PASSWORD 1963-11-28 Gloria Stewart & James Stewart

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GSA this is the Charming wife of James Stewart lovely Gloria Stewart thank you and this is my partner David Price from Irwin Tennessee this is the talented and popular Motion Picture actor currently starring in the new hit film Take Her She's Mine James Stewart hello and this is my partner Diane vogle from Chicago Illinois and we're all here to play password yes password brought to you this evening by spidell twisto Flex so flexible you can even tie it in a knot and by the all new spidell lady twisto Flex with the new width of fashion elegance and now here's your host on password Allan Len well a very pleasant Thanksgiving evening to you and what a treat this is for us we have Mr James Stewart here on my right and the lovely Mrs James Stewart on my left I understand you play this at home with your children oh we sure do all the time you really do we sure do we just love it now let's run the children down I know there are two girls yes they're twins Judy and Kelly yes and we have two boys Ronald and Michael very good and they play the game too yes they do well I think it's a great treat that we're going to have you playing on camera and they're going to be watching you at home they sure are are you ready I'm all set okay your first partner Gloria may I call you Gloria I wish you would all right is David Price David what I pice your time sir I'm a student a graduate student at y University very good nice to have you here well with two girls 12 and you were somewhat ready weren't you for Sandra d and Take Her She's Mine yes Sandra is the nicest daughter I've ever had with the exception of the two little girls out in Beverly Hills Kelly she was quite a daughter in that movie what a delightful movie yeah I I I think she's one I think she's one of the best of the young new actresses Sandra d and that's one of the best of the new Young comedies too this movie of yours well thank you all over the country people are seeing it and enjoying it seeing you good to see you here and it's a real pleasure your first partner Jimmy is Diane vogle Diane you how you like your visit to New York oh I love it I've been seeing all the plays and it's wonderful good to have you here you know we're going to play password it's a game of word communication where you try to make your partner say the password using one-word Clues I'll give the first password to Gloria Stewart the very same password to Jimmy Stewart and as they look at it we'd like you to see it at home the password is uniform Gloria start with you 10 points outfit costume costume nine points Jimmy Soldier uniform yes that's it got a family competition going here I couldn't think of the word that was by the way when you hear this sound means that sound it means your clue has not been accepted by our Authority who is Dr Reon a Goodman enter the World Book Encyclopedia dictionary we have nine points to a 25-point game winner has $250 and a chance to win that much more in the lightning round the word goes to David Price Diane Vogal as they look at it we'd like you to see it at home the password is bracelet start with your David 10 points armlet armlet armlet sleeve no nine points Diane jewelry bracelet bracelet right did you do this way at home we're blowing it B no you're not but they can win on this one Gloria Jimmy tuition all right say look at we'd like you to look at the password is bench start with you Gloria 10 points Park Avenue Park Avenue no nine points to give you the game James shti sofa setti sofa eight points Gloria seat bench bench got a game look at this 8 to 18 they can still win on this round so careful Diane and David have the word want you to see it at home of course the password is carpet start with you Diane 10 Point see if you can get Jimmy Stewart to say that flying flying saucer saucer nine points David rug carpet carpet well you got a horse race now 17 to 18 password to Jimmy Stewart Gloria Stewart friends at home the password is alligator okay Jimmy you can win on this one 10 points we give it to 28 three more than you need Pur pocket book pocket book nine points to give you the game Gloria crocodile bag B all over the country all over the country I can hear him eight points Jimmy reptile alligator alligator David that was a near one all right Diane you have $250 and chance to pick up 250 more in the lightning round five passwords here Jimmy Stewart's going to give you one word clues for each one but you must do it all ready in one minute here's the first word go uh house home home top apartment cover Penthouse house skyscraper shingle roof 50 door entrance device screen uh uh enter lock latch uh device handle go next door knob next next uh Burma Indian Gillette razor uh brush oh um shave good 100 poor wealthy rich rich is 150 uh Avenue street that's it you get nervous that's a good one you did it with lock and device key was the word Diane what do you have there 250 plus2 200 giving you $450 Diane vogle David Price you'll have $50 and thank you both for a fine game of password with us and good luck to you both we'll return in just a moment to play more pastor but right now here are two young Shoppers with a gift idea any girl will appreciate this Christmas all right I like like the way you all play together I hope you could see the way Mrs Stewart was rooting for Jimmy while he was doing the lightning round let's move along and meet two brand oord players Gloria Stewart meet your new partner from Sous City Iowa Sher rice James Stewart meets your new partner from Chicago Illinois Robert Jones you first Sherry from Street City Iowa what brings you to New York well I'm a student new you're here very good nice to have you here Bob Jones are you married sir yes I am Alan I have a wife of course and two children very good nice to have you here we've got a good husband and wife here who play the game very good here we go and very earnestly as they look at we'd like you to see it the password is headache had correct that Jimmy start with you 10 points aspon headache yes who wins at home most of the time I'm not going to tell you all right we just have to guess all right Sherry Bob friends at home the password is hinge all right Sherry start with you 10 points gate fence fence nine points Bob Jones door door entrance entrance eight points Sher socket yeah I'm with you way socket Way Seven Points Bob swinger swinger uh five seconds Jimmy uh opening opening six points Cherry latch 5 Seconds garden garden Five Points Bob holder holder holder match gate holder uh 5 Seconds entrance all right Four Points Sherry door Hing Hing when did you get it oh I don't no sry four points for the ladies 10 points for the men the password goes this time to Gloria and James Stewart as they look at it we'd like you to see it the password is balloon got it Jimmy 10 points start with you 5 Seconds toy 5 Seconds ball toy ball nine points Gloria air balloon balloon is Right Ladi 13 for the ladies password this time to Bob Jones from Chicago Sher rice from Sous City our friends at home the password is full you'd have 20 on this Bob 10 points first CL empty four four and have 20 they within scoring distance password this time to Gloria and Jimmy Stewart and our friends at home the password is elbow start with you Gloria 10 points would give you 23 joint elbow ohy oh boy her head just got very heavy there that's all you can't blame a wife for getting a heavy head all right Bo Bob Jerry friends the password is backward all right either can win on this Bob 10 points first clue forward March March the nineo S opposite backwards backwards but the way he said it was what are you a general in the Air Force you're a general in the Air Force aren't you all right Mrs General you're going to play Lightning round now you ready to go the trick is to do it as you know in 1 minute here's the first word go Kettle pot 50 FIB Li 100 uh um Sky up blinker star good it's 150 of uh lions tigers noise Roar a 200 a shoe boot SL a bedroom slipper all right you did it you slipped a little on slipper but you still did it in 27 seconds Cherry you have $500 Bob Jones you have $50 and thank you for a fine game of password with us and good luck you both you know there's a Wonder for a world of softness just waiting for you watch all right Mr Stewart has won one game Mr Stewart has won the second game they want to play again let's go two more password players Gloria Stewart meet your new partner from will met Illinois Bill joerger James Stewart meets your new partner from Dallas Texas Paulie Franklin all Bill and P Bill what do you do for a living sir I'm a sales representative Alan sales representative nice to have you here Polly I know you're a graduate student what are you studying music very good you know how we play the game yes you ready to go no gestures just word Clues as they look at the word we'd like you to say the pass word is snore start with you Gloria 10 points um snort grunt snort grunt nine points Jimmy sleeping snore snore right scar that's that's a sound like but it has an idea connection so that was a good clue you were trying to do it in the first one somebody in the audience nearly fainted right here you go Bill and Polly and as they look at it to see what they do with it see what you do with it the password is shimmy all right Bill 10 points Shake quiver quiver nine points Polly uh dance twist twist eight points Bill Flappers Charleston Charleston seven points Polly a top top 5 Seconds twirl seven points Bill Charleston Shimmy Shimmy I about to S it all over they're too young to remember it Gilda is a Gilda Gray I all right six to 9 6 to9 password to Jimmy and Gloria Stewart our friends at home the password is rough all right Jimmy start with you 10 points cheek what did you say you better look at it again I'll get i'll let you have another clue just move your finger that's the way I played it too did you say cheek cheek yeah oh all right okay I'm sorry that I've always I'm going to throw the word up the word is rough rou is with a knee all right we're going to throw the word out start all over again rose with a KN yeah rose with a KN it is now here we go all right 6 to n password to Gloria and Jimmy Stewart and as they look at it we'd like you to see it at home of course the password is glove okay Jimmy 10 points start with you hand shake hand shake nine points Gloria mitten glove glove is the word all right Gloria's got 15 that means she can no she can't win on this round she could go to 24 Polly good luck Bill good luck as they look at it we'd like you to see it the password is sority okay py 10 points fraternity dance dance nine points give you 24 bill girls sority sority sority I see you've got a ring on there Bill what are you I was a sigma Kai Sigma Kai is what I thought 24 to9 password to Jimmy and to Gloria Stewart we'd like you to see it the password is Adam okay Jimmy you'd have 19 on this rough how about that bomb Atomic roughly a form of the word we're seeking one chance to give me the precise word atom that's it 19 19 to 24 now either team can win on this one and here it comes this is the word that might do it Bill you're going to give the clues as are you Polly the password is blonde okay Bill 10 points we give you the game Brunette blonde yes all right then you've got $250 Gloria you're going to play a lightning round here you're ready the trick as you know is to do it in one minute here's the first word go fork knife other spoon that's it 50 chicken turkey female um egg mother hand good right wrong good 150 uh uh wig toue uh Lots hair that's it 200 uh a rider horse West Cowboy that's it in 33 seconds second very good horse ler callway Wesson good 250 plus 250 gives Bill jger $500 fin you'll have $50 and thank you for a fine game of password with us and good luck to you Bo thank you very much we have time good we're going to play a fourth game let's move right along and need two more password players Gloria Steward meet your new partner from Dallas Texas Bill Burke Junior Stewart meet your partner from Scarsdale New York Carol Lord all right Carol and Bill we move quickly are you married Bill yes I am very good Carol are you working girl yes I am I do market research here in New York all right we're going to play quickly now Mrs Stewart has won two games Jimmy's only won one so he's determined as they look at the word we'd like you to see it at home course the password is night gown got it Jimmy yep all right 10 points start with you ah uh garment garment dress dress nine points Gloria sleeping gown gown eight points Jimmy uh sleeping night G yeah night all right Bill and Carol are gonna have the word this time as they look at it we'd like you to see it at home of course the password is adhesive all right Bill start with you 10 points see if you can get Mr Stewart to say that word tape recorder recorder no nine points Carol Band-Aid not allowed two words eight points Bill sticky adhesive adhesive sorry we got a tie here eight for Mrs Stewart eight for Mr Stewart password goes to the couple and as they look at it we'd like you to see it the password is football Jimmy this one small yeah can you see it you got it yeah I got it all right 10 points Rouge uh baseball football is the word there you eight to 18 means Jimmy could win on this this round Bill careful Carol as they look at it we'd like you to see it the password is Hammer start with you Bill you tie the score Sledge Hammer Hammer you tied the score very good password goes to Jimmy Stewart Gloria Stewart our friends at home the password is smell all right Jimmy 10 points we give you the game sniff sniffle sniff sniffle nine points to give you the game Gloria odor smell that oh you didn't try to cheat let's go to the lightning round the trick is to do it in one minute here's the first word go backward forward 50 pad bed couch cut fluffy de van pillow anything WR well a drink cocktail apple cider that's 100 dumb smart a squirrel animal food say something Bill anything acorn acorn tree of acorn better go the next word next uh first last that's it all right you got $400 you have $50 Carol and we'll be back in a minute to tell you about our next guest stars on password but right now let's watch this terrific idea for a teenager on your gift list yes next week our new contestants will be playing password with our guest stars will be two great favorites of yours and mine television comedy star Dorothy Lowden and our good friend one of your all-time favorites Gary Moore Gloria come back will you anytime you ask me Good Luck Take Her She's Mine you're a great guy back to play password with us we'll see you all next week or Thursday or tomorrow on daytime password until then this is alen lon saying the password tonight is only there's only one word for us on password to pass on to you our audience on this day the word of course is thanks so long see you tomorrow passord has been brought to you this evening by spy Bell Crystal Flex so flexible you can even tie it in a knot and by the all new spell Lady Crystal FL with a new with of fashion Elegance this has been a mark Goodson Bill Codman Productions this is Jack CL the contestants on this pre-recorded and edited program were selected and interviewed in advance
Views: 214,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Classic Gameshows, Allen Ludden, Betty White, Classic TV, James Stewart, Gloria Stewart
Id: BvPhl3QcInU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2016
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