Do You Feel Safe In Russia As A Black Person?

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I think I feel safer here I feel safer here that back home in Africa yes cuz example when I went back home I went for like uh a little bit of holiday over there back home and then when I went my people were like you have to be very careful now they are like arm robbers they attack people they do this like a whole lot of things I'm like what Metro skin head EIC negativ love hey I'm Cindy from souland and um when talking about safety here in Russia I can say that I can um I feel 100% safe always and you honestly not believe me when I'll when I tell you that sometimes I work um in the middle of the forest at 12:00 a.m. because that is how safe I feel here in Russia no not at all like the cameras everywhere and the police here and there like that makes me feel so safe yeah of course uh in all my six years I've never been attacked anyhow racially or anyhow so I feel safe was that what you expected before you came of course of course no I mean The Stereotype is that Russia is you know that kind of a country and yeah yeah I feel safe because uh I don't pass my boundary what do you mean if I don't pass my boundary I'm safe if I don't do something illegal I'm I'm safe but if I do something in legal I'm not safe you know how the stigma around Russia is everybody is always saying Russia is this Russia is that but coming here man it's safe and safety matters to me the more so it's better definitely I can walk anytime like even in my own country M no few walk on the road by past L where they go by past the L but yeah you can you can walk by anytime you're free nobody is stopping even the police they don't harrass nothing like that well I would have said I'm a foreigner but I feel like I'm already Russian all right and I feel really safe this is my home I got family here my wife is Russian you know I got kids I have two kids here I Feel Home they're in school I'm doing almost everything an average Russian would do and even more I'm running my business here my whole investment my properties everything is here right and I feel home think about it there's a war going on there's a lot of instability economic downfall and stuff's going on but I'm still here I feel safe all right so I I feel really safe I feel I feel home since I came here like no one has ever tried to harass me in such a way I've been really safe like even when moving around at night you can walk freely like no one will try to harass you or anything or try to grab you or whatever you are really safe so com in here there police everywhere you feel very very safe unless you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time nothing bad should happen to you I feel safe because Russia is a very safe place no talks no like no like someone check meting you asking you who you are like other countries where you you afraid of going to a public place to to get something or going out because of you may be attacked by citizens like like in some kind of Asian countries I don't want to mention some American country before they will you know attack me but I guess Russia is not a place someone we up carry G and start and start shooting crowd on on the way because everybody respect his or herself for me I feel very very safe I can go out by 3:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. at night and just just me alone and I feel very very safe I've never been attacked by anybody like yesterday I came back home around 2:00 and nothing happened to me I order taxi come back home you can even try go to the magazine at night and you you pretty much feel very very safe I've never been attacked by anybody yeah yeah me neither I think I feel safer here I feel safer here than back home in Africa yes cuz example when I went back home I went for like uh a little bit of holiday over there back home and then when I went my people were like you have to be very careful now they are like arm robbers they attack people they do this like a whole lot of things I'm like what so even when I was in a taxi I I have to make sure my bags are like just right on my stomach and my phones and everything because I was scared maybe somebody was going to attack me and take my stuff away from me but here it's very different like you can as he said you can go out literally any time of the night or day or whatever and go anywhere and still be very safe yeah so yeah it's not like what people hear about Russia that okay they do this they do that I mean I feel safer here that my own place country I don't know I don't mean to bash my country or anything but like I'm just it's the honest truth it's a fact yeah [Music] so [Music] finia of course I I would say yes I feel safe very very safe you're never afraid of anything when you're going on the street in the mall in the Metro no of no I have not witnessed anything like that though there are some of them that like maybe don't like the blacks but uh it's not very rampant 100% 100% like I'm I I always feel safe I've never felt not safe except that one time you didn't allow me to escort you to that other place yeah oh no we're not going to mention going to but other than that other than that yeah uh as a black man uh I feel very very safe I go to any place many places I travel down many city in Russia I feel very very safe no problem [Music] definitely definitely I feel in Russia you know the only problem I would say is just about the weather you know apart from that Russia is good about The Stereotype you know it's what the mainstream media been feeling us about them you know so when I came here it's uh like opposite of what I've heard about them you know they are good everywhere especially St Petersburg a peaceful place you know it's just that um the only problem with them is if you don't have if you're not living legally here you might experience some kind of um harsh treatment from the authorities you know but if you're living legally here you don't have any problem at all I feel very safety like I can walk I don't know at 1 2 a.m. and uh so far nothing um hasn't happened to me so yeah I feel safy in Russia I feel safe so coming here I was like now they will put in your head that they racist they racist honestly I'm not trying to say because the camera is here I've never been racially abused ever like nobody has racially abused me nobody has tried to I've never experien it the country is like it's better than expected I won care what you what would you advise other foreigners contemplating coming to Russia I would say that you don't stand by the seashore to tell if the water is deep all right you put your leg in it and then see how it goes so you need to come here to experience Russia you don't need to watch the media you don't need to listen to people come around see how it is if you like it you stay if you don't like it you go I mean it's like this for every other place right so you need to be here to understand how it is here this is what I think about Russia all right
Channel: Afro Russia TV
Views: 994,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fbpQ2TCgENg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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