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[Music] [Applause] [Music] and then audits an offense of price and man that is here on the tron posture and maybe burn to this career for the latest in a man on its administration a symbol and then in this folks plainly they've got applies today we're not any further delay and never gonna call for a possible code and they sign and then and always solution bless you I'm Sophie praise God for all of you that have come today and didn't deem it too hot to be here because hell's gonna be hotter than this I said hell it's gonna be hotter than this and I don't want to go to hell they man I don't want to go to hell I praise God for all of our preachers I've just a pastor thank God for the praise centers and everybody that's present on today I have a word from the Lord a word from the Lord and I want to quickly get into the word that you may quickly go back home before the three hit I heard from the news it wasn't gonna hit until about three amen so we're going to have mercy on y'all today and try to hurry and do what we have to do and thank you for coming a man now father here we are we thank you for your loving kindness and for your kid niversity and thank you for waking me up this morning I don't have anything to complain about god I just want to say thank you but this is the day that the Lord has made and I'm gonna rejoice and be glad about this day I just want to thank you oh god you a touch he'll deliver set free right now right now say that the Lord rebuke you say that the might be puke you some are sick are healed right now right now and I think you know I see your word sit your Norton huh hallelujah senior taunting now in the strength this morning huh and I thank you for it in Jesus name Amen just in case I don't want it to slip my mind but I certainly want to say thank you to our sister pastor and all the leaders of the church all of you for celebrating my birthday on last Sunday I set up in the bed and I read every card myself I read every word every everything in that card and I want to say thank you one thing I've learned people don't have to be nice to you I said people don't have to be nice to you and I want you to know that I praise God for all of you that came out and that celebrated my birthday you that weren't able I love you too just the same so I just want to say thank you so much and at this time if I go any further where's that Carter I'll just stand to give honor to God first of all it's a lovely pasta into all the ministry of st. James continued of faith I stand to say thank you and to celebrate assistant pastor Eldon [Applause] just want him to know I love him he's my other son we have just on behalf of the pasta church family we want to present you with this envelope okay you have to find out [Music] hallelujah I could not let this day go by without doing something for an assistant pastor and all of you that big catch up he's got it and all of you that gave in to something that's good and we thank God for all of you that are have recognized his birthday because we have a wonderful wonderful assistant and I'm Annie John's help today you name it it's not a hundred yet someone need y'all's help holla back at me a blow at me or something amen I want to go to the Word of God and I'm gonna need my preachers y'all have Bibles the auto-5 is opinion oh you got your phones good I want to go to the Gospel according to st. Matthew's chapter seven and I want to read verse 7 in verse 8 Oh when I get to these scriptures I will call out some more and I'm gonna need you all to help me read on today but three or four okay so in the Gospel according to st. Matthew's chapter seven verse seven verse eight first read only verse 7 when else ask and it shall be given you and it shall be given you seek seek and you shall find and ye shall find not knock and it shall be opened it shall be opened unto you unto you now in X body read verse eight one for every one that asketh every one that asketh receiveth receiveth and he that seeketh and he that seeketh findeth find and to him that knocketh to him that knocketh it shall be opened I want to use for Thought making things happen when it's supposed to happen making things happen when it's supposed to happen a lot of us want to make things happen when we want it to happen but I'm talking about making things happen when it's supposed to happen now go elder David to acts 16 verse 25 and verse 26 acts 16 verse 25 and verse 26 we have heard this message preached so many times about asking it shall be given seek and ye shall find knock and the door shall be opened when I want to break it down like the Holy Ghost broke it down to me last night that broke this thing down to me last night until it was almost frightening to me for us to think that things going to happen when we want it to happen all that's going on in our world today hallelujah do you have x16 @midnight @midnight Paul and parlament Silas prayed and saying they sang praises unto God praises unto God heard them and the prisoners heard them suddenly and suddenly it was a great earthquake and suddenly there was a earthquake she's so that the foundations of the prisons were shaken up the prisons were shaken and immediately and immediately all the doors all the doors were open what's open now I'm glad to read that like that because lot of people say that the door was open that Paul and Silas them went out uh but the Bible said all the doors were over come on now yes and everyone's bands were loosed in everyone's bands were loosed I'm making things happen when they need to happen authority and affluence are the two most important tools that God has given the church he's given the church authority and he's given the church influence two most important tools that God has given the church the ability to affect the way things turn out is extremely important so we just don't sit back and wait to see how these things might turn out the Word of God equips us with the understanding of what we are to do and can do to witness the results that they end up life you wanted to end up because of our efforts now there is a famous saying that says there are three kinds of people in the world or if the church number one people that make things happen to people that watch things happen three people that wonder what's happening the position that we need to be in and stay in is a place of influence our faith in God will reach Heights untold when we see that our prayers and requests bring back into our lives nothing will seem impossible one thing I want you to know in this thing what we are going through fear would not take control of us I'm gonna say it again fear fear will not take control of us because of what may be going on at this time no need or circumstances will be difficult that we end up be meeting when we should be successful I don't care what's going on now we still should be successful God wants us to be in the controlling position not allow the devil to control us but we got to be in the controlling position and not just sitting back letting stuff happen one way when it could turn out another way so in my text but that's what according to say chronic pills chapter 7 verse 7 & 8 ask and it shall be what given seek and ye shall what not and it shall be what unto whom you making things happen when it needs to happen the way we come to God should be filled with expectation and confidence and I said again the way we come to God should be filled with expectation and confidence that God has the ability to fulfill our requests so every time we pray no matter how big or how small it does not determine how it will turn out God's power does not what you wanted to turn out God's power does so I assume for it lookin to him to meet that need and that desire at some time see it being done through him let me go to the word see I see carefully a pursue and ankle at the big solutions conclusions and conditions that God's word that makes me to look for in the book of Proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 and 6 verse 5 says I want y'all to read that Barbara's chapter 3 what does verse 5 say proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 [Music] [Music] not the way I feel stuff not the way I say stuff is not fair the Lord with all darn hard to their own understanding you for your understanding it's to manage to seek anything don't see anything don't seek anything without the guidance of God that comes through his word don't you seek nothing without the guidance of God that comes through his word to his chosen vessels chosen I don't believe she said this is the sad day we live in in this is the sad day this is a sad day this is a sad day this is a sad thing we can't seek anything our own self without the guidance of God through his word and again through his chosen vessels who are its chosen vessels your pastor the preachers men and women who know his voice and wait am i preaching in here do the word as long as we're preaching the word we need to listen to the chosen vessels who knows the boss and his ways who have been in many situation many situations and get experience and witness the way God works I've been in many situations and I have to experience the way God's works who need help to stop someone stop someone that's going through and teach them that lesson that God has taught us to even not make that mistake experiencing unnecessary setbacks or receiving that outcome that wisdom will bring and the outcome that wisdom is going to bring and we've been talking about that in my love school we talked about it in Sunday school which stops us from bumping our heads a whole lot of times if we were just in this Sun you're like me so jesus said see the correct way don't lead or depend on your own understanding seek the correct way don't lean on your own understanding and do not want to lead on the way passes understanding is I want to lean on the understanding of God but success which means recognize notice show your appreciation of God's ability by approaching him for his guidance in your situation try yourself try yourself repeated over and over every day listen I need your guidance [Music] get me out the way I need the guidance Oh God because sometimes we smarts nothing we need the everyday say God at one of your guys then it speaks about knock and it shall be opened to you but this is the part that blew my mind with the Holy Ghost last night when we say not most of the time whether we say not me getting on the knees praying right right we say nah people say pray pray watch this nothing is approaching God with anticipation [Music] dissipation that God is gonna work that out hey Tony do you play [Music] the request of God to give me oh now this support that blew my mind last night I could close my Bible to keep profession into here you need God's permission to enter in God allow me to experience coming into the position and the conditions whether that's financially Oh rather spiritual mother it's emotional when it's physical expanded outside on the other side of the door and be allowed to enter it's a total different total different set of circumstances by going from night and today from weaken to strength from broken to be place from growth in to be bliss these are one way and they've got to change them to another way like running on the lodge on I get my word today these can be one way and being something can turn out another way just like that daughter just giving you permission things happen when they need to happen in each chapter 16 verse 25 and verse 26 Paul that Silas was singing midnight first in the inner prison it's a picture of what Psalms 42 verse 8 says and in the night his song shall be with me to the God of my life there are souls there also was not only about God but his position his ability and his authority but directed him to do something about where they were I want you to know God want to do something about where we are right now we're in a bad state right now but God want to do something about but but God want us to do he trying to get the people to get back in to pray to invite you in you have a prayer request with God if it was going to happen believe it let me tell you something say James Francophile while we play we got to be need that God is gonna do it [Music] they win prison and they had to make something happen so look what happened they saved praises they didn't say no blues song but they said God was gonna do it to him verse twenty six seven silently y'all know what suddenly means I made that me right away right away that was an earthquake so that the foundations of the prison was shaken and the Bible said immediately all the doors not just doors open also once bands was loosened huh [Music] huh I believe that key to open up doors I believe that God is go open doors for everybody you might be going through now but keep on knocking and when you're not kidding keep on doing it [Music] [Music] we overlook the situation is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sure [Music] what's up what sort of things you decide when you pray believe me believe it you shall me see it if you don't believe it don't worry about time not but if you believe it keep on praising long keep on faking him he may not come when you own him but he's a no-good some of us a spoiled us we won't beat the happen when we want it to happen huh we are just right but we don't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if we fake now a no-bake time but it's time to keep knocking please if you don't remember anything I said not with expectation say that not with expectation not with expectation hallelujah hallelujah no neither knocking if you're not expecting them I want to add sharp question I want a sharp question what are you praying for if you don't believe it what are you praying for if you don't believe God save your children you don't believe God's gonna bless your finance if you don't believe God is gonna make a way out of no way what are we praying for oh god last night but lord I take when he got through with me I was a good guy he said you got to pray with expectation and did when you pray give me permission God to love you to walk in that door and I believe that God has allowed st. James and your answer to walk in that door I may not do everything y'all want me to do some things I may say may upset you but you better know I'm praying and I'm being led by them all right I want you that don't think it's too hot to stand in front of your car right now I did the work in the heat I did the work in this heat hallelujah I want you first of all it gets an expectation expect what you want God to do expect what you want God to do you know what you wanted to do and you know what you need that to do now Lloyd I want you to fix this right now but I want you to give me permission to walk into their door cuz I'm getting ready to knock on that door now give me permission to walk in there if you came to my house and rang my doorbell I would have to give you permission to walk in my house right or she wouldn't baby get in when you pray you must pray and let God give you permission to walk in that door there are some things when you got to do right now right now stretch those things to him I'm not gonna keep you standing out there long but this message to me that they was so important I was up to F that no midnight really talking to the Lord concerning our Preem concerning our asking an expectation concerning art knocking got give me permission to walk in this door for the miracle that we need for the healing that I need for the finance that we need for the peace in our homes right now we need your permission to walk in that door and before we play I first want you to tell God how sorry you are we give me I'm sorry I felt the wrong thing I'm sorry like everything I'm so sorry I'm so sorry if I haven't prayed like I should pray I'm sorry for my disobedience to you God I'm sorry I'm sorry to my disobedience to my leavin style forgive me forgive me now now God right now we asked you to work every situation out and we are asking and believing it it looks we expect the miracle we excited about what you get ready to do all of the flowers that they say is getting worse we're not looking at that we're looking at know that we got victory on the other side there's a light in the tunnel we thank you we preach expectation do you want to keep praying knowing you're gonna do it he'll deliver us some need a miracle right now mm somebody need a miracle right now somebody need heal it right now see you word send it to those that are sick send it to those that are fighting this virus send it to those who need a financial miracle send it to our mothers get at home God said it god I thank you for in Jesus name Amen clap your hands and praise the Lord
Channel: Clear Lyn's 16
Views: 3,962
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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