Oakwood Praise - Walter Pearson Tribute part 2

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good evening and welcome to Oakwood praise i'm leslie pollard president of Oakwood University and tonight it is a great delight to share a fond memory on Oakwood praise of one of the great pulpit ears of the seventh-day Adventist Church and beyond that of the Christian Church in general elder Walter Pearson speaker director of the breath of life telecast for more than 14 years before his retirement passed away and was funeral eyes recently and in reflecting with our production team we thought it might be great to feature a couple of sermons for the next few weeks on dr. Pearson he was such a tremendous puppeteer and I'm just reflecting I'm gonna take a moment to reflect upon the significance of his pulpit worked not only was it recognized by the Martin Luther King jr. symposium of preachers in Atlanta for he was the first seventh-day Adventist to be inducted into that prestigious gallery of preachers but beyond that as a person who has studied and taught homiletics I was always fascinated and I always used whoa as an example of some of the marvelous techniques that are used in African American preaching and one of the things that strikes me about elder Pearson dr. Pearson he was conferred an honorary degree was that dr. Pearson was always at the highest level on each of those pulpit devices and when you listen to his preaching you can hear those things so let me give you just a couple of examples take Walt's use of narrative narrative his storytelling now there are good storytellers and they're bad storytellers but what was a great story teller Walt could take a common incident in life and when he finished elaborating that story and narrating it you as the listener were completely absorbed by that story and that's the power storytelling it's no it's no wonder that people say that storytelling is a universal form in matter of fact I've preached in 60 different countries and I always go into any country wherever I am telling stories because story is a universal form so pastor Pearson's use of of narrative was was a thing to behold it really was his use of humor those of us who listen to his sermons through the years could always find a reason to delight whenever you listen down to Pearson u he he was the expert he was the ultimate experiential preacher you could go from from from stunning highs to deep deep lows there would be laughter and tears he was the ultimate experiential preacher another thing that he did very very well that I hope you hear in these next couple of sermons he was able to actually embody characters not all of us have that ability I'll be the first to admit that I really don't have that ability in the same way that that dr. Pearson did and very few people do but pastor Pearson in the in the flight of his preaching could actually enter into a character and you wouldn't even know that he had assumed the character until he came out of it and again it was just that kind of exhilarating experience and so tonight we honor him we recognize him because of his great contributions and we share one of his messages across the next two weeks just so that you can have a sense once again that the text is true in Revelation chapter 14 I think it's verse 13 that says blessed are they that die in the Lord they shall rest from their labors and their works do follow them pastor Pearson's work in the pulpit in his ministry with his family that work will go on long beyond his passing to his family Patricia and the children we send our beloved greetings and all of our condolences and support take a moment and enjoy the war the only the irrepressible elder Walter Pearson I want to let you know that this is one of the most beautiful sermons that I think I preached but it's the most difficult one to do because I don't know what you're gonna feel but every time every time I see him when I see what he did for me I can barely take it so pray that I get through the sermon but pray more that God will show us his son again would you pray with me Father in heaven today we would see Jesus we recognize that he no longer hangs on a cross today Jesus ministers as our high priest in the heavenly sanctuary he's there when we pray he's there when we have knees he's there to forgive our sins but today we want to see him as he shed his blood for us so as we open the Word of God let the spirit be with us let us be guided into all truth and I pray father that as I determined to speak the truth by the power of your Holy Spirit that every heart will recognize the truth and be changed by it this is my prayer in the name of Jesus amen it is important I believe to know why Jesus that I am NOT angry at that motion picture that got everybody's mind focused again on Jesus I sat there and saw a few places where I would have done things differently but since I didn't have the discretionary funds I couldn't make the movie I tell you what I don't think it takes a movie to see it I believe God has arranged it so that if you understand why he died and that my friends is my burden today not just that he died I think all of us are impressed with the pain that he suffered but if it was for nothing if if it was something he brought upon himself as I hear some theologians even say then what was it but I dare to differ with them I believe that the central act of all eternity will be the death of Jesus on Calvary because it was not for him but for me that Jesus died and the first reason I suggest to you is found in Revelation chapter 20 some of you know that we go through texts fairly quickly I have these just about memorized but I'll find a few with you Revelation chapter 20 and verse 6 it says blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years the Bible speaks about the second death suggesting that there is a first death the first death is the kind of death that we see every day the second death is eternal death for those who refuse Jesus blood and it's saving qualities so the first death is the result of sin many of us will die it does not mean that we are dying without Christ in fact I'm happy to announce today that you can live in Christ and die in Christ and if you die in Christ it's a sleep it's a sleep because you wake up when you hear the voice of Jesus those who are in their graves those who have come to know the name of Jesus and understand what the voice of Jesus sounds like we'll hear his voice in the tomb nobody else can be heard in the tomb the living know that they shall die the dead know not anything their love their hatred his perish they have not the power to hear the life giver calls and when Jesus calls even people who are dead will hear his voice and will rise the same angel that ushered them to their graves will wait for them as they rise up in the power of divinity and will take them to meet with their Lord I love the thought of it what do you say but there is a second death people who die the second death will be resurrected quickly and died again at the brightness of his coming and I suggest to you that the first reason that I want to share with you that Jesus died well so that I could avoid the second death so today I I know that I might die the first death and I'm not afraid I've already been in the situations where I thought it was about to come my shared one with you I I remember one time my wife and I were driving on a little narrow road in the in the country it was slippery and wet we only had our daughter then she was standing between us on the front seat of the car another car came out of its Lane ran into that big Buick we were driving ripped it off at the firewall another car hit us from the back I remembered that there was a chasm over to the right I thought the second car would push us over and all I had time to say was live help us when that car stopped glass was everywhere I remember that I had a big afro hairstyle in those day I was quite proud of it part of the car had touched my hair part of the car had touched my leg my wife had just a tiny Nick on her leg child our daughter was sitting between us glass all over us but nothing had touched us God is able but in that moment before we were safe I thought if I must go I want to just come on Jesus one more time because if I die in him I rise again if Christ had not died every one of us would be susceptible not only to the first death but to the second I tell you today that we have hope because Jesus died on Calvary then we also have proof that the ceremonial law is in debt we talked about how cumbersome they were there were laws that said you can only walk a certain distance on the Sabbath you could only carry something about equal to a handkerchief you couldn't do certain things and even when you did what was lawful on the Sabbath that would be somebody there to criticize you Jesus came into conflict with these laws because he healed the sick on the Sabbath that's proper for the SAP somebody today ought to take time to go visit someone you ought to bring a light to someone's life you ought to tell them about the Jesus of the Sabbath but the fact is that under the weight of those ceremonial laws the Sabbath had become a burden you had to sit there and think about what you could do and what you couldn't do you couldn't have the joy of the Sabbath and I tell you that God has created the Sabbath as a delight in fact if you delight yourself in the Lord on the Sabbath he will give you a particular brand of joy there is a joy in communing with Jesus on the Sabbath that nobody else can have except those who believe what he says and then he will magnify your joy so I'm not talking about the east-to-west ubiquitous miles that people have on commercials I'm not talking about people trying to make themselves happy I'm talking about the joy that springs up from inside when you know that God is in your life that Jesus is the one governs your activities and when you can walk with Him and talk with him then you understand the joy of the Sabbath but those laws also said that when I send I had to take a sacrifice to the priest or to the temple the priest would sometimes cut the Lambs throat or eventually even the sinner would cut the lambs throat Jesus understood and so every symbol in the ceremonial law pointed forward to the real sacrifice one day when Jesus finally went to the cross the priest was still there at the temple knife in hand a lamb about to die but when Jesus declared it is done it is accomplished the priests hand began to tremble the knife fell the lamb leaped from that place and scampered away because the real Lamb of God had gone to the cross so in Colossians chapter 2 in verse 14 you will read them that there were laws that were nailed to Jesus cross it was not the Ten Commandments Bible says they last forever they are holy just and good they are the perfect law of Liberty they last sorry till heaven pass away one-nothing of an eye or crossing of a tee will not pass from the law of God until all is accomplished so it was the ceremonial law that was nailed to the cross the law that Deuteronomy 31 24 says that Moses wrote with his own hand the Bible says that the Ten Commandments were written by the finger of God well let me pause just a moment to say this one of my favorite preachers pointed out that at when Jesus writes law he writes it in stone I'm writing backwards it's Hebrew hold it the finger of Jesus could write in stone so when Jesus writes law he writes it in stone but one day there was a group that came to accuse a woman caught in adultery on that day Jesus wrote on the floor of the temple in dust he wrote the unconfessed sins of those who had brought this woman and when he had finished writing they had all gone so today I declare to you that when Jesus writes law he writes it in stone so you can't forget it but even if he were to write your sin he would only write it in dust so that when you confess them and forsake them he can say blow them away [Music] that's the power of my deep so Jesus goes to the cross so that I can enjoyed the Sabbath and I do if you see me on a Sabbath and wonder why I'm happy it's because I'm told to be happy the Sabbath brings joy it's a delight and I thank God for it I have an extra fifty two vacation days per year so if you haven't had a vacation recognize God's holy Sabbath you'll get fifty two vacation days and they come just in time just as you are about to go slowly out of your mind the Sabbath comes it's not a time to go to sleep and stay asleep it's time to commune with God and the only question you need to ask on the Sabbath is does it honor God and if it honors God then it's worthy of doing on God's holy Sabbath then Jesus went to the cross to show that the commandments are forever binding there are some people who think that Jesus did away with law and my question is simple if he did away with law why did he die if law was expunged then Jesus need never have come to the earth if I knew what heaven looked like completely and had lived there why would I choose to come here not a bad place in some spaces some of you live in very nice houses write me a note invite me over I know how to behave myself in nice houses but I'll tell you already your house there's nothing compared to God's house I don't care where you live your house is nothing compared to the house you're gonna have when God takes you to his place where there are resting places dwelling places that are permanently mine in fact one of the beauties of my home there will be that you can't take it away no taxes no mortgage no rental payments so so if he came and let's let's go quickly I need to look this up but let me move Ezekiel chapter 8 and verse 4 says the soul that sinneth shall die the greatest lie that Satan ever told was the one he said disguised as a snake he said to Eve you shall not surely die God had said Romans chapter 6 and verse 23 the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life if you do away with the last part public if you do away with the first part of that text wages of sin is death you don't need the last spot gift of God eternal life if there is no law if there is no death for sin then why do you need Jesus to give you eternal life you already have it I suggest to you by deductive reasoning this text proves that the law is still steady Jesus says I didn't come to destroy the law Matthew chapter 5 starting with verse 17 he says I came to establish the law so Jesus came to seek Him to save the Lost but not by throwing out the rulebook he came to shed his blood for in his blood there is power to remit sin so the death on Calvary establishes that the law of God is still binding the law is there then somebody says does God really love me if he allows me to work under law and my answer is real simple God had to have rules the problem today is that we live in a lawless society I don't want to talk about people in our parking lot right here I don't want to talk long but it's amazing to me how some people are very law-abiding until they want to get close at your home you have a treadmill you bought it so you could walk but then you get to a place like this and you don't want to walk anymore you want to park just beside the door so people become lawless they fly into parking spaces when they see somebody else coming rushing to hear the word of God Romans chapter 5 and verse 8 I need to read this one it's powerful Romans chapter 5 and verse 8 here's what the Bible says but God commendeth his love towards us toward us in that while we were yet sinners while we were yet sinners Christ died for us the fact is that while you were still a gleam in your father's eye before you were born jesus knew that you would be born a sinner but he died for you anyway so he proves his love that he keeps rules but that he dies for us so that we can be set free by his blood then someone says how about this if God is omniscient if he knows everything and I believe he does then God knew before man was created that man would sin and that the wages of sin would be death so why would God make us in the first place if he knew we would sin and be guilty and punishable by death Isaiah chapter 53 is where I'd like to take you because I posit to you today that Isaiah 53 proves that we will be in better shape after sin and Christ than we were before Isaiah chapter 53 and why don't we start reading at about verse 3 he is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquity the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed so whatever sin inflicts upon us whatever the death penalty might have inside of it Jesus by His sacrificial death on Calvary takes it all away in fact I believe that he not only takes it away but places us in a new position so that no longer are we just servants of God but we are adopted by faith into the family of God we we surrender our lives when we are born again we are not born back into the same family with all of the same family traits but now we are born into the family of God so Jesus becomes my elder brother and I am no longer just a servant but I am now in the family in fact my record is not worthy to get me into heaven but Jesus wipes my record clean and puts his there because all of my righteousness is are like filthy rags so I have his record instead of mine then in ephesians chapter 1 and verse 7 you must know that there is another gift ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 says this in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace there is no reason why anybody in the family or carries sin because our redemption has been accomplished through the death of Christ on Calvary now once you understand in fact Jeremiah chapter 8 and verse 22 asks is there no balm and give is that no medication for my disease I've got a disease that the physicians don't quite comprehend because it's not a physiological disease it is a disease in my soul it was sold there both by my genetics and my acculturation I am born in sin and shaped in iniquity it came through my tunic square it came through my family tree but it also came by how I live and the question is can you find a medicine that will take that away and according to Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 22 almost all things are by blood cleanse almost all things and without that there is no remission I tell you today that I was born with the cancer of sin and I hope that there's some cancer survivor' listening to me because I I thank God for what's happening in your life I'm glad that God has power over cancer I'm glad that God has power over physical diseases and you are happy to hear that word remission but listen Jesus also has power over sin and when you take into your life the blood of Jesus there's power in the blood and blood the blood of Jesus puts my sin into remission I praise God for it now let me share with you if you will what the American Medical Association was inclined to do I was shocked when I saw it because this this August group of physicians that rarely looks at anything in the religious realm it's too risky but I picked up an article sent to me by a friend a friend who knew that if I saw it I would preach at least one sermon on it and the physicians began to explain what they saw in the death of Jesus they began if you will in Luke chapter 22 you must know that dr. Luke the physician was there with Jesus from beginning almost to the end Luke chapter 22 the Bible has to say here that there were certain physiological signs that Jesus was in trouble as he began to face the specter of Calvary verse 44 and being in agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground the physician starts by saying that this phenomenon called him mad resists his whim blood hemorrhages into the tiny blood vessels of the body so that instead of perspiration coming through the pores as normal blood mingles in the vessels with perspiration so that when the face begins to have droplets on it they are not clear droplets they are bloody droplets so even in Gethsemane having gone through that last supper you remember when they began to dip into the into that little sauce that they shared the herbs and there was one hand that came down with Christ's remember who it was it was one Iscariot Judas D dipped in Jesus locked eyes with him and the question didn't have to be spoken but it was Jesus had walked for months and his trusting in these 12 but one of them thought he was so worldly wise that he could go make a deal with the enemies of Christ some scholars believe that he thought if he pushed Jesus into a situation which was impossible Jesus would have to show his power Jesus doesn't need your help to be God and so he sold his master took those pieces of silver and as Jesus looked into his eyes in fact one of my favorite writers says that the moment that was most telling was when Jesus went to wash the disciples feet there was no servant that day when they went to the upper room there should have been but there wasn't no disciple was humble enough to get on his knees and wash anybody's feet so Jesus took the towel and knelt down and wash their feet you remember Peter said no but when Jesus said look if you don't let me do that you can't make it he said then wash my feet in my head wash me all over you can talk about Peter if you want to but he knew how to make an adjustment midstream Jesus comes now to the feet of Judas and takes his foot in his hand and that writer favorite of mine says that a shock one of his legs and there he felt the love of Christ not an electric shock it was a love shock and when it came to his heart and to his head he didn't know what to do and so he fought because had he not fought he would have surrendered and his plans would have changed because when Jesus touches you even your feet something changes insider he had to fight it all and he was in danger of being saved until he got up and let me tell you something I want to be straight with you Jesus will come and touch every one of you he'll do it before this sermon is over and you've got a choice you can let him keep his hands on you and his touch will change you or you can pull away the only way you'll be able to resist him is to get up and walk away because if you stay where Jesus is I promise you that nothing will be the same he has that power so so Jesus is in Gethsemane the disciples look at him and he frightens them they have never seen anything like it there are dots of blood on his face that face that they loved to behold and they wonder what's wrong but presently you know there wasn't much time between those moments and when the guards came and they came and Judas went to put up a kiss what a terrible kiss there are Christians who kiss like that and as Jesus went up and allowed him to this the soldiers came and took him Peter takes out his sword sometimes Peter does exactly what I think I would have done and if you think Peter was aiming at that God's here you don't understand Peter Peter missed I think he was headed for riot about here he misses and got in here and he even in the midst of his trial Jesus puts the ear back nobody pays much attention to that but even when you are against him even when you have sold him out even when you come to arrest him even when you are about to accomplish his death Jesus is still in healing mode he does it now here is what happens let's let's look carefully the fact is that Jesus goes from one judge to another he went first to the Jewish judges Anna's Caiaphas then the religious centre drain from one o'clock in the morning to sunrise he walked from one courthouse to another but there's not one right sentence issue in fact that sunrise he is probably at the political Sanhedrin where they convict him again a blasphemy when he was convicted by the religious Sanhedrin here is what the leaders of the Jewish church did they put on him symbols that represented kingship then they blindfolded him they fill their mouths with saliva and spat then with their fists they beat his face trying their best to disfigure him because even with all of their power they couldn't take anything from him he was under their presumed power that he ever was so he already had one beating when they turned him loose and when he went to the political Sanhedrin they convicted him again now he comes to those those Roman judges he goes first to punch his pilot who says no I it's nothing wrong with him they take him to Herod the Tetrarch of Galilee and this man says well I don't know what to do and finally when the crowd continues to scream and and you must listen to me never never trust the majority you got to find out what the majority is doing there are some people who spend their lives following the majority everything they do there check the wind to see which way the majority is going too many politicians check the wind to see which way the wind is blowing when right ought to be the sign that you follow but when he could find nothing wrong the people in their crowd began to chant crucified crucified there is every reason to believe that the devil mingle imps in the crowd distributed gathers demons in the crowd and they were the ones who precipitated the chant can you see some wrinkled face imp starting quietly cruising and here are people who claim to know God who began to chant what they hear instead of what they know the cast of God's people it's not so much the devil wing now what he's gonna do it's people who claim to be God's people who chant things because they hear it so the chant begins to spread and all of a sudden even the leaders of the Jewish Church are crying out crucify crucify crucify and in order to make the people go away this this terrible Roman judge says do what you will I washed my hands up but take him now comes the problem the scourging was death but it was not the cross it was the skirt the fact is that this was accomplished by people who were known as lictors they would have something that was had a handle and an unequal length of leather and twine or braided sometimes just simply hanging on their own in the ends of some of those leather lengths were iron balls to give weight to that scourge then there were broken teeth of sheep in other lays so that when the iron balls gave weight the teeth would cut into the skin they would hang the person who was about to be scourge time at the top of a of a long wooden distance and strip him of all of his flaws then either one or two litters would take turns making an inverted V on his back so one would come down this way on this side of his back going down the other would come down this way on the other side of his back going down they would start at the nape of the neck and come all the way past the buttocks cutting open the skin with the scourge they were supposed to only do it 39 times but even the Bible says that they would go further than this because they wanted the life of this man who claimed so much power claimed to be the son of God so on the second time that they came by bees terrible leather lengths went underneath the skin that had been cut and they started going into the skeletal muscles they would pull flesh from underneath the cut skin so that when they came down the second time coming down the same way in the same moves the flesh of the Son of God was torn away and then he was left at a moment when he was almost dead but here's my experience to power moment the Bible says with his stripes oh how I love Jesus he because he knew every time they hit him there was a fountain filled with blood being filled up a reservoir of healing power so that no matter how deep my sin may be every time they put a scar on his back they gave more power to save me from my sin [Applause] like that you put on so you were done to do what you did cuz you feel that we found him and today I am saved by his blood and by his stripes what they had done before they had taken those two to four inch those those thorns twined them together put them on his head remember that his skin was already fragile and thin blood had already used to through it they pressed it down on him and then they took the speck that they put in his hand as a scepter and beat it on his storms drove him deeper into the skin of his face he was already stained by blood that had used through his skin because of the trauma of the suffering and now the thorns dig into the skin and then they take him from that place wrap a garment around him taunt him spit on him beat him dogs ran beside him and as they ran they talked about his parentage somebody made a cruel joke about his mother who claimed that she had a virgin birth and I don't know the names that they might have called him in their language but what they said was you don't really have a day can you imagine what God must have felt there telling his son he doesn't have a daddy God could have grabbed the earth sand [Applause] but because God so loved the world he [Applause] allowed it to continue so now having wrapped Jesus again they put upon him the cross there is dissention now I know most of you have seen the movie I finally saw it and I know that they have the tall cross completely on the back of Jesus the American Medical Association disagrees they say that the the vertical part of the cross was in place and that it was only the particular the horizontal part of the cross that weighed from 75 to 125 pounds that they bent him over and put it across his neck and then tied his hands to it let me tell you if Jesus could have stopped being human he would have walked that thing forever you'd ask where's the rest of the cross this all you've got but he could not carry the cross as God he had to carry it as a man he had had a ministry that involved walking so Jesus was in great physical condition everywhere he went he walked in fact from 9 o'clock on Thursday night to 9 o'clock on Friday morning he had gone without food without water without sustenance and he had only been betrayed and and beaten and and everything that you can imagine it happened to him and and this is the human being upon whom they put this this this particular and humanity carries it for a long time attesting to his physical fitness there are some people who see Jesus has some wispy little genderless figure it's not much easy I I believe that when they put it on him his muscles rippled he had worked with his father in a carpenter shop he did not make birdhouses they carried the wood from one place to another sometimes over two hours just to get to the place where they worked and then they built houses so when you saw Jesus walk you did not see somebody who looked like he was vulnerable in fact every man who could have seen Jesus if it has not been that God did not want his physical appearance to draw us if God had not made it so that we did not become drawn by his physical appearance Jesus would have been so muscular that every man would have wanted to be liked he would have been so handsome that every woman would have swooned when she saw but he's-he's in Isaiah it says he had no form or comeliness God didn't want you to follow Jesus cousin whether look back he wanted you to follow him because of his love so he was built so that you didn't follow him because of that however I'm telling you that he carried that thing until human power could do no more that was this black man I apologize to everyone who cannot take immediate pride in the fact that he's black just come on and experience the power anyway I posit to you that if Simon had looked weak they would never have chosen so he must have been a real black man let's listen listen listen it takes a real man to be able to express sensitivity if you have questions about your gender you can never share at it you can never be touched you got to always be strong and Marcia but if you're a real man you if you cry you still a man the man right if you so sympathy he's still a man so this man showed sympathy and the Roman soldiers saw it and they saw he was powerfully built no doubt and saw that he was in sympathy so that you come here he didn't volunteer let's don't let's don't make it better than it is but they called him and Simon carries the cross and when he when he carries it it changes him [Music] you get carried across and stay the same there's reason to believe that his whole family was changed because he bore the cross and Jesus is taken to the police called Golgotha they're they they take his garments ripped him off his back the blood has cemented the cloth to his back so they tear it off they throw him down on the ground so that now the dirt the blood-stained dirt of Golgotha where many have died and their dry blood is Kate in the earth so there's no reason to think that everyday diseased particle everything that could bring him illness is there and they press him down and stretch him his hands those hands that had touched fevered brows and the fever disappeared those hands that it mingles spittle with clay and just put it on somebody's eye and the man says I can see but it's not real clear he said let me get in one more - he puts it on again side I see I see clearly now those hands that had touched that funeral bier you remember that widow who came out with her son Jesus in his crowd met them one crowd shouting for joy one crowd mourning for sadness and all of a sudden the cacophony of sound comes together Jesus stops all the know those same hands go over and say lady let me take care and he touches that dead boy and he gets up so now the two crowds are making the same noise because the funeral has been turned into a shouting Brigade and they all sing the praises of Jesus together those hands those hands they stretch now there's every reason to believe that the Romans had physicians to find the place it was not according to the American Medical Association in the palm I really I don't have a problem it doesn't matter where they put the nail it just matters that he died they say it was here they say that the physicians from the Romans would find the exact place where the median nerve was the median nerve when touched and traumatized radiates a burning sensation of the arm and into the chest and they put it there a five to seven inch square cut spike and they beat it next to the median nerve if it severs the median nerve the hand will be forced into paralysis like a claw so it could be that the hand of Jesus the median nerve being severed was paralyzed into a claw like place but they stretched him there then they take his feet and put them together on top of each other and pound the spike there they go to a nerve in the feet then they pull that thing up and drop it and there is the doctors say that hanging on that cross in sex would find the places in the back that were cooked cut open and begin to burrow into the wound they would get around his eyes and borrow into his eyes he could feel the pain of insects that had been made by his own hand borrowing now into his own flesh but he could not wipe them away in fact even when they offered him an analgesic wine and gall he put it away because he knew that unless he drank the dregs of suffering he could not save Walter Pearson and so he would not accept the painkiller because he had to save me now let me move quickly because here is I think the worst part there are many there are many things said about how he died but here's what I believe one of the things that happened was when he was hung on the cross legs twisted weight on his hand his diaphragm is pulled up so the problem with breathing is that he can't exhale easily so his breathe is breathing is shallow in order to exhale he's got a push up in fact some people died on the cross because they could never exhale so they were asphyxiated asphyxiated by not being able to breathe and if Jesus said anything from the cross like Father forgive them for they know not what they know [Applause] even when he came to the very end into thy hand and at 3:00 in the afternoon on an oddly fried his head fell and the Roman guards came to break his legs to make sure he was dead they saw that he was gone a six-foot spear was plunged into his side water and blood came out and here's what the doctors say it was either from hypovolemic shock which means you don't have enough blood it's too low and your heart struggles to find enough blood to pump or it's some strange arrhythmia that is the hearts reaction trying to save you so it's either that he has hypovolemic shock or exhaustion asphyxia but the blood and the water say that it could have been some intervening instant event that caused him to die in three to six hours instead of the days that he could have stayed there because the Jewish leaders wanted to take him down before the Sabbath came so some physicians say that it may have been a rapture of heart a heart rupture that would have allowed pleural fluid from the lungs to seep into the pericardial sac or that the heart itself produced water because of its trauma and when that spear went in blood and water came out signifying that it was his heart that bro for you if I were God and I saw my daughter my firstborn and an electric chair in a gas chamber lying on a gurney where you would put into her vein some poison that would kill it if I had the power to save her even if you would die my daughter would get help cuz that's how I love her if my son were about to be executed even if you would die my son would be saved cuz that's my son but God loved you so much that God and all the holy angels put on darkness like overcoats gather darkness to them and met down at the cross so God the Father and all the holy angels dressed in darkness came not to take Jesus down he happened in my place so God didn't come to snatch him from the cross he just came to stand with him as he died in my place because it was God's intent also that I died thanks for watching join us next time for more breath of life with pastor Walter L Pearson jr.
Channel: Oakwood University
Views: 7,128
Rating: 4.6444445 out of 5
Id: n28i9d5CMbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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