PASSIVE form┃He Hit Me then Dumped Me. (Sound Like a Native Speaker!)

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gonna eat your eyes are funny is I my mummy said this hey guys today I'm going to explain how to use the passive form in Japanese so the passive voice in English is usually used in formal texts right so in English you could either say they built a house or you could also say the house was built right and you know it's considered to be bad to use the passive voice too much in English or sometimes it just sounds too formal so you might think I don't need to learn the passive form in Japanese but wait the passive form in Japanese is so much more than the passive form in English of course you can make a sentence like the house was built in 2018 using the passive form that we are gonna learn but this passive form also makes you sound more natural in Japanese because it can add the neurons of you feeling upset or sad or angry because of someone else's action when you want to say he laughed at me in Japanese we say it like I was lost by him and that would mean he laughed at me and I'm upset in Japanese I could say I te whare whatta I Tunis warawara I took means that guy that I don't like guys sometimes he is the word I T about the friends but yeah normally he say coitus so it's I - then you imply that you don't like them mutually or it's just a kind of rude way to say that guy it doesn't just have to be a guy really in English it could be the the B word or a word English has so many more swear words than Japanese so it's not that easy to you know just say hey you can translate the word is the C word sometimes it's not that harsh in Japanese it really depends on how someone says it anyway I to me water water water that is in the pastas but water water is the passive form of the word water - laughs so when a lot of learners make a sentence he laughed at me they would make the subject he let's use the word I - in this case case the word cutter is too formal and the of the mains boyfriend rather than he a lot of learners Tennyson I - wah wah dah bah right the past tense of water water stop but what up that can mean to laugh but also to smile and that's all what I thought can just me add that guy laughed you know that guy smiled so it doesn't mean he laughed at me even if you put the word what does she you wouldn't really do the job so when you want to heal after me and I'm absurd like he shouldn't have done that then you want to use the passive form so whenever you feel like you were the victim you wanna use this passive form so I to me who did something horrible to me and me and then the passive form of the verb one out till off while I want it that so as long as you feel like you didn't deserve that like you're upset about it you can use the passive form so like you know taking a picture is not a bad thing but if you are upset that someone took a picture of you maybe without permission or maybe you did give permission but you know you kind of didn't want that then you could still use the passive form so to take a picture we say shashing or Toto caching or Tata it's a full sentence without any new ones feelings you could say like someone well shashing all top top right some washing-up top top so let's say a kena wash a senior Tata then that means I kid I take a picture he want to clarify that I cannot take a picture of me then you could say Aikido ah what does she know she know top top akira watashi no uchi mata this doesn't have any neurons it just means I cannot take a picture of me it doesn't mean like I'm upset or anything like that but you want to say that uh-huh he took a picture of me and I'm not happy about that you don't even have to add the word I'm upset I'm not happy I'm sad you change the verb to take a picture into the passive form and you did a job it's really easy but very different from the way you do in English so to take total becomes toward added in the passive form I'm going to explain how you change the verbs in a minute but total becomes toward added so shashing Torretta means someone took a picture of me and I'm not happy about it so tirana ties in the passive forms it could also technically translate like I was filmed it stored cameras meant FL and we have to change the word part going to Danny particle for the passive sentence so you say a key line II Shashi no tiradito here you don't have to add the word what - it could the passive form all of the implies that I'm the victim the speaker is the victim so I q9e Shashi all totally thought I could take a picture of me and I'm not happy about that you know in English you can almost put the square word in the sentence like Akira F take a picture of me we don't really have a swear word in Japanese sure we have a word like kuso which means but it's not that harsh it's knowing yes bad as the F word or C would like in English you can't say the word Cassatt on TV and you are fine but when we want to translate that kind of sentence so we often used a passive form if the speaker is the victim so that's actually the main usage of the passive form whenever someone did something horrible to you the speaker you can use the passive form but it doesn't mean that whenever we used but inform the speaker's upset the passive form is also really important because in Japanese we always prefer hearing the stories from the speaker's perspective so this might sound complicated but in English she often said he asked me to do this instead of saying for example I was asked to do something by him or he told me that I can't come instead of I was told by him that I can't come so it's really normal or even more common in English to need someone else as a subject of the sentence right but in Japanese as long as I'm or the speaker is involved in the action like he told me he asked me he dumped me whenever I'm actually involved in that action we try to tell the story from my perspective so instead of he told me he asked me we would say I was told I was asked or when you were say oh he broke up with me he dumped me you want to say I was dumped so for example to break up with someone or to dump someone we say someone oh he wants a dumped B you say yeah Wow be your that and what be your that right and we can just use the past tense if we are talking about other people I'm not involved so you just used the normal past ants but if I'm the one who was dumped we put the verb herder to dump in the passive form so who do it becomes who darted and the past tense is who taught it so we say heard added thought to mean he dumped me oh he broke up with me it also can mean he rejected me like because we have this Kohaku love confession culture you know when song there's the Kohaku love confession and the other person doesn't want to go out then they would put it so that's like saying no like I can't go out with you it's also hood it no just breaking up literally you just say who taught it that you don't even have to say what does she what hood I'll about and then when you want to say anything my friend asked me today this instead of using the word Tomodachi as a subject we'd say I was asked by my friend we have a few words that means you ask you're asking a question obviously you can use the word Simone said but that mean to ask a question it doesn't really mean to ask something so you wanna say to ask you can use the same the besties listen kick it but I'd like to ask a question to ask someone's birthday you could say tanjo be up kick it tanjo be up kick it so he won't say he asked my birthday again with use the passive form i was asked so tanjo be oh he got it that is how I say I was asked tanjo vo he got it down so you can say Tomica corny tanju bo chickaletta taka-kun eat tanjo Bo kick our data so earlier I said that the passive form is used when I feel like I'm the victim but this uses it's different we don't always use the passive form T mean like I'm the victim this is literally me trying to speak from my perspective sir Tanika can me tanjo Greta I could be really happy like oh maybe Tanika can will give me a birthday present you know oh if I speak with a disgusted tone my tiger can eat tons of each carrot ah it's like you know he asked my best oh I hope you won't give me a birthday present it really depends on the tone and the way you say it but anyway when you want to say he asked me a favor you want to use a different verb to ask a favor we the use of a Panama so when I want to say for example I asked my friend to take a picture I could either say Paul Pomona so if we use the tall particle then this would be like to court what I said right so they can please take a picture tall tan andhe allow me I asked please take a picture if you want to go for this one then you'd say shy she thought there so we put the verb total in the TEFL the request form so she ought to turn on or more informally we change the topic going to the typical if you haven't watched my video on how to say to say told you please go watch stuff but yeah informally you these small superstay so Tomodachi me say co-taught there that come on des is how we'd say i asked my friend please take a picture informally and this is very common way but you can also do Tomodachi any verb yeah to take a picture your need tomando so you can also do some one neat plan form your knee panama to me to ask someone to do something so Tomodachi nice a senior total your knee turn under autonomy master is another way to say asked my friend to take a picture this sounds more formal than cashing out a better number so in this sentence she she noted that ananda oh sure she ought oriani turn on me master the subject was i so we used the normal postures but if I was the one who was asked so the subject was my friend then we want to use the passive form like I said we you didn't say Tom or that you are what does she need come on you can and it makes sense people understand it's not a very common way to say so we want to instead use the passive form so is it Tom or that Jamie so again when we use the possible we use the new particle to show who is the subject or who is performing the action so tamada Jenny and then you could add what I see you are by you read it on half day tomorrow Jenny cha-ching or top there and then finally you put the verb tournament in the passive form so tanomo becomes tan no madero an antenna madre en esta es tan omedetou so you say Tomodachi me shishio tota tamama data Toma dodging each SEO to death the term America this is a very common way to say a friend asked me to take a picture Oh human is the Uni version which sounds more formal you can say Tomodachi any sassy no Toro uni Tom Omar a master Tomodachi me sassy no Tohru yoni no matter my stuff yeah so you see we use the passive form to tell the story from the speaker's perspective T not just to indicate that the speaker feels like he or she is the victim now let's see how verbs trip conjugates afford the either edit ending verbs you do the same as the potential form you haven't learned the potential form you probably want to watch the lesson first basically for the potential form and the passive form either ending verbs conjugate the same way exactly the same way you change the last bit into it I did it I did it so Thai better becomes Thai bed so top it out it could either mean can eat to be able to eat or to be eaten or someone ate and I'm upset so I said the potential form and the passive form conjugate exactly the same way for the e-rate ending verbs but for the potential form you can meet data for the irid ending verbs so Tibet already can become a better when you speak informally and that's really common so I can eat with chopsticks you can't even say hi she dipped I bet I did it or more informally I said that tie bad at it and you probably adhere this time better a lot because it's common to ami era when speaking informally I personally don't so that you guys can remember the actual potential form because when you DJ LPP or something you really don't want to make that mistake and also older it's common it's still considered to be wrong feel free to say today that you're speaking to your friends but make sure to set a better data or when you're speaking formally like using the muscle say I bet I am us it's like it's really common to say I wanna instead of i1t but when you want to speak for example afternoon from the Queen you probably don't want to say I wanna be you probably have to say like how to love tea or a man just different way right all these are one T right well it's kind of same in Japanese he said Tibet it then that sounds very informal it doesn't mean it's weird because everyone says it but it's just technically wrong yeah anyway well the potential form so when you want to say I can do something you kill me better but for the passive form no matter how informal you're speaking it's wrong to me that so when I would say my sister ate my cake and I'm upset I can't say Oh nanny Tabitha Tabitha only makes sense us was able to eat informally doesn't mean she ate it and I'm upset so when Antony Bobby Loretta is how we saying she ate it and I'm upset yes taberu becomes Tabard added for candy and to be eaten or someone eats and I'm upset right and for the pastas you say Barada top the only time you can meet Tara and say Papa Delta is when you were saying was able to eat like kid I not yes I got Tabitha mean I was able to eat the vegetable that I hate but you want to say someone ate it and I'm upset you wanna say I'm better at informally pull the formal speech you make the must form of table editor so that it always becomes Rodimus in the muscle sir daddy mushy that is the past tense formally you say Amen me we use the word on there because we're trying to speak formally when we speak informally get that one there Joe formally I may need kick your pardon my stop and then you take your puppy right in my stop it's how we say my sister a my cake and no upset but if you don't use the passive form and just use the normal posture it's like and there what cake your table a master there is no indication that I'm upset the speaker is upset it's just me telling the fact my sister ate the cake yeah doesn't mean you sound like a robot but it's just factual sometimes you have to be objective right Oh see he is the passive form then you are being subjective because you're showing your emotion so it doesn't fit if you're writing something formal suit a better become stubble added the most formidable Rodimus past-tense informally started the negation tabatha and I could be like is not eaten and pass negatives tabare naka da it could either mean wasn't able to eat or wasn't eaten for example the deal wasn't eaten by the lion chicawa died on me tubby rowdy naka she go up Ryan eat a burger and not cut now so the sentence the deer wasn't eaten by the lion the subject is the air so it kind of sounds like it's the documentary about the theäôre you own the theater side you can easily say diam wha chica or taberna cut da to mean the lion didn't eat the air then this would mean that I'm more talking about the lion but if I want to tell the story from the deers perspective I'm focusing on the beer story rather than the Lions then yeah I would say sheikah wha Ione Papa rod and knock up top alright so ty better become star bad idea can you try to change the verb meter to let go watch so you want to change the law suit it in K dot it right so meter becomes me that'd mean I did it the MAS form of me like that it would be me dad amis me Rodimus so me redeem us could be the translated and cam Luke can watch or to be seen to be watched so yeah he say Teddy B got me rotted and God got me rot in it then that means I get to watch the film it's different from me Edie Miette imply that it's visible it's like either because of your eyesight or it's just in front of me I was me that it it's more about you have a chance to watch or not anyway me Diana get to watch but also to be watched to be seen or someone watches me and I'm upset not just watches me but it could be like someone's looked at my form and I'm upset you can use the passive form of media for that sentence as well so when you wanna for example say Tom looked at Emily's form you'd say Tom wha Amedeo can't I Oh Mita Tamala emini not get dial Mita but if you wanna say Tom licked my phone you want to use the passive form to express time I'm upset so in this case the person who is performing the action is Tom you want to use the knee part go to indicate who looks at my form when using the passive form so Tom Mooney to me by Tom Tom money and then care thigh or stays the same okay bye oh and then you put the passive form of the verb meter in the past s-sir meat it becomes me rotted right man to change that into the pastas meal added it becomes me Dada top informally firmly me Dada meseta Meera da Mosta sir Tom any cat I owe me Loretta Dominique and I owe me Loretta then that means Tom licked on my phone and I'm upset I remember this passive form can only be used if you are the victim or you are trying to speak from the victim's point of me but if you the one who like that phone and you feel guilty about doing it I understand I licked up Emily's phone and you know I shouldn't have Thunder I'm regretting that I wouldn't use the passive form but I would use the tech she ma or Chow form do you guys remember blah blah chapter that would express regret or can also be used like I didn't mean did it I did it oh yeah I should have done that to make this chat forum used a platform so media becomes meet there and then you change tainted chapter to me I did something I intentionally or I did something by regret so me chapter it mean I lik that I regret doing it so immediately not can't dial me choppa good mean ah I think that Emily spoon and I regret oh I like that Emily's fall and visually maybe I picked up form without knowing that it was Emily's maybe I thought it was mine and the screen was on I was like oh I didn't mean to but I did it it could be used both ways so you haven't watched the lesson on passion mode or chapter please go watch that because that's also important but a lot of learners confused thirsty Ted Shima is about the speaker regretting his or her own action was the passive form rider is about the speaker getting upset because of someone else's action so K PI or me choppa would mean I think that the form and I regret it does always have to be I if you say Tamagotchi died or meet Jabba then that means Tom looked I am he regrets it whilst when you use the passive form there is always the victim and the villain so someone did something and then another person is upset then you these the passive okay so when you say I've been circuit ah give me I ate too much and I regret it but you said takusan paparesta things like maybe you on all the UK restaurant mu of the owner and the customer ate so much as an owner of all-you-can-eat restaurant you're not very happy then you say son tub it out it though well you can also say I'm not going in takusan table editor that customer ate so much and I'm not really happy about it so we stopped it out at that about like someone looking at my phone but it doesn't have to be formed if someone served me for example naked I would also use me write it down like oh that person saw me well you don't even have to be naked maybe you were doing something dodgy and you know you didn't want any witness but someone so you think you can say get out of that like dang someone saw me you know so criminal would definitely say that a lot I mean I did that yeah the witness might say me just but like oh my goodness I saw it I didn't mean it or maybe I shouldn't have seen that then cuz you have to be a part of it like if you have witnessed something really bad maybe you be you know chased right then the witness might say me just ah or the verb to sleep nedda if you wanna say can't sleep you say Ned I did it right Ned out at it like you understand I can't sleep anyway you can say don't go them on Ned on it doko demo net on it but here innocent someone fell asleep and I'm annoyed you can't see east Ned on it for example Michael hi fell asleep while I was talking if a car that's the to senpai Oh scary sound bad we're really really really really pissed off again call hi is the one who falls asleep so you want to indicate who fell asleep by using the mini particle so call hi Nene and then fell asleep in the passive form not it top call hi Nene net on it stop you're gonna make the whole sentence like call hi fell asleep while I was talking I wouldn't personally use the word while I would actually use the word Nani which is like despite in spite it usually means like although expresses frustration the speaker's frustration so Hamas that eater is like I'm speaking is it how much they eat or money then that means though I'm speaking a nice day - Nani call hiney net out at that time I stayed in the Nikko hiney narrative that yeah Nani is really good when you want to express your frustration even though I did this much or even though this was like this for example I once went to a really posh restaurant and paid so much but the food was horrible I guess and Esther Amma takaka noni mother kappa what about the verb to open do you remember I get it I get it and the passive form of a kid it is I cannot it I get out it it so I can't out it it could either mean to be able to open it's like my dog I cannot at it I can't open the window I think like I'm strong enough to open the window it doesn't mean hey I can open the window for you in the conversation I would say what does she got like a deal but then she got a giddyup I mean hey I can open that for you so sometimes in English you can but in Japanese we just don't use like any form we just say I'll open for you but I can either it can also be something you is opened or someone opens and I'm annoyed this is different from to be open okay it's like if the store is open we didn't say I get out at it but we'd say or me say well I pay em us I did you must I take this idea comes from the word aku which is like something opens this is all about transitive and intransitive haven't made of this and on with them yeah but yeah whenever you want to say something is open you wanted to say something god I did it I damned us so the window is open yes in medulla I damned us but he want to say something was opened by someone so the passive voice you use I cannot it for example Moldova I can't either top then that means the window was opened by someone so let's say by Tomica South Moldova Tomica sign me a kid I am a stop as for the window it was opened by tanaka-san by the way he want to say Tomica song open the window and I'm upset then we'd always used the whole particle so see you saying come across on me mother oh I cannot it o-tama cuz I'm me mother I get out in my stuff so when we use the passive form like the passive voice in English like this was built or this was opened this was destroyed without any nuance of I'm upset you usually say object were passive form for example the house was built you'd say yeah Wow and then to build we say Tata and the passive form of Tutera is part a rider and the Postal Service is parted so you'd say corner yah Tata Tata all in 2009 you say corner year WA me sank you name me da de da de da Cano you WA you Thank You nanny that there are data in this Sundance Udinese the all particle with the water yeah you didn't say come on year or two delighted though when you say object or passive form e is for sentence someone did something in our upset you say yeah or that there are a top then that means they built a house and I'm upset maybe because you had a nice V but someone built a house right in front of you window and now you can see is the next doors wall now all you can see is the house next door and you say yeah cut that out it but I'm like us I'm Nick yeah Oh cut that I bet though thank you just mean the house was built you're using the passive voice just to sound more formal because that's why we also do for formal text yeah well cut that I they're my stuff you d still what particle model wow I cannot it but then I miss the window was opened and it doesn't imply that I'm upset the door was opened door what I get out in my stuff but for example he wanted to keep the window closed maybe because you don't want mosquitoes coming in for example but someone opened there anyway then you feel like you're the weak then you say someone new model oh I cannot it that someone me model oh I get it alright now let's see how other the shoot to conjugate any are the verbs basically verb stopped on half ear ending verbs including auto auto auto endings as well you change the last into I did I did so technically out of order verbs also look like that either edit ending verbs because you would have rotted at the end so table editor inside say can eat or someone eat and I'm set but you want to conjugate the verb to take a picture to film total then for the potential form total becomes tall dead because for potential form you change the last into edit but for the passive form it looks different you changed a lot in added so total becomes tour added torrid so it's just the area ending verb star would look the same in both passive form and the potential form for other endings they look different toward it can't take a picture tour I did someone takes a picture and I'm upset or to be filmed yeah we all that they have the example of like someone asking your birthday do you remember normally we sit Panjabi or kicker right so keep good cap me tell the cell to ask like a question so the passive form of kicker you want to change the last intake are dead so Kiku becomes key card he got at it kick out at it right so we had the sentence tanjo Bo kick on it that someone asked my birthday and it could just be me talking from my perspective or me being disgusted by being asked because kick accounts I mean to listen if you say someone Nicky got it that then that could mean someone hurt me things that I didn't want anyone to hear for example so maybe I was having a secret meeting and someone overheard then that got Akane Jakarta like someone heard us tari can eat carrot ah oh yeah I was just singing in my house and my dog is pretty thing I think but deliveryman came if I didn't know that I did agreement was in outside at all and I was thinking and I was really embarrassed probably because he hurt me anyway I was like hey that's a nice Tony top day you know he got it back hi dr. noise Tony stop they don't know he got it back the delivery man heard me singing yeah I'm embarrassed it doesn't have to be like hunger sadness it could also just be any negative feeling either way like I did in this sentence you can do some money with no or passive form so here and someone saw me dancing and I'm embarrassed you can also use the similar construction thank to be dancing or daughter or dances it should be in the present continuous tense although they do or dancer state it so you can see someone need or don't they don't know and then to look in the passive form meter becomes me darted and the pastas meet on it so for example my neighbor saw me dancing you could say tonari nice Tony although they don't know me Loretta tamari much Tony Otto data no mere a data about the verb to hit not good not good and the old root endings end up changing interior our data so not good it becomes not good at it it's not good at it so not good I did it doesn't mean come hit because if you want to count hit then you want to conjugate differently because it's not on either ending for the potential form we changed into edit price and not good it becomes not good at it you want to say can hit but yeah if you want to say I was hit someone hit me and I'm upset then you say na goo da dit da not good at it though so someone named not good at it but when we talk about delinquent we often call them Yankee I know they're not Americans but I was slang for delinquents like jobs is Yankee it's for example Yankee me not good at that we can also say who do then that's more like the linking verbs that you want to be careful or burbs that I have and then hiragana yeah so verbs like you to say to tell you tell to sing cow to buy you want to change the in T Wow and then data this is just like negation do you remember here and say I will not buy informally we change the web cow into car wanna eat right so we do the same for the passive boom we seek awarded to me some important and I'm upset or something was bought by someone you know happened someone else for the last sandwich that you wanted it's a hokum on stony saigo no sandwich oh quwata Kokomo Tony saigo no sandwich Oh koala top but yeah the verb you becomes II did you wanted it then that means someone tells something and I'm upset again it's not the same as to be able to say because to be able to say should become e ed ed he wanted that's someone tells me oh I was told so for example someone told me that I'm stupid and I'm upset then you'd say up there you are it thought up then you want it thought informally well pocket oh you are a master pocket oh you are a master oh my boyfriend said the food I made for him it's disgusting you'd say cutting me you're Iike mother cut top then you want it top kind of me by my boyfriend DOD meal got Monza cop top the past tense of mozzie like taste horrible Monza cop stop that you wanted though I was told all right now let's look at the regular verbs so irregular verbs are as usual sitter and couldn't so Sid it becomes sided sided it could it becomes cold added carotid so sorry doesn't mean candy because he wants a candy we use the qidan take cater the run by you wanna say like I can cook I have to say Yoli the kita right he said yo decided then I mean someone kicks and I'm upset but the book can mean can come and also someone comes and I'm upset for example someone spoiled a story to spoil a story you'd say Netta bodysuit Netta bodysuit and he changed student into the possible Netta body soldered and passed and snapped up I decided then that means someone spoiled the story the body Sarita or to cheat on someone is a lucky dude lucky dude so like he cheated on me getting you this the passive form so lucky suit it becomes hockey sided in the past and says oh I keep sorry pal so card and knee oh come on Johnny yaki sided my boyfriend or my girlfriend cheated on me oh yeah this lesson was long but I hope you found this helpful he did please give it a thumbs up and I was really really appreciate he could support me on patreon and I can make more lessons for year T I thank you for watching my family bye bye
Channel: Japanese Ammo with Misa
Views: 112,083
Rating: 4.9699306 out of 5
Keywords: passive form japanese, passive voice japanese, upset japanese, how to say I was dumped in Japanese, how to say hit in japanese, how to say stole my wallet in Japanese
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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