Parents, What Did You See In Your Child’s Search History?

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parents of reddit what's the worst thing you have found in your child's search history not a parent but my cousin and i were on my younger cousin's account and in his search field we saw a girl with three boobs for lucas who is lucas when i was in middle school parents found out i was googling pregnant children to read the news stories on it why couldn't tell you morbid curiosity most likely regardless mom yelled at me and accused me of being pregnant at some given point i also searched that because i was trying to know what the youngest grandmother was not apparent but feel like i need to share this my little cousin who was about 12 at the time searched russian nukes exploding and cool boobs without a bra duality of man i once helped a co-worker who had me search through her son's laptop the majority of the sexual exploration stuff i didn't tell her about he's just a regular 13 year old kid i did have to tell her that he was looking up and trying to open a credit card and trying to figure out how to make a fake social security number to open a credit card so he could buy robex oh oh no not the roberts my son when he was 12 wondered what girls his age looked like naked a very common and innocent thought for a 12 year old boy a not so innocent google search i remember when i was about 11 i saw in the search history my eight-year-old bro look up virginia and britney speyer's virginia i bet they lived in the great state of vagina my dad and stepmom found out that my 12 year old sister had a long complex relationship with a random adult man that she met online he had convinced her that they were in love and she had been planning to run away to meet up with him they took her phone away for a week and change all their computer passwords so she couldn't contact him they returned her phone once she claimed to come to terms with how creepy that guy was two days after getting her phone back they saw that she had contacted him again they obviously took her phone away again and now she only has access to a computer with extreme child lock settings on she's seeing a therapist now which my dad and stepmom are hopeful will help i'm 21 years older than my sister and live in another city so i wasn't around for any of this so i sold an old laptop to my younger cousin years ago i was probably 18 and he'd be about 13 stroke 14. i wiped him clean first before i handed it over obviously his mum my aunt found tons of searches for horse and animal pee in the history a few weeks later and tried to make out it was me she just wouldn't have it that her son was weird as frick and only wanted his own laptop for searching sick crap on the internet back in the day of dial up internet my mom found tomb raider p on the family computer not even cosplay crap straight up triangle titties triangle titties i'm dying lol a young very young son of mine was curious to know what girls looked like only boys in our family he was googling naked children naked six-year-olds naked child sisters on a device we had forgotten to lock down the search capability on needless to say i was a bit stressed we might start being watched after those searches voice to text miss heard my son at five and googled how to kill myself got a call from the school on that one school computer i was there when it happened but forgot what he was trying to look up something to do with minecraft when i was a kid my mum and step-dad was wondering why the computer was running slow i was 13 at the time now 28 i was watching spanking stuff and my mom flat out said to me how do you think you should be punished i instantly started going red and blushing and was so embarrassed i was like grounding and we never spoke of it again they must have thought i was so weird the balls on you if you said spanking the longest crap in the world found on my search history after my younger brother borrowed my laptop minutes after new year midnight my twelve year is on reddit was waiting to pick him up from school when my phone died so i used his he leaves it in the car i saw our slash big [ __ ] or something in his feed i quietly unsubscribed him changed settings to block nsw stuff and never said a word about it did he figure it out probably i was still using his phone when he got in the car he's probably learned to be more sneaky and i am fine with that not a parent but as a first grader in computer class me and the boys would search ddd in google images and felt like we just entered a different universe obviously over the years that is extremely mild compared to my searches now back in the early 2000s i discovered that googling random numbers circumvented the school's safe filters for that hour i was a hero my kids are too young to search but they like to use my phone to take pictures fast forward to me looking at my pictures from the previous week yep a tiny penis picture obviously it wasn't sexual he's just a little boy who plays with himself but goodness gracious when i was 10 my mum found peach and daisy naked together in my search history can't imagine she was too happy about that we recently found an extremely erotic picture of peach in our 10 year old search history i can tell you your mother was not happy about it not a parent bit my bill age 11 looked up on my ps4p and boobs fortnite when i asked about it this man's was was bold enough to say it was hot i put a password on the playstation afterwards what a chad being honest and not even ashamed of it i was a school administrator at a charter school a few years ago the it guy comes to me one day and asks me if i ever leave my laptop alone around students i told him of course not he then asked if i ever let my son who was in middle school there use my work laptop and i said yes he then showed me why he was asking me questions which i had kind of already figured out it was a report from the school's filters with a bunch of middle school slang terms mostly regarding women's anatomy that was a fun conversation with my son am i not the worst thing ever but my wife's yelling drilled it into my brain i was chilling in the other room when all i heard was why are you looking at vagina diagrams followed up up with why the heck are you looking at shark vaginas my poor son was looking up shark facts for a school project and wanted to look at their brains did you know that shark brains look like vaginas because i didn't my wife getting into a tizzy when she opened up my ipad that had a google page of a large breasted brunette woman in a bra she was digging into me while i was searching for those types of images when i told her it wasn't me because i don't need to google search floor that stuff because i know it by heart she didn't believe me and said what kind of man blames this on a three-year-old because my three-year-old daughter had just been playing around on my ipad so i asked her what's the search term used for that search she looked and was then quiet she then threw the ipad down and stormed off i took a look at the screen and the google search which pulled up that hot brunette it was a period she apologized two days later when i finally stopped laughing comma and it will still be two days till she says i'm sorry dart sorry bainic ladies fan here in reverse we had our home computer die so my father-in-law lent us a newish laptop for a few weeks that he wasn't using as much because he just bought a tablet so to make a long story short i found my father-in-law's p-search history what was he into not a parent but my younger sister had a friend over they're both nine so anyway the friend asked if she can use my sister's tablet i said sure so said friend leaves and i go to the living room to check on my sister everything is fine until i check the tablet and find cardi bp typed into google which led said friend to just a pornhub spree things got heated my mom went to her mom and showed her girl lies and said she didn't do it then admit to doing it she then proceeds to search for p five more times on other people's crap that was all in a span of a week her mom has coffee with my mom in the morning so i hear that she's still up to it and will apparently start getting counseling i know this sounds wild but it's pretty common i was eight when me and a friend searched sex on google and ended up watching p for five minutes i did more research after she left and within a week i was in the bds mdp side of ph i'm not a parent and i didn't find this in their search history but my grandmother bless her heart told me that her and my grandfather tried googling don clark and didn't get the information they were looking for they were afraid that they downloaded p and didn't want to get in trouble with the law so the country living folks that they are they threw the whole dang computer into the burn pile oh sweet jesus for the love of all things holy that's hilarious well not exactly my child but one time at work i found a phone that had been left laying around i decided to hold on to it and turn it into the office so that whoever left it could easily retrieve it a buddy decided he was gonna see if there was a passcode sure enough about it opened with no problem we called the mom contact just because we figured they could let whoever know that their phone was at my store they said they'd be in that's when my buddy got curious and decided to check the search history so much he like this person had never heard of incognito mode and only used the phone 4p i decided to set it down and not look at it anymore kinda waiting to see what person showed up to pick up the phone well mom did show up with her eight-year-old daughter who the phone belonged to i try not to think about it too much but it was quite a controversial chuckle i had in the back of my head whoa my oldest is going through a witchy phase she's been obsessively googling real curses to kill people cursed foods that curse you to death do death curses work and at the same time magic spells to make people like me like dang quit trying to curse people and they might like you more not internet but my parents stopped getting the sears catalog after they caught me in the bathroom with it open to the bra section and the hand soap on the floor next to me not a parent but my older brother once borrowed my phone my siblings usually does back then because i was the only one with a smartphone it was before android was super popular after he used it i opened the browser and for the first time in my life i saw gay p not sure if he browsed p and it was a pop-up ad he forgot to close or he's gay haven't told anyone about it he was probably trying to mess with you i'm straight and wouldn't ever look up p on someone else's device and would totally do this to my little brother if he were a little older than 14. not a parent but when i lived at home middle sister was seven she had searched up grill kiss boy boy and girl sex stuff like that and like lesbian pee and crap had pulled up cause i caught her watching it well even after presenting the evidence of her watching it to my parents they lost their crap on me she's way too young for that i don't care if people say you're a snitch you tried to do good by telling your parents i was the child in this situation sub for sale i'm guessing that no one will understand just how serious the volvo versus sub rivalry is sub is better i am not a parent but my mom went through my laptop once when she confiscated it i used to use aol chat messenger and omega to talk to strangers i had a whole folder of curated photos people would send to me i liked having people send me personal photos like pictures of their feet just feet stepping on sponges washing feet all that crap i had another folder of people's butts buttholes some of them wrote my name of their butt yeah a whole library of photos my mom found them and freaked out on me and i was never allowed to have or use a laptop the biggest problem was my school had given everyone a school laptop my mother set up a meeting with myself my dad her and various teachers she told them i wasn't allowed to have a laptop because i would use it for sexual gratification my mom aggressively shamed me for it told me i was disgusting she couldn't believe her daughter was a sick creep she even told everyone in my family in front of me so i could see how gross and disturbed i really was now as an adult i have a crippling fear of sex when i tell my mom i have a phobia of sex and intimacy she laughs at me and says she knows i'm a freak and calls me a liar i'm so sorry your mom sounds like a terror not a parent but when i was around maybe 10 or 11 i found something in my cousin's search history him being 16 while i was playing games on newgrounds i was trying to go back to the homepage but i ended up holding the back button by accident i saw one of his searches clicked on it and was scarred for life it was a picture of bathtub girl when my son was about 10 years old we found what appeared to be about two hours of googling princess leia slave i wasn't mad at all and spent a few minutes looking at the results myself respect i know this is mostly a fun thread about weird kids searches for pee so i apologize if this brings you down but if anyone else was thinking this just know you're not alone i found suicide related searches on my daughter's phone we had just checked her into a week-long counseling center because we knew she had made an attempt she's in a much better place these days it hasn't been a straight line of improvement since march but these last three weeks or so have been wonderful best wishes for your daughter and you too as you struggle through these terrible times indian pee with animals quite shocking to know my eight years old daughter went down a rabbit hole literally we had to have a lot of conversations to workshop that one rabbit hole literally oh oh no my son is eight and i found in our shared youtube history girls with all the clothes off so not bad but then again it's the first step when my son was five i found his youtube search history he had been searching for everybody's wieners and butts are grls genuine grls boobs everybody's genu he actually found some youtube videos with nudity which was impressive because i remember trying when i was younger and having a hard time what is genu not a parent but back when i was 16 i used my nine-year-old sister's phone for a phone call when i closed the tab i accidentally found an open tab with a nude picture i checked it and ended up finding 45 open browser tabs of p hentainp games showed this to our mom we checked her phone every day for months afterwards never caught her again she vowed that day to become an expert at hiding things on her phone and covering her tracks and she did it peony reader apparently kids at school were all talking about pornhub he is nine he felt pretty bad about the whole thing it was a weird experience for my husband and i upon reflection it was more funny than anything else he was curious because of the kids at school but imagine trying to watch peony read a browser kind of hilarious e-reader browsers are slow af but imagine trying to watch stuff on a monochrome screen [Music] my older brother was one time looking for the naked brothers band but had forgotten what the name of them were so when i came downstairs to see him in front of the comp on youtube with naked little boys banned in the search bar this kid in my class thought it'd be hilarious to look up mickey mouse boner you fortunately he left it open on pictures and the teacher came by when he wasn't even there reminds me of when my brother was 11 stroke 12 and he looked up milf stuff on our computer my younger sister who was about nine came across it and proceeded to snitch on him to my mom my mom had no idea what her milf was and when she looked it up she thought my brother was into in kesty she sat him down for a chat and was relieved when he explained to her the actual meaning of a milf i remember just looking up naked girls on the upstairs computer and thank god no one used it i was also the only boy out of four children so i didn't have someone to look up to a nephew that was staying over we found how to have sex with a mule in the history after they left no websites had been clicked on he was nine from the big city i wonder if he even knew what a mule is not me but my uncle's stepson they discovered p in his search history he even made calls with some random women and he took screenshots of that at the end his mom find other phone where he edited a photo of one of his teachers face on a photo of a woman in bikini xdddd i think he's around 12 by now or so my eight-year-old looked up devil goat a couple of days ago it was immediately followed by goat simulator devil goat unlock how he is a good kid i have never looked at my children's search histories it just feels like prying do i win worst parent of the year now no as long as you have had talks with them about internet safety and stuff it's a roll of the dice on whether or not your kids are doing something you should have known about and stopped but it also sucks to be a helicopter parent if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 1,171,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: search history, browser history, browser history meme, clear browser history, clear browsing data, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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