Origins: First Builders - Tutorial & Playthrough

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welcome to the jungle games tutorial for origins first builders in this video i'll be teaching you the rules to the game as it's being played and i will be showing the first three rounds of the game today now i do want to ask that if you enjoy this video that you please click the like button for it down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel in addition to that if you'd like to directly support the channel and the creation of videos like this one in the future then please go to johngetsgames.comsupport there you can find a bunch of ways that you can really help things out and many of them come with perks like watching some videos early and advertisement free as well as voting on which of those videos are made the last thing that i'd like to ask is that if any part of this game really jumps out as intriguing to you or if you see any turns that we should have done differently then please comment down below and tell me what you think alright let's jump into the game out here we have the game fully set up and ready to play for our three different players now before i start i would like to ask that you please turn on the klingon subtitles because i might make mistakes as i'm showing you the game and those will let me put corrections on the screen where you should be able to see them i will also put corrections below the video in the top comment well let's start things off with a brief overview of this game thematically this is set many thousands of years ago and the humans at that time were actually visited by aliens who are now set to uplift us as a species by giving us various technologies to help us build out our nations now the way the game works is players are going to send out their dice workers to various spots on the board in order to perform different actions that are possible now these dice are never rolled once players have them and every time you use one of them you increase their value once these dice reach six they cannot go any higher and then you actually move them down here and they become advisors where they will give you victory points and they will strengthen the flexibility of your arc on which you can also place out here into various spots to perform actions speaking of actions when you place the workers out here you may have to pay a wisdom cost if the value of this alien artifact is greater than the value of the worker die that you place on there and every time these are visited the token will rotate that means the more these are visited the harder it is going to be to actually perform these actions without paying a penalty but once it reaches a 6 it circles back to a 1 and becomes much easier from that point on now any number of player pieces can visit these spots and obviously as they are visited these change their position which is going to impact the options each player has now as the game goes on players are going to increase their military strength which gives a variety of ways to gain victory points as well as resources and players are also going to be building out their areas by taking these octagonally shaped tiles and then they can place these into a growing area in front of them now on a player's turn for an action they could actually close a district and they can only do that when they have a two by two area and that means they can actually take one of their dice and place it in the middle spot between those four tiles they can then perform the actions of any of the tiles that match this color and at the end of the game this die at the seat of power will give victory points specifically it will give points equal to the value of that die times the number of tower tokens the player has we all start with one of these and as an action we can add more of them on here so we obviously want to close these districts off with large value dice and then have matching towers of tokens for the color of those dice that we place so we are going to keep playing the game with each player doing one action per turn unless they use these superiority tokens which i'll talk about later on and once you've run out of things to do you can flip this card over to the pass side once everyone has passed the round will be over we will then check to see if the game is over and if it's not we will continue on to a new round once the game is over we will get victory points for a wide variety of things and the player with the most points will be the winner now obviously i've glossed over much of the details of this game and i will describe how each of those works when we bump into them while playing and on that note i think it's now time to start playing the game for today's tutorial we are going to play as the brown player down here and we started with this bulwark token which means we are the first player so we can now take the first turn of the game so let's focus down here and as you can see on our player aid it says that on our turn we can perform one of these five different options the first says we can visit an encounter site and when we do that we either visit it with an archon piece or one of these freemen or a speaker die the speaker dice are these white dice in the middle of the table and a freeman is any color die that's within a player holder so we have two freemen at the start of the game and we have this one arcon for our first turn i do think we are going to visit an encounter site and let's use this value for purple frame the next thing we can do is focus up here at the top part of the board where there are five different encounter sites now during setup we randomly placed these tokens onto those spots and then we matched up these encounter wheels to those tokens and we set each one of the wheels to the one position next to that arrow now i do want to mention that i have actually used a sharpie to fill the black in on all of these pips to make it easier to see what these values are on camera now we can place this freeman onto any of these different encounter spots the color does not have to match but if the color does match that will increase our opportunities and in this case i think we are going to match the color and place this purple frame in here after choosing a location the next thing that we have to do is compare the value of this encounter site to the value of the freeman that we just placed the freeman is a five and the encounter site is a one and as long as the freeman is equal to or greater than the value of the site then we don't have to do anything now if it's a situation like this where the value of the site is greater than the value of the freeman then in order to place here we have to spend wisdom tokens equal to the difference so if this was a six we could place the five there and spend one influence and of course if this was a six and that was a one then we'd have to spend five wisdom to play there and odds are good we wouldn't decide to do that obviously in this case though this is a five and all of these start at a one so we don't have to spend any wisdom after placing but before we take any actions we now have to rotate this encounter token counter-clockwise so that means it is going to increase in value going from one to two and it will always increase in value unless it was a six in which case when it goes counterclockwise it goes from a six down to one and becomes a lot easier for players to visit this spot so obviously in this case it will go from a one to a two and now it's time for us to perform one or possibly more actions as you can see up here each one of the encounter sites has two actions that are printed on the board and one action that was placed on here with that token now that colored token action can only be performed if the freeman matches the color and since we placed a purple frame in here that does match the color of this so that means that this is an action we have the option of doing and on top of that we always get to choose one of the two action options that are up here so by placing onto the spot with any color die we could do this top option or the bottom one and if this fragment is purple then in addition to that we can do the color matching action so we'll do one of these two plus that one and it's worth noting that if this die was actually a six we would actually have the ability to do both of these two at the top and then once again only perform this one if the color matched the freeman well let's focus in a little bit and as you can see the top option is very simple that just means we take three wisdom resources and place those into our area now wisdom is used in a couple of ways one of which that we've already seen is being able to pay for the difference between your freeman value and the encounter side spot when you place those down now the other thing that we can do is spend one stone resource in order to move up a temple track twice and then also take the associated zodiac card between these two i think the bottom one is what we'd like to do and it's worth noting we can do either of these before or after we perform this action and this one is optional we don't have to do it even if the color matches so we'll start here and spend one stone and when we look back to our player area you can see we started with a food a stone and a wisdom and we also started with one gold now gold is a wild resource which means you can spend this in the place of any of these three other resources but gold is also worth one victory point at the end of the game so we have to be careful about not spending too many of these because they are worth points now we have a stone so we can spend that and then we can advance up a temple track twice and then take the associated zodiac card the temples are in the bottom right corner of the board and as you can see there are three of them now during setup we randomly chose three of these zodiac cards from a pretty wide variety of them and then put a token above it that matched the card that we placed as i said we can move one of our temple tokens up twice on one of these tracks so we cannot split this up and i think we are going to move up this middle track as you can see there is the taurus zodiac card that was randomly placed there at the start of the game and we can take our temple token and move up two times and as i said before we now can take the zodiac card and place that in front of us and this effect will give us a bonus for as long as this card is in front of us remember somebody else could come in and go to the same spot move up the same track and then take that card away from us it's worth emphasizing that you get to take this card even if after you move you are not the highest one up on the track after taking the card obviously this token stays there to remind us that this is the temple that's associated with taurus now before we move on i'm sure you've noticed all of these numbers on the temple tracks and that symbol means victory points once the game is over we are going to score the two lowest temple tracks that we have so that means if the game ended with us like that then these would be the two lowest and we would get one victory point plus 31 which means that'd be 32 points and obviously we would not get these 70 points up here because that is not one of the two lowest with that in mind we are obviously incentivized to move up all of these tracks because if we go really hard on two of them and never move the other one well that's really going to impact the number of points we could have received of course if we ended the game like this we would still get 70 plus zero points which still does seem pretty good at this point we are done with the standard and countersight action but before we move on i'd like to point out the bonus that taurus gets us this says that we pay one wisdom fewer for buildings and citizen dice from the offer now i'll explain both of those things as we go along but as you can see having a discount on spending wisdom is definitely something that is going to increase our flexibility well let's focus back up here and once again we chose one of these two standard encounter actions and we are now done with it this means we now have the option of performing the purple action and once again we could have done this before the main action but we are doing it afterwards now this says we can spend one of our food in order to purchase a new building and add it into our area we do have a food and i think we're going to go for it so we'll spend this which means we can now purchase a new building tile and place it into our area now as you can see over here we have a market of five of these tiles that are by themselves and then we have stacks over here and the tiles within these stacks are all the same color now whenever we go to purchase a new tile we can only take from these five over here and as you can see every tile has a cost on it in stone so this one right here costs one stone or as the armory right here costs three but then in addition to that most of the tiles have a wisdom cost that is associated with that specific spot in the market now if you remember from before our taurus zodiac card says we pay one wisdom fewer for buildings and citizen dice from the offer citizen dice are up here and as you can see they also have wisdom costs and i'll talk about taking those soon but for now we are purchasing a building so that means we are going to pay one less wisdom that means we could actually take the armory for zero wisdom of course that does need three stone and we currently have zero stone one thing we do have though is a gold and this is wild so it can act as one stone so that means right now we could build this mint and not pay any wisdom or we could build this statue using this as a stone and then we could use this discount to make that two wisdom only cost one and spend this token here so realistically those are our two options and even though we could take the statue with that wisdom discount i think we are going to keep the wisdom here and build this mint instead so that means we can take this from the track we obviously pay zero wisdom and now we have to spend one stone in order to place this in our area as i said before gold is a wild resource so we are going to spend this to gain the stone that we need which means we just spent one victory point which isn't great but getting these built is an important part of this game now we can add this into our area and it can go onto any of these flat edges that are either horizontal or vertical in our area and that's realistically just a fancy way of saying you can never match these up on these diagonal sides so we can place this into any of these six different spots and i think this spot is going to work out well after we place a tile down we have the option of gaining any of the benefits printed on the bottom and the mint says we gain one gold so we obviously spent one gold for the stone to place this and then the mint gets us a gold back and that's the main reason we decided to go with the mint instead of the statue if we look at the details of the statue that would have let us advance one step on a chosen temple track which could be worth quite a bit of victory points but i liked the ability to still have a gold left after this action so that's why we went with the mint also the statue would have cost us our wisdom and we got to keep that around as well at this point we now need to reset the tile market and we have to make sure there are always five different color tiles on this market what that means is we are going to take the top tile from the associated stack of the color that was just taken and then we are going to put that at the very bottom of all these and we will shift them all up so as you can see there will always be exactly one tile for each of the five colors out here on the market and the longer a tile is out here the less wisdom it is going to cost the final thing that we have to do is flip the top tile over but before we do that i'd like to point out that the back side of this says farm now whenever you do a purchase action instead of spending the wisdom and stone for one of these tiles you can simply take it as a farm so that means we could have taken this healer's mansion for example flipped it over not paid any stone or wisdom and then placed this down into our area now farms don't do anything by themselves but there are various other in-game effects that can give you bonuses for farms and another thing about farms is they do occupy a location in your area and once you have a two by two area done this seed of power in the middle will be completed and for a turn you can place one of your unused dice there and i'll explain the details of how that works soon so as you can see without spending any resources you can place a tile down to complete one of these and you can also maybe take a tile from the offer that's going to be really good for one of your opponents flip that over and to deny that from them again without spending any resources of your own so we can look back over here and as you can see the top tile on the yellow stack is face down because we just drew one so we can simply reveal that and now the market is ready for the next purchase action that will happen during the game well we are done taking actions which means our turn is done and play is now going to move clockwise around to the table and that means the green player can now take their turn after considering their options they are going to place this yellow freeman over there the value is equal to or higher than the encounter site so they don't have to spend wisdom and then this will spin and now since this freeman matches at the site they can perform this action that simply lets them take a stone a food or a wisdom token and place that into their area and they've decided to take a food after that they can either gain a stone a food and a wisdom or they could spend one two or three of their food and for each food that they spend they can increase the value of one of their unused freeman dice by one or they can increase their position on the military track by one the military track is down here and we all started on that position and when you move forward you simply go to the next circular spot now i don't think they're going to do that so i'll talk about the military area in more detail later on and instead they've decided to spend two of their food and for each of these they will increase the value of one of their unused freeman die so that means two food will increase this twice bringing it from a four all the way up to a six and of course they could spend a third food and they do have a gold which could be a food and with that they could increase their position on the military track but obviously they could not increase the value of a freeman because you can't increase a six anymore in this case they've decided to hold on to their gold it is worth one point and they've decided it's not worth it for that one military track movement well that's finished up their turn so the blue player can go and they are going to send this value 3 blue freeman over to the blue encounter site they don't have to pay a wisdom cost and then this will move and now they can either take three food or they could purchase a building in the way that we saw earlier on our turn of course we had to pay a food to do that with this action whereas this one you just do the action but of course you have to pay the stone and potential wisdom costs for that purchase between these two options they've decided to simply take three food so they can add that into their area and then because this die matches they can spend one stone in order to increase their position on one of the temple tracks once they have a stone and they figure they're going to go for it so this will be spent and then they've decided to increase their position on this temple track so blue will move their token up once blue is done with their turn so now we get to go again and currently we are pretty light on resources i think what we should do is send out our blue freeman and get ourselves some food as well now this is a two value freeman and the site says two so we don't have to pay any wisdom and then this will move and now we could spend a stone to increase our temple track position and we do have a gold that we could spend to do that but i think we'd rather save this gold for something else so we are not going to make use of that matching blue and instead we are simply going to take three food those can be placed right over here and now we're done with our turn so the green player can go and they've decided to use their archon to visit an encounter site every player has exactly one of these archons and they technically don't have a die value associated with them so that means you can always place these down onto any encounter site and you never pay a wisdom cost that being said these are cons potentially can count as a color for the purpose of matching up with one of these tiles but at the start of the game every archon is colorless they start to gain color options once players put advisors down if this die was right here for example then that means when the green player puts their archon out it could act as if it was red later on if the green player was able to put a yellow die here as an advisor then their archon could be red or yellow for the purposes of placing out obviously at the moment though they don't have any advisors so this is colorless and they've decided to send this archon over to the orange site obviously they don't have to pay any wisdom then this will turn and now we can look up here and see that if this was orange or as an archon acted as if it was orange because they had an orange advisor then they could perform this action which would let them take a speaker die that's obviously not the case and i'll explain how this works a little bit later on so that means the green player can either gain three stone or they could increase their position on the military track once and attack and they can do these in either order now they've decided they're just going to take the stone so again i'll talk about the military area in more detail soon green is done so blue can go and they're going to send their archon over to the yellow encounter site their archon is colorless so they don't gain this one resource and then between these two options they're going to go for this one which we did see the green player do earlier in this case the blue player is going to spend three food and then they are going to increase their position on the military track once for each food spent so that'll be three moves once again the military track is over here and that means the blue player is going to go counterclockwise around three times now whenever the player moves their military token over a superiority icon like this they then take a superiority token and place that into their area well that was one move and the blue player purchased three moves so they will go there and then there now you may have noticed all of these icons in the middle and you gain these when you do a attack action which looks like the axe and sword crossed over each other the blue player right now purchased some track movement but they do not have an attack action right now so i'll talk about how the attack works soon the blue player will certainly do that before the end of this round well blue is done with this visit encounter action but before we end their turn we now see that they do have a superiority token now on a player's churn they can spend at most one of these tokens back to the supply in order to take another action which means they can choose one of these five options so it's effectively like taking another turn in this case the blue player does want to do that so they'll spend this and then perform another action it appears they want to once again visit an encounter site and they are going to do that with their freeman they're going to send that over to the orange encounter site and as you can see the value is 4 so they don't have to spend a wisdom penalty and then this will turn now after that they are going to perform this action here remember they could either gain three stone or they can move on the military track once and attack and these can be done in either order so they are going to move and then perform the first military attack of the game when we focus once again over here you'll notice their single move reaches them across another superiority icon so that means they gain this back and remember players can only use at most one of these per turn and obviously you are allowed to use these on the turn that you gained it now they're going to perform an attack the way this works is they can gain any of the benefits that are associated with that specific spot so that means right here the blue player is going to attack and gain one food which they'll place into their supply if they had been over here for example that would let them spend a food a stone or wisdom and turn it into a gold and then if we look farther down there are even more lucrative benefits that you get for attacking after potentially gaining the benefit listed on the inside the player will gain victory points now they're going to get one point for every superiority icon they've crossed over so in this case that is two points and they will get one victory point for every other opponent whose token is farther back on the track than they are in this case both of their opponents are so blue is going to gain two plus two or four victory points with this attack and of course they also gained one food it's worth noting if tokens are on top of each other the order of that stack matters for turn order which i'll explain later on but these are effectively equal and you do not gain any victory points for an opponent's token that's on the same area so blue is going to gain 4 victory points they can show that by moving their tracker over here to the 4 spot and once the game is over the player with the most points wins so getting four points for that attack was pretty great for them well they're done with that action but as you can see they sent an orange freeman to the orange encounter site so they have the option of performing this action as well and they are going to do that now this action lets them take a speaker die if there is one available and in a three player game there are three speaker dice that are placed here during setup now these dice look just like freeman except they don't have a player base and that's because these are effectively neutral one time use tokens so the orange player can take any one of these and they've decided they want to take this three and now they can place this into their area so that's right over here and on a future turn they can use this speaker to visit an encounter site of course this does not have a color so they're not going to gain a matching color bonus and this does have a value so they have to make sure to place it down in such a way that they can afford a wisdom penalty if there is one well blue is done so that means we can now take our turn and i think we are going to be the first player to not visit an encounter site now i said on our turn we can choose one of these five options and i think we want to grow our population the way this works is we can spend food to take the associated token in that column over here and raise it up to the top and whenever you grow you always start from the left and you work your way over so in this case we can for our entire turn spend two of our food and then we can move this token up there and we will have access to this for the rest of the game obviously there is no dye placed in there just yet but what that means is we now can recruit a new citizen die and place it there and then utilize that in the ways that we've already seen now that's all we have to do on our turn although i do want to point out that once you have grown your population four times you can't do it anymore for the rest of the game and when you do this fourth population growth you also get 10 victory points well we are done so that means the green player can go and they've decided to send their red freeman over to the blue encounter site this is a value 6 freeman so obviously they don't have to spend a wisdom cost this will then rotate and since they came here with a red freeman obviously they want to perform the blue encounter side action option what they can do are both of these actions up here if you remember from before whenever you visit an encounter site with a value six freeman instead of choosing one or the other you get to do both that means the green player is going to start by taking three food from the supply and then they are also going to purchase a building from the market as always they have these five options available to them and they've decided to purchase this armory that one does not have a wisdom cost associated with it but it does cost three stone the green player is well prepared for that though they grabbed three stone earlier so now they can spend all three of that and still actually have one left over now they can place this somewhere in their area and they've decided to put it right there after placing the tile they have the option of performing this effect and it says they can move two spaces on the military track and or perform an attack there's a little asterisk there to remind us that they can attack before or after they optionally do that movement so let's focus over here and green is definitely going to move first so they get to move twice and that will bring them to this position and then they do gain a superiority token after that the armory says they can attack and this effect says they can get rid of one resource in order to gain one gold they currently have quite a bit of food and they've decided to spend one of those and then this gold will go over here if they manage to keep this until the end of the game that's worth a point and of course this is more flexible since they can spend it as one of any of the other three resource types green is done so blue can go and for their turn they are going to visit an encounter site but i do want to point out that they could pass if they wanted to that's something you can always do if you want even if you have your archon or freeman in front of you or if you have speakers in front of you as well if you pass with the speaker in front of you then you'll keep it and you can use it in the next round of the game in this case though the blue player is going to use this speaker and they're going to visit an encounter site with it after thinking through their options they're going to go to the orange encounter site this is a value 3 speaker and three on the site so they don't have to pay wisdom this will then turn and now they are just going to take three stone they don't have any stone and they figure they should probably purchase some buildings in the next round and they want to prepare for that blue is done so we can go and let's send our archon over to the red encounter site once we arrive we can spin this and as you can see if this archon could be read or if we put a red freeman over here we could perform this action that would let us spend one wisdom in order to move on the military track once or perform an attack but obviously this is not red at the moment so that means we are going to perform one of these two options this one says we can gain a resource of our choice as well as gold and this one says we can recruit one new citizen that is what we want to do and the reason for that is because we have this holder in our area now you can only recruit a new citizen when you have an empty holder in your spot so that means up to this point no other player has even been able to do this because no one had holders without dice in them to fill now the way this action works is we can spend wisdom underneath one of these dice and then place that into our holder as a new freeman and as you can see the wisdom costs are printed underneath it now one thing to keep in mind is we do still have this taurus effect and it says that we pay one wisdom fewer when we gain a new citizen die from the offer currently we have one wisdom and one gold so we could spend both of these and take this die right here but i don't think it makes sense to use this gold let's spend this one wisdom plus our one discount and then take this value 5 yellow citizen die we can put that wisdom into the bank and then place this citizen here and we can use this citizen later on within this given round after that we have to slide all of these dice over to the left as much as we can and then we take a new die from the supply that matches the color that was just taken we roll it and if we got a six we'd have to re-roll it in this case we got a four and we simply place it over there so just like the tile market over here there's always going to be one of each color except right now when you forget to refill this uh this was purchased on the green player's turn so technically this should have been shifted up at the end of their turn and then a new red tile would have been placed down here onto the market sorry for missing that alright we now have three citizen dice which is one more than both of our opponents now our turn is done and that means it's time for the green player to go and for their turn they could visit an encounter site but they don't have any speaker freeman or archon tokens in front of them so that's not an option they could close a district but they don't have enough tokens to do that and they would also need a freeman die to pull that off another option would let them build a tower level which i haven't discussed just yet and i don't think they're going to do that so i'll talk about that later they could also at this point grow their population if they wanted to and that would cost two food and they do have two food at the moment after considering all of their options the green player has decided they're actually going to pass technically they could have grown their population by spending two food to bring this up here but they would not have had the ability to gain a new citizen to place it on there in this round so they figure they may as well wait now when you pass you simply flip this card over to show that you are passed for the rest of the round and then the next thing they do is bring their arkhan back and each one of their freemen they can bring them back in any order of their choice and they've decided to bring this one first and as a player brings freeman back while passing they increase the value of that freeman once so this three is going to turn into a four and they can place that right over there and then over here this six needs to be increased but of course you can't increase a six up to a seven because there is no seven side instead what happens if it is a six is that that die is going to become an advisor so it is going to be placed into the leftmost slot on the advisor area of the board and then this empty holder will go back over there and of course the green player can go to this spot and gain a new citizen to replace that in the next round and i think it's likely they will before we move on i'd like to talk a little bit more about these advisors as i mentioned before when you send an archon out to an encounter site they can take on the color of any of your advisors so that means in the future the green player can put this icon out and it can act as if it was red for the purposes of gaining the bonus red action in addition to that these advisors can potentially give players a decent number of points now whenever you place an advisor down you actually first have to check to see if there's already an advisor of that color so in the future if the green player was to have another six and go to place it over here there's a six on this row already and there can never be two of the same color instead what happens in this case is that the player returns that die to the supply and they gain victory points equal to the leftmost spot that currently has a die in it so in this moment they would only gain one victory point so that probably wouldn't be the best move for them but for example if they had these two advisors over here and then gained another red one now they would gain six victory points and then return this over to the supply so you only immediately gain these victory points when you go to place another die down that matches a die that's already on your board now when the game is over you will gain victory points equal to the right most advisor that you've placed so in this situation the green player would be getting six victory points and as you can see we are well incentivized to try and get one of each of those advisors down to get 15 and of course if you do that and then get another advisor then you would get 15 points immediately when you place that one back into the supply because it has a matching color green is done with their turn and they are also done for the round because they have passed and that means we are going to continue taking turns and we simply skip the green player entirely and we will continue to take turns until all players have passed so the blue player can go and they've actually decided they want to pass so they can bring their archon back and then this freeman will have its value increased from a three to a four and then this orange freeman will go from a four to a five that has finished a quick turn for blue and that means we can go and since both of our opponents have passed we can continue to take as many turns as we want in a row until we decide to pass at the moment we do have a yellow freeman and i think we should send them over to the yellow encounter site once here i think let's take the top option so that is going to gain us one stone one food as well as one wisdom and then since we are matching this color we can also gain one non-gold resource and of course this does also have to rotate at the moment we have two food one stone and one wisdom so i think for this bonus let's take another stone so that we increase our ability to purchase more of those buildings and there are other good things that cost stone as well i suppose our turn is done and everyone else has passed so we can go again and i think now is a good time for us to pass as well so that means we can bring our arkon back then this is a five level freeman so they are going to increase from a five to a six and as you can see this is part of the reason why it's great to have that wisdom discount to then be able to recruit that level five citizen because now they're a six the six value gets to do both of the actions when we place them out and that also means we will gain a yellow advisor after using this freeman at the end of the next round of the game we can bring this one back and it is also a five so that means we will have two sixes in the next round and three free men total which is one more than the rest of our opponents so i'm feeling pretty good about how that first round went for us of course we didn't move at all on the military track but you can't do everything and i'm feeling pretty good about what we did our turn is done and now that all players have passed the round is going to come to an end but there are a few things that we have to do before we start the next round the first of those is we have to check to see if there are any speaker dice on any of these encounter spots in this case there is a speaker out at an encounter site so what we do is return that back to the supply and as we do that we increase the value so this three becomes a four and we place it right there now if this had been a five coming back from a site you cannot actually increase this to a six because if you look at this die there's actually two twos and no six so instead of increasing to a six you re-roll the die and then place it over here onto any of the spots in this speaker market after that it's now time to give the first player bulwark token to the player who has the greatest military strength now that's the player who's farthest along this track and if there is a tie then the player whose token is farthest down in that stack is going to break the tie in their favor so in this case blue would still win it but of course blue is a clear leader over here on the track so blue will take this and they will be the starting player for the entire next round of the game after that every military token is going to move clockwise until it reaches a superiority token over here on the track we start farthest out and then work our way in the blue player does not have to move theirs though because it's already next to this superiority token but then when we get to this spot the green token is going to move backwards until it reaches that superiority token there so as you can see within a given round it definitely makes sense to try and push far enough to reach past the superiority tokens so that you don't lose the ground that you gained now i do want to set up a quick example to show that the order of these is maintained if it was something like this then this blue token would be shifted back and you actually shift those underneath so that the order is maintained after that we can now move to the temples and the player whose token is farthest up on each temple track is going to gain the associated zodiac card remember we gained this because that is the special effect of an action we performed but at the end of the round the player highest up on each of these temples for free gets access to that zodiac card over here the blue player is going to gain access to capricorn and this says that every time they build a tower level they may add two to the value of one of their citizen dice up to a maximum of six now i haven't talked about building tower levels just yet but i imagine we'll see that in the next round of the game either way the blue player now has access to this effect and then we can keep the taurus effect because we are still the highest for that temple finally over here no one has moved up on the temple track at all so that means no one gets access to this if there is a tie up here on the track then the token at the bottom of that stack will break the tie in their favor and take the token after this we can now check to see if the game is over there are four different end-game triggers and if any of them have happened at this moment then we just finish the game now and then proceed into final scoring now i'll discuss all of those triggers later on once i've covered more of the details of the game and now we can move into the next round the first thing that we have to do is flip over all of these pass cards so that they don't show pass anymore and then the player who has the bulwark token gets to go first and as you can see that is going to be the blue player here after thinking through their options they're actually not going to start by going to an encounter site instead they're going to build the first tower level of the game the way this works is they can take any one of these tower tokens from the supply and then place it onto the appropriate spot in their palace now they've decided to take an orange token from the supply and i do want to point out that during setup we place these tokens out here based off of these district cards at the top of each of these cards you can see there are towers with different colors and we placed one token into the supply for each of those towers that showed up on these cards plus one for all five of these colors now i'll talk more about these district cards and why they're important later on in the tutorial so blue is purchased this orange tower and they can place it on top of the orange disc that they already had as you can see every player starts with one on each of these towers now this is going to be an endgame multiplier giving the blue player more points for all of the orange dice that they place down into seats of power seats of power are locations between four of these tiles and i'll talk more about that when we discuss closing a district later on in the tutorial now in order to actually pay for this new token the blue player has to spend gold specifically they spend one gold for each tower token that was already there since they had one that means they had to spend one gold and remember each of these is worth one point at the end of the game and now they can place this on top so what that means is if they want to place another orange token onto this tower the next one would cost two gold and the one after that would cost three but of course all of the other colors will still cost them one gold since those still have just one token on them now normally the build a tower level action would be done however the blue player currently has the capricorn zodiac card and this gives them a benefit when they build a tower level specifically it says every time they build a tower level they may add 2 to the value of any one of their citizen dice up to a maximum of 6. with that in mind they are going to add 2 to their value 4 citizen die bringing that up to a value 6 at blue freeman blue is done so that means it's now our turn and i think let's head to the purple encounter site with our value 6 purple freeman we don't have to pay a wisdom cost and this will spin and now since this is a value 6 we can do both of these actions and since this is purple we can perform that action as well we can do these in any order of our choosing and i think let's start by simply taking three wisdom from the supply after that let's spend one stone and go up twice on one temple track and take the associated card currently we do have the taurus card but we don't have capricorn or gemini now we know what capricorn does already if we build a tower level then that would let us increase the value of one of our citizen dice and that does seem strong and the other zodiac card available in this game is gemini this says that when you pass you gain one basic resource for each space you must move backwards on the military track until you reach the previous superiority spot so far we haven't moved on the military track at all and i'm not sure if we are going to so i think for our temple track move let's go up this track here so we'll go up two times and then we will take the associated card remember we would have taken this card even if somebody else was higher than us on this track so we can grab that from the blue player and now we have both of these in front of us and we are certainly incentivized to build a tower level of our own to gain that capricorn benefit the next thing that we can do is spend one food to purchase a building and i think let's do it now we have to remember that we have this taurus zodiac card which says we pay one less wisdom when we take from this market currently we have four wisdom though so that is not a big deal although spending one less is still nice with that in mind i think let's take this quarry it normally would cost two wisdom but we will just spend a one and then that is also going to cost us two stone at the moment we only have one stone but we do have a gold so i think let's spend it once again these are worth one point at the end of the game but they are also a flexible wild resource and i think that's going to help us out in this moment now we have to add this into our area and i think we'll put it like this and then we can activate this ability the quarry says we can gain one stone plus one extra stone for each empty space adjacent to this tile as you can see there are one two three empty spots so that means we are going to get one plus three or four stone for building the quarry so we can take four stone from the supply and now we're in a great position to purchase more tiles in this round before we move on we do have to reset the market we can shift this up and then we bought a yellow tile so we can place this healer down there and then flip the top one over well that was a very impactful first turn for us and i think we are done this means it's time for the green player to go after thinking things through they're gonna send this value for freeman over to the yellow encounter site they don't have to pay a wisdom cost because this is equal to or greater than that value and then this will spin now this is yellow so they can gain this benefit and with it they want a stone and then for their main action they are going to take a stone a food as well as one wisdom actually after thinking it through instead of taking a stone here they are going to gain another wisdom instead well green is done with their turn they've decided not to use their superiority token to take another action this means blue can go and they're going to send this orange 5 frame in over to the orange encounter site once here we can see they don't have to pay a wisdom penalty and then the spins after that they are going to take three stone from the supply and then since these colors match they can take a freeman and they'll take this value 5. that's finished their action but now they want to use this superiority token to take another action and with it they're going to go to the blue encounter site with their blue value 6 freeman they don't have to pay a wisdom penalty and then this moves and now they are going to do both of these actions because this is a value six freeman so they will get three food from the supply first and then they will spend one stone to increase their position on a temple track once in this case they've decided to go up on the far right track after that they are going to purchase a building after considering their options they're going to spend one wisdom in order to purchase this forum and they do have to spend one stone after they do that they have to put this tile down and they're going to put it right over here next up they can perform this effect and it says they can take one speaker for free currently there are just two speakers left and they'll take the higher value one so that means there is only one speaker that anyone else can take for the rest of the round next up we have to reset this market once again and it was an orange tile that was taken so we can place a new orange tile to the bottom we can flip this up and i think at this point let's take a closer look at what all these tiles say let's start with the market at the top we have the blue statue and when you play this you can advance one step on one of the temple tracks next up there's the purple healers mansion and that says you gain one victory point plus an additional one point for each freeman that you have after that there is the red chariot field and that is an expensive one it says when you activate this you gain two victory points for each of your red buildings and two victory points for each red freeman that you have so this one can give you a bunch of victory points if you're specializing on the red color after that there's the yellow harbor and this gives you two points for each of your yellow buildings finally there is the orange stone circle and this says you gain 0 1 3 6 or 10 victory points if you have buildings of 1 2 3 4 or five different colors so this one has a huge payoff if you build it later on in the game if you have a variety of colors and that is certainly something that you can build towards next up let's look at the top of these stacks and again these are the tiles that will go down onto the market when a tile of that color is purchased so up here there is a mint which gains one gold and we've seen that already and then a forum which gets you one speaker for free and we've seen that one already as well after that there's the red outpost and it says you can move one space on the military track or perform an attack and then the purple fountain of wisdom says you can take one wisdom and then set a mothership to value one these tokens out here are mother ships so you could use that to spin one of these to one to then place one of your lower value dice without having to spend wisdom the final tile currently showing is the blue temple and it says that you advance two steps on the mountain temple and then you spend one gold to advance one step on another temple with that in mind let's look back at the temples because as you can see they have a symbol on the bottom the leftmost one is the forest temple the middle one is the mountain temple and the right one is the sea temple well let's come back to the game and the blue player has just finished a massive turn where they actually took two actions because of that superiority token now after that we can take our next turn of the game now i think we want to use our value 3 blue freeman and with them visit an encounter site now as you can see if we were to go here which does a match that would let us spend a stone to go up one of the temple tracks but the value of this mothership is five and the freedmen is three when the freeman is a lower than the mothership value we have to spend the difference in wisdom we do have three wisdoms so we could spend two to do that but i think a better option for us is going to be simply going over here this means we obviously cannot perform this action because the colors don't match but we don't have to pay a wisdom costs this will cycle and now we can do one of these two options and i think we just want to take gold as well as one other resource in this case i think the other resource is going to be food well that's finished a rather short term for us which means the green player can now go after considering their options they're going to send their archon over to the red encounter site now remember this r con can be read because they do have a red advisor and they are going to say the archon is red now that means they have the option of performing this action which is going to cost one wisdom to either advance on the military track or perform an attack they've decided to perform this action they'll spend one wisdom and they will advance once on the track so that brings them here and remember at the end of the round their token is going to fall back to the previous superiority icon so by going here it's likely they're going to try to push forward until they move at least two more times so that they don't lose that advancement once the round is over next up they can perform one of these actions and they want to recruit a new citizen specifically they are going to recruit this value 5 orange citizen and that is going to cost them to wisdom and they happen to have exactly two wisdom although they do have a couple of gold they could have spent instead so they'll spend this wisdom then this will slide over and now we need to roll a new orange die and add that to the citizen track green can place this new citizen into their open holder and they are now done with their turn this means the blue player can go and they're going to send their speaker over to the purple encounter site this is going to spin and they obviously did not have to spend a wisdom penalty because this was equal to or greater than the mothership value after that when it comes to actions they're simply going to take three wisdom and then they're done with their turn so we can now take our turn and let's send our archon out remember we don't have any advisors yet so the archon does not have a color they also don't have a number which again means we never have to pay a wisdom cost when sending a narcon to an encounter site now i think we want to purchase a new building so let's go over here this is going to spin once and now let's purchase a building from the market we obviously have five options here and the one i really want is this stone circle because it's orange now i'll explain why this color matters soon so let's now pay for this our taurus zodiac card means we pay one less wisdom so that will cost two instead of three and we do have that and then after that we have to spend two stone to buy this we currently have four stone so that is going to be just fine and now let's place it like this into our area after that we can activate the tile it says we will get 0 1 3 6 or 10 victory points if we have buildings of one two three four or five colors now as you can see right now we just have two colors because the gray color of our starting tiles does not count two colors means we only get one point so this might seem like a bad play but there are ways to reactivate these tiles and i'll talk about that soon so we could potentially reactivate this later when we have more colors to get even more points out of it so for the moment we will get one point for the stone circle which is going to be our first point of the game after that we can reset the market so this forum will go down and the next tile revealed is a court of law this one is pretty cheap it only costs one stone and it says for an action you can change the color of one of your unused dice and you keep its value when you activate that you actually swap the die out with a die that's over here in the supply as long as there is one available our turn is done so now the green player can go one thing they could do is send this value 5 orange freeman over to the orange encounter site that would let them get this last speaker but the problem is this is a value 2 speaker and the green player doesn't think that's going to be worth it because right now the mothership values are 4 3 4 and five and the green player currently does not have any wisdom to pay the difference for playing this down even onto a spot like this now i suppose they do actually have gold so they could spend that for the wisdom if they wanted to do something like that after considering all of their options they are just going to spend two of their food to grow their population and then potentially fill this later on in the round they want to see how the board state evolves after that blue can go and they also want to grow their population and this will cost them to food those are quick turns for our opponents and we get to go again and at the moment we have just one freeman left now we could visit an encounter with this freeman but i think instead for the first time in the game we are going to close a district now we are only allowed to close a district when we have a two by two pattern of tiles out in our area specifically you can tell that you can close a district when there is a seat of power that is formed the seat of power is this diamond-shaped hole between these four tiles and you can only do it once it is complete now in order to close a district we have to take a citizen that is currently available and place that die into that spot now i say citizen instead of freeman because as you can see when you place this over here we have freed up this holder for a new citizen die to be placed in when we recruit it once the citizen has been placed into that seat of power this district is closed and now what we can do is reactivate every single one of the tiles that is in this 2x2 district that matches the color of the citizen that we place this is a yellow citizen so that means we are now going to reactivate the mint as well as the quarry but we are not going to reactivate the stone circle in the future if we expand out our tiles to maybe these two spots that would create another seat of power and if we put an orange citizen into that spot by closing that district then the orange would match up with the stone circle and that is how we could reactivate this effect and potentially get more points for having a greater variety of building colors in our area so let's reactivate the mint and that is going to gain us one gold and then when we reactivate the quarry it gets us one stone plus one stone for each empty adjacent space there are two adjacent spots so that means we'll get three stone from that quarry after that let's focus in on the agora obviously this is gray which does not match up with the citizen color but down below it says whenever you close a district containing the agora we get to gain a stone a wood or one wisdom so this agora power will activate every time it's inside a district that is closed currently we are light on wisdom and food we of course have some wisdom discounts that we've been utilizing so we could take a food we'd still be one away from growing our population again but i think between these options getting a wisdom is probably going to be better so we can place that right over here and again we got that by activating the agora when we close that district now the next thing i'd like to point out is that when the game is over every one of the citizens in our seats of power will get us victory points specifically we will get points equal to the value of that citizen times the height of the associated color tower at the moment we have just one yellow disc in our palace so that means that this is six times one or six points to us now as you can see it is a good idea to try and place high value citizens into these seats of power but of course by doing this i was not able to send this citizen out as a freeman to one of the encounter spots to activate both of the actions that are on that spot of course if we had sent this citizen out as a freeman to an encounter spot then it would have turned into an advisor before we could have placed them here into the seat of power advisors do give us some color flexibility with our archons and do get us victory points but of course these seats of power will also get us points and we are now very motivated to add more yellow towers down because every yellow tower that we add will be worth at least six victory points and potentially even more if we are able to put more of these yellow citizens into future seats of power when we close those districts now there is one more thing to discuss when closing districts and that is these district cards over here now the number of these that are dealt out during setup varies with the player count and each one of these shows a pattern of a two by two district and they have various colors on them as well as a neutral spot now if when you close a district the color pattern matches one or more of these district cards then you can activate one of them now this pattern can be rotated or mirrored and we do actually match this pattern here of two yellow next to each other and one orange and then any color building can be on this spot here the first time somebody matches a district card they can take all of the gold on top of that card during setup we put exactly two gold on top of each of these so we gained two gold and remember these are worth one point at the end of the game and then after that the first time a player achieves one of these districts they will get victory points equal to the left side when we focus in that is going to be 12 points here and if we achieve this district again in this game we will only get seven points for every subsequent achievement of it but our opponents will get 12 points the first time they achieve this one over here so let's take 12 points which means we go from 1 up to 13. so you should now see why we really wanted to place an orange tile here because we wanted to match that district to get the two gold before anybody else and to get those 12 victory points i think overall that was worth it and now our turn is over this means it's time for the green player to go after considering their options they want to send this orange freeman over to this site here now they do not have to pay a wisdom penalty and this will spin and now since this color does not match they do not get to activate that action and they can choose one of these they've decided they want to recruit a new citizen and they want to recruit this one here that is going to cost them two wisdom and currently they don't have any but they do have two gold so they're going to give up these as wild resources to pay for the wisdom now they can place this new citizen into their holder this will slide down and now we can roll for a new yellow citizen and put that at the far right after that green is going to use their superiority token to take another turn they're going to use the yellow freeman they just recruited and send them to the yellow encounter site this mother ship shows a 4 and that freeman has a four so they don't have to pay a wisdom penalty this will then move and now they will gain one resource of their choice and then choose one of these actions they are going to take one food and then they're going to do this bottom action and spend two food and with each of those they will advance once on the military track two movement will bring them up to here and they crossed a superiority icon so they can take another superiority token well let's finish the green player's turn and that means blue can go and after considering their options they want to send their archon which is colorless right now over here to the red encounter site once here they are going to recruit a new citizen and place it into their holder and they do currently have three wisdom available so they could recruit any of these if they wanted considering these options they've decided to spend two of their wisdom and now they'll recruit this orange five these dice will slide over and we can roll for a new orange and it's a one well blue is done and that means we can go and we don't have an archon or any speaker dice or freeman so we are not going to be visiting any more encounter sites now we could potentially close a district but we don't have any that are currently closable and we also could potentially grow our population that would cost for food and we have two plus four of these golds but i think instead of doing all of that let's actually build a tower level as i mentioned before this is going to cost gold equal to the current tower level and i think we want to grow a yellow because obviously our yellow tower is currently multiplied by six points at the end of the game since we have one disc there that's going to cost us one of our gold and then we can take a yellow token from the supply and place that right over here and just like that we now have six more points for the end of the game because our end game multiplier over here is six times two or 12. now before we move on we do have this capricorn card and it says every time we build a tower level we may add 2 to the value of one of our citizen dice up to a maximum of 6. now i do want to point out that this die over here is no longer a citizen die it is now a seat of power so that means if this was less than six we could still not use the capricorn effect to increase that value one thing we can do however is increase this citizen die over here even though it's at an encounter site so we'll increase it by two which brings it from a 3 up to a 5. our turn is done which means green can go and they are going to pass this means they can bring their archon back and then all of their freeman this one right here is a 4 and it's going to turn into a five this one over here is also a four turning into a five so they actually have two yellow five freemen and over here this five is going to turn into a six that's finished the green players turn and they are done for the rest of the round now the blue player can go and they actually have a speaker as well as a freeman die that they can use so they are certainly not done with the round yet between these options they are going to use this freeman and send it to the orange encounter site and once here we can see they do not have to pay a penalty this will move and now they can take a speaker die if there's one available and there is so the blue player actually acquired all three of the speaker dice in the second round of the game after that they could move up the military track and attack or they could take three stone and if we look over here the blue player is currently tied with the green player but they are at the bottom of that stack which means they are breaking the tie in their favor so that means they don't need to move ahead in order to keep the first player token now if they moved forward they could go here and then attack that would give them one wisdom as well as one point for everyone behind them and each one of the superiority symbols in this case that means they would get one two three four points as well as wisdom or they could take three stone and they think four points and a wisdom is probably going to be better so they are going to move and then attack although it's worth noting they could have attacked first while here and then moved if they attacked here they would have gotten one food but then they would have only received one to three points because the green player would not be behind them so as i said they will move first and then attack those four points will bring them up to eight and then they do get one wisdom after that it's our turn and i think we are done for the round we don't have an arc on or any freeman or speakers to use and while we could technically build another tower i don't think we desperately need to if we built another yellow it would cost two out of our three gold coins and i think we want to save those for later we can always build that tower at some point in the future so let's go ahead and pass this means we are going to bring our arkon back and then we can bring back our freeman now let's start with this one it's a six so that means instead of increasing the value it will become an advisor and we can place it down into the leftmost spot because this is the first purple die that we have in the advisor row now we can place that holder there and the next holder is this one this five will increase to a six and we can place it right over there so at the start of the next round we're only going to have one citizen die and a couple of free holders so i imagine we're going to try to recruit some more citizens to then use them in that round our turn is done and the green player has passed so the blue player can keep taking as many turns as they want in this case they want to send this speaker over to the blue encounter site the mother ship here is a six value and that speaker is a five so that does mean the blue player has to spend one wisdom to make up the difference now they can either purchase a building or gain three food and they've decided to purchase this healer's mansion that is going to cost them their last wisdom and it is also going to cost them two stone they do have two stone left over in their area after that though so they can now build this tile and we're not too surprised to see them place it here the reason for that is because there is a district card that wants an orange next to a purple and then an orange there so if they place an orange there in the future and then close this district that is going to get them 15 points and if they're the first one to do this they will also get the two gold that's currently on top of it over there at the side of the board after that we can see the healer's mansion is going to give them one victory point plus one additional point for each freeman they have and blue currently has three freemen so that's three plus one or four and they can add that to the eight points they have already which brings them up to twelve that's finished their action and i just realized they forgot to spin this after placing that speaker down and now this blue mother ship is back to a 1. because of that they can use this value 2 speaker and they're going to head right back over here and perform another blue encounter before that though it looks like i'm once again getting ahead of myself this market does need to reset before they take this next action so a purple tile goes down here and then the next purple tile that's going to be on top of that stack is an astronomy tower that says you can gain one wisdom plus an additional one wisdom for each advisor that you currently have that is going to go right over here and now the blue player can use the speaker to either gain three food or they can purchase another building and while they currently have zero wisdom they do have some stone and they are going to purchase a building in this case they'll purchase the statue which costs one stone so they can spend that and then they're going to place it right over here into their area the effect of the statue says they can advance one step on a track of their choice with that in mind they've decided to advance on this track so they are tied with us remember if there is a tie on this track then the player at the bottom of that stack is going to gain the zodiac card during the end of round reset that's finished another one of blue's turns and now they can go again and they have decided it's time to pass so their arcon will come back then we can look over here and this blue six is going to become an advisor they'll place it right down there since there are currently no other blue advisors and then they can bring back this five orange and it will turn into a six and then they will do that again over here so they now have two six value orange framin all right we've all passed so it's now time for end of round cleanup the first thing we do is move these speakers back to their positions they will increase their value of course so this four will turn into a 5. this 5 is going to not turn into a 6. we're just going to roll it and then place that down here and then this 2 will increase to a 3. after that all players move back on the track until they reach a superiority token remember if there's a tie like this then the moving tokens go underneath the one that was already there next up the player farthest down the track gets to take the bulwark token and if there's a tie the one on the bottom gets it so blue is going to keep this token and go first in the next round after that it's now time to award zodiac cards we are still technically in the lead on this track because we are underneath the blue players token so that means we get to keep the capricorn zodiac card over here we are clearly in the lead so we can keep the taurus card and then over here the blue player is in the lead so that means they will gain this gemini card now that says while they have it and they pass they will gain one basic resource for each space they move backwards on the military track as they head back to the superiority token in this round the blue player moved one space back so if they had the gemini card at that point they would have gained a basic resource of their choice for that one move back after that it's now time to check to see if the game is over now there are four different conditions and if any of them have happened then the game will end at this point and we will count up our victory points the first of these is if any player has all three of their temple tokens at the top of those tracks the next endgame trigger is if at this moment there is no gold on top of any of these district cards which means that each of these district card patterns would have been matched by players at least once the third possible endgame trigger is if at this point two or more of these colors over here have no tokens left in it so if all of the yellow were built in all of the orange then that would be two or more and that would trigger the end of the game the fourth trigger is if at this point there are no available citizen dying of a color that needs to be added over here to the citizen offer remember when a citizen is recruited we roll another one of those dice and if at this point there was a gap over here because we did not have a die to put there during the round then that would also signify that the game will come to an end obviously none of these things have happened just yet so the game is going to proceed on before we get to that though i just realized this market does need to be refreshed after that last purchase so these slide up and then a blue tile goes down and the next blue tile on top of this stack is going to be a c temple this one costs three stone in order to place it and the effect says you can advance two steps on the sea temple and then you may spend one gold to advance one step on another temple once again this rightmost temple is associated with water so that is the sea temple so the game can now move on but before we get to that i'd now like to discuss final scoring once one of those end game triggers have happened we will then count up our scores and we will get points from a variety of different places the first is we will each gain one point for each gold token we still have in front of us so if the game ended right now we'd get three points the next thing we get points for is the right most number on our advisor track that has an advisor on it so right now we would get just one point but if this was there then we'd get three points for our advisors after that each player will score points underneath their two lowest tokens on these temple tracks for example for us right now we are over a one and a one and a zero so our score would be one plus zero or one finally we will score points for each of our seats of power we multiply the pips of those colors times the height of the towers so as you can see our six yellow pips here would multiply by two tower height and that would give us 12 points at the moment in this way we'd score every seat of power that's in front of us as you can see we start with one of each token so that means no matter what you will get one point for each pip on the seats of power that you place once we add all of that up the player with the most points will be the winner and if there is a tie then the player who has the most building sites in their area is going to break the tie in their favor if there's still a tie then the players share in the victory now at this point we are going to continue on with the game and i think we're going to play through one more round and now we can flip these over and then the blue player will get to take the first turn once again because they have this bulwark token after considering their options they want to start by sending this value 6 orange freeman over to the orange site this is out of six so they don't pay a wisdom cost this is now going to move and now it's a lot easier for everyone to visit this site without paying a bunch of wisdom after that they can use this effect in order to take one of these speakers and they are going to take the value 5. next up since this is a value 6 they can perform both of these actions they'll start by taking three stone from the supply and then they can move as well as attack on the military track they've decided to move first so they will go here now when they attack they will gain one wisdom from the supply and then they will get one two three four victory points just like that they've actually passed us on the track that brings them to 16 and they haven't even completed a district yet they've got all of these points so far from attacking on that military track as you can see you can get quite a bit of points from that location and so far it's something that we've been ignoring but of course we've been focusing on other things up to this point well let's finish blue's turn so now we get to go and i think let's use our value six blue freeman and go to the blue encounter site the first thing we do is rotate this then since this color matches we can spend one stone to go up a temple track and we currently have five stones so i think we should certainly spend one to do this now if we go up this track we will stay in the lead currently we are tied there we could also start working on this track or keep pushing up this track here at the moment no one has gone up this track at all so i think let's keep pushing up here to keep ourselves ahead of the blue player after that since we used a 6 we can perform both of these this is going to get us three food and then we can purchase one building in this case i think the one that we really want is the forum we at the moment have one orange tile in our area and we could potentially build it towards this we know that the blue player is also building towards this they just need one orange to complete this so by taking this orange we are putting another one to the bottom and making it more expensive for them and if we are able to beat the blue player then we'll take the two gold and of course if the blue player gets here first they get the gold but we will still get the full 15 points and we should probably leverage the fact that we already have one orange in our area so we can take this that would normally cost two wisdom but we do still have this taurus effect so that lowers it by one so we can spend one of our wisdom as well as just one of our four stones so we have three stone left and now we can place this into our area before we do that though i do think we should refresh this market right now while we're looking over here we have to put a new orange on that spot and the next orange on this stack is going to be yet another forum that's exactly like the one we just bought so let's place this in our area and we know that we want the oranges to be on a diagonal with a purple right there so if we place it right there we are ready to place a purple now this effect says we can take one speaker for free so we can take one of these that are left and there's no reason not to take the highest value speaker that's currently available well our turn is done so now the green player can go after considering their options they are going to send this value 6 orange freeman to the orange site that's going to move this over and then they can take one speaker and there's just one left so this is the one they're going to take after that since they have a six they can perform both of these this top one is going to get them three stone and they already had two so now they have five total and then they can move on the military track as well as perform an attack they've decided to move first so they go here and when they attack they will gain one wisdom and then they are just going to gain one two three points because of course the blue player is not behind them three points is still pretty good and they went from having zero wisdom to one so they now have three points total green is done so now blue can go and they want to send this speaker over to the purple encounter site they don't have to spend any wisdom and then this will turn and now they are going to spend one stone to then move up twice on a temple track and take the associated zodiac card so here's the stone and then they've decided to move up the mountain track they go up twice and then take that tourist card away from us which means we've just lost our one wisdom discount on buildings and citizen dice recruitment of course at the end of the round if this hasn't changed we are in the lead and we would take that card back but the blue player is also poised to continue going up and try to take this lead away from us well blue is done which means we can go and i think we want to take that taurus card right back away from them let's send our archon over to the purple encounter site and since we have a purple advisor that means our archon can act as a purple which will let us do this and we do want to purchase another building site now before we do any of that we have to spin this and then let's do this option first so we can spend one of our stone which just leaves us with two left over and now we can move up twice on a track and take the associated zodiac card i really want that discount back so let's go up twice on this track and it was also pretty good for us considering it moved us higher up on this track this is the highest track though so remember we currently are not scoring seven points we are scoring three plus zero but i still think this is a good play overall so we can steal the taurus card back and we once again have that wisdom discount after that since our archon acts as if it was purple we can perform this action and i think let's go for it we can spend one food and purchase one building the one that we want is this fountain of wisdom and it would normally cost two wisdom but we once again have the tourist discount and we have just one wisdom so we can spend that to make that happen we do have three gold i suppose so we could have spent those for wisdom but of course want to keep those if possible now this fountain of wisdom is going to cost us one stone so we have just one stone remaining and then before we move on let's reset the market so we are going to place a new purple tile down and the next one on top of the stack is the artist's parlor this says when activated you gain three victory points for each color among your free men so that could score you quite a few points if you have a decent variety of freeman now we can place this and we want to put it here because as you can see that matches up with the two orange and the purple remember this can be rotated as well as mirrored now we won't actually gain these 15 victory points or the two gold that are currently on top of this card until we formally close this district and in order to do that we need a citizen die and we currently actually don't have any available to us so we do need to recruit one to place over there and the color will matter and the pip values will matter on that as well either way we can't do any of that on this turn so we'll consider all that on our next turn one thing we do get to do is activate the power on the fountain of wisdom it says we can take one wisdom and then set any mothership to value one so here's the wisdom and when we go to set a mothership let's keep in mind that right now we just have a three value speaker with that speaker we could place into the orange or blue encounter sites without spending a wisdom penalty but not any of these over here we know that we want to do some citizen recruiting so i think let's set the red mothership to a one so that we can go there with this speaker without spending a wisdom penalty and then recruit another citizen all right it's time for the green player to go and they're going to send their value to speaker over to the blue encounter site the mothership is a two so they don't have to pay a penalty this will then move and now they want to purchase one building the building they'd like is this chariot field it has a zero wisdom cost but it does cost three stone and now all of these are going to slide up a new red towel will go here and the next tile on top of the stack is a veteran settlement when we focus in it says you can choose one of your unused red freemen and gain victory points equal to its value and then afterwards you reduce the value of that freeman by one green does have to place this in their area and they'll put it over here it seems likely that they are trying to build towards this district they just need an orange over there in order to cash that in gain the 12 points and the two gold tokens that are currently on top of it they of course do have to spend three of their stone for that chariot field and then it's going to give them two points for each of their red buildings and two points for each red freeman they have currently they don't have any red freemen but they do have two red buildings so that's going to get them four points they had a three so now they have seven green is done so blue can go and they're going to send their archon over to the red encounter this archon could act as if it was blue but obviously that's not going to help them out over here so this will increase and now they could either take a gold and one resource or they could recruit a new citizen and they've decided to recruit they have one wisdom so they are going to spend that and that means they can recruit this value to purple citizen these are now going to slide over and we can roll a new purple it's a six so we have to reroll that and it's now a one blue is done so we can go and let's certainly head over here with our speaker in order to recruit a citizen of our own currently we have one wisdom and three gold so we could spend this wisdom in order to take one of these two and we could spend a gold to take this one and obviously we have no interest in taking either of those so the question is do we want an extra pip for a gold and the color does matter as well remember we already have a double stack of tokens for yellow in our area so if we took this yellow and then closed a district with this one at a high value then that would double its pip value for points for us at the end of the game i think that's going to make this worth it so let's spend the gold and take this value for yellow citizen after that we have to roll a new yellow die and it will go to the end as a five well our turn's done so green can take theirs after considering their options they're going to send this yellow five freeman over to the yellow encounter site they do not pay a penalty and this will scroll up now with the yellow they are going to take one food from the supply and then they're gonna activate this effect that lets them spend one to three food and each food spent will increase the value of one of their unused freemen by one or they can move on the military track in this case they want to spend this to increase this five to a six and that's all they're doing they only had the one food there but they felt like this was going to be a good plan for them green is done so now the blue player can go and unfortunately it looks like their plan for the round is not actually going to come to fruition as you can see they have two of these value six orange freeman and what they wanted to do was place one of them over here to close a district but in order to do that they need a two by two area over here if they don't do that then one of these will go into an advisor and the other one would simply go back to the supply and get them three points and they would rather place one of these as a seat of power because six times two is worth 12 victory points to them the issue for them is they no longer have a way to place a tile down over here last turn they used their arkon over here to get a new citizen and they probably shouldn't have done that because now this citizen does not have the ability to activate any building purchases it's a value 2 and in order to purchase a building they need to go to the blue or purple area and the mothership values are three and six so here that would cost them one wisdom and the blue player does not have any wisdom they tried to take this discount away from us and then we stole it right back and if they had this they would be able to build one right now unfortunately for them that is not the case so this plan they've building up towards is unfortunately crumbling a little bit and they're going to have to improvise now if they're not going to be closing a district with this freeman they could of course use it and that's exactly what they're going to do they're going to send this six over to the purple encounter site they do not have to pay a penalty and then after that this will move which means it's now a one and that means on their next turn they should be able to place this purple over there without a wisdom penalty and that purple will align up and then let them place a tile down so they will be able to purchase a tile but of course with that new plan they won't have any dice over here to close a district so by committing this over here they are going to be getting two orange advisors and again we'll see how that plays out soon the blue player can now perform both of these options so they'll start by gaining three wisdom which is something they really needed that definitely increases their overall flexibility and since this is a six they get to do both and they will now spend one of their stone and then go up twice on a temple track and then take the associated zodiac card now blue does have two value six free men so they know they're going to need to do some citizen recruiting in the next round and they figure they want to go up twice on this track and then steal that tourist discount back away from us so they once again have a discount of wisdom when they build and recruit citizens well the blue player is now done with their turn so that means we can go now i think what we should do is recruit another citizen we don't have any wisdom but we do have a couple of gold that we can use and let's send this yellow freeman over to the red site we don't pay a wisdom penalty and this will turn and now let's recruit currently there's a whole bunch of ones out there as well as a three and a five now this five is too expensive for us to grab because all we have is a couple of gold and no wisdom but we could spend one of our gold as a wisdom to recruit this red three and i think that's going to be worth it so these can slide down and now we can roll a new red and it's a four we can place our new citizen there as a freeman and that's our turn done this means green can go and they're going to send this yellow six over to the yellow encounter site they don't have to pay a wisdom penalty this is now going to turn and now they are going to gain one food for this matching benefit and then since this is a value six they can do both of these so they will gain one wisdom another food as well as a stone and now they can spend up to two of their food to increase the value on unused free men or to move on the military track it looks like that's what they want to do they'll spend these two food in order to move twice on the military track two moves is going to be just enough to get them past another superiority token icon so they can take this token and they are in the lead on the track green has two of these now and they've decided to use one remember you can only use at most one of these per turn so that means they can take another action and with it they're going to move their archon over to the red site the archon can be read so they can use this effect this is going to spin and they will start off by taking one gold from the supply as well as one resource of their choice and for that they are going to take another wisdom after that they can activate this effect because again their archon is effectively red and that lets them spend one wisdom to either attack or move up once on the military track in this case they just want to attack so that means they will get one stone for their position and then they will get one two three four five victory points they were at seven so that's going to bring them up to twelve well green's turn is done so that means blue can go and they're gonna send this value to purple freeman over to the purple encounter site when we focus over here we can see the mother ship value is one so they don't have to pay a wisdom penalty this will then move and now they've decided to perform this action so they can spend one stone and then they can move up twice on a temple track and take the zodiac card this action has happened quite a few times this round so far they've decided to go up twice on the mountain track and they already have the taurus card so they will keep it it looks like they want to break the tie with us though so at the end of the round they will keep that taurus card and continue to get that wisdom discount into the next round of the game of course by doing that they did not gain any extra victory points because this was already their highest if they had instead moved this one up twice then they would have gone from one plus zero or one point to a seven plus zero or seven so that means that this would actually be a six point play to them likewise if they moved this one up twice that would get to the three and then they would have three plus one or four so that would be a three point play and the thing they decided to do is a zero point play but of course they can move up these later on and they really do want to keep that wisdom discount in their control after that they can now perform this action because they came here with the purple freeman they will spend one food and then purchase one building they do have the taurus zodiac cards so they will pay one less wisdom when they do this and they've actually decided to build this outpost way at the bottom they will spend two wisdom instead of three and then they do have to pay one stone and they have exactly one stone so they can spend that and now we can reset the market by putting this red tile here and the next red tile is an outpost which is exactly like the tile that was just purchased they then have to place this down and they'll put it here and as you can see this district card exists it wants you to have an orange next to a red next to another red so they could put a red there or there because you can mirror this and then if they closed a district by removing a citizen and putting them into the seat of power they would complete this and get the 12 victory points so as you can see they are one tile away from matching each of these this one needs an orange there and that one needs a red there or there so that keeps them flexible and of course once they match this pattern up they do still have to close that district and bring a citizen die over in order to gain these victory points and the gold coins both of these do still have two coins above them over at the side of the board next up they can perform the outpost ability which lets them move one space on the military track or they can perform an attack in this case they've decided just to perform an attack that means they will gain one wisdom and then one two three victory points so they go from 16 up to 19. blue is done so now we can take our turn and one thing we could do is close this district we know that we have met the pattern for this with the two orange and the purple but we would have to close with an unused citizen dye so that would be this one obviously that's red so it would not activate any of these but it would activate the agora and that would be worth three times one or three victory points at the end of the game obviously if we did that we'd gain the two gold coins that are currently above this card and we'd get 15 points but i feel like we can also wait it doesn't look like the blue player is exactly ready to complete that i think i'd rather place a higher value citizen into the spot as well as potentially a different color to gain extra benefits so we are not going to close this and instead i think we should visit one of these encounter sites now we could go here once again to spend a stone and go up twice on this temple track and take that taurus discount zodiac card but if we did that you can see the blue player would now break the tie and then take that card right back away from us during the end of round cleanup i suppose we could do that over here on the gemini track that would put us two spaces forward and we'd keep that gemini card which gets you resources when you fall back on the military track but so far we still have not moved at all on that military track so i'm not convinced that's a good idea instead i think let's just go over here we don't have to pay a wisdom penalty we don't match up here and now we could take three stone or we could move on the military track and attack if we did that we'd move up here we would gain one of these superiority tokens but then we are still so far back that our opponents would still get points for us when they attack overall i think that's probably not going to be worth it instead let's just take three stone so we can place those right over here we are done so green can go and they are going to pass so they can bring their archon back and now we can see this six is going to turn into an advisor because they don't already have a yellow citizen over there they can place that onto that location this five is then going to turn into a six so if they don't place this as a seat of power on their next turn this will end up going to the advisor track but not being placed and instead that will get them three victory points three victory points is nice but i think it's likely they will probably try to place this into a seat of power on their next turn instead their last freeman is over here and that is also a six and they don't have an orange citizen on their advisor track yet so that will be their third advisor and now if in the next round if they don't place this into a seat of power it will get them six victory points when it gets returned to the supply that's certainly a lot better than three this also means that the green player's archon can act as if it was red yellow or orange for the purposes of gaining access to those extra color matching actions green is done so blue can go and they are also going to pass now their archon will go here and now we can see they have this purple two which will turn into a three they also have this orange six which is going to turn into an orange advisor and then this other orange six is also going to try to turn into an advisor but of course since they already have an orange advisor over here they can't add this down and they will simply take three points and then this will be added back to the citizen supply so three points will bring blue up to 22. blue is done so we can go and i think we're gonna pass as well our archon can come back first then this red three is going to turn into a four after that this yellow four will turn into a and then this blue 6 is going to turn into a blue advisor alright everyone has passed so we can do some end of round cleanup these speakers will go back to the supply and increase their value and this five is going to be rerolled and it looks like it's still a five after that the military discs are going to fall back to the most recent superiority token spot so blue is going to fall back once and they do have this gemini card that says when they have passed they gain one basic resource for each space they move back on the military track so this is going to gain them one basic resource and they don't currently have any stone so they're going to take one stone after that we can check the zodiac cards we are still highest up on the forest temple so we get to keep the capricorn card the blue player is now highest on the taurus temple so they keep that and blue is also highest on gemini so they will keep that card as well alright the round is over and when we check for the end game condition obviously the game is not over we do not have a missing die over here we haven't completely emptied any of these out let alone two of them and also there's a whole bunch of gold coins still sitting on all of these cards in addition to that no one is even close to having all three of their tokens up here so the game could now move on to the next round now technically the green player should have this bulwark token because they are now the farthest around this military track and now the green player could take the first turn of the next round but at this point i am now going to stop playing through the game we've gone through three full rounds and we've seen a whole bunch of stuff happening each of the players has built out a decent size area in front of them and as you've seen each player is very close to closing even more of their districts well i do believe i've covered just about all of the rules to the game so the tutorial is now going to come to a close i hope that you enjoyed learning how to play origins first builders now if there is any particular part of this game that really jumped out to you as interesting then please comment down below and let me know what you think and also if you think there was a turn option that we could have done differently then definitely let me know down in the comments as always i'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting this channel including these producer-level patreon supporters if you too would like to directly support the channel in the creation of future videos like this one then please go to support also if you enjoyed this video please click the like button for it down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel thanks for watching
Channel: JonGetsGames
Views: 10,103
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Keywords: instructional, jongetsgames, jon gets games, johngetsgames, jongetsgames playthrough, jongetsgames play through, jongetsgames playthru, jongetsgames runthrough, jongetsgames tutorial, jongetsgames runthru, jongetsgames origins first builders, origins first builders playthrough, origins first builders play through, origins first builders play thru, origins first builders runthrough, origins first builders tutorial, origins first builders runthru, origins first builders review
Id: VMQyQhA5wq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 36sec (5316 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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