Pastor Johnson Speaks On Nationwide Unrest

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hey family we know a lots going on in our society and in our community right now throughout this nation and and we know what happened in Minneapolis and now our response to that and our heart goes out to the Floyd family and what they are having to deal with and and I thank God for them allowing with their son and brother and uncle to but what he went through to kind of inspire us and he encouraged us to stand up for justice and stand up for what's right in the Bible speaks about justice all the time and righteousness all the time and we certainly can't just let those in power continue to oppress us and then we not say anything and so I gotta admit I'm glad to see the responses I'm glad to see the protest I but as we protests but we can't do things that's going to distract from what we're really all about a lot of things that we're seeing now with police cars burn it up and buildings burning and restaurants burning and neighborhoods on fire and being destroyed that's taking away from what we talking about what we really want is is righteousness and justice I can't see how killing somebody else is going to help bring justice just somebody that's being killed we are Christians and we as Jesus taught us understand that fire doesn't put out fire that if you want to overcome hatred you overcome hatred with love and so I know a lot of that is not those of us who really care there are some others trying to infiltrate the protests that we're bringing but just don't I just encourage you to not get caught up in a wave of wrong in sin and ungodliness but I do encourage you to do something to say something to respond we live in a nation where the original sin someone has suggested of America is racism and what we see whether it is with George Floyd or whether it is with the covet 19 that there's racism being revealed and showing us the racial divide and the social injustice and the wrongs and the wickedness that this nation started off of this is nothing new from the murders of our for parents in slavery to the lynchings outside of slavery to the police brutality and officers that can kill unarmed black men and then have no consequence to that and no I don't think we should sit back and do nothing I think we should do something but we're Christians and we can respond the Bible says that we can be angry and sin not and and I gotta admit I'm angry with the rest of you I'm angry about the police brutality I'm angry about the police systems that allow this to continue with no consequence I'm I'm angry about the racial divide I'm angry about racism I'm angry about poverty that comes because of systems that have been in place to include some and exclude others I'm angry over sexism I'm angry over ageism I'm angry over people who try to determine who other people should have sex with in their lives and then try to remove the the rights that they have as citizens and so so many things are going on in this nation and yes go ahead and say something the reason why we even know what's going on with George Floyd's because of a teenage girl with enough courage to let us know what was really going on that she was able to record it then report it as someone has suggested that what we're seeing today is not more racism and more racial acts what we're seeing today is being filmed we didn't have video cam we didn't have video cameras on our phones to film all the things that are going on so what we see we in in Minneapolis has been and is happening across this nation just nobody was able to catch it on film and then we had to continuously listen to the lies so in this nation where you can get called on police called on you for selling kool-aid or cutting grass or walking through a park or jogging down the street or sitting in your house watching television on your sofa or laying in a bed with your woman then the police break in your house you Joe warm and then arrest you who can't one get angry at something like this but the Bible says we can be angry and sin not and in the midst of all of this I still believe that God is in control in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 1 and chapter 2 when Jesus Christ our Savior is born into this world when he was 2 years and younger King Herod sent up some military police to Bethlehem to try to kill him he didn't they didn't know which which child was the Messiah they kept saying this newborn King this newborn King and then this head of state with some mental issues and hatred in his heart and evil this this had a state that is used to impressing those that he feels threatened by since the military police to Bethlehem to kill all the boys who were 2 years and under because he had heard that that's where this newborn king is he's in Bethlehem and he's been hearing this spoken up but for 2 years he didn't know which one he was so just send the military police down there and kill all the boys 2 years and under and that's because you know they didn't go after everybody it was a system it was a policy that was put in place they went after a certain color a certain age a certain gender a certain culture a certain community those are the ones that they went after so we've we've seen this before even in Scripture because they didn't know which one was the born Masai which one was born the king because you couldn't just look at the children in Bethlehem until which one was the king and which one was the queen because all of them had kingly potential all of them had queenly potential and when I see the attacks of unarmed black males in America about those whose post protect and serve is because there are those with this evil in their heart and in their minds who feel threatened by young black men that's why the attack is not on everybody certain color certain culture a certain gender certain age certain community because they feel threatened by these young men because you can't look in our communities and tell which ones are the kings and the queens because all of our sons and daughters have kingly potential and queenly potential all of them have the potential to succeed and prosper and be educated and lead and dominate and run this where all of them have the potential to do that that's why the attack is the way it is and so Jesus stepdad heard from the Angels he kept listening to the Lord and to Mister and I know it's not easy to do I know our own fleshly desires beginning to rise up in us but he kept listening to the Lord and begin to make moves that the Lord told him to me take the young child offer protection to him and get him into Egypt and hide him out and it was when that head of state was removed from his office that's when Jesus came back in the same Jesus that was protected in the midst of all that military police that attacked those young those young boys and took their lives with no consequence to them but the one that made it transcended all of that and came back and brought deliverance to everybody else because our God is still in control no it doesn't look like it all the time but he still working things together for good and Jesus knows what it's like to be a man of color his hair was like lamb's wool his scared like polished brass and to be have to deal with social injustice to be arrested for something he never should have been arrested for and Jesus knows but is like to know that he's innocent and that the system the judicial system the judge that judged him said I find no fault in him that he was innocent and then still treated as though he was guilty and they did crucify him but three days later God raised him from the dead and he's ascended to the right hand of the Father and he sits there makes intercession for us and who service shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved but what I'm trying to get across to you is as bad as all of that look that social injustice that attacked of a man of color that arrested him when he never should have been to killing him when that never should have happened but God calls Jesus to rise above all of that and bring victory to our lives I just want to encourage you go ahead and get angry you can be angry but sin not go ahead and protest go ahead and do what you need to do yeah I know some of us are said how can I help but can I do I mean there's there are tons of groups that address this every day they don't wait for George Floyd they address this everyday like black lives matter and United Negro College Fund and Urban League and National Action Network and so many others why don't you connect with them why don't you empower them there are so many churches and synagogues and mosques who address this every day why don't you connect with them you know there's something about us coming together one can put a thousand to flight two could put 10,000 a flight we do better when we work together and for me to sit mad and angry and attacking folk that have nothing to do with it I don't that's not the best way for me to address this but to connect with other people black and white Asian Native Americans and others who are sick of this and let's address this with the mentality that no matter how bad it looks that love will always overcome hate and and and truth crushed to the earth will rise again and I'm telling you that my God is still in control let's do what we need to do and trust God in this as we connect with one another to overcome the racism and the social injustice and the lies and the sexism and the ageism and all the other things that America's tried to build itself home and overcome that knowing God is in control my when I went to college I used to play chess all the time and as I would play chess course some of us are better than others but that's when I learned that chess champions the world chess champions in their mind they're 30 moves ahead of the opponent that they play so I tried to be decent of chess that I might be two or three moves ahead of the person I'm playing but chess champions are like 30 moves ahead so while we're making a move here the chess champion is he's so far alone in controlling this and bringing victory and overcoming and winning and when I used to watch Star Trek with Spock did Captain Kirk they would play chess on three different levels and on three levels they were making moves twenty and thirty moves ahead of other people now if chess champions in the world can do that and if dr. Spock mr. Spock can do that on Star Trek then what about our God how many moves ahead of you and I is God so for all of you who are struggling with your faith saying what it was God up to what is that God is thirty moves ahead of you no he's he's lightyears ahead of you he's already predestined some things he's already pre arranged things he's already pre ordered some things you say well if I were God I would do this that's why you're not God he knows what to do when to do and how to do it and just like he raised up Jesus I'm convinced in all of this disorder in all of this racial divide and all of this hatred God is raising up somebody who's gonna transcend all of this and help bring victory to our community as we are unite for work of ministry so let's pray for each other let's encourage each other let's support each other let's remember we Christians and and we're gonna get to victory because Jesus already promised it to us he said you you're gonna face tribulation but be of good cheer Jesus says I've already overcome the world let me pray father in the name of Jesus we just thank you for who you are loving caring compassionate God and Lord we know you know what's happening in our lives we know you love us because you've already demonstrated that well allowing Jesus down on the krafla cross for our sins and raising Jesus from the dead and saving her you've already demonstrated your love to us and we know you have power to do whatever you want to do you demonstrated that in the resurrection by raising Jesus from the dead the Lord you know what's happening you see the ungodly and as you see the unjust of systems and people you see the evil in the hearts of men and women who not only try to shut people down but take people's lives with no consequences and you see the response of people what's in our hearts and in our minds and in our souls to God we need your grace your mercy your favor we need the direction of your Holy Spirit their God and we need your power and we need you to raise up our sons and daughters to transcend this evil time these evil people these evil practices to rise above that and bring us to victory in our communities and we know you are light years ahead in the decision-making thank you that you've already pre arranged and pre-ordered and predetermined our victory and we receive it in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Eastern Star Church
Views: 1,772
Rating: 4.9682541 out of 5
Keywords: police brutality, prejudice, racism, injustice, george floyd, america's first sin, police, minneapolis, pastor responds to unrest, christian, christianity, bravery, christ like, protest, breana taylor, god is in control, military, politics, political unrest, indianapolis riots, indianapolis protests, violent protests, no justice no peace, Peaceful protest, kings, queens, black lives matter, civil unrest
Id: BiDQL6Fvxz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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