BIODIVERSITY (Hierarchical Taxonomic Classification System). Part 1. | SCIENCE 8 - Q4

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] from your grade 3 to grade 7 you have studied about the different organisms and their easily observable characteristics this vlog will introduce you to the topic and to the concept of biodiversity specifically the variety of organisms living on earth hello my dear students kumusta yo welcome back to my youtube channel this me again teacher tin your science teacher for today if you're new to this channel don't forget to subscribe like and hit the notification bell for more updates in science [Music] we are now on week 5 of quarter 4 in science 8 and for today's topic we are going to discuss about biodiversity the two most essential learning competencies in this topic are number one explain the concept of species number two classify organisms using hierarchical taxonomic system banana guma mela fishes snakes plants animals how are they classified for today's topic we are going to discuss about biodiversity specifically the variety of organisms living on earth this will discuss how they are classified and blamed it will also show the differences and similarities among organisms and it will describe the different groups to which these organisms belong what is biodiversity biodiversity [Music] words biological and diversity kayanaging biodiversity member diversity number one is the species diversity the other one is genetic diversity and the third one is the ecosystem diversity species diversity interferes the different kinds of organisms while the genetic diversity this is the genetic information that organisms contain and ecosystem diversity it refers to the different kinds of places where organisms live and the interconnections that bind these organisms together [Music] okay let us discuss the different levels of classification okay let us define first taxonomy so underpassionate in taxonomy okay taxonomy it literally means arrangement law taxonomy this is the science of classifying organisms to construct internationally shared classification systems with each organism placed into more and more inclusive groupings [Music] hello one large space is divided into departments such as produce dairy meats then each department further divides into aisles then each aisle into categories and brands and then finally a single product okay grocery store this organization from larger to smaller more specific categories is called the hierarchical system again when we say taxonomy this is a part of science that focuses on naming and classifying or grouping organisms [Music] he is a swedish naturalist who is considered to be the father of taxonomy okay no 1700s his two most important contributions to taxonomy were number one is the hierarchical classification system and the other one is the system of binomial nomenclature a two-part naming method okay some other taxonomy classification system marantay on eight main levels from the most inclusive to the most exclusive atmosphere dks co f g s taxonomy classification system d stands for the domain k for the kingdom p for the philu c for class o for order f for family g for genus and s for species okay for example yokarya kingdom animalia phylum chordata class mammalia order primata family hominidae genus for homo and species for sapiens [Music] scientists scientific names especially organisms [Music] [Music] scientific names also provide the identity of organisms and indicate their true nature [Music] [Music] [Music] species this is a group of similar organisms and capable of reproducing their own kind example species milk fish dog walling so that is an example of species scientists they came up with the three domain system classification before they divide them in these materials are enclosed into a memory membrane however the prokaryotes are not most of the prokaryotes are tiny unicellular additive microorganisms a lot of yogurts they are multicellular in contrast with the microorganisms are the prokaryotes not tiny and unicellular [Music] recently prokaryotes have been divided into two domains it is [Music] plants and animals what you see in this table is the sample classification of organisms submarine tiny category and then we have the kingdom phylum class order family geno species and on the other hand we have the different kinds of different classes of different classification of organisms we have the domesticated cat dog vamoose wolf and lion so let us have uh the dog for example animalia so belong to sakuya data and then i'm classmates family candidate genus kanis and the species is familiaris [Music] scientific name nakanis familiaris and take note if you're going to write the scientific name of a species so for example dog maritime scientific name tennis familiaris so combination shannon genus actual species and if you're going to write the scientific name the first word is in capital letter and then the second word is in small letter just like this can is familiaris scientific name for dog okay let us talk about the archaea domain so under the mercury domain we have the kingdom archaea bacteria organisms that belong to this kingdom are all microscopic using our naked eye we can only see this using microscopes they are very tiny objects and tiny species they they live in various places some even in the most severe environments examples of this are methanogens holophiles and thermophiles and the other domain is we have the bacteria domain so belong the mantosa members of you bacteria are unicellular and microscopic and they are referred to astro bacteria and they are usually called the bacteria group yes bacteria tolerant bacteria their cerebrals are made of peptidoglycan is a very diverse group and they are varied in shape yes bacteria and uh a lot of human diseases are caused by bacteria bacteria [Music] which is a common diseases in philippines is the mycobacterium tuberculosis now let us talk about the protists so members of kingdom protista come from unrelated ancestors so you groupings nato i need a referendum and a biologist as artificial grouping so the inclusion of large number of unicellular organisms under this kingdom is just for convenience young proteus can classify those into three groups heterotrophs and spiritual ones algae dinoflagellates and euglenoids they're considered as phototrophs they have chlorophyll and they can make their own food okay or [Music] [Music] [Music] they can only survive by living in a host organisms and others they are feed on decaying matter okay and they are also known as the saprophytes okay and fungi they also have cell walls but are made up of chitin [Music] because they can only survive by living on a post organisms or naboobu decaying organisms okay let us now proceed with the plant kingdom okay and they are multi-cellular because and because they have chlorophyll they can make their own food so tanda and plant kingdom meaning to say these are plants that do not have tissues to transport water and food and when we say vascular plant they have transport system have you noticed green patches attached to stones or walls during rainy season or in moist wet or shady areas so on top of that is a non-vascular plants example on the management vascular plants we have the liver words moses and hern words these are non-vascular plants and vascular plants rhizos and of course we have the vascular plants plant sociability and vascular plants vitomeron cilan transport systems through stems roots and leaves where the nutrients can pass through and of course under the vascular plants we have two different kinds the gymnosperms and the angiosperm so what is the difference between the two when we see gymnosperms these are the non-flowering plant and the angiosperms are the flowering plants so let's start first with the gymnosperm examples of gymnosperms are the conifers cycods jinkos and ninopites now how about the angiosperms so the angiosperms they are also known as the flowering plants they are also called as the flowering plants since flowers as well as fruits are involved in the reproduction and development and remember nasa and just purpose that they can be classified according to their lifespan maritime animals live for year or one growing season like corn and rice [Music] it is stems and leaves during the first year produce seeds on the second year then die and we also have the perignals perennials live for many years usually producing woody stems like chichirika bamboo and trees okay let's now proceed with the animal kingdom animals different size and shapes remember that animals can be classified into two categories the invertebrate animals and the vertebrate animals and alumna invertebrate animals vertebrate animals in this part you will discover the diverse characteristics uses and roles in the environment of nine in about 35 animal phyla okay number one we have the sponges sponges animal kingdom shampoo under invertebrate animals and fabilangitosa phylum [Music] they live in shallow and deep oceans the young of sponges are more motile while adults are attached to solid materials like wraps the body of hard sponge is supported by skeleton called spicules made of either glass-like silica or calcium carbonate a network of protein fiber supports soft sponges this is one used for bathing and washing and the other one we have the night dargans and neither years are belong to the phylum saidaria members of ireland said area consists of animals whose tentacles contain sting cells called pneumatocysts this poison-filled structures are used for defense and to capture their prey or food once released this can be painful and even fatal like an attack by jellyfishes and the other one we have the flat worms the flapper belongs to phyllo platyhelpins which means in greek it is platys which means flock and hal means which means worm as their name suggests they are flat and ribbon-like organisms flock worms are found in fresh water in wet places and marine waters they include the free living or non-parasitic worms the parasitic flukes and the tapeworm group the planaria is an example of a free living platform it lives in moist surfaces under rocks and plants rivers and even aquariums flux are parasites that live in other animals including humans and the other one is what we call the round worms roundworms are member of phylum nematoda compared to flatworms wrong worms are also known as nematodes have long cylindrical and slender bodies some roundworms are free living while others are parasites of animals and plants the free living ones are important as they are composers in some soil in both marine and fresh waters the other one is segmented worm the third group of worms which belong to phylum anilida also known as aniliths these animals are characterized by segmented or repeated body boards this makes them move easily and with flexibility animals are mostly found crawling in moist soil or swimming in sea and fresh waters examples of amulets are the earthworms follicates and leeches next we have the pollusk and mollusks belong to phylum muloska they are soft bodied in vertebrates with most of them covered by a shell they have complex respiratory reproductive circulatory digestive and excretory systems functioning together for their survival the mullah's body has three parts a muscular food for locomotion a mantel that produces the shell and visceral mass that contains their internal organs moles consists of three classes the gastropods bibles and cephalopods [Music] next we have the echinoderms which belongs to the phylum ink in the dormata you can be fascinated by the star-shaped sea star or spine-toted sea urchin and the appearance of the sun dalar along with the brittle star and the sea cucumber they belong to phylum if inodor mata all kino terms are found in the marine environment sea lily another echinoderm is rooted in the sun and the bottom of the sea will sea cucumber burrows in mud of deep or shallow waters have you observed what grasshoppers centipedes and crabs have in common they have jointed legs the group is considered the most successful of all animal phyla as they are present in almost all types of habitats there are acropolis that can walk crawl some can fly while others swim in salty and fresh waters the arthropods there also grew based on the type of exoskeleton crustaceans and we also have the millipedes and the centipedes and we also have the insects insects form the largest group among hydroponics the other one is what we call the coordinates animals belonging to phylum chordata how four characteristics that are present in any stages in their life cycle these are the not the horde the dorsal hollow nerve cord gill slits and a post anal tail after they invertebrate animals we also have the vertebrate animals so caballo terena invertebrates so it's a vertebrate animals these are animals that have backbone most of the vertebrates are sea and land dwellers forming a large group of chordates example of vertebrate animals we have the fishes fishes are vertebrate animals found in salty fresh cold or even hot water most have scales for protection paired fins for movement and gills for gas exchange they're also cold-blooded animals because of their body temperature changes when environment temperature changes and certain fishes do not have true teeth or maybe jawless as compared to others and of course we also have the amphibians so i know you are familiar with this amphibians it means double life an adobo life from which amphibians got their name amphibians refers to the animals that can live in water or even in land examples of amphibians okay so i am an example samara amphibians and we do also have the reptiles so reptiles are animals that exhibit more adaptations for living on land they lay eggs with shells to protect them from drying and as you can also notice they also have smooth or rough scales for protection from loss of body water examples of reptiles we have the crocodiles and alligators [Music] and another one we have the birds so if reptiles are adapted to land life so most of the birds are adapted to fly i know characteristics of birds so in a positive play they are unable to fly so meaning they say they have the presence of wings feathers uh large like muscles in the breast bone and reduce weight of examples of birds [Music] and lastly we have the mammals and of course her mamas might identify nadine they breed in air have poor chambered hearts and warm blooded so most of them also give birth to live young and care for them the first group of mammals is what we call the monotremes pakistani dreams they lay eggs similar to those birds okay examples of monotremes platypus and spiny and teether and another group of mamas is what we call the marsupials so paksinabinaminati marsupials they or they are called as the pouch mamas also give birth to live young so after birth uh and nourishes with milk from mammary glands within this pouches and is the largest group of mammals this is also known as placental mammals they bear fully developed young animals inside the mother's uterus okay examples of placenta mammals examples moles bats rats mice squirrels rabbits hairs armadillos whales dolphins dugong manatee elephants dogs cat bears seals wall wall roses horses zebras rhinoceros giraffes carabaos gold pigs and and of course i'm adding only mammal that can fly we have the bat i know and only mammal that can swim we have the whale and dolphins so malama mala [Music] this is the end of our lesson vlog about biodiversity and about the uh taxonomic classification system so in our next lesson vlog still it's all about the biodiversity but this time we are going to discuss and explain uh the difference between high diversity and low biodiversity okay so i hope to see you on my next vlog if you're new to this channel don't forget to subscribe like and hit the notification bell for more updates inside this me again t-shirt in your science teacher for today bye please consider subscribing by gohan thank you [Music] won't you take me in my castle in the [Music] sky
Channel: Khristine Min Jin
Views: 84,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biodiversity, taxonomic classification system, kingdom, phylum, class, orders
Id: vleHSx1ED-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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