somebody who needs to answer it you've been drifting maybe nobody knew you were drifting maybe everybody knew you were drifting but today the Lord calls you to come back home to put your anchor in the rock I call you in the name of Jesus come and stand with us come back home and get your anchor in the rock where are you you're not in a strange place today you're surrounded by people who love you people who are praying for you but there's an invisible cloud of witnesses there are holy angels who are above this place the Holy Spirit is above this canopy the Lord watches in this place today and there's somebody who needs to come home today I called you today in the name of Jesus would you come would you come now would you get up out of your seat and move this way come bowling don't leave here without an anchor don't leave here without your anchor in the rock Christ you came to camp-meeting you don't know why but now you understand I called you in the name of Jesus don't leave this place without getting your anchor in the rock well why do I have to come down to the front there are a lot of answers but one of them is you need to give somebody else strength and when the Lord lets them see you being moved by his spirit somebody else will see a sermon in your life there's somebody else who needs to move I called you now in the name of Jesus come to him right now come to him right now you're drifted away but nobody knows maybe back at your church they've got you in some office but I'll tell you today that the nominating committee can't get you into heaven it takes the anchor it takes the rock I called you in the name of Jesus come home today you're at cat meeting but you need to come home I called you in the name of Jesus gotta close this one pretty soon got to close it pretty soon people tell me all the time if you just stayed open a little longer pastor well your little longer has come and gone it's time for you to move there's somebody who came here today you didn't plan to do what I'm asking you to do in Jesus name but the reason why the Lord brought you was for this I call you in the name of Jesus bring your life to Him give yourself back to him key get your anchor in the rock would you move now need you to move now need you to move now maybe everybody at home thinks you already anchored but that's what they think you and Jesus know something else I call you in the name of Jesus I call you in the name of Jesus somebody's holding back the Lord just told me about you somebody here today who won't move god bless you my sister you're fighting you're fighting why in the world would you fight Jesus he says I'll I'll be a rock and I'll be your anchor if you'll just let me have your life and somebody who should have moved a long time ago certainly you oughta move now where are you where are you I called you for the last time in this meeting you may have a thousand more opportunities to come to Jesus but there's somebody in here who will never hear another call as big as this congregation is there's somebody in this room who will never hear another call I sure wish you'd come to this one there's somebody in here who will never hear another appeal there's somebody in here who will never feel the Holy Spirit tugging at your heart again I called you in the name of Jesus I called you in Jesus you need to move you need to move I'm not gonna water it down folks I'm not taking it down to some little thing where everybody stands up it's not going there today the Lord has not impressed me to go there I'm calling for people who need to come home to Jesus who need to meet to make their peace calling an election sure I call you in the name of Jesus and I got one more and and that's all listen listen carefully there's somebody here today who is so tired because you haven't been able to rest now you need to listen to me the tiredness does not come by doing evil the time is sometimes comes from doing good but if you're not anchored in Jesus you can't rest there's somebody here today loves Jesus with all of their heart but they're so tired they're about to give up so burnt out that they're about to throw in the towel I want to ask you to stand up where you are because we're gonna ask the Lord today to renew your strength to give you your anchor so you can rest to stand up before we pray and somebody else out there who ought to move if I knew who you were come get you is there anybody out there who knows you need to move but you can't come by yourself hold your hand up one of these pastors will come and get you I'll come get you is there someone else who needs to come but you can't make it hold your hand up we'll come and help you and somebody else who needs to come and God bless you what people are coming from everywhere I wish you would say a man for the power of God I don't know about you but I think this is what camp meeting is all about what are you saying if you go home and nothing happened then what did you do what was it about he says somebody else who needs to get under the wire under the wire I called you in Jesus name there's somebody who's tired who needs to stand up you're not tired from doing all the evil things you you're tired because you haven't had an anchor Jesus is your anchor and you need to renew your strength but there's one somebody who may need to come down I need to ask you what you move now would you move now we're about to pray mr. president this is your flock this is your church please please offer this ring [Music] Almighty God you have revealed to us today the visitation of your Holy Ghost in this place this is not man's doing [Music] you've been with us all day long and you've nurtured us spiritually that we have come to this part of the service were the souls of men and women hanging a balance between life and death [Music] salvation and damnation the preacher has made it clear the gospel Commission has gone out to every soul and invitation has been made Oh Lord we thank you for those who pull themselves away from the grip of Satan they wanted to hold them back and said to Satan get behind me in Jesus here I come faith did Jesus think during the name of the Lord but Lord your servant many of us here we know that there are many more than a steel in the valley we see Lord speak to the heart chase the fear away chase chase to scandalizing concept that we have that if we show ourselves that we must come to Jesus than we're saying to somebody else than we're weak or we're not worthy who is worthy there are many who are standing or making commitments saying Jesus I want to be more than I am once again pastor Pearson never disappoints another great message from him I'm so glad he was part of our camp meeting throwback series amen amen powerful work yes yes and of course we want to give you those same reminders that we have been that
Channel: True Education 1844
Views: 31,936
Rating: 4.6442046 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Walter Pearson, Walter Pearson sermons, Breath of Life TV, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Allegheny East Conference, Remnant Church, Present Truth
Id: UoZT9sEzcds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 41sec (5621 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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