Pasta Carbonara by italian chef Monosilio - Rome

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Good morning I'm Luciano Monosilio, chef of the Pipero al Rex restaurant in Rome and today we're making Carbonara. The ingredients we're using today are: a mixture of sheep's milk cheese and Parmesan, black peppercorns, 4 eggs, guanciale and Monograno Felicetti spaghettoni. Now let's start the Amatriciana preparation. First of all, separate the egg yolks from the whites. Continue by adding our ingredients: the cheese mixture and ground black peppercorns. With a whisk, energetically beat the mixture. That’s done. Let's continue by browning the guanciale in a nonstick skillet. We’ll wait patiently until the guanciale are browned and the fat released so that the outer part becomes crisp, while the inner stays creamy. It takes a bit. As you can see, the guanciale start browning releasing their fat. Let's start straining this. Carefully strain the fat from the pork cheek, as it’s released because at the end of the recipe we'll be using the fat again to thicken the sauce. Once the pork cheek is well browned, let it rest until it reaches room temperature. Salt the water slightly with a handful of salt and put in our Monograno Felicetti Spaghettoni. After 13 minutes, drain the pasta and thicken it with the mixture over the steam of the cooking water, adding a little of cooking water. Stir it well, so that the egg cooks. When it becomes creamy, add the pork cheek. Stir it some more off the heat, adding a bit of cooking water. And right in the final phase, let's add a little of the guanciale we reserved before. Let's thicken again. Now we’ll plate our Carbonara. Garnish it with the cheese mixture and freshly ground black peppercorn. This is our Carbonara. Buon appetite to everyone!
Channel: ItaliaSquisita Eng
Views: 656,506
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Id: xvIWeLDilio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2015
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