Pastor Kris Vallotton Blessed Sermons | Febuary 22, 2019

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well we're gonna do some prophetic ministry before I start teaching which I thought would be really good and so they're gonna come up let me just let me just do this first oh we do this and then we'll do that okay I want to tell you about a course that we just came out with maybe put the I think there's a slide or something for it we just did it a new eCourse for poverty riches and wealth it launched actually today and it's actually in four languages yeah Spanish Portuguese Russian and English I had a real problem with the Russian I hope that you like it I worked on it over and over before I finally got it right joking obviously so and if you get it today you can get $10 off is there the screen there yeah that tells you where to get it you can purchase it the course duffel by Del dot ITV slash wealth and so I think you'll really like it there's some really practical the book has a of some theology in the first half and the second half is like how do I actually build wealth and not just finance but how do I actually build a wealth mentality and I was thinking about remember when Jesus remember Jesus that's the prophetic people you know you have to remind them when Jesus was on the shore this this is recorded at least this happened at least two times but I was thinking about the time that John records when Jesus rose from the dead and he's standing on the shore and the and the guys are fishing do you remember this particular story and they and Jesus yells out have you caught anything which would be a normal greeting for a fisherman to fishermen like if you guys caught anything and they're like no we haven't caught anything yet we've been fishing all night and and then Jesus says well cash her down on the other side of the boat and I'm sure if you're you're John and Peter you're thinking you know I said we fished all night probably we tried both sides of the boat you know and so but they said okay so they they you know cast their net on the other side of the boat is you know the story and they catch so many ish that the net starts to break and the boat starts to sink and they have to call their competitor over to help them and as they're you know trying to get this all these fish to shore and John says to G to Peter I think it's the Lord remember the huh and I love this part of story and Peter when Peter finds out that it's the Lord he puts his clothes on and jumps in the ocean which you ever get so nervous you just do the wrong thing say the wrong thing and and of course when he gets too short you know Jesus is there cooking fish already but I think a really cool part of the story is can you imagine if they would have caught three minnows and it's like Oh Peter it must be the Lord I don't know if you got that like I'm saying they recognized it was the Lord when they caught so many fish it was seeking the boat now you got to understand these guys are not sport fishing this is the way they make their living all those fish means an abundance of prosperity for them and their families when they caught more fish than they can contain they said this must be the Lord and I just proposed that the Lord wants you to prosper in every area of life he wants you to prosper and and obviously there's a lot of people who are rich but are not wealthy and there are a lot of people who don't have a lot of money but are very wealthy so we're talking about true Kingdom wealth when it's taught not talking about get-rich-quick or you know if you're if you're wealthy if you're rich then you know the anointing of the favor of God's on you we know there are a lot of people who have lots of money and they don't have the favor of God on so this this book in this course is about true wealth how do I actually gain true wealth and how do I create an ecosystem that perpetuates that into my children and it's something we're learning I have to say that the book is a it's it's a it's a snapshot of a journey that we've been on for a long time it's not the last word on prosperity it's hey here's the journey we're on here are some of the things we're learning and we're always learning you know there's there's always a part two three and four you know on our journey and we we to just bring you on the journey with us I thought it'd be kind of cool if we just did a little prophetic ministry before I taught this morning and when we had so the three of us are gonna kind of do it together we it'll be kind of fun and and we need a Mike can we have oh you got a Mike cool and so what we'll do let me just give you just a little bit of instruction we have so many new people here and we're so glad we have new people the challenge is sometimes we don't always know where people are coming from as far as their prophetic journey so I want to just give a little bit of instruction before we give prophetic words a prophetic there's a difference between a prophetic word and a word of knowledge this is kind of important because a prophecy is foretelling I'm telling the future and forth telling I'm causing the future a word of knowledge is information that you got by the spirit that is currently true about you you could have googled it you could have got it some other way but you actually got information by the spirit that's currently true as an example if if it'd been called you out and said I see you as a nurse and you're a nurse how many know that's a good word it's not prophecy because prophecy is always about the future it's a word of knowledge it's it's really encouraging often because it's like oh the Lord knows me the Lord knows what I'm doing it and it kind of builds faith for the next thing but but it's not it's not prophecy and it doesn't really do too much good like I see you as a nurse it's like I'm a nurse like good do nursing you know but the challenge is is that when it is a prophecy and we say well I'll use the same example I see you as a nurse and you're not a nurse you're like oh he missed that no prophecy is about the future and the other part about prophecy that I really love is prophecy gives you grace and grace isn't just undeserved favor grace is the operational power of God grace gives you the ability to do what you couldn't do one second before you heard the prophecy so here's the challenge we say it like this I think it's a good illustration when when you hear a prophecy you know you can try to sound like Orson Welles or you can you know let's shove a yeah whatever your background is you know we've been through the whole gamut you know the worth of Jesus people like dude cool you know we've been with those people and the charismatic people and the you know the shakers and it's all good I love it all but but but yeah you know you got a kind of training equip with deployment in mind you know you can't really Shabbat in the mall they carry you out we found we found we did an experiment and they think you're having a some kind of a seizure and out you go you know so we kind of we have to kind of like have some protocol but my point is no matter how spiritual you try to sound it's still you so when prophecy happens let's use this example like you hear my words and let's pretend my words are read it's just a metaphor you hear my words they're read but if it's actually a prophecy on the red is blue again just a metaphor and the blue is the ability to make the red happen are you with me so jesus said if you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet you receive the prophets reward what is the prophets reward it's the ability to do what you couldn't do one second before you heard the prophecy so here's the challenge the value you place on the word you term is the power you receive from the word so how many understand that you can receive an apple seed and when put that thing in your pocket in your wallet and walk around with it for the next 50 years and say that's a bad apple see that seed never grew now you have to actually take that seed and plant it and how many understand that you can have prophetic ministry but if you don't have a prophetic culture you have lots of words that don't come to pass not because the seed doesn't have power but because you have no faith for it so it's pretty important that we this way I like to do this little five-minute kind of intro because I want to make sure that you take these prophetic words and you actually put them in a culture that they can grow so that 5 10 15 years from now you're not like you I've been carrying this word for 10 years it's never happened and sometimes they're just you know we do just get the prophetic we're wrong it's just really not the Lord it might be encouraging but maybe it's not the Lord but most often I find that people don't know what to do with prophetic words or they don't understand it was a prophetic word because they've got a word that has nothing they ever thought of and I never I never desired that I'd never thought of that I never wanted to do that and I think that oftentimes the Lord wants to do more than we ask or think so sometimes when we when the Lord gives us a word that we didn't we didn't thunk it and we didn't want it we're like well that can't be God and I'd propose that sometimes God does on the outside what he's been trying to do on the inside but we won't listen so the Lord gives us a gives a word to someone else that launches us into his desires for us and I could tell you how many of you are doing something today that as a young person or fifteen years ago you would have never wanted to do never thought about doing and probably didn't didn't even think you would ever do yeah I mean one of the most asked questions we have questions answers our students they say to me like did you ever think that you'd be part of what a leader in a movement I'm like no I wanted to be a master mechanic have no idea that I was gonna be in front of people you know I would have done things much differently if I actually knew I was gonna be here and my point is if you would have found me at 20 years old or 25 and said I see you as a preacher I'd be like I got that wrong I have no desire to be a preacher I've never thought about being a preacher there's no preacher in my family so I'm simply saying that's why God calls things that are not as though they are so when you hear a prophetic word over you today and it may be something you never thought of maybe something you don't even want to do I'd say this first of all just let the Holy Spirit just put it on a shelf if you're like yeah I don't know about that word put it on a shelf and oftentimes a season will come it might be a year it might be five years from now ten years from now and you're like oh that's that thing those prophetic people set over me and it'll be germinating because you didn't say that's not the Lord right it'll be ready to plant because you didn't reject it you said lord I don't understand that I'll put it over here I'll wait for the right season and we'll see what happens is that good yeah this is a great example about I don't know how old this example is it's probably seven or eight nine years old actually and it was during a conference I don't remember what conference but a team people five five couples came up and their pastor was with their pastor and he said this is my leadership team I was wondering if you could minister to them and we were doing some ministry up front and I'm like yeah so bring them up here so he came up and there was husband-and-wife team so the first team I I started with the with the with the lady and I said I see you I see you playing guitar and I see you writing songs and before I could go on she goes no no no no that's not me it's my husband she said he's the worship leader in our church and she made the statement I'm tone deaf I said lady shut up you know what a prophecy is she said I guess I don't I said a prophecy gives you the ability to do what you couldn't do one second before you heard it prophecies like Ezekiel's bones God didn't drop a site about the bones he told his equal to prophesy to the bones and where we are we are we are not just for telling we're also forth telling we're causing the future she said all right do me again so this was obviously a lot longer word but I said you got to play guitar you're gonna write songs and you're gonna lead worship so about I don't know the next probably a conference was like nine months later this lady comes up she says hey do you remember me she's all excited I said no I actually don't she said you prophesied over me nine months ago when we were here apart my said sorry I just don't really remember that she said you told me to shut up I said oh yeah I remember that you're one of the five people I did that to last you know I said I remember that she said and then when she when she told me that I instantly remembered that I had told her I said yeah I told you you're gonna play guitar and then she finished I was gonna write song as I lead worship she did remember what I told you I said no I don't she said I remember I told you I was tone-deaf I said oh I remember that you told me you were tone-deaf she said well as this crazy thing happened I walked out the sanctuary doors after the session and she said something like a pop happened in my ears she said I could instantly discern Thrones which I had never been able to discern in my entire life she said it's been nine months she said have written several songs I've learned to play guitar and I lead worship in our vineyard 500 member vineyard church a such a great example like if God calls you he'll give you grace for it and so anyway great example okay you ready one last thing with that I found that over the years people just in the same room who heard the word and said oh my goodness that's actually for me even though someone else was called out they actually grabbed on to the word and apprehended it in such a way see the Word of God is powerful it's living and active and when the word goes forth it has power to transform and so any one of you in here you may hear your word and your spirit leaps in connection with the Holy Spirit on that word except it was given to the person right next to you so you can take yeah take the word jesus said lend to those who ask so he just like right now we just say right up front like you can just swap words like I'll take yours your take mine like auction it off that last part wasn't the Lord but but better sense what I'm saying with that as well is we're gonna call out individuals yeah but what God does in one person's life actually prophesize about what he wants to do in our life and if you're watching online if you're over in the overflow room these are for you as well yes good all right you want whoever wants start I kind of have a a word for you actually okay which is really rare I'm hardly ever prophets prophesy over other prophets okay we'll see how annoying that you are okay Oh No but when you were speaking last night about you know getting a degree etc the Lord began to remind me of this story when I was ministering to this I was doing words of knowledge and I was doing words of knowledge for healing and I was calling out people and people are standing up and all of a sudden this twelve-year-old kid jumped out and I know he's 12 for us right and he says I have ADHD so this is a word trick no I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking you know what's my first clue but you know but I have never felt anybody so desperate like felt like the woman that was reaching out and as I stopped the whole crowd and I said everybody we're gonna pray for him because he had faith to be healed and I put my hand on his head and I saw the Lord doing brain surgery connecting parts of his brain and I prayed for the Shalom of God the wholeness of God the peace of God that passes all understanding to keep his heart and his mind in Christ Jesus and so that was you know that was just in the end for the whole service he was really quiet but at 6:00 a.m. the next morning I got a call from the pastor who said you know that kid you prayed for last night I was 6 a.m. I was thinking you know I can't remember he said oh yeah that and he said he said well I got it just got a call from his mother and his mother told me this story that he had been you know gone to all these schools and had to have special needs all the time he had ADHD plus dyslexia very very severely and he couldn't read he couldn't do anything and he had all these special needs and but now he was going to high school there was no more special needs in the elementary they couldn't afford to take him to a school that was private and there was no more available resources and the single mom was kind of ringing her hair out and she said after you prayed for him he was strangely quiet which he never is but she said he went home and what you don't know was that he was severely dyslexic and for the first thing you could only read like 2 three words in a row and he said for the first time in it--he life he opened the book and began to read chapter after Chapter after Chapter he read till he fell asleep and he woke up she said but he didn't know if it would still take and she said then this morning she woke up and he was reading and he is still reading today and the story of that is that he went on to become a straight-a student and is now in university and graduating and I'm telling that story because I feel like when you were speaking that story was going through my mind and the Lord was saying to me that you're a genius that you're actually very very intelligent but you learn in a different way and your great strengths is that you don't learn like everybody else and you learn to think out-of-the-box and your whole creativity and God's going to use you to multiply all kinds of of models and things for the future take people into the future and that you have like you said supernatural intelligence to know things that you don't know and your great strength is that you didn't learn like everybody else and I felt from there that there are people in this room with dyslexia with audio discrimination I want you if you have any kind of learning disability if you're in the overflow room I want you to stand up because I feel like there's a grace here before supernatural intelligence this whole problem this whole conference is about this and that what I specifically saw was those of you whom the Lord has graced with entrepreneurial ideas with something that has never been done before that you're supposed to do it now how many of you are already thinking of like starting a business starting of starting a ministry that has never been done that way before I want you to raise your hands in this room okay look at that okay almost all of you there almost every person that has been diagnosed with the learning disability has actually been given supernatural intelligence to think differently than anybody else and I feel like you are the forerunners of the next move of God of what God is about to do that you to create something out of nothing unlike how God creates he actually speaks something that has never been done before and boom something is created and I feel especially for those with entrepreneurial ideas if you have a entrepreneurial idea I want you to raise your hand because I saw prosperity coming on you a business ok where you are going to learn direct from the Lord with the power to create wealth he's distributing right now the power to create wealth ideas innovations inventions that are going to end especially those not they're just a business idea but it's an idea that you know will be a business but it its end goal is to help people in need ok I want you specifically to raise your hand wow look at all these people father now I asked for supernatural favor I pray Lord Jesus for the multiplication of supernatural intelligence and the power to create well I pray God they would make so much money out of this idea that they that their goal of helping other people would be multiplied a thousandfold in Jesus name Amen and I really feel like you're gonna get like dreams visions visitations even angelic visitations or anybody here that received an actual angelic visitation about an idea if you could raise your hand yeah you you felt like is there anybody here that okay yeah and I just heard the Lord say that that I actually visited I sent my angel my messenger to talk to them and father we pray for those ideas Lord that came from from heaven from heavenly messengers Lord that would bless people beyond what any person could do in the natural Lord that it would be have the multiplication effect in it and I see a great in you sir with the long beard I feel I just the Lord just highlighted your heart it just began to expand I see God enlarging your heart with a massive amount of mercy and compassion and I feel like you're going to that you're going to invent create something that is going to help people that have nobody else to help them and father we bless him to do that in Jesus I don't see this lady but she was in worship right up here had a kind of a pink long sweater blouse beautiful african-american lady where were you at where did she go sat you I'm trying to look at your blouse that's not nah not the right one clothes maybe she snuck in and it's an overflow so I'm gonna give her her word cuz she was right here she's here somewhere but this is what I got I felt like this was a a moment where you were out travelling just like Saul was out looking for his donkeys and and all the sudden came into the company of the prophets and I felt like this is the season for you where you coming here is actually gonna transform you into another person and you won't recognize yourself anymore and what God is doing is he's transforming not just your mind but all of your spirit as well and there's going to be a new momentum to create new habits in your life that create healthy pathways for things you never expected before and there's a real royalty on your life there's a real anointing for leadership as well and you feel you felt like in the past it was there but you didn't quite have the ability to turn the corner or there weren't in the right search situations and I feel like God is promoting you in this season and he's doing what was impossible yesterday and he's making it possible today so we released grace for that as well and then oh good no good keep going but there's there's uh I had this weird picture where there was someone in this room maybe in the overflow but they were they had an encounter with honeybees and maybe at certain times in their life like honeybees would land on them in anyone had that encounter right back here stand up yeah I feel like God saying the reason that happened is because you have a healing anointing on your life and and the Beehive is one of the healthiest environments in the world and God is releasing you the the honey of heaven to restore people healing in their bodies but there's something about a mental clarity and there's something about deliverance from demonic oppression and and the end depression as well and there's a grace on your life for the spirit of counsel and the hot honey of heaven to pour over people to rewire their brains than I feel like a tingling in the back of my neck here and God is releasing a new grace on you and it's been an anointing and you've had love and compassion for those who have been in severe pain and depression but God is going to give you a breakthrough in this season for seeing people come into their fullness of healing amen so we bless that in Jesus name actually Deborah means honey bee you know in the book of Judges and could you stand back up again and I saw a very strong prophetic and leadership anointing on you that was on Deborah I feel like that that Deborah was anointed in a time of great oppression in the nation of Israel I see the power of the Holy Spirit to bring deliverance especially ICU setting captives free I see you actually starting a movement and leading a whole bunch of others into the reality of captives being totally set free and prophesy Lord we ask for an increase of that prophetic mantle in particular that Judge mantle that was on Deborah Lord for a whole a whole generation of people to be set free captive the spirit of the sovereign Lord is on you to set the captives free amen good word good you're in white right there could you stand up you're in a white shirt I think it says dreams or something on your shirt yes could you stand yes III I saw the Lord breaking all these chains off of you that have been holy are you speak English are you Russian okay is this being translated okay so I saw the Lord breaking these chains off of you generations of of change that would holding you back and I saw it you the Lord putting a mantle on you and and making you a voice and amplifying your voice I'm get I'm just giving you a translator opportunity to catch up and I and um and I believe the Lord has is putting up a prophetess mantle on you for your country I believe that you're going to be a voice to an entire generation I saw young university students gathering to you and even in your home I saw you Trent you like I saw your home turn into like an eagle's nest where these young prophetic people were coming to be trained and equipped to be deployed into your country I believe God is going to use you to shift a university culture and I believe there's there's there is a III I don't think it's a Jesus movement but I think it's going to be like a Jesus Movement I believe the father is actually moving powerfully through the nation's right now and I believe that you're you're a carrier of this anointing to shift the culture of Russia and and I want to just bless what you're doing and I also there's also a thing about there's kind of a Lisa Bevere I don't know if you know who Lisa is but there's kind of a Lisa Bevere mantle on you like what girls with swords I feel like you're releasing women from the captivity of oppression that's even in culture and you're rewriting the history and freedom for women and and and especially these young women that are that are growing up in in this in this religious oppression and so I just bless you in that in Jesus name you want to say thank you you don't have to no no whoa whoa I thought maybe you had some pervert okay it just jumped out of my mind that's alright it okay that I know you're the children's pastor I was just introduced to you this morning could you stand up I have such a massive heart for children's pastor since I taught two-year-olds for five years but and when I got up here I was saying Lord who do you want me to pray for he said I want you to pray for her and I feel like that you carry the anointing like Deborah was a mother in Israel there's a mother's heart on you and because of the there's many teachers but not many mothers and not many fathers and yeah and I saw God giving you gifts I often pray I wish all God's people were prophets you know I wish you all spoke in tongues but even more that you prophesied I feel like that the Lord said that I am going to give her the ability and I saw instantly a picture of a two year old little boy that I feel is got a massive prophetic calling on him I feel like he's almost like a mystic that he's going to start receiving visions and visitations at a very young age and I saw God putting him under your care and I don't know if he's already there if you've seen him for he's coming but this is a huge sovereign call I feel like there's going to be start with one is going to be others that are going to carry this anointing into the future for for change for culture change in their generation for the presence of God and they're like literal he's a literal mystic he's going to be a mystic from a very young age like and well what a mystic was in the Middle Ages in the 15 1600s they they would go all the way up to Kings and stuff with the word of the Lord inside of them and I see you God giving you grace to raise this one up and see that multiplied in the next generation the Lord you feel like you're starting to have like labor pains you could be a guy or a girl it's actually physically happening to you right now I would have brought I would it's not something that happens to you like this isn't like you know something you ate this morning or anything like that but if that's you would you stand right now I have a prophetic word I think there'll be several people like you it feels like you're you're starting to have some kind of like labor pains it's guys and gals like I feel like the Lord is releasing this thing over people if that's you would you stand oh don't come up after and ask for prayer because if you can't have the courage to stand then I you won't have the courage that carried anyway so just just stand if that's you it's good there's someone right over here would you please stand whoever that's happening to just stand right now thank you yes there's someone right there thank you the the I believe that your that the Lord is releasing a spirit of intercession on these people who are standing and they're giving birth for this this billion soul harvest that Bob Jones prophesied about actually he told us they would begin in Russia which should thank God we have these these Russian brothers and sisters with us and I believe the Lord's just releasing right now like labor pains that that this is like this next nine months is really important to our countries that the Lord wants to release this whole fathering movement we've been prophesying about it now for a few months and I believe the Lord's raising up the intercessors the Anna's and the simians I believe the Lord raises up the Anna and simians before he'll eat releases the Christ child to actually pray the the it's like it's kind of like the John the Baptist's like clearing the way the a prophet in the wilderness preparing the way of the Lord and I feel like you you guys and gals you're through your prayers through your intercession that you're actually clearing the way for this next move of God like God is changing history on your knees and we should all be praying of course but I find that the Lord gives specific assignments often to Anna's and simians and so I just released right now that those labor pains would increase in your life that the Lord the Lord would put you in labor and that you would give birth to that you would be it would be part of this movement would be no this movement would be birth in prayer both by the body of Christ but by specific people that the Lord raises up to to give birth to this thing so we bless what God's doing in you in Jesus name and don't be surprised if what you just had happen this morning if it happens over and over and over throughout the week and I think oftentimes the Lord just gives us a reminder a sign and a wonder so that we'll remember that this is part of our this is part of our mandate is part of our Commission so we bless you in Jesus name you see there's this gentleman right back here his his eyes are closed and he's nodding his head right now yeah now stand up yeah what I saw was God tattooed you in such a way he marked you in such a way that your passion for him has now transformed into a prophetic anointing to tattoo his love on other people's heart and I see you as a tattoo artist you're you're taking the artistry of heaven and you're unlocking things and pictures on people's hearts and it through the prophetic that they say oh my goodness how did you know and there's a there's a gift of word of knowledge as well that's going to come on your life that's going to increase on your life there's gonna unlock belief in people for the prophetic future that they have and and there's a great anointing it's an evangelistic anointing God's gonna take you out on the streets in your regular way of going about business and life and you're going to have ways to speak to people that will mark them in a moment but transform their life forever and we declare that in Jesus name we bless that season on your life and I want to give you courage no courage to step out and to say all of the things that you've been developing in the hidden place and hearing the voice of God and I declare you hear God well for other people because you heard God well for yourself and you took it for yourself first so we bless you in that in Jesus name you're something you know this is how it works in 1st Corinthians 14 when when the spirit of prophecy comes in you can just keep going and going so I want to leave time I want to pray for that that Russian Bishop if he's here it's not here ok I'll be here later so ok in a service he's in hey I know this sounds strange but yesterday last night in worship I had wrote down this thing did anyone have a dream of a wagon wheel I have no idea what it means but does someone have a dream of a wagon wheel it's kind of bizarre but I've kind of learned that these bizarre things it had a dream of a wagon wheel in the last week or so oh yeah ok and what what ok so tell me what does does it mean anything to you yeah I mean just in general when you have that you're having that that picture in your mind does it does no you don't have to think about like did it initially mean anything to you you yeah go ahead you sit I feel like the Lord says that that you're a pioneer that the Pioneers used to go on wagon wheels I feel like the Lord says you're about to pioneer something and to go somewhere where you've never gone before and that the Lord is with you he's giving you vision for this he's going ahead of you and he's encouraging you to forge a path that hasn't been forged before I feel this is really strong for your generation and that that you are one of those people that thinks way out of the box you're some people call you crazy but just peculiar people you know but you are getting these innovative ideas creative ideas that are actually ahead of their time and that as you speak them out people don't understand and it yet but you will move into you as you speak it out as you prophesied it's going to start taking shape and create actually a movement I feel like there's a movement coming behind you the path that you forge many other people are going to take those same trails and so Lord we bless that pioneering spirit and stay standing I saw five spokes on that wagon wheel and those five spokes were graced to do the impossible and not just grace to do the impossible there were five partners to partner in the this pioneering thing that you're doing and God's gonna start networking you with the right people to accomplish the task and I saw an iron band wrapping that wheel and I see you like you're you you set your forehead like a flint and you're you're you're resilient and you're strong and because of that strength and that tenacity you're gonna be able to go places that a regular wheel could not go and so I I declare over you a resilience and a strength like iron but also the connection the right connections the networking that actually causes the wheel to do what it's supposed to do and I just had two things I saw two continents superimposed over you just about 30 seconds ago one was China and the other was Australia I don't know if either one of those mean anything to you but I really believe that the Lord is launching you into China and I and I think there's connections to Australia that the Lord is going to send you out from there I don't know what any of that means but bless you I bless you yeah okay great well that was fun I'll grab a hand let's pray father thank you for just your word and the just the the atmosphere in this place that's pregnant with possibility can you just feel it doesn't it feel like pregnant with possibility like anything could happen I just love this I love the atmosphere of our all of our conferences but the prophetic conferences have this particular kind of like wow what's gonna happen God's gonna call me out something's gonna happen my life is gonna immediately change it's going to be a radical direction change in my life and I just I can just feel this this this this kind of culture of possibility and lo we just released that sense that something's gonna change in my life there's a there's a there's the power of possibility happening in here that God is is inspiring you to actually be ready to do something you've never done before and Lord we we thank you that even people who didn't get prophetic words still have this deep sense that that I I'm something shifting in me and gods creating possibilities where there was impossibility amen I last night we talked about spiritual intelligence and I know III love the gifts of the Spirit and Bill bill just talked about last night my love to quit people I I think it's probably my my my main gift to Bethel is is it equipping anointing I love to equip people I love to see people come to come under the influence of the Holy Spirit and leave with gifts that they could actually build things with one of the things I think is important is that we train and equip with deployment mind that we train and equip with deployment mind I think that I was kind of being funny earlier you know we were talking about protocol and how we actually carry a gift into certain environments and of course you know we were part of a Pentecostal movement and I I got saved in the Jesus Movement then I was with the charismatic people for a while you know and then the Assembly of God people for a while and so I love all of the different you know ways that the prophetic movement kind of flows through people and I love the Jesus people they were really cool didn't necessarily know the Bible but you know it was kind of fun it's like huh I think everything was like from the message Bible but anyway it charismatic people I love the charismatic people where they're like oh you know it's kind of like Katherine Coleman kind of style I like that too and then the Pentecostals they they create a lot of excitement you know the Pentecostals like when we joined the Pentecostal people they were like they had though always like speaking tongues before they prophesied you know so it was like shed about yeah that autumn Obama yeah a Dada and then then you always talked in first person and the Lord God says to you today you know it's kind of like that I like that it all works for me I actually enjoy different cultures spiritual cultures I actually enjoy my bill and bills dad and he kind of taught us to like to just embrace variety and if you come to Bethel we probably lots of you are from different cultures we Minister a lot with the Anglicans and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and you know so it's kind of fun but but protocol is kind of important and training and equipping people where they're going to be deployed is pretty important because what works inside of your church may not work inside of the political world or may not work down at the mall it may not work in certain different places and and so I think it's important that we think through like where are we actually called like what realm are we actually called to minister in and oftentimes we we develop a style and then that style becomes a place where we have faith and what I mean by that is like the Pentecostals that I was with they really did feel like they had to speak in tongues before they could prophesy so the truth is is that they had to speak in tongues before they prophesied not because they actually because they biblically had to but because that's what stimulated the faith for the prophetic ministry in their lives and so they and and because that was would being modeled for the people who were coming up everybody felt like what you got this is the way it has to happen like you have to do it this way and what I'm getting at is that we often have we we often do things not because they're necessarily Vivek or not political but because they're our culture does that make sense and so um I noticed that we've done prophetic trains all over the place in the last twenty years and and I noticed that sometimes we have to teach people that like like there's no there's no biblical reference to you know speaking in tongues for example before you prophesy you may have learned to do it that way and some people raise their hands like I feel like that's the way I have to do it it's like that's the reason you have to do it because that's because you feel like you have to do it that way and and so it's what ignites your faith does that make sense and so I think it's really important that we think through just our style our Styles import it's it's not important from the standpoint of you know being biblical or not biblical but it's it's important in that it opens doors for us if we can actually learn as Daniel did the culture of Babylon and I was thinking today as we are talking about prophetic ministries a prophetic conference I think it's one of the things that's really important to to me into this house is that we become relevant to culture not by being like culture but by understanding culture and so you know Daniel when Daniel was in in Babylon it you know Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego before they could actually put be put into the King's service they had to learn the history of Babylon they had to learn the language of Babylon and they had to learn the literature of Babylon they had to have some understanding of the culture of Babylon and and III think that speech it's important for us you know it's like we went through a season when I was a young believer that be be holy and be separate was kind of V would be kind of the it would be kind of our motto like our motto now would be on earth as it is in heaven our model right now is make disciples of all nations but in the days in the early days of my Christianity we were to come out and be separate and so we kind of like we were like now we say we don't want to us in them culture we created an us in them culture we intentionally and I want to be clear I think it was the right thing to do in that season I think the Lord was separating us onto himself in a way that we needed to we needed to get get out of the get not just get out of the world system but we needed to get the world system out of us I remember a season I look back with with some joy and a little regret but I mean we had all our records you know you know records their clothes plastic discs we had all of our records and I remember about we had Beatles records we had the carpenters we the carpenters we broke our Carpenters records we're like we can't have any demonic influence in our life we broke yeah oh my goodness we were radicals we wouldn't allow Christmas cards to that for our kids it wouldn't we didn't allow Santa Claus to come into our home so I remember Cathy's grandmother she always sent Santa Claus cards and we sent them we didn't just we didn't just like throw him away and you know when the kids were little and put him in another car we we sent him back and we're just making a statement like we Santa Claus is trying to steal Christmas and we aren't letting that happen you know oh we were we were radicals and I actually believe it was the right thing at the right time I actually believe the Lord wanted us in that mode not not necessarily the way we exactly did it I think we could have been much more graceful we didn't have to like make a big you know stand with grandma she wasn't you know the devil but at the time she kind of personified the devil so and we created a lot of conflict in our home as you can imagine not in our home but with our with our family who was trying to figure out like what happened these people they they you know they fell off the earth you know and uh and I I feel like that that's really important in the season we're in feels quite different than that now I feel like the Lord separated us for I don't know how long you know obviously we're older we've been it been a Christian since I was 18 but I feel like the Lord separated us for a season and now it's like okay now I want you to go back and I want you to take the things that I taught you in separation and I want you to impurity and in holiness I want you to teach the world the things I taught you this is the nature of discipleship and so I want to talk a little bit about taking our gift and making it relevant because I love prophesying and all that and and I you know in when we have a conference I think it's always fun to have prophetic people prop sent over people but I often think that the people who need for pratik ministry the most don't come into these walls and I know we've had the most fun in the last probably 12 to 14 years prophesying in places like political you know places among politicians and we prophesy to politicians that don't believe in God we brought we prophesy over politicians who don't believe in God what they want us it's totally incongruent like their mind says there's no god but the heart says well let's not the prophetic guy prophesy over me I can't even tell you how many times some I you know I've come into a political place or a business and you know and the guys like you know I don't really actually believe in God but my friend said I should hear what you have to say and that you might have a word for me I don't even know if they know what they just said you know and so and so it's a lot of fun and I'll tell you when you get outside Christian circles if you if you haven't done this before people are so much more open Christians are like is that scriptural you know where did that come from unbeliever select just give it to me I don't care tell me send me into Africa should I pack now it's completely different I can't even tell you he's met with some congressmen just the other day and they were you know is just giving us prophetic words and direction and they were just like can you come back can we gather some more congressmen and you come back and share some more words with them and was like you know in in religious circles oftentimes they're like you know I was born a certain you know denomination and we didn't believe in that I'm like whatever you know whatever but when you're in those worlds they are so hungry for encouragement they're so hungry for someone and I was in a place with a bunch of Congress people recently in the last year and and and I started sharing and these congressmen said said we need prophetic direction we don't this is their words we don't actually know what we're doing just come and give us direction I'm like woo I feel like the Lord has some just come can we gather some more people and you get us all on the same page it's just like people are like tell me what to do I don't know what we're doing I know God put me here and I feel like we need to bring relevant words not just feel-good words but we need to actually lead a movement that heals the earth are you following me I want to talk to you a little bit about this prophetic thing that's on us and Stacy I wonder Stacy earlier and I had a conversation on the phone with Lisa Bevere who will be here tomorrow I love Lisa I love these gals it's so exciting having both of them with us and I was just sharing with them this thing this nothing I'm sorry this emphasis that I received just not too long ago about God healing father's farlis Nations and I want to just take you to Malachi for if you'll go there right now because I really feel like that prophetic ministry ought to have a purpose in my making sense like what prophetic ministries awesome it's like I'm moving the gifts but it's like I think it's on to a purpose when we see prophetic ministry used in the Old Testament I think Ben mentioned it already once and you'll hear it many times I know Stacy shared a little about what she's caring for this conference like we see Daniel and Daniel's got a prophetic gift but he's not just training people he's shifting culture we see Joseph the great dream interpreter and I know that I've been mentioned Joseph and Joseph doesn't just have a dream interpretation gift he's not just sitting in a booth with people coming in let me interpret your dreams I'm not even opposed to that but I mean this guy his gift is shifting the course of history all right am I making sense these these people had gifts and those gifts we're not just giving people encouragement but literally changing the course of history and I feel like we're in this Kairos moment in which the prophets and the prophetic people are standing if you will on the bow of the boat and their and their re they're changing the course of the fellowship we're actually shifting course you know and I I'm really excited about it what I feel God's doing so Malachi 4 verse 5 I'm sure that you're probably familiar with these verses behold I'm going to send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord and of this part and he will restore the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to fathers so that I might not come and smite the land with a curse kath could you give me some water please um this has been so profound in my spirit in the last three or four or five six months I feel like this movement this prophetic movement thank you baby that this prophetic movement is really taking on form and it's towards the restoration of family I love his verses for several reasons for this conference what I really love about this is that Malachi foresees a time of Follis Ness not the lack of fathers but the lack of fathering you you if you live in America you probably are at least partly aware of this that we in America are living in the most fatherless generation in the history of our young country in which our fathers did not die in war so for instance in a civil war there was about 31 million people in America and six hundred and eighty seven thousand males men died in the Civil War you can imagine that percentage-wise that was probably a more Follis generation but not because fathers didn't love their families but because they were dead this is the most farlis generation in the history of America in which our fathers are walking the planet but they are not home and I really believe that there is a clarion call there is kind of a I kind of describe it like this instinctive thing that the Lord puts in us it's almost like this guidance beeper he once in awhile turns it on like the you know like birds fly south for the winter instinctively something that sometimes the Lord too shifts things in culture and people just start navigating their way they don't even know why they're doing it they just start making their way back in this case to their homes God starts to give people who are been biological fathers but they have not actually fathered their children I believe that the Lord is turning if you will this homing beacon on beacon on and there's something just blinking like I'm supposed to go home I got and go home I got to leave this woman and I got to go home I gotta leave this party and I got to go home and I really believe that there's some kind of Holy Spirit conviction on the world and I say they were luding the church I'm talking about all of us that there's this Holy Spirit global beacon in which the Lord is is divinely and sovereignly flipping on this switch that he I know it's a little metaphor he's flipping on this switch that he reserves the right to do whenever he feels like it and it's creating this movement in which fathers are beginning to reconnect with their sons and daughters and vice versa sons and daughters coming home Isaiah 60 I'm sorry I think it's around verse 10 Isaiah's prophecy and NEC says arise and shine and you probably know these verses we've been sharing them for years and years and this is real a real foundation verses for our movement that that actually bill received many years ago but he talks about a rise and shine for your light has come the glory of laura's risen upon you behold deep darkness is covering the earth deep darkness the people but dolor will rise upon you his glory will be seen upon you nations will come to your life Kings to the brightness of your eyes II and then I love this verse look all around and your sons are coming from afar your daughters are being carried in arms and then the wealth of nations are being turned to you and you're gonna yeah and your heart will thrill and rejoice when you see the wealth of nations turning to you I really believe that prophetic declaration we've been we've been in the midst of that what walking that prophetic declaration out for 40 years at least 39 years but I feel like this part of the verse and your son's will come from afar and your daughters will be carried in arms I believe the restoration of family is a part of this prophetic conference in this prophetic move of God I believe this is one of the reasons why we need spiritual intelligence because we need to be ready for the harvest this coming home not just the harvest in the sense of people receiving the Lord but they're receiving their father Emmanuel man oh man you know I said mantle is what he meant to say I want to talk a little bit about the American journey and I know that this would fit some of your Nations at least in some at least in the fact that America has a deep influence into many of the nations how did we get here how did we become the most farlis generation in the history of America and I want to say that this is not just an American thing this is happening all over the world well up and in 1960 in the 60s the model of the sexual revolution was if you can't be with the one you love love the one you're with and what happened was that that became the model of the 60s and it basically said listen you don't have to be faithful to one person just have sex with whoever you want and we begin to violate the conscience of America it kind of climaxed in 1969 in August of 69 when we had this Woodstock this iconic drugs sex and rock and roll festival it was kind of like if you will a prophetic declaration a negative prophetic declaration of the 60s and that is do whatever you want have sex with whoever you want it doesn't really matter and we tied love and sex together and guess what if love and sex were the same thing the prostitute would be the most loved person on the planet so let me just say love and sex are not the same thing and in the midst of that we were violating our conscience now let me be clear I mean the 60s didn't invent immorality right I mean people were doing him all things before there was ever a rock-and-roll contrary to popular opinion but the difference between the 60s and the 50s and let's just go back even further is that the people in the 50s when they did immoral things they knew they were immoral and society kind of if you will Shepherd at them from the outside in other words Mike my mother she got pregnant with me out of wedlock it when my mother and father found out that they were pregnant the week they found out they went and got married they eloped and got married immediately why there was shame attached to having a child out of wedlock nowadays it's part of the way I make income the more children I have the more welfare money I get and we've actually funded immorality so my mother obviously god bless her she's in heaven now watching this message got a heavenly text from her logo that was a joke I'm not talking to dead people she's alive anyway uh really it's being really funny being really funny so the sexual revolution what the sexual revolution did is it quote quote remove shame from the idea of immorality and it said this is okay like it's all fine and in the midst of that something we when we were living like hell we needed to have a reason to not answer to heaven and Darwinism was introduced into our school system now actually Darwinism was introduced to our school system around 1920 but it actually took it actually had no traction like even though it was in some of the curriculum it really wasn't taught but nobody still believed it most people were creationists even people who didn't know God felt like there was some God who made everything you know and so if the you know creation was the primary kind of way people thought in the school system even in the secular school system but in the 1960s when people were violating their conscience and they needed a way to live like hell and not have to answer to heaven they embraced we embrace Darwinism and Darwinism had several side effects whatever you believe about evolution that's not really my point right now but Darwinism the theory of evolution had some side effects the first one is is the taught us that you were not created in the image of God you were and depending on what part of evolution you believe I understand a little bit about evolution now but you were either a evolutionized ape or you were an amoeba that kind of crawled out of the ocean but the point is is that there was no divine design and more specifically you were made in the image of God now what did that do it did a couple things it said I am an evolved animal and so now we took on the value remember we've always we've always hunted animals from the days of Cain and Abel and so it reduced us to an intelligent animal how many know now we protect animals and we kill babies the second thing it did is it took away a sense of purpose because before Darwinism even people who didn't know God they weren't Christians at all they still had a sense there was a deep sense in humanity I was born for a reason I may not know my reason I haven't encountered my Creator I haven't I haven't found my people I don't really know I'm alive but this indicated there was a constant like why was I born going on Darwinism took away purpose because Darwinism says you just came from evolution you were just you're just uh yeah you you're just the strongest of a select species and you don't really have a purpose and people found it you know when you lose purpose you typically live for pleasure you try to stay out of pain or find pleasure and that became the core reason why people were alive I was alive you know I was alive for pleasure eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die there's no Hereafter there's no reason to not have the best time you can't because your days are going to be over when you're in the ground and this changed an entire culture in 1950 less than 5% of all children were born out of wedlock in America less than 5% is actually like 4.2 percent by 2017 that number rose 1,700 percent did you get that if this was a disease it'd be a pandemic it rose by 1700 percent today black children 70 percent of all black children are born out of wedlock 70 percent of all black children are born out of wedlock 50% of all Hispanics in America are born out of wedlock 39 percent of all white children born out of wedlock are you with me they are born without a marriage does that not surprise you I knew there was a problem I started looking up statistics and I'm like how come no one's talking about this Danny and I many years ago it had to be ten years ago I think when we had that meeting with the city we had a city meeting and there was maybe 50 people in the room and we know I think I think the police chief was there I think there was the probation of there was teachers there we're talking about like the leaders of our city not just some citizens leaders of our city we got a white board out and we said and we went around and we asked each person in your world what is the number one problem that you face every day in your world when we finished that meeting three hours two and a half hours later there was one word on the whiteboard fatherlessness one word the entire night I mean Danny and I thought that would be on the board of course we didn't know that the police chief would say fatherlessness that the educators would say fatherlessness that the probation department say fatherlessness that the welfare department say pollicis every single person who came that night couldn't think of another problem that they had that was greater than thoughtlessness in their world there's a great story that somebody sent me recently and I think it's come it came from a book called elephants and Men I believe that's the name of the book I haven't read the book the somebody sent me a excerpt from the book and it's a story at least the excerpt they sent me is a story Kruger Park National Park in South Africa I've actually been there twice I think you and I were there isn't that the one we opened the door in the lions were there for Danny he's afraid of lions his name is Daniel and he's afraid of lions I opened the door there was a whole love what do they call breed of lions but pride yeah so I opened the door so we could see him and he's like he's so freaking out I'm like you're in the Daniel guy you're supposed to be the guy opening the door so we went to Kruger Park but in Kruger Park they there was let me let me see if I can get this part right there was a there was an elephant that was becoming extinct oh the African bull elephants were becoming extinct and so in Kruger Park they purposely bred those elephants and what happened according to the this excerpt from the book is that those elephants began to take over the park like there were so many of them they bred so well that they began to actually be be a problem to the ecosystem because there were just so many of them so he said what are we gonna do with all these elephants and they said well let's take some of these elephants and let's move them to another Park and still they're like well you know it's kind of hard to ship an elephant it's like how do we get the elephants from one part to another part so they got this idea and they brought in this really big helicopter and they made harnesses for the elephants and they they actually airlifted the elephants from one park in South Africa to another park well when they were trying to lift the large adult male elephants they kept breaking the harnesses so they said well that's fine you know we've introduced male elephants it's fine those younger male elephants will grow up there's no there's no reason to bring the larger male elephants over so they didn't and what happened is within about six weeks the rhinoceroses in that new park began to die at first they thought it was some kind of virus or some kind of disease killing them but as they as they begin to investigate they realized that the rhinoceros was were actually gored or stabbed in the side and something was killing them and at first they thought well maybe it's poachers but then they the most important a most expensive part of a rhino is actually the horn and the horns were all intact so what they did is they put up cameras around specifically where the Rhinos kind of hung out and what they saw was shocking the young bull African elephants were actually killing the rhinoceroses now this is amazing because the rhinoceros and the elephant they coexist in every jungle like they are not natural enemies and so they're like what are we going to do about this because they're actually killing off all the rhinoceroses in six weeks I forget it I don't even know if it said how many but they were actually killing off all the rhinoceroses and by the way they were killing other animals too so they they got together these scientists and they're like well the only thing we can think of is that we didn't introduce the old male elephants into the jungle so maybe that's the problem they didn't actually even know they said well let's let's build stronger harnesses and let's get some of the male elephants the older male elephants in in this other Park and so they airlifted the older male elephants into the park and suddenly within weeks the bizarre violent behavior of the Jewell juvenile elephant stopped completely and here's what they said the older elephants let them know that their behaviors were not elephant like at all I love it I love the way you put this and in a short time the younger elephants were following the older more dominant elephants around while learning how to be elephants it's such a beautiful example of what happens when you take a certain element out of an ecosystem and suddenly you don't even know that that element is creating a balance in the ecosystem till you remove it let me give you some of the men part of this elephants and men in our country here's some of the side effects of fatherlessness 90% of all a merry can inmates are men not women 75 to 90% and the reason there is a difference quite a difference 15% differences because I looked up about 10 different websites and there was different different statistics they didn't agree but the lowest was 75 and the highest was 90% of all inmates grew up without a father so at the least 75% of all men who were incarcerated didn't have a dad at home are you with me 63 percent of all youth suicides are from fatherless homes 63 percent of all young people that commit suicide are from a fatherless home 90% of all homelessness and runaway children are from follows homes 32 times the average and by the way 62 63 percent of youth suicides is five times the average 85 percent of all children who show behavioral disorders came from fatherless homes that's according to the center of the disease control and it's 20 times the average 80% of all rapists come from fatherless homes that's 14 times the average and 71% of all high school dropouts come from farlis homes that's 9 times the average are you with me what happens when you remove father's from the ecosystem is that I can tell you the statistics say men get more violent they begin to lose their sense of identity they begin to lose their sense of purpose and all kinds of social ills come from fatherlessness why am i sharing this in a prophetic conference because God said I'm gonna send the prophetic movement and it's going to restore this God's answer to follow the sness as crazy as it sounds is I'm going to send Elijah the Prophet the prophetic movement is going to be a spirit of reconciliation how many know the old in the Old Testament it was a spirit of judgment but how many know in the New Testament it's the spirit of reconciliation [Applause] III want to I want to dispel a lie men and women are not the same I can't even I don't even I said this in a particular country I don't want to tell you where but you would definitely know and I said men and women aren't the same and it was debatable I'm like no no men and women are not the same listen you men you can't get in touch with your feminine side you don't have one look you got a verse for that I do in Genesis chapter 22 the Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which he'd taken from the man are you follow me and he brought her to the man and the man said this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of the man where was the woman in the man what did God how did God create the woman he took her out of the man he divided his image into a woman and a man how many know God is not male God is both male and female it takes a male and a female how many know it wasn't like men were made in the image of God women weren't honey no it takes a man and a woman to display the nature of God if you oppress women you lose half the revelation of the nature of God immediately when Adam wakes up and this is now this is a little subjective this is the way I see it Adam falls asleep God puts out him to sleep God takes the woman out of the man Adam wakes up and he sees in front of him what what was once in him and what does he do immediately he begins to prophesy to the person who's standing in front of him I'm going to get her back I'm gonna get to her back in the he how is he gonna do it he begins a prophesy a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two shall be one why because the one became 2 out of me immediately goes I need that back I need the feminine side back in my life how does he do it he marries and the word marries means to merge notice that God never counts a woman in a crowd after that he says there's three thousand men there was five thousand men there was two thousand men why because God says the two were made to be one sometimes we're so afraid of stereotypes that we have no role models this politically correct spirit is moving us towards a generalist society and it's a lie the politically correct spirit is moving us toward two to a genderless Society in 2016 there was a law passed in California to create new curriculum for our public school system and 2019 this year they are now releasing the curriculum that was created by those laws we got a copy of that curriculum only three weeks ago and we began to read through it they've taken out he and she and replace it with a and them because they say that gender is a choice it's not biological how many know that is called bullcrap in the Bible somewhere now why is this important it's important because when God fashions triune attributes he synergizes and enhances those strengths with their nature for instance when God gave a woman breasts he didn't give them a physical ability without giving them an assignment and identity and a DNA in other words women don't just carry milk for their babies they carry a nurturing spirit a nurturing nature they are by nature nurturers you're like women can't nurture no men can be nurturing but women lead in it or you follow me women teach men how to be nurturing because it's in their DNA it's not something they do is something they are I love the way Lew Engels put this and he wasn't talking about this issue exactly but he said God doesn't take a man and put a dream in him God has a dream and he wraps a man around it when God made women and men in his image he gave them distinct characteristics in fact God said to Adam it's not good for you to be alone I'll make you a suitable helper the word suitable means opposite of and the word helper is used as sword as ax and it's used three times for a woman and sixteen times for God God did not create a slave for Adam God created a helper that could help him the way God helps him are you following me what I'm getting at is that we are often so you know culture is telling us you can have two moms or you can have two dads in your house you don't need a mom and a dad because gender doesn't matter and I'm saying gender absolutely matters because when God made you a woman he actually created the attributes a nature of God in you that's different than the man it's opposite of its corresponding to the man a woman is weaker than a man physically now I understand girls remember I wrote the book fashion the rain when I say women are weaker I understand that like they have muscles men don't have and they can have babies and they labor in a way men cannot labor I'm talking about speed and strength for instance in the Olympics women are there 10% slower and they're 15% weaker when it comes to events so there's a reason why there's an NFL and a and an MBA and a WNBA there's a reason why there's not co-ed sports is because we are in the area of strength we are different women are not as strong but what does God do when he creates a woman not as strong purposefully on purpose he gives her other gifts she becomes a mat a master negotiator she becomes much more peaceful than a man why she's carried every man she's carried every child in her womb every child in the womb every child that's born every person on this planet was not carried by a man but was carried by a woman a wound man what does that do to the woman it creates in her and a peaceful nature um how many wars have women started I said none a historian came up and said actually mr. valeton you're wrong too I said what were they he said I can't remember that's the point that's the point it's you know when a woman has a conflict with a man she doesn't think I'll just beat you up and I say in my book fashion to rain if matriarchs would actually wit if matriarch took their rightful place alongside of patriarchs the world would be a much more peaceful place why because the woman is inherently by the nature of God a peacemaker you can men be peacemakers of course they are we're talking about who's leading culture in what areas women are inherently negotiators why they can't beat up the man thousands of years of learning how to deal with people who are physically stronger than you creates in you an ability that men don't do as well can men mean negotiators of course they can the point is who is leading that part of culture men are physically stronger what does that do God didn't just make us stronger he gave us a warrior's instinct once if someone breaks into my house I don't think about getting my wife up hey baby go check that out and let me know how that's going some of you like well that's what I would do I've seen your wife she's a bad woman my wife went hunting last three weeks ago four weeks ago I'll probably offend a bunch of this crowd she killed a deer with one shot never hunted before killed a bobcat by the way the Bobcats are predators in this area they actually have tags because they eat they destroy the the the herds and the flocks and stuff and she killed a bobcat with one shot and a turkey with one shot from like 40 yards so that's why I have anxiety issues my wife went off hunting and I stayed home with the horses this feels wrong I bought her the gun too I didn't give her any bullets until she left the house I hope you understand what I just said men and women are not the same I understand that in trying to describe divine distinctions that were painting this with a pretty wide brush I do think it's interesting my life my wife loves to hunt she loves to fish I don't like either one of those things I can't even gut a fish I just pass out when I got the fishes pass out so I sent her off do the hunting bring back food so when I'm talking about men and women and you like you're creating stereotypes of mink you can see we're not living in a stereotype like my wife goes off to get food I stay home and clean the house I want to give you six side effects of fatherlessness men are being feminized because mothers because they are being raised with mothers without fathers now we're talking about fathers today this is not a balanced message it's purposely not a balanced message do men and women do boys need mothers yes yes the point is they don't need just mothers that's the point what happens when men when boys and girls are raised by only a mother here's some of the side effects that I that I thought of and I did some research on some of these gender confusion of a man being raised only by a woman is helping to perpetuate homosexuality men are being trained out of the ability to protect provide and promote which the three things that men do best they protect they provide and they promote abortion is a major side effect of fallenness because women are being in pregnant it by men not fathers fathers protect provide and promote their offspring what happens when a father's not present now I'm sure that there are some a few that there are there are percentage of fathers who are probably saying to their people that they got pregnant there their their spouses or their girlfriends or their what night one-night-stands please don't abort this baby but if you ever done any research you find that I think it's 97 or 98 percent of all women who get an abortion I do it because there is no father who wants to be involved number 2 the absence of fatherhood is creating behavioral tolerance and a lack of discipline we kind of said it with the split with the elephant story if ladies finish this statement all of you that have children wait till your father gets home wait till your father gets home what does your what does fatherhood stand for think about think about Hebrews chapter 12 he says that discipline happens through fathers and if you don't have discipline your illegitimate were bastard and he references that discipline happens from fathers don't how many no mother's definitely disciplined but there's something about the father there's something about the the if you will the masculine nature that says you'll stop that now get up to your room right now do not talk back to your mother go right now and whatever you whatever your type of discipline is you believe in spankings or whatever we believe in spanking and I think in a regular basis we spank kids prophetically like you know what I don't even know which one is wrong so we're just going to spank you both so that in the future just spanking by prophetic ministry number three men lack confidence in their ability to lead and provide for a family because it's never been modeled for them therefore they delay or reject marriage they delay or reject marriage men lack confidence in their ability to provide and to lead for a family because it's never been modeled for them men say things like III I hear this all the time in our school we have and by the way if you're not supposed to marry please don't marry okay everybody hear that okay but you're supposed to mostly I hear men say yeah we have men 30 40 years old in our school never been married like hey why don't you America I can't find a woman okay now first of all let's be clear statistically there's seven point four billion people on a planet almost four billion of those are women okay do you understand what this means there are more people alive on the planet right now then the cumulative all in the history of the world were alive on the planet and they can't find a woman I could find a woman I mean I just want to sing like open my eyes Lord I want to find a woman you know what I'm saying it's like open your eyes and you know and I don't know if you've ever been to our school I mean that's like fishing at the hatchery you can't find a woman in our school ministry you something freakin wrong with you number four men invite boys into manhood through the rite of passage the rite of passage is the process in which men acknowledge that a boy has become a man without the rite of passage boys struggle growing up as they grow old now there's something inherent women women have a menstrual cycle and so when women have them when when girls have their menstrual cycle when they start their period there is a natural rite of passage because one women have to teach them what to do but they always I mean but at the same time they acknowledge look the girl has become a woman there is a day in which you have you know you can actually you you start your menstrual cycle you are ready to reproduce now you will physically ready to reproduce we know that you're not mentally spiritually and so on but my point is is that you're acknowledged as a woman who potentially could be a mother and so there's the natural right of passage but of course men don't have that without fathers being present and consequently what happens consequently farlis men tend to be players instead of leaders they all of a pleasure above purpose largely because they're largely because they're ill equipped from manhood and they and the fear of failing paralyzes them number 5 father's fatherless men relate to women as mothers and sisters not as wives and lovers because it's never been a they've never observed a husband relate how husband relates to white let me sit again follows men relate to women as mothers and sisters but not as wives and lovers because they've never observed how a husband relates to quite consequently they don't pursue lovers they pursue mothers someone who will care for them not a person they can provide protect and promote I here's another common phrase I say hey have you thought about that woman because oh she's like my sister I can't fall in love with my sister I propose that when you're fatherless every woman's either a sister or a mother because you've never seen a sister who's a lover so you relate to women as sisters and mothers that's why you can't find a lover because it's the only way you've learned to relate in a followers Society authenticity is being redefined as being true to your feelings instead of being true to yourself I'm sorry instead of being true to your purpose let me give you quickly father's teach men these things to conquer their fears and not negotiate with their enemies number to provide for their families this role gives men purpose meaning identity I think it's kind of funny you know in Acts chapter 10 there's this vision are you guys bored I'm almost done in Acts chapter 10 there's a Peter has this vision you remember this of this sheet coming down with unclean animals in it and what is the prophetic declaration over arise kill and eat kill and eat I didn't just say eat said kill and eat I'm bill say many up here Killiney is part of the ecosystem of manhood because they are tasked with providing substance for their family but in a feminized world provision is trumped by compassion and vegetarianism is the outcome I thought that was so funny I'll read that every time for bill you know if you hunt now you have to say I hunt for the meat I hunt for the meat let me tell you something most people on hunt for the meat they hunt for the excitement of the kill you're like that's so terrible have you ever how many of you like how many of you like climb mountains that's stupid what would be the purpose of that what is the purpose of playing sports how do you like play cards help me like to play cards what a waste of time I play I play cards so that I could keep my reading habits no you play cards because you enjoy playing cards you play tennis because you love there's something in you that loves the competition I'm not very good at basketball I played twice a week I love playing basketball and I don't I hate practicing I love to play basketball because I like competition I don't want to just be out there shooting I don't care that I suck I just want to get out there with other guys and bump around people that hunt they hunt for the excitement of hunting it's in your DNA quite that guy we've got a lot of Europeans in here okay listen you don't have to agree with me you've the right to be wrong in this house if you're a vegetarian god bless you a lot of lot of Gophers and squirrels gave up their life for you true story anybody ever raise the garden three people in here that's what I mean see that's why you got that face looking at me like that you raise a garden if you have any size of garden at all you are killing varmints that are trying to eat your vegetables okay fathers teach men to compete for the prize to fight for the promise to build for the future this is how men learn to fight for and aggressively pursue the woman of their dreams your dad teaches you how to pursue a woman how many know that Adam said a man shall leave his father mother and cleave to his wife or the two shall become one flesh he wasn't saying listen a man will leave his father's house and move in with their in-laws he was prophesying who will pursue who the man will pursue the woman people ask me all the time I get I'll get it today for sure people write me and like is it okay for a woman to pursue a man yes in this culture you have to jump in the boat can I ain't nobody fishing [Applause] when a woman plays hard-to-get I never said that before that I think wow that @sq thing just jumped right on me [Applause] when a woman plays hard-to-get she should inspire the masculine need to win to compete for the prize to climb the castle wall but in a feminized world a woman has to put the ladder against the castle wall followed by a safety rope and then wait at the bottom of the step to show him the way up I'm serious this is in the Bible let me read you song saw Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse 8 listen my beloved behold he's coming he's climbing on the mountains he's leaving on the hills my beloved is like a gazelle he's like a young stag behold he's standing behind the wall he's looking through the windows he's peering through the lattice he he's yeah he's a freakin peeping tom you remember how song Salman you guys haven't read this book for a while have you I taught on sex once Sunday and I just read one chapter about climbing the tree and getting her breasts and and then I made no commentary I just wait and people like this with their Bibles especially the older people it was kind of funny but do you do you remember how the Song of Solomon offense you finally got some rib you didn't like the animal thing I did but I see you like this a little bit better remember how the Song of Solomon opens come on are you with me at all remember she's in the bedroom and he knocks on the door remember the story and he knocks on the door and what does she say ladies come on this has got to be one of your favorite books besides Esther she said I've already washed my feet and I've got in bed right guys got to give up Netflix to start reading the book man she says I'm already took off my shoes I washed my feet and I'm in bed he's knocking she's like he's like come on baby open the door and she's like I'm already in bed what is she doing Gayle's what is she doing she's playing hard to get this is what women do that this is inspires the masculine need to conquer I'm not talking about sexually cultured conquer I understand that that that happens that's not the healthy part that's unhealthy I'm talking about the need to be pursued by a woman a woman was born to be adored she was doing a born to be pursued the man was born to be a pursuer it's in his DNA his daddy teaches him the difference between no and no right because some girls are like no that doesn't mean though that means my boy love it's like a gazelle he's jumping over the mouth and he's leaping over the hill and what is she doing she's like no no no no no no no no no no no and what's he doing he's like he's like I'm like a gazelle I'm peeping through the lattice I'm looking for the woman ain't no mountain high enough ain't no Valley low enough your daddy teaches you how to pristiq the thing that's normal in you that thing that needs to conquer to climb to kill and he teaches you how to drift them towards the woman of your dreams and he says don't take no for an answer unless it's no but if it's no that means yes and when you ain't got a daddy you don't know that no means yes [Applause] every week nearly every week men tell me I said would you know have you pursued anybody yeah but she told me she wasn't interested I'm like doesn't interests it that means try but what happens if she rejects me you were built for rejection you will man you got like a head of steel think about Ezekiel I'm gonna make your head harder than her head you got a soft tart but you got a hard head you was posted you were born to be rejected get in there and get back in the race you reject me it just makes me want you more good word we got 14 seconds the Lord's raising up a fathering movement I see this is a prophetic declaration I see a Promise Keepers life movement rising all over the world filling stadiums with men and teaching men how to be men teaching them and we didn't talk about how they influenced daughters unfortunately but but but girls need daddies they don't just need mommy's daddy teaches girl daddy teaches daughter how to relate to a man how to not be afraid of his masculine behavior his masculine attitudes how do how do how to navigate a man's DNA your daddy teaches you how to relate to men if you don't have a daddy in your life and you don't have someone who's bothering you you can be afraid of men because men are not like women and what you don't understand you tend to be afraid of think about how that's affecting this genderless society I want to pray for you when you stand because I believe that fathers and mothers in this room are going to be part of a prophetic movement that's going to shift the course of history back to families can I get an amen I'm actually still thinking about the last thing aren't you Lord I just released right now this prophetic mantle that is a it's rooted in the spirit of reconciliation and it is tasked with restoring the hearts of fathers to sons and daughters and vice versa hello we pray that you would increase the anointing in this room and that Isaiah 60 that sons would come from afar and DARS would be carried in arms and your heart will thrill and rejoice because the abundance of the sea has turned to you and the wealth of nations has come to you God we pray in Jesus name that we would see our own sons and daughters come home that we would see our own families restore that we'd see our children our grandchildren our great-grandchildren carrying this spirit of reconciliation and Lord we release this prophetic declaration that would be in the heart of every person that's walking the planet that they would have this beep and this beacon come on and says I'm supposed to go home I'm supposed to be a dad I will not choose work over my family I will not sacrifice my family on the altar of prosperity Lord I bless this generation in Jesus name god bless you [Applause]
Channel: Anatolia Glenda
Views: 3,162
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Keywords: Kris Vallotton, Kris Vallotton 2018, Kris Vallotton 2019, Kris Vallotton sermons, Kris Vallotton Sermons 2019, Kris Vallotton healing, Kris Vallotton Sermons 2018, bethel church, Kris Vallotton bethel
Id: HULHAzXpyio
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Length: 103min 17sec (6197 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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