Dr paul Enenche - The Prayer of Jabez

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this is 1st chronicles chapter 4 verse 9 and 10 and gia bed was more honorable than his brethren his mother called his name Japan saying because I bear him with and Jabez called on the name of the God of Israel saying oh that that would bless me indeed and like my coasts that your hand might be with me that will keep me from evil that it may not greet me and God granted him that which she requested father bless your world let this world be a turning point for somebody's life in the name of Jesus Christ I am looking at the subject they pray of Jabez this is doctrine and as we look at this battery you are going to just see just one consistent thing there Hana the Bible said Jabez was more honorable than his miserable man but Priya changing from being a miserable person to becoming an honorable person the same trust subject tonight is the path of prayer is the path of Hana that is that is the summary of everything we are say tonight in this path tree the path of prayer is the the life style of prayer is the life through scripture every time you see a person of Prayer you are face to face with a passing I will give you four examples example number one the example of somewhere somewhere was a young man who literally spent his childhood in the presence of God he didn't know what it means to play with toys he didn't know what it means to be like a child like other children he spent time at a place of Prayer he was a man who spent his time with God and referring to son well in family tonight receives the Bible said there is an honorable man in the city in this city is a man of God and He is the prayerful son well became among the prayerful boy of of today became became of of yesterday became the honorable man when sunwell went to the house of Jesse to anoint a king infests America 16 verse 4 the Bible said the city trembled the elders of the town trembled at his coming that is to show you the kind of elders of a whole city trouble you see my dear brothers and sisters men who know how to praise a man who knows and women who know how to praise they carry a example number 2 Esther the Honorable Queen Esther but the patient Empire was a woman of prayer and fasting she was the one who said in Esther chapter 6 I am going to pray I am going to fast and if I perish I perish man of Prayer women of Prayer are women and men example number three Daniel Daniel was the embodiment of Prayer and Daniel was personified anytime you mentioned Daniel in Scripture you will mention excellence you mentioned pray you mentioned horno and dignity regarding Daniel and integrity Daniel was so honorable that Nebuchadnezzar Belshazzar Darius and Cyrus all of them all of them employed his services Daniel was so honorable that when they put him in the lion's den in Daniel chapter 6 the king in verse 18 the king went to his palace me now we're instrument of music brought before him and his sleep went from him he was beloved brothers and sisters the pathway of prayer is the pathway Jabez was miserable but Jabez became honorable by his life an adult Israel s children will mock him you know what I've seen here today and this is his Scripture example number 4 the example of Moses Moses was a chronic in fact intercessor Moses was the man who said to God if you will not forget the dream of Israel blot my name from your book Exodus 32 and in verse 32 blot my name from your book if you won't forgive them consume item that was intercessor intercession personified he was the one that big before God God's food for 40 days and then another 40 days until his face was shining like the Sun the people could not look into his face Moses carries such an honor that before Moses left God said they own you that is unlock became a tangible materiality in numbers chapter 27 and in verse 18 to 20 numbers 27 verse 18 to 20 God said the Lord said unto Moses Thank You Joshua the son of nun a man in whom is this what do you do set him before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation and give him a judge in the asite what else I you shall put some of your own upon him from the way mirror you have relativity to the place on upon you not all of it carries on and drop on Joshua unknown is an impact impact a Papa Joe brought some of your honor upon him that all the congregation addition of Israel may be obedient because you can't disobey an honorable person are you hear what I am saying here today there is somebody here is the son of my voice tonight living here tonight your honor will change levels that a man is to paralyze if you understood all know you'll say you shouting louder amen somebody is moving to a higher level of Honor our nation is moving to a higher level of Honor you believe that that is you you're MA will be louder steal little to us I say Oh God shift me to a higher level of ha no shift me Lord in Jesus name you don't have to see that even those who don't know you from anyway I will say yes thank you here is the word on the Lord is not only to be strengthened but to be honored many times we quote is until they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength that is true but it is not only strength that waiting on the Lord brings here that I say at the 41st that one said that to us but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint wait on the Lord is it was fasting equals praying because his assignment so when you wait on the Lord there is something that that increases in you spiritual strength and stamina supernatural fire increases but there is something else that comes when people wait on the Lord proverbs chapter 27 verse 18 he said he who saw tremendous victory shall eat the fruit thereof so he got with death on his master shall what see revelation is what determines possession you can fast for dumb pious and pray for donkey ass until you know what is meant to come to you don't get it they is brea personified fasting personified talked about rain non-stop for 72 hours first in person if i priya personified authority from all around the world look for his for his endorsement he that waiteth on his master shall what so Japan's waited on God at the place of prayer until on London somebody here tonight after this weekend is over people see you and they were they related you shall change that a man is not a good one say ma like a believer say ma like a believer take your seat because when we there are times when we have a very narrow perspective of certain things not the one unknown refers to respect or regard not the most basic meaning that is what all of us are familiar with what is Miranda infants America to prosthetic be God's he set all those who honor me will I honor those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed so he's talking about those who that is hollow under means respect regard not only your life there is an respect something you carry that provokes regard so the absence of respect is the abundance of reproach well a person is that is life can't be buried in reproach the absence of Hahnel equals a life that is highly tolerated it is a life of anything that makes people mock your Christianity a monkey of God they know from a book tonight tonight [Music] prophetic are you know what I'm saying life but us maybe you laughing stop tonight need them or not that demon Jabba's and delivered in from reproach that unknown is Ramadan you now I trust the route of mockery I crossed the route of this name I trust the route of disrespect and disregard in your life in Jesus literature say in the name of Jesus every reproach in my life you are dying [Applause] and by this you will look you will look for it you cannot find it whatever make people to look down on you you will look for it you cannot find it whatever make them to take your God and your Christianity for granted you will look for it then you cannot find it you [Applause] somebody Lord and then comes the the way people treat you is a function of they all know you patty don't blend them too much they are dealing with you according to what they perceive on you you hear what I'm saying but tonight by the time under comes upon you the a perception of you'll change drastically after tonight this is a prophetic word and it will come to pass then where they think about you shall change tonight shall the loudest amen [Applause] who's the one the king will who is the one day [Music] something is about to happen something is about to happen something is about to happen Charlotte is a man before one Montes over those who used to sit you see you and sit down when they see you they will stand up in your village they will soon know that God has changed your level [Applause] you - yourself to Jesus at an early age midlife fast chop light fast then give your life to Christ later to talk about devil is a pastime Jesus is arresting professionals young here's a young man five men and five women to put the devil on we talked about marriage twenty-something years ago let's tacos it is not a waste to sabji those player does not waste you it it enhances you it changes you it told Japan's into a not multiple-personality soldiers spiritualities combined with prosperity and dignity [Applause] we are the ones that know what it means to be hard by the taboos one hour two hours three hours I followed up saying that is the real high looking for that was to check out like the one of this young man tied him down yesterday today is a gentleman in suit [Applause] it means recognition recognition of potential recognition of expertise recognition of excellence with mission the song who is the one the king is based on the story of the king it was written and then one night God made sure that the king could not sleep because somebody I want to prophesy to somebody and the man or woman that is holding your honor holding your recognition that is sitting on your destiny this night is we are here now they shall lose the asleep they shall lose the asleep they shall lose the arrest they shall lose the appeal until honor has been released for you you believe the shuttle are the same look at ascetic honestly until I have been oh no they cannot sleep and dignity has been done recognition watery cognition has been done from my deck I then said the King 7 that means angle that is not in tone for him what and the King said recently caught him I was coming into the applaud code to the King's house to speak on to the King to hang on what has been done for him no let's finish it verse 4 and I'm the king and the King said we see the God is it now a man was there to come and speak against Mordecai to hang him I'm sorry goodness to me and the King said to him see he mechanically caught verse 6 if the king was too humble and the King said what shall be done unto the man whom the King delights to him even talk in his life who would a king be like to honor Martin myself so he prescribed his own prescription demanded king delight to honor let him bring that his chariot the second channel and let one of the Kings and the Royal let the real operate the Kings plot the king the average let them put it on the man and the horse that they came right at upon and the crown real let them put it on the man's head I let one of the Kings most trusted lieutenants move on foot and go in front of the horse before this man and say I'm the street to Street does shall he be done to the man whom the king like this is the king look your city will soon dance if God is about to to suck your enemies is is about to suck the enemies of this nation is about to humiliate them with your dignity don't you mean it there with your promotion no humiliate them with your honor you believe that shouting louder in the process of the law completion of his athletic prowess recognition of his athletic expertise that is what is all about you carry potential and nobody's aware because the devil purposely buried it and deprive you of honor that was how Jabez was an honorable man who was a leader potentially that was dying in misery that was how David was a man that was the most talented instrumentalists in the whole country was languishing in the wilderness until the anointing came upon his head there are many of us sitting here today we are celebrating today now you are wondering what is wrong with me and what is wrong with my life I was the one who talked this man what he is doing now and everybody is he celebrating him I was the one who prepared this proposal that I use it to shine now I was the one who brought this idea to this country and nobody remembers me anymore but I have bad news for the devil tonight that we got potential in your life that the devil has buried is coming out is coming out is coming out that Amon is sooo paralyzed that a man is to paralyze live two houses in the name of Jesus my potential is coming out because of hano on my life but this world has not known yet after tonight uhnot shall bring it out [Applause] there's someone who recognized grace that has not been identified yet I've got this night haaaah from a book we'll bring it out [Applause] there is somebody and his agents they are afraid in case people know what you can do so they are trying to hide your potential by witchcraft they are trying to hide your destiny but I stand there by the apostolic and prophetic fire mantle and I said whatever they used to cover your life that we shall catch fire [Applause] even there are many others who have put forth very drastic effort recognized before Elias eliot engel paratus acadia eiki shiki Pollyanna that's not enough effort shall a most be recognized it must be recognized as a father I am my struggle is let your potential in my life see the light of day my struggle is everything you have put in me cannot be buried in darkness tonight I call it fault and my generation must recognize the potential of God in my life by the unknown of God on my life in Jesus name always be on respect so when they say what an honorable man it means he was a man with fully deployed potential he was allocated recognition his generation could not ignore him whatever he carried on what that I could do this generation realized it you are not going to end this world in obscurity every cloud of darkness covering Nigeria I said it on fire right now this world must recognize the night of Nigeria the power of terrorism shall bury the identity and the greatness of Nigeria in the name of Jesus you see is there someone here you believe God has spoken to you who knew that could be a son of a prostitute until the oh no God brought him out they beat naughty boy yet the honor of God brought the reacting him out so roaming about are not brought him out Moses is Tamara became a generational leader because Paul the Apostle a mother became a transmitter of life because hundred located him God is about to look at hear me and by the time car is through with you not only will people be shocked but you will be shocked at yourself that a man is paralyzed you will be shocked at what God will use you to do say the loudest amen somebody's everyone when somebody goes to the public speaking screaming speaking all enough actor has finished acting what do they pay them honorary the confirmation of Hana honorarium a position of value to confirm your value just take this token we do not take you for granted dick ha no means reward and location of resources am i communicating what reward have been when he said what honor has been done to him apart from recognition it also refers to reward what reward has been done for this man what reward no reward remember when Paul the Apostle was on the island of Malta Malta tink is present-day Cyprus exacta 28 verse 8 the solid day today the head man of the other Island was sick with the bloody flux this country and he entered in it prayed for him ladies hands and the man was healed in verse 9 the Bible said then they brought when this was done others also which had diseases in the island came all of them were healed you know what they did in verse 10 they also all know those with many Hinault's and when we departed the Lord at us with such things as we're necessary or no means notation where you are or not you are happy they look that does with such things as one necessary they are not those with many honors and look at us so well or not is locking hands are empty we at the unknown of God is lucky he's God speaking to anybody here how about you see people walk like elephant and replay hunts everybody confirmed that yes they are hardworking yet empty pockets are reject bank accounts empty what not after tonight those to whom it belongs I say Amen when all is lacking what belongs to you is held back by the enemy they think you are too small for it I remember I was not a child I prayed with her for three days in those days when I when we get to go fasting pray for one day we'll be with you I think I fasted for three days with that person who was stranded and got a job with an NBC some six zeroes when the tide came this person said that that tight was too big for a church we are now I hear the type was too big for the church but when the person lead a prayer the chart was not too small a it distributed at night this portion to discharge this portion to displace that question - that is the message that was sent to keep the die to one of the places eat it fast as a physical devour by the time three months were ended the money has had finished oh the person was looking for money to transport one to online 29 to transport from Cairo to town after is a routine contract in millions that's happen many times we are people think that you are everyone here tonight whose reward has been withheld whether by an organization a government is system and we are your reward has been withheld in any warehouse where they have kept it i prophesy the release of rewards the release of rewards the release of rewards they release of rewards in the name of Jesus everybody that is suffering from lack of appreciation woman after this night your husband you love I appreciate you man after this night your boss will open appreciate you leafcutter to us in the name of Jesus the owner of God is upon my life and my reward no devil can hold it the owner of God is upon my life and I am stepping now not a man is not good Dunamis is stepping into a season of rewards Nigeria is stepping into a season of the wall you have labored and labor labor unrecognized right now starting from this night the honor of God will usher you into unbelievable rewards and all the year that he can't go home and they cut appeal and the locals and the power warm hahaha eaten I see a restoration of the rewards somebody shoddy yes love look at you never say I am stepping in to a season of rewards and no devil can stop me give the Lord a club behind give him a shout of praise a louder shut up ray something is happening we already saw how owner comes number one waiting on the master he got waited that is waiting on the master at the place of prayer he got waited on his master shall be honored proverbs chapter 27 verse 18 if you wait on your master you will be honored wait at the place of prayer at the place of fasting beloved brothers and sisters please don't take your prayer life for granted don't take your fasting life for granted my communicative study of the world does not take the place of prayer prayer does not take the place of study they all they all have the placement it must be then they must be in intricate intricately connected waiting on the master number to provide that the 15 verse 33 the Bible said before humility before know the fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom and before no humility before the easiest way to know that a person is about to be honored is that they're moving an unusual level of humility this money I was coming to the church somebody who is helpless I useless my nose what happened beside it is so you coming so we're running and himself was angry the why do people want to turn us into God because God is watching you accept that socket treatment you damn your destiny nobody run yesterday before efforts one the one that wasn't easy I saw him out of passion and anger I went against top devil God was your heart before he put into your hand am i communicating at all he will wear your heart before he puts anything here is that before there are people that can't go far because little levels and ahead [Music] so you can see s Dow a man diligent in his business robot over 22 verse 29 he says done before kings he understand before ornamented with diligently that was the kind of walk model I walked not I service he was there disorder people wanted to kill the king is a conceit and something goes wrong I can city and people mess up he took the matter I was recognized or not he continued walking please don't talk as if you walk out with it government we are not working for government you are not working for a charge or an organization you are working for yourself and your destiny on that good the other side what I'm talking about here all happy all happy whatever I can find that to do it with unite give it your best grip do task your best defend this system that puts food on your table and you'll be surprised at the level of honor God will give you somebody lift up your hands and say received honor I received an honor in the name of Jesus say I receive the grace to wait on the master I receive the grace to walk in humility I received a grace for wholehearted level I received that grace in Jesus name and that reaches upon you so the power of prayer is the path the prayer is the division two things I'm saying tonight the fest of the path of Prayer the path of Hana everything I said suffice under that point the respective recognition in the world and how honour comes and the second big point which is actually if there is a summaries that big math of Prayer with the pathway of elevation are you confused is it clear so we are dealing with on low tonight an elevation which is also Hana Freya elevated Jabez above his brethren he was more honorable than his brethren in life of prayer the life of prayer and leave the dead Daniel above his contemporaries how many of you know that Shadrach Meshach and Abednego with Daniels contemporaries all of them we are mentally it one according to Daniel 7 verse 20 when they tested all of them they were 10 times better than astrologist all of the real equal mentally but there was something that they did that in it was interval in the quality of real life no he says this is mention about Daniel spread and Chicana and no other Daniel remained outstanding in his generation Islam Jacob was elevated far above diesel also by his prayer life show how the life of disowned you will never hear that it's operated if you have a computer that has Bible inside you can type is on prayer how many places in of 0 is on print 0 is on all 0 you will find it you want where you see is so pretty so I'm praying it happened four times and it is not Esau who printed it was Jacob said I pray you receive this from my hand I pray you receive this from my hand talking to you saw him said pray for me it is easier to get to use his ring to take I briefly from the back of it totals than to get eSATA brain easier for a dog to fly and very subtly one time no no wonder the or the DISA rights and knotty resistance but Israelites are deities learn the difference between to office not the coach what is your place in the closet what is your level with God we can all speak the same English but not have the same Prius Trent we can all preach the same sample but our route of dedication device but tonight I perceive in my spirit that God is about to take somebody higher than everybody you know as your contemporaries because of the hanno and the elevation that prayer brings who is the one the king is honoring who is the one the King has honored if you are the one he was turned away the Charlotte he was turned up with a shout he will stand up with a shine [Applause] hallelujah what is the one the king has shout I am the war lift up your two hands lift up your twins is about to come give him the praise given the honor give him the praise give him the praise give him the praise give him the praise give him the praise give him the praise give in the pray sing misty proportion while I take this prayer session anyone who knows there is something in your life that can deprive you they all know God is planning to allocate you tonight everywhere you are picky of abuse on bass if you have not come out at first go forward and let's pray for you because you must not miss what God is about to do lift up your hands and give it the praise where they come forward come forward do something you eat [Music] some to me eat my life oh this are genève quickly terrier babbles on your bars nobody's going out yet is a very sensitive time I will tell you when to go out come move out yet not yet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I do [Music] I cannot do [Music] [Music] and certainly not Jesus I come before you I asked for this they leave a me load from the power of sin tonight I have decided to follow you Lord no turning back from tonight I go for whatever backward length delivery Lord from the power of sin thank you in Jesus name I pray for you today in the name of Jesus I added a world of simply broken of your names I said today will become a tonic point for you in the name of Jesus they grazed Osato that raises realism [Music] are you ready are you ready you [Music] [Applause] [Music] if it's too loud even if the vocals cannot be helped well who is the one the king has you I'll give you one more chance [Applause] [Music] who is the one big nozzle doctor comes on site let us really dance you who is the London pingas owner will you give that feed of keeps on the lord of loss a plop a shout look at your people say you I'm out to celebrate my oh no you are about to celebrate my honor now lift up your to establish that to establish that on the father it is my time for my respect to come it is my time for a car to come it is time for approach to be swallowed it is time for mockery to end it is time for disdain to end I am the one day Pinkus honor little has a certain is a father in the name of Jesus I reject reproach is day I reject reproach this day in my life I am the one Deepika's honor I receive an impartation of honor tonight every trace of mockery of this day of reproach of insult of disgrace look we're not afraid [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] every trace of disgrace every trace of my life at Le Paradis dr. Amador far away debris Eli Adashi he knows he Jesus precious moon the Bible said to offer salat we are touching a thing and it shall be established we shall take the hand of a partner just to to to to you and somebody I am going to say after I say in the name of Jesus I pray for you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus might take authority over every reproach every disdain in salt in your life it dies today by the honor of God it dies today right they are not about the service in your life [Music] [Music] [Applause] prions in the name of Jesus I pray with you I agree with you tonight receive a clapping a clothing Hana they committed on the mantle of Hana is a yuna receive it in Jesus name opium are a break [Applause] [Applause] [Music] of Jesus on the left hand up that's right my potential must see the light of day my generation must recognize my potential so in the name of Jesus by the owner of God and the place of Prayer tonight on my life i prophesy recognition release a recognition for my potential i prophesied in the name of jesus all your potential you are released you are recognized in this generation in Jesus name opium athlete the voice of cream [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus let this life not be buried in obscurity Oh God let this potential see the light of day in the name of Jesus tonight they will look for him they were sent for him they will recognize him they will recognize him they will appreciate your grace on his life they will recognize the effort [Music] [Music] lift up your rewards your rewards everything that is yours that the enemy has deprived you of you are going to ask for it now with health referral rewards Stoli rewards diabetic rewards some of us what is your limit another person tonight in Sheraton literally the name of Jesus I retrieve I receive my rewards that reward deprived reward so far the rewards denied rewards the rewards I received I reward I received opium are a brave I receive my reward my denied rewards my deprived rewards my dear ones we are ever the attempt I receive my reward I receive my reward I receive my reward I received an launch I received my world I received my reward I received my reward I received my reward I received my name of Jesus say itami say in the name of Jesus I agree with you wherever your hobbies is on that 24 hours they shall look for you the battle rewards delayed rewards denied reward deal words they are released in the name of Jesus receive your rewards opium interpret receive your laws receive your reward so totally [Music] taken a little eat Jesus till now lift up your to answer somebody else for this life father I realize that the path of Prayer is the path of elevation therefore I refuse stagnation tonight I shift it levels I receive grace at this place of prayer to change levels in the name of Jesus i prophesy that my level is changing now between now and this time next month my level has changed opium era pray my level by level will change [Music] [Music] free like a minute frame with all the seriousness represented by this equipment I command your change of level say in the name of Jesus by this agreement I professor your change of level I just saw a flash that somebody the kind of resources you have never handled nobody in your family has ever handled is tapping into your hands after tonight three with apathy I profess our change of level after tonight your level change is confirmed opium are afraid of Navarro's [Music] in the name of Jesus Johansson giving the praise we are victorious yes we are victorious ramita giving us were to take the prayer all together for Nigeria how many of you believe my directives have to be or not stop toying library how can I grab you a victim of war and I include the boy Yugoslavia Bosnia no is that the reward we'll get for helping other people bacterials I want most some of the most of the most happy people on earth remain standing you will like this to me everybody please be on your feet we want a man who is our European my wife would remember this man European white man posted to Nigeria he attended discharge before so he has been posted now to India so we asked him we say where you will post that to Nigeria how did you feel he said I felt like everybody feels Oh wine idea you see then when you come to Nigeria and they want to post you out you say why before you came as a white man you are not sure after you have come you don't want to leave that's the kind of country despite bumblin you see them everywhere everywhere is like hot dad is like homie 1 immigration officer told me of illegal foreigners white people no paper Australia but they have put them India some of them in their immigration cell plenty white people who have no paper Tuesday who don't want to go I know what I'm selling that is the kind of country we have and the Deaf one to unionize it it's not possible that we should ask when it has ended in Syria or ended in Iraq or ended in Iran or ended in all those places that I imagine my question to them is the value of unction here is it in those places you are mentioning how can our kiss me equal Nigeria will show the world that that team is killable that that team is diable market down lift up your twins now please come be on your seat lift up your transit father father change the story for Nigeria volunteer reward Nigeria with peace for keeping peace in other countries give us recognition of our potential to really restore the respect of Nigeria be restored take away the reproach from us thank you and a shame from us they come and applause share from our let your mantle of honor rest on Nigeria tonight in the name of Jesus for mother pray pray pray let your mantle of order rest on Nigeria tonight your mantle of Hana Hana una momento Ohana young Angela hana yo maxilla Farnum rest on Nigeria Liliana rakia de santa fe e loyal tama IA gage le go Surya body Lapera the other set the Teletubbies ela flora hatha yoga therapy notorious articulated each yes Lord yes Lord yes five opposite Nigeria Willis hung up on Nigeria keep the geometry favor open Nigeria thank you Father Jesus the Lord has answered us
Channel: Glory Rain TV
Views: 42,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Enenche, David oyedepo, Johnson suleman, becky enenche, dunamis, power, anointing, Holy Spirit, Jabez, Prayer
Id: FfTVyaHf1gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 21sec (5481 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2015
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