Part 1- gold prospecting trip WA. Exploration for new mining ground, on the gold day 1!

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[Music] [Applause] thank you pretty bloody close to where we're gonna Camp further with the 40 gram you want to Camp Hill about light off [Music] we're just Bush bashing trying to work out how we're gonna get into that's what we want to get into so it's probably going to get a little bit bumpy just been talking me through the ground what can you see that you like Reef is just on the other side of that little crate just there all right so where are we going to go then oh mate why didn't we just come in the way that we came in last one because so many uh how many tracks and I've got the track on me home I have to get through and it was too far to come through all right what do you want to do then yes dad wave okay um just on the other side there of this bush here that's where the 42 come from just there so we're just over that Hill there we're just there yeah bye we'll do that top section and then we'll go look then we'll move yeah because as you can see anyway this is all the wash from there just by the top of that Hill Ary and iron see that cap there yep up in there is where that little cleared area is in the top there okay here you've got two iron bars smacking together there you've got the iron smacking into the four free to go on the other side of that Ridge it's exactly the same there's another Einstein and poetry contact that one's got quartz that also goes down to that flat nice now we've got a bit of ground to do but you know we are both I couldn't tell oh wow look what they've done there there look how old the trees are so how long ago do you reckon 20 years ago yeah so why have they done that because it must have been worth doing why why would you do a lot of physical labor but what I would say is wait hang on what what nuggets oh it is too there's one over there yeah yeah must have been Rich for them to do that cleared all that but great that saddle that Hill all the flats down below it all night looking at oh oh sorry all that way too nice all right we've set up camp very elaborate I know we have Caravans and camper vans but we always camp like this why do we camp like this stud because most of the places we go you can't get a caravan in and why wouldn't we use a tent because can't be you really don't need one you don't this sort of area up here don't get too much rain and um I know people ask about snakes and spiders what do you say about that oh have a look around there's no grass so at the moment well if you're detecting properly you shouldn't have in drama because you should be watching the ground in front of you anyway and you'll see no I'm talking about that they'll ask what about snakes and spiders getting in your bed anyway I don't like swags oh I can't beds well they tell you that yeah no even the ants have drama is getting up the aluminum legs yeah well anyway but that's our setup so now I'm gonna make a sandwich and we're gonna go for a bit of a wander hey Dad yeah cool so Dad race and I are on a 10-day prospecting trip um up in the middle of absolute nowhere which I'm really excited about Dad and Reese and Mum have all been here before I haven't this is my first time I don't have any signal or anything we really are in the middle of the desert bum nowhere so I'm excited I'll take you along for the journey I'll probably have a couple of Vlogs out of this us finding gold us finding all who knows hopefully it's the first option but yeah keep you updated lunch day one we've only just got here we haven't really set everything up and I'm just starving so I'm do not judge me I can't find the plates so I'm making my sandwich on the back of the fridge I got vegan cheese Vegenaise vegan ham really Gourmet stuff out here and slap that on there get my cheese out I'm vegan cheese honestly when I'm out Bush and it's hot and there's flies everywhere we're working the last thing you can be doing in the middle of the day and the heat is cooking normally I love to cook probably for dinner I'll cook something nice but this is what we're getting for now I'm about to go for a walk so I see something quick this is pretty average but anyway also this is my seventh bit of bread for the day so health y I had one fly on my lip Holly would be right out here you don't have to dig deep holes I got that you [Applause] off the Flies are so annoying I just want to quickly explain what I'm doing here normally I would just recognize that it's a hot rock and I would move on but the reason I am doing this is because this was quite a loud signal and we have been finding so many specimens in this area that look like hot rocks they're Ironstone and they're filled with gold inside so dad's just made it very clear that we have to check the insides make sure there's no gold Speckles I'll put a photo here so you can see what I'm talking about um hence my vigilance over a bloody hot rock this did turn out just to be a hot rock as well which was a little bit of waste of time but you got to do what you got to do car's literally like 20 meters away so I'm gonna leave it there look how dry my lips are already oh my god um I'm gonna leave it there and then come back for it tonight and I'll show Dad and we can crack it open together and I don't wear headphones like this because they really annoy me and they get caught and rip out of my ears I normally have got my Ox on it's broken so I've had to use these anyway not much around at least it's not too hot yet so I was just walking through the bush and I've come across this situation again which was the same as before very very small area though where a prospector has come through scrape back the rocks we're assuming that if they've scraped them back so they can detect them we're assuming they were using an old machine it was a very long time ago and it couldn't handle the Hot Rocks so basically they've scraped back all the big Ironstone rocks and detected because there's chop holes under the scraped ground um which tells us that there was gold here you wouldn't do that for no reason Gold's best indicator for gold it also tells us that whoever did this last was using an old machines out machine our new machines are going to outperform them which is really good and this was done on a lot of the hills in the area so what we obviously did was make sure that we did them properly and then any other Hills in the area that had similar circumstances and I have been put on the hill with those um rock piles that I showed you so that like someone has come in and like scraped up and put Rock piles the first slot that I showed you um because race found a two grammar like just below them I'll show you in a second so I'm chaining [Music] basically Reese found the two grammar just there that's where the rock poles are about 15 meters up on the hill we're on a massive well massive for me heel I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that live in much bigger Hills than this but this is a hill for us and I've just been chaining so I start here walk in circles and every chain overlaps there's my chain marks just there and it overlaps with that one and overlaps with that one then to be completely honest I find chaining very boring but unfortunately that's all we've got to do so it could be a very deep Target that would be great massive nugget really deep down would Frost that that's the best case scenario could be ground noise worst case scenario um the ground's hell mineralized here so it's really noisy in a table Hot Rocks another option it could be probably the least likely but you never rule it out as a prospector and the fact that's on a crossfault is good um inventory is the word I'm looking for um yeah so slowly just adding all this to your inventory of like information about this area and what's going on and like even for little things so like if Dad's comes back and he's like oh you know that Old Road up on the hill found a nugget just on the east side of that I know now where that old road is because it's in my inventory so like you're slowly just like adding things adding things adding things no swiggle all right here there's a little iron bar popping up all over to it they're rabbit holes nothing exciting God so Rocky okay I'm bar popping up it's washing down there this is I'm on a slight rise and then boom big contact Zone with some quartz um we know here as well that the gold is in the Ironstone but it Associates where the quartz is so that contact Zone's interesting there's like literally like there's so much going on like even here there's just so much geology and information that the ground's telling you a little bar popping up what else is going on another rise through there on the other side of that Court it's a very mineralized geologically rich area this rise as well one side is Iron Stone the other side is Paw free on the contact straight through it and on the other side of that Hill 's everywhere which is interesting so the truffles are on um the Paw free side but there's Iron Stone washer going through it so in heels that look like that in the area I would Target them um yeah just like I'm just when you're walking through the bushes of prosperity it's constantly looking constantly gathering information no information is too big or too small always looking down as well you never know what you'll see hopefully it's gold not a snake I haven't seen any snakes or anything yet but hopefully it stays that way Marco so far range is the only one that spent any gold and how far are we out of Utah not far at all oh yeah I've got um yeah yeah in a bar but it's quite a fair enough it's ground noise not bad I want to just leave it and not do anything about it yeah because then like a crossfault and maybe when we go up to pan that other stuff we could pan that as well just to check yeah good idea [Music] [Applause] okay why you watch me dig in incredibly hard ground I just want to say we have a way up coming up now after this find and I just want to preface it by saying that we are doing exploration prospecting right now well true prospecting we are looking for new ground so in the winter we go on these trips to find new ground to mine so we mind for a living we use our excavator our loader our dry blower Rock Crusher etc etc but we can't mine if we're not constantly finding new grounds so in the winter we go around we go away to find ground for us to mine so when we do this way up gold is the best gold is the best indicator for gold so I'm quite excited about the amount of gold we're finding because it means that we are on some new good ground so I hope that makes sense and kind of explains the difference between prospecting and Mining um I won't ruin anymore actually you know what I'm gonna ruin the way up so I'll shut up now all right we got it not looking good and it's a nail is that a car no anyway all that for now no it's okay you're in it now say hello oh dad's tired so he's not gonna stay for the way up I'll have to kneel down oh we're kind of weighing up throughout the day so we already know what we've got roughly but I thought I would do a way up to show you guys dad didn't want to be in it because he's tired race doesn't want to be in it because he hates the camera so it's just me um but day two and we're off to a good start in nuggets Rhys and Dad have found well mainly Reece I haven't found anything some prospector but race has found 15 and a half grams I'll show you guys 15.3 grams one of these is Dad's but the big one and the I think that one there's dad's that little one that's all Races so he's doing really well um to be fair though he was put on a patch that we found last time we'll be able anyway he's still doing well and then these are what is exciting oh there's one can't even do these in the scales see they max out the scales that could definitely max out the scales but I'll show you this these are two big Iron Stone spaces they've got gold all through them this one is super dense you see all that that's all gold all through there all through there I'll show you better lighting tomorrow and this one this is why I always check your hot rocks so where race is now where we found these is a patch where we've been finding it finding a heap of Ironstone species it was really exciting so there's probably well we weighed this on the 500 gram scales and I maxed it out so it means the whole Rock weighs more than half kilo um but even there's definitely at least a couple of ounces in that one and you'd hope there'd be at least 20 50 half an ounce 20 grams in that one so all that would probably like safe to say we'd have at least three ounces including the nugs and it's end of day two so it's exciting I'm gonna make some gnocchi pesto read my book and go to bed hopefully I'll find some tomorrow because I'm the only one that's not on the board it's a bit embarrassing
Channel: Tyler Mahoney
Views: 49,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dE8gwLCYxQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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