Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon @ RCCG Abuja 2019 HOLY GHOST SERVICE

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if our hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy Name let's give him glory let's give'em ha-ah let's give him a duration bless the king of pain is the lord of lords the issues of the bless you wine whose name is wonderful cancer my Utica everlasting father praise of peace worship worship the alpha the Omega the wineries the water was the wife mister darman bless us all in it given Hilary giving partners libel batteries [Music] worship this wedding [Music] it's worthy for this [Music] given clearly given Hana didn't matter Asia bless him there's no one like you've aged it is one of even the way that this you crazy give him glory give him honor thank you [Music] amen Walter mighty we hallelujah [Music] I these are mighty [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Father the loss is there someone here tonight he said financial headed had led you to physical edit but asked me to tell you that every form of headache in your life will be over tonight oh thank you Father that he says there's someone here tonight that to have a great love for twins they asked me to tell you you we have a set [Applause] not ask me to tell someone that were very very worried about revelation we stood allopaths leading that he asked me to tell you he will restore develop [Applause] [Music] he's a mighty gyum he's a mighty Goliath bow before him he saw he's a mighty God Society before before the Lord asked me to test over here tonight said before the end of the that will be yourself Oh [Music] time to die - I know your name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] daddy says there are at least a dozen people here tonight before the end of this month that will be yourself and so my father my god I just want to say thank you thank you for what you did last year thank you for what you did in previous years thank you for what you are going to do to manage thank you for watching maro please accept our tongue seen Jesus me tonight father please save souls field is sick set the captives free give us break churros draws loose after yourself and let there be peace and father have mercy on Nigeria in Jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] unless somebody shout hallelujah well I want you to second with three or four people and prophesy to them I say your piece will come tonight and then put your hands together for the Almighty now before I continue because of the enormous crowd there tonight we want to make an appeal to those of you who have cars to please wait for 15 minutes after we are finished so that those people without pass will be able to find their way to their bosses are you clapping because of the announcements or you are clapping for the engineers now ezra clapping because of the announcement stop clapping if you are clapping for the engineers clap how did you hear what I was saying easily one ingenious please stop them what they are saying is that we are hearing but not clearly they wanted to be clear button does what they mean all right now they had what I say because the answered mean much chapter four from verse thirty five to forty one Mac four thirty five to forty one and while you are opening your Bibles I want to really really salute all those who sang whether young or old you have done a very good job tonight god bless you all and then I want you to put your hands together for the first speaker he did an excellent job he had helped me a lot by giving you definitions of peace deep definitions now I will soon give you the market woman definition and the one that every one of us will probably be able to understand easily much chapter 4 from verse thirty five to forty one and the same day when the evening was come he said unto them let us pass over to the other side and when they had sent away the multitude the truth him even as he was in the ship and there were also with him other little ships and there are also a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full and it was in the hind part of the ship asleep on a pillow and they are waiting and said unto Him master carest thou not that we perish and he arose I rebuked the wind and said unto the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great town and he said unto them why are ye so fearful how is it that he have no faith and they feared exceedingly and said one to another what manner of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him today the wind in your life will be Jesus the sea will obey Him [Applause] peace be still the crucial word here is peace and what is peace in the language of dilemma peace is the absence of war peace is the absence of war in the tournament Rangers verses 1 & 7 determining 28 verses 1 & 7 the the Bible says if we will hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God to observe at the door that he commands you he said if enemies comedies you one will they will flee 7 wait because they will be smitten before your face peace its absence of war and so you can have peace if your enemies are be scattered and your enemies will be scattered tonight you can have please before enemies have been destroyed like in Daniel chapter 6 from verse 24 to 28 Daniel 6 24 21 do you true Daniel into the den of lions replaced in there from that time onward data was never troubled again the harpies you can have please if your enemies have been paralyzed some 23 verse 5 some 20 verse 5 now prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies the enemies are not dead very well paralyzed so you can sit down and enjoy in peace you can have peace if a war is another God's up to you or your enemies so that he can be at peace with children the would ever think of fighting you proverbs chapter 16 verse 7 proverbs 16 verse 7 this is when a man's ways is the law he makes the beliefs enemies to be a peace with him the enemies before better Britain about fighting you can have this if you have be promoted beyond the reach of the enemies the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 2 from verse 5 to 6 official to factor 6 he says we are seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenly places and where is that Apple the places we are we sitting with him official 119 223 official one Latin 223 says we are seated with the above principality sample so far above that the enemies cannot touch us for example in Daniel chapter 3 from verse 20 to 30 January 20 through 30 the enemies of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego arranged for them to be thrown into the fire but when they came out of the fire they came promoted them so highly that the enemies never had to trouble them again so maybe I should start by making a degree that they all might ago will use whatever method they want either to scatter your enemies or destroy them or paralyzed there [Music] of promoting beyond our reach then there is a loaded definition of peace and that is absence of the storm in some 23 from us wanted truth some 23 from verse 1 to 2 it says the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters still waters Bible scholar said that the world still water sir means water that had been stilled he when it takes me 200 he goes ahead to make sure there's no strong where I will be going to drink I want to pray with all my heart for someone here tonight that promotion that is coming your way Evaristo my head God would steal it now I've done that little beach as a Bible study now we want to go in to deliver the object or subject or whatever name you want to call it of the day and in the next one now also you're going to pray like you have never prayed before that's a seafood love yourself because I did like this comes only once in a lifetime I believe that by this pressure grace of God there's somebody here who not know war for the rest of his life I believe that someone who will know no storm for the rest of his life but you are going to play you will need to pray it to become clear as I go along way more valuable spirit we must pray not like ladies and gentlemen though this is Abuja I know this is the city of the higher mighty but I want you to pray like my people pray at redemption camp where we don't look at titles I want you to pray tonight with all your strength you see because in the text we just read there are certainties that you need to note Jesus was in the boat that means if we are to use modern language you can be a Christian which is also ready you and see half a stone jesus was in the boat the disciples did something when the stock was about overwhelm them what is the thing they did they woke him up time filled the first thing you must do tonight is wake him up II see you if I child of God Jesus is already you and the Bible says in first John chapter 4 verse 4 first John chapter 4 verse 4 it's a great idea see that to see you than he that is in the world we see you no doubt about that the giant is sleeping and you need to wake him up and the Bible says in second Timothy chapter 1 verse 6 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 6 he said is a gift of God that you see you you have to eat eat [Music] in some 50 from verse 14 to 15 some 50 from verse 40 to 50 he says in this world that if you come into the presence of God with transitively which we have already done tonight well Presi man is a provider you are not with him you pay you bow to the Messiah and if you haven't evolved which you have not paid decide right now that as soon as you get home you will pay then say you call upon me in the day of trouble I will deliver the wikibook call on him calling him let him wake up because it is reaching Sam 68 from verse 1 through 3 Samson said from verse 1 to 3 he said let God arise and his enemies will be sleeping wake him up with him oh hey God this is not a night for sleeping wake up and the moment he arises what will happen to the enemies be scattered we came up by prayer a max of the tail from verse 46 to 52 Mach 10 46 to 52 Jesus was passing by minding his own business somebody interrupted his journey his name is bat Maris somehow something told him you may never have this opportunity again there was a cloud there and it was a poor beggar and was nobody was going to happen book an appointment to see Jesus he cried and Jesus woke up he suspended everything he would dream to attend to a blind beggar you can wake him up true praise you've done a lot of that tonight I tell God I was delighted as I watch in my prayer room as I saw your boys and youngest running around singing and dancing I'm delighted because I know God is pleased you can wake him up by shouting [Applause] but you see whatever method you use that's why when it's time to pray you're not going to prison literally two gentlemen prayer the prayer they prayed at Jericho that brought down the war wasn't wasn't a gentleman prayer wasn't there was nothing they delight in the prayer of that day you must insist the God will arise for you tonight we had a program in Hakurei several years ago the Congress the whole weekend then we finished and everybody was going we have already discussed and and a man came and blocked my way I said ah we've already prayed Issa I know we have already dismissed everybody he said I know yes the way you stand in front of me said because you are not going anywhere until you attend to my kids okay so what's your problem [Music] they had a factory the heart machines would be very well married with children and all of a sudden all the machines broke down and every effort to bring them back to life filled the man who used to have a lot of money lost everything and then he began to borrow the borrow so much from his friends that his friends whenever they saw him from the difference ran they are not asking him to pay back they are only so that he will borrow more and there was no food in the house the children will cry and cry for money to evening no food to eat they will cry themselves to sleep the wife couldn't bear it anymore so the wife went mental they had no money to take the back to the hospital so he took the wife to have a list and abandoned her there is a - my problem well you're not going anywhere until you do something about that as I seem to surf for design he did I lay my hands on design prayed a simple prayer go home lay your hands on your machine on your wife and so the anointing will destroy the yoke it went on ladies and on the machine without any for 3030 machine began to walk [Applause] they went to where the wife was lays and on the wife the wife jack opposite coming out of a deep sleep and what am I doing here by the next time I heard about him he had be made the traditional rule of his village and he was writing a brand new car before we leave tonight I'm going to anoint your hands [Applause] but right now you're going to stand on your feet you're going to cry to the old magical dancer father in the mighty name of Jesus allies for me up will mount on trial to me [Applause] whatever you agreed so spending law you must arise for me arise for me all right now arise [Applause] and the training is be scattered and ice Lord [Applause] arise for me to the arise for me today arise for me today and scatter all my enemies I am in the storm I'm not pretending I know I'm fighting battles arise from Hilo arise for me in the mighty name of Jesus our lives for me today and ice for me today [Applause] I shall fight my battles alone father arise for me arise arise for me [Applause] I need her urgently arise for me Lord [Applause] arise for me alone nice for me arise arise for me today today not tomorrow now arise for me Lord I know right me to arise now [Applause] I'll rights for me nice thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed the prayers of tonight are so crucial and the Word of God says if two of you shall agree as touching anything we ask or not it will be done for us by Father in Heaven please join your hands together and cry to God one more time I say father I rise for my neighbor cry to the Almighty God for arise arise for my maple arise for my nipple Lord des travaux sign agreement [Applause] others for my neighbor [Applause] Almighty God arise for my neighbor all right with our blood with her eyes for my neighbor nice for my network nice police notarize for this your children arise for us all my to go that ice Momoko shaker andhra maha katana all right so Lord let your enemies destructor rise sighing through five in Jesus mighty name we have prayed social abilities Osmond please be seated that leads us to another very important point in this important point is food or based on John chapter 14 vastra John 14 verse 12 Jesus Christ said if you believe in me the walks that I did you shall do also and greater was indeed shall you do because I go to my father what was it that he did on that day when they woke him up because we are going to do the same thing tonight when they walk among the fascinated is he rebuked the wind what does that mean he said to the wind how dare you blow contrary when the son of the Most High is in the book as the meaning of the book tonight you too you are going to do some rebuking I thought I wear your email which many of us have suffered for too long because we just believed Jesus Christ the lamp of God oh yes is the love of God but is also the Lion of Judah oh wait is sweetie you must be as gentle as a dog that is true but that's not when you are dealing with a snake oh he was gentle that when he got into the temple and we saw what should all be there he overturned the table if God weapon reach the people out of the place that was intelligent and it is written it is in the Bible Isaiah 54 verse 17 I say 54 verse 17 he said alright my children there's no weapon that is formed against you - ax prosper [Music] but it is table there no he said every term - Eliza give the judgment - ah London he went on to say that is the heritage of the servants of God in other words my daddy says it is your heritage to rebuke anything that is trying to hinder your destiny [Applause] so tonight you're going to rebuke sickness humor total sickness a sickness listen I am a child of degree physician my father said in Exodus 15 verse 26 Exodus 15 verse 26 he said I am the lord that he led my father cannot be the original position and I'll be sick you know some of us are sick because we are tolerating sickness somebody had told us where this sickness is common in your family I belong to a new family now there's no sickness in heaven Jesus was not sick for a single day when he was or not it was my older brother is a firstborn of my family so you are going to repeal that is not being a sickness in your body you are going to tell it the Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge neuter sickness I know the truth now and the truth shall make me you will tell signal you're going to review sickness how dare you attack me a child of the original physician we are going to do that tonight will you do it [Applause] you're going to rebuke demons tonight you will tell demons howdy are you fall along with me or my children or members of my family I decided the Lord of hosts is it when when you know who you are it affects how you behave and may say if you are the son of a messenger the way you were top is going to be different from the way you talk if you had the son of the governor and my father is not just the God is the governor of all nations the Bible say is the king of glory some 24 from myself entertain my father is a king of glory and is the Lord they blow strong and mighty the Lord mighty but my father is the one concerning whom it is written in Philippians chapter 2 verse later 11 Philippians 2 verse 9 to 11 the Bible says at the name of Jesus every knee must bow we have the name that we don't use it when the son of the Messiah that we don't do anything about it as a gradual rebuke demons tonight they're going to get every demon out of your house do the way you as I sure that you don't want there to be I mean the Bible made it clear that if you are truly a child of the Living God you shouldn't've of faith why Philippians 4:13 Philippians 4:13 says you can do all things amenities through Christ that strengthens you you are the son of the one who can never fail and yet you tolerate failure you had the son of the one who says Silva is my world is mine and yet you are tolerating poverty I'm not a prosperity preacher I'm a holiness creature I'm telling you poverty can destroy your life you been to tap over to you up you have to leave me alone review open your mouth and do so you can be beauty there for himself that's what the Bible says in James chapter 4 verse 7 James 4 verse 7 if you submit yourself to God you resisted every when we flee from you in office enough I don't know about you but I don't want to suffer anymore and the interesting thing is this the devil knows way you know that you know that's why when it is time to pray now we will see how you will pray I've told you before if somebody's in the toilet and the doors locked and somebody has comes knocking you Nakada dog the toilet the way the fellow inside once I will tell you whether it is the messenger in the house or the landlord both of them say yes but the yes of the messenger is afraid maybe they have been looking for him yes that the yes of the landlord is the yes of somebody we say who the ask disturb me yes tonight we are going to tell the devil a song a who knows that you have the greater one inside of you and that I believe of Jesus every members I told you disorders before a young man went through I don't know where he went to got loaded with demons they brought him back he became like a vegetable we couldn't see couldn't stand it you wouldn't go to the toilet she wouldn't go to walk they carried him so Goethe meta told me the story and I said to him I want to pray for you young man kneel down as I can do as I command you to do his eyes if you look at this I see to see demons women he said he whose name I say in the name of Jesus I said that is different he got up an elder I pray this simple prayer for him I said now stand up and go home he said I can't stand as I command you to stand they say whose name I say in the name of Jesus I said that is different in Studer I said go home now take your bat and go back to walk Lusaka walk as I command you to walk he said he whose name I said in the name of Jesus I said that is different and they began to go stand on your feet lift your voice loud and clear say in the mighty name of Jesus I rebuke every false contrary to my joy go ahead cry to your mighty God in the name of Jesus I rebuke every false contrary to my joy contrary to my peace contrary to my progress contrary to my destiny I reveal to you all every time that I've been with you war against me I rebuke you in the mighty name of Jesus I rebuke every demon in my family and the mighty name of Jesus Christ I must get out [Applause] [Music] I rebuke fannia I review poverty I rebuke everything that is contrary to God's plan for my life [Applause] I will took out three tormento as I've been tormenting me [Applause] [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prey join your hands together the Bible says one of us will chase a thousand two off also put ten thousand to flight lift up your voice and say father in the mighty name of Jesus [Music] every demon in the family of my nipple I rebuke them tonight open your mouth I'll try to the Almighty go [Applause] and printable Fox apprentice in the familiar for dis children ago I will give you tonight in the mighty name of Jesus new Moscow [Applause] your Moscow [Applause] you must depart right now Thank You fun [Applause] yes in the mighty name of Jesus every evil force operating the life of any of these children of God you must go tonight in the mighty name of Jesus thank you Father [Applause] in Jesus mighty name we have prayed and socially be Jesus men please be seated god bless you your dream very well that brings us to something even more serious he repealed the wait a spoke to DC command the DC sir please be still tonight you are going to speak to your own stop because it is written it is a match at eye level verse 22 it mat 11 verse 23 that you can have also ever you see before Billy you doubt not you can see to any mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and each shall be you the Bible's a provider you don't doubt what was for you will get in job chapter 23 from verse 21 to 28 group 22 from verse 21 to 28 it is written obey God do is will you will decrease a and shall be established which shall be established I say shall be established [Applause] you're going to tell your body hmm you say infraspinatus after 6:00 last night April 21st for interns extension 220 but you don't to know you feel you at the temple of the Holy Spirit how can you harbor any strong missile ghosts like they told you earlier there could be physical strong another there are some people here if you know what is on that the address you'll be frightened when they allow you to stay there that's going to change your life you are going to tell your body it is written Matthew 15 verse 13 Matthew 15 verse 18 every plant my father did not plant shall be rooted oh you're going to do that tonight and you'll be amazed that your body will be I don't want to waste time telling you many stories but this is a very popular an act I've told you the first time I went to Zambia to establish our church the food there didn't agree with my stomach the Bible's everywhere you go whatever the different issue it so Eddy food my belly rabbit I think I'd be going to the toilet without the 23rd time and delighted that I remembered it is written I shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover they didn't mention who the cities and the sick one now nobody there to lay hands on me so I lay hands on my own head and I spoke to the stomach stomach the better listen to me no more problem any problem cysts [Applause] my god is your goal is that correct and if you have any doubts with all humility I allow you to pray in the name of the god of a degree is a God who answers prayers every plant that God did not plant in your body must get out tonight [Music] o Lord of must tanker my father Michael daddy asked me to tell you forgive me if I if I'm not as gentle as I used to be when preacher inverted like I told you tonight is different but my daddy asked to tell somebody or asked me to tell every one of you he said the balm of Gilead is in the house tonight [Applause] thank you daddy they asked me to test on one is there from now on no more silly mistakes Oh central father I rejoice to hear this one the Lord asked me to transform and he said the agony we should be over [Applause] romans chapter 8 verse 17 romans 8:17 says we are here's of god joint heirs with christ you know what that means we have access to the wealth of God so you are going to rebuild financial stock because in second Kings chapter 4 from verse 1 to 7 2nd Kings chapter 4 from verse 1 to 7 the Bible tells us of a widow who had been in a financial storm for a long time she kept quiet until entire heritage was about to be destroyed then she opened her mouth this she opened her mouth a problem ended tonight somebody is going to open his own mouth and say no more fine ASEA stop you know what you say with your mouth is what God we walk upon he said as I've heard with my ears so will I do unto you when I came into a full time in history then what many of my friends who thought I was mad later I need the university after heard of Department of Mathematics and now they say you you become general myself a church whose entire income in the month is not equal to your own monthly salary and so I cannot go I cannot let them know that I have financial problems because if I let them know they would laugh at me so from those days when one matter can be my master I kept on saying and I have witnesses here I kept on saying to people God is working overtime taking care of me there are people who said to me stop saying this if you know if you keep saying this no she want to give you money will not give you I shall have no rely on man my father is walking over time take care of me look at how high a scrotum a man stand on your feet opium out loud and clear and say father in the mighty name of Jesus I command every stone physical financial Marita spiritual come to a name now hope we about and pray to the Almighty God [Applause] Barty my body listen listen to your mighty God every plant that my father did not plant must be rooted Oh get out of my system everything get out everything get out that is not of God in my sister get out [Applause] guitar [Music] [Applause] yes I [Applause] poverty get out the dimensional of Jesus get out of my family come on you [Applause] sickness go failure go disappointments goal commander in the mighty name of Jesus get away from me every strong Jessica every song Metiria every strong spiritual every star financial get out in the mighty name of Jesus PCC [Applause] [Music] this mister playing through father [Applause] [Music] in Jesus mighty name we are free I'm going to ask you to pray dangerous prayer now so I can't compel me to preach I will tell you what the price before you pray anyone walking against your destiny whoever that fellow may be in that saloon oral paint that fellow should not see the new year so open your mouth loud and clear answer father in the mighty name of Jesus any one group of people working against my destiny if the door repaint don't let them see the new year open your mouth and cry to the Almighty it doesn't matter who they are it doesn't matter the relationship if they want to repaint the new year [Applause] if they will not repent if they repent forgive them but if they will repent and you are working against my destiny don't let them see the new year that wind remote safety read a couple photo shaggy let's take Kevin go to London seventy-five you're ready to go anyone with all people or anything what came against my destiny the donor event don't let them sit in India thank you just in Jesus mighty name we are free we will pray one more time just in case you think what kind of prayer is that an alliance a fire they were trying to walk it in the destiny of the church husband and wife died the same day in the New Testament not old join hands together cry to the Almighty God answer father anyone a group of people working engage the destiny of my neighbor if the door is bent don't let them see to new yet open your mouth and try to the Almighty God [Applause] of Jesus parents Remco emotional endeavor coochie-coo their mom cuts on that playing for fun in Jesus mighty name we have prayed a socially B in Jesus name please be seated and the Bible says and there was a great [Applause] peace at last and when the devil will become afraid of you from tonight [Applause] oh thank you my lodge [Applause] the law say there's someone here asking the equation will my son ever I see game my father asked me to tell you when you see what I have in store for you before the end of the year you will know the answer to that question and that was a great my beloved I want to encourage you from tonight on would claim your piece after all your father is the Prince of Peace I set up a nine over six claim you know peace behave like a child of the Prince of Peace and as a 66 from verse 12 to 14 as a sister sister of a stripper 40 he promised you peace like a river peace like a river in some 120 self over to someone 27 verse truth he said he gives his beloved sleep you know that I never allow anything to rob me of my sleep no I'm this child of the Prince of Peace [Music] when I want to sleep when I travel I sleep like a baby they said there may be is a long time I had a baby last when the baby sleeps he sleeps when the song we may wake up but if it's not hungry and it's not wet it's me I sleep like a baby I was a little sorry can remember we are not too long ago I say when I became general Gracia we had all left 40 churches you know and they were 40 troubles Oh a lot of the passo didn't like me at all so when I go to visit ones church by time I return my wife will happen least of all the problems from other churches but I'm if she finished early made just problem here there's problem there I've always asked her where is my food and she was in food would I eat I've been travelling when I finish it and I so let's let's go and sleep let's pray on sleep you up one side all didn't you hear her hat it is Ritchie weepy may do for eight nights joy comes in the morning where must I waste my time when Joyce on my way how many of you know that your joy will come tomorrow money let me tell you shout hallelujah it is retained some 22b by six some 20 verse 6 surely goodness and mercy shall follow me for how long all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever I don't worry oh there was a time I used to worry like any other human being when I became general Vasya before God showed me that I shouldn't worry I was a very young man few months after I became the owner of Asia I stood before the bureau and so then I saw that all my hair turned gray what is hit dish and God said you are carrying a body that is not yours but the Mina are you know they were home late with universe I said no I just you have to be a clam offline you stand before the people so they see human being and the one behind the curly the one who carried the body it was that day he explained to me he said that he told you can share my glory if you can't share my glory then you can't share my birthday let's make out in my own body I said he's also a good I go for the right and all of a sudden my dear Tom black again some years ago I began to see some greats in there and he said no this one is because of old age because you were claim your piece times you need to fight to get that piece that the fighting you have been doing tonight but the moment the enemy knows that you are not going to back down the movement the devil knows you see the backhoe services is that we will flee from you initially when you are resisting him is going to pretend that he wants to fight the moment he realises you are not going to back down you will flee I tell you a story few of you have ever had it before when I was very young I was very flimsy on one tiny boy and I was a bully in my primary school is a new accouting beaten so he was tormenting me and the opportunity had you knocked me about and take my pencil and oh man of such a one day like today something moved inside of me as well as suit a weekly movie my little brain I just came to a conclusion I'm going to fight this boy I know I can beat him is too big but we'll fight till he kills me and then the cognate will kill him and so to be drawn so the next time he came - I said don't touch me agrees here you spoke boo and as he hit me I hit him he knocked me down a lot of cat fighting along with a daughter a cafe after a while he came to his big head Hey despite wants to die and he started running and that's like they're pursuing it [Music] stand on your feet liftoff westerly open to God and saying the mighty name of Jesus I clear my peace from tonight Oh go ahead cry on to the Almighty God in the mighty in the mighty name of Jesus I clear my face every friend that was talking from me I claim it back tonight I clear my peace I clear my victory I clear my joy I clear my success I clear my heritage Eclair my destiny from tonight Oh thank you Jesus [Music] I claim my piece I claim my victory I clear my joy when the mighty name of Jesus Christ from tonight Oh Lord I will not run from any enemy I am more than a conquerer I claim my peace [Music] [Applause] I clear my piece and I will have peace for the rest of my life I will have peace at night a rough piece you are indeed a a rough piece when I go out I will have peace when I come in I claim my peace nobody will take my piece away from me again nobody nobody I claim my piece Rambabu Shakir and romanika tuna I claim my piece thank you Father nobody will take my piece away from me any mall I will enjoy my peace I will sleep soundly I will walk boldly to my place of work I will do everything with boldness I have my peace nobody can take it from me thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed and socially be Jesus ma'am please be seated Jesus turn to the disciples after he has solved the problem there was peace now the storm is gone in say hey let's talk I like Jesus I like them very very much you know the address of a proverb in Yoruba land they say you follow four-cheese say with the Fox before you come and talk to Dee and or decock and say why did you stray but first of all we chase away the Fox this also phospho solve the problem before I will come and talk to you what's wrong with you why are you so afraid how come you have no faith thank you sir at least we already have the peace pita was walking on water and then he began to sink he grabbed him by the hand and they say what's wrong with you you of little faith thank you sir at least but in the boat the victory God has given you tonight you will never lose it [Applause] for the rest of your life nobody will frighten you again and if anybody they ask to disturb your peace from now rebuke them in Jesus man so we talk to them I say how come you have no faith you see that is a not an important point very important for somebody to be able to rebuke and decree you must have faith do you know I was reading the Bible in Romans chapter 8 verse 37 Romans 8:37 the Bible did not say I am more than a conquerer because I have big faith what is it that is written there I am more than a conqueror through him that loved me I am loved of the Lord so I am more than a conquerer it is reality about faith there in Isaiah 54 verse 15 Isaiah 54 verse 15 is a pain my son they will surely gather together but not by me I'm not the one assembling them he said but whosoever shall gather together against you shall fall for your sake he didn't say if you have faith I said we do it for you because you are my own are you not glad that you belong to Jesus right but you know that even if my faith is small it happening educate after seven from verse 1-3 level Ezekiel 37 from verse 1 to 11 the Bible tells us about the the value of dry bones and God asked the prophet Ezekiel mighty prophet can dispose me physically a cancer that question only you it will say my first time and do that but the dry bones live did they live or not believed because you see what I have discovered about God is this he will not forsake his own no no no never he told me when he was calling me to to full-time ministry he said and we be your source that's what he told me is everywhere you go I will go with you and if you see the kind of dogs that keep opening you will know Eve we never for safety so and you know that promise is also for you they say I will never leave you I will never forsake you he touches for you shout hallelujah but there is one that I like very much a Mac chapter nine from us thank you daddy let me say mentor this one before telling hospital tell someone he said relax the door I opened for you no man can shut it [Applause] I know you will give me one for myself - this one is for me I just want you to know that this is there is someone and I know it's me he said I saw what he had to line it he said I we get four fresh oil of you and your part we run over thank you my lord I appreciate you for that a map chapter nine from verse 72 27a a man brought his sons through Jesus Christ Mahad family stone the Sun was always thrown down by demons and fall into river fall into fire so the demand brought the Sun today apostles they couldn't do any terrible to the boy so they brought finally brought a boy to Jesus pray Jesus Christ the funda you can believe all things are possible to him that believes the master I believe but help out my unbelief Oh the derrida story I was so glad you know what that means if my faith is not enough the word is all [Music] when my fifth can't handle the situation I can try on to him i say lord help doubt my own belief and i give you one illustration than you pray and very soon we'll be landing up oh hey we won everything general Vysya you know when we have our convention we love to cook together so do some people be cooking so that the rest of us can listen to the Word of God and we will tax ourselves every branch when you are coming bring some money and the people were coming they will bring very little money expecting that those who are bigger churches who add so we were having problems so one day during the convention out of desperation I said one day will come when you will be able to come to the convention without bringing any money at all the God who has made me your father Sophie do spiritually they will help me also to feed you physically they all say Amen [Applause] that's what we want when we finish that night and I came back to my office to pray God spoke to me I said son when do you want that to happen I say one of these days so why not from now and at that time we were about 10,000 a lot for me to the convention center how Sun feed 10,000 people for one week I'm a pastor I have no salary I have no business where will I get the money from and the lawsuit announced to them it was Friday night with the cabanas going to end of Sunday as a NASA day that from next year they are to bring no money that you will feed them I said I did I've never disobeyed you before but this one I can't tell them and he didn't push me convention ended everybody left but they came by the following month for Holy Ghost service and God said to me son tell your people from next year you don't have to bring anything just calm you'll be well-fed I said lord I can't my feet can't carry eat and he said to me son you're about to lose the miracle okay so I said I know what are with you if I sell my car sell my wife's car buy whatever food we can buy with that when they eat that before a day or two as soon as the money runs out I will tell them brothers and sisters God has answered your prayers the conversion is over so I told them I said well bredrin we are going to experiment something so you think I'm a man of great faith you don't understand my faith is small my faith will be smaller than you the only thing is a Hafidh God who spit is big I told my professor we are going to experiments until next year you don't bring anything and you'll be fed that's more than 20 years ago now and God does not feel Dwarfs stand on your feet try to the Almighty God I say father I believe helped out my own belief [Applause] cry to him please Lord if my faith is too small let me have my own believe help my unbelief help my unbelief help my unbelief if I don't have enough faith so carry out all these things that I said I would do rebuking decree Clemmy my belief my faith is too small lord help down my unbelief please help down my own believe helped out my own belief if I don't have the faith to race the day helped out my own belief if I draw have to fail to make the lame walk help down my own believe if I don't have the face to face the devil help out my own belief Lord help down my unbelief down my own baby [Music] peb down on my own balloon thank you lord peb doubt my own baby [Music] let my faith become be big enough to live for the rest of my life in peace kept down my own belief sign to Jesus Laura the so your whole email signs your wall in Jesus mighty name we have prayed socially be Jesus name please be seated I want to conclude because I'm going to give you some time later to discuss every stone that may be your life with the Lord because in the name does above every other name by the time the Sun rises tomorrow whatever is causing the storm in your life we begun [Applause] the completion of the metathesis Jesus was a divulge and disturb him so depression went woke him up what would have happened if Jesus was not in the boat who we do wake up whether you know it or not my brothers and sisters they receive one storm left that we cannot dodge and that is the stone of death and don't let anybody deceive you when you come face-to-face with death initially your heart will shake it is when you remember I have Jesus that's when you come down that's when you have the peace of God that passes all understanding that's when you can say like DB say yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me but if it's not with you if it's not in the boat and the storm comes ooh-wee you wake up who will you wake up and stops when they can't they always come without notice without notice suddenly suddenly I've totally distorted before this last one I'm telling you tonight I was going to London by our Nigeria we saw blessed memory and for what is the other day I was traveling first-class somebody bought me the ticket and you know this big boys with rich people who are in force plus there was a particular man there he had a Goldie walking stick the head of the world body walking she was diamond-encrusted and from time to time who will just get up and walk towards the toilet just to show co-op in stick then we got rifle and didn't captain announced ladies and gentlemen we have a little problem the door in the belly of the plane refused to open the mini of that is the tire can come down can't come out so we have no way of landing as soon as I made the announcement there was pandemonium that day I knew that to reach people don't want to die this time the rich man really wanted to go to the toilet he got up and he was going towards the toilet I'm the hostess a remains it as I said who said so there was there was a woman behind me where the elegant lady she began to cry God you see me oh I'm only going to London to take care of my grandchildren who asked her and for a moment I was afraid but then I said but Lord you didn't tell me this is the end when I was saying goodbye to my children telling them I will bring them toys you didn't tell me this this is the end and he spoke to me said no I sighs not the end I want to talk to you and I know as soon as you land in London they will keep you busy but we need to talk as soon as I had this voice peace came we were talked in my father and I we were having a nice time and confucian was really around me particularly when the captain said ladies and gentlemen don't worry so much after all you know that the firefighters at each were very efficient firefighters you you mean we are going to catch fire my daddy and I will spoke as if link kept on going around in circles and circles and circles when we finished off him suddenly the door opened and the plane landed the point I'm making is this if I do not have him who will I call upon when this Tom King if you are here tonight and you RC joking we do your salvation you don't know when your strong will come if it's not in your boat when this term comes there'd be nobody to call upon but if you come to him tonight and you surrender your life to Him he will come and dwell in you and then you will be happy you'll be able to say Christ in me the hope of glory I know some of you are verified way so I'm going to come from 1 to 15 if you want to surrender your life to Jesus Christ if you really mean business you want them to come and dwell in you as your Lord and Savior before I say 15 come and stand before me I'm counting now 1 [Applause] - [Applause] three [Applause] the choice is yours [Applause] try on to him for your salvation is the Prince of Peace is the only one who can give you peace come to him now for [Applause] five thank you those of you are clapping your hands will never be empty beep laughing beep laughing the people are coming to surrender their life to Jesus six the more you clap the more you will prosper seven it my I'm worse off after a verify way that keep moving keep moving keep moving move a little faster eleven clip-clopping they're still coming those of you I see far away pasting your stats trial keep coming keep coming keep coming I can see you see far away wait ten seconds longer through cartoon [Applause] keep coming keep coming this is your night let him become the master of your boats that cement into your life that defend Islam comes at all you with him openly we'll be ready 14 [Applause] thank you Jesus - combination from me just don't stop Michele you get that before I finished praying just keep on me they're coming all right now those of you are ready in front talk today Almighty God and those of you are coming on the way also pray as your phone call on Jesus pious asked him to please save your soul ask him to come into your life and become your Lord and your Savior ask him to come and reside in you promising that you will serve Him from now that by His grace you would do anything that will cause him to leave you alone so cry on to him I said loss saved my soul anytime to my life be my lord we might say good night to serve you and the rest of us please let's stretch our hands was these our brothers and sisters and it's a seat for them let us pray that the Almighty God you saved our souls who saved the house also so please let us sit for them for about a minute or two those of you are see only we'll just keep on me we problem you are not late yet we permit this your night your night of salvation keep from me yes I can see you so clip Amon drop bless you god bless you but pray as you come as Jesus to save your soul ask them to become the Lord of your life ask them to come I ain't I took the both of your life promising that you were serving from now on for the rest of your life thank you Jesus yes he from just keep on coming st. Regis thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we are free my father my god I want to thank you for your word I want to bless your Holy Name for this your children who have come forward to surrender their life to you whether you promise that we so ever will come unto you you will no wise cast out they have come to you now Lord please receive them in Jesus name save their souls let your blood wash away their sins come on dwell in them write their names in the book of life let them become members of the family of God from now anytime the following you please answer them by fire in Jesus mighty name we have prayed now those of you in front let me hear you shout hallelujah I rejoice with you because from now on by the grace of God I'll be praying for you so I will be needing your names your address and your prayer requests and I promise you I be praying for you so they will give you some cards which I want you to feel and as soon as you feel the cards you give it back to the counselors and I promise you I will get in touch with you as a matter of fact in all redeem parishes within the Federal Capital Territory nozawa or Nigel State on Sunday these come in Sunday November 10 by 8 a.m. there will be a special welcoming service for you they are going to give you a special welcoming service and I can assure you they will give you some tips and you begin to receive visits from our people you come frame with you encourage you and all over we're with you congratulations let's give the Lord a big round of applause as we wait for a while for our brothers and sisters to finish [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] thank you very much now you're going to pray this time the country whichever will you like first of all you're going to thank the Almighty God for keeping you alive today because it is clear from now and the mighty name of Jesus you will enjoy peace then you are to go before him and given in detail this various physical financial morita spiritual career-wise tell him Lord these are the songs that are facing right now and I don't want to get out of there with any of them don't forget to the least those who know who might be blocking your way to joy to peace or fulfill mater lists them before the Almighty God and say Lord let them repent before the Sun rises tomorrow or else deal with them your way so I'm going to give you twenty minutes only to do this make sure you do a thorough job if you want to come to the altar you are free to do so if you want to kneel down if you want to stand before to lay down the choice is yours just go ahead now and discuss your personal case with the Almighty God let's go ahead this yeah you will suffer no loss TV our TV channel [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for justice let us begin to bring our prehistoric clothes and Jesus mighty name would have prayed [Applause] the Lord of hosts we fight for you the king of glory we turn your shame to glory the Prince of Peace we give you peace it was cut all your enemies [Music] we are necessary you will paralyze them here we promote you above them all every storm in your body will cease now every storm in your finances will cease right now [Applause] every stone in your families in your marriages will cease right now every spiritual stone in all aspect of your life who sees right now every posture who had constituted himself to a mountain before you right now as I speak this shall be removed [Applause] Godwin's are your prayers and you have peace all around so shall it be in Jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] if you received a let me are you shot hallelujah this yeah you will suffer no loss our TV channel
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
Views: 104,043
Rating: 4.6221199 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg sermon, rccg abuja, rccg abuja 2019 holy ghost service, rccg 2019 abuja special holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service, 2019 rccg holy ghost service, rccg tv, rccg online sermon, rccg pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye sermon, pastor e a adeboye new sermon, pastor e a adeboye sermon 2019
Id: rvuKsreQIKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 33sec (9453 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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