Pasodoble Francisco Alegre para Guitarra Española

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Good afternoon, today I want to interpret for you one of the most beautiful pasodobles in Spain, which is Francisco Alegre. It was composed by the famous trio of Antonio Quintero, Rafael de León and Manuel Quiroga, that trio of composers who also composed many of the famous and characteristic Spanish verses and pasodobles and this one in particular was composed for Juanita Reina, one of my favorite Spanish voices. Also, for a show called Solera de España number 3 in 1945, but it was not until 47 in the movie "La Lola se va a los puerto", which she herself also stars in, when the pasodoble acquired the international fame that today in day has. This pasodoble tells the love story between a woman and Francisco Alegre, a bullfighter with whom she is in love, she has maintained a loving relationship with him, but in the past marriages were arranged, for economic reasons, family and that kind of issue, then She has to marry another man she does not love and she is still in love with Francisco Alegre and suffers every time she goes out to fight. The music of course contains the Andalusian cadence that I like so much, that if you want to know more about it, I have where I tell you the harmony of flamenco, I leave the link in the description and in my arrangement for guitar I have included those basses that make the serious instruments such as the trombone, tuba, horn ... in Andalusian bands when they play it, which is characteristic because it makes an arpeggiated upward movement; for example playing like this with the dominant and other notes with tensions within the same chord. You can also listen to more pasodobles like El Gato Montés and more Spanish music of this style on my YouTube channel, I leave you the links in the description of this video, I hope you like my version, if so you can subscribe, like it, You can follow me on my social networks: instagram, twitter, facebook, TikTok ... in @paohermosin and you can also share the youtube link with your friends, thank you very much for seeing it On the posters they have put a name that I do not want to see Francisco Alegre and Olé, Francisco Alegre and Olá people say "Long live the men" when they see him fight, I am praying for him with my mouth closed From the sand he says to me "dark girl, why are you crying to me, emperor face?" Give me your laugh, woman, I am an Andalusian bullfighter and I wear the cross of Jesus that you gave me Francisco Alegre, my heart, spread his cape on the sand of the ring Francisco Alegre, he has a dress with an "I love you" that enters sighs I embroidered Torito bravo, do not look at me that way, let me decorate your black curls with his noble Torito hood, have compassion, that between embroideries Francisco Alegre and Olé my heart have locked up In my window I have a sign for whoever it is come and look, Francisco Alegre and Olé, Francisco Alegre and Olá In which he says how much I love you but what a shame it gives me because of another love we cannot get married From the sand he says to me "girl, brunette, why are you crying to me, emperor's face? " Give me your laugh, woman, I am an Andalusian bullfighter and I wear the cross of Jesus that you gave me Francisco Alegre, my heart, spread his cape on the sand of the ring Francisco Alegre, he has a dress with an "I love you" that enters sighs, I embroidered him , a brave bull, don't look at me that way, let me decorate your black curls with his noble bull's hat, have compassion that Francisco Alegre and Olé, my heart , have enclosed in embroidery
Channel: Paola Hermosín
Views: 786,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: francisco alegre, pasodoble, pasodoble español, pasodobles, pasodobles taurinos, tauromaquia, torero, pasodoble torero, pasodoble francisco alegre, francisco alegre corazon mio, francisco alegre juanita reina, juanita reina, antonio quintero, rafael de leon, manuel lopez quiroga, manuel quiroga, copla, isabel pantoja, rocio jurado, copla españa, pasodoble torero francisco alegre, paola hermosin, paola hermosin pasodoble
Id: d_EN7-43CLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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