Paranoid My First Day in Moscow Russia 2024

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guys we're here in uh Moscow just got to the airport and this is where we're headed to first time in a metro station in Moscow now I'm about to get on the train so I'm not going to be able to talk that much but let me make this quick the situation is my bank cards don't work here I don't have any Internet and that's pretty much it so basically my plan is to take this train to the city center and try to exchange some currency from there it's a risk because it's around 9:30 and if there aren't any if there aren't any any exchange places open then I'm pretty much screwed because once I get to the city center it's like an hour and a half walk to uh to my apartment so that will suck here goes what the train looks like uh no one's inside I talked to the guy and asked him hey can I sit here and he just pointed inside so uh so I'm inside uh my plan was to well add two options U okay let me gather myself not many people so I'm going talk right now um the reason I was able to get this train ticket remember my bank cards don't work so I was able to get a train ticket because the airline I flew on offered them so I prepaid for them when I was back in the States however when I get to the metro in the city I'm not going to have any cash you can't use dollars you have to use the local currency rubles so I have two options exchange a little bit here at the airport at a horrible rate that way I can catch the metro to my uh apartment or take the chance don't exchange and wait till I got wait till I get to the city center and hopefully uh get at the better rate so um that's the plan all right guys getting out of the Metro well not the Metro but the Train the ride wasn't that bad I think it's because I flew into a airport that's a little bit closer to the city center they have multiple airports here because uh Moscow said to be let me get on the right side Moscow said to be the largest European city so obviously there's going to be a ton of airports I believe I know for sure four of them maybe more but here we go going to get our first look into Moscow once we exit this is where things are going to get uh a little frisky because remember I didn't exchange any any uh money right behind me was the entrance to the Metro but I can't pay with dollars so I have to find a a place to exchange my dollars while I was on the airport I mean while I was in the train I will admit that uh I kind of was regretting not not exchanging any currency cuz I I could have been on the Metro right now I also could have probably had a a SIM card but it is what it is if I can't find anything nearby then I'll have to walk about 1 hour 45 minutes to the to the apartment so ah but I'm I'm I'm willing to do that I'm willing to do that I I'll face the consequences yall heard uh the Metro stations here are beautiful got some uh military members walking so had to pan up but yeah this is beautiful I love public transportation so uh it's going to be lovely and I was told where to go to exchange he said go this way he said go out this way then take left so that's the plan okay guys we're about to enter the streets of Moscow bam here we go look at this and look to the left oh man look at this we're enjoying this together okay guys things worked out things worked out so uh I was walking a little bit uh the first the hold on let me gather my thoughts the first uh Exchange Place was closed then I walked inside of a Metro and there was a line at another Exchange Place so I said okay they're open the guy who was in front of me shout out to him if you ever watched this video he helped me out because it just so happens that the lady at the Exchange Place she was closing up so he spoke to her to see if she can still let me let me uh if she can still exchange for me which she did and so shout out shout out to that so worked out we got the currency I was at the Metro station but I do want to walk a little bit so I can talk cuz there are some thoughts I want to share and it look like you can also rent scooters right there look like they're about to rent a scooter yeah the vibe I'm loving it let me uh we're going to just walk across this bridge and I'll catch the metro there but let me talk about when I got to the airport so when I was going through password control I will say I was a just a tad a bit nervous because when I got there the staff member was asking me or immigration was asking me a few questions and then they said to go wait on the side while they do a document check wasn't that long it was about 15 minutes and then uh the guy came out with my passport said everything's okay and and they let me through I was thinking oh man they might take me to the back flash a light on me start asking me a whole bunch of questions and then when I was before I came here had a layover and uh went to the bathroom and when I looked at myself in the mirror I realized oh man I just shaved so I have a bald head I'm a little muscular also I have a olive green backpack so it kind of comes across as if I'm I'm active military I was like oh man now and I look military too God damn but it worked out we're here we're here I don't know what this this place is called but beautiful and then look in the back I think this is the like the financial district straight up that way but we're walking more towards the historic Center walking more towards the historic Center so next stop catch the metro um I don't think I can get a SIM card right now which is okay I I have uh Maps offline I downloaded a map of Moscow offline so uh I know how to get back to I know how to get to the apartment where I'm staying so that's the plan and walk up to the next Metro and then catch the metro to the room if I have enough time if there's a grocery store nearby I'll go buy some some snacks some water some drinks little bit of Moscow at night I don't know if you can see the the boat right there look like they have night cruises beautiful bridge on the other side that's lit up the weather feels amazing right now it's maybe in the 50s but it feels good no wind chill yeah it feels feels amazing still moving got some help from one of the locals I think one of the problems I'm having is with my maps so I downloaded a few Maps offline so I'm able to navigate the city without internet I think the problem and I had this in Lebanon I don't know what it's called but for example when I was in Lebanon I was trying to call an Uber but it kept saying my location was at the airport I think that's because lebanon's was in a conflict well still in a conflict but I think I think that's why and I think that's the same with this country D because of the oh I think the Metro is right here okay because of the conflict um the GPS keeps changing my location like every 10 minutes I'm in a different area so it says go straight take a right then 10 minutes later oh no turn around take a left and then do a U-turn so I think this is the Metro right here I see the m so give me one second okay guys I'm getting help but look at the uh stations [Music] here yeah yeah I'm getting some help from a couple nearby they paid for me and they're helping me get to my destination but check the beauty out look at this like I said I heard the Metro stations in uh Moscow were were beautiful and I I see why just getting out of the metro and shout out to the couple that uh helped me out look at this look at this beauty shout out to the couple that helped me out uh let's hold on let me gather my thoughts to a lot of people well if I'm stuttering and stuff it's there's a lot going on but well let me wait till I get outside one second so basically what happened was I had asked a couple outside hopefully you can hear me it's kind of loud IID asked a couple outside where the metro station was they pointed to where I needed to go when I got to the metro station I tried to buy a a pass an entry um ticket and uh the screen or the machine was all in Russian there was no English oh guys we're way underground look at this I forgot where I left off like I was saying uh I tried to buy a Metro pass in the Metro station and um the language is all in Russian there was no uh option to choose a different language English Chinese Swahili so I was stuck I didn't know what to do it just so happens that the couple that I had asked earlier for directions was also going to that Metro station they saw me so they basically paid for my entrance and they took me to the right Metro station cuz we had to or the right metro line because we had to take one and then get off and go to a different one so shout out to them so far uh the rest your trip is starting off starting off pretty well pretty well just made it to the room I don't know how thin the walls are because it's like maybe 11:00 p.m. right now so let me show you the room and then we'll talk out we'll talk outside let see efficiency guys don't don't judge me please don't judge me oh guys guys I want to do a I wanted to talk while I was in the room but super quiet and I don't want to wake anyone up but I got help from another couple so when I got out of the metro station it was supposed to be a short walk but again the the maps was uh messing up a lot oh got dog the maps was uh messing up uh my location kept changing so a couple helped me out they walked with me all the way to my apartment and I was going to try to film the interaction but again uh sometimes pulling out a camera can ruin the moment I'm like let me just this is good right now let me let me not ruin it but shout out to them so far the my first day the Russian people have been very very helpful I mean really going out of their way to make sure I get to my destination that's uh that's one thing I want to talk about but that's some First Impressions I don't know if I should sa them right now or save them for another video um let's we's do it right now I don't think I can make a whole video about the first impressions so uh start off with the people I think we go down this way start off with the people being very helpful the second thing was the man the people here are pretty tall third thing is to all the well let me TW it to you like this way when you watch TV shows like 30-day fiance or when you hear about guys getting scammed and tricked by Russian women online take it easy on them because after after being in the airport after getting on the plane after getting on the train after getting on the Metro station I see why I see why uh a lot of guys get tricked by the well by some of the ladies out here because uh wow very uh yeah yeah I just put you like that wow so take it easy on those guys man they let's see I forgot where the okay the supermarket was this way there's something else I was going to say oh yeah uh well let me save it for the walk back let me head up in this Supermarket supposed to be 24 hours uh I don't think I'm going to film inside uh we'll see how it goes but give me one second and we we'll talk on my way back to the room just got the groceries and uh one of the last Impressions I wanted to say and I'll show you the groceries when I get back to the when I get back to the room but one thing I want to say is that uh did I go this way yeah one thing I want to talk about is how uh Russia is the the largest country when it comes to size right land mass and so it covers I believe two continents you guys let me know Europe and Asia so it was pretty interesting you know walking around seeing um you know when I think of Russians I there's a particular look that comes to mind I just put it to you like that you know when you look at the magazines and stuff you know coming here though I see a different looks more in the um what's the word Asiatic size so it's pretty cool seeing the different phenotypes cuz you uh Russia I believe covers you know goes into Central Asia so you have more of that Central Asian look so sometimes I was I'll be walking and was today my bad I'm breathing hard today I was walking thinking to myself oh we got some uh Korean tourist here but no they're not Korean they're they're local they're they're from here but I just just something I wanted to point out just a few first impressions things that uh caught my eye I think I'm walking the right way I feel like I'm not all right let me do this before I before I forget Don't Judge Me guys chocolate donut come on some sour candies two cups of fruit back home in Seattle this will be like $8 oh snap oh hop that we can went up oh man and then I got three bottles of water and then two of these um natural something let me put the light right here and then this was in the fresh juice aisle and then whatever this is put it right here I think the lighting is a little better yeah and then uh so bam all of this for I think 10 like a, so $10 and then while we're at it let me show you the currency goes the currency so exchange rat is around 91 rubles to $1 us all right here goes 100 2000 all right guys I'm in the room I'm going to shower up going to eat um and we're going to talk more in the next video some more stuff I want to talk about I have cash right now but my plan tomorrow in the morning is to get a bank card so I already have that scheduled the guyy is supposed to come over tomorrow morning and um drop off the bank card for me and then I'm going to put all my cash on the card that way I don't have to carry that way I can just tap and pay Tap and Pay I could also tap and pay with the Metro so I can tap and pay with uh for everything and we'll talk about more of that but in the meantime we'll get ready for this Russia Adventure so I'mma catch you guys at the next one deuces
Channel: Sly's Life
Views: 680,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firstdayinmoscowrussia, thingstodomoscowrussia, blackinmoscowrussia, americantouristmoscowrussia, thingstoknowmoscowrussia, safetyinmoscowrussia, takingthetrainmoscowrussia, expatmoscowrussia
Id: -lgiu7-r87Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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