Configuration Manager Remote Tools and Troubleshooting Tips - IT Support Professionals

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welcome to our second video for configuration manager current branch this is a sccm the old name is sccm and in our last video we have shown you how to deploy this whole application which is pretty complex on azure so the whole part of this is to understand that i just wanted to show you that how you can install this complex uh you know setup in your environment if you want to use it in azure just do remember that it's going to charge you if you have trial or if you have you know don't have any trial then they're going to charge you in azure okay so uh now of course we want to move into more support uh learning when it comes to sccm or configuration manager now you know if you are one of those people like okay you know i really want to learn this i want to learn this like an engineer level then there is no better way than using a documentation and also getting a book on on amazon or something like that we are going to do a pretty detailed course on this side the sysadmin level side uh in future but at this point our focus is just support right that's that's what that was our main goal from the first video so you know when you go to a company now you know that you know things are done already for you just like active directory somebody install it and then you manage it as a support level then you know this is done for you so you can think of me like your sis admin right now i have configured all this stuff and i'm just gonna now teach you a support level stuff that you're going to be doing uh on this uh configuration manager so if we go back where we left we basically left it where we installed it on this machine which is our ps01 machine and now we are going to open configuration manager if you guys remember it was asking me to install a new version in the beginning when i opened it it was simply a click and it just installed and then automatically open this the new version for me right here there's nothing else that i have done over here so now you can see when you go to a company and if you tell people that you know about sccm then they have expectations from you they okay they know that you know what is users over here what is devices so most of the things that you would be doing as a support level a lot of people heavily use this are for many reasons but of course there are some top reasons number one is the remote tool over here as a support professional remember when you get a call from someone i am having an issue i'm seeing this error on my my my machine can you guys help me then that is what you are going to do the first thing right here you can search machines over here and all that kind of stuff but my goal over here is to show you what what is important for you to practice if you want to practice or take out something from this video so you go to the devices and in this case if let's say demo client01 is our client having an issue then you will right click over here you're going to go to the machine and start and over here you're going to click on remote control now when you do that you see it's going out there and it's going to say hey are you there and the machine is going to respond back and say okay i'm just going to get connected and that is called like you know you're doing a shadow remote so basically what you're happening what what's happening right now is that client is having an issue and you have this system and basically you connect to the client while they're on their uh you know while they're actively using their machine so they will see your name they will see everything and what you're doing and then when you finish the whole call then that's it right so this is one of the major reason a lot of people ask about sscm but now we're having an issue with this so how would you uh troubleshoot this so for this let's understand what's happening over here this is basically a server side and a server side is trying to reach to this machine right here okay so this machine needs to have some type of client an agent installed on that machine so the first thing is that how do we confirm how do we find out on that client machine now that where is this installation so for that i'm going to show you you're going to go to your client machine in this or any other lab that you're doing if you have your own setup so this is where you're going to go you're basically going to go ahead and open the client machine oh i have some internet issues going on which is great that's happening live let's see what's going on it may so if you're having a local internet issues of course this is going to get disconnected if you don't have any local issues it's going to go ahead and it will re-attempt again it will connect back again so attempt two at m3 nothing happens and how do i know if this if azure is working um i can see because i can log into the other machines this means my local connection is good to go it's just having an issue with that client machine and even showing right here that it's disconnected so what's happening right here let's see if we come over here and we're gonna go back to virtual machines we can see let's go ahead and refresh this that this machine is running cl and it's still doing the reconnect it it wasn't successful to do that reconnect we're gonna go go ahead and open the demo cl that's great that is happening because i can do some live troubleshooting right here and let's see if our okay it's prompting at least so that means that it's working okay so i don't know what happened that that could be some kind of glitch but there you go um got disconnected went back from the portal connected back again and i think everything is good to go now this is a client machine now remember when we were connecting to this machine it couldn't connect because hey there could be an issue right so if the client machine is down one thing it's not going to connect if the client machine having a network issues that's going to have issues to connect if the client machine doesn't have that client then it's going to have issues so the first thing you want to make sure that does this client have a a client secm agent so if you click on control panel right here you can see it from by going to categories weave by you can click on this small icon and now you can see configuration manager right here so if i click on it of course that's what this tells me that it has a client and also when we went back to our server which is right here this also verified that we have client i can do a refresh over here all right so if i right click again now i want to see if this client connection will work or not because i wanted to show you something first because a lot of you will try to do this and you will get stuck in this because sccm is very much like you need to know where to turn on things okay so if i do write remote control again is it going to work is it is it going to work or not so right now what you're doing right now from a skills learning perspective you're just doing kind of like a basic thing you turn on the machine you turn on the client and you know that machine is working it is responding blah blah blah all that kind of basics you're doing but again you need to focus over here right so this is an application it needs some type of setup so look what's happening right here now we need to understand how to read errors because i want to teach you this stuff more than just knowing about application if you look at it it says possible causes for this includes the system is turned off we already checked that it's on the system cannot be reached over the network we already know it has a network you can try pinging that machine if that's having an issue then of course there's going to be a problem the windows firewall is not configured to allow remote control so two things over here that we need to to make sure the windows firewall is not configured to allow remote control so the first thing we want to check is does that can can this server reach that client so simple command that you learn from our fundamental courses if this is brand new to use brand new to you you should go back to and take our program because this is what you're going to learn everything that i'm doing right now is all basic uh help desk troubleshooting now so that's what you need to learn demo and what is the client uh name over here this is right there on top so demo c l01 and you can see the ping is actually working right so i have no issue because it's pinging the right uh name on the active directory and it's also basically giving me the ip address so all that kind of stuff is fine no problem at all right i can ping the the from the client i can ping the server and i'm sure it's going to work so we are good at this point so the second point is that the windows firewall is not configured to allow remote control okay so that's another piece of this is that a lot of people may think okay you know what let's just go ahead and enable the remote control piece on a client machine so we're going to go ahead and basically see if we can find our remote control settings so if you type oh this is the wrong machine actually i need to go inside the this one right here and i just type remote control so if you look at the the settings right here it says allow remote connections to this computer so if we come over here you can see if we can click go to a check settings windows cannot access specified device pad blah blah blah you know appropriate permissions are required now this is because uh you're using this uh administrator account right here that that is on domain uh account right so if i log into this account uh on a local uh access i can do that now to fix this type of issues where you're unable to change this from an active directory account you'll have to go to registry sorry for you have to go to the local group policy of this machine or you can use this from a domain group policy but that's for later on to fix it right now you simply need to log into this machine with a local access how do i do this now again basics guys if you guys don't know this stuff take the fundamentals but here i'm going to show you why i'm going to log in like that so here i'm using a contoso ccm admin but i'm going to change that i'm going to click on demo and that's the computer name cl01 you see i'm logging into this machine as a local admin now this is a local admin that we already created in the beginning of this lab so now i'm logging into that machine with a local access to change that setting you see other users logged in i'm going to say yes i'm going to log in kick that person out on your other profile you just click on ok and it's going to get disconnected there you go and now i'm going to go back to this profile all right so now if i go back and type remote allow remote connections to this machine and if i click on remote settings you can see i can change it so what does this tell us it is allowed so this means that our second option that our remote tool is not working is also good to go because when this computer was actually deployed it was deployed with all these settings but if you are to do this on a brand new machine then you need to know how to turn these settings on just like i did if you don't know these things then of course you're missing or if let's say for example you found out today that wow this is something i didn't know at all this means you have not taken our md 100 course or any other fundamental course because this is an operating system level skills right now so keep that in mind because i i have to really uh this video will go long because of this whole reasons that we want to tell people that look you you're going to need to know these things the remote tool is one thing but knowing about the systems and troubleshooting is another thing so we are good to go from here as well so what's going on over here let's go ahead and check what was the fourth third or the fourth reason one two three four look at this the remote control feature is disabled huh okay the remote control feature is disabled this is not talking about operating system it's talking about this application has a capability to turn on the remote features or not how do you know that if you go back to your client now your client and we said that we can come back to this client machine and go to control panel and we can click here go to small icons and we can open configuration manager this is a client right here so if you are having that type of issue the first thing you need to actually see some of these features that are available over here so if i click on components this is what all the features that server is providing to this client right now so because sccm configuration manager is pretty big thing it can do a lot of things it can do inventory it can do core components it can do some more policy stuff it can do a lot of different things but look and keep attention to here remote tools agent what does it say it says disabled okay that is where a problem is because this is disabled we're unable to do remote control so now another thing you may be thinking how did you install this client very good question so to install this client of course companies have different methods group policy pdq deployments some other software deployments it can even automatically connect and install clients based on how the server is configured it can check that and do all this kind of stuff of course that's out of or this that's kind of like where you're going to need to know that where the client is so where's the client the client is actually on the server so if i do the backslash backslash this skill that i'm using is basics now right basically we're going to come back to the basics you may be like how did you even get to the server now now if i type over here demo dc01 slash c dollar sign did you know about this you can actually get into another server or any other machine and uh it support professionals if they have admin rights they can actually get into any machines and this is where i put warnings to people that if you're new to it and you feel like this is the one of the coolest thing that you found and you can just go to any other machines like that then know that sysadmin security admins can actually see this type of access and you can get into huge trouble if you do that right because you're getting into someone's else machine without their permission is a big thing we do this process if we are working on a machines that users are not using or if users have to be involved then we have to let them know that i have to do something in your machine i have to put something on it they don't need to know the details but you at least you should have warned them that that you're going to be doing something so now where is that whole setup installed actually i put a wrong machine so look how i'm jumping from machine to machine i know that this is not the right machine where the whole thing is installed it's actually ps01 there you go okay so now if you look at it program files is this is where the configuration manager is now right they used to call it microsoft system system center microsoft configuration manager is a new name if you double click on it it has all this installation in there so if you look at the client right here this is where all the information is available okay for the client that piece that you see that on this machine if i copy this whole folder and drop it right here and then i run this client uh you know exe then that that that file will be installed but then of course after that if you look at it sometimes it may not detect the site or the the you know the server so the site code so this is where you need to then come over here you need to click on configure settings and you need to click uh whatever that code is from the server and you need to have this the site code and when you do the find site code it's going to go out there and find it now this finding and this whole process is a sys admin kind of thing right they'll have to configure this whole thing for for it to work so to take you back and and to just show you how this was all configured now it's going to make more sense to you so if you go to the administration someone before you would have came over here and actually used all of these different settings over here so starting from a discovery method how did it discover these clients by active directory system discovery so if you double click on this it is basically using your active directory domain and it's under any in in under this domain it's actually finding out machines for you then after that it says what to find what what is the range of ip addresses that you want to target then it says that this is the range and this is the only single boundary that is given into this i can change that and it will start finding out more machines if if you are doing it that way so you can see the client was is only six six this means it cannot even go out of that boundary there's no 7 in there so it's kind of like restricted okay there's groups in there of course in that group then it's boundaries designed right here this is again it goes to boundary so this is where things are configured by that sysadmin or configuration manager administrator this is where he's doing his stuff right you're not doing this stuff now if i come over here i can connect this to our in tune which is kind of like our endpoint manager now i can right click on here configure co-management and this is where your sysadmin would be doing this kind of thing right this is kind of like this is a a sca this is more of like a somebody have to meet with each other and they have to decide that this is our flow of doing things now right you can't just turn these things on because it will impact your client machines so here if i come over here we will have to pick the azure public cloud and if i sign in over here it's basically going to i need to add it right here but i need to add that here and then it's going to ask me things for so if you see these kind of errors now now of course then you need to know how to stop these errors right you see how you're getting stuck step by step if you're new to this stuff then you need to know different things right here so of course we're not connecting this to in tune right now so we don't care about this stuff right so we're not connecting this to intune this is something that we will be teaching when we are learning about a whole configuration manager so if you look at the site configuration sites is where you see the the code and everything the site code is right here so if you ever find out that okay well how do i find the code you can actually come over here to the the system there's other ways you can do it too you can this is a simple way you can come over here and you see the site code right here and that's where if you if you install the client directly with that installer and you don't have the code then you're stuck if you if you haven't done this by discovery method right if let's say this is a laptop and it's a word group laptop and you want to manage it through your secm then of course it's not going to be able to actually directly won't be able to find it so you need to know this information then then you need to ask your co-workers or your whoever's you're maintaining this stuff they can help you the rest of the stuff is all admin stuff sometimes we have to come over here and as an administrators or maybe if you have this kind of rights then you may be told to can you can you watch the status so if i click on site status everything should be okay but if there's something critical you can see one critical then we need to know about it we write we need to see this error warning what is this error warning about and then when you right click go to the details and it tells you exactly what the problem is now this is something then of course your sys admin will be coming over here and he's going to be fixing this stuff right so that's where things are happening right now if you look at the client status right here you can see the client activity all that kind of stuff is over here so you may be given some access to read-only access to just check things you're not able to do things but you're able to check things so you can report it so that could be one of your job as well now coming back to our issue why can't we connect to that client that's because in administration if you go to the client settings over here someone have to define all of these settings on your client and that is where everything is are happening right now so if you look at default client settings right here if you right click on it you go to properties that's where everything is happening so this is where we need to come down and look we cannot go over all these things because of course then that becomes this sccm configuration manager training we only need to worry about the remote tools part of it okay now in your company if they're using sccm and they have you they're going to have you use this stuff and they're using a remote tools feature from configuration manager fccm then they will 100 have this enabled because it's such a powerful tool that you know a lot of people will be using this feature more than any other feature of course they can do deployments and other things like that but that's that's another thing right so here we're going to come over here and we need to actually enable that remote control we're going to enable it and right here it says domain private all that kind of stuff we're going to we're going to check all of these right here and we're going to click ok for this test purpose so as soon as i click configure then this is where things will start right it says allow remote control of an unattended computer yes all this kind of stuff is yes yes yes uh you know this is where if if your administrator want to control the way you control other clients and you are not able to do certain things that's where they have actually uh made changes so you can see access level is allowed weave only so if you're if you're working in a very secure environment and they just want you to just watch things but don't do things they're gonna have to change it from here and then if you're new to secm then you'll be like okay well how why am i clicking why can't i just click on things that's because someone have limited you from doing that so if you come over here we have all this stuff available we're just going to say okay for now we're not changing anything we just changed it to enable and we just clicked ok ok and that's it after that your client will because it has internal interval to to refresh it's gonna go out there and and basically uh do that if you don't want to wait on a client machine simply go back let's go back over here control panel configuration manager and let's go back here and if you look at the components let's go down so remote tool agent is disabled we can go to action and then here we need to uh go to the machine retrieval policy and run this now right now so it's going to go ahead and it's going to take several minutes to finish and it's going to end that right so this is where we need to come back and then see that what happens to that so of course you have this other you know things over here available you can actually do that if you are using those type of you know different type of policies and different type of features then you would you would come over here okay so now we are going to finish this and just wait till this uh finish up still disabled all right so after some time if things are still not working this could be exactly how you're going to be working as a support professional trying to uh configure image or brand new laptop for a user you go to the component and double check it that is it working or not so so far not working so what do you do where is this installation now that's what you need to know right you you somehow automatically it got installed or maybe it's not installed so i'll show you how the installation works but before that let's see how you can uninstall it where does it install so in this automate automatic lab if you're using it then it's already installed right so if you're going to go back to the windows in windows folder it's right here ccm setup okay that's where the client installation is done and everything is running so how do i uninstall it it doesn't give you a a kind of like an easy way to go ahead and you uninstall it from add and remove you have to actually come from here right click on the command line go to the administrator like open the command line as an admin so again i'm using basic skills cmd we're back again with the cmd stuff so all you have to do to get to that pad you have to write cd and once you write cd you have to write the the path full address which is basically windows and then you have to type ccm setup right so that is where that's where it it is installed so when you do that it's going to take you to that path now and you can run the uninstallation command from here ccm setup.exe which is basically the application slash what is the switch of this actually the versa what is the switch of this you have to type the whole uninstall sometimes we use different products like group policy or some other products like pdq deployment to do this automatically which something we can we will talk about it later later on when we understand the basics so once you hit enter now it's going to go out and it's going to uninstall this agent from this machine and after this i'm going to actually restart this machine just so it has a clean way of installation on the new uh you know for the new um agent so you can of course you don't have to restart it but we need to now wait for this to to uninstall so two things that i show you one it was when there was an issue happening on a client machine how things are connected but then when there's an issue going on you need to know how to uninstall this agent and reinstall it back from the server and here i'm going to show you directly how to use the codes or the you know the whole um how is it going to go back and connect we're going to actually do that right now all right so uninstallation's done um of course restart done so if you come back over here c and then you go over to your windows there's nothing else remaining i can actually remove this folder if i don't want this okay now i can go back and i can just go to the server which is demo ps01 slash where is this whole installation we already talked about this microsoft manager i'm just going to copy this whole folder and drop it on this right here on this machine so that's one of the powerful way that we use that you know sea-dweller sign from a network all right so now i'm done with that i'm gonna go ahead and right click on this ccm exe so i'm reinstalling this agent again if you're a support professional you would have this in your usb or maybe some other methods whatever you want to use but that's what we're doing right now we're reinstalling the agent again so then you will wait for few minutes over here if you want to see if it's running go to task manager and there you go it's right here still running all right so now you can see if let's say click on it then we have this uh after when we have done this you can see the codes and things have changed a little bit over here you can check over here by coming down remote tool agent is installed now by coming to site uh you can verify the code now what if in your situation things are not working so there are many things that can happen in ccm because like i said this is a very uh you know complex uh setup this is where if things are not working then of course you need to do this manually then and to do this manually i have shown you in the beginning this is what you need to do the first thing is of course you need to uninstall this uh client and how do you do this you're going to go back to the basics by right clicking on the cmd and here uh where is it this uh client is actually installed so let's go back to this pc let's go to windows and in windows is ccm setup this is where it's actually installed okay so when you want to uninstall this you have to get to this path basically and the path is if you come over here that's the path right there so what you can do you can just type cd like that the cd and then just type the whole path over here and then click enter now you're inside the path okay the reason i did a copy paste do not have a mistake if you want to uninstall this application simply type setup sorry ccm setup.exe and then you're going to use the slash right on the left side of the the left side of the shift key i call this forward you can call it backslash here you're going to type uninstall switch okay so here on install and you enter so this should remove it and then how do you actually unins sorry how do you install it again you need to go back to where this client is basically available so slash slash you're going to go to the server that was installed and then you're going to go into the program file you're going to go into microsoft configuration and just copy this whole folder right here and then right click and click on administrator like that and it will install it reinstall it again if it's still not working then there's some kind of issue with your server side or the database the sql side so yes you may go ahead and basically uh if you have this type of issue usually it's around the firewall so just go ahead and type the firewall like that on all of these machines and disable the firewall on all of these machines because maybe there's a connection issue but again you won't be doing this type of the last thing that i showed you you won't be doing that in a real environment so for you to understand this in the beginning uh you just in the lab environment you can do this but in in if you want to learn sccm at the level where you want to fix things then of course then you need to go back to the server and actually can uh find out from the logs over here if you uh you know what's what is the issue so on the client side you you still get logs right you can go to this pc you can double click on here windows and you can check this log right here to make sure that is what's going on then the same way you need to find the same log in the server there are gazillion amount of logs in sscm so once you become good at it and if you want to learn this stuff then you cannot do this without sccm logs it's very powerful but you know again you just you just cannot do it without logs it gives you every single log in there okay so at this point we know that our installation worked and i already showed you some troubleshooting steps how to remove it reinstall it all that kind of stuff will be part of your job too to make sure that the client is working so now let's go back to the server so here let's go to the server and you can see i have this issue and that's what i was talking about you need to then understand this if you want to learn this on an admin level so how do you now connect to that machine you're going to go back to devices and look at this we have this check mark in there that represents something that something is happening so if right click right now and we go back to start and do remote control tools it's going in there connection connected asking the asking the remote user to allow the remote control okay that's kind of weird so so that's of course if you now now you need to understand things right where things are happening right now so if i go back to the the client machine it's asking the client for approval so in your company they may require this type of approval and then a client or a staff member has to approve or deny this request so if i okay that time it timed out so but you know most cases if we are doing this type of support a lot of time uh you know um companies will have ability to to not have this right so maybe they just want you to take over because client may be stuck somewhere or they may not be able to do that so in some in most of the cases in the companies usually uh they won't have anything like that so then of course this is coming from where if you have done if you now you know you should know that every all these settings are coming from this settings right here so where did we left this right now let's go ahead and see remote control and it says right here uh prompt users for permission to transfer so this is basically prompt users for remote control permission there you go that that is what basically uh is asking prompt users for remote control permission so i'm going to say no and click ok so now that's not going to be an issue right there so again if you're going to go back to the client right now and we're going to go back to the this right here go to components and action and we're going to do machine policy run now it's going to take some time so it's probably going to take a second but of course we can try it so again how do you do remote control hello i'm having an issue i'm having some problem with my email okay no problem uh let me just get on your machine i will be on your machine in a few seconds okay you're just going to give them warning right so remote control connecting to the host asking okay again of course it's going to take time so i'm just going to cancel it right now and wait for it because of course and sometimes if you want to try restart maybe you can do that but i won't do that i'm just going to wait for this to finish up his cycle and then we can give it a try again okay so that's how it works i mean it's so cool so after that of course uh once this is done i'm gonna show you this last thing and after that we are gonna go into and other things like software deployments which is another piece of it and then of course some little tiny mining things and support level and that is the only thing that you should be worried about really there's nothing more if you wanted if you are worried about more stuff then you should learn secm then configuration manager at the admin level if that's your worry now other than that there's nothing else again keep it very simple you're not going to be doing any troubleshooting on the server end if there's an issue with this client not getting connected at all then you should contact your sys admins or sccm guys or level two people you shouldn't be taking that kind of stress that you know okay now i need to learn about a whole different thing that has no uh end of learning so you you will be stuck in this type of learning then okay so don't take that stress just just do what you can do from your end and and if once you kind of do this one time and you connect it forget about it and move on to some something that is going to be more important in learning in jss because that's what we believe in right okay so again this is going to take time once this whole cycle is over it's going to get connected i just wanted to show you that that that how it works so i'm just gonna show you how it looks like when it when we get connected so let's go ahead connect and i'm gonna go jump in quickly to this approve and boom uh i got connected right now you can see on the top they're going to see who is connected to this machine right there so if you come back over here let's see now because i messed up my there you go so this machine that rdp is now being controlled by you you as a technician and i know it's very simple like if you think about it this is very simple right you just like okay you're going to go to the company everything is set up for you but when things are not working that's where you get to take stress as a beginner if this client was not working and you didn't know how to troubleshoot then that that is where you're going to have problems so from this whole video i want you to just concentrate on few small things where is the client where can you go and install this client again where can you copy the client folder on your usb where can you check the logs where can you do the uninstall and reinstall from a command line and then of course after that you can test it if things are still not working you should know that this should go to someone else that's it keep it simple thank you for watching this video
Channel: Jobskillshare Community
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Keywords: help desk, job skills, top it job skills, it jobs in usa, help desk career, how to start it career, find jobs in usa, help desk job interview questions, microsoft it career, job related skills, azure courses, help desk courses, systems administration, how to start helpdesk career
Id: ViKsS3CeMoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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