Passion for Faith - Prophet Kobus

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when Peter walked on the water and he started sinking and Jesus said o ye of little faith why did you doubt now we know that word little they is burst you that moves only when you get a burst of inspiration why did you get a doubt the word doubt they is double the same word that's using James chapter one verse six seven and eight a double minded man is unstable in all these ways so we've got to have faith and we've got to get doubt out so let's do some are always used to say feed your faith and starve your doubts let them die so the Bible there's this thing that goes with faith and I like it I've never really preached on it but I would love some day to pretend it's trust Psalm 125 1 they the trust in the Lord or like Mount Zion that cannot be moved so Trust will make that you will not move and you will likely be like a mountain but they that doubt James 1 verse 6 it's like the waves of the sea okay so a doubt trees like waves now we had three meetings on waves and realize that the doctrine our waves is demonic we're not in a next wave we on the straight you know Jesus came because the worshipers were like waves because of the law and Jesus came in the time of reformation to set all things straight he bruised 9 verse 10 so we not in ways because waves are for people that are stormy and that our doubters you know so God has not given us a spirit of fear so sphere is the spirit God has not given us a spirit of fear but power love and a sound mind but so he's faithful spirit you know 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 because we they they they spoke we have also received the same spirit of faith therefore we speak so faith is also a spirit now so and and we got to trust the spirit of faith that's operating on the inside of us so Trust is unmovable unmovable okay because they trust in the Lord is like Mount Zion that cannot be moved so Trust is that inward assurance that my faith is not because of what I did is knowing that this feeling that I got on the inside it's going to happen fear and doubt again is movable because a double minded man is unstable so Trust is unmovable that is unstable okay so with that in mind let's just read he says dude a servant of Jesus Christ I'm reading the amplified a servant of Jesus Christ the Messiah and brother of James writes this letter to those who are called chosen dearly loved by God to the Father and separated set apart and kept for Jesus Christ may mercy so peace and love be multiplied to you now if we look at the rest of the epistles they all start in the first few verses my Grace and peace be multiplied Grace and peace to you Grace and peace you know so grace and peace are also stuff that you gotta have my whole concern was to write to you in regard to our common salvation but I found it necessary and was impelled to write you and urgently everybody say urgently now this is Jude as he was writing he said my aim was to write unto you about the fact that we've got a common salvation we all came to Jesus the same way he said but as I was writing there was impelled into me this urgency to skip the common salvation and write you about something else so God can intervene when you want to preach when you want to teach when you want to write God can intervene and say I've got another message that's more important this moment of time so God intervened and said I urgently appeal to you and exhort you to contain now that word content is to drive hard for to contend for the faith that was once for all handed down to the Saints the faith which is the sum of Christian belief which was delivered verbally to the holy people of God for certain men have crept in stiffly stealthily gaining entrance secretly by a dog they do must predicted long ago ungodly persons who pervert the grace come on so if you want to teach pure faith it's gotta be grace if it works it's law and Paul says these people have crept in and they are perverting the grace because they want to put a price on faith you see the spiritual blessing of your God into lawlessness and wantonness and immorality and this own and deny our soul master and Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah The Anointed One now I want to remind you though you were fully informed once for all that though the Lord delivered a people out of the land of Egypt listen to this he subsequently destroyed those of them who did not believe and even the angels who did not keep on don't want to go too deep in that but Judy is now keep on referring he said the thing I want you to contain for the thing I urgently appeal to you to run for is the faith that was once delivered unto the Saints so this faith is the one that operates by grace he said because some people came in to pervert the grace and because of that your face life has run shipwreck okay so what was the faith once delivered unto the Saints maybe just one example of this type of faith and this is let's like x4 2933 okay the Apostles are now challenged not to preach in the name of Jesus again because of the lame man that walked to the gate called beautiful that's faith okay silver and gold have I none but says such I have given to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk they took your mother hands and his ankle bones received strength so listen to they pray so the the Jewish board says no more preaching in this name o God grant unto your servants to speak now it says this faith was delivered unto them verbally so 2nd Corinthians 4 by faith they spoke and because we got the same spirit of faith therefore we speak so they say give unto thy servant to speak thy word so that thy hand will be stretched out to heal with signs wonders and miracles in the name of your Holy Child Jesus okay so what was the faith thing that they prayed for Oh God give unto your servants that they may speak your word so that your hand will be stretchered so the boldness is your word the healing science wonders and miracles is because your hand is in motion so verse 33 and with great power that the Apostles gave witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead okay so faith cometh by hearing and hearing bother by the word okay but unfortunately for some unfortunately for some you know people think it's so if I preach this word read this word quote this word it'll produce faith no you got to read the context so the context said starting at verse 8 maybe so the word is that we preach is near it's in our hearts and in our mouths quoting from Deuteronomy 30 we God says I'm bringing before you death and life so choose life so I speak what I've got in my heart what comes from where you know so he sees and well did Isaiah sees who believed our report and you was a normal Lord revealed so faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word okay which word the report so which message is the faith message the fact that who believed the report which report so he's quoting as ayah 53 who has believed our report and tumors the arm of the Lord revealed himself has jumped up a spring up like a tender plant out of dry ground for what does he say he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him with these stripes we are healed we all like sheep have gone astray but now that is a report so if I believe that report that is faith so how am I saved by the Whooper Jesus Christ so I'm saved by grace through faith none of our self that's a gift so whatever we - boasting nothing so what do we need boldness for to speak his word to have what he sent to see what signs wonders and miracles so to them that believe these signs shall follow in my name in the name of your child Jesus in my name speak in other tongues caused our demons lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so where does it come from from faith in that stuff so Hebrews 11:1 says faith is the substance of things hopeful it's the evidence of the things not seen okay now this is how I got it that helped me a lot in my life okay faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen everybody just say things let it just drop in your heart before we go on so God has made it so vast that there's no qualified thing that you cannot God can't cannot get Oh God so faith is there for things so God didn't say is there for health you didn't say is there for money you didn't say it's there for business he said it's for things so it's so vast that there is nothing that's not included so this is how I got it the receipt is the substance of the stuff paid for it's the evidence of things not yet delivered okay how do you get that covered so if I go to the furniture shop and I say I would like this lounge suite and they say it's eleven thousand three hundred range I say thank you so I write out the check three eleven thousand three they give me a receipt and they say shall we deliver it I said yes so I give them my address so it's now paid for I've got a receipt so I've got the substance of the things that I have paid for I've got the evidence of things that has not yet been delivered so I come home and on Susie comes and visit me it's two o'clock they only come at four o'clock with a furniture van I say you must see the lounge suite aha huh when you sit in it it's like haha here you see there that's it I said yes Susie you must see this laughs see I said where is it now they only bring it at four o'clock see four o'clock I think yes yeah come shake yes a receipt I paid for it this morning but they can only deliver it at 4:00 I'm Susie doubt because she didn't pay and she hasn't got the receipt I trust because I wrote out the chicken I've got the receipt so I don't have nothing to fear I walk around I take all the old furniture out I know that I know at 4 o'clock Milosh Swede will be delivered on Suzy stands at the door so faith is the substance of things hoped for the receipt is the evidence of the things so Jesus Christ paid that is the report on that cross that's why Paul said I want to know nothing among you except Christ and in crucified so it's the crucified Christ that did everything to see you forever and eternity anything you would ever want in your life there's nothing more to be paid for there's nothing more that you can do the only thing you can do is believe ok so all things are possible for him that belief believe what the fact that Jesus Christ died for us oh I know how people nail us in this church yeah but he's risen from the date of course he's risen Paul says if Christ is not risen our preaching is in vain but don't take the days away how could he rise he didn't die you know and the price wasn't paid in the resurrection that was for our justification the price was paid in his death on the cross of Christ so that's why faith comes by hearing the report who has believed our report so faith comes by hearing that report so I got to take that report and believe that I have now got the substance of the things that is paid for I've got the evidence although I do not yet see it I know it's paid for he died on the cross it's a fact thank you ok so that is it so this is the problem or what is the problem why is it that we are faith people we believe in grace and we still struggle to get the victory so we did James last week so let's go to James Elijah was a main subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth brought forth fruit now the whole context is verse thirteen is any among you afflicted let him pray is in him Mary let him sing songs he's any sick among you let him call for the elders or let them pray over him anointing with oil in the name of the Lord the prayer of faith the prayer of faith shall save the sick and even as he committed sin it shall be forgiven him now you know Jesus was challenged on this when he said to the man that the four friends dropped in front of him when there was no more room in the house he said your sins are forgiven you and say who has got power to forgive sins on earth I said to show to you that the Son of man has power to forgive sins are saying to you rise up and walk so it says package deal the report wounded for transgressions bruised for our iniquities strapped for healing a sealed deal package delivered at our doorstep if you can believe the report if you pray for the sick the faith pray not only will he be healed his sins will be forgiven so we see it your weekend after weekend when are you doing it we speak to people not just healing I say to people sir look at me I forgive you you just look at me sir I forgive you of your son get up and walk then Arthur's gonna pray the prayer of faith yes this is the prayer of faith shall save the sick and even he committed sins you shall be forgiven him he didn't say if that meant ok then in that context Elijah was a man so it's a prayer of faith now we know faith a little bit different than we're used to hear it faith is that one that will save the sick save it means from sin from sickness from disease from any binding spur that can keep you in bondage Elijah was a man oh so we think I am a man like Elijah no it's his Elijah's a man like us so that's what people miss the revelation he didn't say we are men like Elijah sees Elijah was a man like us and if we miss that we miss the whole chapter okay so what type of man was Elijah subject means I'm under that thing patience means that thing is over me but it's not the prayer of the passion that healed the sick it's a prayer of faith that saved the sick so if we miss it every time Elijah appeared or he had to do something is say to either the king or to Obadiah the Lord before whom I stand the Lord before whom I stand so he could boldly said because the word of the Lord came to him the word of the Lord came to way did the world Lord come to him when he stood before the Lord so where do you get your commands in the presence of Jesus knowing that you are walking by faith walking in the spirit living in the spirit in the presence of Almighty God why do you want to walk in the flesh if you can walk in the spirit why would you want to live an unrighteous doubtful evil life if you can live a faith life okay so the word of the Lord came to you the word of the Lord came to you no we know that there was no rain because Elijah prayed for no ring and then God appeared to him again or the word of the Lord came to again said Elijah go show yourself to a.m. and I will give rain on the way to showing himself to I am now this is Syrian off years later I haven't seen in 14 obvious now in the meantime I ever seen news all over every land and every country that was in his region is it find me Elijah and if you don't bring him to me if I found out he was in your country your countries got problem so every region sought for Elijah they couldn't find so here comes Obadiah and he's got commandant to look for Elijah so Elijah's got a commandment to look for you so on the way the two meet each other in a Fe is this Elijah my lord Elijah's Caesar well why don't you go to a Abe your Lord don't call me Lord I know you you serve you serve a.m. why don't you go cook a up and tell him I'm waiting for me I know you when I come here the Spirit of the Lord would have taken you away to another place and I come here and you know what happened to me he said no I'm not going Elijah says the Lord before whom I stand and you know what Obadiah said he said III I'm a righteous man I love the Lord dearly and I I have been hiding the prophets of God fifty-fifty I've been hiding them okay so Elijah I admin came to Elijah and Elijah said why don't you go call the 450 prophets of bail and call all the prophets that serve your wife those of Asura go call them as well so altogether I think this is what we did last week 850 evil demonic devilish prophets one man Elijah that the odds is quite good so so Elijah all day long these false prophets prayed they could get nothing right we all know the story I suppose so when it was time for the evening sacrifice Elijah stood up look at verse 22 chapter 18 then Elijah said to the people I and I only remain a prophet of the Lord but bales profits are 450 okay now listen to this he's now on the mountain there's 850 prophets Elijah's challenging the prophets and he said I and I only remain so verse 27 at noon Elijah was mocking them verse 29 made a post verse 30 Elijah said to all the people come near to me first 36 at the time of the offering evening sacrifice Elijah the Prophet came here and said O Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Israel let it be known this day that you are God in Israel that I am your servant and that I have done all these things that your words how did he do it at God's Word hear me o Lord hear me that this people may know that you the Lord our God and have turned their hearts back to you then the fire of the Lord fell and we know everything was consumed and Elijah slew all eight hundred and fifty prophets and then he prophesied there's a sound of abundance of rain verse 46 and the hand of the Lord was on Elijah he girded up his loins and ran before a up to the entrance of Jezreel 20 miles verse 19 and then I am told Jezebel all that Elijah had done how he had slain all the prophets of Baal with a sword now I want to shock a few people now AF didn't tell it with the intention that Jezebel should go and kill Elijah am told it because he was his heart was turning back towards God because Allah I just said if the Lord is God serve him if Baal is God serve him and the Bible says and all the people fell down and said the Lord he is God the Lord is God I am intimidated by his wife and all of a sudden she's at home and he sees God in action and he falls on his face the Lord is God so he ran back home he said listen the Lord is God Elijah won the prophets are slain God is God if you don't believe that you got to go to chapter 21 verses 25 through 29 remember when when when Elijah came in front of a up again and prophesied and said how his kingdom will be shaken and how God's going to kill everything and an a.m. wind and fasted and seek the face of the Lord and God sent back to Elisha and said I will not do it in AAVS day can't you see how he's humbling him self in my sight so if he did it once he can do it twice he can do it three times so but I will not go on that I just want to tell tell you something it wasn't AF it was cheese Abell servers to then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah not am saying that the gods do to me and more also if I make not your life as the life of one of them by this time tomorrow then he was afraid and Rosen went for his life and came to worship of Judah over 80 miles out of Jezebel's realm and left his servant there now listen to this by faith he had a prayer life that brought the fire down and brought the rain down and he ran another 20 miles with the anointing when he operated by faith but when fear struck you ran 80 miles now we can be closer to you now by faith under the anointing 20 miles when fear struck I ran another 80 miles so fear is a force and a spirit as much as faith is a foursome is for it and both can make you act in mouth you make you react both can make you do things and verse 5 and as he lay and slept you would have slept after that running to slept after 80-mile Mars Rani and that you know the angel baked him a cake and said verse 7 arise in each for the journey is too great for you look this way an angel came and said Elijah let's help you with food see that you're running we're gonna help you run but this journey is too long for you it's too tough for you you're not gonna make it because you're not doing it by faith fear can drive you but halfway you gonna have a burn out you're gonna collapse on the pressure under stress because it's fear driving you and not faith driving it so Elijah I gotta help you although you're wrong when he came to a cave verse nine and lodged there verse 10 and he replied the Lord said to me what are you doing here pristine I have been very jealous for the Lord I've broken down there's altars of kilos prophets and I I only am left look this way I and I only have left okay just look at me there Elijah was very bold it was very bold in that statement I an irony here he made the same statement but this time about fear verse 11 and God said go out and stand on the Mount before the Lord goes now even God knows if we can just get Elijah to stand before the Lord again if you can get him say Oh Lord would you stretch for your hand Lord would you speak your word God will you bring yourself on the scene if you can only get that back so God is trying to get the light out of the cave but he's still sitting in the cave you know there were earthquakes and fire and stuff and when Elijah heard the voice he wrapped his face and God said what are you doing here Elijah and he said I've been very jealous for the Lord same question same answer and I I only am left same question same answer I and I only am left pretty okay and the Lord said to him go return on your way and when you arrive go and anoint the king and anoint the prophet and start ministering and start doing that and starts laying this and start doing this and start doing that to Elijah so Elijah was subject to patients like us but if you pray a prayer of faith you can save the sick but if your patience is the driving force and you must judge it for faith you're going to be bold in yourself that's gonna make you end up in fear that's gonna turn it into and you will say I and I only I and I only so I will make you bold when you bold you say I'm in tell you I can show you anything when you when fear strikes you say oh but God I went put this right okay so that's the three people that will stick to you I me and my so Jude says when I wanted to write you about our common salvation all of a sudden the urgency fell on me to rather speak to you about the faith that was once delivered unto the Saints and this is the thing you need to contain for so we got a look at the faith delivered unto Peter James and John so Peter says Oh God grant your servants to speak your word so that the boldness will be because of your word so that your hand will be stretched out so that we will see healings science wondrous miracles in the name of your Holy Child Jesus Christ okay so the word of the Lord came to Elijah and he was bold but unfortunately his boldness wasn't in God's Word he was acting under patience he was stirred by his passions and not by his faith but when he stood in front of those Biol priests said oh God looking past I mean and my God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob so he's looking past himself and he's looking to the fathers of faith by faith Abraham by faith Jacob by faith Isaac so we are children of Isaac children of promise so he looked pastor mister Oh God let it be known on to the whole answer that you are God and that I've done these things on your word all of a sudden that I I only is gone all of a sudden he's not gonna prove anything all of a sudden he's looking unto God Oh God and that's the same as in the life of Josh effete when he had that battle in second king second chronicles chapter 20 he said Oh God same words God of Abraham Isaac and Israel in ourselves there's no strength against these armies and the Spirit of the Lord came in the midst of the congregation and said you don't have to fight why do you want to fight for what do you want to fight for it's not works its grace if you can just trust you will be like Mount Zion that cannot be moved if you're gonna doubt you're gonna be waving you're gonna be your unstable so where's your faith so we are not men like Elijah Elisha is a man like us so let's call this a cycle it can go any way around but it's got a starting point and it's got a finishing point to complete the cycle so women can more easily talk about the cycles woman has got this boldness well I tell you man and they they can run the house they can move it around they know exactly what food you need to buy I might go get the milk and go sin-debt and they run they got boldness and the cycle goes on then do you really love me why is the light tonight would it you did you speak to on the telephone see reach them then the cycle goes on pity and then they go over it and then they go to God Oh shall we pray to steak hands before we go to school this morning am i lying that's the cycle from boldness to man I can do anything in the cells I know I'm the woman I I know to fear too pretty to trust in faith so it takes a woman a whole month to go through that cycle a man can go through it four times a day you know what God is trying to say look at this you know what God is trying to tell us everybody goes through the motions of fashions so God is trying to tell us Elijah was subject to the same patience as you are subjected to but when he prayed by faith he closed the heavens and he opened the events he prayed fire down when he looked away from I and I only the three ones the bold one the few one and the pretty one you could go check it up and make a study for yourself it's exactly so in that Bible and we don't see it because Elijah who seminar you his passions drove him to hide in a cave man by faith slew eight hundred and fifty men by fear run away from one woman by faith after slade 850 men he ran 20 miles by fear from one woman he ran 80 miles what I'm trying to say tonight is so we walk by faith not by sight so Jude comes he says when I wanted to write you about our common salvation all of a sudden urgency struck me said you'd rather write about the faith that was once delivered unto the Saints and tell the church to contain for it to do something to get that faith back what faith God give us boldness but not in me in your word when the word of the Lord came to Elijah power word of the Lord power word of the Lord power but all of a sudden he got so accustomed listen to the words he got so accustomed to the anointing and the word that Trust moved from trust and faith to fear and doubt because I jumped in and he said I and the only one he wasn't he wasn't obadiah was hiding two hundred or hundred actually God spoke to him he said there's seven thousand that didn't bear the need to bail man if you want to feel sorry for yourself I've got seven thousand waiting for you at the bottom of the mountain so when Elijah caught got out of the eye I me and my and he got up from that cave you know what he did he got back into ministry anointed to man that did double as much as what he ever thought of doing he anointed a king he started ministering with power the glory of the Lord was all over him and all of a sudden I mean the boldness wasn't in him all of a sudden he was eyes was focused back on Jesus so people if the theme starts breaking through don't say I and my power brought me this don't say my strength has brought me this say glory to God make sure that God will get the glory and if God will get the glory it will rip you out of the cycle of passions listen to this one fear pity boldness that part of the cycle which is not run by faith in God because you are operating by the word but by your patience that whole cycle is news initiated okay news is initiated and associated what I'm trying to say I hear from God so I'm not walking with God I hear from God okay so all of a sudden I govern and I hear from God so I'm bold then I hear hello hello you said you mom hello mom what's wrong mom it's it's what happened mother and then we are fear driven because of news that we received and instead of looking to God we look at the situation now I teach it here especially their pastors conferences people say how do you work miracles I say I'm not looking to the sick person the only time you look at the sick person is if you know you are in authority say come sir look at me Peter said look at us what we have we give you in the name of Jesus that's what we got stand up stand up but there are other times when we look at people touch them we'll go away from the circumstance because the news make our hearts tremble what's wrong sir I've got two days doctor said I will not see money what's wrong sir still very excited or the cancer is right through my body there's not a cell that's not infected fear strikes so I so I look away Oh God serious serious if I now look at the sick I'm gonna get circumstance orientated and I'm gonna smell cancer and before I know it I pray by fear I and I only and when the person's not healed are falling to a pity so we must break the cycle of patience that is not a good scripture to motivate you to live in your patients you should start in verse 13 and build up to verse 17 you shouldn't take verse 17 out of context and think it's a good Scripture because the next one says if you repent and the previous one says if you repent to the previous verse says verse 16 if you confess verse 17 says if you save somebody from his error sorry if you don't hear that so it's not a positive motivation it's actually a negative motivation if you understand my terminology right to say don't fall for your patients if you want to look at another translation he said Elijah was a man subject to the feelings that we are subjective and then it goes on in the other translation if you read the amplified to the feelings of the natural man that we are subjective so they are feelings of the natural man is not just purge your man to go through the cycle it's your natural man come on if they take your womb and your ovaries out no more cycles but the feelings so there so you can't get rid of the feelings because it's part of the natural being that is in your emotional system say I did get rid of it can you get rid of it of course you can get rid of it do you think he was walking around the cycles I'm sorry God said part of the curses you will now be children with pain so Kenneth Hagin said I never allowed my feelings to tell me how I feel Smith Wigglesworth how do you feel I don't ask myself how I feel I tell myself how I feel I hope I can get through in this closing minute so what do we go about how I feel so we're walking around with emotions that's got nothing to do with faith so overrule your passions your emotions by your faith now the report speak it that's what Romans stances if we can get out of the cycle we will know true love true peace and true joy but we try and run our marriages by the bold fear pity cycle okay it's not easy now you could feel how their religious demon has just manifested in the house we tried to get a perfect marriage by the patience it's a cycle that's build on the inside of you and God says it's time to stand up and say by faith don't ignore the feelings over rule the feelings I preached a sermon our first sermon on TV five years ago was overrule the natural with a super nature proved it out of the Bible that Supernature simply means overruling the nature it doesn't say deny it trying to deny the fact and thinking that is faith denying the fact is not faith that's stupidity they call it presumption it's not denying the fact it's overruling the fact say I know it's code so I will put on my jacket and I'm not gonna try and show it's warm but I'm gonna trust God to help me in this cold to get that thing fixed outside there I'm alone so then I can stand like in the days of the Iron Curtain in Russia like Vanya stood there for thirty days without food and water out in the snow felt his body and he never grew cold naked tied to a post because he loved Jesus he said how did you ever rule or how did you conquer the code see that didn't I was just praising God all the time said I know it's cold I can see it's cold I see the snow if you ever read his book you know so it's not how I keep on saying to overrule its overruling it by looking to the one who's in charge of the supernatural the one that can walk on the water stops calm the storm still versi get the dead out of the tomb Oh God let it be known that is your word God stretch out your hand with me speaking your word I don't know if I'm making sense so who have believed what the report what report he was wounded for our translations that's the report people you can never get away from the crucified Christ when John saw him on the Isle of Patmos chapter after chapter I looked around and saw a lamb that was slain we want to see the king of glory why don't you get your eyes on the slain lamp and then look to the king of glory here Australia eyes fixed and focused on Jesus which Jesus who for the suffering that was set before him endured the cross okay so which Jesus to our see we saw all the old Pentecostal songs be holding their dying on the cross ke kula you can go to all those old books on a deal far away so and that's why tonight we're gonna sit around the table in the night the Lord Jesus Christ or Buddha he said this is my body he didn't say it resembles my body it is my body broken for you took the cup he said this is the blood in the New Testament in all translations except the NIV okay then in 1st Corinthians 11 Paul says I have received the Lord that in the night the Lord Jesus Christ was betrayed not from Peter not from John Jesus appeared and say this is my body broken for you if you can't discern it you'll be sick and this is this cup is the New Testament in my blood if you can't discern it you'll be sick he's not talking about the body that's 1st Corinthians 3 first kind of the leaven is the cross body the one dying there so who have believed her report so the best way to get the cycle broken is to get the seed word into your heart which is not just spoken but it's on the table there so tonight the table is especially for this meeting so what we do tonight is say Lord I'm gonna take this bread and I'm gonna believe the report that this bread speaks about the fact that you were wounded for my transgressions bruised for my kitties just ours monster I can have peace stripes are like and be healed so all things are possible to him that believeth so I'm gonna get out of my passion cycle and I'm getting to the righteous shall live by faith not by the emotions emotions or commotions so I believe it so I eat it Lord I don't care if I've got the worst ovaries in the in the church God I don't care if I come out of the most emotional family on earth god I don't cave I come here at the most dysfunctional family on earth I made you my father when Jesus became our Lord so I'm born into a new family so I'm not gonna be run by anything that I grew up with and you got to know it very well I'm not gonna be run by what my body tells me which time of the month ADIZ I'm not gonna be run but what my boss tells me my sister-in-law tells me or my mother tells me I'm gonna be run by the fact of the faith that Jesus Christ is my lord and now I'm gonna eat this bread by the eating of this bread I'm believing the report I've heard it I believe so with this cup it's the New Testament that's been left us when Christ died has said it is finished sealed and settled and no man's Testament can any man add to or deduct from all treaties signed and the lawyer is yet to stand at the table necessity so okay and when it's done it's done and a testament is valid when somebody does so this is the gospel the good news Jesus died for you so Jesus tonight thank you for dying thank you for shedding your blood thank you for that broken body on the cross as a group of believers we believe the report we speak the report we accept the report and that report now brings faith into our hearts say if we eat that body and drink that blood we're gonna stand up tonight and we're gonna trust in you knowing Eternal Father in Heaven that we can make it we can get all things because faith is the substance of things hoped for now there's a lot of things we hope for but we know it's paid for and because it's paid for we've got the evidence deep in our hearts and that's called faith so tonight we want to take in position the things that Christ paid the price for so help us Holy Ghost when we go to the stable to break away from our passionate walks and come into a faith walk in Jesus name so Jesus took the bread and say this is my body broken for you when you eat it too soon it's my body so that you won't be judged and be sick so if it can bring judgment it can bring healing so holy goes help me as I eat this bread this is the New Testament I'm not falling into a covenant we're do's and don'ts I'm taking my heritage I'm an heir or the father joined a with a son everything that God has and easy is now mine thank you Jesus I seal this word and I'm not gonna be driven by patience I'm gonna be driven by faith hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we are plating more contents and we have a full library of content to be uploaded so you're going to be blessed by that 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Channel: Spirit Word House
Views: 6,908
Rating: 4.968504 out of 5
Keywords: spirit word ministries, spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus van rensburg, kobus van rensburg teachings, porphet kobus, spiritwordministries, spirit world, spirit world ministries, spiritworldministries, prophet kobus miracles, sermons on faith and works, sermons on faith, passion for faith
Id: Ppv6iFgFxwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 39sec (3039 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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