PASSWORD 1962-01-23 Pat Carroll & Johnny Carson

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this is the delightful stage and television comedian Pat Carroll thank you and this is my partner Fergus curry from New York City this is the comedy star and popular emcee of who do you trust Johnny Carson thank you and this is my partner Marino Shea from Detroit Michigan and we're all here to play password yes it's password brought to you this evening by new Bluebonnet margarine the margarine that looks like cooks like and tastes like the high-priced ray Neil Bluebonnet and now here's your host on password Allen lemon good evening welcome to password we're very happy this evening to have as our guest Pat Carroll hello mother hello father heart I'm fine it's good to see you again and Johnny Carson good to see you Johnny Thank You Pat sir I watched you on the Danny Thomas show it looks like you're going to have a baby yeah we aren't sure which season but you're going to be on it next season though well it looks like if the baby doesn't ride this season we'll have to wait until it comes well believe me when your honor that's a happy well thank you it's a wonderful show to work on a good show good to have you here tonight this gentleman here on your right mr. Fergus curry bite tight name is a debating coach at Queens College oh it is a debating coach well past we debate intercollegiate this year the question is resolved that labor unions should come under the jurisdiction of antitrust legislation what do you think about fencing yeah it'll be a pretty good password player I think with all those do you mind if I call you forget that sounds kind of stuffy fun very good love of you and Patti good luck to you Johnny yelling you know you really work both sides of the street on who does good trust you're here and then on to tell the truth you're there which you prefer the panel or the moderators position well I like loads of Mawlid I like sitting down tonight you like sitting down yeah so I know why you should be particularly happy because look at this pretty girl on your left if you're sitting next isn't she lovely though yeah you know her name is Maureen O'Shea's you know but yours are living in several ways she's a secretary for an advertising agency she writes topping for them in occasion she sings well it's nice to be on the game with somebody from the advertising business if they have words that nobody else knows at all well that may help you alone maybe she'll sing a few for you all right let's play password I'll tell you how I do it I give a password now a copy of the password back Carol the very same password to Johnny Carson and while they're looking at it you folks at home should look at it the password is about to be all right now everyone knows the password except Pat's partner here Fergus or Fergie Curie and Johnny's partner Maureen O'Shea we're going to keep the password up on the screen while we play the game and I explained the object of the game you see only using only one word Pat now girl but you've got to do is make Fergie or say the password to Johnny your object is to make Maureen say the word not I mean that gets the word is the one scores ok back for 10 points give Fergie your first clue and see if you can get him to say that password steadies we go Fergie lows um her to me is aloes about arms like a thing is that one battery setup I always am is it sad what happened Johnny there we have to look at the word all right you did it you did it that means it's Garth's and ten for Patsy nothing for Johnny's Johnny's team but he's hardly had a chance 25 points wins the game in the East game before $250 now the chance to win for money in the lightning round the lightning rod you know is kind of a hectic race against the clock which I think you're going to enjoy y'all said Johnny I'd like to do something good luck let's see what you do this time you're ain't going to be in your shirt at the end because I give the password to Fergus and Lorene and as they look at it you look at it the password is allowance all right Maureen Johnny wants to play this thing see if he can do as well first who's worth 10 points miss yours easy money you've heard that dollar money dollar no nine points furgus child he's got a lot of rich kids money what if money has to do with a child yet paint me child five six aha I don't know a child up with loading the name a friend infant no eight coins for a dancing allowance honey how to do it ajar yes I do indeed there is play one thing when you hear this song it means that your clue has not been accepted by our authority dr. Reeves Mary Goodwin who is an editor of the forthcoming World Book Encyclopedia dictionary and he'll if you hear that says I know you don't want to hear them yeah all right fat have a password Johnny same password and as they look at it to see what they're going to do with it see what you do it is password you suspect to come okay Pat first lose yours worth 10 points go where you going five seconds glasses oh if you're all that all right all right all right a glass is eyes I see what you mean but that's all right nine points Johnny spectacular oh I'm sorry that's not allowed if the clue has been forfeited a point that it's not not now I cut that Colosseum Mexico okay explain why spectacular was ruled out by our good judge we cannot use any form of the word any word that is within the word or anywhere that includes the word I follow me well Johnny I almost said it myself where the judge I'd like you meet him after the show in the meantime it's me you have to contend with but Johnny yeah have heart they have only 18 points and you have a all right Fergus Maureen has a password as they look at it you look at it the password is Lucas okay Maureen if you gave him he's got it on his first fool you two play time Gorby side first who's worse than foot good nice oh that's a good risk fine just not the right one nine points Fergus fortune you're not moderating tonight five seconds left for 25 I I'm sorry time is up 8 points for a good look [Applause] feel better Johnny the years of self-denial okay good luck to you both I give the password to Patna Johnny as they look at it you look at the password is coming all right careful mother oh we're defense all right dyes take of the word not our face five seconds sexy I hear you I don't have to get the word or not nine points Johnny where have you been debating Fergus going she's very good [Applause] sighs honey v I oh well everyone that means you did it Maureen you did it you just scored over 25 points which gives you $250 it's dense picked up for money not lightning round let's see how much you can get in one minute your partner this very bright guy Johnny Carson here is going to give you clues to five passwords one of the time and every password if you get is worth $50 both of you but so as quickly as you can and Johnny if you see your clues aren't getting through you know you can move along to the next word all right you must do it although and only one minute here's the first word go scared you phrase the question mafia Dan here's Curt automobile car hat chauffeur forget it booze liqueur olive martini done yeah tonight [Applause] city/town a middle radius nice dumpy mooring motel middle target oh alright I'm going to give you the word you missed the first word you missed that mafia clue was good he wanted hood then he was going for motel and I'll tell you what I'm going to do Maureen I'm going to give it to you fifty dollars there's believe that we shall say Center was the last word giving you a total in your lightning round Maureen of a hundred and fifty dollars plus two hundred and fifty dollars for your game Maureen okay you now have four hundred dollars and if you go that completes our first game but Maureen you and furgus security here can still win more money because both you will be playing password for the entire show tonight so the more games you win the more money you win so let's begin our second game by asking you if you will marine to switch partners don't even play with Patsy Fergus over here with Johnny [Music] all right let's play a new game you ladies know each other yes we sure do we have a blonde and a redhead over here I must say that Pleasant have two finalists crew cut men over here you're acquainted you know one of them okay here we go password goes half and Johnny and as they look at it you join them that's right is God okay Johnny good luck first lose worth 10 point would wide bra [Applause] Thank You Pat for what sex we walk again but you played it though right it was very good the way you didn't alright you see when you worry about something it never happens all right Maureen you have the password this time Fergus has password as they look at it you join them to password is franken all right Maureen birth blue is yours worth 10 points Sinatra Frank better at a time here you all are going on the ten point one that's pretty good I don't we don't usually have that happen than password all right let's see what happens on this one password goes to Johnny and Pat as they look at it join them the password is Chum Finland okay that's a good word Johnny ten point buddy pound buddy pal friendly but not right nine points that three partner friends partners no eight points Rajani close brother close brother well it followed but not right seven points what are you doing I'm when you're practicing one of those looks it won't work I'm cogitating because this is five let's play e5 sorry nation friendly relation will that's a nice thought that's not right six points done five seconds keep together pal hell no it's not sell my boy that conf rare hmm I don't take it back all right I'm not partner loses hands oh cool fresh ones are companion companion no four points John again buddy if you want to think that my buddy my my nitro Ulysses my phone my three point set five seconds childhood good sweetheart fathers we are no two points Pat Ajani my buddy Vic flu you're just in a rut that's up kid buddy kids oh one point Pat sounds like a title the song close five-second sorry friends know it's close friend is true it's jump very good hi buddy friends know that's a rough one well you had all the near word didn't quite make it and you use the word don't you whip it all right marine you got a password there new ones burdens you have a passport is up yes chronic as they look at this new password you join up on the password is cool Oh first clues were a 10-point for een and I'll bet you do it chicken fat into the knowledge which they call me sometimes furgus 90 [Applause] Carol we're going to say officer we'll be back with more password but first let's listen to this and we have a password game going right here with a score sending Kim four packs team 19 for Johnny's password goes to John cat and Johnny and as they look at it you look at the password is comes economy I like that word geez ten points at first close your speed awkward clumsy lovely cool very neat very congressional you're very smart you know that will that make up for chicken fat it'll help all right mari you and Fergus has a fast word now and as they look at it to see what they're going to do see what you do the password is rendezvous all right Fergus they have 20 you have 19 first foods worth 10 could give you the game meaning I won't even ask what you are doing you old dog clandestine meeting clandestine well nine point nine points the Maureen lovers assignation no 8-point burgers you got it all right I think I started secret yeah yeah one of you and I had what you said you said meeting rendezvous very good very good that's a flip of a very literate man but you might remember he has a lot of great but hey all right that gives you first I don't know why you looked at me like play games with one of everybody all day every day all right 250 dollars for you Fergus for playing bass for winning that game and a chance to take up more money the lightning round you know how we play certainly doing okay you have to do it all in only one minute here's the first word go watch winter a jam of red orange marmalade kisses dog camp prison Elvis beagle how let the gods mother-father that doesn't visit ya free yeah you've got 25 second leader ah follower yeah ah sure are you still going yeah that's why I go back always tell me you've done more of this than I am I give a clue I give it to do if you were in my position you were playing a word that wasn't up and then you said the words it was that's what would you give him the whole smear I'd award him the money all right that's what I'm going to do two hundred and fifty dollars to the lightning round the last word was always and you earned it all right that's two hundred fifty dollars Fergus for the lightning round plus two hundred and fifty dollars for the game giving you a total for this game of five hundred dollars and all the more games to win the more money you win so let's play a third game by asking you if you will to return to your original partner all right we're going to we're going to have we have very little time left so I'm going to play a little game here that we like to do just because it's a great test of our celebrity guests here I'm going to give the password now to Pat Carroll I'm going to ask her to see how quickly she can get Johnny to say the password if she looks at it you look at it the password is alright Steven get up there the first clue hey what did you say have EFC and EFV just a very good clue in a very quick mind a password I'm going to give it this time to Johnny as they look at it as he looks at it you look at it the password is huge all right I'm sorry the sign is up they tell me the time is up I was wait from a bell the word is very nice you know we'll be back in a minute and fed you a button to tell you about next week's guest stars on password but right now please look at this message all right let's see what we've done tonight Fergus Curie with $500 over here Maureen O'Shea with $400 over here both of you playing very well I must say and thanks a lot next week we'll have two new contestants to play password with our guest stars will be next Tuesday night Dorothy Collins and Bill Collins a real pleasure - you're great password player look for you at any topic okay thank you Johnny you're good on both sides the street looks for you on this side of the street under who you trust thank you a lot of fun come back to see us we will see you I hope next week at the same time or tomorrow for the daytime password and most of these CBS television stations until then this is Allen Ludden saying the password tonight is parties our friends tell us the password is a good game to play at party why don't you try it salon fee tomorrow this has been a mark Goodson bill Todman production [Applause] this is jackpot contestant on this pre-recorded program list select hitman in review it in the bank [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Views: 23,762
Rating: 4.889401 out of 5
Keywords: Classic Gameshows, Allen Ludden, Betty White, Classic TV, Pat Carroll, Johnny Carson
Id: kmfRqnG6-Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2017
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