Parents Punish Me For Every Tiny Thing | 1 STORY = 2 VERSIONS

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hi guys and girls I'm Erica and I live in a horrible foster family just remember all those awful foster families from various series double-up these horrors and you'll have my mom and dad lucky me soon I'll be sixteen and be able to move away when I was small I was the happiest child in the world my parents loved me cared about me tried to make my life as happy as possible I didn't notice the moment when everything changed my nightmare began with a word no the majority of children hear it every day but for me who wasn't really used to being denied it became a real tragedy when they forbade me to use the children's slide because I was in a white skirt I threw a tantrum fell into a puddle on purpose and ruined our planned trip to the park that's when I learned that parents could not only kiss but also punish and the punishment was hard I was forced to kneel on a bench in the corner of our house and if you think that this punishment was just a joke I dare you to try it yourself for a child it was very painful to kneel on a wooden bench for half an hour and then the bench became my best friend because we met again and again almost each day no matter what I did everything caused a negative response of my parents and I was punished again and again and I behaved worse and worse out of sheer spite the situation reached a point where my dad punished me with a strap and this was actually a real beating of course I could not complain to anyone because I was ashamed and no one would believe me and I suffered even more because of that I began to run away from home just not to be near my parents and that only made everything worse because the punishments were getting more and more obscene have you ever been locked in a hospital well they actually locked me up several times in a row that was really not okay of course I was rude misbehaved did not obey my parents and even did something illegal but I knew that I did not deserve such punishment and then my brain invented an invulnerable defense I began to fantasize about being a foster child just imagine how stunned I was when I discovered it to be true now I didn't dig out any documents or some other proofs like letters from an old nurse everything was much more simple and still quite complicated at the same time at the time I was a fan of various detective series such as Sherlock true detective in dr. house and I put my deductive skills to good use my first investigation target was my boyfriend well more like my ex-boyfriend actually it turned out that he did not help his father in the garage but was quite engaged in weightlifting I assumed that because the girl with whom he cheated on me weighed no less than a ton seriously when I found out about that I wasn't even able to throw a proper tantrum because the situation itself was funny he actually already punished himself when he had an affair with that pig I just laughed at them wish them personal happiness and an experienced nutritionist and left and then I decided to check whether my parents were hiding anything from me by that time a relationship was coming apart at the seams I even tried to avoid them and left the house only through the window which did not stop me from tracking them by the way I first suspected that something was amiss when I watched the dr. house episode where they talked about genetics they said that the moles and dimples on the chin were among the most important indicators and yeah I had a dimple on my chin and also some dimples on my cheeks when I smiled and my parents did not have any I threw that at my parents faces during another Korell but mom and dad only laughed and said that all this nonsense wouldn't help me to escape the house again and in a day they actually installed bars on my windows I was locked in my house can you imagine that how did they even know that I used windows to escape I was always so careful well it was for the better I've got a lot of free time now being locked like that and I used it to collect any information about my birth so we became very important for me to prove to myself that these two were not my real parents funny thing is that I actually managed to find the required proof I lied and I acted like a cute girl but thanks to it I found out that there were cases of misplaced children in the hospital where I was born I even got some photographs they were made during the discharge from the hospital and there I saw two women who could hypothetically be my real mom so now I was finally convinced that my parents weren't actually related to me and since they were nothing to me why were they messing with my life so during the next scandal I told them everything and showed them the photos from the hospital and all my calculations dad as usual wanted to punish me and my mother cried but I didn't care I was not going to allow them to beat me once again or to play the pity angle they were just strangers and I had enough of them I have suffered enough at that moment I got up packed my things and got out with a bang I did not want any more of their stupid demands and would not tolerate any more humiliation hi people I'm Erica's mother in my husband and I live in a complete nightmare I don't know at what point our life turned into the freak or show but I want those who watch this story to draw the right conclusions when erica was a small child she was our little princess our beloved daughter no we still loved her but now she thinks that we're horrible and I guess I know why it's our own fault that we raised a monster I love her too much spoiled her too much and taught her that the whole world owed her something and when she got older and discovered that she actually had some responsibilities Erica's world broke apart we should have gone to a therapist right away unfortunately we had no idea that ordinary teenage Tantrums would result in a full-blown nightmare you see those were just normal arguments what to wear what to eat where to go just like that and yes my husband and I turned a blind eye to many conflicts because they were really insignificant you really don't pay much attention to a child who wants to wear a blue dress instead of a pink one just let her win unfortunately those childish conflicts turned into an atmosphere of total disrespect over time Erica constantly insulted us for example she never thought twice about saying bad words to me and my hubby our daughter was incredibly stubborn she wanted to do whatever she wanted no matter the cost if my husband or I told her that it was cold outside and she needed to put on a jacket Erica just had to leave the house wearing nothing but a t-shirt just to insult us of course she always got sick because of it but still insisted on acting against our advice or orders naturally we punished her because of her rudeness and disobedience she must have told you about the bench in the corner you see the bench appeared in our life much later when we got tired of trying to convince her to be good Erica was 10 years old at the moment and it was the first time when she stole a chocolate bar from the store I told her to bring it back but she told me to go to hell pushed me and ran away such a good daughter yeah that was the moment when my husband and I decided to use brute force against her it seemed that she understood nothing but force and we were just trying to bring her back to her senses you see we were punished his children but never actually used force and Erica's upbringing before and since our persuasion and pleas weren't going anywhere we resorted to actual punishments that was our second grave mistake but the more we tried to protect her to show even with punishment that she was doing a lot of wrong stuff the worse it got twice we had to leave her in the hospital in a drug addiction treatment unit to be more precise you see our daughter had two near death experiences concerning drugs before she was 14 Erica did not want to study at all she wasn't gonna come back to her senses each other day our daughter ran away from home always lied to us and had a lot of grown up guy friends you certainly don't want to give your teenage kid a pat on the head and a candy when she comes home late at night intoxicated in torn and dirty clothes my husband and I knew that we failed miserably while raising our daughter of course we still tried to do something about her from time to time but we mostly just gave up on her soon Erica came up with the idea that we were actually her foster parents we didn't know why she felt that way and frankly speaking at that point we didn't even care of course it was utter nonsense I know for sure that we are the parents of this monster I gave birth to her with my own womb well I'd like to blame someone else's genes on her bad behavior but I can't she is our child she is our fault but now she doesn't want to have anything in common with us and we don't mind especially after she began to tell the child services that she was being bullied and beaten at home when Erica left us for the last time my husband and I were actually relieved now we do not need to worry about her don't have to wonder whether the little monster will come back home or run away with some random guy don't have to cater to another overdose or even a random pregnancy if she wants to think she's a foster kid fine whatever we did everything we could now she's the mistress of her own fate and so be it what do you think about this story in its characters who's right who's to blame and what should they do now write your thoughts in the comments share the story with friends leave a like for the video
Channel: Teen life
Views: 483,312
Rating: 4.7878366 out of 5
Keywords: real animated stories, storytime, share my story, gloomykassie, cartoon, creepy story, dory story, meet my storytime, betrayal, Teen life, parents, strict parents, 1 STORY = 2 VERSIONS
Id: 0qOk8k4pwq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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