Pasta so good! It’ll leave you wanting seconds!

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yummy this is one pound of shrimp you're gonna season it with whatever you want i like to season with salt blackety peppery black pepper garlic powder paprika and olive oil i don't have the measurements for these spices just measure until your ancestors tell you to stop so using the same pan i'm gonna saute some garlic once it's nice and fragrant i'm gonna pour in some heavy cream when it comes to light boil i'm gonna add my spices i'm gonna cook this for about three to five minutes once it comes to a hard boil i'm gonna add in my wine and then add some pasta water this has been boiling for about five minutes now i'm gonna add in my cooked pasta i'm gonna sprinkle a handful of parmesan cheese over and combine everything now i'm gonna top it off with my shrimp and some parsley
Channel: Gaming Foodie
Views: 982,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uPaO2Vzftzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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