Find Peace Within The Storm

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he named Otto Naeem Chevy Rahim dhaumya HOD behold how good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together behold how good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together well Shalom beloved thank you for joining me tonight on this Facebook live as we're approaching here as the Sun sets the end of the Passover season it's a very important time in fact as I share with you last time we were together this feast the feast of Passover is the most ancient feast that's been celebrated consecutively consecutively every single year without interruption it's the oldest feast in the world we were supposed to be having Mike Bickle join us tonight I'm not sure where he is I heard from him earlier today told me he'd be here so hopefully he'll be popping up soon but I'm just gonna go ahead and minister to you the things that the Lord has put in my heart for tonight as we approach beloved ones the sunset tonight when Passover will end I want to pull out of the scriptures and from my own soul the principles that I believe we can apply to our life that we learn from Passover there's Mike joining us now god bless you Mike Bickle great to have you with us tonight my brother good to be here thank you thank you looking good my brother I'm gonna have my wife turn up the volume on this computer a bit so I can hear you looking good buddy I want you to know I'm thrilled to have you with us tonight Mike because you have been one of the greatest inspirational figures in my life about 15 years ago I was going through a very deep season in my life it was a difficult time and I came down to Kansas City to visit the House of Prayer there and my brother it was like an instant marriage when I experienced through 24/7 prayer for the ministry that God inspired you to launch my brother that ministry connected to my heart in a way that no other ministry had ever connected to me before in fact when I left there I was in the airport flying back my home is Columbus but have a congregation in Toledo and I said lord I don't care what it takes we're gonna start a 24/7 prayer room in our ministry called the Lion of Judah I was ready to sell my house liquidate my retirement savings and everything all my assets completely in order to fund this prayer room and got supernaturally open up the doors Mike and for 13 years now we've had 24/7 prayer we've had somebody literally in our building no line of Judah World Outreach Center 24 hours a day seven days a week and I launched it with only 45 people in the congregation they were I can't believe it I love your passion for you that excites me and this is where it's all about amen so I'm putting it down and it was just like Lord we have to do this and I got to tell you it was selfish because I I knew that I needed it I needed to be able to have a place to come 24 hours a day seven days a week I mean it wasn't just for me but it was like I knew I needed it and I knew that this was God's health for all those people as you say like a spiritual green house so what we did was I took 35 people from the congregation we paid for them remember we only had 45 we drove them down to Kansas City on a frigid winter night there were so many cars off the road that God in accidents because of the ice but we all got there safely they caught the vision we came back to Toledo three four days later and brother we got things in place and it's been going out for over 13 years I love it this totally encourages me thank you I love looking at you I love your face oh thank you brother that's good that's good to hear buddy it took a lot of courage to grow these pants yeah but you you're doing what you should be doing so I am behind you on it thank you brother praise God well Michael listen I know I know the Lord's been speaking to you during this season and tell me tell us what's not really kind of what are the deepest things in your heart right now that the Lord's been showing you that have been impacting you and that you'd like to share with all our viewers tonight well you know a lot of people are asking what is happening what is God saying it is in this Khurana buyers because obviously we got plenty of information from the new sources on the medical the political the governmental all of those things but the question our people are asking is what's the Lord saying is this thing from God or is it from the devil and I believe the answer is both I believe that devil is attacking God's agenda but the Lord is attacking the devil's agenda and so the Lord is saying a number of things in this not just one or two things but a number of things and one of them many are are celebrating and echoing and trumpeting the Lord is saying right is up my people rise up into the authority of Jesus and the authority of Yeshua and stand against this and rise up and mobilize and bring the kingdom forward but he's not only saying rise up he's saying bow down bow down and acknowledge my lordship bow down and repent of any compromise bow down and engage with me as the Lord of your life and touch my heart and learn from me and do it in my way and agree with me but he's saying more than that he's saying connect more with one another he's this is a time where the Lord is giving opportunity for families to be in the same house together some of them are not happy about that and but he's saying I want you to talk to each other I want you to connect and I want you to reconcile but not just reconcile this is time like right now soon calls all over the world so many I went my body to unify to talk to one another to know each other so he's saying rise up bow down connect more but he's even saying more than that I think he's saying shift your paradigms to the new testament kingdom perspective meaning and I'm not saying this critically but so many in the Western world and even beyond they have a temporal blessing perspective of Christianity there they think of Jesus as the one that delivers us from from the attacks on our temporal blessings our wealth in our health and he does actually he actually does but that's not his number one thing he's wanting us to understand his leadership he's preparing us to live for the age to come he's doing many things the New Testament Kingdom paradigm is eternity based eternity values the paradigm of the Father or Jesus I mean there you know the father Ed Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all together flowing together but uh he's saying I want you to interpret my judgments in a biblical way through the lens of love but I meant I'm removing everything that hinders love I'm not I'm not contradicting love in my judgments but actually they the biblical paradigm is I'm removing things that hinder love so don't resist my judgments don't be against them don't dismiss them but actually trusts my leadership I've been doing everything for the sake of love so those are a number of things that right off the bat that come to mind Amen my brother you know I remember as a young believer the Lord supernaturally appeared to me in my bedroom in Cleveland Ohio in 1978 at the age of 20 and as I tell me more about that I want to hear about that if you don't mind yeah absolutely so I was a very committed athlete growing up I wrestled I was a high school wrestler I think I looking back on it Mike it had to do with my identity you know it I felt safe and in control in that world and and did you win in a chat in ships or did you win some tournaments well I got to the place where I was I felt there wasn't anybody that I couldn't beat I think my senior year I'm 11 and 3 I know I know that you were a boxer boxer a boxer son and so you can relate to that world I did get a small scholarship to college I was a good wrestler I think I was just I was just coming in really to my own I was the only Jew on the team and looking back on that I felt that I mean there was definitely prejudice there so but that's that's not really the point the point is that but the lord appeared to you in 1978 wouldn't you say and what what was going on was when rustling headed for me I ended up dropping out of college I didn't know who I was anymore wrestling provided an identity for me a sense of purpose and when that ended it was like what's it all about Who am I and I didn't have a reason to live or passion anymore I began to search for something that was not going to fall in other words I said well you could probably be a great lawyer but I thought to myself but what will happen when you're 65 years old and that ends you'll feel just like you do now that wrestling ended so I would like like I'm 65 now so I get it I can keep going well you're too different play some fully you're looking up but at any rate I started looking into New Age religion I started reading a book called Audubon from a yogi by a guy named param and geoq Ananda maybe you've heard of him little man yes there are pictures in the book of him supposedly levitating off the ground and I said god I always believed in God I was bar Mitzvahed I wasn't like a religious Jew but I had a pure true faith I said God if this guy is really levitating off the ground I found my new wrestling this is what I want this is a higher reality than making money and I said to myself think how good you'd feel levitating off the ground so I'm in the middle of reading this book I had never thought about Jesus never considered Jesus Jesus Mike was as far away to me as the man on the moon right in 1978 in the middle of reading this new age book I was awoken from my sleep suddenly I was aware that I was aware it was a supernatural justice laces in color appear on the cross I could see the terrain I could see the people in the distance looking at him as he was being crucified just like I read about later in the New Testament that they did and then a ray of red light from straight to the sky beamed down in his head and when I saw that ray of red light come straight to the sky onto his head I knew it was coming from God because of the symbolism and I knew that God was showing me Jesus was the way to him even though I knew nothing about Jesus other than the fact that you know he was the person on the cross so that's how it all began Wow I love it I mean 20 years old that apps that is so amazing yeah so I started telling everybody about it and I knew a lot of people and eventually somebody said well you need to go get a new Testament so I went out and butter do tests when I started devouring it and one of the things that really I'm resonated with me getting to this coronavirus and responding to it as I read the New Testament and started attending churches is I realized that there were a lot of people in churches that only read the New Testament had never read the Tanakh and because of that in my view they came up with a very low view of who God was and it was almost like they were the way they were teaching and preaching was like God said everything he can and now the rest is all up to us or God somehow in the sky you know wringing his hands and hopefully you know we're praying that he wins and it was so repulsive to my my soul and my spirit I think you know you know I don't even know why isn't you you know you know there's one God and and and and and you know it just was something that I got very grounded and theologically during that period because of all the kind of low-level understandings of who God was it I was kind of writing the church and so I I have a very strong view of God's sovereignty now why do I say that because usually when we see something happening in the earth that's a crisis a hurricane a tornado a tsunami whatever it might be a virus a pandemic usually what happens is the entire world responds that God could never have anything to do with anything like that right that God could never cause harm that God would never you know cause somebody to suffer or even cause somebody to die but the truth is you know as well as I that when we read the Hebrew Bible God takes responsibility for a lot of bad things that happen in the world I'm gonna mow station we're in the Passover season right now who caused the hail to fall on the Egyptians during Passover who drowned all the Egyptians in the sea who caused the river to turn to blood who caused them to get sores on themselves now today in the churches the gal which we would say God would never do that you know but the truth is if we're gonna come up with that with that with uh with them fuller understanding of who God is we have to leave room for the fact of what Deuteronomy 4 chapter 4 says he's God in heaven above and the earth beneath yeah so we have to be looking as you were saying what is God's purpose in this because what is happening right now is not completely apart from God he's raining and he's moving the world in history towards his destination perfect I love it yours seems like you're reading the same Bible I'm reading well tell me what's happening with the with the International House of Prayer what's that what's happening in the prayer movement worldwide these days it's really well locally we're you know we're upholding the 10 people in a room but our prayer room is laid out in such we have like a 700 seat sanctuary then we have 15 side rooms that have glass doors that look into the sanctuary so we have two people in all 15 rooms and they're in separate rooms but they can see the through the glass doors of the stage the 700 seats are empty 7 on the stage a couple in the room the sound Tech and a couple prayer leaders mm-hmm and those 15 prayer rooms with two people in it they rotate when they come in the room to pray on the mic one of us goes out of the room and so we have thirty in rotation but only ten in the room at a time but we're keeping the 24/7 prayer and worship going in like we've been doing for 20 years and then outside in the parking lot it's a it's a wonderful thing that's happening it's that we're offering to pray the police station in Kansas City I mean literally the police called us and a couple of the top leaders in the Kansas State Police I mean the big police station you know I mean the police force and they called us on the phone and said hey if our policemen will drive through your parking lot and what prayer would you pray for them and we were oh my goodness are you kidding me and so and a couple of them said of the top leaders I won't give names or anything just because I just don't want to put them on the line but they said we want you to continue your prayer we believe in it and so a number of policemen are coming through the parking lot and our guys go out because we see them when they come in and we pray for them and speak over them and now we're offering it to our to others as well besides the police force come drive through the parking lot we'll pray and speak blessing over you and if we promise aye we're not calling it that but if we prophesy we prophesy and we bless you in etc etc so we're praying in the room and and in those 15 side rooms where we're praying out in the parking lot so we're going strong we're encouraged but globally the prayer movement the prayer movement is exploding the online thing it is remarkable I've been on several zoom calls and I mean with like literally over a million people participating like literally over a million and they are crying out to God and we're praying online to pray more family altars more prayer ministries in churches now that everything's shut down prayers going way up it's the enemy overplayed his hand he didn't count on this mmm amen amen God causes all things to work together for good that's the first thing over and over and over right there Romans 8:28 yeah yeah you know one of the things that's really grieving me right now is the the long-term effect of the social distancing we already know how social media people's smartphone devices is taking them out of relationship with each other to be connected to some pseudo reality out there in cyberspace which has created isolation and breakdown of true relationship amongst man and now with this whole fear that will be a long-lasting effect upon people's lives of you know being afraid to touch each other I'm not sure if you were watching of the news brief last night but one of our leading medical experts uh said here that he recommends that we never shake hands again I'm not sure yeah I missed that that's horrifying go ahead so I'm so so when I'm thinking about prayer I'm just praying that you know I've got children you've got children and grandchildren you don't want up in a world where people are separated from each other living in some isolation and some kind of darkness yeah I agree that the physical disconnect right now is is not good but the Lord has is moving still and causing people in homes and on even zoom calls etc they're talking to each other families are in a way they didn't before that part I like physical distance I don't like but but that's gonna be over and over while we're gonna be back together but I think a lot of relationships are gonna be restored a lot of ministries are gonna be unified a lot of people are talking to each other in a way that they didn't have time to before and the Lord is calling a timeout on being over busy so we can connect to him and connect each other in a deeper way amen I feel that as well well I wanted to talk about some principles that I think I can apply to my life and God's people can apply to their lives that we can derive from the Exodus and the Passover experience I've just got some short notes written down here I'm just gonna throw some things out comment sure by the way I want to say this the Exodus exes 7 to 12 is absolutely the template the Lord is using in his endtime Church so you're right bullseye you're right on target Amen well I don't know if you remember or not but you wrote a foreword to my book yes I'll use this you know the Exodus and the Passover to help you understand you know end times of course yeah and I love that and and do you know Dan gesture by chance I know of and I know a little bit yeah and he is doing the same thing but it is so clearly the template of the end time move of God is connected to the Exodus it's absolutely biblically they sing the song of Moses and the song of a lamb or on the throne at the very end amen it wasn't you know all that I mean I preaching I mean yeah yeah it wasn't until I discovered that paradigm that I thought I had any handle on the book of Revelation but that definitely helped me to get some some greater perspective on on understanding where the Lord is moving things and what that's going to look like it's such a beautiful thing you understand our faith from a Brea poor Jewish perspective well our faith is in a Jewish perspective us Gentiles we got grafted into the tree of Abraham so we're grateful for you guys for the Oracles of God the promises the covenants and everything else so thank you thank you thank you god bless you brother so I'm looking at a concept here that I see with the Exodus experience and that's the tension between God's sovereignty and man's participation and specifically what I'm referring to here is God part of the sea but it wasn't until Moses stretched out his rod and I think a lot of times we can get in a mindset where we have this really passive understanding of how God operates or we're just waiting for him to do something where oftentimes God is waiting for us to do something and he responds to what we do and this whole concept of understanding that the Lord is a person that wants to be in a relationship with us and he responds to what we do rather than just sitting waiting here if they can use some you know all-powerful God in the sky that's gonna do whatever he wants and we're just gonna sit here and hope yeah the way I've said it over the years is God initiates in his rasathi that in man responds and then God responds to our response very true he hadn't revealed himself to us first I'm also thinking about the fact that as Israel entered into the prom slannen God gave it over to them little by little they had to drive out the enemies one by one and little by little they inherited it and this seems to me to be very different than a lot of what we're hearing today which is basically God's gonna do this instant miracle in your life you know everything is going to go from a hundred percent bad to a hundred percent good overnight rather than recognizing that the reality is freedom is a process this process growing in power as a process it's on the process and to many people today are falling for these kind of like quick schemes like just do this one thing and everything's gonna be be all better I see the Israelites inheriting the Promised Land by driving out their enemies the scripture says little by little and I think that's what we as God's people need to understand is that what we're searching for we're going to enter into slowly it's a hard-fought battle only the people that fought hard entered into it and too many people perhaps are feeling discouraged because someone promised them a quick fix do this and you know you're gonna have your miracle you're gonna have your hundred thousand dollar job you're gonna be cured of this illness and they're being promised quick solutions and quick fixes rather than understanding the truth Jesus taught when he said if you continue in my word then you are truly disciples of mine and you'll know the truth and the truth shall set you free I think the verse I I'm doing this by memory so I could be off is it Deuteronomy 7 22 what to look what are you referring to them the little by little okay I'm having here let me check my own notes you'd better that's just the mind the verse that's in my mind I used to I've used that verse over the years by heaven for a while anyway it might be Deuteronomy 7 22 but the one preacher gave the analogy and he used that children's game mother mae-eye which I never played so I don't really remember the rules but it said mother mae-eye and and sometimes the mother said you could take giant steps or baby steps maybe I'm messing the game up I don't really know most of the kingdom is baby steps though there are occasional giant steps the problem is when we make giant steps the common or the or the rule of a kingdom instead of the exception then we build entire expectations around giant steps giant steps do happen they're rare but they do happen but we can't build a paradigm around giant steps because it is baby steps maybe I messed up Ben no that's very true and it is Deuteronomy 7 22 very true I mean I think about my early experiences where the Lord during those first few years I mean I mean powerful undeniable supernatural encounters that changed me forever and my goal became that if I was able to experience God's glory that powerfully for that instant during those early years why can I not always experience the glory of God to that same degree but the fact is is that God started out marking me with some huge breakthrough experiences but from there on out it's been little by little once yes yes that's it it's going up the mountain hard-fought victories I see awesome go ahead I'm I'm writing this down because you're giving me some good stuff I want to get down your mark by a few of the big events yes then it's the little by little that's really if we can I'm writing down your stuff cuz I'm gonna use it I'm gonna happen let's steal some of your stuff well I've got to remind myself when I get in those valleys I've got to remind myself of those big things because when the big things happen you know God's right there well when you're in a valley and it seems like nothing's happening then it feels like where is God and we've got to remind ourselves of those markings to keep being faithful and and keep ourself encouraged and keep putting one stuff in a club actually I'm going to takes I'm gonna write some of this down I love it thank you praise God well we had a difficult to put that to a more practical example we had a difficult scenario that we just entered into here not too long ago where IIIi believe Michael it was because of the pay us that I grew and so on and so forth we were released from one of the networks that we broadcasted on television through and it was a big hit I was prepared for it because I knew that growing the pace was going to be very controversial and that it could result in that but I was and why would somebody be troubled by that like what would be the point I think the point is is that they're looking for aesthetics and they think it probably doesn't appeal to maybe mainstream America my beard was a little bit longer then then perhaps you know mainstream America would misunderstand it and you know the goal of herons who cares about bed because you're trying to relate to people to win their hearts to Jesus I get it and brother we're simpletons I don't refer the president of that Network and I wouldn't run into the problem it's super obvious what you're talking about what you're doing amen thank you Michael so at any rate um I was prepared for it but when it happened it was a bit of a punch in the stomach and a few days later I got a text from one of our congregants that congregation that I used to shepherd it's the first time that the guy has ever sent me a prophetic word I know this guy for probably close to ten years only time he's ever reached out to me with a prophetic word so he texts me and he said rabbi listen I'm in the prayer room right now and I just read this scripture from the book of Isaiah they that wait upon the Lord shall rise up with wings like eagles they shall run and not grow weary and he said it right when I was reading that scripture somebody walked in the prayer room her name is Diane Schneider the same last name I have and she was wearing a t-shirt with an eagle so he said I felt like I was supposed to reach out and share this with you and to share with you the prophetic word that one of our intercessors had for you when we prayed for you two days ago and so he shared this with me and I was really encouraged by the prophetic word that this woman got when he called me he told me it was you know that the scripture popped out at me I felt I was supposed to reach out with you to you about it and as soon as I felt that this woman walked in the prayer room with the same last name as yours wearing an eagle on her t-shirt and this is the prophetic word that this woman got and Bay it's kind of personal so I won't go into it so I was really excited about the prophetic word and I wasn't really that excited about the scripture that he gave me I know that's a great scripture but you know I've heard that many many times oh the wait on the Lord scripture yeah yeah I mean it was good but it was like the prophetic word was a lot more precise she saw me running through a field with paths and she felt like it meant that there was gonna be a real fruitful end times ministry that God was gonna be releasing so that was like really personal but the scripture was encouraging but it didn't really like over-the-moon me but what happened I kid you not a few days later a bald eagle literally landed right in my backyard we got it on film so I'm just talking about so I was just talking about so a week after that I was alone one morning just feeling kind of discouraged you know isolated with the coronavirus wondering how I'm gonna reach all these people I was reaching on this network now just feeling kind of down and then I remembered that marked experience and it encouraged me to keep moving forward so just kind of reiterating what we were sharing there with a practical example oh it's that stay steady do the assignment and let some time pass the Lord will test you in the assignment you stay steady and you'll look back in a few years ago oh my goodness who would have guessed many doors will open you'll catch many people because you bore the stigma of obeying em when others didn't get it that's what will give you credibility down the road amen brother I'm not sure if you're comfortable with this but I was over at my daughter's house a little earlier today and I was sharing with her how I was going to be doing the space/time live with you and the inspiration that you've been to me and I shared with her a little of your history and I ops history with the Prophet walking into your church when you were passing out I love it go for it no I thought maybe you might want to share if you're comfortable maybe the most incredibly crazy prophetic encounter that you've ever had in your life one of these marked experiences that our people might be inspired by wow I've had I don't want to overstate this but I've had 10 or 15 really radical things related to some prophetic I was like Bob Jones of O'Kane it would be Wow the most you know the word is wild important radical which would be number one wow it's hard to say that but I just give you I'll give you one I won't say number one but because there's 10 or 15 I would hate to I just don't know how to rank them and that's not really what you're asking you're just saying hey sure whatever is in your heart to share but I remember when I it was in 1978 the same year you got visited it was October 1978 actually this was a very transformative encounter with the Lord this is before I met Bob Jones and Paul Katyn and those guys that it was a dream actually and in this dream I'd never at that point in time was 23 years old and I don't think that I've ever had a spiritual dream before that as far as I know this is my first one I think maybe one before you know in the 70s as you know not many people had spiritual dreams that I knew about that was kind of rare in the 80s a few and the nineties millions are having them but in the 70s it was extremely rare so I didn't even know how to interpret this because I didn't have friends around me and talked in the language of dreams and but anyway the Lord stood I was kneeling before the Lord of this dream and I looked at him right in the eyes Jesus I mean looked at him right in the eyes and he said to me your life you're saved but your life is wasted mm-hmm and and I was 23 years old I was a young pastor and I was reading the biographies of guys like Charles Finney a George Whitfield the great revivalist and Leonard Ravenhill praying and David Brainerd a job and Edwards and I was going I was leading daily prayer meetings nearly and I was going what and I and I'm looking at the Lord and I actually said to him in his dream vividly I go no you have the wrong person and I was needling and I was terrified that the word he said to me and then the spirit spoke he Jesus didn't say it he only said those two phrases then the spirit spoke you said it's impossible to manipulate the man Christ Jesus mm-hmm you'll never change his opinion on what he thinks in terms of his evaluation and I was stunned by that it came to me like an arrow hit my heart then a few moments later I said can I have a second chance to go back and live my life again and then the spirit spoke again like it's arrow again this was internal I didn't heard this audibly but he said the verse in Hebrews 9:27 it's appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment then the evaluation only did at one time as the idea I was weeping and I was regretting and I was sobbing I said no no was sets regret and I'm a kneeling and my t-shirt is wet with tears in this dream but I suddenly wake up I'm not in bed like I went to bed that night mm-hmm but I was actually a few steps away from the bed kneeling just like in the dream and my shirt was wet with tears just like in it I went what what how did I get over here what what just happened it was really like a visionary trance I had no language for it and then I sit there in great anguish and I said hard saved my life was wasted the first Corinthians 3/3 15 you know Mindy are saved as boh by fire but they have no gifts and everything was lost but they are saved and i said i don't know i i'm i'm i'm leaving regular permitting i'm going for a revival i'm reading biographies on giving generously to the poor and emissions I'm fasting regularly I mean not much but like once a week typing it I said I don't understand then he spoke to me maybe a half hour later or something and I was in great pain he said this is that dream or whatever it was it was more than a dream I'm delivering you from never having that conversation with me at the end of your life Wow and I went oh oh he says that's the conversation we to never have when I was so pained by it I'm 64 I've been hurt ago I said 65 because if you count nine months in the womb I am 65 anyway I'm 64 and that was 23 that was 41 years ago plus and I have thought of that encounter every day would be exaggerated thousands of times I've reenacted that encounter and I say Lord the thing I fear more than anything and I have several natural fears but the thing I fear more than anything in the human sense I mean I want to fear the Lord most but is they feel regret I don't want to have a regret on that last day that's the most terrible thing a believer could have is regret on that day so that would be one of the absolute top encounters I've had one or two others that would be like that but that would be right at the top wow wow wow wow so the UM series that um you put out a few years ago is sharing the IHOP history yes what is that series called it's our I call our prophetic history I gave right one time like did actually this September 2019 at our 20-year anniversary I gave 10 one-hour stories I updated I didn't change it but I gave I've given that history about seven or eight times in 40 years but I gave wasn't the one that was 16 parts wow that must have been 2002 I think I was on a long fast so I was a little bit dizzy and I actually read my transcript and I mumbled my words and mixed up phrases so I wanted to redo it I did it again on 2009 but didn't again 2019 in my most current one which I gave it when our stories of prophetic events angelic encounters audible voices all those things you know well I just want to tell my friends out there if you haven't heard this you should listen to this series the IAP history yeah the prophetic history is what I call a prophetic history of I help ya pathetic history of I huh I mean I remember a few of them that I just get such a kick out of them when the Prophet walked in yeah Bob Joe spring like day in the winter coat like he was in a blizzard yes strange word is you're a senior pastor of a successful church saying to you at God's you to begin a youth movement with people singing and praying and you were like Fanta I want that it's a step backward in the whole history of um yeah well it's a law yeah yeah you came in it was like 60 70 degrees I can't remember it been that one for ten days he came in with a winter quote and overalls on cuz he would he sprayed trees he grew up in the hills of Arkansas he's dead he was a street a tree sprayer I don't know what you call that but he came in with kind of overalls over not even clean and as with this accent like a lot he goes the winters coming again this is a prophetic sign and it actually happened what he said and he said you're not a senior pastor you're a youth pastor but you're not mature enough to be that youth pastor for many many years and I said what I'm not a new pastor cuz oh oh yes you'll be a youth pastor when you finally grow up one day and you'll leave 24/7 worship and prayer and I said get out of my office I didn't say that but I thought it because he was about sixty and I was 27 and okay but it ended up he was right and many of the things he said came to pass well that's what's so incredible about it is these aren't just words there are so many people getting words today but the fact that this incredible movement came to pass is what gives it validity you know I'm thinking Michael about the story that you've just shared when the Lord spoke into your heart he spoke is word into your heart and now that's impacted you all these years and I think about an experience that I had where in the middle of the night one night it was like the Lord was was was was a puppy and there was a river literally a river of fire flowing from the Lord into my soul then circling back from my soul to God it was like a river that was circling from the Lord into my soul back to the Lord the Lord into my soul back to the Lord literally a river of fire and inside the river was his voice and this is what he said seize my word and don't let anything else in and that that happened to me probably 20 years ago and you know what I'm still grieving over it because I think about it you constantly you know you know all you know but I know that I'm not as successful as I need to be doing it you know there's no kid I understand but that's but that that's yeah I'm just thinking about you know these marked experiences where we literally hear the word of the Lord spoken to us and then just you know calling out to him and asking for help and mercy to fully obey the thing that we know he told us and so father I'm just asking right now on behalf of all of us all of your people Lord all these chosen ones tonight that love you Father God that have heard your voice and father God perhaps or even feeling a guilt or shame tonight because father we feel that we haven't fully obeyed we ask you Father God for help tonight father God we ask you for everything that we need got to walk out your will for our life and we think about father what David said that your gentleness made him great father we want to thank you for your gentleness towards us and your grace towards us but we don't want to use it as an excuse to be lazy so we asked Abba God tonight on this last Eve moving into the end of Passover they would release into our inner man into our souls daddy that which will equip us to go father got up that next mountain of victory in you in a way father God that would truly bring you glory and please you in Yeshua's name brother I want to thank you for my friend tonight father this man that you've used in my life for so many years to inspire me and not just me father God my family father got my wife the congregation that you gave me to Shepherd other those that have heard me speak about this 24/7 prayer movement before father we just want to bless what you have done father God with Kansas City I hope God the International House of Prayer there oh my god we pray that you continue to raise up young people that you continue to call them in from the north the South the east and the West those that are truly called father got to keep the torch listed lifted high to keep father God the flame burning until your return and father we feel like as we've been in the season of isolation and father hearing the constant bad news of the disease and the death and the economy father it's just giving a taste of what you told us in your work we're going to be moving into as we approach the end of the age and father before we believe that theologically and we rejoiced in it because you said that when we see these things we should look up because our Redemption draweth nigh we say yeah bring it on we said Lord but now that we're in it we feel a sense of how hard it's gonna be so father we asked you to help us God to to make those changes that we need to make in our life so that we can stand and be prepared prepared as we move deeper in to the end of the age and that father God is the powers of darkness are intensifying in the world that the power of the Ruach adesh would continue to emanate through our life more and more powerfully even as Mike said at the beginning of the broadcast the enemy has a purpose but the purposes of God trumpet father your word says that he that's born of God overcomes the world father we pray tonight for all those that are tuning in right now and for those that will tune in my command ask you to take over now please yes I'm gonna I'm gonna give it just one little phrase Bible verse and then I'll pray and then maybe we will just bless them and be done with this but it's the verse it's the Exodus miracles that you talked about a few minutes ago because the endtime move of God the template is the exes miracles that Mike is 7:15 it's a verse that's not real popular the Lord says in that day speaking of the end times I will do the miracles that I did in Exodus and the times of Moses so the exis miracles are prophesied to happen again in exit 7:15 but that's not my main point a couple verses later the Lord says I will reveal myself as the God who delights in mercy which is what you just prayed so in the end time great move of God the Lord is going to show himself the prophet Micah said there's no god like you there's no one like you who delights in mercy he doesn't just offer mercy He loves to give it it's in his heart he loves to see what happens in us when we discover the mercy is real and free and abundant we go oh my god and the father it's these are my words it's like he says I love that I delight to do this and to wow you with Who I am and so I'm gonna pray Lord all that are hearing right now I ask the day would have a revelation of Micah 718 that you delight in mercy Lord even in the generation where things are escalating the negative in a positive but the great miracles of Moses won't happen again before you return and I thank you that you delighted mercy in Yeshua's name amen amen my brother amen you know I think about an episode I had in my life that was a bit of a crisis experience I don't know about a decade ago but I was out one night with my dance team I used to travel to uh speak in churches on Sundays and and I brought the Stan's team with me and it was a frigid cold winter night and we got to administering in this congregation and there was a great time of ministry and after the time of ministry I was taking down I'd must have had a table display up of some sort and as I'm taking everything down all the son the husband of one of my dance troupe members runs in the building and he said my wife just fell in the parking lot somebody come out and help her and I was just like lord she just got done dancing for you and it was an elderly woman and you know she was kind of frail you know her bones were pretty exposed and I was just thinking about her falling on the ice in that parking lot and I said lord I don't understand I mean I know that you can cause all things to work together for good but I'm having a hard time believing that you know you were responsible for her falling she just got done dancing with you father why did you not keep her from falling you know the word says you give your angels charge over us and I said Lord I'm seeing so many people around me that are naming your name they're naming the name of Yeshua and they're talking about you they're going to congregations but it just seems like their lives are being marked with defeat and that isn't meant as a criticism but and it's I'm not referring to it like a temporary font but just like you know just constant you know trouble you know constant you know just defeat in their life many realms and I said lord I don't understand it because your word says we should be walking in victory but we've been raised with you that were seated in heavenly places of a God that done that there's abundant fruit coming from our lies that you're you're answering a request and when I look around at the people that that are naming your name it seems so often I'm not seeing what your word says to be true being manifested in their life and father I don't understand it and I said until I have an answer for this I'm not going to be able to go on in my own walk because if you're not doing it for them I said how can I trust that you're gonna do it for me right and so I just was well it wasn't like I was backing out of my faith but it was just like saying lord I can't go further until I have an answer for this and so I just in my heart positioned myself there there was a sadness there but at the same time I had a confidence that God was gonna answer me so a few days later I'm coming out of an appointment I get in my vehicle and suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke to me clear as a bell I didn't hear with my ears but he spoke in my soul and it was crystal clear audible clarity and he said to me the reason that you're seeing my people falling is because they're not trusting them but here's what I wanted to say when the Holy Spirit said trust he said the reason you're seeing my people fall is because they're not trusting me but when he said the word trust the word trust was full of the word cling they're not clinging to me in other words I didn't just hear the word I understood what the Holy Spirit meant by the word it was full of life and meaning and he was saying they're not trusting me meaning they're not clinging to me so I'm right I'm writing this down I love this like clinging and trust by lying to me clinging to me and and it really helps us I think as a people to understand that if we want to bear a lot of fruit if we want to be successful as it's gonna become more and more difficult to be successful you know the scripture says as you know Michael as well as I do in the last days difficult times will come it's not going to get easier it's going to become more call if we're gonna be successful church beloved children of God we're gonna have to cling to God we're gonna have to be like Moses that said unless you go with me I'm not going when we wake up in the morning we need to recognize that apart from the mercy and grace of God anything could happen in our lives we could become bit than everyday and so I say that as we close this time now taking the Lord's Supper and because Yeshua instituted the Passover with the Lord's Supper and Yeshua said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in yourself he that eats my flesh and drinks my blood has life in himself and I don't think he was talking about us just a ceremony I think he's talking about a lifestyle continually clinging to him depending on him receiving his light into our life so I was on Passover the Yeshua took the matzah and he said a prayer it might have even been the traditional prayer that we say today Arouca Todd and I and oh hey numerical um huh mozi lemon naharis blessed art Thou O Lord our God King of the universe who brings forth the bread from the earth and after blessing the unleavened bread he broke it and he gave it to his disciples and he said take and eat this is my body broken for you and so right now just symbolically beloved I'm gonna take a piece of this matzah on behalf of all of us and perhaps we're done to participate in it by faith thank you I love it and he said lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie rules [Music] for a farm for a Precog are fun blessed art Thou O Lord our God father we thank you for the fruit of the vine father we thank you for your Shores blood and we take this to Jesus in remembrance of you blessed art Thou O Lord our God universe who brings forth the fruit of the vine amen well everybody I want to encourage you to do what Cynthia and I have been doing every day now for about 13 years we wake up every morning and we go to IHOP Casey the International House of Prayer and we we spend the first hour of every day just tuning into the prayer room being ministered to through the prophetic singing the prophetic worship the Word of God Michael we but we've done it every single day for 13 years Wow that are my brother our live webstream I want to thank no one they're not listening but I think our technology team they produce that live webstream every day for many years so that people can seem to live worship going right from the prayer room thank you for saying that I appreciate that you do that that makes the effort even more meaningful that we do here in Kent City I hop beloved just a couple initiatives that I'd like to share with you one of the things that we're doing now is communicating with our people through text so I only text when I feel inspired which is generally around once a week there's no set time or day I just share something when I feel I have something value to add to your light if you'd like to receive these free text messages you won't be bothered by them and they'll truly I have value you can simply go to our website discovering the Jewish Jesus calm and you'll see the rabbi text me just hit it it or just ask for your name and phone number you'll get plugged into the system we don't share the information with anybody I know that some during this time of the year like to present a special offering to the Lord during this Passover season if you'd like to do that you can simply visit our website again I want to encourage you get tied in to the International House of Prayer it will be a blessing for you listen take a break from the television take a break from the smartphone make time in your life for the Lord because he's a reward er of those that diligently seek Him I want to say one last word lord I ask you to bless rabbi Kurt and his wife Cynthia I want to encourage all of our listeners this is good soil I encourage you to sow into it economically keep help him to come run unhindered by financial limitations bless him so he can speak the word he's obviously carrying the true word of the Lord Lord I thank you for for Dustin Roberts here running this whole thing Thank You Dustin I appreciate you for doing this I asked the Lord to bless your ministry amen amen god bless you my brother but your brother Yahweh these Farakka Yair Yahweh panov a lack of you who Natha esau a weapon abhilasha they are same look ah Shalom beloved the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you the Lord look with favor on you and lift you up with his countenance and beloved may the Lord strengthen us all in his peace through the SAR Shalom the Prince of Peace Yeshua Jesus our Messiah bless you're my friend I love you god bless you everybody Michael thank you my hero I love you hopefully we'll talk again soon god bless
Channel: Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider
Views: 28,311
Rating: 4.9413581 out of 5
Keywords: Find Peace Within The Storm, Find Peace Within, Within The Storm, Find Peace, Peace Within The Storm, Storm, Peace, The Storm, Rabbi Schneider, Mike Bickle, International House of Prayer, Passover
Id: -Q4ptoY6l7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 41sec (3341 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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