Parking Revenge #123

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back welcome back to the channel non-consensual towing man that's what we do uh we're pulling back in over here to uh zaxby's everybody's been watching on a regular uh basis and knows about this saxby's restaurant well it's like somebody's uh looks like somebody's upset this manager again you know it's right now it's lunchtime um you gotta have a place for his customers to park at so uh he caught some cars in the tow anyway we're gonna see what happens i think that that mitsubishi right there is a toe i believe looks like somebody might be in the car two vans are gone but we're gonna grab that outlander right there i'll go ahead and get it let me see if that's the right yeah somebody's sitting in there hey kkkr it's not sending that outliner okay yeah i'm pretty sure that girl right there uh that's her right there let's see rx that's what happens on occasion anyway i'm gonna go over here and make contact with the manager over there and tell him tell him everything's gone uh except that florida tag with her sitting in it i'll tell you this right here you don't you a lot of toad guys if you don't know you ain't done this kind of towing you don't never try to hook a car i guess you could do it if you got a if you got a snatch truck you could back up and hook it but you're driving uh if you're pulling a cable you don't never try to hook a car somebody sitting in it unless you want to get run over there's a lot of people who got that they'll try it but i'm not gonna i've already been down that road and i've almost been run over on a couple of different occasions i'm not gonna uh i'm not gonna try it myself anyway i just got me a zaxby's meal uh and i was thinking i wanted to explain i want to explain something about this uh these impounds a lot of uh you know a lot of record companies in different states they they have a location they impound from where the trucks will periodically ride through and monitor the parking lot in tow here in georgia we can't we can't monitor this parking lot it's not up to the drivers to ride around and check parking places now this manager's got a call he's got to initiate the tow we can't sit around and wait on somebody lying wait on a car to tow it's not legal here in georgia to do it like that it's got to be initiated by a manager uh owner property manager whatever you whoever's in charge of that property it's got to be uh it's got to be initiated and they have to call us in order to tow so we can't just pull up and yank cars uh indiscriminately yank cars when we want to that's a little that's the difference between a lot some states and this state of georgia uh so i just wanted to put that out there you know we as drivers you can't just ride around and pick up a car that you see uh they can tell us hey y'all come through and get a car because we still can't do that they have to call in anyway i thought that was a good point to put out there i'm gonna roll to the next hey uh i just rolled back up man i'll then i'm going to tow company yeah i just pulled back in i'm with the tow company you got a jeep you say you got a jeep and you need to tow okay all right uh what uh what is it is there a lot number or something like that to it he basically said this thing's got to go it's got to go anyway and you don't care there's going to be problems um gonna be problems with it you see what i'm saying yeah so the red one is what we need to pull yeah but that one's parked in the road so regardless it's got to get moved anyway yeah hey i'll tell you what i'll do i'll back up and hook the red the red one's got to go right yeah i can back up and put a chain on that redwood period and you tell him to move that car out of the way then we got to take this one i'll just back up drop my bed in front of the white one he said they got it blocked they're trying to keep anybody from towing that's what they're trying to smart it's cause i put the sticker on it yeah i put the sticker on thinking that uh i just thought it was gonna be quicker than that but yeah now they're trying to block it in man i've seen this before i get a hook on it man it's this it's it's done we we we can have them we can make a move [Music] you [Music] you know i hate doing this but it's just i mean i get fi i get in trouble yeah no we understand it's just no i get it it's an inconvenience yeah it is we lived here for so long hey what's up hey does the car does it run does the car drive it does drive down unfortunately okay i got it okay um all right i appreciate it okay it's up to the uh all right buddy it's up to the manager whether or not i release it by law if you can drive it if you can drive it off the property and get it out of here right now by law we can release it but that's questionable because it's got a flat the way it works man if you want to pay it out that's up to y'all or it's got to be towed they called us to tow it so we have to either tow it or use a hundred dollar drop fee on property that's not my money that's company money that goes to it it's a hundred dollars drop fee hundred dollars that's set by the state it's on the website state website it's not us it's on the georgia state website the 100 drop for you on property and that's and that's determined by him and whether or not they allow you to do that that's determined by them i think if if you're going to pump the tire up and get it on the driveway and everything and fix what's wrong with it then that's up to them uh if they allow you to pay it out it's up to them because the number of violations yep thank you no problem and hey and explain to him it's customary not just here we tell all over the place it's not not just this property yeah all the all the especially trader parks anywhere i mean the high-end properties they do the same thing it don't matter if it's a if it's downtown a high rise high in everybody toes that they touch let's punch them they tell everywhere not just not just here it's just new to us because i know before we have no problems well uh the backyard used to be worse oh hey maybe it may be code enforcement pushing down on them code of force is really strict sugar hills really came up sugar hills came up a lot yeah they're starting to build stuff they're doing a lot more coat stuff and maybe code enforcement coming down on them anyway uh we got that one hooked and uh i think that he uh thanked the gentleman uh with it with the jeep i think he was i don't speak that greatest spanish i don't speak spanish i know a little bit i can speak just a little bit but i think that he was basically claiming that i couldn't tell the vehicle uh and i don't know any spanish speakers in the can can post in the comments what you know what what exactly he was saying um but i think he thought that i could not tow the vehicle and i wouldn't be able to get the car out uh but but i i could have got that car out uh there's no question about i would i could have winched that car out straighten it up and pulled it out i could have got that car out with the other car there too because i've done them i've done them like that you'll see some well we'll have somewhere where i have to pull out of course uh that are blocked in well we'll do some videos like that but uh he he didn't understand they've been living here a long time and they hadn't had any problems uh they got a manager here he's trying to keep the property up they got signs up no parking in the grass they don't want you parking in the street you know that that happened to be a sign right that's right behind i mean right there before his vehicle is parked at no parking in the grass and there he is parked in the grass but anyway that's the way it goes i'm gonna roll to the next uh and uh he uh it is what it is man people uh they have to follow directions and he he uh he stayed calm man he i i respect the guy he wasn't happy but he stayed calm he never got vote really angry angry he didn't flip out he kept us cool and i respect that anyway we're gonna roll to the uh the next call see what happens man anyway stay tuned [Music] [Music] you
Channel: towtrucker
Views: 87,821
Rating: 4.9402556 out of 5
Keywords: towtrucker, instant karma, road rage, driver fails, handicap revenge, parking revenge, gtoger, reponut, handicap parking revenge, dash cam, instant justice
Id: yhredR_STw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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