Pastor John Gray | Speed of Authority

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the name of Jesus and [Music] the name [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can do whatever you if you bet you can clap you can shout you spit away haha you can get free [Music] you can get delivered you can praise the name of Jesus on that alone hey cuz we're here to lift up the name of Jesus I need somebody to help me lift up the name of Jesus I need somebody to help me lift up the name lift up the name we bless the name faith we blessed may we bless His name we bless His name the name of Jesus the name of Jesus the name of Jesus the name of Jesus the name of Jesus the name of Jesus the name of Jesus break it down [Applause] singing a new song [Music] [Applause] [Music] it still has our power [Music] he can steal helium Saviour to Libya break every chain the night I like them the horns and hit it [Music] bring it down the name of Jesus the name shout it out [Music] [Applause] sound the alarm [Applause] let the trumpet sound I will give you all exactly 15 seconds to represent for your role I need you to give guys the craziest phrase that you can give him if you believe tonight [Applause] he's worthy of the glory he's worthy of the praise he's the worthy he's the word his name still carries out power he's amazed Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes floor so Bobby say [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I feel the Holy Ghost all over this place I'm Oh wrong the hair I'm overrun with her does that feel like something just shifted I don't know if you can run but you can chuck I don't know if you can maybe you just need to do one leg or maybe you need to weigh but something just broke in your favor we interrupt this regularly scheduled service to bring you a special announcement the holy ghost [Applause] [Applause] when I think about teeth what is that for me Winnipeg about Jesus family set me free Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] he's good he's worthy of the glory and I thank you and I'm free delivered set free made whole turn around noon oh yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he yes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] holy ghost if your spectating you came to the wrong service if you hate you came to the wrong service I'm not leaving here till I get my freedom I'm not leaving till I get what I came for tap two people tell them ro check ro check you need at least one more worshiper on your own if you can get one person on your road to agree with you no whole situation to turn away I said if you can get one person to agree with you no whole situation can change yes yes you hallelujah miracles happening right now right right now Kili [Applause] [Applause] that's awesome [Applause] [Music] Toto pray to you somebody left some right there [Applause] I've been sick for a couple weeks I didn't have any strength and I knew when I felt that attack today I said God you're gonna do something crazy tonight I'm not worshiping from my strength I'm worshiping from my thing this is for faith worshipers everything is not all good but you still got your friends you don't have all the answers but you you still have the phrase it doesn't make sense your heart might be breaking but you still have your great father in this atmosphere do miracles set in this atmosphere do miracles turn it around right here right now over the next few minutes Lord people are going to shout out in different sections when they hear something that speaks to him Markham God whatever they shout out for show up with [Music] [Applause] or some people need a car payment some people need direction on jobs transition some people need a miracle there they got a loved one sick in the hospital stuff over on the edge of divorce we need you to turn it around break the spirit that's trying to destroy homes and loved ones and family in the name of Jesus Oh God show up and show up in the name [Music] a man a man and a man give him 10 seconds of praise as you take this seat yeah you know what I feel something in here I feel like [Applause] [Music] let your worship go upstairs to our brothers and sisters let the sound of your praise be heard by your enemies sake lift up a sound to heaven open your mouth and say [Music] what no time lift up your voice and sing you believe it what Motown say and the last time when you're doing put your hands together with it and say [Applause] we love details we love you cheers we love to kill we movie cheese [Applause] Yuji [Music] Matthew chapter 8 Matthew chapter 8 I wish my grandmother was still alive she prayed for me to walk into this moment y'all don't mind me tonight I may cry I may shout I may turn this torment over to one of these pastors down here and just lay out on this floor because I know where I should be if you look at my pedigree if you look at the men in my family I shouldn't be here I shouldn't be right here in this moment oh but God said now her devil you can't have him is there anybody else that God just told the devil no is there anybody grateful God just said now you tried to sabotage your own destiny and God said no you were in relationship that should have ended your life God said no you smokes them drink stuff that should have killed you God said no if I talking to anybody that God [Applause] he's been good to me Brandon he's been good to me burner I'm grateful I'm grateful I'm grateful I'm grateful I'm grateful I might sing my whole sermon I'm grateful I'm grateful I'm thankful I'm thankful hallelujah I don't deserve it whoops it gave it so I'll take it and I'll be faithful Matthew 8 reading from the New King James Version for anybody in pain your your pain is ending and your joy is about to be made the pain is over the pain is over it's gonna be just like yeah I said just like last week we talked about the speed of the speed of purpose who was here for the speed of purpose you won't have enough time to pack for what God's about to do [Applause] help me Holy Ghost Matthew chapter 8 starting at the fifth verse now when Jesus had entered Capernaum a Centurion came to him pleading with him saying Lord my servant is lying at home paralyzed dreadfully tormented and Jesus as was his custom when people are broken he said I will come and heal him the Centurion answered and said Lord I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof but only speak a word and my servant will be healed for I also AM a man under Authority having soldiers under me and I say to this one go and he goes until another come and he comes and to my servant do this and he does it when Jesus heard it he marvelled and said to those who followed playing that song and I remember growing up in my Baptist Church in Cincinnati see I remember where I came from we didn't have cameras we didn't have internet we didn't have all of this stuff we didn't have all these lights we just had some mothers on that front role singing hymns and some deacons who would bow down on one day and say Heavenly Father we call on the best way we know how thank you that my bad wasn't my cooling board I want to thank you for waking me up close and in my right mind stop by the sick and shut-in jesus and stop by touch the minds of those who who are hurting we didn't have big fancy choirs we just had some folk who loved Jesus they did the best they could so I'm grateful to be sitting here with all these lights and all this nice stuff but if you have all this and don't have Jesus you have nothing how about that shortly I say to you I have not found such great faith not even in Israel the Centurion asked Jesus to do a miracle Jesus was willing to go to the place of where this sick servant was lying but the Centurion said no I recognize you I'm a man under Authority and I have people under me I know who you are they might not know but I know he said I'm a man under Authority and he was saying Jesus you've got more authority than me all you have to do is speak a word I'm getting ready to say a couple of things in the next twenty minutes and depending on what I say your whole situation is going to change if you have the faith to believe that I'm speaking to you and I will know if you believe it by your responses between you and heaven once I speak it what you do with it it's on you the title of my message is the speed of authority for all month just let unless the speed series all month last week it was the speed of purpose this week it is the speed of authority the speed of authority pray for me as I bring this word we are in a prophetic moment where God wants to unlock the potential of the church not of buildings but of the people we are in a prophetic moment where the gifts that you have are now being called on by heaven to produce fruit in the earth there are no more sideline believers you got to step up and step out and be seen and not be ashamed of what God placed in you no more insecurity hiding to come hiding behind cloaks of innocence and I didn't know and God if you want to use somebody else you can't know he's using you he's calling you it's your turn it's your time and the time is what you don't know is that every tear that you've cried every no that you heard every ridicule every whispering word every DM and text message where they left you out and was giggling God saw them all here's what God is going to do he is going to unleash what's in you for the world to partake from you I don't know who this is for I see one woman who caught it the world is about to know your name Jill's Ali I said the word is about to know your name because you've gone through enough that your name now carries it an authority that it didn't carry this time last year I need the first five-second praise break of the night your name carries in authority that it did not carry this time last year am I talking to anybody that's going through it in the last 12 months but you still here you should have stopped praising a long time ago and you still in here clapping you still praising you still worshipping these understand this type of praise confuses the enemy after everything he tried and you still got your hands up somethings about to break out in here in about seven eight minutes help me say it like you gave it to me Jesus it's about to happen so fast because for some of you has been moving so slow if I'm talking to you just just give me a way for a name and when I say if this huh if this is Godwin next the Godwin somebody else get something God why I'm not a cream ain't no fasting going on over there serving you live in holy what you're talking about hey you put a ring on it congratulations [Applause] guys about to blow your wad and he's gonna do it so fast you got to stay ready at this point listen to me stick keep low stay low keep your perfume home you don't know just hang it you pumping gas your promise go pull up hold on hold on Bo ass Oh [Applause] the speed of authority in the scripture we find Jesus ready to help he's always ready to help the Centurion needed a right now shift the Centurion cloaked his urgency with humility and he said I got a sick servant jesus said I'll come healing so no you don't even have to leave where you're at if you just say what it's gonna be I don't know who this one is for but the reason why the situation's have not yet changed it's because God wanted you to understand that it wasn't you're worried that changed things if it won't be your anger that changes things it won't be your posture in self-doubt that changes things it will be his word I'm looking for anybody that's been waiting on a word here's your word it's coming not tomorrow not next week but before the sermon is over your word will either meet you here or it will already be in the place that you need it to be as I'm trying to help them in here I'm getting ready to attach my face keep stand up stand up Keith this is one of my young brothers in Christ his mother is in the hospital right now we're going we're gonna pray the doctors have given their prognosis and diagnosis he texts me and said I'm gonna leave my mama's bedside because I need a word here's the word by the time you get back to the hospital tonight [Applause] that's how you get back to the hospital tonight her condition will have improved her oxygen level will have gone up their concerns about paralysis and brain injury and any such thing will have dissipated because the Spirit of God has just sent a word to the hospital a wind just swept up the hall just went into the room blew past the curtains and is touching her body right now is there anybody that has faith to believe that all it takes is a word one word and if you can put some worship on your word you can seal it well somebody worship for his mama to be healed worship like this yo mama Merson Lakers your mind worship legends yes sir let this don't bother like this yes sir may kiss your house what is your health what's it like this domain moment was worship like the house needs a healing worship cancer ah right where you are here Mama's here in Jesus name I'm not playing with no Devils tonight your words are about to collide with the lie of the enemy I need to say this again there are three things you need to understand about the speed of Authority write these down collision convergence conviction collision convergence conviction your words are on a collision course with the thing that the enemy wanted to hold on to what am I saying his mom right now is in the hospital this is his mama the enemy thinks that the sickness will remain what the enemy wasn't counting on is that he would leave to get a word watch this does it negate medicine no doesn't negate the expertise of medical professionals no but where their expertise in the word begins I'm trying to help somebody in here he left because there was nothing he could do so he got to the house here's what happens he was here we agreed he called on the name of Jesus to heal his mouth the word just left Lakewood and started heading towards the hospital you don't hear me the word is on a collision course with the hospital room I need you to catch this all of us have seen movies where there been car crashes have you ever seen it where a bigger car crashes into a smaller car they could be going at the same rate of speed but the one that carries more weight I need somebody to help me the one that carries more weight pushes the smaller vehicle out of the way because the more weight you have the more Authority you have I don't have a church all the way in that back I mean try to hear what I'm saying oh there you go yeah y'all go what the word is the truth the sickness is the life truth carries more weight than a last truth is the substance a lie is a shadow shadows can't stand its darkness when the light shows up the shadow has to leave it's on a collision course I don't know who this is for but you need to speak something crazy right now now you clap you need to speak something crazy like ten million dollars see y'all laughed but I said it and I meant it you know why cuz I need 10 million for the Bishop I need 10 million so I can build the kingdom matter of fact I need a billion so that I can do whatever the Lord tells me to do and I don't have to ask permission from anybody [Music] Brenden I just need you to touch and agree with me on that I need a billion-dollar agreement I need a billion-dollar agreement you need to find somebody that will agree with you on your road for something crazy just just ask him ask him up in that balcony don't make me come up there that's right [Applause] but you spoke something crazy like telethon how much showed up 66 million he spoke a word that turned into 66 million so you were thinking I was playing games and your example is on the front row sitting in red symbolic of the blood because if you can speak it in the blood covers it is half the killer I need a break right there I need a praise but only sort of places if you're not crazy 20:18 is your here Amy of 2018 is your year other than that stay seated can't say nothing Oh the word is on a collision course with the thing the enemy wants to hold on to here's the thing about what's coming Jesus has never asked the devil permission for anything the word is about to violently take it by force ain't gonna be no excuse me devil can't you let go of my destiny I was just wondering if you can let my promises go I mean maybe not tonight but tomorrow no the words coming through like what what give me all of that give me that give me that I want my freedom I love my deliverer give me that I love my spouse give me my chair I want a new job give me that house matter of fact give me the whole office building that means somebody who believed open yar [Applause] somebody said collision the next word is convergence convergence means God if you start moving at the speed of your authority counts god will start sending the people to come alongside you it says help me with the thing God spoke to you [Applause] but I gotta use it again you spoke one thing you made one call then that call made all these other calls right so you had a collision course you had a you had a vision you spoke it and then God started bringing the resources and the relationships to bring about the promise I'm declaring right now in this very second that man of God right there in the in the vest and everybody in your role and everybody within a 10-foot radius of you I declare right now because you stood up first resources and relationships come to help you execute the vision now I will give everybody in here and everybody online a seven second grace period if you believe that word it's for you seven six five four three two relationships resources come to you in the name of Jesus right now not to Louisville not next week right now [Applause] now I feel the Holy Ghost stay right there with me will I didn't even ask them they got a petty self I like it somebody say collision somebody say convergence the people that I need you are not by accident it's not by accident this your squad turning around looked into a squad I got a squash with my squad it with my hitters in pretty late I'll be your squad there's never anybody that says I'll go to bat for you I'm gonna tell you right now I still got about 10 more minutes get up reaching like I feel that I feel like I never wear suits on Wednesdays I tell you why cause I want to act up tonight the Holy Ghost said get dressed because I'm I'm changing your address you got to change clothes for where I'm taking you I don't know who this is for but you got to get that spirit of heaviness off of you it's time to change clothes he's about to give you a garment of praise for the spirit tell somebody change clothes change clothes open your mouth and get your garment of praise right now collision convergence it's all coming together Regan it's all coming together the people you need the resources you need the wisdom you need the Holy Ghost is about to whisper to you in the middle of the night and he's going to show you a glimpse of your future and God says that's all i'ma show you I want to see how bad you love it will you come and get it my talking to anybody in here collision converges don't start after thou shalt don't don't do that don't do it and the third is conviction that's Centurion said you ain't got to come to my house I know what you got I'm so convinced of who you are you can just speak from right here watch this the Bible says his servant was healed from that hour the speed of authority is within the hour the whole situation changed you don't have enough room to shout for what I'm about to say but if you made it out here tonight I declare that was in the hour within the hour I said within the hour it's moving in your direction it's shifting in the atmosphere within the hour God has turned it and it's turning it around in your favor does anybody believe it there is a collision where the word of truth is going to collide with the light of the devil there is a convergence God sitting the right people resources relationships a convergence so that you can do the thing God calls you to do then there's going to be a conviction it's gonna be something in your soul that when you walk in the house tonight to be what I didn't go to church namely how was church you don't walk over to turn that TV off I find every devil in this house come on out of here devil suddenly I'm gonna walk home and leave the door open goddamn go get your stuff get out depression get out he'll get out PTSD get out arthritis get out cancer get out diabetes get out spirit of divorce get out and take all the your stuff with you and while he's coming out the Holy Ghost is moving in and he's coming with blessings coming with saber coming with overflow coming with chalk does anybody else feel the break it's great can I preach it like I feel it [Applause] [Music] the evidence of your authority is what moves when you speed watch this the evidence of your authority is what moves when you speak watch this MJ I need a bottle of water I need a bottle of water I need it quick I need a bottle of water somebody throw it to me I need it in three seconds Thank You Man thank you PC I got you got another I'll take that one - I'll take this one - stay right there MJ stay right there what's funny is I said - MJ I need a bottle of water but because I have a fluorine water started showing up [Applause] I don't know who this is for but somebody needs to say I need a business loan for my business you know what I mean a scholarship to college you know what I don't think I want to pay my student loans back Lord to do that pet they're not talking to somebody in here you know what I love my house paid off by the inveted here [Applause] the pound like a death is in the tongue and they that love it will eat its fruit tell somebody it's time to eat you've got to equal to speak I said you've got to eat what you speak give me that one Craig I'm too big to bend down I'm think I don't know who this is for but if you can speak it it'll be on your plate hot ready not microwave because God knew when you needed it you didn't have to pay for it before tonight but if you've got the guts to say it God's got the power to back it up the power of conviction is also the authority of eviction when you have conviction of who you are in Christ Jesus you can evict the enemy from any city some of us need to go home grab our spouse and say this contentious demon that's been coming up in here I'll bond that thing right now spirit of peace spirit of homeless spirit of joy release in a spirit of Teddy Pendergrass [Applause] close the door let me give you a minute please somebody need to give they joy back tonight anyway [Applause] where does Authority come from um I'll give you this where does Authority comes from Luke 2:52 Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man your Authority comes the wisdom the stature in the favor your authority comes from being faithful humble and prayerful any faithful folk in here any faithful phone in here Britain's faithful power you faith where's my faithful folk your faithful when other people just their casual with it but you've been faithful to Norma tell your faithful you could floss but you don't mistake humping one of my people like you know what I could've put y'all on blast I ain't even gonna do it I God was watching the whole time and I'm talking to the prayer warriors the ones that prayed pray when they don't make no sense pray cry pray some more cry some more still believe we're I'm a prayer warriors the speed of authority is that the moment you speak it God's getting ready to bring it to pass collision convergence conviction the speed of authority Jesus said I think seen faith like this anywhere what are you saying is I've been waiting for somebody to say something crazy God's waiting on you to say something that nobody else has the faith to say Lord I know you sending me to Greenville me and my wife my kids [Applause] speak it somebody I'm coming too we're gonna be eating greens macaroni and you're all that me not that vegan stuff here ain't man to y'all but gonna be in the South you're sending us but I pray that you do something so crazy that the oil keeps slowing here and every Wednesday that we come back it's just gonna increase and you're gonna break out in revival in Houston and Greenville at the same time I've got faith to believe that God can be in more than one place at one time I also have the faith to declare that there are people in here who walked in sick and you should go to the doctor before next Wednesday so you can come down here with your miracle report that whatever you were sitting with today is gold tonight I don't know if anybody has faith to believe that but I have faith to believe you here's what's crazy this is gonna blow your mind and now we're done the Centurion said just say the word Jesus went into a service and I see a faith like this and all the Israel this is crazy then he said you're serving us here he didn't say he's gonna be healed he is here I need somebody to do it to declare a right now miracle in your own right I don't know what you need to say but you need to say it right now over the next 20 seconds say something crazy out of your mouth that you've been waiting on just say it right now I'm waiting on don't look at me don't worry about what I'm saying you mean there's one somebody else you need to say it with some bonus - my whole life is changed right now I'm the CEO of my own company my family is saved filled with the spirit I got some power but be careful because this is the season where God is drawing the distinction between people who have authority and people who play with Authority tell somebody don't play with it Acts chapter 19 there were seven sons of sceva a Jewish high priests said for the number of completion but they had no authority complete lack of authority they went to church but they had no no no relationship they're out of court folk they were they were lightweights tell somebody get your weight up tell somebody get your weight up Bible says that the Holy Spirit worked unusual miracles to Paul I declare right now that unusual miracles break out in your life so much so that his handkerchief was taken to the city his shadow would pass over people they would be healed somebody wanted to play with that Authority thought that they could pimp God they went in there with one person one man that had demons being there trying to cast out demons and the demon spoke up said hold on now Paul I know and Jesus I know now who are you watch this seven men clothed ran out naked catch this in the spirits one man beat up seven men they ran out make it why because God wanted to expose them [Music] if you're not for real about this game just somebody don't play with it now I'm not talking about your flesh issues that you submit to God we all got stuff we're not proud of but people that are playing games with the holy things of God God's gonna expose you they said his name but they didn't have any authority but I declared tonight right now that the speed of Authority comes to your house that as soon as you open your mouth you see it shift in your house when you open your mouth you see a shift on your job when you open your mouth you see a shift in your body when you open your mouth things change just say the word some of y'all need to repeat what the Lord has said about you you need to declare it over you let me pray for you right now we don't keep the speed series going next week don't leave we're gonna leave here together every Wednesday this month I'm gonna be right here we're getting the speed series you need to bring somebody now I'm not gonna tell you but I got some special guests coming to help me I'm not gonna tell you who it is then it don't matter because Jesus is the special guest he's not a guest this is his house I want to pray for you right now father in the name of Jesus I declare the speed of authority comes over your people married couples begin to take authority in their house they don't wait to get permission from the devil they have authority to change it right now I declare right now that the power to change the situation is rooted in the word and we declare the word over our situation there is a collision a collision convergence and a conviction it's all coming together the truth is colliding with the line and replacing and removing the lie because the word of truth carries more weight than the lie of the enemy you're sending the right people relationships and resources and I have the conviction to declare your word in every circumstance seal this word in Jesus name heads bowed eyes closed don't move 20 seconds if you're in here you've never given your life to Jesus you need to get your weight over right here right now start the year off by giving your life to Jesus you never gave your life to Jesus or you need to rededicate your life to Jesus on the count of three if you're already standing remain standing if you're sitting down then stand up on the count of three I want you to remain standing if you're giving your life of Jesus or rededicating one two three stay standing as I'm talking to you stay standing if I'm talking to you look at this look at this come on y'all look at what that is look at what God has done listen while you're standing I want you to pray this prayer with me and those who are seated I'm gonna pray it with you Lord Jesus it's me I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord I thank you for the blood that has authority over my sin I declare that I submit to you you are my Lord and my Savior all things made new in Jesus name Amen we believe if you prayed that simple prayer you just got saved somebody celebrates the word of the Lord
Channel: John Gray Ministries
Views: 39,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PastorJohnGray, #lakewoodchurch, #speedofseries, #authority, #johngray, #message
Id: mcbv8xFG4-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 47sec (3167 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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