Best Compliments / Flirty Lines & Clever Replies to Compliments in Japanese

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funny Japanese I will not miss on this hey guys today I'm going to teach you how to compliment people and how to respond to the compliments in Japanese and also I'm going to teach you funny ways to respond to those compliments so first when you want to say amazing wow you can say Sugoi Sugoi and a lot of you probably have heard this but this is always good to remember so good I think wow so when someone does something amazing impressive just say so good that's how I say wow I'm so amazed and you can also use ps-aguié like an other verb it's actually correct to change ps-aguié into sugoku to put it in front of an adjective so technically you have to say so Goku and Alan logic they've like so kawaii then that means it's so cute but informally a lot of people say so glyco ie so kawaii so it's like amazingly cute and yeah it's not technically correct but people do use it so yeah you're not talking to a teacher for example I think you can use it so you could either say so good cause it tastes amazing it's so delicious Oh Sugoi yoshi and yes so going also got good are really used as very so you can use it about something negative as well so so go good got it ah I'm very tired this isn't me I'm amazingly pion I mean literally yeah it's like I'm very tired so go good Scott at the or to go good some on mine I mean it's so boring so good some online and similar to this Sugoi you might also hear too bad I too bad I but this sounds quite formal so I don't really use it unless I'm talking to someone formally or I kind of wanna sound formal kind of even as a joke so I'm talking to my friend and my friend is something amazing and I want my like Wow not sarcastic early you could say Sebata that's like wow I mean I guess it's a bit sarcastic because you happen but you can still say it but for example here talking to someone ya see the cup T you can say so but I see this so but I say this you could say sensei no sucker humor so bad I see this big any sounds quite formal so people generally say Sugoi and the other one is Siddiqui so thank you this is actually an adjective so it's super kima he won't play in front of a man like suteki na hito things like amazing person nice person but some people think this sounds quite feminine or outdated mostly I've heard mm use this word I've also heard some old ish men use it to again younger people don't really use this Siddiqui but again I sometimes use it can I was a joke so you know when you talk to your friends even if it sounds formal you use that word just kind of pissant funny so I could say Vicki do we make all it's so fabulous that's so great and the next one is my favorite so I forgot I forgot or formally sorry Kobus so go this I've to you this word in another video but this one really is my favorite I like hearing it I like hearing so COMESA forgot myself so Sokka is used like that's my girl or that's why Mesa but that Julian means that's as good as I expected so when someone does something great and you were not doubting that person like you knew that that person could do that great job you'd say so I forgot it's kind of like I knew you could do it like I believed in you and you did it kind of like amazing as always and the next one is the most basic compliment you can give to a girl I get Japanese girl we say kawaii kawaii that's like the first water you need to remember in Japanese kawaii is Keith I mean in English or in the West generally people might not really like it when people call it cute right it's fair to say you're pretty at least maybe you're beautiful is better and cute is not always what girls want when speaking English but in Japanese kawaii is what girls want to hear generally unless that girl is the sole excel fistic ated very elegant human then maybe today is a better compliment kirei today is still good for kawaii girls but ta means beautiful it's actually a magic key Dana so when you want to put it in front of now you have to say key Dana now like key Dana on my mojo key Dana on my stop to mean beautiful women but when you say you're beautiful you have to get rid of them now because there's no now pull link so you say QA QA o QA this today this so just saying kawaii is good but you can for example say Hamdani kawaii you're really cute hon tani kawaii wantoniy really on Tony kawaii or more colloquially you could say magic Hawaii magic away you're super cute matcha is very informal but very common Oh Margie they kawaii you're seriously cute Margie Becca ye or sakoku kawaii not using Sugoi Sugoi kawaii very cute and some people make a mistake of saying sure monka kawaii man jo monka kawaii man huh you look cute for some reason today and this is not a linguistic mistake because Japanese people do that tea but this is okay are you sure people do say it but it can't sounds like okay so I'm only cute today it can be taken as a compliment obviously because they probably don't mean anything bad they just mean oh you like different and more pretty today but some people get offended in a way because it's kind of like saying you don't always think it but you did today so Jo today monka it's like for some reason or you could jostle like somewhat or kinda and also none guy is used as I feel that like like I said it's like too much ah I'm sorry anyway yeah I say manga a lot when speaking Japanese did anyway you can use like a filler word or somewhat or for some reason because a manga Calle I don't know why it's itchy anyway Shawn manga kawaii it's like huh you look cute today what's the reason instead of that you could say sure more kawaii met kill more kawaii met you look cute as always so by adding this more which means also it makes it mean as always literally means today - today also so you look today do you a cube a today also basically about eternity you look good as always come on kawaii met or you can say yum kawaii oh I've met a listen on the differences between the your particle and the net part go so check that out and this is such a common compliment right kawaii when a friend says it to another friend a lot over the pond the girl who receives the compliments says yes a skills really be that then then means not at all yeah it's like nook like yeah then things of that like nope no I will not at all or they might say the names the person who gives the compliment so like their listener no oh girl kawaii Oh so let's say sakura-chan gives me a compliment me so kawaii my mom saying sakura tomahawk ah kawaii yo sakura-chan mocha kawaii oh it means sakura-chan is kita so it's like you're cuter than me that's kind of a common response to someone no hoko kawaii or they might say someone cool so kawaii Oh someone cool so kawaii so I could say so I could I don't go so kawaii which could roughly be translated as you are kid or you are cutie so this coastal put some emphasis on the preceding word so thank you a chunk also you are cute so the next one is usually what guys like to hear Kakui Kakui which means handsome or cool Kakui so this word is generally used about men cupcake so I'm talking to you he'll come when I say you know Kukui hero can Cucuy you're so handsome hero this word can be used about objects t but something usually looks cool so you don't really use it as cool Thank You Ming glitch like you can't say let's go there cool like you can't say cup quick Kakui is like handsome or usually cool because it's money so you can say cup we could in my this and that cup we could on my this net cool car or you could just also say he could I'm like this man good car and another word that means good looking on handsome is hmm you can't man this is slang for good-looking man hmm stands for it get their demands you get that it it's kind of a funny word but it can mean like that's so dope that's so cool that's so sick you get better men's men's a men like I don't know why we picked it because like men is already in plural but we think we need to put s for plural like girls boys so why not men's mums two months anyway you keep a demands it we never say that we say hmm and each a man means handsome guy hot guy so because this is very slangy and kind of funny obviously when people say you can't man they mean they mean that it's cool but personally I think it means more when girls say cup great like you're so handsome you're so cool okay man can be said jokingly that girl say meetha meetha meetha yeah man like he's so hot and another way to give a compliment about appearances is sang more dairy meat buy more dairy meat I you look like a model so more data is how a model and meat I is like to be like to look like I've already made a list on that so please check that more didn't meet die you look like a model some people might also say what they do they show more better they show again more data is ranked and it means to be popular usually with other genders obviously it doesn't have to be one gender but generally when people say more better it's not just being popular it's like people pon seeing you so we do have a word ninky or it's a magic tape so ninguna to me popular like you can say pokemon wah Genki desu to me pokemon is popular but when you mean popular with girls boys and like people found saying you you say more better and this is such a common word but you definitely hear and you can say well they do they saw this short is like am i right so you must be popular am i right what they do they show and that's a compliment tea make you wanna jokingly reply to or reply to cocky or in kawaii you could say I'm a busy get there come up there and AH mo Tessa get there come up there and ah so more teddy is a verb and more together sugita is too much so more together is like I'm too popular like I can't handle how popular I am liking what this again and more desig it there so it's in the TEFL so because I'm so popular I'm too popular come up better come up theta is like I don't know what today oh I'm having a hard time or I'm in the trouble what they say get back on my bed and bath is like a joking way through fly and means I'm too popular I don't know what today and you know he exaggerated and I flip your hair not this wiki bag come up there and AH then you know that's funny I don't know if you've never joke and you say that people want to make it alright and the other compliments are like yeah better yet better or more formally knee up them us knee optimist and that means it looks good on you oh it suits you well so you can say something like her good yeah better it do mean that outfit looks good on you so I'm not her good yeah bitter or you could say I thought I see it coming got back yeah bit it I but I say come he got that knee up did it your new hairstyle looks great on you and another one that's to do with fashion is washout it I'll show that that's also a great compliment it means you have a great taste or fashionable so well shadow is usually used about someone's fashion like someone being fashionable being trendy so if someone dresses well you should definitely say or shout out it's such a good compliment and common one or shout it and it doesn't always have to be used about person you can say or shadow my cuff it or show them up cuff it then that means fancy cuff it or cuff air that looks good cuff with Alex in store thee or you could sometimes say push like push cuff a posh restaurant or shout in my best thought um you know the Disney film Aristocats we call it or share their capital or share their cap thought like posh caps obviously Japanese people didn't want it to be or shot in the neck or like why would we use a Japanese word when capital sounds better yeah we say a Shadowcat though for the Aristocats alright the next one is also a very good one to remember Joe Josie you're good I think you're good at something you're skilled so you want to usually put what that person is good at so you probably have heard this phrase nihongo Josue this and their new home got jaws abyss and they're your Japanese kid so I believe you made a lesson on this but you don't want to use e good when you want to say it Oh your Japanese is good your English it's good you don't say me samoh egg or II think that's not natural at all you want to say me sad not God jhaza do you mean your English is good me so so anyway we use jaws it right and then Hong gorgeo so this mat is like the first compliment you might get one you love in Japan if you speak a bit of Japanese but you know people who are not making fun of you when they say that they genuinely think that it's amazing that you're learning Japanese they get a lot of Japanese people don't expect for non-japanese person to learn Japanese because Japanese is only used in Japan and yeah there are loads of Japanese people like in the world because the population is big but we don't really expect it right so when someone even says konichiwa or I do got thought we impressed so we can't help but say me hungry dogs are this and that obviously when you are actually fluent in Japanese people would be like wow jaws are this and that anyway instead of when you hunger you could for example say you already chosen or DoD Johnson I met only already jaws are this met your cooking is amazing you're so good at cooking and that's like a really nice compliment at least to me I like cooking I like cooking for people and when people don't say anything okay offended and I want to hear nearly Johnson's I met or at least I see it's probably very normal it's not just me all right you want to hear it for someone or some people might like to hear burnt then Georgia by Matt and Dan is driving like you say coup de Mol and answered it to mean to drive a car so you could say and then jaws if I met or and then jaws are this and that you're good driving you were driving is great oh I'd like the hand Jeremy Jones if I met Jimmy Joe's with I met yeah my aim is not great so someday hopefully someone will tell me do my jobs if I met or or both teach other than that like I'd love to hear that one know yet all right the next one is also a nice compliment I like to hear about my a met Obama II met so remember Obama means head and he is good racer I bow my god II is how we say smart I thought my god II but informally we usually omit the GUP article and say I thought my eat so you can save me some money met you smart me so mmm-hmm I'm giving you say about my II met or you could say ten site ten site which means genius so you can say me South inside me say you a genius and I'm explains also nice song Casa de or song - in Mass or even some cashed out song - song guess it is to respect or to admire someone so song consider also engaged in Mass it's like I respect you I admire you in my sound intense but you could say it and then it's really nice t and the reason why I picked Charlie which usually means I do something I regret thank you tsuki chapter that means I ate too much and I regret it like I shouldn't have eaten this much but you can also use this chat or a like I can't help but do something so so I'm cashed out it's like I can't help but respect you admire you I've made a list on that too so check that out and similar to this song - job we also sometimes say hold it hold it Joe which kind of means like oh I'm pulling for you I'm falling in love with you I'm like I can't help but fall in love with you hold it it is the dictionary form to fall in love or ten you fall for someone hard at it so you can just say hold it baby I'm pulling you along with me oh I'm spawn seeing you so much like you're watching a Mac that on TV and you're like oh my gosh oh my gosh I fancy him so much you can say yeah my your I hold a deer but you can't suck that's the challenge I can't help but and say hold it down it's like I can't help it but I'm falling in love put it out alright the next one is also quite nice hum I see I see and I see I see which means easy to talk t Hamas is to talk to speak and this hamachi is in the mosque form stem so hamachi mass is the mass form right the polite form and without the mass that's Hana she must understand + y se means easy to do something so when you will put when you put a verb in the mosfilm stem and put ya see it means easy to do something so ya see usually means cheap right thank you say con Obama yeah see I don't know why I chose but uh and this banana is cheap come on Bahama yeah see but this ESA is different so how mushy yes it is easy to talk to Takei yeah see is easy to use like you can say come on pasó con what Cayenne see this this computer is easy to use so you could say for example Misawa wantoniy hamachi is a miss are you so easy to talk T or the next one is also quite nice coyote neat nada coyote knee matter and if someone says hon tani tired Aniyah nada and it's like I can always count on you coyote me not it basically means dependable trustworthy so coyote me matter like you're so dependable trustworthy like I can rely on you you can also use coyote nice it it to mean to count on someone so you can say coyote nice tail I mean count on me so you could also say priority niche better y'all or coyote niche them us Timmy I'm counting on you so he said tyranny stereo thanks like I'm counting on ye but he said tired and another and it sounds more like you know you can count on that person you know that that person is very dependable and you can say hey I didn't you know that like I know I can count on you alright so now that's them how to respond to the compliments so remember I told you that when the girl hears kawaii from another girl the other thing good yeah oh yeah exam but they might also say so Mikoto - so Michael - Anna means that's not true but there's yeah then them or some I gotta - although they are very common some people think it's better to just accept the compliment its more common in English - you say thank you to you a compliment we don't really do it we do say arigato but it is also a lot of people just say he has in them some Makoto - OH other options are just be happy about it so for example you could say hey but that makes me happy dude is she which means glad or happy and you could be even for example say it is she right there I sometimes say this difference is I think that's kind of funny and I do want more complements so I say hey sir Vinicio that makes me happy motto more more motto and motto no matter how matter is the compliment so motorhome meant a tomato is in the typhoon they request form so that means please compliment me please give me a compliment what the helmet they're more compliments please or you could also say what they been most birthday say it more if that isn't a perform you to say so say that to me more mother so you say it is she what they pick at that site as well formally although you say that your friends reaction might just be like hi hi yeah yeah okay okay or if you're really close to your friend your friend might say hi hi Joey not Emma hi hi Joe a motormouth choice anymore Dermott basically means don't get cookie or don't get carried away so obviously you can say it to hurt someone's feeling like it can be harsh like choice you're not on that or very informally choice a mom now that sounds harsh but you're really closely a friend you can say that choice in on that Oh choice and you're not enough you might hear this anonymity oh well I like they say when someone's like what the helmet there I could say yeah gang sai-yuk ooh and good sigh Jack Graham is hundra am like Abdullah check Abbas I give me a dollar give me hundred yen then I'll give you a compliment that's kind of funny T and you're not that kind of a joke in person you can say Oh Teddy to your o Canada jam and that means you're making me blush oh you embarrassing me today is like to get all embarrassed and shy but it's kind of closer to you making me blush Pettit it that's very common Thea I say this a lot T today do today - John you making me blush you know that's Ted edit the content editor is like she the same kanji as Teddy yaki you patty Yankee so it's always kind of glossy right it's because Ted it means like to glaze or to shine like you could say hi yoga Peter I mean the Sun shines and Teddy yaki actually comes from the shining part and yaki comes from yucca which means to fry or to grill and Canada it's like just amazing sun sun shining onion and that's making you all red and blush it just means to be embarrassed like has Akashi when people give you a compliment usually separator Ted Emma's some people might also say yeah maybe or more yeah Mateo stop stop it then they might say then we are midnight there but don't stop so you could combine like oh yeah Mateo same way I'm a night there stop don't stop this law is is when you're frustrated so when I keep accidentally deleting my files that have videos I've done it so many times I've done this twice this month I've lost T long drama lessons anyway I said it's like oh geez and another one that I've heard people say but I personally don't use it but people are also drinking we say better baby I know so song says kawaii you can say she said it I know oh you're so handsome you're cool better I know haha so that's funny do like make sure to make it obvious that you're joking right I mean people would know that you were joking make more sane people don't say I know compliment maybe they do either way you should remember this phrase anyway I know for money you can say famous then you must but you shouldn't really say it when speaking fool me like this thing you should reply like this when someone you're meant to talk formally EP gives a compliment and the next one is very common and I quite like it T you can say some money or make them more money more than I owe some money home at that more money more than I owe this is such a common phrase when someone gives you a compliment it basically means flattery won't get you anywhere so some money is like that much oh man thermo comes from the verb Oh matter to compliment and home in Tamil this Tamil the Typhon blossom all means even if so even if you compliment me that much many more nothing then I yo so man you has to be used with negation some data is the dictionary form come out to leave many more den I together they mean nothing comes out so literally some money home made them more money more than I yo means you won't get anything nothing comes out of me like no money or no gift comes out comes out from me even if you give me so many compliments so some money I meant Mo Money mo denial you can also get rid of some money and you say Oh mad Mo Money mo denial I meant that more money more denying you formally you could also say home at them more money more them are saying yo I'll make them more money more demo saying yo this basically means flattery won't get you anywhere and sometimes maybe flattery won't get you anywhere can sound harsh or mean but definitely in Japanese calm it down man you more than I you just sounds like friendly joke so people wouldn't get offended definitely not and honestly if someone who's learning Japanese says this to me I would be impressed I'll be like wow it's good I would Jimmy and they say nihongo Joe do this and there if someone says oh make them more money more deny yo and the last one that I'm going to teach you is common but some people think it's a bit negative you can say or said you got jaws or this and that or say you got jozu this and that or says it means flattery or empathy compliment or compliment that you don't really mean or not really genuine compliment so salesmen often does this or you know when you going to shop and they're trying to sell something like you know a necklace and you say oh I look so great it you look so beautiful you know and it just looks terrible you know they're only saying that because they want to sell it you can think that that or send it or send it and or since you got doors or this and that basically means you're good at giving and petite compliments which sounds really mean but when people say or says you got your do this in there they don't always mean something bad they just are saying that I don't believe that you think I'm cute for example because I'm not confident like I don't think I'm cute so I don't believe you so that must be and that's how people think rather than you're lying you're a liar they don't mean it's not Sookie right they just mean that they don't believe it so that's why people don't some people use it but some people also don't like it because that can be negative but you shouldn't really get offended when people say oh says you got your do this and that they are just not confident that's it they don't mean anything bad so if someone says oh says you guys do that's net you can just say well since you tell my this y'all it's not a necessity it's not empty compliment or salesy job my SEO you can say yeah wantoniy no really no I mean it yeah on thorny so he said make so cookie Dennis you're very beautiful and some of this you guys do this and they're you're flattering me um you were just giving me a wedgie you can say yeah one tiny kitty this you know you really are beautiful no then that's nice very nice and instead of or says you got Josie this man they miles the same authors you this show osage ebay show this show is like isn't that am i right I know it is isn't it so I'll say it you're very sure it's like it's almost edgy you're giving me it's kind of like you're just saying that you're just being polite but again they don't mean something that there's just not confident and I'm gonna think you might hear with this it is or salesy they're more good I see which is more positive than the other T or say G demo this demo that way usually means pop but you can also use it like even if it even if it is so even if it is I'm elated and then they compliment it makes me happy oh so you there more so you might be saying this just to be polite but it still makes me happy so maybe you don't mean that I'm cute but I'm still happy or says you they're more for this so the ones that I have to recommend the EP is is what the home at their complement more or today do you making me blush oh-ho meant that more my name will deny yo I can't give you anything even here give me compliment they are good ways to respond to compliments and make sure to give compliments to your friends and your partners and your families you know they are nice it's really nice to hear nice things right obviously but I also like to hear them so I'm not telling you but kids maybe leave some comments and that might make my day anyway yeah thank you so much for watching and you'd like to support me on patreon the link is in the description box so please check that out and he got the net down my bum everybody
Channel: Japanese Ammo with Misa
Views: 97,814
Rating: 4.97755 out of 5
Keywords: compliments in Japanese, how to respond to compliments in Japanese, how to flirt in Japanese
Id: Wjgqiq-1DcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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