Pasta With Shrimp Scampi | Christine Cushing

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[Music] hi i'm christine cushing and welcome to another helping of my favorite foods today i want to share with you the best seafood pasta i think i've ever made in my life it is loaded with juicy shrimp that i'm going to saute in the pan a quick sauce with lemons capers plump tomatoes little baby ones and then loads and loads of parsley and a touch of calabrian chili it's gonna be a thing of beauty get ready to drool let's go step one in making this amazing but super super quick seafood pasta is i'm using the shells so i peeled and deveined my shrimp and i'm gonna make a quick stock so in here always in cold water all your shells in there and what i do is i actually save the stems from my parsley this is a good tip just so that you make the most of all your ingredients so the stems are going to go right in here this is going to add flavor to the stalk i throw in a couple of bay leaves and then to me you can never have enough lemon i mean if the one ingredient i should be banned from using at some point it's lemon i use it in everything but here you really need it so i'm just going to go in with a couple of little lemon curls that is the zest so i want to bring that to a boil simmer for 20 minutes in the meantime this is the first thing we want to do is get our stock done i've got a big pot here with my water that i'm going to salt now so a lot more salt than you think because the pasta is not going to absorb at all bringing to a boil now let's talk pasta and specifically spaghetti actually this is a shape that i've never used i mean there's gazillions of shapes of pasta i have never used this one this is spaghettone it's spaghetti that's a little bit thicker now there's one other really incredible feature about this pasta have you ever heard of bronze extrusion do you even know what the heck i'm talking about so this pasta is extruded that means it comes out of a machine if you buy pasta that's been bronze extruded what happens is it has a bit of a coarser kind of rougher texture and that means it's going to stick to the sauce so and it's also going to create a lot more creaminess in that sauce just changing this one element so buying pasta that's extruded through a bronze mechanism is going to give you this beautiful texture in your sauce and really allow the pasta to stick to it so just saying you might want to try it so this is an olive oil based sauce starting with my first layer don't even ask me how much oil is in here you're going to get the full recipe it's always below but it's a fair bit of olive oil don't be afraid of it first thing to go in are going to be the shrimp so i've peeled and deveined my shrimp tails on and i'm just going to season them salt and pepper i always season as i go that way everything is balanced you don't have too much salt at the beginning or at the end a little cracked black i spread out the shrimp because i don't want them to be overlapping and start to steam i just want to create a little bit of color and that's the first layer of flavor that's going into my pasta so not only did i use my shells to make a stalk but now i'm going to even heighten that flavor by getting that bit of caramelization going [Music] oh baby nice plump shrimp about halfway cooked now i'm going to remove them shrimp on standby it's not their turn to be in the dish my stock is ready so 20 minutes later put your hand up if you just throw away shrimp shells i know everybody does it but there's so much flavor so just 20 minutes while you're prepping everything boom you got a quick what the french call fume or stock now we go back to the pan continuing that flavor next thing to go in is a shallot shallots go in a teeny bit more olive oil i don't want it too high at this point because i want to render some sweetness from these shallots i don't want them to burn beauty or should i say bellissima i also want to introduce you always when i find interesting things that maybe you haven't seen this is definitely one of them have you ever seen a caper leaf i also see that my pasta water is boiling when you're making this kind of a of a pasta you're really kind of at the mercy of what's happening you've got to be aware with the water rapidly boiling spaghettone going in cranking it as high as it'll go now we go back to our sauce shallots are in and nice and caramelized next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to cut the caper leaves love these by the way absolutely love them just almost like what's called a chiffonade just in little ribbons like that and i thought it'd be perfect for a seafood dish in addition capers also going in so you start to imagine right you have some brininess you've got the caramelization from those shallots a little sweet little salty oh good something happens to me when i zest lemons like i go a little bit i love it can see all those essential oils just flying off the lemon incredible i don't think i could live without a lemon i just don't think i could do it let's hit it with some alcohol shall we white wine or as you if you know me dry vermouth going into deglaze and i'm gonna juice one lemon and we'll see how much we use right every lemon has a different amount of juice so i don't want to add too much but then again as i said there's never too much lemon right but because i'm making half the amount i'm probably going to go in with a half a lemon what makes this recipe so great is the sauce is really simple but it's hyper hyper intensely flavored so i can see here now this is reduced by half i'm going to add half of that shrimp stock this is going to really add a sweetness for sure look at these beautiful tomatoes these are like miniature plum tomatoes so i'm just going to cut them in half and i don't want these to just totally break apart i want them to have some of their texture so you're going to be able to see the tomato but they are going to you know break apart a little bit so not much more than that the tomato is really a secondary player it's not the main character in this play i'm trashing the place always a good sign pasta has really got at least six minutes to go so now i want to crank up my sauce to make sure it's reduced down okay next thing going in some garlic if you want the garlic cooked down more you can add it when the pan is dryer i don't mind having a little bit of that garlic flavor so this is just gonna just kind of cook down a bit in the sauce but we're gonna it's gonna be pretty forward this way tomatoes going in next couple of very important ingredients that are going to really heighten this flavor so these are drumroll anchovies the anchovy with the caper is extraordinary and really that anchovy is bringing salt it's bringing umami it's really bringing that depth of flavor right oh the smells are really bringing some beautiful beautiful oh tears to my eyes this smells so fantastic now let me just add one more thing i'm adding some calabrese or calabrian chili this is some chili in a little bit of oil i buy this in a jar really any kind of chili or chili oil you can add that's pretty spicy actually mama now the last thing that i really wanted to tell you because this is all about the extrusion the bronze extrusion there is going to be starch in that water so what i want to do once this cooks down and i have about two minutes left in my initial 10 minutes i'm going to start taking some of that pasta water and putting it into my sauce that's going to reduce down a bit and again heighten that creaminess so now just a couple of ladles of this starchy water in there already it's getting creamy already it's getting creamy and i've got a few seconds left so last couple of minutes i'm dragging my pasta right into this sauce and it seems at this point that it's just going to be too wet but that's how you want it because it's going to really absorb that moisture i'm going in with a little bit more extra virgin as it just simmers now you got to get pretty fast with this right there's no la la sitting around now we gotta move loads of parsley to me you just cannot have enough parsley so now you can see that this has become creamy a little bit more creamy i'm going to add back my shrimp because these were not fully cooked and this was my little buffer right in that two minutes because i took the pasta out literally two minutes before it was cooked i have that buffer if you take it out right on the money it's gonna overcook by the time you finish it in the sauce beauty is all i'm gonna say [Music] tossing it this also helps build that creaminess you can start to see it i'm going to leave the parsley for the very very end cooking on a moderate heat at this point this is like a sneak peek you know when you can kind of go backstage i'm gonna go backstage right now just take a little bit of this nobody's gonna know let's see what's happening oh this is so good i just get so excited there's a little bit of sauce on the floor but don't look down there who cares now i'm bringing it with a whole mess of parsley because that is really going to contrast the saltiness and the brininess of everything else the sweetness of the shrimp and now i'm turning it off turning it totally off and you can see what's starting to happen in the pan [Music] [Music] um [Music] all i'm gonna say is do you see this i am drooling tasting time do you see how creamy it is as i was plating it and there's no dairy there's no pork fat this is really just the creaminess from the pasta there's no cheese in here let me taste it [Music] two words mamma mia tangy a little bit salty perfect harmony the creaminess is gonna blow your mind because really you're gonna start looking around like what's in here nothing it's just the pasta water that's making it that creamy perfect harmony and then that just bit of tang is really working so well with these shrimp what are you waiting for you got to get out there and find this bronze extrusion pasta i mean it's gonna really blow your mind this is transporting you to the seaside immediately the sweetness of the shrimp and it's perfectly cooked start them in the pan pull them out wow this is great you're going to love this recipe thank you so much for hanging with me again in the kitchen for another helping of my favorite foods please share subscribe like let me know what's happening in your kitchen and see you next time where things get always super delicious and crazy in the kitchen thank you
Channel: MyFavouriteFoods ChristineCushing
Views: 7,232
Rating: 4.9587631 out of 5
Keywords: Pasta With Shrimp Scampi | Christine Cushing, chef Christine Cushing, shrimp, scampi, pasta shrimp scampi, shrimp pasta, shrimp scampi pasta, dairyfree, spaghettoni, garlic shrimp pasta, spaghetti, capers, seafood linguine, seafood pasta, myfavouritefoods, garlic, ccfearless, oliveoil, easy shrimp pasta recipe, Italy, best pasta recipe, Italian Pasta recipe, spaghetti shrimp scampi recipe, no dairy, no chese, no cream, no meat fat, cherry tomatoes, basil, caper leaves
Id: DqTze_i0FZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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