Park Metal Detecting | Unplanned Day of Detecting | What Did I Find?

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[Music] foreign black on the numbers with the Amana core [Music] oh wow got a doll bad hair day all right that works all right I recovered the doll and I'm still getting a signal down here oh there it is all right a doll and a key in the same hole oh my goodness it's way too hot to be out here getting a 76 77 78 79 right here so we'll see we got I'm guessing a dime huh there it is one-handed or I would have shoveled it but Gotta Die him oh man I'm already sweating 58 59 there'll be a 60 jumping over the place here so we got oh oh look at this wow we set that up here for a second can you see that having trouble focusing a little bit this camera's reacting kind of crazy lately on the focusing but dang mom I love you XOXO X wow that is going to be silver all day long dang I'm so glad I stopped I was on my way to uh run some errands and I came across an area that I've never been before and uh decided to stop and survive the Heat and it feels like it's 80 already I'm sweating but uh that is a cool find it's so bright I can't even tell if I'm in Focus but uh that's silver for sure I will double check it but I have no doubt about that wow 43-44 oh I need water oh wow that is a stretched out ring oh this is a pretty loaded Park there you go pretty cheesy nice another heart I've been finding lots of heart stuff lately cool got another ring all right I'm working around this thing I just got a quarter and maybe a dime oh [Music] what is that oh no it's an owl [Music] definitely now wow it doesn't wait to it too that's pretty cool I don't know what it would be attached to there's nothing broken off here very strange that's really cool it's a nice find all right I just had a 47 and I just dug up an earring so I think that's what that is yeah let's get some light on it nice probably bling but I'll check it out very shiny wow I'm soaked like I said I was heading somewhere and I haven't gotten there yet I'm an hour late I got sidetracked and uh I'm having some good finds though silver necklace just got me a ring owl all kinds of cool stuff a little bit of change so probably my last Park is pushing's 80 degrees and uh humid so let me click finish clearing this park and I'll get on the road to my destination all right I'm underneath this thing where the kids climb uh sweat runs into my eye and I had a high tone around a 92 right here so oh oh my gosh sweet that's a new one well you're old but 2022 cool dang I thought it'd be drunk every time I get a high high tone like a 92 and above it's just usually bottle caps or Garbage but dang 50 cent piece sweet it's called my special pouch [Music] huh I wash my head I've already banged my head like twice of course you guys all know that that's what I'm famous for oh anyway about halfway done at this park got a head rush I sit up too fast okay so I moved away from where I found the 50 cent piece and I was just swinging the detector and had a signal but when I looked down at it it was a 4243 I can see gold color anyway right here wow that's a nice cross oh it's got diamonds on this side probably bling I'll check real closely but uh wow that's pretty cool put that in the light for a second look at that shine dang doing really good today for only three parks and it unplanned three parks with that I I was kind of really working this area hard for the possible necklace that went to that cross I got a number 42 43 44 here maybe I'll get lucky and get that cross but it's pretty solid now you don't have a good luck with cross or a chains rather that's what I meant um [Music] well that's definitely not the the chain a strawberry dang I got a strawberry seems like it's missing something there's a loop on the bottom it wouldn't be upside down hanging I don't think there's a loop on top too I don't know that's pretty cool find gosh this Park's loaded I don't think no one's hit this I hit this park about a year ago but I totally forgot about it because it's not an area I normally frequent all right I better be done if uh Chrissy knew I was out here digging in this heat without a hat I think she'd be a little mad at me oh my gosh look at this oh anyway three Parks some great finds and uh that's it just a short hunt so I say so watch after I finish this and do the wrap up you'll see more video or something or yeah it's hard to just stop but if I see another Park and there's no kids in it you never know I've been known to stop a time or two 80 degrees 90 degrees 100 degrees it doesn't really matter once you're this sweaty who cares anyway if I don't do any more stops I'll see at the wrap up all right I ran my errand heading back I just I just can't help myself I found it under the park on the way back I mean who could resist this let's see if I can flip this around for you and uh I'll just turn around look at this how can I drive by this enough stop I can't there's no way anyway it won't take long to clear it's not big might hit the grass a little bit too on this there's some nice shady areas which I imagine people sit and to watch the kids play so I'll work a little bit of the grass and and the sand real quick see if I get something else cool all right first grass find was a zipper pull I only found a nickel penny [Music] um pull tab in the sand so yeah is what it is I got 77-78 here all right grass is really nice I'm trying not to destroy the grass it's there it's probably dime let's try to open this up a little bit all right move it there it is I can feel it aha good dime well I made it back to the truck but I had a I think I have two signals here first one was a 90. and uh I dig up it looks like I got another dollar definitely a dollar I just can't tell it's like Sacagawea it looks like it's her shape nice that's right there and I thought I had something else maybe it's just that yeah a little bit of foil all right I'm hitting uh 45-46 here it's pretty hard to dig this ground was really hard back here by the bushes I got a heart seems like my theme lately huh can't really see what it says here hello oh child of God nice you check the ooh dirt tastes great shouldn't licked the same finger yeah it says the same thing that's really nice not in bad shape either so I was going over this area and I had a signal it was just all over the place and then I looked down and I saw a piece of metal oh wow did I ever wow all right I stopped at one more park I got my hat on so I can do that um 54. got this underneath the swing so I'm just clearing this out really quick wow there's an unhappy kid anyway one find here literally the first find as I walked in I'm just gonna sweep this real quick and maybe sweep a little bit of the sand over there and just get on the road it's getting late and it's really getting hot all right I had a 47 I'm on the uh same area still I'm not sure if that's something for the ear or what that's pretty thick another Target so I had to run another errand for Christine so give me no excuse to be in this area up in Pasadena um You probably recognize this those that live in the area I'm back up at Victory Park it's too hot for kids to really be out there some die hards over there but uh first Target as I walk out here and we hit these swings nice 70. we got oh are you kidding man that's nice and there's a is there a Mark I can't it's so bright out here um I'm gonna check a Little Closer that is a nice looking ring that that's a pretty high number so I don't expect to be gold but that would be sweet maybe silver because it feels more like gold could just be bling I'll update you wow first Target here all right I am getting an 89 right here see if I met my Pro but I do that all the time yeah there's a coin down there just gonna get this out of the way a little bit I felt it there it is nice quarter all right had something metal with 56.57 and I just popped the plug up and I see this not really sure what I got yet the shape of a scout thing hold on maybe I'm not really sure I'll get a closer look at it but uh it's pretty cool looking well the weather's not too bad if you're in the shade it feels pretty nice in the breeze I just had a quarter signal like an 89.90 and I popped this up and I think I have a twofer yeah you can see where they're sitting together see that pretty cool 50 cents in one hole all right this is the last Park no matter what I swear [Music] that's jumpy oh my goodness I am oh you're way too long oh I did it final fine probably I got a Hot Wheel nice I can't even see anymore they're sweating my eyes but uh I'm done for sure I'm not stopping anywhere else my blinders are going on it's miserable I just don't know how to quit you know I see a park and there's treasure there I checked that ring the last one I founded there's no uh oh shade there's no visible markings but it looks really worn out inside so I'll do a gold test when I get back maybe even a silver test I don't think it's silver it looks really gold but uh that traps Heat anyway I am done I'll see if the wrap up no more Sandman get you it's just so you have a nice morning do you have a nice sleep it was okay um don't get mad at me okay I was outside in the heat today I'm a little worried were you out detecting yeah it was really hot today I was dying it was in the 80s today closer to 90. yeah come see what I did oh bright light switch sides oh it's bright out here I went hunting look William look at that it's your twin is Stacy that's how you said when you had long hair oh dude I look just like that yeah that's messed up messed up for sure wow how dare you look at the car I got a car how cute wait is that a Tesla you know I don't know it looks like a Ford Focus oh yeah you know what maybe it does yeah you're right anyway my bad check this out four ah it actually has metal in it I got it with the detector really it has Metals I don't know this must have been like magnetic yeah interesting same with that little screw I'm not sure what that is that's a hair clip yeah putting your hair in the back I'm not gonna do it check out this oh my gosh what what is this okay looks like a I don't know I was trying to figure it out I do know this one though yeah this is something yeah that's why I was dealing with all day today yeah but I got two Croc pieces that's cool anyway back over here yeah I mean you can switch sides if you want I got a service Side Tire nice Lucy was in the grass I have no idea what it is okay I was gonna say I think it's for your hair because then oh okay yeah I got you clippy yeah look at all this junk right here pull tabs this was some weird stuff here I'm not sure what that was me off a toy this thing here is old it's been there a while a knob it looks like a knob yeah kinda might be the end of a bat or something I don't know part of a car battery surface find look at this two of these this one was underground for a while wow zipper pulls yeah but this is crazy this is a Tot Lot what is it it's a it's a um dye you put or a punch but it's bent oh they're probably using it to price it open on or loose on uh the toys because there was I picked up like 10 to 15 bolts and pieces off where they repaired a bunch of toys interesting how and then I did pretty good I got um some pennies nickels headquarters yeah virus was in the grass too oh my gosh yes I got a jack oh my gosh Jack um did you play with Jack throwing up yeah oh I did too and then I got a tie clip oh yeah okay a petal oh how cute this came out the front of a bike probably that's cool I'm not sure if that might have been a ring at one time I have no idea anyway Jewelry Wise I got I'm not sure what this is it's actually magnetic I thought it might have been one of those things for the ear it looks like uh you know what it looks like stuff you know what it looks like is um but it's not it looks like a push pin kinda huh but it look well look at the back of this I know it looks like oh it does it looks like attack looks like a game piece it's magnetic yeah oh then I got I got this backing right here nice one too okay I got a nice pendant here that's cute child of God yeah cute one of these I got this owl is really cute yeah oh my gosh it even has a little backside okay that surprised me yeah nice um I found another 50 cent piece stop it stop it new one wow about a dollar gosh you better hydrate it was really it's hot right now just standing here a button button button who's got the button this is kind of cool discombobulating everybody with it you're in the light is that an eagle yeah I think it's a Girl Scout thing because it's a gs on top oh okay yeah that's pretty cool came off of something interesting I got a really cool cross that's pretty nice it was like this one I found it and it flips overhead diamonds it's not real though you're so silly strawberry almost adorable yeah then I got the earring you gonna pick it up is snowflake oh well yeah but it's an earring how cute yeah and then I got this ring it was kind of bent open more and I closed it oh oh the heart oh my gosh look at this ring tell me you don't think that's gold what there are no silver or it failed all tests oh man really I it failed the 10 carat it failed the silver test nothing but it looked like it was gonna be real I was so excited that's pretty yeah it's still a pretty ring but it's too bad I put the 10 karat acid on the gold that just disappeared and then the grand finale voila look at that Mom yeah that's so pretty yeah it is and it opens it opens yes oh oh my gosh this is so nice xox and then it says 95 inside there oh you can kind of see it wow and then this clamp to this 95 Italy on the other side shoot I know what I'm gonna get my mom for Mother's Day next year just send that to her don't tell her don't watch this film mom exactly mom anyway this is nice how dare you go hunting without me come out here is too bright yeah it is anyway here's here's the story oh yeah Alice here come over here this has got to be a good one so here's what happened yeah I was going to the furniture store which is did you even make it yes but I was like an hour and a half to get there okay oh because it took me I I found a park yeah then I found another Park then I found another Park did you even get it yeah so after I left the three parks in the furniture store I decided cupcakes yeah is my fault yes on the way to Cupcakes two or three more Parks called me out yes and then I had to go all the way across to and get you um your uniforms oh yeah yeah that was important so I thought you know what let me go up to Victory Park because it's so hot out and nobody's gonna be playing on the toys I didn't find much I did find that last ring at the park that one looks like gold wow so I'm very dehydrated I've been drinking water since I got back good hopefully I'm not too burnt you didn't even have long sleeves on no and I finally put a hat on towards the end towards the end anyway it was a good hunt it was totally unplanned this is an accidental hunt well I'm really glad you found all those cool things but take good care of yourself don't do the blinking eye thing at me it doesn't work I anyway thank cupcakes in my picking up my dry cleaning shame on you for going Detective hold yourself hold on don't go nowhere guess the wall man don't trip need a new car for me for us I worked really hard in heat I deserve it thank you bye [Music]
Channel: Diggin' SoCal
Views: 5,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diggin socal, diggin socal christine and bill, diggin socal christine, metal detecting, park metal detecting, metal detecting videos, diggin socal youtube, garrett pinpointer, metal detecting finds, treasure hunting metal detector, metal detecting parks, metal detector treasure hunting, metal detecting city parks, park detecting, minelab metal detector, minelab manticore detector, minelab manticore metal detector, metal detector, metal detecting finds 2023
Id: jrsswrRtYzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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