John Gray *** New *** The Key To Authority *** Disconnected ***

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i thank you for relentless greenville i thank you for the relentless online community god our our rock family i thank you for relentless atlanta i thank you that in the middle of a pandemic you have expanded the vision i thank you that you continue to provide for your house and the people of god and i thank you that there are families in this room right now who are going to walk into a level of supernatural blessing after this service that they will never recover from they will literally be living in the perpetual blessing of god because they pressed their way into the house of god on halloween on the day where people worship demons we're worshiping the living god and so god i thank you that we reclaim the day and we lift up a sound to god and i need all of the men to lead us and then i need the women of god to lead us lead these children into the presence of god [Music] acts chapter one verse four reading from the new king james version olivia you did a phenomenal job sweet girl unbelievable you shared from your heart you shared your testimony you're a miracle walking and i am proud of you mutation i'm so proud of you the anointing of god is on you you are going to reach the world for jesus you are an evangelist you have a pastoral anointing you have a charismatic gifting also i believe and i sense in my spirit that god is going to release you to begin to declare prophetic things over people in your school and in your sphere of influence she started an online bible study for students at her school by herself y'all don't hear me the kids of relentless are fire did you hear what i said the relentless these kids are fired don't sleep on the anointing some of these kids have healing in their hands some of these kids have prophecy in their mouths some of these kids have a word from god you know what i'm gonna let them preach i'm gonna let them share the word this ain't like when we grew up at the baptist church and they let the kids usher and sing oh that's so sweet now move out the way no no no we see you and we're gonna develop you and then we're gonna launch you because we don't have a generation to lose we got to get them right now and hold on to them do i have any parents and leaders that will agree with me chapter 1 starting at the fourth verse and being assembled together with them jesus commanded them not to depart from greenville not to depart from the online feed but to wait until somebody wait for the promise of the father which jesus said you have heard from me for john truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy spirit not many days from now or there are people in this room that are about to be filled with the holy ghost you were saved but you have not yet partaken of your rightful inheritance which is the holy spirit and the holy spirit is more than a prayer language we will not dishonor the totality of the holy spirit indwelling in us by limiting the holy spirit to one expression when you read there are multiple gifts of the holy spirit and beyond the gifts there is the fruit of the spirit and so today there are some who have been saved but you haven't had the holy spirit and the bible says you will receive power okay let me just i'ma just read the word and then you're gonna respond however your spirit responds now today's word is gonna need acknowledgement and agreement so just be prepared therefore when they had come together they asked jesus saying lord will you at this time restore the kingdom to israel we want power jesus and we've been ruled by the romans the babylonians the hittites the jebusites the high vites we were carried into captivity we've been slaves in egypt for 400 years we've always been knocked down when is it our turn to have some power so we can treat people like they treated us [Music] jesus said no that's not the power that you're gonna get this is not power to get back at your enemies this is not power to hurt those who hurt you this is power to live a life that makes your enemies bow down at the altar of god and say there is a god there's a power that is so so awesome that literally as you serve and please god he will cause your enemies to be at peace with you and he said to them and it's not for you to know times or seasons which the father has put in his own authority but you relentless shall receive power dunamis explosive unmistakable tangible practical inexhaustible power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and to the end of the earth somebody say jerusalem judea samaria ends of the earth translated for you before i let you sit down is i'm going to make you witnesses in greenville south carolina the united states and then the entire world [Applause] there's a move of god happening in greenville and it is spreading around the globe but god wanted revival to start right here i need you to know that the great revival of souls and power kicks off on halloween in greenville [Applause] i need you to hear what i'm saying when jesus announced the establishment of the church he was standing atop the cave of pan it was a physical location where idol worship took place and all hallows eve the feast of the day before all saints day tomorrow is all saints day this is all hallows eve this is a pagan holiday that was normally used to do every type of detestable practice jesus started the church on top of a place where pagan worship was common where the devil was worshiped where immorality was welcomed and he said i'm gonna build my church on that thing and i'm gonna start it today i need you to know the next great move of god is being started today on halloween we lift up him hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done in earth as it is in heaven give us this day [Music] i need somebody to lift up a shout if you know that our god is greater than every demon in hell our god is greater than every sickness and disease our god is greater than anything that you and i face our god is greater i need i need a radical praise i need a couple maybe 15 of y'all [Applause] i just need somebody over here in this section pastor can't get your section together i need a couple of fathers up in the balcony to thank god that your children are going to break break every demonic curse that's been over your family that your sons will prophesy that your daughters will prophesy that they will dream dreams and have great vision there we go somebody say power certified power you can be seated power everybody wants it and sometimes when people get it they don't know what to do with it once they get it power what is it where does it come from what is the function of it what is the purpose of it power is it influence that's a part of power but it's not power and totality is it notoriety notoriety can be a byproduct of power but it is not power is it money money could be another component of power but it by itself is not power power is the ability to effectuate change in one way or another you can use it for good or bad because as an autonomous individual as a sentient being you have the right to go with god or choose to go your own way what god said in scripture is i have set before you death and life therefore choose life what he was saying is you got a choice but you really don't have a choice if you really want to live then you need to choose life and the power of death and life is in the tongue so be careful what you say in this season because you have more power than you have been made aware of oh lord i need some intercessors to pray me through i said you got to be careful you're stepping into the last 60 days of a year that was designed to wipe out the earth and god said no all right let me help you to understand why you don't need to be sitting here looking at me quiet right now let me tell you why i need you to look over the last 10 months it's the last day of the 10th month 300 305 days in this year have passed and god has kept you for every one of them so you ought to give him at least 305 seconds of praise one second per day and some of y'all still gonna sit down but the fact that you can choose to sit down but be alive is a testimony to his power because there are some people that would trade places with you so don't tell me about your problem well i'm struggling i got bills but you're alive do you understand that the devil asked for you and god told the devil no do you understand that the blood was on the door and you're alive because you have a purpose bigger than the things that you have gone through do you know how much power you have in your mouth when you honor god when you give him the breath back that he gave to you when you worship him you give him his breath back stop minimizing the phenomenality of your being you are breathtaking look at somebody say baby i'm breathtaking find somebody else since they didn't believe you look at two or three people telling baby i'm i'm breathtaking tell them take a good look you want to see something breathtaking by that cow look up in this area here i'm breathtaking i need somebody else to say it shantae tell your baby girl to tell bj that she's breathtaking i need you get off that phone nephew and stay locked in i'm looking for some breathtaking people well what do you mean pastor john you're breathtaking because god breathed into adam's nostrils the breath of life you literally took god's breath away [Applause] and every time you worship him you give him the breath back i wish i had some help will somebody give god his breath back by lifting up a praise [Applause] alpheus alpheus alpheus anderson who was covering our kids and was the choir director i just wanted to honor him and acknowledge him for the great work he did that was two weeks of rehearsal that was two rehearsals that y'all saw tell alfie as i said thank you he's with the kids i love that see it through to the end alpha see it through to the end hallelujah you can be seated what do you do with power absolute power it is said corrupts absolutely but it isn't it is that way with men but it is not so with god oh help me holy ghost we spent a billion dollars on the last presidential election for a job that pays 425 000 a year why you spend a billion dollars and not gonna make a billion you spent a billion because you know that there's power in that office you there's power in in the presidency see here's what's deep the presidency is in office the president is an individual but if the individual should perish the presidency does not because the seat of power is in the authority of the office not the person because once your time is up there'll be another president there'll be another senator there'll be another representative there'll be another council person there'll be another mayor ah the offices are there but the people change which is why none of us should ever hold on to power like it only ends with us if you understand power you understand currency that's why money is power because money is currency it's not designed to stay in your house it is to be exchanged for goods and services and if god gives a believer power it is not for you to floss and act like you're better than other people but it is for you to be a conduit to distribute the grace of god the goodness of god the mercy of god the favor of god and the truth of god you better preach i'm preaching i'm preaching myself happy because my wife knows i haven't been feeling well i i hadn't been taking my medicine don't beat me up mama and so i had i had some i had some issues with the sugar and and it got too high yesterday it was up around 500. don't judge i'm just telling you i took my medicine and i said lord i'm gonna preach this word because i know that there's somebody in here that needs to know who they are i have a question do you know who you are do you understand the power that you carry sitting in these pews right now watching on the other side of the internets do you know who you are do you understand that the moment you open your mouth heaven is waiting to hear if you will repeat what heaven has said about you because whoever has the guts to agree with heaven is going to see heaven come down to the earth i need you to say what god says about you not with your spouse not with your loved ones not what a supervisor says i need you to say about you what god says about you because there's power in agreement jesus as he's about to ascend up to heaven has a group of people gathered who actually want political power and social power because they have been oppressed by other people groups and jesus says you cannot take bitterness into your next season you praying for me listen to what i said they were hurt wounded bitter angry and they wanted to get back at the romans they wanted to get back at all the people that had kept them oppressed jesus says you're going to get power but it's not for you to get back you're going to receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you holy means separated sanctified called out chosen the ecclesia the called out ones and so when you get power it's not to do bad it's to do good and so this power is gonna come upon you uh and and your job is to wait you cannot summon it you can only be obedient and it shows up which lets you know that power is not earned it is conferred amen oh lord you can be voted they can vote for you but until you're sworn in you don't have the power even with our president you could be voted president in november but you don't take office till january because the election is different than the ability to execute that power oh my god the frustration with some of you is that you didn't know you were elected and the difference between your election and your inauguration is the tension between knowing where you're called to be and where you're actually at and so you're frustrated because things have not been happening the way you think or in the timing that you think and it's because yes you've been elected but there's a process before you can be inaugurated and god needs to make sure that your character and your integrity and the way your soul is structured and your carnal appetites have been addressed because the last thing we need are people who keep coming to church shouting and and then cuss you out the moment they leave here what we need are real christians not just sunday christians we need people that are christians not when people can see you but you need to be walking out the principles of the word when no one is around can you serve without a name tag can you serve if no one knows your name if you never get a microphone do you realize that you have power to effectuate change on your job at that school in your house at the grocery store at the mall and this is the power of god that you don't need other people to validate you because god has already done it [Applause] somebody give god another praise great [Applause] somebody say power well power must come from somewhere streams and creeks and rivers are tributaries the ocean is the source because that's where all the water is oh my god i don't care if you're a supervisor a councilwoman a business owner whatever station of life that you're in if you have power it came from god i said if you have power it came from god so go on and just take your pride and throw it down at the altar and stop thinking you god's gift to whatever it is you're doing because if god took his hand off you i got seven people that understand what i'm saying there are some people that already know if it wasn't for god i'd have nothing i'd be nothing and i'd go nowhere but it's a couple people who walk around like they are god's gift look you up and down and you're supposed to worship their image but baby god is resisting the proud and giving grace to the humble and if you if you don't humble yourself he will humble you oh i know i'm preaching right there is in this season a transfer of power wait a minute isn't there an election the election is tuesday see i didn't even i wasn't thinking that but the holy ghost see their synchronicity when you're in line there's a transfer of power but i need you to get this in your spirit i told you this nobody is voting you out god has already decided who he wants in position and i need you to go on and tap your shoulder dust your shoulders off and tell everybody thank you i've been elected the uh the election is over he elected me now i'm about to walk in my authority [Music] i need somebody to get ooh in your spirit i'm about to blow up i'm about to lift up jesus i'm about to speak to devils and they got to leave whole regions i'm about to lay hands on everything in my house and everything's going to change i'm going to slap some oil on the dog while i'm at it i'll lay hands on the guinea pig jesus i'll lift that fish up and tell it to breathe yes i will i need somebody to have some fun and get a ooh in your whoo you you bawling you better [Music] see but here's the thing god is not conferring power on prideful people and he's not conferring power on people who are carnally ambitious what do you mean pastor john there are some people who if they get power they're gonna they already treat people like trash if they have more power they just treat more people like trash but i need you to know that god is taking out the trash [Applause] i love y'all but some of y'all are not shouting like you need to because some of you have actually welcomed the trash and it has hindered your ability to function as god intended so since you won't take out the trash he's going to take it out for you because his word cannot come back to him void and before the word comes back void he's going to kick everything out of your life that does not produce fruit so even if you want it but it's not good for you it's leaving your life so you might as well thank him because you about to get free whether you want it or not because this what god is doing is generations of prayer and god's not going to let it fall to the ground because you want to be booed up with somebody that's not purposed [Music] god's about to break up a whole lot of carnal relationships and in moments you'll know that's who i'm supposed to be in covenant with oh when you get that dating demon off of you and just giving a piece of your heart to everybody and say god i trust you in no time flat the individual that is purpose for your life will arise and when they do you're not going to worship them you're going to worship god somebody ought to bless the lord [Applause] somebody say power somebody say power i'm talking about power so i have to talk about the all-powerful one hey i'm talking about god i'm talking about the great god i'm talking about the mighty god i'm talking about the holy god the inexhaustible god the all-powerful god the utterly holy god the highest of the high i'm talking about the king of kings and the lord of lords i'm talking about the god who sits on a throne that is unapproachable he dwells in unapproachable light he's got four and 20 elders and they cast down their crowns i need to let you know who i'm talking about because some of y'all came in here groggy texting talking and playing games but we reverence the presence of the real god the living god the true god the mighty god the bible says mountains bow down darkness flees from him he rides on the wings of the cherubim he sits between the cherubim he who sprinkled his blood on the mercy seat his name is yeshua i'm a sheik he is the fullness of the godhead bodily his name is jesus he who the cross couldn't hold who the grave couldn't keep his name is jesus and he's mighty [Applause] i need somebody to tear this church up we'll fix it on monday but i need somebody to lift up the name of the mighty god the great god the holy god oh he is worthy holy holy holy [Music] he is the great god [Music] demons tremble and they answer to him he is god he answers to no one he needs nothing he has never been asleep he's never been out of position he's ancient but he has not aged because age is a concept of time but my god is eternal by nature my god was not born emmanuel stand up nephew i got to train you up in the way you should go when the holy ghost is in a move like this you got to acknowledge him [Music] i said he's holy he is the great god i said he's ancient but he does not age he was not born no one can give him counsel he answers to no one he's not intimidated he's never been in jeopardy he cannot be contaminated he is utterly holy and has chosen to live inside of himself in perfect triunity between the father the son and the holy spirit and then made you in his image with a mind a body and a soul and he breathed into your nostrils the breath of life and with breath came power which means what you say on the earth angels have to move and what you speak on the earth demons have to bow down and what you see [Music] the bible says you will receive power when the holy ghost has come upon you oh no the word power there is dunamis it's where we get the word dynamite somebody say explosive you know what dynamite does pastor lacey you put dynamite in a mountain [Music] to get the rocks out the way you put dynamite to create space because when that thing explodes anything within the blast radius has to move do you know you have dunamis in your mouth pastor demarcus they not listening maybe i should go home pj i'm not leaving i'm gonna stay right here oh thank you lord this shirt used to fit it don't fit no more i'm excited i got extra room in my shirt somebody say power i need you to hear me when you start speaking in the authority that you've been given stuff has to move you got to be in position though because just because you have power in one place don't mean you have it in another i got authority in here i have power here elder would you please come here yes elder nick you come here too please thank you san juan come up here past robert come over here please quickly now pastor ken come on power each one of these men has families children each one of these men is an autonomous individual each one of these men when they go home they run their house that's their house and this is the house of the lord that i've been given stewardship over i asked him to come up on stage they submitted because in here i have the authority [Music] to have them come up now men of god i need you guys to spread out and as you go just stretch your hands as the spirit gives you direction and just pray over the people just pray as the spirit gives you direction as you're walking i need you to do that now here's what happened they have been given instruction from the set authority and god backs his order which means as they're praying over your section the miracle is coming now some of you need to understand what's happening power is being transferred to your part of the of the sanctuary and i'm stretching my hands towards rock father move in might and power move in grace and glory and i pray by the power of the holy ghost that you would fill those who desire to be filled with the holy ghost so that they have power beyond salvation salvation is for eternity but discipleship is for your lifetime you want to be a disciple you need the holy spirit so that you can walk out the principles of the word power somebody say power delroy i need you to move back three rows please i need you to move back three rows baker i need you to do the same thing did you move back three rows all right here's what's deep you guys did it out of obedience you hadn't planned on moving but because i have authority here you moved because that's what comes with authority now there's some demons that have been messing with you and they still in your house still in your mind stealing your stealing and they've been stealing your joy and god says why don't you tell them to move do you understand jesus would cast demons out and move them somewhere else get out of that man and get in them pigs come out of there be bound up the bible says there are some fallen angels that are in everlasting chains until the day of judgment let me tell you something when a demon gets out of place the people of god need to tell it to move you've got dunamis power dunamis means dynamite explosive that means anything in your circumference that ain't like god has to go is anybody hearing what i'm saying let me hurry up and give you this there was a woman with an issue of blood i said there was a woman with an issue with blood and y'all heard about her jesus was in a crowd he was surrounded people were all over and grabbing on him there's this one woman she had been how long she been bleeding 12 years of flow of blood i'm not a woman but i i'm married to one and i understand that cycles can be very challenging i can't imagine that and i want to pause and say thank you for what you go through for those who have birth children and those who desire to the cycle is a necessary part and for perpetuating the generation i want to give honor to the women fellas we need to honor all of the women in the house because fellas they got to carry the baby they got to nurse the baby got to sleep on their side or on their back and the baby be leaning on their bladder these are things that i heard from my wife and i say that to say this it's one thing to have a cycle that lasts a week but what if it was a month i i know some of y'all call off work cause of cramps oh but you know what's interesting in the spirit there's some of us that have called off work because of spiritual cramps we haven't done what god asked us to do because of the discomfort of the process that allows us to reproduce and so she said this enough is enough now i'm already illegal i'm not supposed to be out of my house i certainly shouldn't be near a high priest because a woman who's in her monthly flow cannot be in a worship service she can't leave the house and she certainly can't touch a priest she said i don't care about the rules i'ma get my breakthrough and then she made up in her mind she said if i can just i need somebody help me preach we can get out of here game start in 15 minutes if i could just the i don't have to touch him i'll just touch [Applause] i don't have to touch him if i can get to his hem i just want to touch what he's wearing i don't have to be inner court i'll be out of court let me just touch what he's wearing maybe he won't notice but i know that if i could just get to that hymn i'll be completely whole she had created the equation in her mind that was rooted in faith and jesus is walking people all over him and he was like he stopped he said wait a minute this is luke 8 by the way 40-46 go read it he said who touched me i'm about to preach it some of y'all gonna run who touched me i need you to know i believe that the spirit of god has stopped by relentless church because somebody reached out to touch who touched me the bible said she was actually she was like ashamed she was like i'mma get in trouble she was like it was me he said go in peace your faith has made you whole i need you to i need you to catch just a couple principles and then we're gonna go on home jesus did not call for her he didn't ask for her he just walked his assignment that day from the father is to walk there were other people the father said you're going to meet this person do this you're going to see this person at the well say this you're going to see this dead girl you're going to raise her up and then when this happens that's why jesus was always in prayer early in the morning he was getting instructions on what was to come and he was his job that day was to walk god the father wanted to see does anybody know how to access power properly you got to be desperate you got to get creative and you got to be filled with faith are there any desperate creative faith-filled people in the house today she said if i just touched the hem of his garment she could have said if i just touch his thumb or if i just touch his shoulder she made it up that's not in the old testament there's nothing in the levitical law when thou see it the high priest and you need a flow of blood stopped if you touch thine hymn of his garment he shall be made completely whole none of that's in there god wanted to see how bad do you want it and how creative can you get to go get it some of y'all are one goofy proclamation away from me if i just spin around three times i will never be in debt after this year if i just some of y'all caught it if i just if i just lift my left knee up seven times the arthritis will go away if i just do one jumping jack my spine will be aligned if i can just if i bark like a dog god is gonna give me a a hunger and passion for his word god will give me a boldness i never got if i just growl like a lion i walk in my kingly or queenly authority ah i need somebody to get creative god says i want you to make a determination on the point of contact because the issue is not oh the issue is power my mother just pulled out a tissue said touch the hem of his garment for your own healing [Applause] up [Music] let me tell you peter said all these people are around you and you ask who touched you he said no no there are people who were grabbing but i felt virtue leave me what is that word it is dunamis which means strength power ability watch this inherent power power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature what jesus is saying is i i have all power everywhere i go but most people don't access it but somebody touched me they didn't grab for me they touched me in faith and my power responds to faith automatically she got her healing before jesus had acknowledged her do you know you don't need anybody to acknowledge you just need to step out on faith and graph it at him because the power is a it's available to you and this woman her flow stopped in a moment kelly why did her flow stop because jesus said listen you don't need to bleed i'm about to bleed for everybody so both of us don't need to be bleeding you stop bleeding and i'll go ahead and bleed for everybody's healing for everybody's salvation for everybody's deliverance so i need you to know you go ahead and function i'll flow i'ma stop your flow but nobody can stop my flow cause my blood still work is there anybody that know the blood still works everybody standing anybody with fibroids they're shrinking now anybody with cysts and tumors and polyps and endometriosis you're being healed right now i'm not saying this to play games i'm telling you what i hear the spirit of god saying who's been having issues with their left eye either glaucoma or some type of issue it's being healed right now god is healing you right now at the nerve level at the cellular level he's turning it right now who's right kidney is not functioning at the same level as the left kidney who is that is that you god is turning that around as your right hand went up virtue came down started at your fingertips and it's going into your kidney god is restoring your kidney this is not a game who has uh a partial blockage in an upper artery your doctor told you that you have a blockage or a lack of a hundred percent flow where is that you're going to be healed did you hear what i said your heart will not give out and your arteries will function at full capacity now let me say this there are people in this room who need to give their lives to jesus there are others whole families that need to become members of this church today if you are one of those two where you need to get your soul right with jesus and touch the hem of his garment or you know god is calling you to be a part of this house then i need you to move to this altar right now nobody's begging anybody you need to get here even if you live out of town when you leave you can still be a part of relentless if that's you join me right here and i guarantee you if some of you applaud it'll give them the courage to take that walk oh y'all can do better than that bring him right here stay with him look at that pastor ken who else there are others look at that come on sweet girl anybody else coming here they come bring the baby to [Music] now i believe there's a there's a few people in the balcony here they come here they come [Music] you're a leader you led the way don't you ever forget it here they come i said here they come uh you in the balcony yeah you know you heard the lord i'm gonna give you eight american seconds eight seven six five four three two one if you're not sure that you'd see jesus if you left this earth in the next 60 seconds make your way to the altar make your way to the altar [Music] here they come here they come and they come and they come here they come if you've never been baptized get to the altar if you've been saved
Channel: Maggie Dow
Views: 3,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Praise, Healing, Seed, Faith, Grace, Hope, Peace, Love, Family, Youth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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