alright next I'm gonna show you is something that can be a little scary especially when you're only using instruments of fly is what to do if you actually lose some of your instruments now losing certain instruments may not be as bad as losing others as in if I lose my a speed indicator my ultimate and vsi that's not as terrible because I still have my standby airspeed and stem altimeter and my pitch attitude is my front my attitude indicator is my primary reference now the promise of a lose my adage indicator I do have a standby that I can use but it's not as sensitive as my primary and my interpretation my scan has not changed so from using a hub-and-spoke method I've now changed to interpreting these three instruments at the bottom here my standbys and then moving up and down between the PFD and the MFD and the standby so I've increased my the amount of scanning I'm actually doing what I'd like to do is in the middle of my flight when I take off a nice ghost rating level after I've done my cruise checklist it's set my standby I'll my standby adage indicator and what I like doing is even though I'm indicating 2.5 degrees of pitch up for my cruise I like sitting he's standby alert indicator to zero pitch because that actually indicates to me it helps me my interpretation and in terms of sensitivity determining that I'm at the pitch that I want to be forced rating level a 100 knots at 2250 rpm so another you understand is that in IFR if you lose your instruments regular regulations dictate that we must tell ATC that we have a system malfunction if you do do that if when you do that you've got to be specific air traffic control you gotta remember that most air traffic controls are not pilots so if you tell them you have an a house failure that means nothing to them you need to tell them exactly what happened I have lost my primary attitude indicator and don't be vague either you want to tell them I've lost my primary indicator I have a standby and I'd like to decline emergency if you've lost your primary flight instrument this becomes an emergency because the safety of flight is now in jeopardy especially if you're a low time pilot a low time instant product now I have over 4,000 hours I'm still declaring emergency because I would like priority to get back to the airport and I don't want anyone to ever be scared about declaring an emergency it's a safety function get down to the ground quickest possible and H off control may ask you to for some paperwork they may ask you a couple questions or what happened but that's about it my job is to try and get safely on the ground so don't ever be scared to declare emergency so let's see what happens let's see what happens if I have if I lose my primary attitude indicator if you look at the PFD you'll notice what happened alright there it is so what you've seen now is my screens gone quite blank and I've lost my primary reference so now shifted my my view to using my standby attitude indicator as my primary pitch reference primary hub hub reference for my scan so I'm still maintaining 2250 rpm I got my little orange dot on the white line the middle line because that's what I sit for by level pitch and then I can go back up to my attitude indicator my a PFD and check my a speed multimeter and my vsi to make sure I'm actually still getting what I want and then I have my CDI reference and the hitting indicator however you are so in this case you want to make very small adjustments and you'll notify HR for control data approach Ruto 462 I have just lost my primary attitude indicator I have a standby that I'm using but it is not as sensitive I need like to declare an emergency and return back to Daytona 462 we have two souls on board and we have three and a half hours of fuel left 462 Roger we have your emergency on fire by heading 1 a 0 this will be vectors for visual into Daytona we roll 462 1 8 0 visual effects for Daytona all right one is so right now with editing the kid we don't actually if you notice our hitting indicated we don't have any numbers on this our primary hitting references are mag compass so they want me to turn to one eight zero so come down to this generate turn one eight zero going directly south if you're going south we have to overshoot south by half our latitude plus 15 which is thirty degrees for daytona area so I'm actually gonna turn to two one zero when my hitting indicator indicates to one my my compass and it gets two one zero and then roll out because that should give me one eight zero because of the lag and lead errors so I'm gonna roll out here you'll notice my edits my my compass is actually swung back to 185 that's not what I want so I'm sitting about one eight zero I went one is zero so I'll turn off standard rate turn back about two seconds since a standard rate turn is three degrees per second so I makes Moulton adjustments small adjustments and now on one eight zero so I'll maintain this heading maintain three thousand feet and just wait for ATC to tell me what to do I'm still scanning my scan is quite significant not because I'm going attitude indicator espy edit indicate altimeter alert indicator mag compass so there's one eight zero I'm actually drifting now so I gotta turn back the my compass isn't as sensitive as you're hitting indicator and the errors can be relatively larger than the heading indicator so make small adjustments you know 462 TURN RIGHT heading two one zero descend and maintain 2,000 for you to turn right to 1-0 to Center maintain 2,000 okay first I'm gonna turn right to suits two one zero so we have about thirty degrees so that's our ten second turn turn right ten seconds one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay I'll shuck a little bit so I'm gonna find you an adjust and there's two one zero and the cinnamon ten one two thousand feet so I'm reduce the power and it's about 2,000 rpm and as I do that northern nose is gonna drop it I already have it trimmed I already have it trimmed four hundred knots so for 2,000 feet two thousand rpm and I will slowly let the nose drop by it's off by just holding my back pressure that I already had for level flight and the nose should drop by itself for 100 knots because it was trimmed 400 knots and then I can make fine small adjustments from there so key is to not over correct and understand the flight control inputs you don't want to push down when descending you don't push the yoke down just reduce the power the noise will automatically reduce the the pictures automatically decrease keep that scan going back up for your attitude Nicator up to your heading indicator my compass and again making small adjustments so two one zero I want to make sure I'm descending down to 2,000 feet and trim the aircraft out so it looks like my white dot my little red dot is just below the white zero pitch line on my standby attitude together Rodolphe 462 bases were reported at 2400 advised if you encounter a VFR procedure what advice would you offer so that ACC is helping you out at the kid emergency they're doing all they can to help me get to an area of VFR so that I can transition to VFR flying now my HP 100 knots I'm still good on my SP that might be a little too fast our dispersed 50 rpm again the nose will drop by itself don't force the nose down don't push the nose down just let the nose drop by self when you reduce the power and then see what pitch and what rate of descent who gives you whenever kind of maintain about 500 or 600 feet per minute on the descent we can use our vsi up here to determine our ready descent so some of the to10 hitting still descending this VFR the time approach shuttle 462 is VFR at all 462 Roger maintain your present heading and we'll get you vectors for runway seven left as soon as possible overseer maintain present heading and the expected to say left okay now be a file transition to outside flying I'm maintaining 2,000 feet now my primary attitude my reference will be the horizon and since I am VFR now it becomes a lot easier to fly the airplane so basic knowledge of a partial panel and losing your primary educator basic knowledge how to fly the airplane is crucial to say following a safe flying of the aircraft because ATC can then vector you and you can fly the aircraft safely to a point where you can maintain VFR and get back in land as soon as practical so basic things about flying partial panel small changes essential pitch reference to help you out prior after you've done your cruise checklist like I said I'd set the red dot on my standby to the zero mark line that helps me knowing that that's level flight since it's not as sensitive and the markings aren't as the incremental markings aren't as small as on my primary added an attitude indicator small adjustments know your pitch and power settings know your power settings that's gonna be very important what gives you what gives you level flight at 100 not what gives you - 500 feet per minute - Center 200 knots so knowledge and memorization of those power setting numbers and your pitch attitudes is crucial to helping you fly the aircraft safely during partial panel remember to report the failure chr which will be specific and tell them exactly what you want to do and declare an emergency since this is a safety of flight function and you've lost your primary reference of flying the airplane