Pastor John Gray | Speed of God

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Lord we will [Music] so we won [Music] we will Oh weevil [Music] we've been prey we've info now crying heaven [Applause] [Music] don't look at me say it again big insane [Music] Father in this atmosphere speak through your work and be glorified in this moment you have helped us to understand the speed of purpose speed of authority and speed of breakthrough we've been in this speed of serious God whether its purpose Authority relationships breakthrough it all culminates with the speed of God so I pray tonight and these few moments that you will speak through your work and be glorified and I mean glorified Holy Ghost these moments belong to you so whatever you want to do like the old folk used to say when I was growing up half your way in the name of Jesus in Jesus name Amen amen amen somebody give God a great praise [Applause] you've got a great phrase [Applause] for the next few moments that we are together do not expect that you know what's going to happen you may want to put your notepad down and your smartphone devices at any given moment because God may speak something to you that will cause you to quicken you might have to step out of your seat you may need to get into the higher you meanie you may need to tell your neighbor just in case excuse me while I worship excuse me while I praise because if God does what I think he's going to do I'm a not regular you can be seated Isaiah 65 at the 24th first reading from the New King James Version says it shall come to pass that before they call I will answer and while they are still speaking I will hear the wolf and the lamb shall feed together the lion shall eat straw like the Ox and dust shall be the Serpent's food they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain says the Lord it shall come to pass that before they call I will answer it shall come to pass that before you can start your prayer the door bell will ring it shall come to pass that before you can utter your request up to God that the letter will be in the mail I'll come over here it will come to pass that before you can him for it it will be in your face so the proper posture in a moment like that is to be in a posture of praise and thanksgiving because you don't know when it's coming where it's coming from or who it's coming through so you may want to be kind to everybody and you may want to be sweet to everybody because you don't know that the next person you bump into might be the one God wants to use to bring about the miracle you've been praying for God is quicker than at once and sooner than right now that he's supernatural yeah I'm Oprah tonight I was gonna act like I was gonna teach I don't I don't feel no teach on me pastor William I feel a preach and I battle between and vacillate between what I think people would want and what the Holy Ghost is telling me to do and I will just go with God tonight it shall come to pass that before they call I will answer and while they are speaking I will hear he's not just listening to your words he's looking at the posture of your heart and so I want to talk to culminate this first month of the year we've been in the speed of series tonight I want to talk about the speed of God I don't know who this is for but he's he's he's moving in your direction he's and and and for the 63 of y'all that applaud it let me tell you something he's he's moving he's moving perhaps not at the pace that you desired but he's moving at his own speed because it's his world it's his earth it's his purpose it's his authority it's his breakthrough and so the speed of God is something that you have to become okay with it needs to become it is well with my soul but whatever a lot that was taught me to say it is well it is well with my soul I didn't understand that song when I was younger the older people in the church would sing it and they'd start rocking back and forth and then one of the mothers would I'm like why she's shouting like that but I didn't know that there were things that she went through that could have taken and should have taken her mind she still had a praise my grandmother still had a praise our team still had a praise uncle still had a praise is there anybody that can say even though I should have lost my mind I should have lost hope it is well with my soul can you give him a praise from yours God's about to move so fast that you don't have time to prepare for what's coming you don't have time to prepare for what's coming you don't even realize some of the stuff you so years ago was about to show up in the next three months time that you tied in 98 listen I'm prophesy and help me Holy Ghost summer faith what he put on my heart [Applause] some of you like me have sold and there were moments when I sold seed and I was like all right I'm waiting right yes and nothing came in that moment and to be honest I was a little disappointed me anybody ever been disappointed at the timing of God God I mean I need it now I need it now I need it now very good but God is actually not moved by our anxiety I don't know who that's for because the spirit of impatience often visits me when I feel like God should be moving at my speed I need you to hurry up God I need you to move it along and I need you to do what I need you to do when I need you to do hurry up but here's the thing God has not moved by time because he does not live in time nor is he confined to time he moves in time but he will never be out of time tell somebody it's the speed of God it's about to start moving at such a rapid pace it's about to start moving your life is about to begin a level of supernatural acceleration that you have been waiting for for years while you are accelerating the things that have hurt you that were sick that should have broken you will you will now have authority over those areas you will have breakthrough in those areas you will be able to speak to those areas in other people's in other people's lives when you start moving at the speed of God the thing that had you in bondage you can now cast it out of somebody else this is the moment where not just you but the people that are covenant connected to you are going to be moving in the same direction at the same speed anybody in this season that's slowing you down that's God's sign of saying let them go let them go let them go let them go I feel I feel a seven-second praise break right there comfortable when you start talking about God I know you like them honey but if he doesn't want to pray with you every time you stop reading scripture he get uncomfortable II then come sit sit on the couch nah that's not what you prayed for that's not what your mother prays for that's not what's a grandmother prays for that's not what you've been waiting on you say God if they're not moving in the direction of my destiny give me the strength to say goodbye let it go because I trust moving at the speed of God tell somebody get off of me get off of me get off of me don't don't try to hold me back and there are some people they mean well because when you start moving at the speed of God things start happening opportunities start showing up doors start opening and then practical people will say hey wait a minute why don't you slow down a little bit let's plan this out what do you mean playing it out I've been so in forty-four years [Applause] I mean about 100 crazy phases I've been practical my whole life let me see we're crazy gets me tell somebody take the leap take the leap take the leap see because when you're moving at the speed of God you're also moving at the speed of faith faith says I jumped there's no land I don't even see where I'm going to land but because you know who told you to jump by the time your feet hit the ground over your house there'll be an apartment a job [Applause] everybody don't slow me down and don't stop my praise tell somebody don't slow me down don't stop my praise [Applause] this is the season of suddenly I heard Pastor Williams faith has been in my spirit I'm a reiterated this is a season of suddenly it's also the season of immediately and it is also the season of absolutely I'll help me this is the sudden this is the season of suddenly immediately and absolutely see cuz I came out of the season it's taking too long when's he gonna show up no I'm not sure now I'm not going through that anymore I'm in the season of absolutely I'll help me you don't know what the season is you need to write down suddenly immediately and absolutely and at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises to God and suddenly the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately now I miss that your business is about to step in to suddenly and immediately and absolutely the doors that weren't open in 2017 are going to be open in 2018 suddenly immediately and absolutely I'm speaking to business minds creative people they used you for your gifts make good money off of your intellectual property but now God says it's enough of people pimping your gift I'm gonna give you your own platform suddenly immediately ten-second plays break ten second phrase great suddenly immediately absolutely come over here and I'll say it over here Sutton immediately absolutely tell three people suddenly immediately and absolute tell them you only told one person that was only once [Applause] [Music] see here's the thing about speed and seasons depending on the season you got to be careful what speeds are growing what do I mean well if it's winter depending on the conditions can go as fast why cuz it's ice tell somebody watch out the worst ice is not the ice you can see step black ice looks like the road is smooth but you don't have enough tread on your tires that's why you shouldn't even be on that road I know that relationship looks great black ice you don't have enough tread to fool with her black ice you don't have enough tread to get free from him not in this season black ice that's the wrong door don't go through that door black ice I know I know I'm preaching see here's the thing depending on the season if it's if it's ice if it's rain if you snow or if there's traffic traffic and slow you down that's why when you're moving at the speed of God you got to understand that the season you're in is not contingent upon what everybody else is doing I'm getting ready to bless you imagine 5916 built way 8 to 88 $69.99 all of these that's around here peak traffic time all you see is red brake lights in front of you then all of a sudden to your left it says your name on the side this lane only for you I'm getting ready to help somebody you're getting ready to go into the HOV HOV is short for Jehovah you're getting ready to get into the god lane you're rolling at the speed of God and the people that our purpose will be at a standstill blow your horn while you pass them by blow your horn why y'all haters stay stuck that they thought you were in blow your horn because there's no traffic in front of you because it's your lane and it's your door revelation three and eight I set before you an open door that no man can let somebody know it's my lai I need you to go ahead and just roll out and let the windows down so you can feel to breathe just go ahead throw your hair around give you got it this is a season of covenant reconnections that means the people that are purposed in your life maybe you maybe you knew him at one point you felt like there was purpose God's going to bring back the right relationships he's going to give you the strength to say goodbye to the wrong ones what Pete Wilson intimated earlier is that me and pastor William we actually were in the same church at the same time he was a worship leader then playing the piano singing I was just a member of the church sitting in the back they didn't know me some of them knew me but I wasn't in the choir I didn't sing I was an associate minister I was nothing I was just a guy and I watched God on his life and I was like he got something off him god bless him and every time I would hear his name and see where God will take him I was celebrating I was always proud of my friend because I knew what it took for God to get him where he was based on where we came from I'm trying to help somebody you can't sit down and hate on somebody else that God is moving if you've ever been stuck somewhere or people had a little expectation for you or a little vision and then all of a sudden God to start moving you need to celebrate that celebrate it in others because your time is actually see Yale under they don't know about fascinating dreams don't get out of Cincinnati folk don't get free from that spirit of mediocrity it just sits on the city and then here you are and I watch God take you and you got nominated for Grammys and you win Stellar's and and double boards and now miracles are breaking out until Church in Orlando but you were raised by a single mother just like I was raised by a single mother but both of them filled with the Holy Ghost pray to us into our destiny never both husbands fathers oh and pastors but when we were they didn't see us they thought they understood us but they didn't fully know us so they couldn't really embrace us and if they had we want to stay there that's why God didn't let them embrace us I don't know who this is for you need to thank God for the rejection you need to thank God that they couldn't see thank God that they told you no thank God that the relationship didn't work because you're so loyal you want to say somebody in the back needs to go crazy out there God says I love you too much to let you stay stuck showing your life into somebody that was never going to pour back into you somebody's getting free up there and just in case you thought about trying to scoop out of here early pastor Williams coming up here and he's gonna sing what does it break every time spirit break down spirit breaks out spirit breaks out so don't be trying to scoot out let that spirit break out first so when you get home we do in traffic ruffle I need to encourage somebody over here to help you understand the difference between your pace and God speed he's the father you're the child he's the driver the owner and operator of the vehicle and he knows the destination you're just a passenger my son is smart he's five years old certain destinations from our house to the destination he knows the route so if I tell him we're going to Chuckie Cheese he knows how to get there but there are times when I say son get in the car we're going to Chuckie Cheese and I take a different right he gets upset daddy this is not the way to Chuckie Cheese so you make a left at the other you made a right and I said calm down I know what I'm doing then he gets further upset why are we going so flower this is this is not the right way my wife is my witness I'm not making this up he gets upset but what he doesn't know is that I'm privy to information that he is not the route that we normally took had construction accidents and maybe the traffic was bad and so I had to take a different route not familiar to the passenger but it was still going to get him to the intended destination but you've been upset with God because the surroundings don't look familiar because he told you he was taking you one place and you thought he was going down straight street but the enemy was on that Street and so out of his love he took you out of harm's way and took you the back roads in position to an anonymity he closed you in humility he dealt with your character so that when he got you to the destination you wouldn't say I've arrived he would say God has brought me to this I need somebody who will give that place that King brought you to the place called purpose bless him right here right there just somebody it's all God it's all God tell somebody else it's all God this is the season of suddenly immediately and absolutely what was know in the last season is absolutely in this season oh god I don't know that their faith is up maybe y'all got it here what I said what was a note in the last season isn't absolutely in this season here's what's funny your credit didn't change it's just time God they they didn't realize that there's a difference between your effort and the supernatural touch of God there are certain things that you can try to do with your best effort and your best foot forward and your most into no intellectually stimulating conversation and it will still not open the door or you can be worshiping at 5:00 in the morning and crying out to God at midnight and then when you get up before you can open your mouth they've already called you and said it's yours do you know your worship can open doors that your resume never dasor please don't start stay there now stay there sweet daughter give me a high five but there is something that can slow you down because that's one thing that the scripture said in Isaiah it says and dust shall be the Serpent's food watch out for serpents here's the thing about a serpent if it was a serpent that was scary you'd know it I wish all the devil's had horns and pitchforks red tails here to kill you ah Devils look good smell good built nice smile right light eyes tricking light I'm sneaky you find Beeman our ban uu5 spirit what's your name never man surrouding to be a mouth [Applause] I'm praying for you fan you a perfect [Applause] if you're trying to move at the speed of God you got to be careful of serpents because serpents can slow you down Wow because serpents get to feed on anything that it's not submitted to the Word of God you'll find it in Genesis 3 verse 14 some theologians incorrectly say that God cursed Adam and Eve he didn't curse Adam and Eve he cursed the ground for Adams sake you're gonna have toiled and labor he didn't curse Eve he said you'd have pain in childbirth he didn't say he wouldn't birth it he just said it would hurt to get it out the only thing he cursed was the serpent I need you to catch this just in case anybody told you you're cursed that's a laugh there's no curse over your life you're not gonna live under generational curses just because mama was drunk and just because daddy weather was a smoker all is like you're not gonna have that your whole life you're gonna get free I don't know who this is for but the Spirit is about to break out in here and you're walking out so the Lord God said to the serpent because you have done this you are cursed more than all the cattle and more than every beast of the field on your belly you shall go and you shall eat dust all the days of your life pastor Craig you're a theologian you're a pastor man was created from the dust but we're not just dust because you can't make anything from dust you have to add water water is the word water and dust made clay I'm the Potter you're the clay but he also gave us a free will a free will means I can choose God or not choose God and when I choose God I get more water when I don't choose God I build up dust so the dust is any unsolicited area of my life that I don't submit to God and in Isaiah 64 and Genesis 3 God gave the devil legal right to feed on dust so some of us are slowing our own purpose down because we have not filled the dusty area of my life with water God how come I can't greatly to us [Applause] you got dust in your house you got dust in your relationship some of y'all need to look at that individual and realize the reason why you're not moving at the speed of God is because the person you spending time with this dusty if you're in a dating situation you go home and they start sneezing tonight pack your stuff everything you've been to me it's already that's not allergies that bastard on hat on bail that told me as dust why do I have on Christmas bells that is a thousand degrees pastor will you prepare yourself because the spirit needs to break out flesh can slow down the speed of God in your life so if there's anything in your life that is not submitted to the Word of God throw it in the water it's time to get baptized time to submit it all and here's what happens what the dust slow down the blood can speed up I need somebody to get excited but if you submitted your life to Jesus then what the dust messed up the blood can restore replenish refurbish revitalize restore and renewed so you're in the season of what suddenly immediately end but if you're moving at the speed of God this is the thing you need to know about the speed of God the speed of God is three things get this death the speed of God and it's not even acceleration we already know that's one of the words but I'm gonna use words that don't make sense when it comes to speed the speed of God is completely yes and now you're moving at the speed of completely the speed of yes and the speed of you're not getting ready to get partial victory you're getting ready to get come victory victory in your mind healing in your body rest for your soul clarity of your vision somebody on either got to completely give you new vision because it was blurry in your life you're about to move at the feet of completely you're also moving at the speed of yes second Corinthians 1:19 for the Son of God Jesus Christ who has preached among you by us by me Silvanus and Timothy was not yes and no but in him yes for all the promises of God in him are yes and in him amen to the glory of God tell somebody God said yes yeah cuz haters might say no but you need to just remember God said yes so whatever it is you need to get that yes in your spirit the promises of God are yes I'm moving at the speed of God so I'm moving at the speed of yes finally you're also moving at the speed of what time is it it's right now do not remember the former things isaiah 43:18 nor consider the things of old stop worrying about that stuff that was that was an hour ago that's an hour ago as a pass you and now you're in now you're in now now behold I will do a new thing later it shall spring forth in an hour it'll spring forth when you tie the certain amount it shall spring forth if you have a certain last name it'll spring forth depending on your pedigree and your educational attainment it shows now what time is it it shall spring forth I'm gonna make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert you just stepped in to suddenly immediately absolutely completely yes and now what if what I'm saying right now wasn't a Bible lesson but a prophetic declaration for people who have faith to capture ecology worship but the people who said I've been on a list for a liver I need a kidney I could use a job at small business loans completely absolutely yes suddenly immediately now so since you're moving at the speed of God there's one thing that you have to have because if you're moving at the speed of God there's no authorities that can slow you down because he's the ultimate authority so stop looking for demonic stops on the road you can't be stopped in this season if you stay in the presence of God submit your flesh to God and stay in the will of God so don't forget your joy because moving at that speed you're gonna need your strength because what's coming is gonna be so overwhelming you're just gonna be tight Lord I'm so tired of all of these blessings I don't know what to do I'm sleepy I'm so blessed I can't I'm tired of check-in my account Jesus I didn't even know that direct deposit anybody ready to be that tired therefore another thousand dollars but who can I so this into who came out bless I have so much I need to bless somebody else master William come up here bands want y'all rise up out of the thing I don't know how y'all do that learn MJ come get this podium heads bowed eyes closed cuz we're moving at the speed of God but you can't move at the speed of God without his son because his son is the transmission his blood is the gasoline help me Holy Ghost what your will is the pedal you gotta push down and say I submit myself I confess Jesus Christ if you're here you've never given your life to Jesus when you need to rededicate your life this is your moment you want to move at the speed of God you got to get your license and you can only get your license in the presence of Jesus if you can't confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord you shall be saved on the count of three if you're here you've never given your life to Jesus or you need to rededicate your life on the count of three I want you to stand straight up one two three stand up all over this place welcome home oh you can do better than that come on y'all understand and let's celebrate our brothers and sister remain standing I want you to pray this prayer right now with me Lord Jesus it's me I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord thank you for the blood that was shed for me my sins are forgiven my life is made new my soul is restored and my joy is completed I'm moving at the speed of God I will not be slowed down by my past my shame my guilt it's covered under the blood I am made new you are my Lord and Savior in Jesus name Amen if you prayed that prayer you just got saved welcome to the family you have a book in your hands from our senior pastors who say if you give them a gear of your life you'll never be the same come as often as you can as many times you can as many services as you can we would like to spend five to ten minutes with you and our new members reception on the second level of our church that's tonight just 10 minutes to give you some information on this church and what decision you just made pastor William do you have product here so pastor William has product available right near the bookstore will you be signing he's gonna be sad I just put him on this he'll be signing his brand-new project right outside on the second level go hug his neck buy five copies but right now let me give the benediction but the song is actually the Amen so high have you been blessed tonight have you been blessed by the speed-up series may the Lord bless you and keep you causes Grace and face to shine upon you may the Lord our God be gracious unto you show you his favor and give you his peace how many people ready for the spirit to break out and the completion of this song you are free to go but right now you're free to worship come on let's lift up the name of Jesus [Music] friends [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Fred call [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the friend [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: John Gray Ministries
Views: 28,818
Rating: 4.939774 out of 5
Keywords: #PastorJohnGray, #JGM, #johngrayministries, #johngray, #speedofseries, #god, #speedofgod, #lakewoodchurch, #houston
Id: Jx2Nr8DL35M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 10sec (2770 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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