Passover- Your Breakthrough into Protection and Freedom!

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go lie lie lie lie well Baruch Hashem blessed be the name of the Lord thank you for tuning in today as we celebrate together Hashem the Lord's Passover which is relevant for all of us which is relevant for all of us people both Israel and all that believe in the God of Israel through his son Yeshua Jesus the Jewish Messiah and the savior of the world Baruch Hashem well I've been preparing for tonight and just looking to the Lord asking him to reveal himself and one of the scriptures that came to me is from the book of Revelation where John was on the island of Patmos and suddenly unexpectedly he had not been thinking that something was gonna happen but suddenly the Spirit of God broke into his life and he said he saw a door opened in heaven and as I was meditating not long ago that scripture came to light for me and so I want to declare to you Church his beloved ones but there is a door open from heaven in your life right now father God in Yeshua's name in Jesus name we just acknowledge we recognize we honor and appreciate that you are here right now and that there is a door open for each and every one that is tuning in to this broadcast that there's a door that is opened directly from you through Yeshua through through King Jesus into the heavens father God our hearts are open Father we recognize our me tonight father we come to you tonight crying and thirsty father we need more revelation we need an impartation of your strength father we ask you to touch us with your glory through the blood of the Passover lamb King Jesus Yeshua we worship you tonight as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world father we declare tonight that it was Jesus the true Lamb of God that delivered the children of Israel from Egypt 3,500 years ago and it's that same Yeshua it's the same Lord Jesus the Messiah of Israel and the savior of the world that is here and present with all of us tonight to deliver us from bondage and to bring us in to the promises of God beloved I want you to know tonight that the scripture tells us in the brick had Ishod the New Testament that the things that have been recorded for us in the Tanakh the Old Testament and in the Torah the five books of the Pentateuch Paul said they were written not only for Israel not only for the bloodline of Jacob but also the scripture says for us Jew and Gentile that have come into a relationship with Hashem with God and that these things that are recorded in the Torah were written for us upon whom Paul said the end of the ages has come and the Passover that literally factually and historically happened for Israel approximately 3,500 years ago when they were delivered from the blood of the lamb for the oppression of Egypt in the Pharaoh of Egypt but that same concept of deliverance oppression is being imparted to you and I tonight that are being oppressed by Satan the fear of this world and that we are being delivered from this world into the promised land who is Yeshua himself that brings us in Baruch Hashem to all the promises of God welcome tonight I want to welcome my wife Cynthia that she's here with us tonight we're working through limited means as we're all here at home tonight I know you're watching from home and Cynthia so good to have you I've been looking forward to this you know we haven't been able to gather together and so it's so exciting that here we are now gathered together in spirit and in truth we really are gathered together in his name it's exciting real question if you're here beloved I want to encourage you just to write in on Facebook let us know where you're from any thoughts comments we love to see people participating because it lets us feel connected even though we're not physically in person you know for many years I've been preaching about the danger of social media and how people get addicted to Facebook and and you've heard me those of you that follow my teaching ministry perhaps you've heard me many times in the past talk about how I believe the devil is drawing people out of their inner space where Yeshua lives the Bible says Christ in us the hope of glory glory that the Lord lives on the inside of us in our soul through his spirit but Satan is using social media to draw individuals out of their own space out of their own inward habitation into the outer world and so an example would be that when you go to a restaurant perhaps you've observed this like I have you look around the restaurant and rather than people talking to the person that's sitting right in front of them in their physical space in the restaurant right at their own table instead what's happening is that people in the restaurant they're looking at their phone and they're texting somebody there on their smartphone they're talking to somebody in cyberspace rather than dealing with the relationship that's right in front of them and so Satan is drawing people out of their own soul where the spirit lives into cyberspace into this illusional and deceptive reality where the enemy lives to separate them from themselves to be reprogrammed by this deceptive reality of darkness and and and the point is is that that cell phones and smartphones and cyberspace is used being used by the enemy I believe it's his biggest tool in this generation to take people out of their inner space where God lives but in this situation God is using the tools of Technology right now between you and I on this Facebook light Baruch Hashem to build this Kingdom so what the devil means for evil praise God God gets the Trump and uses it for good I want to thank you for joining me tonight just looking at my phone here we've got two people from all over the Earth from Texas I'm seeing from new what is that NC North Carolina we're going on different part Florida different parts of the world thank you for writing in letting us know who you are where you're from from Ohio our home state Newport Beach California all over the earth thank you for joining tonight well as I was thinking about our time together my first my heartbeat is to bring something that's real that's a now word from God that doesn't just stimulate people for an hour or over long as Facebook live lasts but truly speaks to people's hearts where Yeshua where Jesus wants to speak to us and so let's just pray father God we just acknowledge right now in Yeshua's name in Jesus name that Abba got you're here that you're the god of the present you're the God of the now but father you come or you're welcome we're your honored and we're your celebrated and right now father we acknowledge your presence and your glory your lordship in this moment then father you reign in this space on the earth and we ask you in Jesus name father that your word would impart your life to our souls did you bring revelation deliverance and protection Jesus even as you did for the ancient Israelites 3500 years ago amen and amen I see somebody here from Puerto Rico and the list goes on praise God I want to begin by just kind of bringing ourselves back to a historical basis for where we want to go tonight Passover is really the birth of the nation of Israel before each before before the children of Israel were in Egypt there were 75 in number they came to Egypt they multiplied they increased so that by the time they were delivered from Egypt it's estimated there were approximately a million to 3 million gathered at the base of Mount Sinai where they received the Ten Commandments from Hashem so I really want to impact us all with the fact that Passover it's not a myth it's real in that Passover it's the oldest feast in the world that's been celebrated consecutively every single year without interruption for 3,500 years Jewish people have been able to stay together today United as a people despite the fact that they were scattered to all the nations on the face of the earth it was only in 1948 that Jewish people in masse started making Aliyah started returning to the Land of Israel they were they were dispersed from 70 AD when the temple was destroyed Jewish people were dispersed just as the Torah said they would be beloved ones to all the nations in the world living all over the earth and yet despite the fact that they were separated by geographical space by language by culture despite that they remained intact as a nation because they shared a common memory they shared the memory beloved children of God a Passover that God delivered them from the land of Egypt they remembered that they celebrated that they clung to that it's unexplainable you know Mark Twain the famous author he said what is true about the Jewish people is beyond explanation he said every other people group through the course of history has come and gone the Babylonians the Persians the Medes they come and gone but the Jewish people have remained intact flourishing prospering still here on earth after all these years United together in spirit as a nation and the only explanation for that beloved one is that Passover is a real fact that the memory of it has not been forgotten that it's been established in the Jewish soul all over the world and because of the reality of it has been clung to and has been retained and so tonight children of God all over the world you are joining together with Jewish families here on the earth in a real tangible way in Israel in America in South America all over the world you are joining together tonight to celebrate Passover and the reason that we're celebrating this together Jew and Gentile one in Messiah is because the Brit hadashah the New Testament tells us that Passover is not just applicable to the physical nation of Israel it's not just applicable to the physical descendants Abraham Isaac and Jacob but it's applicable for everyone that has come into a relationship with the God of Israel through the Jewish Messiah King Jesus Yeshua you see the New Testament begins with John the Apache on the Apostle but John who is baptizing at the Jordan River John the immerser it begins with John's proclamation over Yeshua when he came to baptize when he said shortly after Jesus baptism behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world John the immerser John the Baptist said he must increase and I must Inc decrease John said for this purpose I've come to bring people to a place of repentance to prepare them to follow the Messiah Jesus the Lamb of God the new testament is based upon the fact that Jesus is the fulfillment of the ancient celebration of Passover Paul said in first Corinthians chapter five verse seven that Yeshua King Jesus has become our Passover and to fully receive him we must take out the all the old leaven Paul said that's repentance which is the message of John the Baptist preached repent for the kingdom of God it's the same message that Jesus led with repent for the kingdom of God is at hand that we must repent taking out of our lives and out of our hearts those things that separate us and hinder us from pursuing God so that we can fully enter in to God's kingdom I know that I'm bringing a lot of heavy weight let me just take a break and lighten it up I'm looking at my facebook now we've got people here coming in from all over the earth here's one from Ethiopia Ethiopia praise God here's one from Trinidad this is this is amazing Baruch Hashem I mean these are from all over the world we've got them without a thousand point six people tuning in right now it's just awesome to celebrate Passover with my brothers and sisters from all over the earth you know it's interesting today our ministry discovering the Jewish Jesus it may not be those popular ministry on television in fact TPN they just they started they discontinued the broadcast of discovering the Jewish Jesus we might not be the most popular ministry on the earth but beloved the people that are tuning in are solid believers that are serious and what's interesting is that what I'm proclaiming right now 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 and 8 says take out the old leaven for Christ our Passover has been sacrificed when Paul said take out the old leaven what he was saying was repent get those things out of your life that are hindering you from the kingdom of God John the Baptist led with the message repent for the kingdom of God is at hand Jesus's first message was repent for the kingdom of God is at hand but you see a lot of the popular TV ministries today they don't talk about repentance all they talk about is how God wants to bless you how you could have your best life now how God wants to bless you financially and in all and that's true neither one's to bless us but the problem is is that many of these ministries they don't talk about the requirement of repentance father God said repent Jesus said repent Paul said take out the old leaven so I want to encourage us tonight as we enter into this Eva Passover if there are things in our life beloved ones that we know are wrong that our conscience has been telling us even for some time now that this is wrong and maybe a relationship that you're in that you know is immoral and maybe the things that you're watching on television reps are addicted to pornography tonight God's been talking to you know they're wrong beloved we have to root them out of our lifes Paul said take out the old leaven for Christ our Passover has been sacrificed the scripture says if we go on sinning willfully let me say it again if we go on sinning willfully knowingly after receiving a knowledge of the truth there no longer remains a sacrifice for our sins but instead a fearful expectation of judgment so this invitation tonight it's both a glorious invitation that contains the mercy of God but it's also a stern warning that if the Lord has been speaking to us in our conscience about things in our life that we need to forsake and turn away from we need to take that seriously the Lord is warning us if you go on sinning willfully after receiving a revelation of the truth and what could happen is that the Lord will remove his presence from us and we end up getting trapped in our sin with the only thing left being an expectation of judgment I don't want to scare anybody tonight the truth is that Christ died for us Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners if we had to be perfect to receive God's salvation nobody could be saved Christ died for us while we were yet sinners but when we come to that revelation and realization of Yeshua Jesus being crucified for our sin and we get overwhelmed with the love of God for us we have to respond to that by forsaking our sin to follow him this is why Jesus said unless you pick up your cross and follow me you cannot be my disciple you see Israel when they were delivered out of Egypt of the blood of the Passover lamb they had to follow they had to follow the pillar of fire by night and the cloud of day if they wouldn't have followed they would have been left to die in the wilderness there's something that we have to do you see the Lord when we look at the ancient Exodus experience deliberate Israelite of Egypt by the blood of the Lamb he brought them to the sea which we know he parted but get this church Moses had to stick out his rod over the sea for the sea depurate Moses had to do something for the seat apart and so this is both an admonition tonight for you and I to live seriously for the kingdom of God or not of this world jesus said if all men speak well of you woe to you for thus they did to the false prophets but on the other hand if we're going to be serious about God we need to understand there's a price to pay to follow him to follow out the path of Passover who is king jesus jesus said again all the desire to live godly and me will be persecuted if they persecuted me they will persecute you it's being separated from sin it's being separated from our culture it's meaning that we don't get our cues stay with me I'm gonna slow it down because I know I'm laying it on quickly here but we can't get our cues as to what proper morality is by the culture and perhaps tonight there are too many that are listening even right now and you have got your cue and I don't say this with condemnation I say with love and forgiveness but you're getting your cues of what is right and what is acceptable to God through the culture that we're living in rather than through the Word of God we can't define proper morality by the culture because the truth is the culture it's going to continue to get more and more defiled it's going to continue to get darker and more and more confusing if we're gonna bow down to the culture and the pressure of being politically correct and fear being rejected by society because we don't want to take a stand with the Word of God that will disqualify us from entering into true freedom Jesus was a radical Jesus was a revolutionary beloved I want to encourage you to enter into the freedom that Passover promises we need to pick up our cross deny ourselves and follow Jesus and how do we follow Jesus we follow Jesus beloved by coming into alignment with the written word of God Jesus said the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life but to many even of us tonight our faith and our lifestyle isn't based on the written word of God which is the only accurate historical record we have of Jesus's words and will but instead our mindset is coming from the world and the Jesus that perhaps some of us are believing in tonight beloved children of God is not the Jesus of the word of God but it's the Jesus that we've invented in our own mind it's the Jesus of our culture and the Jesus of our culture that basically says that everything is ok that everything's all right that we should accept everything that's not the Jesus of the Bible that said straight-and-narrow is way that leads to life and few there be that find it now I know I could even feel it in my spirit that some are like disconnecting from what I'm saying because they're not willing to come into agreement with the straight and narrow way in the leads to life it feels like it's too much of a responsibility it feels like it's too much of a burden but here's what I would lovingly and humbly ask you to do go ahead and review this Facebook my broadcast right now and look up everything that I'm saying and compare it to what the Word of God says and I think that you'll find that 99% I'm only saying 99% because I'm human that 99% of what I'm telling you is written in the scripture it's written in the Bible in the Word of God Passover beloved is a celebration of freedom and deliverance but jesus said if you continue in my word you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free he said if the son shall set you free in the Gospel of John you shall be free indeed notice what Jesus said if you continue in my word where is his word his words in the scriptures the Scriptures define how we ought to live that we can't live for ourselves just using God the way that many TV preachers are using him to be like a magic Genie you know just up just believe in God and he's gonna you know give you financial prosperity and he's gonna bless you in your career and he's gonna give you the right mate and he's gonna do this and that the other without ever acquiring anything but Jesus said if you continue in my word my word not not making me a magic Genie that you just add to your life so that you can have the American Dream know if you die to yourself gyah said if you lose your life for my sake you shall find it you all my friends it's a different gospel than the gospel that's being preached today I remember years ago this was approximately 10 years ago I was pastoring a congregation and I had a dream one night and in this dream I just feel like I need to take a break because I've been talking so much I'm just concerned that all the words will begin to roll off your back like water off a duck's back so before I share my dream with you I mean you can invite Cynthia on here just to bless everybody and say hello to give us a little pause in a little break here that's good word it's a good word for us you know there's no victory without going into the the hard places and I know that just as Jesus died on that cross on that that wooden frame that he was on for our sins there was that place of sin being destroyed and that has to come before we're resurrected before we're delivered just like Yeshua and so to me this is an exciting word because there's always more and more cleansing that God's doing in our life so that we can get higher and higher into his victory so this is a word for all of us no matter where we're at there's more deeper places of cleansing of purifying so that we can just continue to rise up and be resurrected with Yeshua amen amen babe that's it so years ago approximately 10 years ago I was shepherding this congregation and I had a dream one night and in the dream beloved I was preaching and suddenly the congregation stood up and they said no there was a guy in the congregation he stood up he said we don't want to listen to you anymore and everybody in the congregation then stood up with their hand over their heart and started saying the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and they drowned out my preaching of the word of God so once again I'm in the dream I'm ministering the congregation somebody stands up and says they don't want to listen to you anymore and then the congregation stood up they put their hands over their heart and they started saying I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America they started saying the Pledge of Allegiance they drowned out the preaching of the word of God and I'm still in the dream now I was so humiliated in the dream that I walk out of the sanctuary and into the restroom I was so ashamed I was so humiliated and I said Lord what should I do and the Lord said go back in there and finish so I went back in and I finished the message and and and and the dream was over and I'm kind of abbreviating everything right now it bothered me so much that this dream and for the next several days I started praying about it I said Lord what should I do I mean what did I do wrong here that the people would stand up and and and just interrupt me in the middle of the message and I said Lord where if I failed as a leader that there'd be such disrespect for several days I was so grieved about this praying about the dream and several days later I was in a hotel room I was getting ready to preach in a congregation another City and the Lord spoke to me intuitively in my spirit but I heard him beloved as as clearly as I am in the present moment right now and the Holy Spirit said to me said it wasn't about you being a weak leader when I was showing you is that people are not putting me first in their life they're just using me to accomplish the American dream they just are asking me to bless them so that they could have the American dream it's not really about me for them they're not really receiving my word they're just using me to accomplish their own agenda and so my friends I just want to encourage us tonight Paul said in first Corinthians 5 verses 7 & 8 clean out the old leaven get rid of the sin in your life for Christ our Passover has been sacrificed and so tonight Jesus is holding over your life the promise of deliverance of freedom of an inheritance of fullness that comes from a relationship with Hashem from a relationship with the God of Israel from his spirit but in order for you and I beloved one to enter into that relationship we must repent it happens little by little God is not asking us to you know everything all at once we get at a hundred percent perfect but I'm simply saying this to you and I tonight if there's something if there are things in our life tonight that God has been speaking to us about or perhaps the Holy Spirit is putting his finger on right now he's showing you repent from that thing you self-discipline turn away from that thing put boundaries upon your heart stop going that direction and follow me beloved now is the opportunity to obey Him so that you can enter into your own personal victory celebration and liberation a Passover there's so much more that I'd love to share with you tonight so many more things that I'd like to cover tonight I'll be doing another live face book on the last night of Passover Thursday February 16th 8:00 p.m. est with my greatest hero of faith on the earth right now Mike Bickle who started the International House of Prayer in Kansas City approximately 20 years ago he is just to me someone that has inspired me will be together live on Facebook once again Thursday February 16th 8:00 p.m. est beloved I want you to know there's a lot of phonies and fakes on the earth to me this man that I'll be bringing in with me is the real deal you're gonna be blessed I'm telling you you will be strengthened join me again a little over a week from today for that live Facebook post I'll be sharing more of what's in my heart that I don't have time to share with you tonight before we leave I wanna I want to share with you just a few announcements and then we're gonna take communion I'm gonna do it on behalf of all of us tonight and share with you so don't go away how communion is tied directly to Passover every time you partake of the Lord's Supper you're literally in the name of King Yeshua partaking of the Passover just a few brief announcements before we get to the communion tonight I've already shared with you that we'll be going to the live Facebook post on February 16th few other things some of you tonight we're perhaps tuning in because you wanted to participate in a Passover Seder if you want to see how to do a seder for yourself you can go to this Facebook site discovering the Jewish Jesus and on April 6th I posted two sermons they were to broadcast that I aired on television walking you literally step-by-step through the Passover Seder you can also go to YouTube and on YouTube they are thumbnail Daz experiencing the Passover and how Jesus fulfills the Passover you'll see the picture then both on Facebook on April 6 and on YouTube and the picture on the thumbnail the picture will be episode number one we'll be experiencing the Passover episode two how Jesus fulfills the Passover it will walk you through a complete Passover Seder so again it would like to invite you to participate if that's something that's in your heart to do some of it is biblical the biblical elements of Passover are the Carosa Thor the bitter herb the matzo the unleavened bread and the lamb which we use today is a shank bone the other other el the Seder a rabbinic but their beautiful tradition again you can find out about that on those two messages I also want to encourage you to sign up for our texting I literally text my community approximately once a week when I feel God has put something of value in my heart to share with his community that he has connected to me through texting all you have to do is go to hit the rabbi text me all will do is ask you for your phone number and name and when I feel inspired I simply reached out to you by text I love you to join me in that rabbi texting it literally for me it represents a way where I can communicate my authentic heart to the people that the Lord has connected to himself through the ministry that he has entrusted to me I'm also very excited any day now in Israel we're gonna begin broadcasting on Israel's first all Hebrew gospel channel we're just waiting it's gonna be launched every day any day now I want to thank you for supporting discovering the Jewish Jesus it's because of you that I'm able to do this broadcasting in Israel all these things cost money beloved ones everything that I do to reach people cost money so I want to thank those of you that are financially partnering with me for what you're doing you're helping God to reach the world through discovering the Jewish Jesus you know Yeshua said when his gospel is preached to the end of the earth then the end shall come the last words that you shew up before ascending to heaven what he said do my will my reward I'm coming quickly and my reward is with me creeks this gospel to the end of the world as the disciples were looking up into heaven as Yeshua was being raised up from the earth out of their sight into the clouds the angel said to those that were looking up into the clouds as Jesus was rising up into heaven before their eyes the angel said why do you stand gazing up into the sky this same Jesus will come to you in like manner but you go preach this gospel to the the world be his witnesses to the other ends of the earth through your support beloved you're helping God's kingdom come to the entire world if you feel move today to make an offering to the Lord a Passover offering through discovering the Jewish Jesus you can do that by simply clicking on the link that's in the description of your Facebook page here or go to it's because of you beloved that we're able to do what we're doing we're truly partners and we're all gonna be rewarded according to what we have done there's other ways you can give that's all available on our website I just want to take thank you for tuning in tonight beloved ones I want I'd like you to know I love you Cynthia loves you we thank you for allowing us to feel like we have fellowship tonight with God's people before we sign off we're saving this last moment for the most sacred part of our time together I am now gonna partake of the Lord's Supper on behalf of all of us as soon as I'm done perhaps you'll want to go do it yourself because it wasn't Passover that Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper Jesus gathered his disciples together in the upper room they were celebrating Passover together and Jesus took the matzo and as he broke the matzo he distributed to his disciples and he said take and eat this is my body broken for you every time you partake of communion you're actually celebrating the Passover Jesus is the Passover lamb of God 29 times the book of Revelation he is called the Lamb of God I'm going to talk about that on Thursday the sick the 16th of April on her live up Facebook time together in Jesus name Jibson take and eat this is my body broken for you during Passover you and then he took the wine or the juice and he said take and drink this is my blood shed for you in the New Covenant yuxuan your name we love you we take and drink beloved every time the you partake of communion you're actually participating in the Passover in Messiah Shi Yeshua's death and resurrection and ascension yes shall we do this together as your body you pray your last prayer in John 17 that we would be one king Jesus even as you are one with the Father and together with you he named Otto he named Otto nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein I he named I told he name I told lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie he named a tall woman are ye chamois Rockingham yo heart he named Tom on ahim Shelly Raheem Gallo card be called how good and how pleasant it is someone 33 when brethren dwell to gather be all how good and how pleasant it is when Brenda and well Shalom alaikum peace to you beloved ones god bless you coxsmith Happy Passover
Channel: Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider
Views: 45,258
Rating: 4.9315882 out of 5
Keywords: Passover- Your Breakthrough into Protection and Freedom!, Your Breakthrough into Protection and Freedom!, Passover, Breakthrough into Protection, Protection and Freedom, Passover- Your Breakthrough into, Passover 2020, rabbi schneider, Jewish Passover, Easter, Resurrection Sunday, Seder, Hagadah, Matzah, Afikomen, Rabbi Schneider, Discovering the Jewish Jesus, God, Jesus, Bible, Christ, Holy Bible, Rabbi Kirt Schneider, Kirt Schneider, Christian, preacher, messianic, Evangelist
Id: 9Inr9TBKb8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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