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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let us pray we give glory to the Lord he reigns and we give glory to the Lord it's erased erased we give glory to the Lord earrings Alleluia we give glory to the Lord Irae she rains we give glory to the Lord erased IRA's earrings here we give glory to the Lord earrings I let you yo we give glory to Donna Irae ceilings we give glory to Donald here yes he reigns he reigns he we give glory to the Lord he further mighty we give you all the glory we give you our dahana we give you all the adoration please accept our worship in Jesus name thank you that does value of hebdo's thus far you have kept us thus far you have preserved us and we thank you because we know whatever you've done before you do it again please accept our worship in Jesus name Lord God Almighty we are asking that this morning you send help to all of us that every one of us in need of help one way or the other you will send up to us urgently we are praying Lord God Almighty for your children all over the world today please send help to us and we pray that very very soon we will be singing and dancing and praising your holy name when all these problems are over in Jesus name thank you Almighty God in Jesus mighty name we have prayed ma the song shout hallelujah for today we looking at Exodus chapter 14 we'll be reading from 13 to 18 14 from verse 13 to 18 and once he said unto the people fear ye not stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which we will show to you today but the Egyptians whom ye have seen today ye shall see them again no more forever and pray for someone that from today onward your victory will be permanent the Lord shall fight for you Alicia hold your peace I'm praying for someone that from to do do peace and the Lord said unto Moses we are for crafts thou unto me speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward but live Dow of thy rod and stretch out thy hand over the sea and divide it and the children of research are go on dry ground Trudy you but in the hearts of the Gyptians and Isha followed them and I will get Meehan upon Pharaoh and open holy sauce upon his chariots and upon his horsemen and Egyptian shall know that i am the lord when i have got him Ahana upon Pharaoh upon his cheerios and upon his horsemen I've preached a sermon before long ago entitled seven ways seven ways to deal with a monkey I'm not about to repeat the salmon that I just give you a brief outline of that salmon probably if we check with the CRM book shop or trick ministry they might get you a copy it's a long long time ago the first thing you do when you come across a Monte an obstacle that is blocking away a problem you are not expecting a crisis like the present one that the water nothing before the first thing you could do when you come across a mountain is to turn back and say I'm not continuing the journey since there is a monkey blocking my way you find an example in numbers 14 from last one to four numbers 14 from verse 1 to 4 the children of Israel want their way to the promised land they were the very body itself Moses has sent some spies who go in spite the land they came back this all the land is wonderful the Giants in the land but is a sorry the Giants are too big for us the cities are too well friends we can't take the land so the people said in that case if we can't go forward then we better go backward less let's make us a cup chain and go back to Egypt my prayer for you this day is that the problem that will send you back to Egypt a problem that would take you away from Jesus Christ would never cross your path [Music] second thing of course that one could do if he comes across the Munchie is to go round it to see okay it's a Montaigne blocking my way may I go around the Muntean and then find a way at the end of the road a problem which going around the mountain is you don't know how high stretches you may never never be able to go around it all in numbers chapter 32 verse 13 number 32 verse 13 Bible says the children of Israel went round they try to go around amanti for 40 years till Owenton as you probably have discovered when you try to climb a hill it could be quite an assignment the climb being in Monty might be a solution because like in Exodus chapter 17 verse 8 to 13 exodus 17 from verse 8 to 13 when the Amalekites suddenly blocked the way of the children of Israel to the promised land Moses climbed a hill and to Iran and halt with him and from the hilltop he controlled the butter that's why you hear some people say when they are fasting they say Aman Aman ting mr. have climbed a monte and there was a young man years ago every time you see him you say Amana Monte I once asked him do you ever calm down at all for you a possibility fourth option of course is that you can buy a hole diggy toenail through the mange like this example we are faced with into this a text because I time you go on record as Doctor 14 from verse 21 to 28 Exodus 14 21 to 28 when Moses lifted up his hand against the Red Sea the Red Sea party and officer pass through they arrived on the other side of the Red Sea and then of course Rossi came together again when you ball a hole through a hill or a manche the man chain remains that we're on the other side of it the Red Sea is there thousands of years after the children of Europe walked right through his beds but you come out at the other side of the Monti made it abundantly clear to us those of you who remember coronavirus is now going to disappear completely just like cholera like a flu-like bola it was subside and the mighty name of Jesus I need to subside soon but that it would leave the world completely that would take a very special miracle of God the good news is a baddest special grace of God those of you are listening to me now my time we finished today you will know that you come out at the other end of the munching and when you come out I hope you will not forget to sing praises unto the Lord option number five and I'll be coming back to discuss option number four that's the real discussion for today is that you can dynamite dimanche you can get some very huge explosives and blow down the monte this what happened in Joshua chapter six if you read it from verse 1 to 20 Joshua chapter 6 from verse 1 to 20 Bible it is clear that the wall of Jericho completely blocked the way of the children of Israel to the promised land there was no way they could go around it there was no way the who-what passage so they had to blow it out and they did by giving a very big shout in Joshua chapter 6 was 20 and that's why you find me from time to time calling on everybody to shout a very big Alleluia because in the process of shouting you break down the walls of Jericho option number six of course is that if we really really spiritual you can turn the man chained to some where we are when you have done the climbing look over Tony to a habitation you can sit on top of it you can build a house on the mountaintop and those of you who have had the opportunity of traveling to some island nations you will find that the wealthiest people build their houses at the mountaintops in second Kings chapter 4 from verse eighteen to thirty seven second Kings chapter four from verse eighteen to thirty seven when the tsunami Truman needed a miracle urgently and she had to go to Elisha she found him sitting down living on top of Mont camel the servant option is to fly over de Monte I such after 40 verse 31 as a chapter 40 verse 31 tells us that did that wit upon the Lord shall renew their strength they will mount with wings as Eagles that is they will fly like an eagle fly over the Munchie that is the greatest option of all and I believe that God will give us an opportunity sometimes in the future to look at that option because it's a very beautiful option indeed another was the main team will breed air there's none of your business you have lying above it they are not climbing they are not blessing it out you're not drinking the whole truth you just flying above it and if I've had an opportunity to fly during the daytime across settlement chains you see the mountains can be beautiful it all depends on where you are looking at it from me there are quite a lot of good things that will come out of this lockdown many many people who at the end of the knock-down will be grateful to God for it some people for instance who have not had the opportunity of spending time with their husbands or wives children whose parents are always gone now they are loved and together I was talking to one of my sons who is always having some literally two problems with his wife and children how are you now away what can we do we are compulsorily together set and God for compulsory holidays but today I want to talk to you briefly just for few more minutes on certain situations that you can dodge certain situations certain problems that you just must pass through settlement is that you just must boy your way through in Isaiah chapter 43 verse 2 I saw what it refers to the Almighty God says when you pass through the waters I will be with you when you pass through the river the river would not overflew you when you pass through the fire the fire won't burn you it didn't say the river would dry out it didn't say the fire will be quenched I mean if you ask Shadrach Meshach and Abednego God didn't put out the fearfulness the children of God went into the fire but he came out alive I'm not just talking about coronavirus I'm talking about some situations in your life that you just have to boil your way through the Munchie and I want to tell you what you need to do to boy your way through de Monte and come out safe and sound on the other side first thing you must do is that you must trust God trust God the Father the maker of heaven and earth is the one who spoke here and said to the children offices for mooses thirdly children of Israel that they move forward transy one who was before the mountains were brought forth some matey was to trust God knowing fully where nothing happens without God knowing each nothing takes God by surprise and so problem you are facing now that is a surprise to God there's no challenge that were encountering that is something God never saw coming he knows the end from the beginning trust God a father trust God his son because when God said to Moses led the children of Israel to move forward the question the gravel image forward through where the trust God designed with the one who said in John 14 verse 6 John 14 verse 6 I am the way he is the way where there's no way he will make a way in the wilderness he will make a way even in the Red Sea the way that you don't even know exists they Almighty God knows how to make a way he knows how to make a granny will make a way for somebody today trust God the only spirit because if you read history after Moses lifted his hand against the Red Sea the Bible said and east wind blew the way through the Red Sea and when you read Acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 Acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 you discover that the only spirit comes in as a rushing mighty wind the wind is going to blow for you and it will create a path where there's no path before trust God as a first in your module trust him that you will come out safe and sound after all these problems are over secondly you BA Jewish remember God's mercy and His faithfulness because according to lamentations chapter 3 from verse 22 to 23 lameta shortly from verse 22 to 23 the Bible says it is of the cause of the loss mercy that were not consumed it is because his merciful that's why we even see a life today it says his message is new every morning and great is his faithfulness a brought you dosa is not going to disappoint now it's not going to abandon you now remember his mercy is by grace that were saved at all is based grace that we'll see a life every night you slept the enemy does not want you to wake up the following day at night when you become completely helpless when you don't even know what's going on there is over who doesn't sleep who doesn't slumber watching over you in mercy and not because you deserve it just out of Lessie remember when batma was crying for help they say Jesus or doubt son of David have mercy on me I'd not say I deserve a miracle but out of mercy and the Bible says God is rich in mercy remember is message remember is faithfulness because in for summer chapter 17 from verse 34 to 37 for summer 17 from verse 34 to 37 what gave David the assurance that he will defeat Goliath is that he says I have freezed a lion before I won I have been attacked by beer before I want God is faithful the one who helped me before we help me again and I will defeat Goliath I want to add this moment to draw back your mind as God Abdo before have you been through some challenging situations before the problem may be new the challenges you are facing are might be new the God remains the same he said in Malachi chapter 3 verse 6 Malachi chapter 3 verse 6 he said I am the Lord I change not it is written in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 he brusatte in verse 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever if he has healed you before he will you again if you had delivered you before he would deliver you again if we are seeing you through before he we see you through again trust God remember is mercy remember is faithfulness the next thing you do is believe not only God belief his prophet because it's a contradict with chapter 20 verse 20 second chronicles chapter 20 verse 20 it is written believe God and you shall be established believe his prophet and you prosper the children office a didn't hear from God the only heart from Moses and Moses said unto them fear not be still and see the salvation of the Lord that he will perform for you today the enemies who have seen today you won't see them again was Moses who said that the people didn't hear God saying to Moses this is what we must do they only had what Moses said I'm not let me to be a prophet after to again and again I'm not a prophet I am a pastor but I told you at the beginning of the year this year the world is going to behave like a child and called washin I told you but I also told you those of you are my children in particular you are going to pass through this thing without a problem those of you I genuinely met you read you will pass through DC without even a touch of what are you when Shadrach Meshach and Abednego came out of the fairy furnace even the smell of fire was not upon them I want you to believe me of course my that does not lie you will come out of this problem safe and sound [Music] and then of course you must take the step faith because I want to reporters in the position of the children of Israel yes Moses spoke through them too all right yes they saw the wind blowing a path opening up in the Red Sea they saw what they have never seen before Betty took an act of faith on their part to walk right into the middle of the Red Sea cause on their right hand a huge wall of what of water on the left hand a huge wall of water that they mashed on it is reaching four places in the scriptures it is written the just shall live by faith Ibaka the truth was 4d just shall live by faith Romans 1:17 Romans 1:17 the just shall live by faith collisions of the TV verse 11 the elisha until he was 11 teacher shall live by faith and Hebrews 10 verse 38 Hebrews 10 verse at it the just shall live by faith God said it four times the Jews shall live by faith so relax live by faith God can fail you God the Father is on his throne God the Son is sitting down by his right-hand side watching you this is the disposition of the holy spirit is in charge right now remember is mercy remember is faithfulness leave God believe his prophets and then move forward it after five or seven first beta 5r7 cast your cares upon him for he cares for you whatever clubs were facing roll it onto the Almighty God I was who upon him leave it there this is love to handle whatever may be your problems once you play live the rest of God he will answer your prayers of a special bit of parade ever after which F ever received an answer yet well not too long ago we studied in our poem heaven devotional the angels are to Daniel the very day you prayed God sent an answer oh yeah was a delay for 21 days Badia sake the SSC came let me conclude you say where I'm not that profit in his knowledge is a pasture but I'm sure you do i saya what's it profit I sure can't be any doubt about that I mean he he prophesied about the law Jesus paid more than anyone else he's the one who said behold the Virgin shall conceive if it wasn't an established prophet they would have killed him of course it of us it was the one facade by stripe you are going to be huge as I say now the same I say I said in a sachet at Aviva's stain I searched after to leave a stain say ye to the righteous he shall be well with him so even if you don't believe me believe I say that your tomorrow would be all right however if you are not born again in Isaiah chapter 3 verse 11 I said chapter 2 verse 11 he said woe to the wicked if I shall be ill with him they say you are not on the side of Jesus Christ you have not surrendered your life to him is a hey you're looking for trouble so may I appeal to you if you want to pass through whatever challenges you are facing you better cross over to the right side crossover to Jesus Christ is the one who where there's no way this name is the way surrender your life to him which are you gaining from sin anyway come over to this of the one who can see you through and one day very soon you two will be singing and praising the almighty god of victory so all over the world wherever you are listen to me now if you want to cross over to the side of the Lord Jesus Christ we want to surrender your life to Him would you please bow your heads where you are I'm Kryon to him and say I'm surrendering my life to you please have mercy on me and I will serve you for the rest of my life I'm saying bye-bye to a life of saying I want to live as a righteous person and I know you anyway not only truth my problems by the way to heaven so please save my soul today and I will serve you forever and the rest of us please let's pray for these people DeWine the great savior himself the why we said nobody can come to the Father except by me who received them now that you will have of them who saved us all the brand new beginning that's pretty for the minute the arm Sadia priority thank you Mike in case mighty name we have prayed Savior we want to give you all glory and honor want to thank you for your word I want to thank you for everything that you've done for us in the past we want to thank cause you are the same yesterday today forever whatever you've done before we know you do it again and we want to thank you for this the people who I saw renting their life to you now please remember your promise that we so ever become on to you we no wise cast out please receive them have mercy on them save their souls Lord write their names in the book of life and please make a way for them where there's no way and Lord God Almighty I'm committing all your children here into your hands all those who are listening to me all over the world please see us through help us Lord God Almighty to bore away through every munching in our path very soon Lord God Almighty let us be on the other side of the Munchie shouting and praising you Lord God Almighty if anyone is in any form of sickness or disease or eco peeing right now please leave your mighty hands for such a fellow let your healing power flow right through to them and make them completely ho if there's any one now Lord God Almighty faced with a mountain of sorrow great comforter please comfort them let them know that tomorrow we arrived time for my father my god for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed a man praise the Lord God bless you all [Music]
Channel: RCCG
Views: 91,661
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg video, rccg sermons, rccg 2020 holyghost service, rccg online service sermons, pastor e a adeboye, pastor adeboye may sermon, pastor e.a adeboye 2020, rccg may 2020 holyghost service, pastor e a adeboye service, pastor adeboye sermon 24th may, rccg may 2020 sermon, live stream, rccg May, pastor adeboye may 24th sermon, rccg may sermon, 24th may sunday service, RCCG may sunday service, rccg online service, rccglive, 7 ways to deal with mountain
Id: PyeaxpBzebE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 6sec (2646 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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