Park Rangers set up a Dinosaur Raptor Cam! | Dinosaur Videos For Kids | T-Rex Ranch

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there we go okay poor korean drill b i got the raptor cam up and running do you see it there on the monitor yeah i do oh hey hey you see me there park ranger yeah i see you awesome okay this new raptor cam is going to be perfect put it right on the raptor's head and we're gonna stick him on the dino master and he's gonna track him down we're gonna follow him the whole way and catch the dino master so all we gotta do is wait for a raptor come along you know i don't think this is our brightest idea we ever had though no no no this is a great idea this raptor cam's gonna work perfectly we just need a raptor okay look a raptor's coming oh yeah it is a raptor okay be quiet okay all right put this up here to hold it in place yeah okay here we go i got the old clicky clicky i'll be right in charge okay watch this yesterday that we found before okay here we go okay raptor oh yeah oh yeah okay there you are a raptor okay shh don't be too loud break range you'll be got to get the raptor's attention okay raptor who's in charge now huh it's time for you to do our workforce you're gonna wear this new raptor cam here and track the dino master for us okay here we go raptor just stay there stay quiet all right okay there we go raptor how do you like that huh okay got it poor crazy okay do you see it yeah okay do you see me yeah i can see you okay raptor you're gonna go get the dino master right raptor yeah yeah yeah okay okay all right how do you know what the dino master looks like you don't guess what you're gonna know what he smells like here now cause i got his mask right here remember this he found his mask before take a little sniff for that yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah the dino master match right there get this set there real good okay raptor you got a good set now okay go get him okay okay parker andrew b quick get the raptor cam going there okay all right okay oh yeah oh there it is oh yeah yeah yeah it's the outhouse there okay yeah i think he's hot on the dino masters tree that's good get you dino master just gonna come up okay where is he now yeah okay oh man okay okay okay i know the dinosaurs out there the raptor's gonna find him looks like he's going to the other end of the park yeah man he's a high speed pursuit now okay okay oh yeah the way it goes in between those trees there huh oh fork in the road that way yeah that way yeah yeah oh hey guys here he goes what what happened what is that it's like a white box i think something happened to the raptor he's down with the camera's down we better go out there and find the raptor make sure it's okay and get a camera figure out what that box is okay come on let's go let's get our sleeping blaster [Music] okay here i go there we go let's get going yep low come on raptor we're going to come rescue you now okay all right okay look around every direction you don't know where that raptor went wait actually i think he went that way okay okay let's go oh man you're not the raptor where is that raptor hey raptor come here raptor i know you're out here somewhere are you up here no raptor's not up there okay oh ooh look out over there man you're gonna end up blasting somebody there with your sleepy dart blaster fast who say you blast me oh yeah okay you're in here raptor no tractor's not in there either raptor you want a papaya why would a raptor want a papaya huh i don't know okay i want to prepare myself right now hey look right there is that that white box that we saw in the video look at the camera we have a raptor cam but no raptor you know what i think the dino master might have disappeared our raptor and this was all that's left okay well i guess we can at least see what's in this white case over here yeah yeah i dropped all my sleepy darts okay don't rush up there so quick dude what be careful it could be a booty trap don't you mean booby trap yeah that's what i said okay sorry about that okay i got a good i don't think that was the same weight but it worked okay there you go okay okay okay all right let's check this thing oh wait it's got a lock on it okay right let's take it back to dyno hq we'll see if we can get it open okay all right here oh yeah yeah i tell you what you take the sleeping dart blasters i'll take that okay okay here we go let's go there we go okay man that's a big heavy case right there yeah i wonder what's in it okay we gotta figure out open this thing okay hmm what can we use what good idea hey hammer and chisel maybe we can knock that lock off yeah but first we need proper eye protection for that okay get out the old eye protection here okay okay here we go all right go for it try to chisel that baby off there okay oh man didn't even dent it did it nothing okay you need something stronger than a hammer and a chisel to break through this lock that's a pretty tough walk there you know i know the power of my fists no i don't think your fists are gonna work we need something with more power than that i know just the thing what here we go let's break out this bad boy right here okay all right bring this in here okay stand back okay make sure you got proper eye and safety gear when you use one of these bad boys here we go wow let's see if we can open this bad boy up now huh hey there we go okay let's take the old goggles off there okay let's open this bad boy up here all right okay what do you think the dino master left us here goes oh man it's just a bunch of peanuts wait a minute wait a minute it's a dinosaur egg no wow here hold that look it's another dinosaur egg he was taking our dinosaur edge hey tell you what we better put these in the incubator they feel kind of cold here come on let's put him over here all right here we go let's open up the old incubator here okay there we go all right put that in there uh park ranger aaron that wasn't the only thing inside of there what there's something else in there yeah what is it [Music] hey it's a road rippers monster truck yeah it's a triceratops awesome dude yeah hey wait a minute hey there's something else in here man yeah yeah yeah look at this whoa hey it's another truck it's a dinosaur monster truck huh awesome whoa okay i think we should open these bad boys up okay awesome let's go okay park ranger b got our monster dinosaur trucks here yep ready to have a little race yeah so who can we okay wait first of all what does yours do okay so my tires light up and it makes noise sounds like a theme park okay let's see what mine does here okay i got all these buttons here i gotta press and see what it did oh my lights up too huh all right triceratops eyes light up here [Applause] hey it sounds like a pinball machine yeah also like a theme park huh awesome okay i think i gotta press this button to make mine raise you just give yours a push right yeah okay here we go on the count of three one wait on your mark get set [Music] oh man go on oh man pork ranger oh yeah yeah yeah there you go yeah uh oh oh oh man yeah i win parker went all the way over here oh man oh look you won versus army men three two hey i always wondered what was in that door let me go check it out whoa it's like a weird vortex thing it's like a portal whoa why don't we do that here okay let's see if it can be safe for me to go in there three two one [Music] i still hear it hey parker andrew b man what you doing you playing army men and dinosaurs yeah but you might see i don't have any dinosaurs what happened oh what's this it's like a weird vortex doorway it's like a portal or something yeah i threw my dinosaur in there and now it disappeared okay well i'm sorry you're dinosaur you gotta go in there no no you don't need your dinosaur oh no gotta go get him okay this does not look good oh wow i thought park ranger he'll be with you man i need to get some lunch with what's in that little door that's open maybe they went in there hey park ranger you in there what is this place man i don't know what time i'm in or if i'm even in a different dimension hey lookie over there that looks cool oh park ranger b man where'd you go park radio b where are we wow oh hey park ranger come back man come back wow what is this flash hey park rangers where are you a real crammed little park ranger hey hold up where are we oh look at this place looks like the jungle i dreamed about last night park ranch will be oh what are you doing man you just went through that look at this portal what are you doing here well i thought you were going for lunch stand up now yeah right yeah yeah i thought you were going for lunch so i decided to follow you oh man you followed us we're not going for lunch we're here looking for his dinosaur toys but we're not going to look for it because something gives me a bad feeling we'll go look for your toy we'll see if we can find it okay okay but we can't be out here in this strange place without our sleepy dart blasters oh we don't have one though yeah i know we came through without those uh i'll tell you what let's look around and see if we can't find something to use okay is this the way to the food yeah i'm sure there's some food along the way but go see if you can find something to to work is in case we run into something scary okay let's all split up see if we can figure i'll go this way i don't think this is you go that way despicable g all right dude okay swing that way [Music] that'll oh all right hey well this dude [Music] oh this [Music] oh that's not gonna work oh here we go here we go here we go [Music] oh this will work hey look poor clinton trailby look look what i found out you know what i found oh awesome hey i've got a candlestick holder there's no candle in it man yeah oh wow what are you gonna use that thing for huh well i can just i'll think of something what is this oh yeah look what i found the only thing that thing's good for is to grill some sausages oh yeah you could eat no man it's not for grilling this is my shield okay yeah okay wait wait a minute what is that yeah what's up with the stick oh you know it's poker yeah i guess that'll work all right all right let's go see if we can find your toy dinosaur okay let's go i think it might be that way let's go be careful park ranger will be pretty dense jungle here huh yeah oh hey you need to be more carefully oh sorry about that specialty oh man how are we supposed to get across this river oh no it's a stream man oh let's do one i think we should go back and get something to eat we can't give up now we're too deep into the jungle what oh hey it's a little bridge here sort of it's just like a fallen log that's falling over let me go first okay they go first there i'll go oh that's not right [Music] uh park ranger oh whoa that was a close one there wasn't it no i don't think you should try park ranger but it was kind of it's kind of slippery right there you're gonna end up in the water man okay here i'll hold it steady for you okay [Music] all right oh yeah all right you may oh you almost went in okay despicable g can you make it you know there's a different way how to get around here yeah all right we made it yeah good job you could have just gotten that way i wasn't scared you weren't scared at all huh okay cool did you hear that noise yeah yeah that that may have been me i'm really hungry we're gonna get something to eat man okay we'll look for something it's just despicable geez tummy let's go this way see if we can find some food let's find your dinosaur okay where these stairs go they go up duh of course they do oh wow oh wow oh wow look at all the apatosasauruses yeah sorry i said that's what i said yeah i know i've never seen glowing dinosaurs before it looks like a lot just like the ones in my dream last night okay you know what i think maybe we need to get on and get out of here and find your dino toilet okay well look at this leaf this shouldn't be here oh wait a minute hey look it's a lake oh lunch lunch no it's a lake not lunch i'm going fishing i'm going to wait we don't have time to go fishing he don't even have a fishing rod how's he gonna go fishing okay so you don't think this plant belongs here no i mean look at the size of it compared to a regular one hey despicable g no man we don't have time to go fishing right now yeah no no man you can't catch anything with that fishing rod okay yeah you're gonna eat shortly look it's huge just bring them on get out of there i'm getting out here come on let's go man just what we need a fork in the road oh yeah you're right which way do we go left or right okay i know what that was all right you think we should go left or to go right uh well you know if we went left it kind of looks like it's wait i thought that was right oh you have some thoughts on it despicable gee yeah i think we should go this way this way okay let's go then okay okay here we go oh man this looks steep it's a t-rex and this stegosaurus battling it is we better get down my toy it is your toy yeah there's a baby stegosaurus guarding it over there you must think that it's a baby dinosaur okay we got to come up with a plan to get over there and get it okay okay how about i know the old indiana jones switcheroo you know we take something that looks like the dinosaur toy and swap it out real quick you'll never know good idea huh yeah i've got an idea why are you all up in my grill huh give me that stick look at that stick of yours oh there you go what are you gonna do with the stick [Music] what's stream doing fishing again fishing now's not a time to go fishing despicable g yeah we need a dinosaur he might be getting a fish fish what oh what look at that so fast it tooks a lot of glory classes origami isn't that paper paper okay anyway that looks like a pretty cool little toy dinosaur replica doesn't it yeah okay i tell you what i'll sneak over there with this little dinosaur replica and i'll do the swapparoo i'll sneak out okay that's what that lizard's gonna see you i know i'll use this as my it's not gonna work very good for camouflage the dinosaur is gonna see me can i see that idea okay where are you going park ranger will be look out for that t-rex in the stegosaurus battle whoa hey man oh wow you're wonderful origami classes no i did sewing sewing don't you do sewing with a thread no i use the leaves okay all right so here's my camouflage and here's my swaparoo dinosaur i'm ready to go in okay wait won't that fall over yeah you're right what's going to hold this thing up oh man our plan is ruined why don't you just end it in there it just might work yeah the candle holder saves the day here we go you all keep me covered from behind yeah we got you all right i don't think it sees me okay okay here we go there we go it looks like that lizard's coming towards you i got an idea oh oh no it's coming towards me that's working it's working it's going away but it's coming towards us now let's get out of here i'm getting out of here this place is too many crazy those strange lizards yet yay i made it and i got my dinosaur too oh oh man glad to be out of that place [Music] oh where that hood [Music] glad i'm out on that strange place are you okay mr goji yeah you made it out with this one problem what's the problem oh man yeah i'm kind of hungry too lunch [Music] it's so hot today and you look thirsty i need to get you some water [Music] that wasn't me i promise that's weird the water hose must be broken i'm gonna go tell park ranger darren be right back it's so hot today it feels like a desert it's so hot even my sweat is starting to sweat and the super sticky formula won't mix in this heat and we need it if we're going to stick trackers on the new dinos well there's a bigger problem the water hose broke and the dinos looked thirsty oh no that can't be good come to think of it the sprinklers didn't turn on this morning the water must be turned off ah if the dinosaurs get dehydrated they could faint oh no what can we do there's a water control switch over by the main power controls it's real high up but i can hit it with my baseball let me set this super sticky formula in the freezer and i will head over there cool what's this oh those are my night vision goggles what happened man my vision's all blurry i can't see do i need glasses am i going to faint darren you have the night vision goggles on your head oh thank heaven i thought i thought the heat had finally gotten to me these are my old night vision goggles they don't work during the day like my new ones can you help me get them off my head sure no problem oh no i'm stuck oh that's all right i will try to get them off by myself i see the sticky formula on your head and the goggles oh well give me a brachiosaurus don't worry we just need to wash it off with a little oh no water yes but we don't have any water what if i guide you guide me to the main water controls that's a great idea these goggles have a camera and you can you can see them through the video communicator in my bag you guide me be my eyes and ears but i warn you i was never very good at pin the tail on the donkey but i will do my best uh let me just turn on the camera [Music] ah laser laser beam sorry wrong button there yes can you see yep good now just hand me my bag and i will be off great well then uh off i go no the other way oh sorry off i go again [Music] oh it's so hot i need a water break i hope i get there before i run out of my oh water too late okay asher how am i doing good just walk slow uh okay no too slow normal speed oh okay like this yes good now turn right turn left [Music] ow ow no here other left keep moving forward wait what are you doing stop don't move why what's wrong what is it is there a snake in my boots no wait you don't have any boots come on asher i'm gonna fall hey oh i was never good at yoga stop you're almost gonna step on some dino eggs oh poor babies in this heat will have fried dino eggs i better move them okay asher where's the nearest shade go left then straight first few steps it's shady and hidden by plants ew what is that smell is there dino duty here no oh are you sure something smells very bad rank there's nothing wait a minute it's me i guess i do need a shower anyway uh is the am i near the spot yes but watch out for the tree ow ow ow you would lose that pin the tail of the donkey you have really bad sense of direction all right the eggs are safe from the heat back on track [Music] that creature karen stop don't move why why are we whispering because there's an allosaurus walking past you that is a good way to whisper [Music] ron it sees you go left no no right go faster turn around go right go left go go backwards no no no right no no no forward forward forward [Music] it's gone goodness i guess he must have smelled me because i'm starting to cook in this heat all right park ranger asher am i close to the main you're just a few feet away almost there oh good almost there [Music] oh what did i just step in please don't tell me it's just mud oh thank goodness i've never loved mud as much as now i guess my clothes are gonna need to take a shower too you made it finally i see the button it's far up and on the right [Music] the dinos are getting thirsty they'll fade soon i got it [Music] that's not your baseball that's an orange an orange oh no that's for snack time trying to eat healthy you know ah i got it here a little more to the right here a tiny bit more there right there okay you got this park ranger darren you can do this do it for the dinos do it for the dino eggs and do it for your awesome park ranger partner and do it for yourself because you stink so bad you're gonna scare even the t-rexes away [Music] yes you did it we did it okay i filled this with water let's un-stick ourselves me first oh that is much better okay now your turn i missed you man let's hope we never do that again me too i'm gonna go give the dino some water good idea [Music] okay we got the water working miss triceratops where is it still not working ah it works it works this is for you miss triceratops [Music] well it's definitely not a real egg guess we're just gonna have to open it up and see what's inside gotcha i better dismantle this thing [Music] snake snake why does it have to be snakes this what kind of egg this is a slime egg oh man ugh i'm a mess you have officially earned your park ranger badge [Music] whoa all right so carnivores are done next up herbivores hey park ranger asher oh hi this is darren he is park ranger aaron's brother and he is also a dino expert so he's going to join us here at part b nice to meet you perk ninja darren likewise park ranger asher whoa what's that egg i don't know definitely wasn't here before i wonder who could have left it here not me but it looks pretty cool maybe it's another toy surprise from park ranger aaron i love toy surprises well it's definitely not a real egg guess we're just gonna have to open it up and see what's inside well if you insist was that a trick egg yeah someone pranked us they pranked us good yeah but who could have done that i mean park ranger aaron definitely would not have sent that egg i thought we were the only ones at the park today i hope there's not a trespasser no you don't think the dino master found our park do you who's the dino master oh no it sounds like we're not the only ones getting pranked the dino master must be pretty smart and pretty funny the dinos must have stepped on some trick eggs and gotten pranked too they don't seem to like it oh quick we have to go and check on the ranch for any more trick eggs and get rid of them well if the dinos get mad they could cause a stampede a stampede oh no i didn't think of that i didn't either we could all be flattened like pancakes ah all right you go check the west sector for trick eggs and we'll go check the e sector for track x all right copy that egg hunt on all right and check for the dino master and any other trespassing pranksters you ready yeah hmm where would someone leave trick eggs i spy with my little eye a tricky egg nearby oh no no no no no no no gotcha you're welcome i just saved your afternoon stroll ignorant bliss all right definitely a trick egg i better dismantle this thing snake snake why does it have to be snakes this oh it's just a rubber snake oh man i wasn't expecting that where would someone even get a rubber snake is that dino monster guy here our security alarm didn't go off first prank successful our new park rangers have to earn their badges somehow this way's really fun yeah we might have to make this a tradition let's go i better find these other trick eggs before any more dinos do that uh these dinos are fast but i'm faster [Music] oh more eggs they're green never seen green eggs before [Music] oh no these aren't real eggs dimetrodon [Music] and the carnivore oh no a dimetrodon we chose a bad spot oh i didn't mess it on oh we have to go help oh i can't move my leg oh me neither i must have fallen asleep from the sleepy dart ah let's shake it out my foot is like dead oh maybe you can dance a little bit wiggle it out first timer i was never good at duck hunt okay [Music] okay mister bedtime phil he's okay that was close yeah man we got to be more careful we've got to keep park ranger darren safe right let's go i wonder what kind of egg this is hey a slime egg oh man i'm a mess [Laughter] it's working out so well prank too successful oh yeah thank goodness he's all right hey my leg it's wicking up mine is two oh great keeping dinos safe from trick eggs is a messy business ew yuck i better find the other park rangers come on park ranger tara park ranger asher come in hey come on is this thing on hello hey a banana hey where is milwaukee good job wait a minute trick eggs milwaukee t-rex ranch has gone bananas i am gonna get to the bottom of this time to get down to business indiana jones style [Music] huh silly banana causing so much trouble that's why i ate you hey watch it oh who's there it's just me park ranger asher uh i was uh just looking for milwaukee oh i was trying to help him find it oh wow you scared me but you know what's funny i can't find milwaukee either there's something very suspicious going on here at the ranch that's why you got to stay one step ahead of this game and one step ahead of this dino mister that's why i was chopping things but it's funny i haven't seen any sign of this dino mustard it's a dino master right maybe the dinos are pranking us the dinos they're not that smart have they evolved what is that an egg i better get to it before another dino does gotta make sure it's safe check and see if there are any carnivores no carnivores great all clear next up the final exam yeah all right let's go hey [Music] [Music] uh congratulations you on our prank's obstacle course you have officially earned your park ranger badge pretty cool chick eggs huh that one's just the trophy trophy that's extraordinary you mean you two were behind the pranks the whole time yep yolking aside gotcha we had to welcome in our newbie park rangers in some special way well you could have made me a cake but i do love a good prank what about the mad dinos oh yeah those were just special noises i was making my phone dinosaurs didn't really step on prank eggs [Applause] oh i get it well thank you for my badge you earned it thanks yeah but sorry about the dimetrodon thing we didn't know she was hanging out there oh well that's okay i forgive you both as long as you promise to never prank me again never no way maybe on april 4th yeah definitely all right put her there park ranger yeah this is from your prank earlier it got all gooey in my pocket come on maybe we can prank park rangers aaron and lb yeah or maybe you first yolk's on you that was totally worth it [Music] hey park rangers if you like this video please subscribe to our channel and give us a big thumbs up
Channel: T-Rex Ranch - Dinosaurs For Kids
Views: 649,936
Rating: 4.176559 out of 5
Keywords: giant t-rex, nerf blasters, Dinosaur, Dinosaurs, Mystery Box, Mystery, Dinosaurs for Kids, Dinosaur Toys, Surprise Toys, Surprise, Dinosaur Adventure, Dinos, Toy Hunt, Toys For Kids, Dinosaur Egg, Dinosaur Park, Kids Adventure, Adventure, Giant Dinosaur, Life Size Dinosaur, Raptor, T-Rex Ranch, Park Ranger Aaron, Park Ranger LB, ToyLabTV, Kids Toys, Toys, Pretend Play, Family, Fun, dinosaur feeding, raptor, raptor cam, dino raptor cam, camera, spy camera
Id: mkax89TcsYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 44sec (2684 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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