Pandemic Grocery Haul - Once-A-Month Shopping - LARGE Family

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hi guys it's that time again our food is gone taken a long time it's been creative it's been a rough few days for sure especially if you're trying to like eat healthy eat specifically or you have any specific desires in any way we're just down to the end of it we haven't gone hungry for sure but our it's time it's time to shop so we like to shop once a month for our family of what is it twelve I had to think ten kids twelve people and we are yeah I wrote my grocery list I'll show you how I came up with that right here I have my whole menu planned out for the month of May and I will just give you a little peek there's just one thing on here ignore that it's not even real but this kind of shows you how I do it I pick Sunday's were grilling stewed beef of some sort we actually have roasts that we're gonna cut up for stewed beef we got fish on Tuesdays mostly chicken on Wednesdays something vegetarian on Thursdays beef on Fridays grilling again on Saturdays we mix things all around but this just helps me plan so I'm mixing it up a lot breakfast pancakes on Mondays toast applesauce cottage cheese Tuesday's your granola Wednesday's oatmeal on Thursdays Friday your granola Saturday we'll make pancakes twice Sunday bagels and Monday we eat the pancake so eat also made Saturdays roll obsessed tortillas with me and cheese or peanut butter and jelly baked potato bar Tuesday's is lunches noodles on Wednesday we we just throw some spaghetti sauce in them Thursday's a sandwich and I'm adding veggie straws we've been swimming a lot kids are hungry and needing a lot more than just the real veggies that we eat with them so we're just adding a little extra roll-ups again with veggie straws smoothies with pretzels and Saturdays we do a lot of protein on our smoothies too so they keep them full and then sundays are lunch really is in the evening because we eat our big meal at lunchtime so we're doing popcorn or whatever we're baking that's kind of a free-for-all leftovers whatever and then there's our snacks between this list and what I look at in my pantry and know that I matter that's how I build my grocery lists that we are about to shop for so used to blogging now that I just keep the camera up when people are around I used to always pull in there so last month we took you around because things are very different in the store it's probably the same where you are and we're having to make some decisions based on what just what's available compared to what we would normally buy which is totally fine but so we thought it'd be interesting to bring you along again today because that might be the case again instead of just bringing the groceries home and showing you so we'll see how the stores compare we it was five weeks ago about that we shop last been yes no long delivery model yeah and we tried to shop for five weeks and it was really more like a comfortable for so yeah we're bread our grocery budget is about thirteen hundred dollars last month I'll tell you we had to go to the store in between last month in this month so many times because just because it we weren't able to get all the milk or eggs that we've won we just were there rationing so we would get little bits at a time and we've never gone back to the store that much and I really do think it probably helped bust our budget well I did I just stopped even watching because we haven't been spending hardly any money in our eating out budget or whatever so it makes up for herself but hoping maybe we'll be able to get more our regular this time we'll see we'll see I have not gone in the store one of those times no he's done it all him and Judah once maybe yeah it looks like there are more options now let's get there more people and in the stores and there's more there more options stuff that you couldn't get last month you can easily get fine now except that sometimes things might be they might have a limit on certain things but just very few things I know this is a crisis a bit high I don't know I think we noticed that last month but I also noticed that especially in between you go in it things cost a little bit more than they did a couple months ago yeah so we'll see what we find today okay we are filling up on the fruits and vegetables 8 things of bananas here 3 big bags of potatoes I got all these mushrooms I usually get him sliced but I heard they last longer if he dry him this way too big things little Tomatoes some carrots for the kids they love those this is super convenient we're gonna have broccoli salad and then these little peppers are great on salads and stuff and then I'm going to make stuffed peppers again only this time I deconstructed one so okay we got a couple bags this lettuce for salads and this big thing and she bags of onions red and yellow what are these how much of these two pounds I think of strawberries and we also got one thing have spinach me and it was cold in there we just want one of them okay and here's the oranges that our kids devour these fruits and vegetables elastic about two weeks and then we'll come back just for that fruits and vegetables if you want more they'll eat more for sure Cory we got three bags of those halo oranges and then we're gonna get a big bag of the eight pound navel oranges they've been they've been particularly obsessed with oranges right now which is great lots of vitamin C we found these cheese that are sliced already easily we go the less processed route and get the big block but this looks very less pertussis so we're going to try three see if it lets us I'm going to use this blue cheese and it'll also blow on my salads on other days and poor cheese shredded glands to make like love her chips in a microwave or the oven I was going to get the parmesan only but it's a lot more expensive than this mixed with what her solo night go back I forgot the cabbage will make coleslaw for a dinner with some hospital one night and then also I got three packages of this and we've got three different times with hot dogs for dinner Cooper doing girl food sundaes every other reproducing brought some hotdogs photos in the dairy room getting a lot of eggs we usually get 360 packs for a month Hey so they have no salted butter left should I get unsalted we're gonna add a little salt to our toast Wow okay I'll show you all that he picked up he got two big things okay create four of these 18 pakka definitely run out eggs that's okay we'll go back look maybe we just get it when we get our boats in 0:06 milk and then for almond milk I've been drinking a lot of that and then to kind of she's one pack of salted butter two packages of cream cheese I think that those are five or six a box two oh and then back here too sour creams in for heavy whipping cream okay I got five of these packets of 20 count Oga so none of the restrictions of amounts they had last time we couldn't find whole chickens other chicken legs I think they probably have that frozen but just not that refreshed hello brilliant season okay this is also for growing season this will last us beyond this month so that's good I wanted to talk you into the vegan burgers over there they do he's being sarcastic I'm serious look I can be began Joseph the only limits we've seen is on the chicken and that the non-frozen in the frozen and that's the only thing that actually we can't get what we want it up to so chickens the thing - oh we could put wings on the girl or just not eat chicken this month we're gonna try the wings I'm gonna be really good hey he got toilet paper Hey so those the big box store or toilet paper we go through just over one of those a month normally so if we like every other month we buy two of them so that's how it goes down at our house paper plates we don't use them all the time but we appreciate when we use it I feel like I run out of this as quick as I buy it so I'm gonna buy the big old Sam's Club version no limits on frozen berries and stuff this time so I would be able to get grabbin one bag of broccoli and one crap bag of green beans I know I have some left from last time so hopefully that's good we need two bags that to drugs with tilapia I like to try to do fish once a month so we have it back at salmon at home that we didn't use last month two bags of tilapia and we're gonna do a canned tuna thing to do once I mean once a weekend I'm gonna grab some mozzarella cheese shredded string cheese and it looks like you're out of the Mexican shredded blend so I'm gonna just get this get out to clinic three of these Greek yogurt and then two boxes of these Giovanni pivots the kids eat those first snack once a week and then we're doing popsicles once a week for the kids for a snack so I like these all fruit ones I can find them picking up this essential item mommy mommy water they caught I know it's bad for me you guys probably eat stuff that's bad for you - everything is about you things are bad we do this with toast once a week and cottage cheese for breakfast for the kids and no we don't eat it on the toast people ask me that all the time actually kind of cheese on toast is really good I don't know that hurts both can you handle that probably not yeah he wants to be done I almost got three carts and we're not done probably shut up remember when you're watching this video that we don't live in your area probably we're like one of the eight states that never went on lockdown we're not in a heavily populated area so if anything we're doing makes you feel very emotional remember that we're probably not in the same rules of recommendations or restrictions that you're in getting some stuff for Grandma tea with it we'll just keep one about me give me one picked up a box of 12 tomato sauce cans well I'd love it if I could find whole wheat noodles here I don't see him if you don't usually have that all day either this my friends is called emergency mac and cheese it's for emergencies like when you forget to make dinner my mom and dad dried on a date kit oh you snuck cereal in their emergency breakfast okay we all have our own definition every merger the loose term hey there's the big pack of ketchup our kids think that's a food group I'm getting one pack of baking fumbles these are good and everything for once we don't need mayonnaise okay pickles we need but you can make em this way this time see how the kids like it that's right and they're all chopped up we do need a 1 sauce so Luke is making that's not cool with that I see some dates in there too that he picked up otherwise I think you're showing you everything picante sauce and this stuff is amazing they have race again but not the kind of likes they're like basmati oh and that's that big hole right at these roasted sea salt almonds and bag of pistachios the kids and us picking up two of these big pencil containers and up here I told Tory I'd get her these peanut butter pretzels she loves these and we need raisins I also grabbed that big thing of animal crackers with so much swimming at the pool they are burning so many calories they're just hungry all the time so that should help and I'm gonna get several bags of beans same reason I got two of them in zesty ranch okay that's the last thing I think that taco tortilla chips will do nachos for dinner once or twice yeah we never do bags for Sam Sola does sometimes man okay I didn't show you we got a big bag can't talk big box of diapers and a big box pops and 40 for a pool that won't be or some shock burp well there won't be counted in this budget well I don't know that my Chi is big enough I carry seven kids in E I know it's not not really I carry five kids in there but all that food look at it yeah it's all stuck against each other the good thing is you find plates on the bottom and all that just make make do whatever you make do of it but the good thing is just it's just for me for four or five minutes to our house so there's nothing there's not really a lot of shifting or anything and I will get it all out of here somehow I will make it happen eggs in my feet last time I wore these jeans so uh I was with dad and he goes I'm gonna start by target here it looks like you need something like I don't need anything what do I need he's like some jeans right a good laugh about that one I used to have just like unperfect or seven-year-olds genes are always like that our total there was 1,000 $60 like I said our regular budget is $1,300 I do have some things I want to get it all D and we did notice that some prices were definitely higher especially the fruits and veggies yeah well actually were just about across the board and some of this stuff I actually wouldn't would often buy an oldie but but the shortages I just wanted to get it while the getting was good no when I was there and I'm not going to holiday I'm not a big I think I'm gonna do I think I'm gonna do all day tomorrow with Judah or Belle unless she drives me then I might come so what I didn't find there was we normally buy the big bag of basmati rice a big bag of white flour I get the whole wheat flour and coconut sugar online usually from them and yeah so I'll check online and see if they have any of those it's just stuff we normally buy anyway I think we have enough white flour to make it another month and I bet those bags will be back next month and we have enough rice to so we do yeah we definitely have enough rice to make it too too much so that's good some of this food will go into next month as well we'll need a couple hundred dollars for the middle of the month of fruits and vegetables and some milk and eggs so we might be busting our budget but all these cheaper on things so if they have some stuff that we need still won't cost as much to stock up there but we'll see nothing to a shop in five weeks and we managed to do with two cuts and the car was not this this week two cuts didn't even do it and we're doing it for one month we've got a lot of Walmart last time did you do everything we wanted and we had to go back to the store so many times we did we did and also there are a lot of things that had limits on one milk - milk 20 a lot of the meat that was a certain reconcile yeah we're backing in the garage it's gonna get dark staying out of stores a lot is the biggest and best way we stay in our grocery budget and the biggest bisily we keep coronavirus out we were given a huge box of this it is traditional handmade pasta and it just looks like kind of like oatmeal or something yeah try it out we'll see where we go to Aldi tomorrow if we could use that we have a couple boxes of noodles around but oh and someone sent us these two mung bean rotini which were anxious to try out we have a couple other boxes of noodles and a lot of this it be cool if it's good with spaghetti sauce we figured out there's sourdough pasta crumbs so interestings you watch this he's wondering if someone of you know what to do with the stuff tell us what to do with this stuff hey I jumped out at the pool this evening it's the next day to run to all day before thick clothes and get my stuff from there I think I was in too much of a hurry because I forgot some stuff it's really nice to have all the groceries done and bought basically though so I'm really happy about that for the month we're done here's what we have we have 12 loaves of bread now somebody gave me a starter for sourdough sourdough seems to be like the thing right now it's like trendy or something Judah and I keep feeding it but I have not been brave enough to make a recipe with it yet I keep looking at recipes and they seem complicated and I just don't know but maybe people will be making some bread so I didn't get sprouted green bread I usually get that just because it's um a little better for me and soullow to eat and some a couple my kids like it but I thought well sourdough could replace that if I can figure out how to make it if you have a website or so a suggestion I would love it for sourdough I really want simple like really really really want simple and I don't have a lot of white flour left and Kent couldn't find that much 85 percent chocolate I got a couple of those few bars they only let me get four cans of diced tomatoes four cans of crush but I think I have enough to make it through the month so I'm not too worried about that I got these sauces just because we're gonna do pizza once a month and some of my kids really like white sauce on pizza so I thought that'd be fun to try we use mostly reusable Ziploc bags but it is nice to have these disposable ones so I keep them on hand and we needed them this time too got some plastic wrap I need a wax paper but they didn't have that I don't even know how much butter we anymore I forgot I don't know why but I forgot this should get us through with what we got at Sam's Club and it's salted I got a bunch of these because we're gonna grill I think I told you look real once a week for two days these jalapenos would be nice to cut them open take the seeds out put cream cheese inside that helps them not be quite as spicy without the seeds and then we have a bunch of bacon that somebody gave us still in our freezer so it would be fun to wrap those up and throw them on the grill or even without the bacon these were 49 cents a pound so I got three packages of them these were 79 cents with cilantro I happen to remember that he's cute or zucchini we're a dollar 29 each a package in this yellow squash so we got that and these were 50 cents or 49 cents each the cucumbers some green onions 3 bags of chopped kale some hot dog buns that was the only bag they had got three bags of hamburger buns so when we have hot dogs and brats this month either in halfway through the month we may be able to find some as sam's club I think they had quite a bit I just thought I could get him at Aldi so I didn't buy them there or maybe Judah is excited about trying some buns and English muffins and pancakes with the sourdough starter so maybe we'll make some buns I don't know this is full I just didn't pull it out but it's full of ten bags of bagels they each have six in them so that's 60 bagels and we'll eat those once a week for breakfast the kids do they have about one and a half bagels breakfast with fruit or whatever on the side I got the rest of our eggs they had a limit of six so I got six and that puts us exactly where we normally have for the month a hundred and eighty eggs with what we got at Sam's Club so that was cool all we'll need is fresh vegetables maybe hot dog buns I don't know maybe a couple other things but in fruit when we go back to the store and then I got some pineapple that would go good with the white sauce and the pizzas and then my kids are obsessed with pineapple if you haven't gotten like a pineapple cutter yet and you don't like pineapples because of cutting them I will link that down below we love ours sometimes we scrape out the extra if it doesn't get it all but yeah awesome my total here was a hundred and eighteen dollars remember there's a bag of bagels down there after I left the store I was going to Trader Joe's and I realized there were several things that I didn't get at Sam's Club was not able to find that I was going to look at at Aldi I did remember to look for noodles they did not have whole wheat noodles there I've never seen I don't think I've ever seen holy noodles that all the ever I forgot to eat oatmeal I have some oatmeal I have two big Sam's Club boxes left over I don't know if that will last us a month or not we'll see Dad I looked at Trader Joe's didn't really see oatmeal and I forgot I was gonna get granola bars for the kids too you looked at Trader Joe's for that they were like mmhmm yeah I wasn't gonna pay that kind of money for that so maybe we'll make our own granola bars but that would require a lot of oatmeal which we don't have a lot of extra or you know we have enough snacky stuff around I'm not worried about it at all I looked for brown rice at Aldi there was nothing to be found I look for black beans couldn't find that just like the dried beans I forgot to look for white flour and we just have a little left but we have enough whole wheat flour I think to last us the rest of the month so if the kids are baking it will be with whole wheat flour which I would prefer they do anyway by the way it's getting warmer here so to make these last I freeze some of them okay the funny thing about what I got at Trader Joe's I realize is almost every single item I got was two dollars almost exactly a dollar ninety-nine these two were 229 each so I got two bags of basmati rice the kind Silva likes to eat or make a lot of times with Kenny and food see this is how big it is so I can't find the huge bags of it right now that we know would buy and stock up and wear out after that got coconut milk there I've never tried the coconut milk before but that's something I would usually get at Walmart and I was trying to avoid Walmart because there's not much I needed there and I didn't want to go in there this chocolate is my favorite so I do share my chocolate guys sugar-free dark chocolate and then I did find some whole-wheat pasta there so I got a few just for things of that so that's one meal for us that would be one lunch for the kids we love their peanut butter it's no sugar added and it just tastes great that my kids really like the creamy so I got six of those for the pantry and then I had forgotten to get chocolate chips at Aldi but they seemed like a decent price there so I got those to just about fifty dollars there at Trader Joe's I think we have plenty of food I am gonna keep an eye on some of the online sites that I buy maybe bulk stuff from a lot of you have told me to buy from a juror as your standard I looked there I've been signed up with that for a long time and just never have made a purchase of course they're out of everything now I was gonna buy my oatmeal in bulk there and rice I'll keep an eye on things like that just to get that bulk stuff if it becomes available because we are running low on those items anyway and that's how we would normally buy it flour and rice in particular I didn't bust a budget too bad because I still have almost $100 for in my grocery budget left I'll probably go over about $100 is my guest but we're definitely not spending our eating out money right now anyway so that worked out there's another thing I want to talk about really quickly our family is very controversial just art being our family and so I don't like to bring up controversial issues very much but I know that it will make some people upset the fact that I didn't solo and I didn't wear masks in Sam's Club let me tell you our Sam's Club about 50% of people in there that day had masks on 50 did not and we didn't see any elderly people the whole time we were in there our Sam's Club actually has special hours for elderly or amino compromised people to shop in the morning right away and for me I just know that I would touch my face a lot if I had a mask on it is not a requirement and I was thankful it was not and I chose not to do it and it was a choice that I got to make to it that day so I just want to say that and also I had been working really hard and not touching my face especially in public which this is almost the only time I've been in public in these shopping trips in in the last five weeks also we were very careful to if we touched an item it was the item we bought so we just didn't touch items though we weren't buying and tried just not to touch much around and we're not coughing at all so that's where that decision came from I understand if you don't agree with it at all but I'm thankful that I got to make the choice that I wanted to make that day once when at Sam's went solo had to run in there they were handing out masks and he wore the mask that they handed him and if they had handed me a mask that day I probably would have worn it but I did not bring one to wear myself thank you guys for watching today I hope you have a great May bye we are growing our own green onions over here / wanting your suggestions in water and it'll go in the ground later [Music]
Channel: Our Tribe of Many
Views: 830,568
Rating: 4.8908534 out of 5
Keywords: large family, large family vlogs, large family homeschool, homeschoolers, lincoln vloggers, nebraska vloggers, family vloggers, interracial couple, interracial family, interracial kids, international family, international couple, international kids, feeding a large family, prolife
Id: Rom4oBYcRWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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