Paneling Tools Grasshopper

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in this paneling tools grasshopper tutorial I want to show you how you can simply use a series of pointer tractors as you can see here and track series of circle towards those points and you can see against it we can also change the magnitude to produce different results so basically this tutorial can help you to understand how you can use point attractors to produce this such a grid and at the end you will also learn how to produce the solid panels so I can bake the extrusion and as you can see here we can produce this panel so maybe you want to produce that by a laser cut file or a CNC file so this tutorial will cover two set of attraction that is point attractions and another one will be care of a tractor so you can see that we can also change the tractor by giving it to the curve so this will be the next tip I will give you so stay tuned to the end first of all you can download the plug-in from our website I'm going to put the link in the description so let's just get started from scratch so first we are going to install the panel tools you can install the parent who's where I know 5 and 6 so you will see that we have a panel tools here up here and in this tutorial we are going to cover the breeder tractors and this will be the point attraction and the carriage action so first we need to have a surface so I'm going to just simply draw a rectangle here and here we go we can go to the palms menu surface and import this into grasshopper service just put the bifocals plugin so you can see this ok this is the surface I'm going to set this to the surface and just hide the surface okay the next step is going to go to the paneling tool section and in the grid section you can see that there are different grids you can make which these are the grids you are you can make by composing a set of grids or intersection of curves or using a planner extrusion so on but for now what we're going to use is to use the surface grid so you can see that we can produce a surface distance that means that you can basically divide your surface based on a distance so this is good if you want to just produce a complete module on your surface surface demand core distance which is for the freeform surface a chord is defined by the length and the length is basically the distance okay that's not really important because what we are using now is the surface domain number and that will help you to simply divide your surface into U and V numbers so let's just put a number slider to this and give this to the UV because I won't have I wanted to have same numbers okay and at the end we are going to use this grid to produce the circles so what you can do after you produce agree doesn't really matter what you use your surface this distance or the main length or domain number but mainly if you want to divide it two numbers you can use the number you can go to that tractor section and you can use the point attractor for example so we're going to cover the point attractor now and you can give this grid to the grid okay so now we need a point a tractor we can simply extract this and set multiple points maybe one here and one here and you can see that there are two grids produced one is the surface limit number and then is the point attractor let's just turn this off and you can see that when I change this point the grid is also changing so you can change the distance of those deformation based on the magnet let's just give this from minus 3 to 3 with 2 decimals right so you can see that when I increase that you can see by - it's going against that and by plus going towards the point attractors and we can simply deform this point attractor so to have a better point attractor we have talked about the value at surface you can also watch this tutorial in the cart up here so for now we can go simply go and use the valued surface and use the surface remember for evaluate surface we have to report max rise it and use the MD slider because this will cover the surface from 0 0 to 1 1 and this will make the surface domain go from 0 to 1 right and from 0 to 1 okay I can't really draw by this but for now you can see that I can cover all the surface so we can simply cover the surface by using the evaluate surface we if you want to know more you can see the tutorial okay so let's just simply give this a shift and give it to point attractors and we can just move that not retract so at this point can we go to the point attractor and now we can control the point attractor by Mb sliders and then we can also go back to the magnitude so maybe 2.5 is enough so I'm going to go - 2.5 to 2.5 so here we go and we can control that ok so now you can see that there are two outputs this is the grid which you can see if I bake it we have a series of points if I just close this you can see these points in Rhino but what we wanted to do is to simply go to the panel intersection and go for panel in 2d I'm going to use the cellulite because I'm going to cover other morph tutorial morph to d2 the list and map and mean in the other tutorials but for this tutorial because I want to just give you the curve the point attractor we are going to use the cellulite the most easiest way you can use that okay so let's just go for cellulite and you can see that this is simply means a grid if I give this grid you can see that this will produce a simulation of those grid if you give it to the simple grid here we will have a simple grid so it doesn't really matter if you want to have a simple grid you can just connect the simulate to the surface to my number or if you want to have a deformed grid you can skip that to the deform grid from the point attractors or whatever attractor you were using so you can see that I can change this and have the grid so here we can control more about the scrip the wires other lines you can use those lines if you want to use them the cells are those points but what is important here is that we have also the meshes okay so let's just bake them so you can understand we also have those measures you can combine that with weaverbird and deform and use those to produce organic meshes but for now what I'm going to do is to go to the curve section and go to this spline and use this NURBS curve okay so now we're going to go to the NURBS curve and use those cell points to the vertices and what happens is that it's going to be zero one two and three so this is going to be the curve and I'm going to go to the periodic input and set this to true because I want to make it a close one then we can simply just turn this off okay and now we can see those circles are emerging from that grid we can deform that and we can also change the point attract but because of that the circles are made from that satellite grid we want to scale them a little bit so I'm going to just scale this and use that the geometry want to scale is those curves right the center of this is simply the center of the meshes so here you have to use the area and find the center of those measures and give that to the center of that okay so we can just give this a factor so let's just make this number you can see that we can change this and change the scale of this and produce smaller circles so here we go and we can turn off the grid and we have a better organized grid so let's just increase this a little bit so we can see that you can also deform this more okay and when I change this you can see that the results is going to change also another technique you can use is to simply deform this surface so let's just go to our base surface here I'm going to rebuild this and use the software the surface to deform this because I want to show you that also deformation can help you to produce new results so let's just turn this off and if I look at this from top you can see that this the deformation of that surface also can help you to deform those circles more and more so remember you can also have non planar surface and produce better results and at the end if you want to have them on the ground because this is on the surface we can simply use project and use the project onto into a plane and project this on the ground which is in the XY plane turn this off turn the surface off and now we can simply change the results you can see that this is going to increase your deformation and if you have a parametric surface you can also control those moving those surface in the Z direction and have other results so you can have more control on your parametric design okay so this was the point attractor technique you can do and at the end I can simply connect a curve in the forms menu to the surface base office we had let's just project this on the ground so I'm going to project this on the ground here can turn this off now you can see that this is also on the ground let's just offset this curve a little bit outside so we have a distance from that and now we can use these a series of curves to produce a surface which is the surface between those circles and we can simply go to the surface and use the boundary surface tool okay and let's just give the input to the edges and with the shift key I'm adding this up because we want to make a boundary surface from all of those curves we have to flatten this so all of those curves are going to be in one group so let's just flatten this and we are good to go we will just wait and here we have the results it should turn this off and we have a surface let's just bake this and here we go you can see that we can produce a surface from that and at the end we can also extrude that to show that we have a panel so let's just extrude that in the Z direction maybe to point to and we can bake that okay so for now you can see that we have use that technique to produce deformation on the grid and produce point attractor and make the grid deformed okay and the next thing I want to show you is to use a curve attractor to make the deformation on this so we're going to have another thing instead of this point attractor so let's just delete this point attractor and go to the panelling tools the grid attractors and use the curve attraction right so now the grid is exactly is the same we use that now we need the curve attractor so if I just go here and go to the curve spline and use the curve on surface you can also use this one remember you have to repair matter eyes that the surface is from 0 to 1 and 0 to 1 and then you can give that UV coordinates with a shift key and let's just add another one here you have it and you can see that this is going on the surface which was like this so let's just turn back to the flat surface and make that on the flat surface so it's more controllable and let's just set this okay turn this off and now you can see that this is the curve we can give this to the care of attractor and again we can give this a magnitude so let's just give this and you can see how that curve can deform this you can also give this a minus 1 right and you can also change that curve let's just turn this on so we can see that and we can decide what we want right and now we can use that grid to sell elate and use the steps we just done before so now you can see we can also produce that by simply giving that to the curve attraction giving to the simulator and producing the results so now we can also connect a surface from the farms menu to the one we scaled them and produce those surfaces if you want so we can just bake this into a one layer and take the extrusion maybe in the layer to give this materials if you want to produce different results okay so this is the way you can produce a point attractor and a curve a tractor in panelling tools and use that curve attractor and point a tractor to produce a series of circles and deform them with those attractors ok that was it for today's tutorial and those who are the ground per course members also can download the example files I've put that for I know five and Rhyno six in two different folders and they can have the point curve random vector panel plain Gaussian curvature and mean curvature example files so they can have a more view and understand more about the panel new tools cellulite file thank you for watching and subscribe to our channel and you can also watch something that is related to this video that corner and see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rhino Grasshopper
Views: 28,135
Rating: 4.9450803 out of 5
Keywords: grasshopper tutorial, paneling tools, paneling tools grasshopper, paneling tools rhino, rhino3d, grasshopper3d, tutorial, parametric, architecture, parametric design, parametric architecture
Id: DLn2lRk-e7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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