Part 23 - Manual Software Updates with SCCM through Software Update Point

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[Music] mandal software updates with the help of SCCM System Center Configuration Manager you can test your software updates which you would like to plan which you would like to add in a DRS with the help of manual updates you can achieve that and also if there's a patch which has been actually came out or a vendor has released a patch and you want to deploy it and it's not part of the regular updates with the help of manual updates you can do that as well so in the previous video we have looked at how to install software update point role and also we looked at the configuration of software update point role as well if we have not checked out that video link is given in the description and you can check it out in addition to that I left a full link to the playlist of SCCM beginner's guide in the description of this video as well you can click on that and you will see all the videos I have added to the playlist and you can check it out all these videos hello everyone this is Jason welcome to my channel tech neck solutions alright so let's get started so for this video the prerequisites are the first thing that you should check out that your site is healthy and apart from that you have installed su P software update point role and he configured it and once you do that and let's jump into it and let's have a look how we can actually do manual software updates with the help of System Center Configuration Manager all right so I have logged onto techniques - SCO one and you can see that I will open configuration manager console so let it load and once it loads we will move on to administration in the workspaces click on administration and then we will click on site configuration in the navigation pane so I click on site configuration extended in one of the nodes you will see sites click on that and you can see the site which is a standalone primary site in my case click on that and in the ribbon these configure site components click on that and then click on software update point alright so new window will open in this window we can decide what other products that we need the software updates for and what are the classifications so which is very important in this video I'm taking an example of Windows 10 1903 so where I'm going to deploy updates so in the products I should select Windows 10 1903 or later ok so if I scroll down in all products I will go down to Windows 10 1903 later and I will make sure that I will check the box so that it will sync the updates for Windows 10 1903 and later ok so it is here Windows 10 version 1903 and later so it is already checked which is good and apart from that I have also checked for Windows Defender updates however I'm not going to deploy in this video Windows Defender updates but just for a test I have ticked that box as well apart from that in the classifications tab if you click on that you can see all the different classifications I have checked critical updates definition updates and security updates as well alright and other thing that we haven't talked about in the previous video is superseded ends rules I'll click on that on that tab you will see at the bottom run wsus clean up after sync so what this option does if you tick that box it will actually delete any updates which are superseded which are not required for the end client ok for the end OS and operating system in our case it is Windows 10 and 1903 so I will tick that box anyway and I will click on apply Oh any change that you make here make sure you apply the changes that you make and once you're happy with everything here click on OK so once you're happy with the products and classifications then you can actually check the sync if sync has occurred or not you might have to do a manual sync or you might have to wait for the sync to occur if you make any changes in the product and classifications so if I click on monitoring and in monitoring workspace and then further in the navigation pane I will click software update points Inc so I will click on that and then you can see that sync has occurred the sink was occurred at 11:30 3 a.m. at the moment it is 11:47 a.m. in my case I haven't made any change in the products or classifications so any software update available in the software library will be up to date so then we will go to software library workspace and then we will extend software updates and then click on all software updates so here are all software updates available ok so these are the software updates available for Windows 10 1903 and later and also for Windows Defender as well ok so I'm going to deploy updates only for Windows 10 1903 and I'm not going to deploy for Windows Defender ok for just for this video so what I have to do is I will actually filter the updates so to filter the updates in here you can see add criteria click on that and so I will select product and I will select supersede ins as well so supersede it actually so I will select superseded and I will select product which is here select that and click on add so now in the product I will click on here so by default it selects Active Directory rights management services client tool point or we don't need that so click on that what we need is we need Windows 10 1903 and later so I will scroll down and I will select Windows 10 1903 and later so here it is Windows 10 version 1903 and later and superseded updates so do you wanna download superseded updates as well or not I don't need it so I will click on lower so we don't want any superseded updates ok so once you make the required changes and you are happy with your change and then click on search so it will filter out all the updates which are available for only Windows 10 version 1903 and later so now what we can do is we can create a group of all these updates alright so what I will do here I will do ctrl a and it will select all the filtered updates and we will create a new group so to do that I will right-click and I will - I will select create a software update group okay and I will name it I will name it Windows 10 19:03 updates 0 1 and if you want to add a description you can add a description as well but I'm not going to do that and I will click on create so once you click on create on the navigation pane you can see that a software update groups so you click on that and you will see your software update group available here ok so now the next step is to deploy this software update group so when you deploy software update group it will download all the updates and it will deploy all these updates to the end client ok in our case the end client is Windows 10 1903 so to deploy this software update group I will right click on that and I will click on deploy okay so new window will open and here we have to make some changes so the collection where you want to deploy these software updates so I will browse and I have already made a can like a collection which is techniques computers and Windows 10 1903 device is part of this collection ok so I will click on ok and I will click on next alright so here we have deployment settings so type of deployment so you want to make it required update or you want to make it available update so I will make it required and you can use wake-on-lan as well if you want to and detail and level as well so only success and errors so this is if this success and if there are any errors you will see that in the console I will click on next so here you can schedule that I will pick client local time as soon as possible and here as well as soon as possible installation deadline so this is just a test environment so however you can go with a specific time and what time it should actually there's a deadline what time it should start alright so I will click on next so user experience so here what users will see display in software Center and show all notifications that is fine if you want you can pick any other option as well so here's the deadline behavior so when deadline is reached what you want the updates to do so software updates insulation system restart if necessary so this is it depends on the environment you have you will go with these settings according to your environment according to the needs what you have suppressed the system restart on the following devices so you can go with servers or workstations again it depends on the needs what are your needs so you will pick your options according to your needs ok so if you select servers and workstations so it will suppress the system restart so what will happen it will not force the reboot automatically ok so you can select which option you wanna go with and I will select I will uncheck that because I don't need this and software updates upon deployment re-evaluation behavior upon restart so if there's any we start required and the software evaluation will occur after restart as well so this is the option for that you can tick that box as well click on next and these are the alerts and I'm not going to configure any alert for this one click on next and here we have an option for deployment package so we are going to create a new deployment package I'm going to name it windows 10 9 0 3 updates 0 1 so I named it Windows 10 19 or three updates a zero one package so it will differentiate its from the name of the group and you can add some description as well if there's near anything needed and package source so here you are going to provide a network path where SCCM will download all the updates so I'm going to browse and I have a network path I'm going to define it I have got this share Drive which is applications and in updates I'm going to put it Windows 10 updates 0 1 and I will select that folder ok sending priority for this one I'm going to make it high and that's all so I will click on next so our select your distribution point or group I have got distribution points only I do not have a group so I will go with distribution point and I will select one and next so the download location so it will download software updates from the internet or you can actually specify where the software are already downloaded and it will download all the updates from that specified location however I will download a software updates from the internet directly click on next and this is language if you want you can edit and change it I'm happy with English and I will click on next so next we have download settings so here's the behavior of the client when it downloads updates from a neighbor boundary group or the default site boundary group so in the deployment options we wanted to download software updates from the distribution point and install and also in the second one download and install software updates from the distribution points in the default boundary group and here we have another two options so if software updates are not available on the day P you can tick that box it without client will go and go ahead and download from Internet which is basically if for this lab I don't want this to happen so I won't select any of these two options and I will click on next so in the next page we can see all the summary and updates which are targeted all the updates are here and then we will click on next on the next page we will see the progress and we will see that secm will download all the updates and it will put in the target location which we have selected in the deployment package part so let's click on next and we will see that at the progress and we will see that that it will try to download all the updates so if you want to see what happens we will go to that path where we have selected so I will go to that network location in applications and in updates in Windows 10 updates 0 1 this is the path that we have selected we can see that there's already one folder so SCCM is trying to download all these updates apart from that we can check our logs as well so the one log that we are interested at this part of time is so if we go to this PC and root directory of SCCM local disk c program files and in here we have microsoft configuration manager in here we will go to logs and open that and in logs we are interested in DI st MGR log so open that and here you will see that SCCM is trying to download updates so here you can see that it says adding these contents to the package Tek triple 0 1 0 version 1 so if I minimize this and I'll minimize this as well so what we will do is we will click on deployment packages and here is the deployment package which is Tek triple 0 1 0 ok so it is downloading the updates so what I will do is we can see the progress here so I will be back once this is done and all our updates are ready or what we can do is I will log on to the client actually while we are waiting so PC or one is here and I will login to this one and we will see what other updates available or what are the updates already installed on this client so let's log on to PC or one all right so I have logged on to PC - oh one and we will go to settings and then in settings we will go to update and security so within update and security we will check installed updates so it is here view update history and then you can see that these are the updates which are already installed ok this is fairly up-to-date computer you can see that the last update was installed on 17 or 9 and it is a Adobe Flash Player update which is KB four five one six one one five alright so what I will do is we might have to uninstall one or two update so that we can see that we are getting updates from SEC M because this computer is fairly up-to-date so KB 4 5 what I will do I will click on uninstall update and we will select Adobe Flash Player and I will uninstall that okay so that one is uninstalled which was KB four five one six one one five I will minimize that and we will go back to a CCM and we can see that all the updates are downloaded and our software updates are ready from our SCCM site let's just close that so if you go to software update groups and you can right click and you can see if you click on show members what are the updates which are part of this group okay so what we will look for is Adobe Flash Player that Update KB it ends with KB four five one six one five okay all right so these are the updates which are actually we just uninstalled from our PC - oh one alright so what I will do I will minimize that we will go back to PC - oh one and we will open software Center on PC - or one so here let's minimize this one and we will open Software Center so click on updates which should see some updates sometime soon or we can force our PC - oh one to check the updates to force that we will go to control panel and control panel home large icons and then click on configuration manager and here we will click on actions and we will select software update deployment evolution cycle ok run now click OK and I will also update software updates scan cycle as well run now click OK so click OK minimize this and sometimes shortly we should see something here alright so it took about 10 to 15 minutes exactly I'm not sure how long it took actually so if you look into PC - or 1 the update that I uninstalled it is actually installed right now so you can see that in updates it is a Adobe Flash Player update which was initially installed and I uninstalled it and it actually sensed it that it needs this update and it pulled down there update from some from over SCCM server so you can see that this update is are installed so this is how you actually install updates with the help of SCCM if you want to do manual updates okay so now let's discuss about what are the logs that which you will be interested on the client side so if you open file explorer and then you go to the root directory and then local disk c in my case and then click on windows and then here we we have CCM open that and in CCM click on logs so here we have all the logs so but few logs that we are interested in for manual deployment so let's have a look at these logs so the first log is wua handler so this log has it has all the information about searching for updates apart from that you will be interested in updates deployment so this is another log and this log it has all the information about to deployment evaluations and enforcement of the client and there's another one updates handler just below updates deployment so updates handler it actually has all the information about compliance scanning and the download apart from that also installation of updates on the client and then there's another one here you can see updates store so updates store it has information about the compliance of updates that are scanned as part of the compliance scanning ok so that's all on the client side let's go back on the SCCM server and see what we can get information there so let's go to techniques - SEO 1 so here if you click on all software updates here we have all the software updates and then we will click on software update groups ok so here you can see that number of collections deploy to 1 and compliant here is one so one of the client has got compliant ok the client is PC - or one which is compliant if there's any non-compliant client it will come up here as one and is the if there's any unknown it will come here as one alright so in this video we have looked at how to deploy manual updates how to push out manual updates with the help of System Center Configuration Manager and in the next video we are going to look at a DRS automatic deployment rules where we can actually automatically deploy all the updates and also if you feel like this video is informative make sure you give it a thumbs up I also show your support subscribe to my channel and click on the bell icon to get all the latest updates I will see you in the next video
Channel: TekNex Solutions
Views: 10,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manual software updates, sccm, system center configureation manager, configmgr, sccm current branch, software update point role installation
Id: AJnWULk102o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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