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Oh long come aunty your please whoa long lead our lives [Music] he now they all might take your place Oh Oh Oh [Music] [Music] you know father we your children lift up our voices to you tonight we declare with one voice with one mind that there's no more room for darkness in our lives no more room for darkness in our homes no more room for darkness in our cities no more room for darkness in our nation so father please come and take your place tonight Oh Lord where there has been darkness let there be light tonight Oh Lord where the forces of darkness have reign supreme father take your place whenever you find a believing Amen like such a person go home with the biggest testimony whosoever's a man can swallow up that of the enables let your breakthrough this year be the biggest we service a man can reach your ears in heaven my father my god the biggest testimonies of this decade let it be the abortion and we promise a lot to return all the glory to you all the shame to the devil and we your children we will keep the joy thank you Father blessed be a holy name in Jesus mighty name we have prayed let the redeemed of the Most High God shout a loud hallelujah I counted a great privilege to be asked to share the Word of God with us tonight so therefore I'd like to appreciate our Father in the Lord the general verse here of this great mission and our mother in Israel momiji oh it is a prayer that God will continue to bless you he will continue to uphold you His grace and anointing upon your lives who never run dry and all those who are saying Amen that will also be abortion quickly open your Bibles with me please to the book of Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 will read from this is 1 2 3 Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 will read from this is 1 2 3 I read from the King James Version in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light I stand on this highly exalted all touch of night and I speak over your lives as a mouthpiece of the Most High God everywhere darkness our travail God's fire in your life there shall be light if you believe God is speaking to you let your mm be loud and clear [Applause] please take note tonight that there is no force stronger than God's Word there is no force stronger than God's Word in 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 verse 20 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 verse 20 the Bible tells us that his word is yay and amen so once again I use this opportunity to decree and declare over your lives everywhere darkness had prevailed in your home in your family in your body in your circumstances in your finances today there shall be light if you believe in letcher mm be loud and clear please take note tonight that for God to speak is for God to act for God to speak is for God to act in Genesis chapter one in verse three in verse 6 in verse nine in verse 11 in verse 14 in verse 20 in verse 24 in verse 26 in verse 28 the Bible says and God said and the moment is spoke something happened I speak over the life of one person here I don't know whether it is a male or a female before tonight service is over there shall be a performance of God's word in your life [Applause] leaves take notes brethren that whenever God speaks is either addressing a situation in a person's life he's addressing a situation at a particular place or is addressing a principality and power operating in an environment the Bible tells us in the book of some 42 from verses 1 to 7 son 42 some 42 embraces 1 to 7 and we see most especially in verse 7 since and deep one led unto D at the noise of your waterfall and all your ways and Baloo's economy when we look at the verses that we have read that darkness was upon the face of the deep what God did was that he looked at a particular situation and ensure that this situation was deep and he was in area and in the form and in the capability to address how far how deep the darkness are gone and I pray for two people here on that the sound of my voice no matter how deep your situation may be as God speaks or value tonight there shall be a minor frustrations if you believe me let your ear man shouts on the loudest do you know that my god addressing your situation he's sending the word to your address and because he's doing so it shows that God knows your name and your address and because God knows your name on your address he has custom-made a tailor-made solution for your situation I have come here tonight with goodness for someone and bad news for all your enemies wherever you are located the Word of God we'll look at you tonight and bring solution to your situation if you believe in again later remember the loudest may I submit to you tonight my brothers and sisters my fathers and mothers the God's Word does not need a visa to visit oh let me repeat that God's Word does not need a visa to visit his world can never be denied when you want to visit a nation oftentimes you visit the embassy and depending on whether they like you or not or the mood the person who is attending to you feels like they can either deny you or grant you but our God does not need a prison visit so wherever you are located in the world tonight I speak the Word of Life over your situation if you are going through one problem or the other tonight and I'll come straight when I [Applause] let me focus up me to you tonight that God's world does not need a permit to permeate the gods were that we're talking about does not need a permit to permeate in other words he does not have to knock on the door in order to enter into your home and bring about a solution into your family I speak over five families hearing me tonight no matter what the situation in your home is the Word of God will permit and bring the domination if you believe God is speaking to you later I remember the loudest hear me loud and clear there is nothing good associated with darkness nothing good whatsoever weeping is associated with darkness because the Bible tells us that he weeping may endure all night but when you look at the opposite of darkness which is light you see that the Bible says and joy cometh in the morning so darkness breathe sorrow breathe sadness breathe weeping but when light comes there is joy there is peace there is prosperity I stand here as a map piece of the Most High God and I decree over your life today your life shock harm if you don't believe me ask our sister Hannah in for summer chapter 1 the Bible says this young lady Hannah for summer chapter one was of a sorrowful heart because she was wallowing in darkness the darkness alecha Baroness and let you solve let you rippen and bitterness of soul but on a day like today she came to Sheila and let me submit to you tonight today this is your Sheila ah if you believe in later Amanda Lauda club she came to Sheila and the man of God simply spoke over her life and the Word of God entered into a situation you see a Muslim means fervent of God that's what Hanuman's means she's married to a man named Elkanah whose name means with God so favorite of God marriage a man whose name means with God yet the darkness was still permitting and had prevailed over life there was another woman under the same roof came name pnina pnina slim means precious stone fine girl from a rich family all the husband has to do is look in a direction once she will give birth to twins your husband looks in a direction the second time triplets will follow he will look the third time quadruplets will follow and she began to make fun of Hanna well donor sister Hannah sister favored of God in church every day you are there morning afternoon night one year when it is time to fast you fast when it is time to pray you pray what do you have to show for it where is your God I have come here with good news for somebody tonight every peninnah in your life asking you where is your God tonight your God will show up on your behalf the man of God spooky world over ha and there was light nine months later there was an evidence of that light and in for some more chapter two for summer chapter two when you begin to read from verse 1 the Bible says and Ana testified and glorify God in verse 2 she sang his son to God in songs of joy and then in verse 3 she paid close attention to pnina and said come here come here Penina or banana or penne pasta or whatever they call you come here all these years your mouth has been run around all these years you have been yelling rubbish all this year you have been chopping your gums I want you to open the mouth one more time and see if I don't miss you and the Bible says from that moment and forth polina no longer open her mouth can I pray for ten people under the sound of my voice tonight because your life is coming every source of darkness in your life you shall no longer hear from them please take note that let there be light is not a statement seeking permission usually when we say like me we are asking permission from someone let me pass yes aim please make room for me you are standing in my right of way let me make progress I let me have these you are seeking your permission when God was speaking here God was not asking for permission it was a proclamation a proclamation is a clear declaration that word are you like it or not by Sonia by force this beam will happen can I pray for a hundred people on that the sound of my voice tonight as God opens is now concerning you tonight no matter who is standing in your way they shall be bubbles or if you believe God is speaking to you let you remember loud again [Applause] in some 24 from verses 7 to 10 some 24 from this is 7 to 10 will see God speaking and you see some people asking questions Bible says lift up your heads o ye gates and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors and the King of glory shall coming who is this King of glory the Lord strong and mighty the Lord mighty in battle lift up your heads o ye gates and it will live the maquis everlasting doors so that the king of glory shall come in who is this King of glory the Lord of Hosts is the king of glory a destruction I want to pray for earthly body under the sound of my voice that every everlasting door that has been shut against your glory tonight be shod if you believe in lecture remember louder crap they don't know that our God is the original and the devil is nothing but a counterfeit because our God is the original is the illuminator because the moment is spoke light came you cannot give what you don't have our God in his glory is light himself so when light opens is not to speak light comes forth and because the devil is nothing but a counterfeit he tries to copy the illuminator with Illuminati but I have come here with goodness for you and I have come here with bad news for the devil every counterfeit operation ongoing in your life in your home and in your family this very night Asia come to a permanent hand in the book of Mark chapter 10 from verses 46 to 52 in the book of Mark chapter 10 from verses 46 to 52 we know the story of this young man named by Tomas but everybody has given in the letter of blind Maximus why because it was one lying in darkness but on a day like today but he must heard that Jesus was passing by and he made up his mind but enough is enough enough of darkness enough of sorrow enough of stagnancy enough of non-achievement and he lifted up his mouth and if fra Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me and the Bible says when he shouted the evil did keep us those who did not want him to shine those who did not want his glory to come they told him keep your mouth shut all your peace how can you tell me to hold my peace when I'm wallowing in filth and poverty but Jesus heard him and the Bible says Jesus stood still do you know my brothers and sisters that will leverage resources that's where heaven is because but you must cried out Jesus Stood Still because Jesus stood still having stood still I pray for somebody under the sound of my voice tonight as you cry to the Most High God tonight heaven will stand still and answer your cry now see what Jesus did the illuminator he decided that it was going to turn all those who we're blocking is glory blocking is shine blocking is light and turned them to his errand boys he said go on call him I hear him calling me those who are told him to shut his mouth they ran back to him and they said but you buddy but this tutor my guy how far now our body oh boy I heal you all of a sudden level change they started treating him differently because they could see the glory of God appearing over him can I pray for fifty people under the sound of my voice all those who have been looking down upon you because your light has come they will begin to see the glory of God all over you [Applause] when bat amaz got up the first thing I did was to remove the cloak of shame associated with failure associated with stagnancy I associated with darkness and he went before Jesus when he got to Jesus Jesus a a but if I die alpha now how do you do what do you want me to do for you ah but his tutor but amaz look at Jesus and say JC Baba and the one who is blind you are not blind you can see that I don't have my sight why are you asking me such a question Jesus responded and say my God all I'm simply giving you tonight is a blank check there's somebody under the sound of my voice tonight because of the encounter you are having with the Most High God he will give you a blank check tonight ah because bottom oz is a shot guy in fact is in Algeria and you know like Germany Kerry last he said are two by Daniel in cargo on song translation if that is the case all of the static is the first of all give me my sight jesus said no shaking it is drawn is that all he said no as a malleable upward we are just patting all these years I have been in darkness I must make up for you tonight he said you know I did not go to school because I could not read and because I did not go to school I don't have this certificate do you want this and Jesus said he said no I don't want a certificate I don't want to look for job I want to become an employer of labour jesus said no shaking it is gone there's somebody under the sound of my voice tonight you will go from jobless to becoming employers of liberal [Applause] Jesus said is that all he said JC Baba we have not even started yet he said you know because I have not been having in trouble as well I don't have money in my account and I have been you know experiencing financial darkness so what I want is that you know that billion dollars the billion pounds that billion euros that is sitting somewhere translates into my account jesus said no shaking it is done there's somebody by the sound of my voice tonight your financial darkness is coming to an end tonight Jesus said is that all he said no we have not even started yet you know because I've been in darkness and I have been wandering in failure all of these file their precious babes no one of them is no one not even one of them is looking in my direction but now that my situation has changed I consider the finest girls have already be married the politicians have married them the businessmen have married am I don't have anywhere to look in manner Aragon so Jesus said no shaking there is always somebody that I created on the seventh day somebody who has coca-cola bottle shake Sebastopol figure eight blasts in front blast at the back fearing complexion we said it is yours can I pray for somebody under the sound of my voice who is experiencing marital darkness tonight and end is coming to that Melissa darkness Jesus said is that all he said no Lord that's not all I have been on the streets all this while now I would like to live in a mansion not just any mansion I'm talking about that mansion on banana island that's one that I did not struggle for that's one that I'm not even going to pay for that will prepare for me all I want is that one jesus said no shaking is it on there are twenty people under the sound of my voice tonight you came here homeless but before this month is over he will become Allah Lord that night one single encounter one single declaration change an overnight situation of darkness to an instant situation of light and this young man arose and his light came and his glory came and kings came to his Reisman and they saw the glory of God all over him and each situation was never the same I don't know who God is speaking to tonight but if you believe that the one God is speaking to I hereby decree over your destiny by the time the Sun rises tomorrow morning your situation will no longer remain the same [Applause] as I close please take note that this same God who can speak light can also speak darkness this same God who can speak light can also speak darkness in some 105 23 to 30 6 some 105 from verses 23 to 36 he says God's children Israel came into Egypt the prosperity gypped the Egyptians saw their light under glory and they decided to keep them in 430 years of darkness so God decided to speak and when he spoke in verse 28 he sent darkness and he made it dark and Bible says and they rebelled not against his word can I speak over the life of a hundred people under the sound of my voice tonight every enemy of your progress every enemy of your joy every enemy of your peace every enemy of your prosperity every enemy of your permission every enemy of our apartment's if they'd only paint tonight God will send darkness into darkness [Applause] wherever you are please jump to your feet lift up your hands to the Most High God and cry to him and say father cry like you mean business a father tonight speak your word send light into my situation send light into my circumstance send light into my family send last into my home go ahead and talk to the Most High God
Channel: RCCG
Views: 218,838
Rating: 4.8263416 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg video, rccg sermon, rccg holy ghost sermon, rccg 2020 holy ghost service, rccg january 2020 holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service sermons, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye sermons, online sermons, rccg 2020 sermon, rccg january, let there be light, rccglive, january 2020, rccg latest, pastor e.a adeboye 2020
Id: wbzMmmckk8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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