Part 3 | Design Airplane Wings in Fusion 360 - Joints, Spar Caps & Wing Mount [Episode 4]

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welcome back to rc cad to vr terence here glad to have you back on board in the previous episode i asked if you guys would be interested or would want me to do another video on the wing and sure enough many of you did say yes please do another video so here we are with part three of how to design a wing in fusion 360. now i do want to give a shout out to eli delia who made a contribution to my tip jar on rc thank you so much for making a contribution your support is greatly appreciated now what are we going to be doing in this episode we are actually going to be extending some of the design features of the wing that we already have and one of the other things that we're going to do is work on the mount of how the wing is actually going to join up with the fuselage so before we start with actually designing there's a little bit of housekeeping and organization that we're gonna go through we need to create a component that's gonna house just our wing so let's go ahead and get started with that part as you can see this is where we left off in part two of the wing design i've gone ahead and turned everything on so we can see how far we've come we've got the initial formers in place for the center fuselage and we've got the primary structural components in place for our wing so in the uh component tree we're going to right click and then we're going to create a new component and this is something that i showed you in one of the previous episodes how to do and what we're going to do is we're going to create a wing and i'm going to call this one wing starboard because this is the starboard side of the plane and i'm going to turn on the activate so that way the component is activated when we create it and the way that you know it's active as you can see the little radio button right here is got the little dot in it indicating that that's the active component so if you look in the main component tree you'll see that the spars the ribs both internal and trailing ribs are still in the root component what we're going to do is we're going to move these into the wing component now you can do this several ways but the way that i prefer to do it is because they're grouped together is select the first one hold shift and then select the last one and that's going to select all three of them then click and drag them into the wing and now you can see they've become solid again whereas the formers are in a ghosty type appearance so we know that these are now active if one of your spars or one of your ribs are are still in this ghosting that means that they're not actually made that they didn't actually make it into the wing component now one of the other things that we're also going to do is the formers we've got two sides because we did the mirroring action in the very first episode and we're not really going to use them uh at least not for a while so let's go ahead and go into the fuselage component we're going to activate that and then we're going to select all of the port side formers and just delete those because we don't need them at this point and you can just press the delete key and they'll go away so that way we can just focus on the starboard side which is the side that we're working on and then later on we'll be able to mirror everything to create a perfect replica on the opposite side of the plane all right now that we've got our organizational tasks out of the way the first thing we're going to do is we're going to add a spar cap to our existing spar now for those of you that are not familiar with what a spar cap is it is basically a way for us to reinforce the spar currently what we have is a web which is that flat long surface that we've designed in our wing that goes from the root all the way to the tip now by itself on a small airplane that should be enough however the plane that i'm working on the l-1011 has got an eight and a half foot total wingspan or 110 centimeters wide and because of that the aerodynamic forces that are going to be placed on the wing are much greater than if you were designing a plane that was half that size you can think of a spark cap similar to what you would see in commercial constructions where you see steel i-beams where you've got a web which is the flat surface and a t that crosses across the top and then the bottom which forms an eye shape and what we're going to do is we're going to do something similar to that but the way that we're going to do it is we're actually going to only add a cap to the interior side of the spar and what that's going to do is it's going to help absorb some of the compressive and some of the tension or the tensile forces that are going to be placed on that wing now the way that we're going to create this is we're actually going to rely on the spar or the web that we have in place now so that way when we actually create the cap it is going to fit perfectly along the top edge of the spar and the way that we're going to do that is by using a tool called the projection tool let me show you how to do that we're going to create a sketch on the interior of the leading spar or the forward spar so let's go ahead and press sketch and then select the interior face of the spar and now the first thing we need to do is we're going to do something that we haven't done yet we're going to do an action called project and the way that you project is by clicking on create and down almost at the bottom you'll see project slash include we're going to select project what we're going to project onto our sketch is this face and you can see it turns red on the outside select that and then over here in the project palette go ahead and press ok and now what you can see is we've got this lavender color line and purple nodes at the joining points what we're going to do is we're going to take the offset tool and if you don't have the offset tool in your tape across the top you can select modify and the second to last option is offset so we're going to select that and then just simply select the purple or the lavender line and you'll see it highlight in blue like this select it and now we're going to pull in and i'm going to come in by minus 1 centimeter and then press ok now right now i can select the interior rib or the outer side but what we need to do is we need to create a cap across the top now if you're also going to do a design where you have a cap on the top and bottom you can do that and i'm just going to show you how to do it for the top and then you can replicate it for the bottom as well so select the line tool and on this near the root we're going to click on this point and we're going to come out to here so what it ends up looking like is like this a straight line and then we're going to come all the way to the outer end and what we're going to notice is that it is actually coming to a point which means that we actually need to cut this before we get to this point so i'm going to go ahead and do that at this point just past this rib i'm going to select the top end and then i'm going to come down here and select the bottom edge and once we're done simply hit escape to get out of the tool and now you'll notice we can select the entire top end like that or we can select the inside or this bottom side and if you were going to do the bottom edge you would also come in here and you would create a line from here to here to isolate it as well now if you can't select there's a good chance that you might have select priority turned on like if i pressed on this you can see the little check box i can't select any of these individual faces so if you run into this problem check to make sure that your selection priority isn't set now sometimes if you hit select and come down to the select priority filters down here you'll see that i've got them all checked that means i can select anything but in some cases you might have one selected which will prevent you from selecting one of the uh the faces and this is where you could come and check to make sure that you don't have one of these selected so just a little tip there all right so i'm going to select this and then i'm going to press e for extrude you can see now i've got my little arrow that i can pull here but i know the exact shape or the exact thickness of the cap that i'm going to be using i'm going to use a carbon fiber piece and that's going to be three millimeters so i just keyed it in there and then make sure under the extrude pallet that you have the operation set to new body and not join or cut or intersect you definitely want a new body and select okay now we're going to go ahead and let's come in here and let's turn off our sketches so we can see it more clearly now you can see we've got our spar cap on the top end and what we're going to do is you can see now that the spar cap is in the root bodies so let's go ahead and right click on this and say create component from bodies and this is going to put it in its own component within the wing so now you can see we've got component 12 here and that's not what we want we're going to call this spark cap and there we go so now we've got our spar cap in place all right now that we've got our spar cap in place and a much stronger spar let's move on to the next step which is how are we actually going to connect our ribs to our spars we're going to do that by creating two types of joints now mind you there are many ways that you can join your ribs to your spars i'm just going to show you two ways the first one is going to be a slot and that is basically where the rib will slot right into the forward spar and then we're also going to do a tabbed version of that and we're going to attach that to the rear spar so let's go ahead and get that knocked out and we're going to create another sketch so go ahead and press sketch and then select the the front end of the spar because that's where we're going to be sketching and this other sketch is showing up so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and come into this sketch and i'm going to turn that one off so that way it's not distracting us now what we're going to do is a little bit different we're going to come up to create project but this time we're going to do intersect and you'll see what that does here in a second so i'm going to select intersect and then i'm going to select the outer facing rib so i'm going to select that and i'm just going to go down the line and select them one by one like so now once you've got those all projected you're going to press ok and i'm going to show you a little trick so when you're in sketch mode and you try to rotate it's going to rotate around the origin axis which can be a little bit irritating when you're trying to do something in close-up detail so in the workspace if you right-click you'll get the menu that pops up and you can say set origin center and then what you can do then is just select right there and that's going to place the pivot for your rotate at that point and this only works in sketch so this makes it a lot easier when you're trying to rotate especially when you get very close so we're going to rotate around so that way we can see the inward facing ribs and we're going to do the create project intersect again but this time we're going to do this on the inner sides so just click and you can see how they're creating you can see the the red line here as it's being created coming here and there and then press ok ok so now we've got these projected and what we're going to do is we're going to turn off the ribs because we don't need them right now what we're going to do is we're going to zoom in here and go ahead and also while you're at it turn off your spar caps it'll make things a little bit simpler so now what we're going to do is we need to create where our slots are going to go so i'm going to start by doing uh maybe about there and then this cannot be selected yet because if we zoom in here we haven't actually closed this off so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and close that off like so and now we've got this space here and i'm going to show you what we're going to do with this press escape and then hit finish sketch and if it disappears just make sure that your you turn your sketch back on and i'm going to select just this area and i'm going to press extrude or the e key on the keyboard and i'm going to push this back and under the operation in the extrude palette we're going to select cut and now you can see what we've done here is we're actually cutting into the spar and just like that we have created a slot where our rib is going to go and now we don't have to do this exact same operation on the rib what we're going to do is we're going to turn on the rib and this time what we're going to do is go ahead and select the select body priority for now so we're going to turn that on so what we're going to do is we're going to use the combine tool which can be found under modify and combine select that and what we want to do is the target body is going to be the rib and what we're going to do is we're going to cut the rib so we're going to make sure that the operation is set to cut and you want to make sure you keep the tool and we're going to do is we're going to select the rib and then our tool is going to be the spar what you can see now is this is actually becoming the cutting tool because it is red select okay now let's come in here rotate around we're going to select the move tool and move this up now you can see we've got these slots here in place and they fit perfectly within one another now this right here is actually our surface that you see because our surfaces are still active so we're going to click on cancel and then in the ribs internal you can see right here all of our surfaces that we created in part 2 are still turned on i'm going to show you a little trick if you select the first one hold shift and then select the last one now this only works if they're all together otherwise you need to do command or control and select them individually but i'm going to do shift and now they're all selected i'm going to zoom out so you can see they're all selected and what you're going to do is press the v key and what that does is it's going to make the visibility and that's the way that i remember it is v for visibility it's going to turn them off and you can see they're all turned off here and so now if i come back in here select this tool press m for move just so i can look at it now you can see we've got these slots in place now if we zoom in we will notice something about this particular slot because of this which means that the slot didn't cut all the way through because this is actually an angled surface which means we didn't get it all and that's very easy to fix so what we're going to do is we're going to press cancel and then i want to isolate the rib so what we're going to do is we're going to right click on the rib and we're going to select isolate out of the menu that pops up and now you can see everything is gone except our ribs which is very very helpful and we're going to zoom in here now we need to turn off our selection priority for the body we're going to turn that off i'm going to try to extrude this by pressing e but as you can see it's not letting me and part of the reason for that is this break in here is very odd so a little trick that you can use is go ahead and hit escape is flip this around so you're looking at the bottom side press there hit extrude and this time you can pull it all the way down and select cut what that's going to do is it's going to cut that out and there we now have our slot and so to un-isolate simply in the workspace out here is you're just going to right-click again and you're going to this time select unisolate and just like that we have a slot in place for our rib and then we're going to repeat this process over and over for each individual rib so now that we've got the slot in place we also have to now make a notch at the top for the spark cap so let's go ahead and turn that back on so we can see it and if we zoom in we'll notice that the spark cap doesn't cross the top end and that's fine what we're just going to do is we're going to use the combine tool again so we're going to say modify combine and we're wanting to cut the ribs so the target body is the rib select that and then our tool is going to be the spar cap we can see now that it's cutting there we're gonna make sure we have keep tools and that the operation is a cut select okay and now let's go ahead and re-isolate the rib so we're going to say isolate and you can see we've got this gap that we need to fill so one other way that you can fill this gap is you can actually move the spar cap so hit move and then set the pivot point on the top edge so that way we're moving it consistently then press done and just move this up and make sure that if you're going to move it that you remember so i'm going to say two millimeters and then i'm going to do the combine tool again this time with this and with the spar and press ok and that fills out that gap that we had so now we can come back in here move this body back into place like so we're going to move this back down by minus two millimeters to put it right back into place and there we go so now we've got the notch in place that we need so if we now look at this all by itself by clicking isolate you can see we've got the spark cap notch here and we've got the slot for the spar in place so we're going to go ahead and un-isolate and there we go we've got our first one in place so now that we've got that done there's a thing that we need to consider on what we're going to do with the connection point of the trailing spar to the ribs so there are several ways that you can do this kind of a joint but i prefer to use a tab that will actually protrude into the trailing edge spar so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to make sure that my internal ribs is selected so i'm working with that and then i'm going to go ahead and isolate that and then the other thing i'm going to make sure is that none of my surfaces are turned on and they all are off so we're good to go there so there are several ways you can do this you can use the sketch tool i prefer to use the box tool because it's quicker you can select this surface and then draw a box there but if you notice right here there's a dotted line which means that the orientation of the box that we're creating and the orientation of the rib are not perfectly aligned and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do another hack which you probably can tell by now i like finding different workarounds we're going to use the box tool and we're going to select this surface then i'm going to draw a box on that side and what that's going to do is it's going to make sure that my box is aligned to that surface and so i'm going to pull and here's a little trick now that i've got it pulled if i select this face it will actually align that to there and then i'm going to pull this arrow out like so and right now it's a cut operation because you can tell because of the red but i'm going to make this a join operation and then press ok and now you can see we've got our little tab that's coming off of the rib so let's go ahead and un-isolate so we can see everything again and there we can see we've got the tab so what we're going to do is we're going to actually cut out of the trailing spar so we're going to do combine and i'm using the shift b shortcut or of course you can use the option here with the icon or modify combine any of those work then select the target body which is the spar and the cutting tool is going to be the rib and make sure you keep the tool so the rib doesn't disappear and that it's a cut operation and say okay now we can look and see tab slot or tab port right here now the only thing that we have to do is clean this up a little bit so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select this face and i'm going to use the q key which is the press pull shortcut you can also use this icon up here for press pull but i'm just going to use the cue as a shortcut i'm going to press this in to about there that way when you're in the build you've got a little bit of wiggle room here or you can even make this a little bit closer there we go which then when you get into the build process you've got a little bit of excess here that you can shave off if you want to do that at that point so now this is how we connect our ribs to our spars and like i said there are many different ways that you can do this this is a design decision that is up to you but i just wanted to show you that that is one way that you can connect your rib to your spar when it actually butts up against it like this all right so now that we've got our joints in place and our ribs are nicely connected to our trailing and our forward spar the next thing we're going to do is talk about mounting our wing to our fuselage now there are many many ways that you can go about mounting the wing the most common way is the way that i'm going to show you but by no means is this the only way or the best way and the way that i'm going to show you is using the rod mechanism or the rod method and basically we're going to create a rod that goes into the wing and protrudes out at the wing root which will then go into the fuselage so let me show you how that's done but what i'm going to do is the first thing i need to do is i need to go ahead and create the root here that is going to be against the fuselage and the way that i'm going to do that is i'm going to find my wing skin which is there and then i'm going to move over to the surface tab and then select patch and what i want to do is i want to select this airfoil select patch and that's going to create our our surface right here and then from there what i want to do is let's go back to solid and what i want to do is i want to come into my ribs actually you know what let's not do the ribs let's create a new component and let's call this one root mount face and select activate and ok what i'm going to do is i'm going to select this press extrude and then i'm going to make this a depth of 3 millimeters because i'm using three millimeter ply so that's why i did three millimeters and as you can see now i've got that body there and to make sure it's a new body operation and select okay and so now we can double check to make sure that that is in the right place and sure enough it is so now we created that in the root component but i'm going to go ahead and drag this into the wing component like so then i can turn off my skin and let's get back to our wing component and turn that back on okay so now you can see we've got our root plate here now the way you're going to mount this is up to you but i'm going to show you quickly how you can do a rod and what we're going to use is the cylinder tool and then we're going to come down here and we're going to select this face because this is where we're going to start from so i'm going to select that face and then i'm going to draw a rod here so i'm going to say i'm going to use a one centimeter that's probably way too small let's do a three centimeter rod and then we're going to pull this out like so and then make sure the operation is a new body and then select ok now the next thing i want to do is i want to put this into its own component so in the wing starboard component you can see it put it under bodies but i'm going to convert this by right clicking on the body and say create component from bodies and i'm going to call this one where did you go there you are i'm going to call this one mounting rod forward now some of you would call it uh the forward mounting rod i like to actually use the subject first and where it is second so that way i know that is a mounting rod as a subject if i named it forward i might have other things named forward and so this is just a naming preference but i prefer to use what it is first and then the position and so now that i've got that now i'm going to press m for move and i want to actually move this now inward like so and press ok now you can see we've got the mounting rod in place the only thing that's left now is we actually need to create the openings to where that rod can slide through and the same way that we did the slots we're going to do it that way with the rod so we're going to use the combine tool and we're going to cut the root plate we're going to use this as the cutting tool and you can see there it creates the opening make sure the tool is select to keep and press ok and then we're going to repeat that again with each of these where it passes through and so now if i hide that you can see we've got perfect alignment of where the rod will pierce through and we can add a second one in another position again these are design decisions that you're going to have to make but this is how you would go about doing this all right so now that you've got a mount in place let's talk about lightening the wing weight a little bit the way that we're going to do that is by using the sketch tool and the project tool to actually remove some of the material inside of the spar this will help reduce the weight of the plane so let me show you one of the ways that we can go about doing that i'm going to create a projection on this which is going to create a sketch right there say okay you can see now i've got my projection here of my entire face and then i'm going to use my offset tool i'm going to offset from here i'm going to pull this down like so press ok now i don't want to have these weird edges here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and create a line and i'm going to go from here down to here i'm going to do the same thing on this side like so and then if you wanted to create trusses what you can do is you can come in here and put in say for instance an angled piece like so and then use the offset tool again come in to maybe about there say okay and then use the line tool again and this time we're going to come in from here we're going to cross over to let's say there and then we're going to make one more line from here we're going to say from there now this is a little bit of an odd angle so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make this parallel and the way to do that is by using the parallel tool so select parallel and i want this to be the source and i want this line to be parallel to that source you can see it dropped it in there now all we have to do is extrude so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this hold shift select this and select that i didn't set my orbit point so let's go ahead and do that really quick set orbit center to there so now it actually will do what i wanted to do and then we're going to extrude that we're going to extrude it in this direction and we're going to make this a cut like so and we're gonna make sure it's not cutting anything else and one of the ways that you can make sure that you're not cutting extras is over here in the objects to cut if you open this up it will show you all the bodies that are being affected by and right now we just have one but let's say i extended this out like so you can see now that the mounting rod is also selected and i could turn that off to save it but we're not going to go that far so we don't need to do all that so i'm going to press ok and there you can see we've now got a truss type rib all right so now that we've got our mount in place the next thing you're probably wondering is okay this is all fine and good but i've got a flat wing root and a rounded off former how on earth am i gonna actually attach these two surfaces well what we need to do is we need to remove the formers that we've already created and replace them with new formers that actually accommodate the flat surface so that way when we actually go to build we have got two flat surfaces that can join one another and make a nice snug fit so let's go ahead and dive in and get that taken care of so what we're going to do is we're going to come into our fuselage let's go ahead and turn that on so now we're back into the fuselage and let's go ahead and select these and select this last one and press v to hide them because we don't need to see them and now we can see the spars or not the spars we can see the formers uh for where the wing box is going to go and what we're going to do is we're actually going to be replacing all of these for a modified version and the way that we're going to go about doing that is the first thing we're going to do is we're going to create a surface so let's go ahead and create an offset plane and we're going to select the front surface of this former and that's all we need to do for now and in the wing what we're going to do is we're going to create a component in the fuselage and we're going to create a new component and we're going to call this wing box formers okay and now that that's active and selected now we're going to move from there the first thing that we want to do is we need to get the original shape from these and project them onto this surface or onto this construction plane so we're going to create a sketch and we're going to select this construction plane and the next thing we're going to do is we're going to project this former onto it so we're going to go create project from the project include and then we're going to select this entire former so that way we get the entire shape and then press ok now that we have that we can go ahead and hide the rest of these so let's come in here and we're going to hide the rest of these because we're not going to use them right now and eventually we're actually going to end up deleting them so what we're going to do is we're going to get a perfect front view because that's uh going to get us as close as we possibly can and then the next thing we're going to do is we're going to continue with this design so from about here we're going to come straight down like so and press ok and what we need to do is we need to make sure that this is actually perfectly vertical so we're going to use the vertical horizontal tool and select that and then we're going to create another line that comes out from here straight out like so and press ok and then the next thing we're going to do is we want to actually move this line upwards so we're going to pull this up until it snaps into place and then this one we're going to pull this one over until it snaps into place so now we know we've got this this perfectly aligned and then i'm going to create this arc shape and the way that i did that was i clicked on the fill it and select it there and you can see now we get this rounded shape so now we've got the basics of the wing box shape we're actually going to move this up a little bit like so and as a reference we can always go back to our canvases and turn them back on and we want to look at this forward view to see what what we're working with here get to that like so and we're gonna say okay on that so we're we're good to go now you'll notice that this is not a perfect alignment here uh this is again this is a design choice i've decided for this design that i am not going to extend the wing box below the actual bottom of the fuselage after looking at photos of the real scale l-1011 i did notice that this does not actually happen so the diagram is actually a little bit off so i'm going to stay a little bit true to the way the original design is okay so now what i can do is now i can use my offset tool on this and i can come in here and get in to about there and then press ok now you can see we've got these shapes so i'm going to select here here that and that and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to press e for extrude and 3 millimeter because that's the size that i'm using and then press ok and then i can come in here and i can go ahead and hide that sketch now you can see we've got the the beginnings of the mount surface for where the wing box is against the wing itself so the only thing that we have left to do now is we need to replicate this so i'm going to go ahead and select this half create and like we have before in the past we're going to use the rectangle pattern tool and for the direction i'm going to use that right there because that's the direction we're going in i'm going to pull this out now we can turn these back on for the fuselage to get a rough estimate of where these need to go and we've got four of them so we're going to do four we're going to pull this out to about here actually i miscounted we've actually got five so there we go we've got our five in place press ok and there we've got now the mounting formers for our fuselage so now let's go ahead and hide this real quick because we can actually come into the fuselage section and we can get rid of these and just select delete and then turn that back on and get rid of that one and there we go now we've got the next part of our fuselage ready to go the only thing we're going to do now is we're going to take these bodies out and put them into their own component we're going to right click on fuselage new component we're going to call this just regular formers and then we're going to go ahead and select these holding shift by selecting them all you can see we've got all of those we're going to move that into the former's component and now you can see once we turn on fuselage as a whole we've got these two sections and there we go from this point out you have what you need to continue with your wing so i'm going to go ahead and turn this back on so we can see everything if i turn my skin on you can see that as well and we can start to get a good idea of how this is going to come together as we progress with this design all right everyone that's going to do it for this episode i hope that you now have a nice looking wing for your future model that you're going to build now if you haven't already done so please give it a thumbs up and i'm assuming that most of you watching are subscribed to the channel if you guys have made it all the way this far if not please do subscribe i've got a lot of videos coming including the entire build series for the model that i'm working on again thank you to eli delia for making a contribution on to the tip jar and in the next episode we're going to be working on the nose and how to actually design that in fusion 360. so until then thank you and take care
Channel: RC CAD-2-VR
Views: 16,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RC, RC Airplane, RC Airliner, Airplanes, RC plane, Aerospace Engineering, autodesk fusion 360, fusion 360, 3d modeling, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion 360 tutorials, fusion 360 airfoil, fusion 360 modeling, wing design, wing design of aircraft, wing design for rc plane, wing design fusion 360, wing design for airplanes
Id: OIBXSqw_frM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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