Part 8 "POWER HOUR" - 2019 Nitto King of the Hammers Powered by Optima Qualifying

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we'll be starting here momentarily you see our two-time king Eric Miller and we were talking about this earlier he's starting a little bit on the outside to try to get out of those berms is it Dave Eric Miller's lining up next to him or behind who's going to be Josh baile this three-time king Shannon Campbell behind him his son Waylon Campbell that we got Levi Shirley JP Gomez rusty baile Paul Horschel in his brand-new car Loren Healy a two-time King remember Jason share of course last year's winner growl Gomez clay Gilstrap Andrew McLaughlin two-time King Randy Slauson Bailey Cole Bailey Campbell and last but not least number twenty disco Derek West and that's just a great shot from our drone on Eric Miller getting ready to take off who is going to be able to bump off Nick Nelson if anybody these guys could do it this is where it gets exciting miles this is why I've been here all day I've been looking for the power hour so much this is where we get to see the big dogs really run however we've seen some fantastic times already put down but Cody Addington also by Brian Croft and of course Nick Nelson in a full throttle assault with that huge big-block engine and Khaleesi sing it all the way around this course and another brand-new car the top five is Jordan Pellegrino in that IFS IRS machine it was awesome to see man this is about to go down this is the fastest guys in the sport for the 2019 Nidoking of the Hammers power by Optima battery there's a great shot of the Optima battery on the side of Miller's car guys I gotta throw it on right now yes we got racing about to start coughing we'll start well look at the crowd here we were 100 50 60 mile or gusts but the people at home at home don't realize they are facing the wind these face fans these crews these drivers from other classes give yourselves a big round of applause you guys are the best race fans out any power sports that are this awesome guys okay it's about to go live and that is up two times King Eric Miller sitting there solid axle car we only have one solid axle car in the top ten at the moment and that is Rick Waterbury he's that about to change Eric Miller hot on course heading into the hammer town tabletop Eric Miller really on the throttle in that straight axle Miller Motorsports chassis and he's just become a dad as well so he's been spending a lot of time at home with the family he's that good over fixing his car prep I doubt it very much as we want Eric flying through the short course diving in deep in that long sweeping turn Eric Miller gets a little bicycle gets it back under control he'll hit this little table top into the whoop section towards a 4 wheel parts rock section now it's gonna be interesting to watch the clock head we saw Nick Nelson and Jordans in the gray no no crossing this rug section and around about 50 seconds was Eric caught first and coming down this rock section you take a hard left and that's where Tom wayes took his tumble a couple of years back so you want to come in hop it keep it under control and look at that the shade really is affecting these guys a little bit but Eric Miller really pushing hard trying to get in that tunnel guys edge it in had a chance to talk to a couple of different drivers and I'm running Fox shocks they've done some new technology out there they retune these shocks and talking it and specifically Eric Miller as well as Jason shear they're able ago 20 to 24 miles on were faster in any of these rough sections that you were in the past that's amazing as we watch Eric air now we're watching his pace I reckon I reckon these are out four seconds off pace at the moment these two been cresting about 129 is Chris Nilan 133 it's got to find some speed hit down through shore pass but this is where Eric is superb he's so technically gifted and there's a lot of different rocks that are getting kicked out of the way we saw Pellegrino take a little dip earlier there's a lot of loose rocks here these guys are hauling the mail coming towards the the jeep arch those potato gravel is polling as he pulls on through grabbing that big air from Eric a big bunny hop Eric Miller pushing hard I'm gonna say top 20 so far he's got a good run for him we're talking earlier it's very difficult the back end of this course it's so easy for the speed just to disappear from you and we were just talking about the win for the people here in town but the win for the races all this dust it's really showing to be another difficulty out there on course and Eric Miller coming around now to cross the line looks like unofficially Eric Miller with a 230 set currently puts him in roughly 12th position up next Josh baile now Josh had a brand new car for this year and unfortunately to his shock tuning he managed to roll it so he's in the old car from last year he brought that just to go pre running but now that's gonna be his legit race car so a tough break for him we do have a little clip of that won't bring in later on this week but Josh Bleiler really pushing hard we'll see what kind of time he can match against a teammate Eric Miller pigmy Motorsports on the course Jimmy you're a racer back at your home area talk about what the weather conditions will be like what you have to go through that specifically this wind in this dust what is it that you have to go through and how you compensate for it the wind of the dust isn't going to be bothering these guys but the cold is so gonna be sitting here for ages in their jackets and everything trying to get themselves revved up ready to rock and roll and they are just going to be freezing as they come off of that line and also as they're going out there that bites into you you they have no wind screens no windshields just that helmet but then adrenaline kicks in and as soon as you leave that light you forget about that the PALS problem out here for these guys right now is the Sun and the shadow and Josh by really pushing hard through this sand wash section getting ready to head up towards Shortbus Josh Bonner has a pretty smooth run this is the key area now if we were saying it earlier on the guys that we see who are very faster here tended to be pushing into the top 10 and it's getting really loose really run it out on this course also so these guys are having to fight the elements on that side of things as well but Josh Bleiler really pushing hard those Nitto tires hooking up great David great to seize time these guys to cross their butt ticket off it's missing this time we'll see how he attacks this downhill rock section because if you take a bad bounce just like we saw earlier it can really get you off course a lot of scale a lot of good vehicles but you do still need that element of luck as well and ride around here is where Eric Miller took that little bunnyhop we'll see if he gets in that same section he takes the inside line look how run it out it is getting that little desert in two lines right there I'm starting to wonder will we see anybody go right down the middle we're smooth I'm kind of wondering if that might happen absolutely we're saying earlier as well will they start to go a little bit higher as well take a chance see if they can cut that line Josh Blair with the smooth run going heading through the G part as we speak unless we watched Josh pile and now heading down towards the finish we can see our only three-time King and that means it's Shannon Campbell sitting on the start line single seat ifs machine off-road hall-of-fame Shannon Campbell Nitto tires Monster Energy hot on course three-time team Shannon Campbell yeah Shannon Campbell's driving style is conducive to qualifying efforts like this he would be a natural behind a sprint car he loves to back these things into the corners get that left front or right front tire up in the air and just carry it around corners I can tell you now that josh baller came in his 16th position with a 233 that's how tight it is out here Shannon Campbell also has a little bit of short course experience so he's he's got it he's all around there's no doubt about Shannon policing absolutely flying will see him do this little tabletop into that desert whoop section look how flat it jumps out there they've really been dialing in the suspension he's got that spare tire on back to get everything ready for race day Shannon Campbell moving fast now when this car was launched they launched it as the Dragon Slayer and he's going to he pit dragons to slay tonight he takes that hard left blows out a little bit goes around it of course just a tick but really pushing hard in this sand wash Shannon Campbell's on a mission it's great to see all those sponsors all over the side of this rig he's been racing off-road ever since I've been involved I just enjoy seeing the camels out here in full force and I believe right behind him when I hear a hit making up he's out in lines he comes all through the bull division these little things they're gonna maybe put him on the top of the pile heading up the top Shortbus right at 1:30 so this could be a very very fast run so he doesn't get tangled up with a rock on this downhill section he's a rat about one second maybe two seconds off pace at the moment but he is looking very good Nick Nelson's time of 2:18 is still sitting strong we'll see if one of these guys can bump him out Shannon Campbell are all over the throttle now let's see what he does here if anyone's gonna create a new line it will be Shannon as he gets all four wheels off the ground we've got a couple more big names with brand new cars Paul Horsell and Tom wayes coming up shortly air comes Shannon back to the picture take this long left sweeper up to the cheap arch he is full committed right now oh look at this this is a good time he's lost a few seconds so he's already missed Nick Nelson's time full commit that land from Shannon an almost identical car right behind him his son Wayne Campbell he's made it to the podium in the last two years shada comes across the line with a 226 pushing him into sixth place that's a great run there goes Wayland we'll see I'll pitch the other times will be very very similar Whalen's really coming into his own so another single-seat IFS Campbell enterprise machine Nitto Tire Monster Energy Whalen really pushing hard yeah look at the wind out on the short course that's going directly perpendicular across every lane in the short course the wind is absolutely insane right now for power hour this is the 2019 NIT Oh king of the hammers powered by Optima batteries this is qualifying in power our I don't know if you're able to see if my angle from Hilton in the stage I was watching Whalen as he heads out straight away from me hit that last tabletop jump where he'll Andrew was about three feet from where he took up the way pick them up and carry them sideways in the air before he landed this wind is really blowing hard now it's affecting some of our drone shots but we're working really hard to get you the best images we possibly can thank you everybody here on site and back at home tuning in ultra for racing comm /live get on the king of the hammers Facebook hit that share button ultra for Instagram hashtag it up there's Waylon Campbell man he's moving he's looking at commitment commitment commitment he is really pushing hard think about this guy's this is the future of this sport right there on track right now there is no future it's right now Waylon coming down this loose tight windy rock section he's about four or five seconds off pace at the moment dancing around the rocks he'll see if he can hit that little bunnyhop keep him where it is that fasten came up just a tick but this is it really soaked it up keep in mind he himself came so close to winning this king of the hammers what two years ago I think it was absolute just mere seconds away and it's still a great pace and a great time here from Whaley Campbell he heads up towards the jeep arch cuts the corner I've been I've been watching that line quite a bit and that's the line I would take food as me he'll bail off the Jeep arch as we speak heading back into hammer town and grab the checkered flag one more Jacob Waylon Campbell fully committed all the way to the end a while Encanto comes in an 8th position with a 228 so just two seconds off his dad up next another almost identical single seat IFS Campbell energy sour Campbell enterprise car Levi's surly out of Dodge City Kansas number 81 he's done so well the last few years we'll see what he can do this week out here in hammers Eric lund Levi's like Eric Miller before him has just become a dad recently and he's not gonna play on these mind he's that going to slow him down a bit you bet your life it was around every setting a home cheering on as Levi hits this course yeah it's cool to see Levi and air with brand new kids and you know following on on social media you know their dads are racers they're all over the place it's really cool to see Levi's really putting down a great time out there heading up towards the Jeep the four will parse rock section they speak resting through these rooks about on 50 seconds that's pretty much what it is so he's right on pace for power our these guys are absolutely slaying it out there on the desert he's been doing a lot of tuning in the off season he completely stripped it all the way down got a rebuilt Levi's Shirley's been busy in the shop just like the rest of these guys our fastest qualifier so far Nick Nelson he'll be watching this and every time someone fails to get close to his time and we doing a little dance and saying yes and coming up right behind him I believe is JP Gomez he's fresh off two victories in ultra four here recently so we'll see if he can keep his streak alive they've been a busy group Levi surely cresting over Shortbus coming down the hill where they bond 40 yeah it Levi's a bit off pace here at the moment but the car still looks like it's in great condition that's another thing you don't want to do is push too hard and have to work on it the next two days absolutely most of these guys have spare everything but it takes it still takes a lot of time and effort to put it all back together but it's really important they gonna what clear air on race day still surprised no one's taking that middle line right down the middle those two but in the middle actually clear in the middle there's some bushes are so if you hit one of those just right it could really upset the suspension we're also saying earlier about maybe they push out further to the left but we haven't seen anyone do that yet we've got a couple of guys who are proper technicians particularly Jason Sharon and maybe we won't see that happening later Levi has all four wheels off the ground heading for the line one last jump to the finish line Levi surely finishes the qualifying course there's JP Gomez then Levi surely comes in in 19th position with a 233 but Jones the man at the moment this is JP Gomez he's won the last two or four races Joe Thompson built UFO machine it's an absolute work of art single-seat IFS machine where you sit right in the middle these things look like a blast to drive taking that high bank line JP Gomez looks a tick off pace to tell these all of these guys are so fast now there is only a few seconds that separate the top 20 cars amazingly tight racing and still the wind blows here in hammer town which on race day is a research friend so all that dust up there in the desert gets blown around so hopefully they save a little bit that for Friday as he comes across there about 52 second pace again maybe a 1 or 2 seconds down on where he needs to be but it's this back end of the course that's the most important he's gotta pull back some time now and the only car we've seen capable of doing that lately was Nick Nelson JP's in the sand wash getting ready to take a hard left up towards the short bus you can see the key shots really soaking up look he'll run it out look how loose it is see where he pops over it's been that 130 mark so he's still riding around on that fast pace this is good he made up time there so he's on pace at the moment but the shadows are gonna cause problems he needs to get down here it's a controlled crash landing as he makes his way down short bus there's that one rock that's been biting a few people need bounces right over it centers up over the other one heading out into that little desert section earlier we saw Khaleesi make short work of these massive ruts and there he goes on the way wide course that's a great line there look at the extra speed he's carrying as he comes down to that final turn there's a couple more turns they'll be heading down the jeep arch into hammer town he's got a great run going don't think he's kind quite got enough for Nelson who bikes a little bit that cost him a couple seconds yeah I have to check that another big jump uh that's cost him dearly I bled away a few seconds that's still a top-15 run I believe JP Gomez back here in hammer town up next is rusty Bleiler the father of Josh Bleiler Big B Motorsports himself JP Gomes with a 224 goes up to third position a great run there from JP and rusty took a tumble just after his son out there shocked tuning this week they've got the car back together and it's looking good so the big B Motorsports they've been busy in the pits rusty driving a miller chassis of course watched his son Josh racing got the book for it built the car and hasn't looked back since last year was his first year racing with us and did very well and he's been racing all season long and he's a lot of fun to watch out there it's very impressive for somebody so fresh and so new to come to ultra4 and to do so well it's bouncing up the for all parts rock section as we speak rusty Bleiler throwing down a good lap at Miller motor sports chassis soaking up the whoop section for those of you at home who just joining us welcome to power hour here at Johnson Valley California as our top crews battle for the final qualifying places on Fridays 2019 Nitto king of the hammers power bi Optima batteries and remember there's a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars in cash person on Friday's big race gonna be laying it all on the line for that kind of money miles will help speed this boil we know out there trying to win that money well again it comes back to budget cuz you're too cheap to bring your truck over here in a race in this damn thing that's what's in a month you're not wrong right here we go mr. Jim Marsden hey cuz rusty coming down the far side there's a lot of rocks in the way right that kicked left and right so when they were out there pre running earlier but the course keeps changing quite a bit and there's so many technical areas to this course this year it's not the full throttle assault that you expect it to be there's a lot of technicality these cars on route and cruise are really having to concentrate hard to get all of those half seconds in ten two seconds then make the big difference of this level so we're almost halfway through power hour up next is a brand new car paul Horschel to see ifs machine it's an absolute work of art and it goes rusty now down through the J pouch just see him hesitate slightly rusty Bleiler one last turn to grab the checkered flag and he's here in hammer town there's a great shot of Paul Horschel I was in his pits a couple nights ago checking out the new car it is absolutely beautiful and he said he's going to push 110 percent in qualifying he was he was our pole sitter last year so we'll see what he can do if he can bump out Nick Nelson or not but number 19 Paul Horschel getting ready to take the green flag Paul Horschel really launched in great it's a Dan geo high horse powered machine lots of torque Paul Herschel was our fastest qualifier last year came out early in the day and laid down a time that no one could beat I was very surprised to find out he built a new car but look at this thing it wouldn't win any look wouldn't win any beauty competitions but let's see what it can deliver on the course he's heading into the whoop section doing a great job heading towards a four-wheel part rock section takes a little bit wide there I like that little line he takes but Paul Herschel's after rocks at 50 seconds this is gonna give Nick Nelson a run for his money they shot me shadows are lengthening out the back now it's getting darker and darker it's gonna be harder and harder for these crews to see those ruts to see those rocks there's Paul Horsell coming through the sand wash as we speak taking that hard left but watch these ruts they've been a little bit difficult there he goes a little bit wide just looking here I think he's a little bit off pace at the moment it needs to pick it up let's see what happens so he's crossing over right at that 1:30 mark but remember that is a brand new car and it's looking like it's doing what he designed it to do his last car was very similar but it was a single-seat but this year he upped it to a two-seat for winching and whatnot during race day this is like the section that this whole entire downhill section seems to be the turning point for every single run the faster you are coming down this the way they're able to avoid the rocks the boulders and such try to run in that straight line because there's a lot of points towards the bottom where they have to zigzag back and forth and if they could straighten that line a little bit you're gonna see some faster runs there he is on this little sweeping left-hand turn we'll see if he does that little shortcut heading up towards the jeep arch Harry drops down at 2:15 he will not bump out Nick Nelson but he's got a great run I'm gonna guess it right around the top 10 top 15 Paul Horsell one last jump grabbing the checkered flag he's here he's finished power hour that's Loren Healy our 2-time king of the hammers winner and a two-seat IFS Jimmy's car almost identical to Nick Nelson so here we go it's another dragon of course - the dragon - and it's Loren Healy - time king of course so what's Lauren got for us we've already got a heap of dragons sitting inside that top ten can lower and add his to the mix interestingly enough the wind has picked up probably on another five ten miles an hour and this is where we watch out of course watcher he takes off didn't look like he drifted off the side too much upon landing bit Loren Healy yeah keep an eye on that time watch that clock I was talking to Lauren earlier this week he wants to push hard but he doesn't necessarily want the pole position he wants to be in that top five so he has a little bit of dust - to kind of check himself to see how hard he needs to push what a lot of people talk about that being out front you don't know if you're pushing hard enough or pushing too hard gonna stop hear their mouths because he just came through there in 48 seconds that is two seconds faster than we've seen so far where is Lauren finding this speed this is awesome to watch Loren Healy pushing hard through the sand wash section and remember if you go straight right here you head up towards backdoor so they couldn't take a left and go too short bus and he's you're on two wheels for a little bit Wow look at that he's lost a few seconds they're so committed he put it onto two wheels bus go ride it but he's back on again sorry guys here's a lost anything look at the time was he crested okay where's Nick Nelson he's gonna be watching this look at the red dragon headlights on the front Loren Healy pushing hard all with it in is he gonna bump something with the right rear take a look look closely yeah he's a tire flat tire and I believe something else is the window no not the window net something that on his side he's hard he's pushing hard we'll see if that's gonna affect his time too much it's a tough break here for Loren as he comes around the bottom it doesn't appear to be slowing him down too much he's pushing hard Lord hey guys this is gonna be close Lord he leaked ending it to the checkered flag what do you think of that run Scott he's top three without a doubt top three what does it look like okay I've got Lauren Haley here he's coming in a 2:19 that takes second place fantastic Ryan what that time would have been without the right rear going down that's absolutely scary to think about think about that and that was with a flat tire also off the line now is Brian caprara less than a second he's a vegetable farmer out of Southern California so as we watch Brian Khepera going around let's just have a quick look on our top three in first place we've got Nick Nelson with a 218 we've just seen Loren Healy cross the line with a 219 and then Brian cross with a 221 it's a dragon lock out at the top so far all three Jimmy's cars he's got to be Randy rasca be extra excited right now well think about this guys one thing we fail to mention if you even if you qualify 18th 19th 20th that's not so bad because when you go on Friday morning at the starting line you're gonna start 10th in the 10th row that's not a bad thing you're still torn well well towards the front and it will be on corrected time they leave to to time in thirty-second increments davon race your own race on race day we could see the difference there Lauren Hayley came through there in 48 seconds as we watch Brian Khepera coming through there in 57 that's another Campbell Enterprise machine to see ifs caprara's driving who seed Loren Healy pulling through with a smoke and fast second place run Kronk we're heading up towards Shortbus as we speak you can see how ate up that left hand quarters coming Jim yeah it's getting really beaten up now we see Brian crossing out over the top there a 136 Brant caprara coming down short the backside is Shortbus he's gonna have to stand on this here he's gonna be outside of the top 20 it's getting so tight at the top now he's got his son chase caprara riding shotgun with him that father-son duo always cool to see they race together on the UTV race in their kam as well Brian caprara is still racing he's getting close to the camber side it's starting to start picking him up there he is taking this last left hand sweeping turn heading up towards the G part guys to kind of feel the sense in the air that you know what the week is well underway and already eyes are starting to point the way towards Friday morning absolutely now we're starting to see a sense of order a sense of what's coming it's going to be an epic race on Friday okay now we all know who this man is it's number 76 it's Jason Shearer last year's King two-time King what can he do you know guys I touched on the fact that Fox shocks it has a the attuned retuned his shocks he you know it's kind of Jason it wasn't too crazy about the idea hey it worked before well I wouldn't work now guys from Fox wanted to make it better let's make it better and Jason's like okay I trust you you know he's like Scott I can go 20 to 24 hours faster through the roughest sex within the past and I can put a cup of coffee in the dash on my car right through the rough stuff Jason shears will definitely qualify well today he's gonna push hard all the way to the finish jason has a two-time king of the hammers winner let's hope he hasn't got a cup of coffee with him today as he heads out towards the full wheel path rock section now we saw Laura come through there earlier with a blistering pace at around about 48 seconds so that's the benchmark that we need Jason to be out Jason shear definitely want to qualify that front but not necessarily on the pole even though he's been there before heading down the 4 wheel parts section one of his main sponsors waving a flag as he goes he'll be coming through the sand wash as we speak and he'll be pushing hard heading towards Shortbus this is a little winding turning section really loose and wash jay says when those guys ready sit down talk to him he's like so calm so quiet very soft-spoken really a super super nice guy with the helmet on oh jeez I got Indian devil kind of guy I had the opportunity to sit down in his camper a couple days ago for about an hour we just chatted live chatted racing and he's extra decided to be where he's at right now he's ran up front so many times and here comes Jason look at that car in the air as he makes his way down behind king hill we haven't got a clock on him but this looks very good Jason you're really pushing hard wants to qualify well for the 2019 Nitto king of the hammers powered by Optima battery this is power an hour for qualifying now can he split these three dragons that are looking out the top as we speak we got Nick Nelson Loren Healy and Brian cross as Jason flies through the G bar CH he's got just a couple more jumps here in town we'll see him cross the checkered flag there he goes Jason sheer sideways across the final jump oh my word oh my word Jason Shara crosses the line in second position with a 218 for 6 - Oh amazing he is only a couple of tenths behind Nick Nelson talked about the difference in the track conditions between Nelson's run and Shearer's run so there's raul gomez he's got his new wrap on he'll be racing Thursday in his brand-new t1 truck rail gomez always a fun one to watch he's fast he's crazy in another Joe Thompson UFL built machine we have 1.4 seconds separating the top three cars that just goes to show how close these gars will be running together on race day prowl sponsored by four wheel parts getting ready to head into that rock section that's definitely a distinctive sound of that car even that far away we can hear it off in the distance there's no other car so far we've heard that's not anything like that thing the wind is still blistering through the desert here in southern fat southern Johnson Valley California and here comes around now making his way out through the back of the short bus it all pace at the moment and he'll be looking for a clean run heads up over the top and this is pretty good this is a 1:30 pace this is got top 10 written all over it if he can keep it together on this little downhill loose rock section because route down through the back of Shortbus now let us focus aleut Li fantastic a big feature of these cars is the fact that you sit in the center fuel tanks either side of you and have superb visibility across the top of the hood rowl all over the throttle heading into the jeep arch as we speak he'll bail down this little rock section and come on in to the Short Course RAL Gomez one jump to go there's the checkered flag what'd you think of that run Scott you know I kind of there's oh he's one of the drivers that's always very very fun to watch because he hangs it out so darn what so I'm kind of surprised we didn't see him kind of push it out there a little bit more but I'm thinking as long as he's starting the top ten I think it's gonna be okay off the line next clay Gilstrap out of Texas he's always ran up front but I'd had some issues he's a fun one to watch hey sprout Gomes crossed the line in 14th position with two minutes twenty eight they'll be happy with that as we watch clay working his way around through the short course all teams are involved in the pit crew challenge please report to staging right now enter through gate three enter the area through gate three all UTV 46 48 45 t1 and 44 hundred cars if you're involved in the pit crew challenge please report to staging immediately we're gonna get underway with pit crew challenge right after qualifying clay he's got a good run going heading up to the 4 wheel parts rock section yeah he's a little bit off a final pace but he's doing good this will put him up into the top 20 if he can hold it together Clay's been racing with us for a very long time always a crowd favorite always a good time to chat with he's got some of the greatest one-liners with that Texas toying I think I've ever heard so much fun talking to that guy he's always in for a good time for sure but right now he's definitely in the zone pushing hard number 26 makes his way out towards the top of Shortbus however he goes he's down on time but the car still looks like it's at work working in perfect condition there's a lot of these loose rocks that Kip keep getting kicked out their gym date he's gonna get worse and worse got five or six more to go clay Gilstrap we'll see where he hits this little bunny hop gets a little bit of airtime but keeps her under control the wind is blowing very hard but there's a lot of people right here with us in front of the Jumbotron so thanks for everybody here on site for staying here watching the jumbotron with us and everybody back at home Bulger for raising calm /live clay bales through the chi part one final jump to go and he'll get the checkered flag clay Gilstrap gets a time next topics andrew McLaughlin for the let's roll off road what do you think of that run their staff favorite I'm always I'm always I'm a big huge fan of that driver right there because I don't like I said I love talking to him and another car very very stout Andrew listen this sound I love listen these cars so they lead the line the certain different nuances different sounds I really like listen these cars they come off the line that's Andrew mcLaughlin let's roll off road another two seat ifs Jimmy's chassis once again all teams involved in the pit crew challenge please report to staging right now enter in through gate number three and Rebecca Hall could've cost no stranger to drama in qualifying the other year he went end-over-end and then continued to lay down a fantastic time the year before that he was exploding rocks so let's see what he can do today and we just know that Nick Nelson hanging out right here watching make it just worried about if he's gonna get bumped off or not hopefully he'll come up and chat with us here very shortly and Rebecca Laughlin having a very smooth run so far and sometimes smooth is fast you know drivers take this very very seriously with as soon as they get their own they come up here from the jumbotron over to Washington themselves I see Whaley Campbell out there I'm trying to find out I'm trying to pick out some more drivers out of the crowd that yeah when they come up after the run to watch the competitors after them come up that kind of tell a telltale sign that these guys are taken oh very seriously Andrew McLaughlin bouncing down this rock section off camber downhill loose rocks everywhere and then it'll dive into the desert there's that little G out bunnyhop right there gets a little sideways keeps her under control that's absolutely shows how good the suspension is on these cars they just hit that big kicker and just keep on going [Music] and our McLaughlin heading through down the Jeep arch rock section heading into town having a very good run the car looks like it's still intact gets the checkered flag up next is another two-time king of the hammers winner Randy Slauson Randy a cost designer and owner bobber and it's gonna be his partner that's gonna be leaving the line in his second now another solid axle machine to seat he's got a lot of chances out here running with us very lightweight but very nimble in the rocks the tech the top 16 cars are all IFS vehicles currently so can randy Slauson put a solid axle car into the top 16 and we know he's fast he was battling with Jason Shearer last year all the way to the end and then blew the four miles out so he's back for some Redemption yeah look how he skillfully avoiding the whoops kind of just a tick off to the side what four five feet to one side missing all the whoops very smart driving out there going on these are right about three seconds off pace currently but it's a talented pileup and if anyone can make up the time it is Randy heading into the sand wash section he's really moving good through here but the course is starting to get chewed up it's changed quite a bit since they pre ran it kind of straddles that rut right there I like the way he picked that line oh sure he had much choice there miles I think that's just where he got thrown this is what we're talking about earlier you can be a fantastic pilot you can have an amazing car but you do need to have that little bit of luck about six seconds off pace coming up over short bus it's really not the fastest of qualifiers but that never stops him from doing well at this a race picks his way through the field when he gets into the big rocks Randy Slauson shines in the desert but is also super fast in the he's just going really good right now really like the way that car looks on our course very very light getting great traction and otherwise drivers has got that little fox shock secret going on here this week [Music] I'm sorry King there goes Slauson down the cheap arch as we speak heading on into the short course a couple more jumps to go completely sideways and he's crossed the checkered I'm waiting on the start line now it's Bailey Cole son of Dave Cole of course but forget that because he's a fantastic racer and he's over right now this young man has come up through the ranks and he's just about to show us what he can do and they've been working on that car all day I've popped through the pits earlier they had the transfer case out but it looks like they got it back in action and that trim fab car is on course this is the car the guys second in the 4400 class at the Baja thousand this year or last year's yeah Bailey's had a lot of time on in this course with this just this week alone to say not what he's been doing out here before but behind the wheel kind of teamed up with Robby Gordon or shall I say max Gordon ten-year-old max Gordon teamed up in the UT race yeah he raced UTV he'll be racing the legends tomorrow and right now he's qualifying for the 2019 NIT Oh king of the hammers powered by Optima batteries so what's your Bailey Cole now is he's coming round the bottom or short bus fare we're all so happy to be part of this Power Hour heading through the sand wash as we speak little tires grabbing all the traction they can heading up short bus once again another call for all of teams involved in the pit crew challenge report to staging immediately we need all the UTV 46 48 45 t1 and forty four hundred teams and fathers pit crew challenge please report to staging right away okay washing Paley cold out coming on down the hill he's off pace but he's not that worried he just wants to get a good start position for Friday's main race the 2019 nito king of the hammers power by up to my batteries Bailey Cole has a very smooth run going the car looks like it's working absolutely flawless [Music] Trin Feb to see solid axle machine heading down the jeep arch as we speak [Music] nice job my belly calls he crosses a line defeating his qualifying lap so there's Bailey Campbell Terry met get ready to take off to see ifs monster energy Nitto tires powered machine I love that shot looking in the inside the cockpit so cool when they got that visor down the helmets on and you looking at the concentration of these drivers this is its first race here at king of the hammers it raced most of the season last year so it'll be very interesting to see how it does on race day Bailey Campbell has been doing very good the last few years it's great to see you're out here racing with us the whole Campbell family in full force that car looks so fantastically smooth through that rough terrain oh no something happened but they got it figured out very quickly lost a couple seconds but she's back in motion I noticed that the back the tail lights went out just for a second with that so I wonder if something electrical happen I don't know if they're running two boxes if maybe she switched over to a different box but yeah it's just a second I watched the taillights did go out Bailey Campbell heading through the sand wash as we speak Terry Madden riding shotgun this car is very very fast in the desert is making quick work up short bus Jim this has been a lot of fun for power our Adam buddy it's always great to be here my and his boys fantastic guys look at her time look at her time she crested right around 129 130 so she was that little hiccup as well so she's made up around about 4 to 5 seconds through that gnarly area on the back of short bus just showing the skills this young lady has she is absolutely pushing she's got a great run going guys she's on it she is on it look at this this appears just for a second Oh watch the line she'll take it coming up as he appears back on the screen we've got Nick Nelson right bias we'll have him on stage here shortly but he's he's patiently awaiting he's laughing he's clapping he's excited all smiles Bailey Campbell is pushing all the way that's a fantastic turn on the top that come through the chibok wheels off the ground come lately launching through there Bailey came lazily at top 10 guys I believe easily a top 10 fished it suddenly soft that last chunk - listen if the AUSA's at home can hear us right now the cables here around the jumbotron our fist pumping especially the ladies are super excited right now last but not least Derek West on course Nitto tires KMC wheels at a Springfield Missouri Bailey Campbell came in to win a 231 which puts her at 21st position so she couldn't make up that lost time earlier on as Derek West powers around that first big Talladega Bend he's teammates with our current leader Nick Nelson jimmies 4x4 Derek West has been my rock crawling for as long as I can remember been racing all over great to see him still racing with us here in ultra for so it's Derek charges down this course let's have a quick recap of our top 10 in 10th position we got Shannon Campbell in 9th position is Jordan Pellegrino in 8th paul Horschel number seventh Cody Addington and sixth is Casey Currie then if v is JP Gomez fourth is brian croft third is Loren Healy and then his second we're Jason Shara another side of stage waiting as we speak is Nick Nelson there comes Derek West once again coming through the sand wash section really moving good car looks like it's in great condition still powering up Shortbus as we speak Nick just about half a lap remaining of this and now you're up here for the last three or four qualifiers what's going through your head right now is you're you know I won't say your pole position at jeopardy but it's looking pretty good so far nah man now I left a little bit out there I got bounced off my line twice and there was a lot of fast guys so I was I wasn't sure it was gonna stick or not but either way we'll be in a good spot so I'm happy what's that mean to the drivers when you talk to Russell 4400 guys guys you race against what does it mean to have the pole for the king of the hammers I think it's a big deal I mean this race is bigger than that though it's not a sprint that's it's a battle so I don't I don't think it really sets you up for failure or something not to be up there but it's nice to be in clean air for sure I talk to you right as soon as we're done here so don't go anywhere [Music] okay so we watched erequest hanging out coming down down through to the finish line now and there's still more to come still more action there's one man we haven't seen yet today a man that could change everything and there he is right there Tom wayes back here in hammer town brand new Dan Trout built machine to seat IFS I channeled him earlier in the week he's very excited and he wants that hundred thousand dollar win Tom wayes on course was looking at this car earlier this week and it's absolutely beautiful they've copied a lot of suspension geometry from his old car and in fact he's racing with his old engine in this new car let's see what he can do this will be interesting to see how this plays out because last time Tom wayes raced here at king of the hammers he'd left the line side by side with Nick Nelson can he repeat that time will tell as we know so much about this racing his seat time and tom has had very little seat time in this new car so it's gonna be interesting to see what he can do but Tom wiesen is an absolute madman behind the wheel he's gonna give it all he's got he's led this race a lot of money a lot of race miles in the lead out here but never be able to keep it together we'll see if this new car can handle it yeah he's right about two seconds off pace at the moment but this is Tom wayes so anything can happen that brand new car is looking good he only started driving this thing about two weeks ago came out here and did a little test and tune section I'm gonna put Nick on this spot right now I'm watching him until the screen he good everyone's my glances up then it looks away then he glances up again that kind of looks away so it's like I know he's on pins and heels right now but that would be Derek cool to see the two guys here they did it last year starting side-by-side again they show off the course wrong a little wrong bounce there gets crossed up so that's gonna cost him a few seconds for sure yeah now he's way off pace now he's looking at about 137 going up over the top of Shortbus he needed to be about 10 seconds quicker than that to be challenging Tom wayes coming down this little tight windy Rock section yeah look guys he's off the pace right now I I think he's I don't wanna say he's cashed it in and realized what's happened but he's a little bit off the pace there might even be something mechanical he's got him a kind of no problem there it's have a look and see his pans out but this isn't how its home would normally draw it's like the back of the car wants to come around on him a little bit but there you back on the throttle really hauling through the whoop section there didn't look like that left front was kicking up the dirt like it should have been maybe you lost front it looks like it might be our KMC hard charger might be Nick Nelson we'll see he's definitely missed Nick next time right now Tom wayes coming down the jeep arch as we speak bouncing down this rock section coming on into the Short Course a couple more quick jumps Tom wayes crosses the checkered flag right now Nick Nelson's up here clapping well it's been a fantastic day of 4400 qualifying action and it all finished with power our but just before power hour we had something special we had someone come and join us on track and that was Khaleesi and Nick Nelson we saw 950 horsepower on that track and throw down a time that no one else could be Nick you had one heck of a run you took off the line with that big block and just absolutely was all over the throttle how do you feel about the run and did you think it would stick I felt like it was a pretty good run like I said man it's way rougher than the video does justice out there is it's be tough in the back so I definitely end up out of my line once or twice so I wasn't sure that was gonna stay your you obviously excited about starting up front but I've talked to a lot of people some people do want to be on the page pole some people don't with no you're gonna have the clean air on race day but you're not chasing so how do you know how hard to push it or do you give it a hundred percent or keeping coms with your guys or what is your strategy on race day man that's the hardest thing I think it's kind of like these endurance races you have to go slow enough to win but you know there's a ton of fast guys so I mean it's it's a balance and there's no there's no perfect answer and you know we've we talk about this all the time to finish first first you must finish so you got to push hard but you got to keep the car together yeah a hundred percent we've led this race three times and had it get away from us you know one way or the other pit mistake or car fail you know this it's just a battle man so we're just gonna go out there and make some dust and and see how it plays out well again congratulations you are the KMC hard charger for the 2019 Nitto king of the hammers powered by Optima batteries York AMC sponsored yourself you got to be excited about that yeah man it's awesome to be on the front row for the third time here and bring home the second Pole so thank you guys appreciate it and let's turn around real quick when we're gonna check out the leaderboard well what a day we've had this was power hour this finishes up qualifying for the 2019 NIT Oh king of the hammers powered by Optima battery Jim Scott we've had a lot of fun thanks for everybody staying tuned in we still have Bucky whoops tonight fine okey-dokey so it's been a fantastic day of action here in hammer town we've seen some amazing stuff but most importantly we've seen these dragon twos come from nowhere and dominate qualifying today but now the action continues in at 5:30 this afternoon we're gonna have the pit crew challenge here in hammer town for the top pit crews going to charge the battle it out against each other I'm Jim Marsden hungar sign off now and leave your mark his quest and scott ren and allow you to enjoy this blistering run from Nick Nelson a Khaleesi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 4wp is more than a store or truck and jeep experts and have been for over 50 years from wheel and tire upgrades to full custom builds 4wp has you covered whether you want to order the best parts online or shop in-store do the work yourself or get it done by a fro all roads lead to poor WP do your rig right shop online or find your store at 4 WP com [Music] [Applause] we didn't just test the new optima yellow top with pure flow technology we tortured it king of the hammers is 181 battery killing miles of relentless unforgiving hellishness it's one thing to call yourself the ultimate power source it's another thing to prove it the all-new Optima yellow top with pure flow technology with up to three times the battery lifetime unsurpassed performance built to fit today's vehicles Optima the ultimate power source [Music]
Channel: King of The Hammers - ULTRA4 Racing
Views: 17,034
Rating: 4.7727275 out of 5
Id: NADk6Blynhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 59sec (3899 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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