Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon @ RCCG CONVENTION 2020_ Day2

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jesus can say [Music] hallelujah only jesus can save hallelujah only jesus can say hallelujah only jesus can say hallelujah there [Music] jesus can save [Music] hallelujah only jesus can say [Music] hallelujah father mighty god we want to bless your holy name we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts that you are the savior [Music] the all-sufficient one the one who can save to the uttermost we bless your holy name for the millions of people who have come to you for salvation and you have not disappointed us we thank you because you have enough power even to save the whole world and we thank you because we are sure that during this convention you are going to save millions of souls so father accept our worship in jesus name your lord is going forth we pray that the power in your blood will begin to walk mightily in the lives of all those who hear us in jesus name please my father my god save souls today like never before drawn in this convention bring several souls into your kingdom thank you almighty god in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen someone shout hallelujah [Music] once again we are welcoming you all to our annual convention a truly world convention this time around because by the grace of god the lockdown has opened up a new way of reaching the whole world there are many people who will not have been able to attend the convention can sit down comfortably in their homes and be blessed so you are very welcome and i pray that all the desires of your heart will be granted you during this convention in jesus name the theme of the convention as we know very well is wonderful and we are starting our administrations on wonders of salvation the wonders of salvation our text will be second corinthians chapter 5 17 ii corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if any man being christ is a new creature all things are passed away behold all things have become new if any man being christ is a new creature all things are passed away behold all things have become new all things have become new in the past when i had the opportunity of talking to you on salvation [Music] we have been limited by time and so i have always said that oh well when you are born again you get a new name [Music] you get a new accommodation and you are under a new management and i've always emphasized those three but now we are not in a hurry we are here for the convention we are [Music] happily settled down in our homes and i can take as much time as i like and so we're going to do a thorough bible study on the wonders of salvation because there is a lot in salvation much more than rescuing you from hell and making you candidates of heaven there is a lot and i will cover as many of the things that are wonders of salvation as possible it's not possible to finish it all you see the position of the one reason saved is critically bad if anybody is not yet born again is in a very very critical situation i mean for example psalm 7 verse 11 psalm 7 verse 11 says god is angry with the sinner every day angry with the wicked every day can you imagine living inside the constant anger of god that's a terrible situation to be in or if you read ephesians chapter 2 verse 12 ephesians 2 verse 12 the bible describes those who are not born again as without christ aliens from the commonwealth of israel strangers from the covenant of promise without hope without god that's terrible i'm sure you don't want to be in that kind of situation for a day longer whereas in the same ephesians chapter 2 verse 13 in ephesians 2 verse 13 a bible says if you are in christ you are brought near to the almighty god no longer strangers no longer hopeless no longer living under the constant anger of god so god helping me and i hope you will pray that he will help me i want to spend quality time with you today discussing the wonders of salvation let me quickly go over the ones i've always talked to you about when you are born again you get a new name according to john chapter 1 from verse 11 to 12 john 1 11 to 12 he came unto his own he so received him not but to them has received him through them gave him power to become sons of god that means when you are born again you can now call yourself a son of god i am a child of god and the interesting thing is that when you are truly born again even your people around your friends those who who might not even like the idea that you are born again begin to talk to you about say and they begin to say but you say you are a child of god that means they recognize your new name and you know what a changing name can seriously affect your future a new name can some tremendous transformations coming your way otherwise you won't find god changing the names of people from abraham to a from abraham to abraham sarai to sarah that received names don't matter but you will get a very classical example if you spend time to read genesis 32 and then genesis 33 read the two of them maybe you can stop at well maybe genesis that is a radio thing it's wonderful for example if you consider genesis chapter 32 jacob was coming back from [Music] where he had gone to hide from his brother who had sworn that the day you will see him after the father's death he was going to die so he sent messengers to go and tell his father his brother he was coming and the messengers returned to say oh your brother is coming to welcome you and he's coming with 400 men so jacob knew what that meant is that well it looks as if the end has come but then that night he prayed a ninja who came and wrestled with him and he the angel said let me go i'm not letting you go until you bless me and the blessing he received was a change of name the name was changed from jacob to israel by the following morning in genesis 33 genesis 33 by the following morning when he met his brother who was coming to kill him the brother wept gave him a hug and enemy became a friend a fellow who would have died survived because of a change of name i've told you stories about that before i won't waste time telling you the stories now and then number two when you become born again you get a new accommodation conclusion one from verse 12 to 30 in colossians 1 12-13 says you are translated out of darkness into a kingdom of light you no longer live in the kingdom of satan which is a kingdom of darkness you now begin to live in the kingdom of jesus christ who definitely is the light of the world as a matter of fact according to matthew chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 matthew 5 14 to 16 not only do you now begin to live in light you begin to shine and then number three you come under a new management because according to matthew chapter 11 from verse 20 to 30 matthew 11 22 30 jesus christ said if you come unto me all you that are laboring and are heavy ladies i will give you rest he said then you take my yoke upon you you will now come under my management it is a dangerous thing to be under the management of satan and that's what you have been till you become born again because the problem with being under the management of satan is that if we abandon you at a critical moment we will use you and then abandon you a very good example is the story you find in fourth summer 17 from verse 38 to 51 for summer 17 from verse 30 to 51 satan used goliath for 40 days to terrorize israel the moment the anointed of god appeared on the scene satan abandoned goliath and a small boy knocked let down and cut off he said if you are serving the devil he will pay you with disappointment he will pay you with evil my father in the lord used to say it is whatever a master has that he will give to his servants your servant sitter will supply you with plenty of sorrow plenty of heartache plenty of problems but when you are saved you become a disciple of the lord jesus christ you come under his management and he will give you everything that he has but now let's continue number four when you are truly born again the bible says you are now a new creature some translation says you are a new creation what does that really mean it means you get a brand new nature you know you you are changed as it were from an animal to a son because if you read matthew 15 from verse 21 to 28 matthew 15 21 to 28 a woman came to jesus christ asking for help jesus christ said i can't give the bread of children to dogs in other words according to the word of god there are two categories of people children and dogs until you become a child of god you have the nature of an animal oh the bible says in galician chapter 5 from verse 19 to 24 galatians 5 19 to 24 he begins to explain the things that happen when you are under this naturehood of an animal adultery fornication you can read the rest you say how can you say that adultery is animal nature have you ever seen dogs being ashamed when they are meeting in public what is their nature and don't you see people who go about naked who do horrible things and they rejoice in it it's not their fault it's their nature the reason a sinner is called a sinner is because it is his nature to sin [Music] i mean you see people who get drunk because that's part of the things he mentioned as the nature of ananima and they seem to be rejoicing in it one fellow was talking he was drunk on the day of his uh what did they call it now the the the meeting before the marriage introduction everybody was waiting he was drunk and when he was reporting the situation and they couldn't find him they were waiting for him but he was drunk when he was reporting the incident he said i was stoned drunk they were looking for me they couldn't find me it was rejoicing that it was drunk that's the nature of animals hatred envy all manners of idolatry as the nature of an animal but when you become a child of god you are a new creature your nature changes number five you suddenly find yourself in a new family the family of god john chapter 1 verse 11 and 12 again john 1 11 and 12 to as many as believed in him to them gave me the power to become a child of god you are adopted into the kingdom of god into the family of god and according to romans chapter 8 from verse 16 to 17 romans 8 16 to 17 the bible says you become years of god you are now an inheritor of whatever god has joined here with christ whatever christ can lim lay claims to when you are truly born again you two can lay claim to it as a matter of fact the bible says jesus christ merely becomes the firstborn of many brethren you can say jesus christ is my elder brother number six when you are truly born again you have new hope you see everybody has hope one kind of hope or the other before you were born again you had hopes of what you called the rainy day you were hoping that now later trouble will come witches who attack enemies who operate that's why you go to the abalist to arm yourself because we are expecting that sooner or later trouble will come and the interesting thing is as you hope for them they do come job chapter 3 verse 25 job chapter 3 verse 25 job said the things i feared most that happened unto me [Music] whereas when you are truly born again you have a different kind of hope now collusion 1 27 colossians 1 27 christ in you the hope of glory when you are in christ you can only say oh my tomorrow will be all right all will be well all will be well that's number six all right number seven suddenly you have new influence how because the moment you come into the family of god you become connected to the one who is called the most high you know in isaiah chapter 66 verse 1 isaiah 66 verse 1 the almighty god said heaven is my truth the earth is my fools too your father is so highly lifted up that you can boast to anyone don't you know i am the son of god i mean somebody can come and say to you are you not aware that i am the son of the president and immediately immediately there is a change in attitude a change in attitude i was visiting one of the nations in africa where united nations has a very big establishment and one of my sons was working with them and he said daddy i'm sure you would love to see our establishment here i said why not then we got to the gate and he went to meet the the fellow in charge of the gate my parents are in the car and they want to see our establishment the mind gets stolen you should know nobody is allowed in except he walks there they spend quite a lot of time arguing then finally the mind at the gate say who is this your father that you are so serious about him see and he said there is password why didn't you say that before and the man who said he will open the gate say i will take you around when you have god as your father you can talk to people and say do you know i am a child of god don't you know i'm a child of god new influence ephesians chapter 2 from verse 1 to 7 ephesians 2 1-7 us all that your father i mean your your senior your elder brother the lord jesus christ is seated in the heavenlies and he's seated according to ephesians chapter 1 from verse 18 to 23 ephesians 1 18-23 far above principalities and you are seated with him you are sitting within so all forces of darkness are under your feet the moment you become a child of god we used to sing a song when i was a younger christian i trampled on death i trample on satan everyone who is born against shout hallelujah that's what's the song and you know we sing this song and witches and wizard will look at us and say it's not your fault it is the one who is inside you that is talking because they recognize you have influence now number eight when you are truly born again you have new abilities philippians chapter 4 verse 13 philippians 4 verse 13 made it clear that you don't even need to ever fail again [Music] you say i can do all things through christ which strengtheneth me you don't need whoever failed again in luke chapter 5 from verse 1 to 11 luke 5 from verse 1 to 11 peter fished all night caught nothing then he became associated with jesus christ i never cut fish so much that two both were food overflowing then in john chapter 21 from verse 1 to 19 john 21 from verse 1 to 19 when he tried to move away from christ to go back to the old ways of fishing he fished all night again and got nothing until jesus christ came new abilities and one of the abilities number nine now is the ability to hear the inaudible ability to hear the inaudible jesus christ said in john chapter 10 verse 27 john 10 verse 27 he said my sheep hear my voice suddenly god begins to talk to you quietly my son you can't do that my daughter you can't do that in revelation chapter 2 verse 7 revelation 2 verse 7 says he who has hear to hear let him hear what the spirit is saying to the church it's not everybody who can hear god but if you are one of his children if you are truly born again you will be hearing his voice quietly as he's guiding you directing you and at times warning you don't do this don't do that don't go this way that's the way to go number ten if you're truly born again you have new joy in psalm 51 from verse 11 to 12 psalm 51 from verse 11 to 12 the bible talks about the joy of salvation joy of salvation you you know it yourself those of you have been born again you know the joy that you had when you got born again joy that you can't explain that will just be bubbling up within you philippians chapter four verse four philippians over sources rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice your joy is no longer in a new car because once you drive a car out of the showroom it becomes second class second hand not in the new house because you know that a house can stand today and be burnt down tomorrow but it's your choice in destroying the lord i mean i i've told you this is sorry before in those days when i used to visit ui every month i went to ui a professor got born again i mean one of those who got born again that month when i returned the following month he says i have a question and when a professor says he has a question you better begin to fasten your seatbelt so i thought he was going to ask me some very serious theological question he said sir i hope it is not dangerous to be happy all the time he said because since last month i had just been bubbling with joy i said that's what god wants for you it is satan who gives sorrow and the joy of salvation comes from him we give release also number 11. when you are truly born again you suddenly develop new strengths why my chapter 8 verse 10 the image after ever say the joy of the lord is your strength because now wake up rejoicing you go to work rejoicing you return rejoicing you just suddenly discover hey i'm stronger than i used to be i said chapter 40 verse 31 says they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength so they knew their strength you suddenly discover that your strength is being renewed day by day that brings us to number 12. when you are truly born again [Music] whether you believe it or not you begin to wear a different kind of dress why because the almighty god now will begin to give you what the bible calls the government of praise i'm not talking of the address you buy in the market i'm talking of a garment of praise you just find yourself most of the time everywhere you go singing praising god garment of praise that brings us to number 13 do you know that when you are truly born again you become more beautiful oh you may not realize it but it is true you become more beautiful nobody is ugly if that fellow is smiling no matter how ugly the fellow may be the moment they begin to smile they begin to radiate beauty there's nobody who is ugly when the fellow is rejoicing and you have joy bubbling inside you joy that is not based on anything around you joy like a river and you know what psalm 149 verse 4 says god we beautify the meek with salvation salvation is a beauty when god wants to make you beautiful he gives you salvation and then number 14 suddenly you begin to have a new vision new ambition new plans for the future suddenly you begin to look at spiritual things as more important than material things collusion chapter 3 from verse 1 to 4 conclusion 3 from verse 1 to 4 tells us that if you are truly dead with christ now you begin to look at things above where christ is now you now begin to always think about things spiritual as far far more important than things material my wife and i went to visit one of the converse several years ago and we entered into their house and i'm telling you that was a house it was a new house they were yet to move in and the sister wanted us to come and pray over it before they were moving so he took us around the house i'm telling you that house was beautiful i mean when we got to the bathroom almost everything there was gold beautiful but as we were stepping out of the place my wife said to me heaven is far more beautiful i said glory be to god and do you know what happened the husband never slept in that house before he died when once you become born again you begin to think of heavenly things things that are permanent things that will not fade things that money cannot buy new visions new visions that's 14 right let's go to 15. i told you i'll give you as much as i can do you know as soon as you are born again suddenly you become qualified for divine healing because if if you read first peter chapter 2 verse 24 first peter 2 verse 24 the bible tells us that it is because jesus has taken your sin to the cross that's why you can now say by his stripes i was healed salvation belongs to true children of god people whose sins have been washed away take the example in mark chapter 2 from verse 1 to 12 mark 2 from verse 1 to 12. the four people brought in a young man you know the story they couldn't get in because of the crowd so they broke through the roof and lured the young man at the feet of jesus everybody could see that this fellow was sick he was helplessly sick the first thing jesus christ said to that young man is saying son thy saints have forgiven thee i must take your sin out of the way before you qualify for healing and when people began to argue about whether jesus had the power to forgive sin or not today now said now son now that your sins are gone you cannot stand up take your bed and go home in the case of the fellow that jesus healed in john chapter 5 from verse 2 to 14 john 5 2 14 the man who had been by the pool of bethesda for 38 years when he healed him and the man left the place rejoicing and ran into the temple and was praising god there when jesus met him in the temple what was it he told him hey you have been made whole go and sing no more i'm not saying that every sickness is brought about by sin but when there was no sin there was no sickness it was only when sin came in the garden of eden that death came and sickness is a forerunner a servant of death whether you believe it or not if i feel a headache i ask myself what have i done wrong because almighty god said in exodus 15 26 exodus 15 verse 26 if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your god to observe and to do all that i command you i will bring no sickness on you that's his promise and he's not a liar so if i fall sick i ask myself what's wrong what am i doing wrong am i eating wrong am i overworking am i in an atmosphere that is not conducive for me to be there must be a reason but when you are truly born again even when doctors say there is nothing more we can do you see qualify for healing i mean you remember the story in mark chapter 5 from verse 25 to 34 mark 5 25-34 the bible talks about the woman with visual blood she has spent all she had for my for all manners of physicians instead of getting better she grew worse but jesus will fail so i'm believing god for all of you children of the living god that before this convention is over you begin to enjoy divine health [Music] and then what number are we now 16 all right you begin to enjoy his peace if you are truly born again you begin to enjoy his peace in john chapter 14 verse 27 john 14 27 jesus christ say peace i give unto you my peace not as the world gives my peace you know when somebody has a shocking experience and the doctors look at the situation and they see that at the waiting is going we need to do something they sedate they fell give him an ejection that will cause him to compose release fall asleep that jesus gives peace not like the world will give peace you can have peace in a storm some could be raging around you you can just be enjoying yourself because the bible says the peace that god gives is a peace that people cannot understand philippians chapter 4 verse 7 philippians 4 7 the peace of god that passes all understanding can become available to you if you are truly born again maybe i'll give you just one more and i can finish it or several other things probably as we go along in the convention they will come in one way or the other you begin to enjoy his friendship and i like that you see it's a dangerous thing to be lonely it's very very terrible thing to be lonely that's why i always tell my friends if you are going to start a conversation with someone who is living alone make sure you have plenty of time because if they grab you all the talks they would have talked with if they had had people that they can talk to they will want to upload it on you that single moment because they don't know where next it is a terrible thing to be lonely and when we are talking about loneliness we're not talking about uh i'm single i'm not yet married no no no that's not the that's not the only loneliness we are talking about a monk will be married and be lonely there could be two strangers living together in the same house two strangers and they don't talk one to the other and a man can be highly pleased and be lonely as a matter of fact the higher they are the lonelier i mean the more lonely they are i've told you this story before when i went to one nation to go and hold a holy ghost service and i had an appointment with the president and they told me maximum 15 minutes i said that's enough the crusade is about to start after two hours and you don't interrupt the president when he's talking to you i had to say you know excellency the is supposed crusaders have started your children are waiting he said let them wait he said they have people they can talk to i don't have i've heard about you and i don't know where next i will see you so let's talk you can be president and be very lonely because i mean when you when you are in a high position you don't even know who is a friend everybody is looking for what they can get and when the trouble comes it's on you and you alone jesus christ promises through friendship john 15 from verse 14 to 15. john 15 from verse 14 to 15. he said i'm not calling you servants i'm calling you friends is that because servants don't know what the master is doing you are my friends and it's a kind of friendship that will not fail you you know there are many people pretending to be your friends particularly when you are rich or when there is something they can get from you they pretend to be your friend when trouble comes they disappear but in hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews 13 verse 5 jesus christ i will never leave you i will never forsake you let me conclude so that i don't take too much of your time to be saved there are certain things that you need to know number one you must realize that you are in serious trouble if you are not saved you must realize that one i told you earlier that god is angry with the wicked every day that's enough to frighten anybody and remember the story i told you about a man who came to me and said sir we heard that you're a prophet i said no i'm a pastor uh but i hear that whatever you say comes to pass i said god i've been faithful he said can you tell me about my future i said that simple you just answer a question are you born again are you a child of god are you saved he said no i said your future will be terrible i said how do you know you have not even prayed you don't know my name i said it is written isaiah chapter 3 verse 11 i said 3 verse 11 say ye to the wicked he shall be ill with him and the word of god is forever settled he said ah okay suppose i had said that i am born again i'm a child of god i would have told you that your future will be all right the same i said chapter 3 verse 10. i said to you verse 10 say ye to the righteous it shall be well with him it shall be well with you if you are not born again you are living in trouble then you need to realize that you can change yourself without help it's not possible for you to change your harmful habits how many years have you been having new year resolutions this new year i'm not going to drink this new year i will stop smoking this new year i will stop fornicating and then within one week you've done what you say you won't do again the bible said in jeremiah chapter 13 verse 23 jeremiah 13 verse 23 he said a leopard can't change his spots you can do it on your own you need help and then you need to know that only jesus can save only jesus can say acts of the apostles chapter 4 from verse 10 to 12 acts of the apostles chapter 4 from verse 10 to 12 there is no other name by which a man can be saved other than the name of jesus then you need to realize that he is willing he is willing to save your soul matter 11 verse 28 matthew 11 verse 28 he said come unto me oh yeah that liberal a heavy lady and i will give you rest he's willing he made the invitation more than 2000 years ago and the invitation is still standing but then you have to call on him for him to save your soul in acts chapter 2 verse 21 acts 2 verse 21 the bible says as many as who call upon the name of the lord shall be saved if you call on him and say save my soul he will do so but if we are going to call on him do it now do it now second corinthians chapter 6 verse 2 says today today is the day of salvation not tomorrow not tomorrow i will remind you of one story that i'm sure you've had before because you can delay die while you are dealing you can delay and get into some very serious trouble before you come to jesus that you can come to him today and avoid the trouble i told you the story of if a relation of mine a very big man and in law any time we met him he was a very good man very kind very nice whenever we met him we will start witnessing unto him then one day he said hey come in we met we went to his house and he took me how to took me around the mansion big house go to this room you see freezers loaded with rooster turkey get all that one freezers loaded loaded with roasted goats and so on and so forth took me around the house i saw a lot of treasures when we came back to the living room he said in love i said sir he said you have jesus i said yes sir he said you have all these things i said no sir he said go and talk to the poor they are the ones who need jesus who said for me i don't need him i said yes sir because where i come from you do argue with your in-law particularly if he's the in-law on the side of your wife months passed about six months or so and i was coming back from the university i saw somebody in my living room that looks like my in-law look like him i had to look twice to say he's the one in love what happened he said the accountant and the auditor they plotted and they got him to sign a check i think the check was for either 10 million pounds or something in those days when we were spending pumps and after he signed they added one zero that in time became a hundred not only was and then they took the money and they left the country teachers disappeared not only was the money taken enough to practically bring the company down the owners of the company where he was a general manager or whatever thoughts that he must know something about it so he was about now to go to jail what do i want me to do is i want you to pray for me ah a whose name they said in the name of jesus i said i bet you say you don't need him he said that was then this is now all the russian chick has sunk it was not looking like a carcass in law with all the food in the house he said who can eat without the problems listen to me my my beloved friends surrender your life to jesus christ today tomorrow might be too late and those of you who have already given your life to jesus christ you see all the benefits don't sell yourself short every benefit that is in salvation claim your own and claim it tonight let's buy our hair some prayer those of you who will genuinely surrender your life to jesus christ now that you know the wonders of salvation cry to jesus christ with all your heart because the bible says if you call on him he will save your soul cry to him and say jesus please save my soul my lord be my savior give me a new name give me a new accommodation he put me under a new management your management i want your joy i want your peace i want your influence i want your protection over me jesus save my soul save my soul today those of you who are already born again please intercede for those who are crying to god for salvation now pray that the almighty god will save their soul and then later on you will be praying for yourself but pray for these people god will receive them into the family of god that they become brand new creatures in him oh thank you my father in jesus mighty name we have prayed and so my father my god i want to thank you once again for your word i want to thank you for all those who have heard your word now and are crying to you for salvation please remember your promise that whosoever will come unto you you will always cast out they have come now please receive them save their souls oh let your blood wash away their sins receive them into the family of god give them a brand new beginning and from now on any time they call on you please answer them by fire and please they and all those who have been born again before all your children all those who have this new name that they are children of the living god every blessing that should be the portion of those who are true children of the most high god please release unto them tonight i am praying lord god almighty that even before tomorrow everyone who is truly born again will have a new testimony thank you my father my god and i pray that in your kingdom none of us will be missing in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen where praise the lord [Music] now those of you who have just given your life to jesus christ please get in contact with me so i can continue to pray for you those of you who are truly truly sure that you're a child of god cry to him and say i can be a child of god and be in trouble i can be a child of god and be suffering i know all these beautiful things that are available to me as a child of god i am claiming my own inheritance now go ahead cry to the almighty god and he will grant your request in jesus name
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg latest, rccg august 2020 holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service sermons, pastor e a adeboye, pastor adeboye sermon, pastor e.a adeboye 2020, rccg message, rccg special service, pastor e a adeboye service, pastor e a adeboye message, let there be light 7, rccg august 2020 sermon, rccg live youtube, rccg online service, rccg live tv, rccg convention 2020, wonderful, rccg august 2020 convention, rccg gaptv
Id: 3PkXx2jjPvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 3sec (3663 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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