Part 22 - Software Update Point Role Installation and Configuration

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[Music] SCCM has a lot of awesome features and one of them is a software update management so with the help of SCCM we can manage software updates so it can be manual it can be automatic or it can be phased deployment so in the previous video we have looked at how all this happens in the backend in few simple steps if you have not checked out the video make sure you go ahead and check out that video link is given in the description of this video hello everyone this is Jason welcome to my channel techniques solutions so let's get started with that and before we look into configuration and changing anything from the SCCM console let's talk about what are the prerequisites so the very first prerequisite that's common that just make sure that your SCCM site is healthy the status is healthy apart from that you have to install wsus Windows Server Update Services installed on the side server so that role has to be installed on the side server and that's one of the prerequisites so once you do that once wsus is there and you have done the required configuration and then we can move forward on to installing software update point flow su P ok so for su P we have to keep some things in our mind so these are very simple things and these are the fundamentals and that which you should keep in mind before you install software update point roll so the one of the very first thing is you must install software update control on 2 if we have cast central administration site you must install on cache first and then you can install on child primary sites apart from that in the similar fashion if you have standalone primary site you must install software update point role on standalone primary site and then you can install on any secondary site if any secondary site is in action all right so now let's get started and first of all we will have a look at how to configure wsus so I have already configured the blue sauce and I have created a video it is part of the secm current branch beginners guide series and I'm going to add that video in this video so that you can have a look at how to install a bless us and what options we should pick when we install the pieces and how to configure that even if you have already configured wsus and installed it I would still encourage you to have a look at that and how I have installed what options I have selected and up to what part I have configured it alright so let's have a look at that [Music] so click on add roles and features again and then directly you can go to the server selection which is our SEO one on techniques and then several roles would be Windows Server and Update Services click on that and features click Next and we don't have to add any other features click Next in wsus then keep going click on next so uncheck WI D connectivity and check sequel server connectivity and then click on next so with the content you can create a new folder in C Drive and you can just name it W sub content I'm going to open file explorer and then in local disk c i will create a new folder i will name it w SAS content and i will copy the path and I will go back and I will paste the path here ok and then click Next so the database instance because we have installed sequel server on the same server so I have to just name the server so sequel server is installed on technics - su 1 and that we kept the name of our instance default so if you have changed the name you can type in the name ok will be your name the instance name that you have picked so in my case I just kept it default if I click on check connection it's successfully connected to the server ok so just click Next and it's just the confirmation I will restart the server if it needs to but it's not going to restart so click on install ok so W server is installed as well and I will just close this and we have this yellow triangle if you click on that and we will have post deployment ok so that's for Windows Server Update Services click on launch post installation tasks so we're not going to fully configure it and we're gonna configure it partially and then rest are we will leave it for SCCM so it will take a while you click on post deployment configuration so give it some time and I will be back once it's ready for the configuration ok so it came up with the message saying installation succeeded so click on your windows logo on your windows server and then we'll go to Administrative Tools click on that and then we will open Windows Server Update Services from here ok so click on yes you will see this window so it is just giving you few things before you begin so I just click Next for Microsoft Update if you like to join Microsoft Update Improvement Program you can take yes or no so our case is just test environment doesn't really matter I'm gonna uncheck this and I'll click Next so upstream server if you have any other wsus server so we don't have any other w so what we're gonna directly connect with Microsoft Update click on that and then click Next so proxy server if you have any you can mention that your proxy server I don't have any so I'll click Next and that's about it I'm gonna click on cancel ok the rest will leave it for sec M so click on cancel yes and then that's it this part is done so once we have finished installation and configuration of wsus role and now we are going to install software update point role I have logged on to techniques - SEO one which is standalone primary site and you can see that I have opened a configuration manager console and in the workspace you can see that I have changed to administration and also in the navigation pane we will extend overview and apart from that we will move on to size configuration folder extend that and you will see sites so click on that in the sides you can see that now we have only one side which is tech - technics main site and right click on your primary site and we are going to click on add a side system roles and it will show us a new window it will open a new window where we will select the required roles so before that it will show us like information about where we are going to install the rolls and what is the Active Directory forest most of the times you will stick to the information which is already populated however if there's any change and you can actually change something here if you like for example if you want to change the account which you will use to install that roll you can change that account from here so by default it will use the side server's computer account to install this side system for this side roll so I'm quite happy with the automated populated information here and I will click on next so next is the proxy information and you can change that if something else is in action okay so we will click on next I'm not going to change anything here however you can click on use a proxy server when sync and you can enter the details here and I'm going to uncheck that and we will click on next so in the in this step we are going to select our software update point role here you can see that we are going to tick that box and now on the left hand side you can see that we have more information to fill ok so we will move forward and let's click on next and here we are going to change W source configuration so we are going to select OBS is configured to use ports 8 v 30 and 85 31 so select that option and rest I am NOT going to change anything so I am going to click on next so now we are going to select the sync source so this is a standalone primary sight and I will go with the sync from Microsoft Update and this is w source reporting events by default do not create WS reporting events is selected so I'm quite happy with that and we don't really have to change anything here and we can move forward to the next step so sync schedule so this is how often the sync will occur so enable the sync schedule and it depends what are you going to deploy what type of updates you want if have like definition of things you would like it to sink like more often maybe on a daily basis or maybe on hourly basis as well so I will go with for this lab environment on hourly basis and I will change it to every one hour okay usually if it's one day it's it's quite enough so here and also you can create a custom schedule if you like as well which is another option here so I'm quite happy with that for one hour for the lab environment and we will move forward to the next step which is for superseded updates I click on next so here you will see that it says do not expire a superseded software update however it is good idea if you want to if you do not want a lot of updates which you do not really need so it is immediately expired or superseded software update and also there's a feature updates as well you can also go with immediately expire a superseded feature update ok so maybe for these changes you might have to look into your environment what type of software you use and what Edition of Windows do you use as well ok or or like here you can also see that which says do not expire superseded software update so it can keep that update for at least what like minimum it is like 3 which is 3 months ok you can minimize to one as well if you like however for our lab we do not want too much clutter or too many updates available in the system center console ok so we will go with immediately expire a superseded software update here and in the second option the same as well ok so we will move forward on to the next one which is update files so download full files for all approved updates and the second option is download both full files for all approved updates and Express installation files for Windows 10 and I am sticking with the first option which will download full files for all approved updates ok so we do not need Express installation files so I will go with the first one and click on next so here there are classifications you can see that critical definition and all the different features so you can pick the classifications that you like as I mentioned previously as well we can always go back and update all these clashes classifications according to our needs or if the needs are changed so for now I will go with critical updates definition updates and security updates only ok and click on next so in here there are products that you will see so the products that we will see here maybe they are not all for example in Windows if I extend Windows you would not see Windows 10 at the moment however so once we think wind wsus and after very first thing we will have more products available ok so for now I'm going to uncheck all except Windows Defender ok so once we have Windows 10 available in these options we will go with Windows 10 and update that accordingly so for now we have only Windows Defender and let's have a look if there's anything checked under office because party Falls you can see that office 2010 3 7 and 10 is checked as well so let's uncheck these as well and once I'm really happy with that I just want to make sure Windows Defender is checked and let's go ahead and select what languages we want so I am going to keep only English and I will uncheck the rest okay so English is there which is only checked and next is the summary so this is the summary this is what we have picked and click on next you will see progress and once it completes we can click on close ok so here's everything is done and now we will talk about the logs which is very important part so let's discuss about the logs what logs we should check and where are these logs so the very first log that we have to check is su P setup ok so that logs it will provide us information about the software update point installation let's close this and open file explorer and go to this PC and local disk C we will go to the root directory where System Center Configuration Manager is installed which is under Program Files and microsoft configuration manager and here we will find a folder which will be logs ok so click on logs and here we will look for su p setup as you pay setup ok so I am using cm tries to open this file so double click on that and you can see that installation is successful alright so once installation is done we can close this the next log which is very important it is WC M log so WCM log it actually shows us the information of connection of software update point and W server so we will open WCM log double click on that and we will see more information here you can see that it is successfully connected to local W server ok and apart from that you will see the sync process as well it say it says that wsus sync is running ok this is another way we can confirm that if W star sync is running or not we will have a look at that as well so if you open server manager so in server manager click on w sauce and then right click here and we will open Windows Server Update Services okay so open that and in here it will show us that sync is running alright we don't really have to come here and check it out however just to show you that it is running so select your server you will see that sync status here status it shows us it's syncing here you can see that a syncing 0% and it never ran before so it is running at the moment ok let's just close this and let's go back to the logs and I will close wcm log as well so that another log which is very important as well it's wsus control dot log so open that long so you can see that it shows us successfully connected to local devices and also successfully check the database connection on WL server so this log it actually gives us information about the configuration database connectivity and apart from that it also tells us health of the W server for the site so this is good enough and we can close that as well and there's a last log which we have to check which is W sync manager so W sync manager it sits behind the business control log open that and we can see that sync is here so settings sync alert to activate on to active stage on side and the last is here next scheduled sync is regular and sync was running we looked before if we have to check the sync status we can go back to WCM Torvald open that and it should display some information you can see that it still says sink is running which means the wsus sink is still in action okay so that's about the logs so we can minimize that we will come back to it later for now we will go back to our console in console click on software library and extend that and here we have software updates folder so we will extend that as well and we have here all software updates click on that we should see some information here okay at the moment we do not see any information here so we will select on software updates ok so now we will go to monitoring so in the workspace is click on monitoring and then in monitoring we will find where is software update point sync status click on that it is not showing any information yet because sync is not complete it W sync our wcm log was showing it is still sinking so once it will finish it will show us some information here so we will give it some time and then we will come back to let's have a look what is w cm log sang at the moment so W cm log is here it is still showing us that it is sinking and also our WS s update at the Windows Update Services it is showing us it is running and we will give it some time and let's say we will come back to it once it finishes and also we will check how long it will take to do the first thing so I will be back once this sink is finished and then we will have a look at some other different options alright so WS are syncing is finished and now if you open WC M log you will see that from the bases sink running and if you scroll down that log you will see refreshing categories and then everything here or as well okay so at the bottom you can say successfully connected to local W server and I will minimize this one as well if you open updates services you can see that a sink is idle sink is finished and it actually started at 4:30 I will close that as well so in monitoring we had a look before in our SCCM console that monitoring it was showing this ok so lets showing a software update point and sync source Microsoft Update and no information was populated so let's just refresh that and we should have some information here so it didn't show us anything let's go to software library and update software updates click all software update so there's no information here as well I will close a CCM console and let's open a CCM console so now in the workspace click on software library and then extend software updates click on all software updates so no items found that is fine in monitoring let's have a look at a software update point sync status it has not updated yet so what we'll do is now we will do a manual sync ok because this hasn't make any change it should have it has it hasn't make any change so what I will do is click on software library here and then on software updates click on all software updates and now we will click on sync software updates alright so this is a manual sync and let's just click on yes to that and now we will see that this is w cm long it should trigger that there is a manual sync has started alright and also we will look at W sync manager log as well open this so you can see that status is sinking sinking categories starting sync so this is where it started at 4:47 and it has started and more information here so it's syncing categories and now syncing update let's just minimize that and also we can open from our server manager wsus right click and open update Windows Server Update Services and if you open that and you will see here thinking is happening 11 percent is done I will minimize that minimize that so in W sync manager log you can see that W sync updates processed 1341 out of thirty four thousand three hundred and sixteen items okay so the categories it was after was only Windows Defender alright so it is happening eta is 25 minutes so I will be back in 25 minutes or maybe half an hour and then we will have a look at what happens after that I will see you shortly alright so our W sync manager log tells us that sync has finished we will minimize that and we can see that it has processed these items and let's minimize that and now we will refresh all software updates and let's see what comes up here let's refresh that it doesn't display anything that's alright so we will go to monitoring and then we will click on software update point sync status and we can see that sync is finished which is good let's refresh that that's good we will actually go back to software library and click on software updates all software updates ok so all software updates is nothing is coming up so what we will do is we will close our console and restart the console and then we will open software library again and let's have a look at if this time around something comes up or not ok here we click on software library in the workspace and in the navigation pane we will extend software updates and click on all software updates all right here we can see three updates are available okay so these are update for Windows Defender and now let's have a look at software update point settings where all these settings are in the workspace we will change to administration and then we will click on size configuration in the navigation pane and then sides so you will see site here which is only one site in our case and now we will click on configure site components click on that and then a software update point ok so click on that as well so it will open a new window so here we have all the settings which we have picked when we installed software update point and here we can change all the settings and so if you remember in the products we did not have Windows 10 available at the time when we installed software update point roll so now let's have a look at under Windows if we have all these settings or not so scroll down and under products and we will go to Windows and now you can see that we have Windows 10 and later drivers and all these different options for Windows 10 are available so what I'm going to pick here in the lab environment I have Windows 10 version 1903 so I will pick that option Windows 10 version 1903 and later so I will tick that box here Windows 10 version 19 3 or later in the classifications critical updates definition updates security updates is ticked so I will stick with that and only one thing I have updated is in the products apart from that you can check out anything else if you want to take for your test environment for office we have unchecked because some of the options were already checked by default we have unchecked that as well so for now we have Windows 10 1903 and later which is checked and also we should have checked Windows Defender which is here ok so click on apply and click on ok so we have made this change however in the software library in all software updates we do not have anything about Windows 10 1903 available to do that we must either with sync it manually for wsus or we wait for the next thing so we are not going to wait for the next thing to occur so we are going to initiate manual sync and once we do that our W Sync manager log will show us the updates when we do that alright so here you can see that a next scheduled sync is it's going to start at 6:00 p.m. which is another half an hour so I'm not going to wait for another half an hour I am going to start a sync mentally you will see there would be some change will occur in W sync manager log so let's minimize that and now we will initiate in all software updates sync software updates click on that and so we say yes to that one so it says are you sure you want to initiate site-wide sync that's fine and we will click on yes so click on yes and now we will see our log which will which is w sync manager log and it will say that or in sync is initiated and it will show us all the think it is going to do so here we go so it is say it's saying that starting sync and it is happening now for found one su P software update points and think it started seeing categories and I will be back and then we will have a look at what happens next so see you shortly all right now it looks like sync is finished and let's have a look at our W sync manager law we can see that it is finished if I scroll down here it says next schedule sync is a regular think it is going to start at 6:00 which is it still in 20 minutes however we can see that done syncing with W server it has finished around 534 we will minimize that and we should have more updates available here in the console so let's refresh that Haggar you can see that we have 1903 windows 1903 updates which are available here so what we can do is we can select any update and we can right-click and we can create a new software group and then from there onwards we can deploy these updates manually okay so let's just cancel that so this is what we are going to look in the next video thanks for watching this video and in this video we looked at how to install SVP software update control and also we have configured software updates in the SCCM console in the next video we are going to look at manual updates of this software and then we follow along with a DRS as well and also if you feel like this video was informative give it a thumbs up and show your support by subscribing to my channel and also do not forget to click on the bell icon and you will get anything latest which I will post on YouTube and I will see you in the next video
Channel: TekNex Solutions
Views: 10,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SCCM, System Center Configuration Manager, WSUS, windows server update services, software update point role installation, updates, configure software update point pole, software update sccm, How to Deploy Software Updates Using Microsoft SCCM, Deploy Software Updates with SCCM - Setup and Configure Automatic Deployment Rules (ADR), sup, software updates, software, with, sccm, sccm software updates, patch, management, sccm patch management
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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