Pastor John Hagee - "The Decision to Pray with Power"

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[Music] thank you what is prayer prayer is conversation with god you don't have to talk to God in the King James you don't have to speak in a foreign language or make it iamic pentameter some of the best prayers I've ever prayed sounded like this help help and that's a fact prayer is not sending God to run on your errands a Christian must get on his knees before he gets on his feet prayer is not getting privileged God prayer is not getting God prepared to do your will prayer is getting you ready to do God's will the Lord's Prayer say this not my will but thine be done say that with me not my will but thine be done prayer is the only way to release the supernatural power of God in your life in your marriage in your business to show you Great and Mighty things but the question is as powerful as God is God cannot answer prayer until you pray you often hear or I often hear people say well I wonder when God is going to do something the initiative rests with you not God says when you pray I will answer when you bind up when you what you bind on Earth I'll bind in heaven watch you loose on Earth I will loosen heaven but the initiative rest with you God's not sitting there wondering what you want he wants you to tell him because if you tell him in faith believing you will receive it hear the Lord prays in the house as powerful as God is he cannot answer prayer until you pray it prayer is the key that unlocks the Gates of Heaven and closes the gates of hell I saw the power of prayer all of my life in my mother when she got on her arthritic knees and started whispering the name of the Lord every demon in Harris County started running for Louisiana prayer has the power to cure sickness and disease my older brother was healed of epilepsy because of my mother's prayer Medical Science couldn't touch it but God Almighty healed my brother prayer can shatter the shackles of misery inhabits that enslave you the torments of your son the theme that's destroying your daughter your husband your wife prayer can change that prayer does not need proof prayer needs practice intellectuals in America or jabbering about God being so distant and God being so far off he's a cosmic being doting grandfather sitting benignly in the heavens totally unaware and out of control listen up dummy God is as close as your next prayer he can move Heaven and Earth he's waiting on people of prayer to Simply Prevail in the authority of Jesus name prayer is the weapon that God has given to his children to wage war in the heavenlies when we say we bind and loose what are we talking about Paul said we're talking about powers and principalities in the heavenlies there are supernatural beings that have structure and Order who are under the command of the Prince of Darkness that would be the devil and if you really get in a heavyweight fight you're going to meet these people and the way that you meet him is in the authority of Jesus name you bind him in your family you bind them from your children you bind them from your business you bind them from your future and you do so in the authority of Jesus name and it happens [Applause] Church of Jesus Christ stop complaining about the attacks on your life by the Prince of Darkness attack him bind him curse him in the authority of Jesus name put your foot on the head of the devil and watch him squirm the Victory Is Ours through Christ the lord Satan is a defeated foe think like it talk like it act like it pray like it the Victory Is Ours Hallelujah to the Lamb of God [Applause] is your marriage under attack pray is your child being tormented by the Prince of Darkness pray is your business failing pray are you fighting a dreaded disease pray are you lost and without God pray is your life empty pray is your life meaningless and hopeless pray pray God answers prayer Hallelujah tell the Lamb of God [Applause] the tragedy of our day is not unanswered prayer but unoffered prayer prayer will either make you leave off sinning or sin will make you leave off praying you will either embarrass sin or sin will embarrass you why pray because anointed prayer raises above the need level dear God water the grass and take care of the post nasal drip of my parrot that's not spiritual warfare anointed prayer rises above the need level consider Saint Paul Paul was stoned and left for dead that means the bones in his body were broken he was whipped with a cat Roman cat of nine tails three times that means he had almost 120 series of scars on his body he did not ask the church to pray for his broken bones or the arthritis caused by those broken bones or the fact that he was in jail again or the fact that the Romans had whipped him again or the fact that his name was in the fake news again as being a religious fanatic he said pray for me that I may speak the Lord with more boldness what that's what got you put in prison boldness boldness is what got him in jail he wanted boldness boldness are you listening pastors of America we need boldness to come back to the American pulpit [Applause] There Are Spiritual cowards in the Pulpit who are who have produced and the environment where moral corruption in our government is acceptable it's not acceptable abortion is not acceptable the Defiance of the moral laws of God is not acceptable take a stand against this hot tub Christianity that's preaching to be comfortable at all costs including the exclusion of the word of God Proverbs 14 9 says fools make a mock of sin and America has made a mockery of sin and we have become Sodom and Gomorrah because the people of America can identify sin because of the moral cowards in America's pulpits God is sitting in heaven saying pray to me ask me for great things asked me to pull down strongholds asked meat to break Satan's grip over your job over your family elevate your prayer Leah from now I lay me down to sleep to spiritual warfare go to war go to war in the authority of Jesus name call those corrupt politicians by name and pray the wrath of God down on them you have that kind of power use it [Applause] ask him to send Revival to America ask him for a righteous Revolution ask him for righteousness that exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people can I get a witness here this morning When you pray ask God for big things ask God for big things nothing is impossible when that gets really in your brain nothing is impossible with God ask him to defeat the Giants in your life when you have a big need Ash big ask him to send fire from heaven ask him to walk you through the fiery furnace ask him he's The God Who Cannot fail and he's just waiting to show you his awesome power you need to turn that power loose in the authority of Jesus name Give the Lord Praise In This House [Applause] so let me give you eight reasons God doesn't answer prayer one asking you shall receive you do not visualize prayer you ask God out loud you don't visualize the prayer you say a prayer you do not stare into a crystal that's idolatry as powerful as God is he's not going to answer you until you ask him in the authority of Jesus name secondly ask in faith believing Mark 11 22 for verily I say unto you whosoever shall not doubt in his heart bash out but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith not think of saith sit with me saith God Almighty gave you the ability to speak so you could pray not so you could have a telephone Ministry but pray God is not a statue of stone or wood he speaks he talks he thinks he feels your infirmities he answers our prayer he's alive he is in this place Jehovah Shalom the Lord our peace he is in this place the Victory Is Ours through Christ the Lord give him praise in the house of God [Music] you need a Divine Touch from the Lord when you speak the word of God aloud you release his promises over your life the blessings of the Lord fill every part of your existence The God Who created heaven and earth is the god who can heal you today or soul mind and body with your special gift of any amount this month we will send you a copy of our book the power to heal plus a vial of anointing oil use this gift to pray God's word over you and your family and anoint those you love with this oil for your generous gift of 200 or more will also include a unique communion set made of olive wood handcrafted by the sheltered workshop in southern Israel as an extra bonus you will also receive our healing scriptures USB when you read these selected scriptures you will release the healing power of the word of God in your life we see these gifts today call the number on screen or go to Healing [Music] when did the day of Miracle start in Genesis 1. in the beginning God created that word created as the Hebrew word which means to make from nothing he didn't come here and recreate something that was floating around in space he created This Magnificent World from nothing that's a miracle the Bible says and God said and it happened and God said and it happened and God said and it happened and God created man in the image of God and man said and then God created Eve and she said and she said and she said and she continued to say God gets excited when you get down on your knees look Angels here they come let's see what they're going to ask for get ready to go to get get ready to go to Earth and answer this and then you get down and ask him to water the grass wouldn't you pray ask big say that with me ass big ask according to his infinite power years ago in the early 19 90s we had gone to Los Angeles John Hagee Ministries and conducted a major Crusade there and it was a lot more expensive than we calculated because of those unions that are out there we came home and the Chief Financial Officer said we we're we're paper thin in our television account so what I did like a brave man I call Mama I said Mueller here's my situation and my mother's a very direct plain spoken woman she did not waste words she said well what'd you do with the money God gave you I said I spent it having the Crusade she said what happened I said more than 1500 people came to Christ in two nights she said well that's God's bill you were doing God's work and that's God's bill we're going to ask God to pay it and she prayed a prayer and she said let's pray and I said okay you pray she prayed and two days later I get one of the strangest calls I've ever gotten and 60 plus years of ministry as a man on the phone and not about secretary hooked me up and uh he said are you John Hagee I said yes he said first I want to tell you I'm not a Christian two I'm going to tell you I don't like preachers and three I really don't like TV preachers well such a warm greeting and I thought I was getting ready to get my ear chewed off he said but I saw you preaching on TV the other night and America needs to hear what you've got to say and I'm going to send you some help I thought strong come on I said okay thank you very much I said what's the little help sound like that's mother talking he said I'm going to send you a million dollars he is really drunk I thanked him profusely and hung up forgot it you know didn't he didn't think about the reality two days later we get a little invoke about that long personal envelope pull it out check for one million bucks you're getting too happy too quick I called the bank I said I know you can't tell me about this person about this but is this check good signed by X she said many multiples over that's a small check for him he put that humble [Music] I've learned from that that I've never forgotten when you ask God for something ask for more than you need get it all the fourth reason God does not answer prayer is we don't pray in the name of Jesus John 14 14 if you ask anything in my name I will do it that's the name and let me while I'm touching on this touch on this I've heard people say dear God there's a Pantheon of Gods that's why the Lord's Prayer says Our Father which art in Heaven that's the God we're talking to that's why when we pray God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob there's only one God that answers to that behold o Israel the Lord your God is one he is the only one therefore When you pray to God say that God's fifth condenser for answered prayer is asking God to do the ask according to the will of God 1 John 5 14 and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything in his name he will he will hear us some people think the will of God is mysterious it's not the book of Isaiah said the way of the Lord is so simple a fool cannot air therein God's will is consistent with his word you can know the will of God by the word of God the word and the will of God are exactly the same when you pray and you pray the word of God you are using a nuclear bomb in the Supernatural God is light the revelation of God is in the word God is light that means he's against Darkness he's against witchcraft he's against the occult he's against Satanism he's against fortune telling he's against Harry Potter he's against horoscopes he's against mind control get away from that that's Darkness that's not light [Applause] 6. God seeks condition to answered prayers to pray in faith believing if you have faith and doubt not the Bible says have faith in God say that with me have faith it doesn't say try to have faith in God he said have faith in God it takes Faith to believe in a car that only starts one time out of four but God has never failed you therefore it doesn't take great faith to believe in a great God the Bible says have faith in God don't try to have faith you try broccoli you try low-fat ice cream that's where the Bible verse comes was born I will spew you out of my mouth right there God's seventh condition is to pray specifically The Lord's Prayer give us that Sue this day is when our daily bread that's what all in one sentence don't pray to God in vague terms nail it down so that when God answers you know it was him God will not hear your prayer with unconfessed sin in your life eight Psalm 66 18 if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me how do you get there repentance consider the supernatural power of two two in agreement can do more than two million in Discord Matthew 18 19 and 20. again I say to you that if any two of you shall agree as touching anything on this Earth You shall do it listen quickly Joshua and Caleb whip Giants that two million people were afraid to attack Paul and Silas demonstrated the power of two they sang in the jail at Philippi the foundations were shaken and they walked out free two witnesses in the Book of Revelation 11 3 Elijah and Enoch have the power to make the governments of the world do their bidding Jesus sent his disciples out how two by two authority to bind and loose comes in the power of two you have the power you have the authority use it use it in closing how much power do you have when you come into agreement I'm going to give you two illustrations quickly and stop this is a declaration from President Abraham Lincoln Calling America to a day of fasting and prayer to end the Civil War it's a declaration by the U.S Senate asking the citizens of America to take that day off and go to their houses of worship and ask God to end this horrible War six hundred thousand Americans were killed in the Civil War that's more than everybody in World War One World War II Korea every war we've had doesn't even get close six hundred thousand America had this day of fasting in prayer and a few weeks later that horrible war came to a close the power of fasting and prayer right here [Applause] this is a true story one of our friends Derek Prince was involved with this how many of you know brother Prince certainly one of the great Scholars a man of impeccable integrity Joseph Stalin who murdered 30 million Russians trying to bring Godless communism to Russia let it be known that he planned to murder the Jewish people in Russia the Believers in England where brother Derek Prince was heard that report and they committed themselves to fasting in prayer for the Jewish people of Russia they bound the forces of the Prince of Darkness in the authority of Jesus name the forces of Darkness that were controlling Joseph Stalin three weeks later three weeks later Joseph Stalin Had a Brain Hemorrhage 16 gifted surgeons worked on him for eight hours and Joseph Stalin stepped into eternity to meet the son of God a Jewish guy from Bethlehem what area of your life is under attack finances Health relationships business marriage children I want you to stand to your feet right now I would like for you to make this confession say Pastor there's an area in my life that I need the supernatural power of God to invade it and solve it let me see your hands Right Where You Are 100 of this congregation I want you to find someone right now where two of you can pray together I want you to take them by the hands and right now in the authority of Jesus name I want you to start praying about that thing right now pray about it let God solve the question for you let God solve the question for you [Music] father hear our prayer in the name of Jesus in faith believing we bind the Prince of Darkness that we may have Liberty peace and prosperity let us spiritual awakening come to this nation that corruption be exposed let Liars be driven from public office let us experience a starburst of The Amazing Grace and light of the Gospel in Jesus amen biblical Proclamation is a supernatural power available to every believer it brings answered prayer when spoken in faith turn to the word of God absorb it into your heart your mind your soul and your body and let it work for you thank you Legacy partners for helping us take these truths to all the world stay tuned Pastor has a blessing this is Cornerstone I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation it's time for the Church of Jesus Christ to stand up and to hold the blood-stained banner of Jesus Christ that the world may see him God has made it possible for us to reach the nations of the world in every language that we can get it translated in he is the way the truth and the life for all of the World we're saving the world one life at a time in Judaism there's a saying he who saves One Life Saves the World Cornerstone Church is God's church it was built for the Next Generation tens of thousands have come to know Christ and the Harvest field is greater than ever before the latter years are going to be greater than the former years or the best is yet to be honor Pastor Hagan's 65 years of ministry and go to 65 years you've been watching Hagee Ministries and now may the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you and may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you giving you his peace may you walk in the confidence that with God you are more than a conqueror together you can face any crisis may your doubts and fears be buried in an ocean filled with God's blessed hope may your mind and strength be renewed each day you are the property of God and nothing on this Earth can defeat you let today be a day of new beginnings a day when your potential will be revealed through the grace of Heaven you will accomplish God's mission in your life reach out and claim the Victory and the authority of Jesus name receive this blessing amen
Channel: Hagee Ministries
Views: 87,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3NkhDas6YW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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