Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon_ LET THE FIRE FALL

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this year you will suffer no loss of what's about to do tonight give him glory giving wanna give him a duration magnify his holy name praise the king of kings and a lot of laws I adore him it's worthy to be praised this water to be added magnify him magnify Solomon Central Park thank you all my cigar [Music] blessed blessed blessed video : thank you daddy Thank You Sophia in Jesus mighty name we worship we give you all the glory [Music] we give you all the glory [Applause] a man we give you all the glory with me hey man ancient of this the unchangeable changer we worship you the Lion of the tribe of Judah the Holy One of Israel the one without beginning and without a name glory be to your holy name we want to thank you once again for what you did the last time we were here we want to thank you for what we do tonight please accept our worship in Jesus name my father my god everyone here tonight and those who are watching us all over the world surprises in your miraculous way such every one of us and father I am asking that this particular facility we are using like never before Sony to a miracle center bless our Bishop bless is family bless is ministry and by the time we walk out of here tonight my father and my god let everyone sing a song of victory thank you Almighty God in Jesus mighty name we have prayed unless somebody shout hallelujah now shake out with one or two people and tell them tonight would be special in your life and then you may please be seated in the next few minutes but the special grace of God destinies will be transformed and I'll be calling on you to pray and I want you to pray with all your heart tonight you must pray like lions and lionesses not like ladies and gentlemen you must pray hard because only God knows when X will have a meeting like this nobody knows tomorrow all we have is today so let's make the most of this opportunity I have the conviction within me that this is the night nobody who ever forget exodus chapter 3 I want to read from verse 1 to 5 Exodus chapter three from verse 1 to 5 I do super saying that the economy is that why they are clapping oh I thought this kind of thing can only happen in Africa engineer god bless you those people were clapping for you they want to get your attention now Moses kept the flock of Jerry Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of God even to Horeb oh thank you Father that is a there's someone here tonight the Living God for something special they said as you have believed so we live it down to you and the angel of the Lord appeared unto Him in a flame of fire cut of the midst of a bush and he looked and behold the bush born with fire and the bush was not consumed the Moses said I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush is not born and when they lost saw that he turned aside to see God caught on to him out of the midst of the bush and said Moses Moses and he said here am I and he said draw not nigh today put of the shoe form of the feet for the place where our standard is holy ground God is going to call the name of someone here tonight and that fellow is me now very very briefly and please be ready to pray and be ready for your miracle because everything will happen very very quickly when if I have failed for the first time ever from heaven when fire came from heaven to earth for the first time ever several significant things happened but we are going to focus on just one of them tonight and what is that one thing that we want to focus on tonight it is that the forgotten was remembered Moses was a very famous man in Egypt decoding the Prince of Egypt then something happened and it became a fugitive for 40 years nobody remembered Moses in fact many people thought he was already dead to him the fire of God came down suddenly the forgotten was remembered so point number one which is going to lead you to your first prayer is that God we remember you tonight why because he had been involved with you even before you were born in Jeremiah chapter one from was photo files Jeremiah 1 4 to 5 he said before I formed you I knew you before your father met your mother God said I knew you and while you were seeing the one I was already involved with you as a matter of fact in Isaiah 43 he was one I saw 43 he was one God said I am the one who gave you your name the appearance may think they were the one putting your names together but God said it is what I called you that they finally pronounced [Music] we went on to see in NASA 14 I was 16 I said 49 verse 16 he said I have gravy you up on the palms of my hands you know the reason why when you are passing through bodies they are so particular about your fingerprint is because your own fingerprint is unique and that's very little you can do to change what is already written on the palm of your hand the automatically your names are written on the pumps of the Almighty God so he has a question in the same as a chapter 14 and verse 15 as a four-team entity is a kind of woman forget a child of our one the possible for the mother to forget a child is all yes she may forget but I will not forget you he says in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 we will start in verse 5 he said I will never leave you nor forsake you and if you join that through numbers 23 verse 19 number 20 verse 19 he said I am NOT a mind that I should hide so when I say I will forget you I'm not lying it's not possible for me to lie so if it appeals to you considering the circumstances around you that maybe God as forgotten you maybe is just waiting for tonight it's waiting for the fire to fall so that the forgotten can be [Applause] when you read the book of Esther chapter 6 verse 1 to 12 Esther 6 verse 1 to 12 you hear the story of the king very very powerful king who for what is the order that just couldn't sleep because the whole nation is in a crisis and God took away the sleep of the king so that he can remember a man who had been good to him a man that had been forgotten the truth did something great for the king was brought back into the remembrance of the king and from that very night or world the tides turned when I was a little kid a half-brother elder half-brother traveled to the nearest town to us and when he was returning he came up with a face Cup very colorful beautiful beyond measure we did was with never seen anything like that before so we all gathered around him admiring the face God and then he did something very funny it took off the face card and place it on my head you allowed me to wear this beautiful thing all the other children amazed to put it mildly and there were very envious of me and then he said something unbelievable he said I bought it for you and I'm telling you the truth I nearly fainted with joy but that must be around 1950 several years passed several years until maybe about several years ago and then one night I couldn't sleep and for what is the order that my mind went back to that day because I was trying to go over my life thinking of days of joy and my mind went to that day and the question came to me what have I done for that man and I made up my mind what I would do so what day it was in the truth in our village poor farmer he hasn't even got money to buy a bicycle and my driver and another fellow drove a car into the front of the house now when they hear the sound of a car in front of our house they assume I have come home so he came out with the others and say well that is you oh it's not here okay why are you here did you said we should tell you that this car is yours this man will be your driver he says he will pay for the driver he will wear the car and the woman change the car he said what are you say does this message when they told him that the reporter back to me he was looking for his chair to sit on because he felt dizzy that's how I felt in 1950 I want you to stand on your feet lift your voice to the Almighty God loud and clear answer father remember me today go ahead talk to the Almighty go remember me remember me today Almighty God please remember me today remember me today let your fire for so you can remember me today remember me in the band after all these years Lord remember me today remember me today remember me today my memory of it remember me to do they remember me today Oh father please remember me to do thank you [Applause] in Jesus mighty name we have prayed socially being Jesus man please be seated whenever God remembers this point - that will lead to your next friend whenever God remembers someone suddenly closed wounds began to open in Genesis chapter 30 verse 22 Genesis 30 verse 22 the Bible said and God remembered Richard and opened Harlan in Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 2 3 Genesis 12 verse 1 2 3 God promised Abraham I said not only am I going to bless you through your seed you all earth will be blessed whether they remain married God made a promise and yet God won't lie one night Genesis 15 verse 1 to 5 Genesis 50 of us want to fight go about called Abraham out look up look at the Stars can you can't say no there are too many it says sucia your seed be Babu said he believed God but not to happened the Genesis 17 from last night to night in Genesis 17 verse 9 to 19 God called him out again yes Lord your children shall be in country boo oh by now Abraham loved God let's put an end to this joke but then in Genesis 18 reading from verse 1 to 14 Genesis 18 from verse 1 to 14 the fire of God came down because God Himself that came to pay Abraham a visit his name is consuming fire and Gordon said this time I am NOT promising I am decree I'm now saying one of these days he said nine months from today you have a son and God remembered the forgotten Sara at night brought forth a son so whenever we talk about an end coming to barriness many of us always think of the fruit of the womb alone the Baroness means much more than having no child Baroness actually is symbolic of fruitless efforts and that is worst Baroness is symbolic of frustration for example in Genesis chapter 30 verse 1 Oh thank you Father a lot idea someone here tonight he said you lost several promising relationship he asked me to tell you he will remove the costs [Applause] oh thank you daddy Lord asked me to tell someone he said before the end of this year those who have been saying sorry to you will be shouting Congress I was in at least height Baroness can lead to frustration in Genesis chapter 30 verse 1 Genesis 30 was one Richard cried to her husband and said as either you give me sons or I died when you find yourself in the situation where you are beginning to think that maybe death is better than this you need a fire to fall and the fire will fall tonight I just revealed the quick story the relation of mine highly-educated a great engineer fell into very hard times so had a child that he had no money to buy anything we had to be checking there above the wife to make his own boob and sorrow that's what we call it were comfort so one day he decided they have this better than ship so he decided they work on missus ahead but been quite an interesting man he decided that he will attend his home phone error that what he will do is he will go to church he would dance like nobody else Oh everybody will notice him and then he will go home and I and on that day the preacher preached about how fire came down when Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were true into the fiery furnace and a fire began human fire got in their rescue dispute then he had a war jaws war sentence and somebody who hairy water night that when Shadrach Meshach and Abednego said that the God who we serve is able to deliver us they did not know how it could possibly be done that's all he heard he said my situation is so terrible I don't know how can ever get out of this but since he did it for Shadrach Meshach and Abednego I refused to that he would do my own the day was sharing his testimony he has just bought 40 cards for those who are working for him because the tide standard of it lifts your voice to the Almighty God loud and clear father tonight put an end to all my frustrations go ahead talk to the Almighty every form of frustration in my life [Applause] let it end tonight [Applause] in an area where I am feeling frustrated father do something about it tonight put an end to every form of frustration in my life tonight tonight Oh Lord put a name to every form of frustration in my life physical material ministeria Morita every form of frustration [Applause] in my life even spiritual let it end tonight let it end tonight thank you Father thank you Almighty thank you Almighty [Applause] in Jesus mighty name we have prayed socially being Jesus man please be seated now when we talk about worms Blimpo punch we need to know that a man could be pregnant with ideas it takes only one single successful idea implemented to tell you to a world figure there's a gentleman called Bill Gates the moment I met him you on you have a rough idea with Arthur he had only one idea computer and it was able to give birth to that idea and started blessing to the Oval we are not surprised that is the richest in the world with exception of waffle we'll go to that tonight but if you're naughty he said that man it took somebody to give him Joss alone a midwife that happened bring forth that idea there are many people here pregnant with ideas the fire were fortunate [Applause] because Moses was a man who knew without be told that he was a child of destiny he knew it that's why we went to his brothers in Egypt and I saw somebody ill-treats in the fellow he fought back so violently killed that fellow you know the story and we all ideas that you will become a blessing was going to be still bomb on G that fire fail and there are several other cases in the Bible I can show you don't have too much time but by the time you read Exodus chapter 3 if you refer was made to change Exodus tonight to tell when the Almighty God said have come down I want to now set Israel free and you are the one I will use suddenly the baby that was already still in the womb of Moses began to move again in saqqaq in chapter 2 verse 9 to 15 second Kings Q was NATO 15 Elijah who had left everything to follow Elijah knew that one day will be one day as we say in Africa that this man has been following about for more than three years who asking just one question what do you want and you will read that story very well fire sulfur that day and all of a sudden the son of a prophet became the Prophet not only did he become a prophet as for permission to go and pray for him they said you can't do any harm going because they thought she was going to be carried out dead what we prayed and there are other people in the room and it was you know one of these nations that you don't just pray for people unless they ask you to do so otherwise they can sue [Music] so I prayed for my son alone and I left that was a Saturday I had the following Wednesday my son was discharged [Applause] because the one is called upon zooming fire followed me into that room but those of you know this early you know that's not even the big miracle every other person in the room was the saddest ending [Applause] the God that followed me to that room followed me here to be lift your voice to the Almighty God and say father let your fire fall make me whole again go ahead talk to the Almighty God let your fire for Lord [Applause] make me whole again make me whole again makes me whole again make me whole again that was the time when I was cool when I didn't know any formal ailment please daddy electrify outfall to make the only kid make me whole again absolutely no a no pay we all agree that D please make me old again pick the oil again make me like pick navel [Applause] this that didn't make me whole when four more in Jesus mighty name we have prayed socially being Jesus may please be seated just one more point thank you daddy hello Sarah someone here tonight is that the devil has turned your home to a Battlefront he asked me to tell you I would give you peace [Applause] I want to say mentor disrepair that is there someone here tonight he said because of his fire that is going to come down from this moment your future will be getting brighter [Applause] the last point for today maybe another time we'll come and discuss other the other points God spoke to Moses in Exodus chapter 3 verse 7 to 8 exodus 3:17 it is a reason he has come down is because he has seen the sufferings of his people and he wants to put an end to the suffering whenever the fire of God comes an end can come through all the sufferings of the people of God I've run out of time because my time is limited you are enjoying the fire of God here some people are written in another nation of the world but whenever the fire of God falls just like somebody said 11 just want a fire dose and it was it very well it was when he bounced yokes it burns looks when the bomb sickness when he bounced poverty whatever it was is born as I entreated to discover how to turn ashes back to the original state once it's become ashes is gone and so on the authority of the Almighty God I want to decrease tonight that in the life of every one of you suffering will be over [Applause] in saqqaq in chapter 7 verse 1 to 11 second King 7 verse 1 to 11 when God lifted the siege against Emilia deceit remain lifted when his fire comes down it does a permanent job permanent job I'll tell you one more story you pray one more prayer and we'll be out of here soon thank you daddy daddy says I should tell somebody it's a by the time I finish with you all your obstacles will be ashes [Applause] I visited a man some time ago and when I go to his house I was amazed and to tell you the truth I've seen houses as I travel all over the world I've seen houses and I have a handful of friends who are wealthy I've seen houses when I go to this house it was out of this world so he saw where I was looking said I did you like this outside this is serious I said I did you only thin in this house that is not important his sand every other thing in this house is important this one imported from Italy that one reporter from Spain astronaut sofa say I believe [Music] yes I will tell you his story he is having God for a long time and then he had a summer that God said if you are faithful in your tights you open the windows of heaven and pour you a blessing so say he cries to God I'm serving you and I'm suffering let my softly and give me a blessing and God had and he had one break you he said daddy may I tell you this truth as a chairman he said that's not say I can do now to stop money from coming [Applause] as I can't believe that so when we come so suffering Elisabetta grace of God he has promoted me above that I want you to stand on your feet as a father in your miraculous way put an end to sufferings in my life go ahead talk to the Almighty God in your own miraculous way just put an end to suffering in my life playing through put an end to suffering I don't want to stop by let's go find out fall consume every form of suffering life in Jesus mighty name we have prayed socially be Jesus man please visited now the Disick reach of the fire falling at a play on on the occasion that we read is found in Exodus chapter 3 verse 7 Exodus 3 vassal God said to Moses I have heard the cry of my people I have heard their cry God is he here in prayers some 65 was to some 65 verse to say although that here is prayer on to disha all flesh come not only to see here is the answers Jeremiah 33 verse 3 Jerry Marotta verse 3 is a call of me and I will answer not I'm a I will not only to see here not only to see answer it can do disabled efficient of Atilla verse 20 efficient to reverse what he is able to do exceeding abundantly above all you ask or think the only person who can go out of here today the way he or she came is the one whose prayer had been blocked by saying I sell 50 man vs. 1 & 2 I sell 15 a verse 1 a 2 is a do the gloss hand is not shortened that it cannot save neither is a heavy that if are not here we said that you're seeing your iniquities have separated between you and your God that's why it's not here and if it's not here okay me answer so before we play our last prayer for tonight if you are here and you know that was silly venison you are here you have not yet surrendered their life to Jesus Christ I have only two minutes for you to come and stand before me here so we can cry to God together for God to save your soul forgive your sin let his blood wash you clean so we can hear your prayers and country now from 1 to 10 and now we can't very fast one if you want to give your life to Jesus you come today can be your day some very quickly true [Applause] [Music] sorry [Applause] the choice is yours my God answers prayers he hears he answers and disabled only sing come block your prayers for [Applause] thank you this of you are clapping your hands will never wither five [Music] six [Music] seven [Applause] [Music] eggs [Music] 9 [Music] [Applause] now those of you already in front and those of you on the way cry to the Lord tell them please save my soul and I will serve you for the rest of my life Lord Jonas have mercy on me let your blood wash away my sins and I will serve you for the rest of my life and the rest of us please let's stretch the hands of all these people and intercede for them their God who have mercy on them that you will save their souls and you will forgive them and give them a brand new beginning let's cry to God for them [Music] thank you Father and if you know you are sick of me then you better hurry up because I'm about to pray for salvation now thank you Jesus [Music] Oh glory be to holiness for your audio Varya Varya be frakkin aria [Music] thank you [Music] this idea of salvation [Music] thank you lord in Jesus mighty name we have prayed Savior I want to thank you for your word I want to give your glory and honour for all that have come forward tonight to surrender their lives to you please receive them in Jesus name save your souls let your blood wipe away their sins write their names in the book of life and let them serve you to the end follow you father please answer them by fire and father in the moment your children here will be crying out to you whatever they ask you for as a Christmas present before Christmas Day deliver them then their sufferings and tonight to remember them make them fruitful open their wounds and Lord God Almighty heal the sick numbering that as a result of tonight they'll be Reviva in this line thank you my father my god for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] amen now those of you are in front let me hear you shout hallelujah [Applause] I have rejoicing with you I want to promise you that from now on by God's grace I will be praying for you so I'm going to need your names your dress and your prayer requests and the counselor who helped me attend to that and I promise you I will be praying for you but before you go I want you to join in this final prayer I want everybody here tonight to ask God for a Christmas present a big present that only God can give and so you lift your voice to him as a father as your fire falls tonight dude especially before me talk to the Almighty God cry on to him for a special miracle that will be your Christmas present cry on to the Almighty God this year you will suffer no loss TV our TV channel
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
Views: 90,368
Rating: 4.6977568 out of 5
Keywords: pastor e a adeboye latest sermon, pastor e a adeboye new sermon, pastor e a adeboye new sermon 2017, rccg sermons 2017, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye +, pastor e a adeboye messages, rccg holy ghost service 2017, RCCG North America Holy Ghost Rally, rccg rally 2017, rccg holy ghost rally america, us rccg holy ghost rally 2017, 2017 rccg holy ghost festival
Id: Z4L8B59s3GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 48sec (3588 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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